--- a/src/HOL/Data_Structures/Define_Time_Function.ML Wed Feb 05 16:34:56 2025 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Data_Structures/Define_Time_Function.ML Thu Feb 06 14:46:49 2025 +0100
@@ -26,13 +26,21 @@
val print_timing': Proof.context -> pfunc -> pfunc -> unit
val print_timing: Proof.context -> Function.info -> Function.info -> unit
+type time_config = {
+ print: bool,
+ simp: bool,
+ partial: bool
+datatype result = Function of Function.info | PartialFunction of thm
val reg_and_proove_time_func: local_theory -> term list -> term list
- -> bool -> bool -> Function.info * local_theory
+ -> time_config -> result * local_theory
val reg_time_func: local_theory -> term list -> term list
- -> bool -> bool -> Function.info * local_theory
+ -> time_config -> result * local_theory
val time_dom_tac: Proof.context -> thm -> thm list -> int -> tactic
structure Timing_Functions : TIMING_FUNCTIONS =
@@ -43,9 +51,6 @@
(* Configure config variable to adjust the suffix *)
val bsuffix = Attrib.setup_config_string @{binding "time_suffix"} (K "")
-(* some default values to build terms easier *)
-val zero = Const (@{const_name "Groups.zero"}, HOLogic.natT)
-val one = Const (@{const_name "Groups.one"}, HOLogic.natT)
(* Extracts terms from function info *)
fun terms_of_info (info: Function.info) =
map Thm.prop_of (case #simps info of SOME s => s
@@ -132,15 +137,6 @@
(* returns true if it's a let term *)
fun is_let (Const (@{const_name "HOL.Let"},_)) = true
| is_let _ = false
-(* change type of original function to new type (_ \<Rightarrow> ... \<Rightarrow> _ to _ \<Rightarrow> ... \<Rightarrow> nat)
- and replace all function arguments f with (t*T_f) if used *)
-fun change_typ' used (Type ("fun", [T1, T2])) =
- Type ("fun", [check_for_fun' (used 0) T1, change_typ' (fn i => used (i+1)) T2])
- | change_typ' _ _ = HOLogic.natT
-and check_for_fun' true (f as Type ("fun", [_,_])) = HOLogic.mk_prodT (f, change_typ' (K false) f)
- | check_for_fun' false (f as Type ("fun", [_,_])) = change_typ' (K true) f
- | check_for_fun' _ t = t
-val change_typ = change_typ' (K true)
(* Convert string name of function to its timing equivalent *)
fun fun_name_to_time' ctxt s second name =
@@ -186,28 +182,6 @@
fun const_comp (Const (nm,T)) (Const (nm',T')) = nm = nm' andalso typ_comp T T'
| const_comp _ _ = false
-fun time_term ctxt s (Const (nm,T)) =
- val T_nm = fun_name_to_time ctxt s nm
- val T_T = change_typ T
-(SOME (Syntax.check_term ctxt (Const (T_nm,T_T))))
- handle (ERROR _) =>
- case Syntax.read_term ctxt (Long_Name.base_name T_nm)
- of (Const (T_nm,T_T)) =>
- let
- fun col_Used i (Type ("fun", [Type ("fun", _), Ts])) (Type ("fun", [T', Ts'])) =
- (if is_Used T' then [i] else []) @ col_Used (i+1) Ts Ts'
- | col_Used i (Type ("fun", [_, Ts])) (Type ("fun", [_, Ts'])) = col_Used (i+1) Ts Ts'
- | col_Used _ _ _ = []
- in
- SOME (Const (T_nm,change_typ' (contains (col_Used 0 T T_T)) T))
- end
- | _ => error ("Timing function of " ^ nm ^ " is not defined")
- | time_term _ _ _ = error "Internal error: No valid function given"
type 'a wctxt = {
ctxt: local_theory,
origins: term list,
@@ -262,6 +236,23 @@
| freeTerms t = t
fun freeTypes (TVar ((t, _), T)) = TFree (t, T)
| freeTypes t = t
+fun fix_definition (Const ("Pure.eq", _) $ l $ r) = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq (l,r))
+ | fix_definition t = t
+fun check_definition [t] = [t]
+ | check_definition _ = error "Only a single definition is allowed"
+fun get_terms theory (term: term) =
+ val equations = Spec_Rules.retrieve theory term
+ |> map #rules
+ |> map (map Thm.prop_of)
+ handle Empty => error "Function or terms of function not found"
+ equations
+ |> map (map fix_definition)
+ |> filter (List.exists
+ (fn t => typ_comp (t |> get_l |> strip_comb |> fst |> dest_Const |> snd) (term |> strip_comb |> fst |> dest_Const |> snd)))
+ |> hd
fun fixCasecCases _ [t] = [t]
| fixCasecCases wctxt (t::ts) =
@@ -348,193 +339,6 @@
}) o get_r
fun is_rec ctxt (term: term list) = List.foldr (or (find_rec ctxt term)) false
-(* 3. Convert equations *)
-(* Some Helper *)
-val plusTyp = @{typ "nat => nat => nat"}
-fun plus (SOME a) (SOME b) = SOME (Const (@{const_name "Groups.plus"}, plusTyp) $ a $ b)
- | plus (SOME a) NONE = SOME a
- | plus NONE (SOME b) = SOME b
- | plus NONE NONE = NONE
-fun opt_term NONE = HOLogic.zero
- | opt_term (SOME t) = t
-fun use_origin (Free (nm, T as Type ("fun",_))) = HOLogic.mk_fst (Free (nm,HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, change_typ T)))
- | use_origin t = t
-(* Conversion of function term *)
-fun fun_to_time' ctxt (origin: term list) second (func as Const (nm,T)) =
- val origin' = map (fst o strip_comb) origin
- if contains' const_comp origin' func then SOME (Free (func |> Term.term_name |> fun_name_to_time' ctxt true second, change_typ T)) else
- if Zero_Funcs.is_zero (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) (nm,T) then NONE else
- time_term ctxt false func
- | fun_to_time' _ _ _ (Free (nm,T)) =
- SOME (HOLogic.mk_snd (Free (nm,HOLogic.mk_prodT (T,change_typ T))))
- | fun_to_time' _ _ _ _ = error "Internal error: invalid function to convert"
-fun fun_to_time context origin func = fun_to_time' context origin false func
