Sat, 05 Jun 2004 13:05:25 +0200
changeset 14866 515fa02eee9a
parent 14865 8b9a372b3e90
child 14867 6dd1f25b3d75
--- a/lib/scripts/run-mlworks	Fri Jun 04 11:51:31 2004 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# $Id$
-# Author: Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
-# MLWorks startup script (for 1.0r2 or later).
-## diagnostics
-function fail_out()
-  echo "Unable to create output heap file: \"$OUTFILE\"" >&2
-  exit 2
-## prepare databases
-if [ -z "$INFILE" ]; then
-  EXIT="fun exit 0 = (OS.Process.exit OS.Process.success): unit | exit _ = OS.Process.exit OS.Process.failure;"
-  MLWORKS="mlworks-basis -tty"
-  EXIT=""
-  MLWORKS="mlimage -load $INFILE -tty"
-if [ -z "$OUTFILE" ]; then
-  COMMIT='fun commit () = (TextIO.output (TextIO.stdErr, "Error - Database is not opened for writing.\n"); false);'
-  COMMIT="fun commit () = (Shell.saveImage (\"$OUTFILE\", false); true);"
-  [ -f "$OUTFILE" ] && { chmod +w "$OUTFILE" || fail_out; }
-## run it!
-if [ -z "$TERMINATE" ]; then
-"$ISABELLE_HOME/lib/scripts/feeder" -p -h "$MLTEXT" -t "$MLEXIT" $FEEDER_OPTS | \
-  { read FPID; "$ML_HOME"/$MLWORKS $ML_OPTIONS 2>&1; RC="$?"; kill -HUP "$FPID"; exit "$RC"; }
-[ -n "$OUTFILE" -a -f "$OUTFILE" -a -n "$NOWRITE" ] && chmod -w "$OUTFILE"
-exit "$RC"
--- a/lib/scripts/run-smlnj-0.93	Fri Jun 04 11:51:31 2004 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# $Id$
-# Author: Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
-# SML/NJ startup script (for 0.93).
-## diagnostics
-function fail_out()
-  echo "Unable to create output heap file: \"$OUTFILE\"" >&2
-  exit 2
-function check_mlhome_file()
-  if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then
-    echo "Unable to locate $1" >&2
-    echo "Please check your ML_HOME setting!" >&2
-    exit 2
-  fi
-## prepare databases
-if [ -z "$INFILE" ]; then
-  INFILE="$ML_HOME/sml"
-  check_mlhome_file "$INFILE"
-  EXIT="val exit: int -> unit = System.Unsafe.CInterface.exit;"
-  EXIT=""
-if [ -z "$OUTFILE" ]; then
-  COMMIT='fun commit () = (output (std_err, "Error - Database is not opened for writing.\n"); false);'
-  if [ "$INFILE" -ef "$OUTFILE" ]; then
-    OUTDIR=$(dirname "$OUTFILE")/tmp
-    OUTFILE="$OUTDIR"/$(basename "$OUTFILE")
-    mkdir -p "$OUTDIR" || fail_out
-    MOVE=true
-  fi
-  [ -f "$OUTFILE" ] && { chmod +w "$OUTFILE" || fail_out; }
-  COMMIT="fun commit () = not (exportML\"$OUTFILE\");"
-## run it!
-if [ -z "$TERMINATE" ]; then
-"$ISABELLE_HOME/lib/scripts/feeder" -p -h "$MLTEXT" -t "$MLEXIT" $FEEDER_OPTS | \
-  { read FPID; "$INFILE" $ML_OPTIONS; RC="$?"; kill -HUP "$FPID"; exit "$RC"; }
-## fix heap file
-[ -n "$OUTFILE" -a -f "$OUTFILE" -a -n "$NOWRITE" ] && chmod -w "$OUTFILE"
-if [ -n "$MOVE" -a -f "$OUTFILE" ]; then
-  rm -f "$INFILE" || fail_out
-  mv "$OUTFILE" "$INFILE" || fail_out
-exit "$RC"
--- a/src/Pure/ML-Systems/mlworks.ML	Fri Jun 04 11:51:31 2004 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Pure/ML-Systems/mlworks.ML
-    ID:         $Id$
-    Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
-    Copyright   1996  University of Cambridge
-Compatibility file for MLWorks version 1.0r2 or later.