-(* Convert arguments of left side of a term *)
-fun conv_arg _ (Free (nm,T as Type("fun",_))) =
- Free (nm, HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, change_typ' (K false) T))
- | conv_arg _ x = x
-fun conv_args ctxt = map (conv_arg ctxt)
-(* Handle function calls *)
-fun build_zero (Type ("fun", [T, R])) = Abs ("uu", T, build_zero R)
- | build_zero _ = zero
-fun funcc_use_origin (Free (nm, T as Type ("fun",_))) =
- HOLogic.mk_fst (Free (nm,HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, change_typ T)))
- | funcc_use_origin t = t
-fun funcc_conv_arg _ _ (t as (_ $ _)) = map_aterms funcc_use_origin t
- | funcc_conv_arg _ u (Free (nm, T as Type ("fun",_))) =
- if u then Free (nm, HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, change_typ T))
- else HOLogic.mk_snd (Free (nm,HOLogic.mk_prodT (T,change_typ T)))
- | funcc_conv_arg wctxt true (f as Const (_,Type ("fun",_))) =
- HOLogic.mk_prod (f, funcc_conv_arg wctxt false f)
- | funcc_conv_arg wctxt false (f as Const (_,T as Type ("fun",_))) =
- Option.getOpt (fun_to_time (#ctxt wctxt) (#origins wctxt) f, build_zero T)
- | funcc_conv_arg wctxt false (f as Abs _) =
- f
- |> Term.strip_abs_eta ((length o fst o strip_type o type_of) f)
- ||> #f wctxt ||> opt_term
- |> list_abs
- | funcc_conv_arg wctxt true (f as Abs _) =
- let
- val f' = f
- |> Term.strip_abs_eta ((length o fst o strip_type o type_of) f)
- ||> map_aterms funcc_use_origin
- |> list_abs
- in
- HOLogic.mk_prod (f', funcc_conv_arg wctxt false f)
- end
- | funcc_conv_arg _ _ t = t
-fun funcc_conv_args _ _ [] = []
- | funcc_conv_args wctxt (Type ("fun", [t, ts])) (a::args) =
- funcc_conv_arg wctxt (is_Used t) a :: funcc_conv_args wctxt ts args
- | funcc_conv_args _ _ _ = error "Internal error: Non matching type"
-fun funcc wctxt func args =
- fun get_T (Free (_,T)) = T
- | get_T (Const (_,T)) = T
- | get_T (_ $ (Free (_,Type (_, [_, T])))) = T (* Case of snd was constructed *)
- | get_T _ = error "Internal error: Forgotten type"
- List.foldr (I #-> plus)
- (case fun_to_time (#ctxt wctxt) (#origins wctxt) func (* add case for abs *)
- of SOME t => SOME (list_comb (t, funcc_conv_args wctxt (get_T t) args))
- | NONE => NONE)
- (map (#f wctxt) args)
-(* Handle case terms *)
-fun casecIsCase (Type (n1, [_,Type (n2, _)])) = (n1 = "fun" andalso n2 = "fun")
- | casecIsCase _ = false
-fun casecLastTyp (Type (n, [T1,T2])) = Type (n, [T1, change_typ T2])
- | casecLastTyp _ = error "Internal error: Invalid case type"
-fun casecTyp (Type (n, [T1, T2])) =
- Type (n, [change_typ T1, (if casecIsCase T2 then casecTyp else casecLastTyp) T2])
- | casecTyp _ = error "Internal error: Invalid case type"
-fun casecAbs f (Abs (v,Ta,t)) = (case casecAbs f (subst_bound (Free (v,Ta), t))
- of (nconst,t) => (nconst,absfree (v,Ta) t))
- | casecAbs f t = (case f t of NONE => (false,HOLogic.zero) | SOME t => (true,t))
-fun casecArgs _ [t] = (false, [map_aterms use_origin t])
- | casecArgs f (t::ar) =
- (case casecAbs f t of (nconst, tt) =>
- casecArgs f ar ||> (fn ar => tt :: ar) |>> (if nconst then K true else I))
- | casecArgs _ _ = error "Internal error: Invalid case term"
-fun casec wctxt (Const (t,T)) args =
- if not (casecIsCase T) then error "Internal error: Invalid case type" else
- let val (nconst, args') = casecArgs (#f wctxt) args in
- plus
- ((#f wctxt) (List.last args))
- (if nconst then
- SOME (list_comb (Const (t,casecTyp T), args'))
- else NONE)
- end
- | casec _ _ _ = error "Internal error: Invalid case term"
-(* Handle if terms -> drop the term if true and false terms are zero *)
-fun ifc wctxt _ cond tt ft =
- let
- val f = #f wctxt
- val rcond = map_aterms use_origin cond
- val tt = f tt
- val ft = f ft
- in
- plus (f cond) (case (tt,ft) of (NONE, NONE) => NONE | _ =>
- if tt = ft then tt else
- (SOME ((Const (@{const_name "HOL.If"}, @{typ "bool \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"})) $ rcond $ (opt_term tt) $ (opt_term ft))))
- end
-fun letc_lambda wctxt T (t as Abs _) =
- HOLogic.mk_prod (map_aterms use_origin t,
- Term.strip_abs_eta (strip_type T |> fst |> length) t ||> #f wctxt ||> opt_term |> list_abs)
- | letc_lambda _ _ t = map_aterms use_origin t
-fun letc wctxt expT exp ([(nm,_)]) t =
- plus (#f wctxt exp)
- (case #f wctxt t of SOME t' =>
- (if Term.used_free nm t'
- then
- let
- val exp' = letc_lambda wctxt expT exp
- val t' = list_abs ([(nm,fastype_of exp')], t')
- in
- Const (@{const_name "HOL.Let"}, [fastype_of exp', fastype_of t'] ---> HOLogic.natT) $ exp' $ t'
- end
- else t') |> SOME
- | NONE => NONE)
- | letc _ _ _ _ _ = error "Unknown let state"
-fun constc _ (Const ("HOL.undefined", _)) = SOME (Const ("HOL.undefined", @{typ "nat"}))
- | constc _ _ = NONE
-(* The converter for timing functions given to the walker *)
-val converter : term option converter = {
- constc = constc,
- funcc = funcc,
- ifc = ifc,
- casec = casec,
- letc = letc
- }
-fun top_converter is_rec _ _ = opt_term o (fn exp => plus exp (if is_rec then SOME one else NONE))
-(* Use converter to convert right side of a term *)
-fun to_time ctxt origin is_rec term =
- top_converter is_rec ctxt origin (walk ctxt origin converter term)
-(* Converts a term to its running time version *)
-fun convert_term ctxt (origin: term list) is_rec (pT $ (Const (eqN, _) $ l $ r)) =
- val (l_const, l_params) = strip_comb l
- pT
- $ (Const (eqN, @{typ "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> bool"})
- $ (list_comb (l_const |> fun_to_time ctxt origin |> Option.valOf, l_params |> conv_args ctxt))
- $ (to_time ctxt origin is_rec r))
- | convert_term _ _ _ _ = error "Internal error: invalid term to convert"
-(* 3.5 Support for locales *)
-fun replaceFstSndFree ctxt (origin: term list) (rfst: term -> term) (rsnd: term -> term) =
- (walk ctxt origin {
- funcc = fn wctxt => fn t => fn args =>
- case args of
- (f as Free _)::args =>
- (case t of
- Const ("Product_Type.prod.fst", _) =>
- list_comb (rfst (t $ f), map (#f wctxt) args)
- | Const ("Product_Type.prod.snd", _) =>
- list_comb (rsnd (t $ f), map (#f wctxt) args)
- | t => list_comb (t, map (#f wctxt) (f :: args)))
- | args => list_comb (t, map (#f wctxt) args),
- constc = Iconst,
- ifc = Iif,
- casec = Icase,
- letc = Ilet
- })
(* 4. Tactic to prove "f_dom n" *)
fun time_dom_tac ctxt induct_rule domintros =
(Induction.induction_tac ctxt true [] [[]] [] (SOME [induct_rule]) []
@@ -542,211 +346,445 @@
(if i <= length domintros then [Metis_Tactic.metis_tac [] ATP_Problem_Generate.combsN ctxt [List.nth (domintros, i-1)]] else []) @
[Metis_Tactic.metis_tac [] ATP_Problem_Generate.combsN ctxt domintros]) i)))
-fun fix_definition (Const ("Pure.eq", _) $ l $ r) = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq (l,r))
- | fix_definition t = t
-fun check_definition [t] = [t]
- | check_definition _ = error "Only a single definition is allowed"
-fun get_terms theory (term: term) =
- val equations = Spec_Rules.retrieve theory term
- |> map #rules
- |> map (map Thm.prop_of)
- handle Empty => error "Function or terms of function not found"
- equations
- |> map (map fix_definition)
- |> filter (List.exists
- (fn t => typ_comp (t |> get_l |> strip_comb |> fst |> dest_Const |> snd) (term |> strip_comb |> fst |> dest_Const |> snd)))
- |> hd
-(* 5. Check for higher-order function if original function is used \<rightarrow> find simplifications *)
-fun find_used' T_t =
- val (T_ident, T_args) = strip_comb (get_l T_t)
+(* Register timing function of a given function *)
+type time_config = {
+ print: bool,
+ simp: bool,
+ partial: bool
+datatype result = Function of Function.info | PartialFunction of thm
+fun reg_time_func (lthy: local_theory) (term: term list) (terms: term list) (config: time_config) =
+ let
+ (* some default values to build terms easier *)
+ (* Const (@{const_name "Groups.zero"}, HOLogic.natT) *)
+ val zero = if #partial config then @{term "Some (0::nat)"} else HOLogic.zero
+ val one = Const (@{const_name "Groups.one"}, HOLogic.natT)
+ val natOptT = @{typ "nat option"}
+ val finT = if #partial config then natOptT else HOLogic.natT
+ val some = @{term "Some::nat \<Rightarrow> nat option"}
- fun filter_passed [] = []
- | filter_passed ((f as Free (_, Type ("Product_Type.prod",[Type ("fun",_), Type ("fun", _)])))::args) =
- f :: filter_passed args
- | filter_passed (_::args) = filter_passed args
- val frees = (walk @{context} [] {
- funcc = (fn wctxt => fn t => fn args =>
- (case t of (Const ("Product_Type.prod.snd", _)) => []
- | _ => (if t = T_ident then [] else filter_passed args)
- @ List.foldr (fn (l,r) => (#f wctxt) l @ r) [] args)),
- constc = (K o K) [],
- ifc = (fn wctxt => fn _ => fn cond => fn tt => fn tf => (#f wctxt) cond @ (#f wctxt) tt @ (#f wctxt) tf),
- casec = (fn wctxt => fn _ => fn cs => List.foldr (fn (l,r) => (#f wctxt) l @ r) [] cs),
- letc = (fn wctxt => fn _ => fn exp => fn _ => fn t => (#f wctxt) exp @ (#f wctxt) t)
- }) (get_r T_t)
- fun build _ [] = []
- | build i (a::args) =
- (if contains frees a then [(T_ident,i)] else []) @ build (i+1) args
- build 0 T_args
-fun find_simplifyble ctxt term terms =
- val used =
- terms
- |> List.map find_used'
- |> List.foldr (op @) []
- val change =
- Option.valOf o fun_to_time ctxt term
- fun detect t i (Type ("fun",_)::args) =
- (if contains used (change t,i) then [] else [i]) @ detect t (i+1) args
- | detect t i (_::args) = detect t (i+1) args
- | detect _ _ [] = []
- map (fn t => t |> type_of |> strip_type |> fst |> detect t 0) term
+ (* change type of original function to new type (_ \<Rightarrow> ... \<Rightarrow> _ to _ \<Rightarrow> ... \<Rightarrow> nat)
+ and replace all function arguments f with (t*T_f) if used *)
+ fun change_typ' used (Type ("fun", [T1, T2])) =
+ Type ("fun", [check_for_fun' (used 0) T1, change_typ' (fn i => used (i+1)) T2])
+ | change_typ' _ _ = finT
+ and check_for_fun' true (f as Type ("fun", [_,_])) = HOLogic.mk_prodT (f, change_typ' (K false) f)
+ | check_for_fun' false (f as Type ("fun", [_,_])) = change_typ' (K true) f
+ | check_for_fun' _ t = t
+ val change_typ = change_typ' (K true)
+ fun time_term ctxt s (Const (nm,T)) =
+ let
+ val T_nm = fun_name_to_time ctxt s nm
+ val T_T = change_typ T
+ in
+ (SOME (Syntax.check_term ctxt (Const (T_nm,T_T))))
+ handle (ERROR _) =>
+ case Syntax.read_term ctxt (Long_Name.base_name T_nm)
+ of (Const (T_nm,T_T)) =>
+ let
+ fun col_Used i (Type ("fun", [Type ("fun", _), Ts])) (Type ("fun", [T', Ts'])) =