-(** ML system related **)
-(* restore old-style character / string functions *)
-val ord = SML90.ord;
-val chr = SML90.chr;
-val explode = SML90.explode;
-val implode = SML90.implode;
-(* MLWorks parameters *)
-val _ =
- (MLWorks.Internal.Runtime.Event.stack_overflow_handler 
-  (fn () =>
-    let val max_stack = MLWorks.Internal.Runtime.Memory.max_stack_blocks
-    in max_stack := (!max_stack * 3) div 2 + 5;
-       print ("#### Increasing stack to " ^ Int.toString (64 * !max_stack) ^
-              "KB\n")
-    end);
-  MLWorks.Internal.Runtime.Memory.gc_message_level := 10;
-  (*Is this of any use at all?*)
-  Shell.Options.set (Shell.Options.ValuePrinter.showExnDetails, true));
-(* Poly/ML emulation *)
-(*To exit the system with an exit code -- an alternative to ^D *)
-fun exit 0 = (OS.Process.exit OS.Process.success): unit
-  | exit _ = OS.Process.exit OS.Process.failure;
-fun quit () = exit 0;
-(*limit the printing depth*)
-fun print_depth n = 
-    let open Shell.Options
-    in set (ValuePrinter.maximumDepth, n div 2);
-       set (ValuePrinter.maximumSeqSize, n)
-    end;
-(*interface for toplevel pretty printers, see also Pure/install_pp.ML*)
-fun make_pp path pprint = ();
-fun install_pp _ = ();
-fun ml_prompts p1 p2 = ();
-(** Compiler-independent timing functions **)
-use "ML-Systems/cpu-timer-gc.ML"
-(* bounded time execution *)
-(* FIXME proper implementation available? *)
-structure TimeLimit : sig
-   exception TimeOut
-   val timeLimit : Time.time -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
-end = struct
-   exception TimeOut
-   fun timeLimit t f x =
-      f x;
-(* ML command execution *)
-(*Can one redirect 'use' directly to an instream?*)
-fun use_text _ _ txt =
-  let
-    val tmp_name = OS.FileSys.tmpName ();
-    val tmp_file = TextIO.openOut tmp_name;
-  in
-    TextIO.output (tmp_file, txt);
-    TextIO.closeOut tmp_file;
-    use tmp_name;
-    OS.FileSys.remove tmp_name
-  end;
-(** interrupts **)      (*Note: may get into race conditions*)
-exception Interrupt;
-MLWorks.Internal.Runtime.Event.interrupt_handler (fn () => raise Interrupt);
-fun ignore_interrupt f x = f x;
-fun raise_interrupt f x = f x;
-(** OS related **)
-(* system command execution *)
-(*execute Unix command which doesn't take any input from stdin and
-  sends its output to stdout; could be done more easily by Unix.execute,
-  but that function doesn't use the PATH*)
-fun execute command =
-  let
-    val tmp_name = OS.FileSys.tmpName ();
-    val is = (OS.Process.system (command ^ " > " ^ tmp_name); TextIO.openIn tmp_name);
-    val result = TextIO.inputAll is;
-  in
-    TextIO.closeIn is;
-    OS.FileSys.remove tmp_name;
-    result
-  end;
-(*plain version; with return code*)
-fun system cmd =
-  if OS.Process.system cmd = OS.Process.success then 0 else 1;
-(* file handling *)
-(*get time of last modification*)
-fun file_info name = Time.toString (OS.FileSys.modTime name) handle _ => "";
-(* getenv *)
-fun getenv var =
-  (case OS.Process.getEnv var of
-    NONE => ""
-  | SOME txt => txt);
--- a/src/Pure/ML-Systems/polyml-3.x.ML	Fri Jun 04 11:51:31 2004 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Pure/ML-Systems/polyml.ML
-    ID:         $Id$
-    Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
-    Copyright   1991  University of Cambridge
-Compatibility file for Poly/ML (versions 2.x and 3.x).