+ (if is_Used T' then [i] else []) @ col_Used (i+1) Ts Ts'
+ | col_Used i (Type ("fun", [_, Ts])) (Type ("fun", [_, Ts'])) = col_Used (i+1) Ts Ts'
+ | col_Used _ _ _ = []
+ val binderT = change_typ' (contains (col_Used 0 T T_T)) T |> Term.binder_types
+ val finT = Term.body_type T_T
+ in
+ SOME (Const (T_nm, binderT ---> finT))
+ end
+ | _ => error ("Timing function of " ^ nm ^ " is not defined")
+ end
+ | time_term _ _ _ = error "Internal error: No valid function given"
-fun define_simp' term simplifyable ctxt =
- val base_name = case Named_Target.locale_of ctxt of
- NONE => ctxt |> Proof_Context.theory_of |> Context.theory_base_name
- | SOME nm => nm
- val orig_name = term |> dest_Const_name |> split_name |> List.last
- val red_name = fun_name_to_time ctxt false orig_name
- val name = fun_name_to_time' ctxt true true orig_name
- val full_name = base_name ^ "." ^ name
- val def_name = red_name ^ "_def"
- val def = Binding.name def_name
- val canon = Syntax.read_term (Local_Theory.exit ctxt) name |> strip_comb
- val canonFrees = canon |> snd
- val canonType = canon |> fst |> dest_Const_type |> strip_type |> fst |> take (length canonFrees)
+ fun opt_term NONE = zero
+ | opt_term (SOME t) = t
+ fun use_origin (Free (nm, T as Type ("fun",_))) = HOLogic.mk_fst (Free (nm,HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, change_typ T)))
+ | use_origin t = t
+ (* Conversion of function term *)
+ fun fun_to_time' ctxt (origin: term list) second (func as Const (nm,T)) =
+ let
+ val origin' = map (fst o strip_comb) origin
+ in
+ if contains' const_comp origin' func then SOME (Free (func |> Term.term_name |> fun_name_to_time' ctxt true second, change_typ T)) else
+ if Zero_Funcs.is_zero (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) (nm,T) then NONE else
+ time_term ctxt false func
+ end
+ | fun_to_time' _ _ _ (Free (nm,T)) =
+ SOME (HOLogic.mk_snd (Free (nm,HOLogic.mk_prodT (T,change_typ' (K true) T))))
+ | fun_to_time' _ _ _ _ = error "Internal error: invalid function to convert"
+ fun fun_to_time context origin func = fun_to_time' context origin false func
+ (* Convert arguments of left side of a term *)
+ fun conv_arg _ (Free (nm,T as Type("fun",_))) =
+ Free (nm, HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, change_typ' (K false) T))
+ | conv_arg _ x = x
+ fun conv_args ctxt = map (conv_arg ctxt)
+ (* 3. Convert equations *)
+ (* Some Helper *)
+ val plusTyp = @{typ "nat => nat => nat"}
+ fun plus (SOME a) (SOME b) = SOME ((if #partial config then @{term part_add} else Const (@{const_name "Groups.plus"}, plusTyp)) $ a $ b)
+ | plus (SOME a) NONE = SOME a
+ | plus NONE (SOME b) = SOME b
+ | plus NONE NONE = NONE
+ (* Partial helper *)
+ val OPTION_BIND = @{term "Option.bind::nat option \<Rightarrow> (nat \<Rightarrow> nat option) \<Rightarrow> nat option"}
+ fun OPTION_ABS_SUC args = Term.absfree ("_uu", @{typ nat})
+ (List.foldr (uncurry plus)
+ (SOME (some $ HOLogic.mk_Suc (Free ("_uu", @{typ nat})))) args |> Option.valOf)
+ fun build_option_bind term args =
+ if (Term.head_of t |> Term.fastype_of |> Term.body_type) = finT
+ then t
+ else if #partial config
+ then some $ t
+ else @{term "the::nat option \<Rightarrow> nat"} $ t
- val types = term |> dest_Const_type |> strip_type |> fst
- val vars = Variable.variant_fixes (map (K "") types) ctxt |> fst
- fun l_typs' i ((T as (Type ("fun",_)))::types) =
- (if contains simplifyable i
- then change_typ T
- else HOLogic.mk_prodT (T,change_typ T))
- :: l_typs' (i+1) types
- | l_typs' i (T::types) = T :: l_typs' (i+1) types
- | l_typs' _ [] = []
- val l_typs = l_typs' 0 types
- val lhs =
- List.foldl (fn ((v,T),t) => t $ Free (v,T)) (Free (red_name,l_typs ---> HOLogic.natT)) (ListPair.zip (vars,l_typs))
- fun fixType (TFree _) = HOLogic.natT
- | fixType T = T
- fun fixUnspecified T = T |> strip_type ||> fixType |> (op --->)
- fun r_terms' i (v::vars) ((T as (Type ("fun",_)))::types) =
- (if contains simplifyable i
- then HOLogic.mk_prod (Const ("HOL.undefined", fixUnspecified T), Free (v,change_typ T))
- else Free (v,HOLogic.mk_prodT (T,change_typ T)))
- :: r_terms' (i+1) vars types
- | r_terms' i (v::vars) (T::types) = Free (v,T) :: r_terms' (i+1) vars types
- | r_terms' _ _ _ = []
- val r_terms = r_terms' 0 vars types
- val full_type = (r_terms |> map (type_of) ---> HOLogic.natT)
- val full = list_comb (Const (full_name,canonType ---> full_type), canonFrees)
- val rhs = list_comb (full, r_terms)
- val eq = (lhs, rhs) |> HOLogic.mk_eq |> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
- val _ = Pretty.writeln (Pretty.block [Pretty.str "Defining simplified version:\n",
- Syntax.pretty_term ctxt eq])
- val (_, ctxt') = Specification.definition NONE [] [] ((def, []), eq) ctxt
- ((def_name, orig_name), ctxt')
-fun define_simp simpables ctxt =
- fun cond ((term,simplifyable),(defs,ctxt)) =
- define_simp' term simplifyable ctxt |>> (fn def => def :: defs)
- List.foldr cond ([], ctxt) simpables
-fun replace from to =
- map (map_aterms (fn t => if t = from then to else t))
-fun replaceAll [] = I
- | replaceAll ((from,to)::xs) = replaceAll xs o replace from to
-fun calculateSimplifications ctxt T_terms term simpables =
- (* Show where a simplification can take place *)
- fun reportReductions (t,(i::is)) =
- (Pretty.writeln (Pretty.str
- ((Term.term_name t |> fun_name_to_time ctxt true)
- ^ " can be simplified because only the time-function component of parameter "
- ^ (Int.toString (i + 1)) ^ " is used. "));
- reportReductions (t,is))
- | reportReductions (_,[]) = ()
- val _ = simpables
- |> map reportReductions
- (* Register definitions for simplified function *)
- val (reds, ctxt) = define_simp simpables ctxt
+ (* Handle function calls *)
+ fun build_zero (Type ("fun", [T, R])) = Abs ("uu", T, build_zero R)
+ | build_zero _ = zero
+ fun funcc_use_origin (Free (nm, T as Type ("fun",_))) =
+ HOLogic.mk_fst (Free (nm,HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, change_typ T)))
+ | funcc_use_origin t = t
+ fun funcc_conv_arg _ _ (t as (_ $ _)) = map_aterms funcc_use_origin t
+ | funcc_conv_arg _ u (Free (nm, T as Type ("fun",_))) =
+ if u then Free (nm, HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, change_typ T))
+ else HOLogic.mk_snd (Free (nm,HOLogic.mk_prodT (T,change_typ T)))
+ | funcc_conv_arg wctxt true (f as Const (_,Type ("fun",_))) =
+ HOLogic.mk_prod (f, funcc_conv_arg wctxt false f)
+ | funcc_conv_arg wctxt false (f as Const (_,T as Type ("fun",_))) =
+ Option.getOpt (fun_to_time (#ctxt wctxt) (#origins wctxt) f, build_zero T)
+ | funcc_conv_arg wctxt false (f as Abs _) =
+ f
+ |> Term.strip_abs_eta ((length o fst o strip_type o type_of) f)
+ ||> #f wctxt ||> opt_term
+ |> list_abs
+ | funcc_conv_arg wctxt true (f as Abs _) =
+ let
+ val f' = f
+ |> Term.strip_abs_eta ((length o fst o strip_type o type_of) f)
+ ||> map_aterms funcc_use_origin
+ |> list_abs
+ in
+ HOLogic.mk_prod (f', funcc_conv_arg wctxt false f)
+ end
+ | funcc_conv_arg _ _ t = t
+ fun funcc_conv_args _ _ [] = []
+ | funcc_conv_args wctxt (Type ("fun", [t, ts])) (a::args) =
+ funcc_conv_arg wctxt (is_Used t) a :: funcc_conv_args wctxt ts args
+ | funcc_conv_args _ _ _ = error "Internal error: Non matching type"
+ fun funcc wctxt func args =
+ let
+ fun get_T (Free (_,T)) = T
+ | get_T (Const (_,T)) = T
+ | get_T (_ $ (Free (_,Type (_, [_, T])))) = T (* Case of snd was constructed *)
+ | get_T _ = error "Internal error: Forgotten type"
+ val func = (case fun_to_time (#ctxt wctxt) (#origins wctxt) func
+ of SOME t => SOME (WRAP_FUNCTION (list_comb (t, funcc_conv_args wctxt (get_T t) args)))
+ | NONE => NONE)
+ val args = (map (#f wctxt) args)
+ in
+ (if not (#partial config) orelse func = NONE
+ then List.foldr (uncurry plus) func args
+ else build_option_bind (Option.valOf func) args |> SOME)
+ end
+ (* Handle case terms *)
+ fun casecIsCase (Type (n1, [_,Type (n2, _)])) = (n1 = "fun" andalso n2 = "fun")
+ | casecIsCase _ = false
+ fun casecLastTyp (Type (n, [T1,T2])) = Type (n, [T1, change_typ T2])
+ | casecLastTyp _ = error "Internal error: Invalid case type"
+ fun casecTyp (Type (n, [T1, T2])) =
+ Type (n, [change_typ T1, (if casecIsCase T2 then casecTyp else casecLastTyp) T2])
+ | casecTyp _ = error "Internal error: Invalid case type"
+ fun casecAbs f (Abs (v,Ta,t)) = (case casecAbs f (subst_bound (Free (v,Ta), t))
+ of (nconst,t) => (nconst,absfree (v,Ta) t))
+ | casecAbs f t = (case f t of NONE => (false, opt_term NONE) | SOME t => (true,t))
+ fun casecArgs _ [t] = (false, [map_aterms use_origin t])
+ | casecArgs f (t::ar) =
+ (case casecAbs f t of (nconst, tt) =>
+ casecArgs f ar ||> (fn ar => tt :: ar) |>> (if nconst then K true else I))
+ | casecArgs _ _ = error "Internal error: Invalid case term"
+ fun casec wctxt (Const (t,T)) args =
+ if not (casecIsCase T) then error "Internal error: Invalid case type" else
+ let val (nconst, args') = casecArgs (#f wctxt) args in
+ plus
+ ((#f wctxt) (List.last args))
+ (if nconst then
+ SOME (list_comb (Const (t,casecTyp T), args'))
+ else NONE)
+ end
+ | casec _ _ _ = error "Internal error: Invalid case term"
+ (* Handle if terms -> drop the term if true and false terms are zero *)
+ fun ifc wctxt _ cond tt ft =
+ let
+ val f = #f wctxt
+ val rcond = map_aterms use_origin cond
+ val tt = f tt
+ val ft = f ft
+ in
+ plus (f cond) (case (tt,ft) of (NONE, NONE) => NONE | _ =>
+ if tt = ft then tt else
+ (SOME ((Const (@{const_name "HOL.If"}, @{typ "bool"} --> finT --> finT --> finT)) $ rcond
+ $ (opt_term tt) $ (opt_term ft))))
+ end
+ fun letc_lambda wctxt T (t as Abs _) =
+ HOLogic.mk_prod (map_aterms use_origin t,
+ Term.strip_abs_eta (strip_type T |> fst |> length) t ||> #f wctxt ||> opt_term ||> map_types change_typ |> list_abs)
+ | letc_lambda _ _ t = map_aterms use_origin t
+ fun letc wctxt expT exp ([(nm,_)]) t =
+ plus (#f wctxt exp)
+ (case #f wctxt t of SOME t' =>
+ (if Term.used_free nm t'
+ then
+ let
+ val exp' = letc_lambda wctxt expT exp
+ val t' = list_abs ([(nm,fastype_of exp')], t')
+ in
+ Const (@{const_name "HOL.Let"}, [fastype_of exp', fastype_of t'] ---> finT) $ exp' $ t'
+ end
+ else t') |> SOME
+ | NONE => NONE)
+ | letc _ _ _ _ _ = error "Unknown let state"
+ fun constc _ (Const ("HOL.undefined", _)) = SOME (Const ("HOL.undefined", finT))
+ | constc _ _ = NONE
+ (* The converter for timing functions given to the walker *)
+ val converter : term option converter = {
+ constc = constc,
+ funcc = funcc,
+ ifc = ifc,
+ casec = casec,
+ letc = letc
+ }
+ fun top_converter is_rec _ _ =
+ if #partial config
+ then (fn t => Option.getOpt (t, zero))
+ else (opt_term o (fn exp => plus exp (if is_rec then SOME one else NONE)))
+ (* Use converter to convert right side of a term *)
+ fun to_time ctxt origin is_rec term =
+ top_converter is_rec ctxt origin (walk ctxt origin converter term)
+ (* Converts a term to its running time version *)
+ fun convert_term ctxt (origin: term list) is_rec (pT $ (Const (eqN, _) $ l $ r)) =
+ let
+ val (l_const, l_params) = strip_comb l
+ in
+ pT
+ $ (Const (eqN, finT --> finT --> @{typ "bool"})
+ $ (list_comb (l_const |> fun_to_time ctxt origin |> Option.valOf, l_params |> conv_args ctxt))
+ $ (to_time ctxt origin is_rec r))
+ end
+ | convert_term _ _ _ _ = error "Internal error: invalid term to convert"
+ (* 3.5 Support for locales *)
+ fun replaceFstSndFree ctxt (origin: term list) (rfst: term -> term) (rsnd: term -> term) =
+ (walk ctxt origin {
+ funcc = fn wctxt => fn t => fn args =>
+ case args of
+ (f as Free _)::args =>
+ (case t of
+ Const ("Product_Type.prod.fst", _) =>
+ list_comb (rfst (t $ f), map (#f wctxt) args)
+ | Const ("Product_Type.prod.snd", _) =>
+ list_comb (rsnd (t $ f), map (#f wctxt) args)
+ | t => list_comb (t, map (#f wctxt) (f :: args)))
+ | args => list_comb (t, map (#f wctxt) args),
+ constc = Iconst,
+ ifc = Iif,
+ casec = Icase,
+ letc = Ilet
+ })
+ (* 5. Check for higher-order function if original function is used \<rightarrow> find simplifications *)
+ fun find_used' T_t =
+ let
+ val (T_ident, T_args) = strip_comb (get_l T_t)
+ fun filter_passed [] = []
+ | filter_passed ((f as Free (_, Type ("Product_Type.prod",[Type ("fun",_), Type ("fun", _)])))::args) =
+ f :: filter_passed args
+ | filter_passed (_::args) = filter_passed args
+ val frees = (walk lthy [] {
+ funcc = (fn wctxt => fn t => fn args =>
+ (case t of (Const ("Product_Type.prod.snd", _)) => []
+ | _ => (if t = T_ident then [] else filter_passed args)
+ @ List.foldr (fn (l,r) => (#f wctxt) l @ r) [] args)),
+ constc = (K o K) [],
+ ifc = (fn wctxt => fn _ => fn cond => fn tt => fn tf => (#f wctxt) cond @ (#f wctxt) tt @ (#f wctxt) tf),
+ casec = (fn wctxt => fn _ => fn cs => List.foldr (fn (l,r) => (#f wctxt) l @ r) [] cs),
+ letc = (fn wctxt => fn _ => fn exp => fn _ => fn t => (#f wctxt) exp @ (#f wctxt) t)
+ }) (get_r T_t)
+ fun build _ [] = []
+ | build i (a::args) =
+ (if contains frees a then [(T_ident,i)] else []) @ build (i+1) args
+ in
+ build 0 T_args
+ end
+ fun find_simplifyble ctxt term terms =
+ let
+ val used =
+ terms
+ |> List.map find_used'
+ |> List.foldr (op @) []
+ val change =
+ Option.valOf o fun_to_time ctxt term
+ fun detect t i (Type ("fun",_)::args) =
+ (if contains used (change t,i) then [] else [i]) @ detect t (i+1) args
+ | detect t i (_::args) = detect t (i+1) args
+ | detect _ _ [] = []
+ in
+ map (fn t => t |> type_of |> strip_type |> fst |> detect t 0) term
+ end
+ fun define_simp' term simplifyable ctxt =
+ let
+ val base_name = case Named_Target.locale_of ctxt of
+ NONE => ctxt |> Proof_Context.theory_of |> Context.theory_base_name
+ | SOME nm => nm
+ val orig_name = term |> dest_Const_name |> split_name |> List.last
+ val red_name = fun_name_to_time ctxt false orig_name
+ val name = fun_name_to_time' ctxt true true orig_name
+ val full_name = base_name ^ "." ^ name
+ val def_name = red_name ^ "_def"
+ val def = Binding.name def_name
+ val canon = Syntax.read_term (Local_Theory.exit ctxt) name |> strip_comb
+ val canonFrees = canon |> snd
+ val canonType = canon |> fst |> dest_Const_type |> strip_type |> fst |> take (length canonFrees)
+ val types = term |> dest_Const_type |> strip_type |> fst
+ val vars = Variable.variant_fixes (map (K "") types) ctxt |> fst
+ fun l_typs' i ((T as (Type ("fun",_)))::types) =
+ (if contains simplifyable i
+ then change_typ T
+ else HOLogic.mk_prodT (T,change_typ T))
+ :: l_typs' (i+1) types
+ | l_typs' i (T::types) = T :: l_typs' (i+1) types
+ | l_typs' _ [] = []
+ val l_typs = l_typs' 0 types
+ val lhs =
+ List.foldl (fn ((v,T),t) => t $ Free (v,T)) (Free (red_name,l_typs ---> HOLogic.natT)) (ListPair.zip (vars,l_typs))
+ fun fixType (TFree _) = HOLogic.natT
+ | fixType T = T
+ fun fixUnspecified T = T |> strip_type ||> fixType |> (op --->)
+ fun r_terms' i (v::vars) ((T as (Type ("fun",_)))::types) =
+ (if contains simplifyable i
+ then HOLogic.mk_prod (Const ("HOL.undefined", fixUnspecified T), Free (v,change_typ T))
+ else Free (v,HOLogic.mk_prodT (T,change_typ T)))
+ :: r_terms' (i+1) vars types
+ | r_terms' i (v::vars) (T::types) = Free (v,T) :: r_terms' (i+1) vars types
+ | r_terms' _ _ _ = []
+ val r_terms = r_terms' 0 vars types
+ val full_type = (r_terms |> map (type_of) ---> HOLogic.natT)
+ val full = list_comb (Const (full_name,canonType ---> full_type), canonFrees)
+ val rhs = list_comb (full, r_terms)
+ val eq = (lhs, rhs) |> HOLogic.mk_eq |> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
+ val _ = Pretty.writeln (Pretty.block [Pretty.str "Defining simplified version:\n",
+ Syntax.pretty_term ctxt eq])
+ val (_, ctxt') = Specification.definition NONE [] [] ((def, []), eq) ctxt
+ in
+ ((def_name, orig_name), ctxt')
+ end
+ fun define_simp simpables ctxt =
+ let
+ fun cond ((term,simplifyable),(defs,ctxt)) =
+ define_simp' term simplifyable ctxt |>> (fn def => def :: defs)
+ in
+ List.foldr cond ([], ctxt) simpables
+ end
+ fun replace from to =
+ map (map_aterms (fn t => if t = from then to else t))
+ fun replaceAll [] = I
+ | replaceAll ((from,to)::xs) = replaceAll xs o replace from to
+ fun calculateSimplifications ctxt T_terms term simpables =
+ let
+ (* Show where a simplification can take place *)
+ fun reportReductions (t,(i::is)) =
+ (Pretty.writeln (Pretty.str
+ ((Term.term_name t |> fun_name_to_time ctxt true)
+ ^ " can be simplified because only the time-function component of parameter "
+ ^ (Int.toString (i + 1)) ^ " is used. "));
+ reportReductions (t,is))
+ | reportReductions (_,[]) = ()
+ val _ = simpables
+ |> map reportReductions
+ (* Register definitions for simplified function *)
+ val (reds, ctxt) = define_simp simpables ctxt
+ fun genRetype (Const (nm,T),is) =
+ let
+ val T_name = fun_name_to_time ctxt true nm |> split_name |> List.last
+ val from = Free (T_name,change_typ T)
+ val to = Free (T_name,change_typ' (not o contains is) T)
+ in
+ (from,to)
+ end
+ | genRetype _ = error "Internal error: invalid term"
+ val retyping = map genRetype simpables
+ fun replaceArgs (pT $ (eq $ l $ r)) =
+ let
+ val (t,params) = strip_comb l
+ fun match (Const (f_nm,_),_) =
+ (fun_name_to_time ctxt true f_nm |> Long_Name.base_name) = (dest_Free t |> fst)
+ | match _ = false
+ val simps = List.find match simpables |> Option.valOf |> snd
+ fun dest_Prod_snd (Free (nm, Type (_, [_, T2]))) =
+ Free (fun_name_to_time ctxt false nm, T2)
+ | dest_Prod_snd _ = error "Internal error: Argument is not a pair"
+ fun rep _ [] = ([],[])
+ | rep i (x::xs) =
+ let
+ val (rs,args) = rep (i+1) xs
+ in
+ if contains simps i
+ then (x::rs,dest_Prod_snd x::args)
+ else (rs,x::args)
+ end
+ val (rs,params) = rep 0 params
+ fun fFst _ = error "Internal error: Invalid term to simplify"
+ fun fSnd (t as (Const _ $ f)) =
+ (if contains rs f
+ then dest_Prod_snd f
+ else t)
+ | fSnd t = t
+ in
+ (pT $ (eq
+ $ (list_comb (t,params))
+ $ (replaceFstSndFree ctxt term fFst fSnd r
+ |> (fn t => replaceAll (map (fn t => (t,dest_Prod_snd t)) rs) [t])
+ |> hd
+ )
+ ))
+ end
+ | replaceArgs _ = error "Internal error: Invalid term"
+ (* Calculate reduced terms *)
+ val T_terms_red = T_terms
+ |> replaceAll retyping
+ |> map replaceArgs
+ val _ = print_lemma ctxt reds T_terms_red
+ val _ =
+ Pretty.writeln (Pretty.str "If you do not want the simplified T function, use \"time_fun [no_simp]\"")
+ in
+ ctxt
+ end
- fun genRetype (Const (nm,T),is) =
- let
- val T_name = fun_name_to_time ctxt true nm |> split_name |> List.last
- val from = Free (T_name,change_typ T)
- val to = Free (T_name,change_typ' (not o contains is) T)
- in
- (from,to)
- end
- | genRetype _ = error "Internal error: invalid term"
- val retyping = map genRetype simpables
- fun replaceArgs (pT $ (eq $ l $ r)) =
- let
- val (t,params) = strip_comb l
- fun match (Const (f_nm,_),_) =
- (fun_name_to_time ctxt true f_nm |> Long_Name.base_name) = (dest_Free t |> fst)
- | match _ = false
- val simps = List.find match simpables |> Option.valOf |> snd
- fun dest_Prod_snd (Free (nm, Type (_, [_, T2]))) =
- Free (fun_name_to_time ctxt false nm, T2)
- | dest_Prod_snd _ = error "Internal error: Argument is not a pair"
- fun rep _ [] = ([],[])
- | rep i (x::xs) =
- let
- val (rs,args) = rep (i+1) xs
- in
- if contains simps i
- then (x::rs,dest_Prod_snd x::args)
- else (rs,x::args)
- end
- val (rs,params) = rep 0 params
- fun fFst _ = error "Internal error: Invalid term to simplify"
- fun fSnd (t as (Const _ $ f)) =
- (if contains rs f
- then dest_Prod_snd f
- else t)
- | fSnd t = t
- in
- (pT $ (eq
- $ (list_comb (t,params))
- $ (replaceFstSndFree ctxt term fFst fSnd r
- |> (fn t => replaceAll (map (fn t => (t,dest_Prod_snd t)) rs) [t])
- |> hd
- )
- ))
- end
- | replaceArgs _ = error "Internal error: Invalid term"
- (* Calculate reduced terms *)
- val T_terms_red = T_terms
- |> replaceAll retyping
- |> map replaceArgs
- val _ = print_lemma ctxt reds T_terms_red
- val _ =
- Pretty.writeln (Pretty.str "If you do not want the simplified T function, use \"time_fun [no_simp]\"")
- ctxt
-(* Register timing function of a given function *)
-fun reg_time_func (lthy: local_theory) (term: term list) (terms: term list) print simp =
- let
val _ =
case time_term lthy true (hd term)
handle (ERROR _) => NONE
@@ -758,6 +796,7 @@
|> strip_comb |> snd
|> length
+ (********************* BEGIN OF CONVERSION *********************)
(* 1. Fix all terms *)
(* Exchange Var in types and terms to Free and check constraints *)
val terms = map
@@ -799,7 +838,7 @@
val T_terms = map (convert_term lthy term is_rec) terms
|> map (map_r (replaceFstSndFree lthy term fFst fSnd))
- val simpables = (if simp
+ val simpables = (if #simp config
then find_simplifyble lthy term T_terms
else map (K []) term)
|> (fn s => ListPair.zip (term,s))
@@ -808,7 +847,7 @@
(* Rename to secondary if simpable *)
fun genRename (t,_) =
- val old = fun_to_time lthy term t |> Option.valOf
+ val old = fun_to_time' lthy term false t |> Option.valOf
val new = fun_to_time' lthy term true t |> Option.valOf
@@ -824,6 +863,7 @@
fun pat_completeness_auto ctxt =
Pat_Completeness.pat_completeness_tac ctxt 1 THEN auto_tac ctxt
val specs = map (fn eq => (((Binding.empty, []), eq), [], [])) can_T_terms
+ val part_specs = (Binding.empty_atts, hd can_T_terms)
(* Context for printing without showing question marks *)
val print_ctxt = lthy
@@ -831,13 +871,13 @@
|> Config.put show_sorts false (* Change it for debugging *)
val print_ctxt = List.foldl (fn (term, ctxt) => Variable.add_fixes_implicit term ctxt) print_ctxt (term @ T_terms)
(* Print result if print *)
- val _ = if not print then () else
+ val _ = if not (#print config) then () else
val nms = map (dest_Const_name) term
val typs = map (dest_Const_type) term
print_timing' print_ctxt { names=nms, terms=terms, typs=typs }
- { names=timing_names, terms=can_T_terms, typs=map change_typ typs }
+ { names=timing_names, terms=can_T_terms, typs=map change_typ typs }
(* For partial functions sequential=true is needed in order to support them
@@ -849,7 +889,9 @@
val fun_config = Function_Common.FunctionConfig
{sequential=seq, default=NONE, domintros=true, partials=false}
- Function.add_function bindings specs fun_config pat_completeness_auto lthy
+ if #partial config
+ then Partial_Function.add_partial_function "option" bindings part_specs lthy |>> PartialFunction o snd
+ else Function.add_function bindings specs fun_config pat_completeness_auto lthy |>> Function
val (info,ctxt) =
@@ -861,7 +903,7 @@
val ctxt = if simpable then calculateSimplifications ctxt T_terms term simpables else ctxt
- (info,ctxt)
+ (info, ctxt)
fun proove_termination (term: term list) terms (T_info: Function.info, lthy: local_theory) =
@@ -904,11 +946,12 @@
(auto_tac simp_lthy) lthy
- (time_info, lthy')
+ (Function time_info, lthy')
-fun reg_and_proove_time_func (lthy: local_theory) (term: term list) (terms: term list) print simp =
- reg_time_func lthy term terms print simp
- |> proove_termination term terms
+fun reg_and_proove_time_func (lthy: local_theory) (term: term list) (terms: term list) (config: time_config) =
+ case reg_time_func lthy term terms config
+ of (Function info, lthy') => proove_termination term terms (info, lthy')
+ | r => r
fun isTypeClass' (Const (nm,_)) =
(case split_name nm |> rev
@@ -945,43 +988,60 @@
| check_opts ["no_simp"] = true
| check_opts (a::_) = error ("Option " ^ a ^ " is not defined")
-(* Convert function into its timing function (called by command) *)
+(* Converts a function into its timing function using fun *)
fun reg_time_fun_cmd ((opts, funcs), thms) (ctxt: local_theory) =
val no_simp = check_opts opts
val fterms = map (Syntax.read_term ctxt) funcs
val ctxt = set_suffix fterms ctxt
+ val config = { print = true, simp = not no_simp, partial = false }
val (_, ctxt') = reg_and_proove_time_func ctxt fterms
(case thms of NONE => get_terms ctxt (hd fterms)
| SOME thms => thms |> Attrib.eval_thms ctxt |> List.map Thm.prop_of)
- true (not no_simp)
+ config
in ctxt'
-(* Convert function into its timing function (called by command) with termination proof provided by user*)
+(* Converts a function into its timing function using function with termination proof provided by user*)
fun reg_time_function_cmd ((opts, funcs), thms) (ctxt: local_theory) =
val no_simp = check_opts opts
val fterms = map (Syntax.read_term ctxt) funcs
val ctxt = set_suffix fterms ctxt
+ val config = { print = true, simp = not no_simp, partial = false }
val ctxt' = reg_time_func ctxt fterms
(case thms of NONE => get_terms ctxt (hd fterms)
| SOME thms => thms |> Attrib.eval_thms ctxt |> List.map Thm.prop_of)
- true (not no_simp)
+ config
|> snd
in ctxt'
-(* Convert function into its timing function (called by command) *)
+(* Converts a function definition into its timing function using definition *)
fun reg_time_definition_cmd ((opts, funcs), thms) (ctxt: local_theory) =
val no_simp = check_opts opts
val fterms = map (Syntax.read_term ctxt) funcs
val ctxt = set_suffix fterms ctxt
+ val config = { print = true, simp = not no_simp, partial = false }
val (_, ctxt') = reg_and_proove_time_func ctxt fterms
(case thms of NONE => get_terms ctxt (hd fterms) |> check_definition
| SOME thms => thms |> Attrib.eval_thms ctxt |> List.map Thm.prop_of)
- true (not no_simp)
+ config
+in ctxt'
+(* Converts a a partial function into its timing function using partial_function *)
+fun reg_time_partial_function_cmd ((opts, funcs), thms) (ctxt: local_theory) =
+ val no_simp = check_opts opts
+ val fterms = map (Syntax.read_term ctxt) funcs
+ val ctxt = set_suffix fterms ctxt
+ val config = { print = true, simp = not no_simp, partial = true }
+ val (_, ctxt') = reg_and_proove_time_func ctxt fterms
+ (case thms of NONE => get_terms ctxt (hd fterms) |> check_definition
+ | SOME thms => thms |> Attrib.eval_thms ctxt |> List.map Thm.prop_of)
+ config
in ctxt'
@@ -1001,4 +1061,8 @@
"Defines runtime function of a definition"
(parser >> reg_time_definition_cmd)
+val _ = Outer_Syntax.local_theory @{command_keyword "time_partial_function"}
+ "Defines runtime function of a definition"
+ (parser >> reg_time_partial_function_cmd)