-open PolyML ExtendedIO;
-(*needs the Basis Library emulation*)
-use "basis.ML";
-structure String =
-  fun substring (s,i,j) = StringBuiltIns.substring (s, i+1, j)
-                          handle Substring => raise Subscript
-  fun isPrefix s1 s2 = (s1 = substring(s2,0, size s1))
-                       handle Subscript => false
-  fun str (s : string) = s;
-  fun translate f s = implode (map f (explode s));
-(** ML system related **)
-(** Compiler-independent timing functions **)
-(*Note start point for timing*)
-fun startTiming() = System.processtime ();
-(*Finish timing and return string*)
-fun endTiming before =
-  "User + GC: " ^
-  makestring (real (System.processtime () - before) / 10.0) ^
-  " secs";
-(* prompts *)
-fun ml_prompts p1 p2 = (PolyML.Compiler.prompt1 := p1; PolyML.Compiler.prompt2 := p2);
-(* toplevel pretty printing (see also Pure/install_pp.ML) *)
-fun make_pp _ pprint (str, blk, brk, en) obj =
-  pprint obj (str, fn ind => blk (ind, false), fn wd => brk (wd, 0),
-    fn () => brk (99999, 0), en);
-(* ML command execution -- 'eval' *)
-fun drop_last [] = []
-  | drop_last [x] = []
-  | drop_last (x :: xs) = x :: drop_last xs;
-val drop_last_char = implode o drop_last o explode;
-fun use_text (print, err) verbose txt =
-  let
-    val in_buffer = ref (explode txt);
-    val out_buffer = ref ([]: string list);
-    fun output () = drop_last_char (implode (rev (! out_buffer)));
-    fun get () =
-      (case ! in_buffer of
-        [] => ""
-      | c :: cs => (in_buffer := cs; c));
-    fun put s = out_buffer := s :: ! out_buffer;
-    fun exec () =
-      (case ! in_buffer of
-        [] => ()
-      | _ => (PolyML.compiler (get, put) (); exec ()));
-  in
-    exec () handle exn => (err (output ()); raise exn);
-    if verbose then print (output ()) else ()
-  end;
-(** interrupts **)      (*Note: may get into race conditions*)
-fun ignore_interrupt f x = f x;
-fun raise_interrupt f x = f x;
-(** OS related **)
-(* system command execution *)
-(*execute Unix command which doesn't take any input from stdin and
-  sends its output to stdout*)
-fun execute command =
-  let
-    val (is, os) =  ExtendedIO.execute command;
-    val _ = close_out os;
-    val result = input (is, 999999);
-  in close_in is; result end;
-fun system cmd = (print (execute cmd); 0);	(* FIXME rc not available *)
-(* file handling *)
-(*get time of last modification*)
-fun file_info name = Int.toString (System.filedate name) handle _ => "";
-structure OS =
-  structure FileSys =
-  struct
-    val chDir = PolyML.cd;
-    fun remove name = (execute ("rm " ^ name); ());
-    fun getDir () = drop_last_char (execute "pwd");
-  end;
-(* getenv *)
-fun getenv var = drop_last_char
-  (execute ("env | grep '^" ^ var ^ "=' | sed -e 's/" ^ var ^ "=//'"));
--- a/src/Pure/ML-Systems/smlnj-0.93.ML	Fri Jun 04 11:51:31 2004 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Pure/ML-Systems/smlnj-0.93.ML
-    ID:         $Id$
-    Author:     Carsten Clasohm, TU Muenchen
-    Copyright   1996  TU Muenchen
-Compatibility file for Standard ML of New Jersey version 0.93.
-(*needs the Basis Library emulation*)
-use "basis.ML";
-structure String =
-  fun substring args = String.substring args
-    handle String.Substring => raise Subscript;
-  fun isPrefix s1 s2 = (s1 = substring(s2,0, size s1))
-    handle Subscript => false;
-  fun str (s : string) = s;
-  fun translate f s = implode (map f (explode s));
-(** ML system related **)
-(* New Jersey ML parameters *)
-System.Control.Runtime.gcmessages := 0;
-(* Poly/ML emulation *)
-fun quit () = exit 0;
-(*limit the printing depth -- divided by 2 for comparibility with Poly/ML*)
-fun print_depth n =
- (System.Control.Print.printDepth := n div 2;
-  System.Control.Print.printLength := n);
-(* timing *)
-(*Note start point for timing*)
-fun startTiming() = System.Timer.start_timer();
-(*Finish timing and return string*)
-  (*print microseconds, suppressing trailing zeroes*)
-  fun umakestring 0 = ""
-    | umakestring n =
-        chr (ord "0" + n div 100000) ^ umakestring (10 * (n mod 100000));
-  fun string_of_time (System.Timer.TIME {sec, usec}) =
-      makestring sec ^ "." ^ (if usec=0 then "0" else umakestring usec)
-fun endTiming start =
-  let val nongc = System.Timer.check_timer(start)
-      and gc    = System.Timer.check_timer_gc(start);
-      val both  = System.Timer.add_time(nongc, gc)
-  in  "Non GC " ^ string_of_time nongc ^
-      "   GC " ^ string_of_time gc ^
-      "  both "^ string_of_time both ^ " secs\n"
-  end
-(* prompts *)
-fun ml_prompts p1 p2 = ();
-(* toplevel pretty printing (see also Pure/install_pp.ML) *)
-fun make_pp path pprint =
-  let
-    open System.PrettyPrint;
-    fun pp pps obj =
-      pprint obj
-        (add_string pps, begin_block pps INCONSISTENT,
-          fn wd => add_break pps (wd, 0), fn () => add_newline pps,
-          fn () => end_block pps);
-  in
-    (path, pp)
-  end;
-fun install_pp (path, pp) = System.PrettyPrint.install_pp path pp;
-(* ML command execution *)
-fun use_text _ _ = System.Compile.use_stream o open_string;
-(** interrupts **)
-exception Interrupt;
-fun capture f x = ((f x): unit; NONE) handle exn => SOME exn;
-fun release NONE = ()
-  | release (SOME exn) = raise exn;
-structure Signals = System.Signals;
-fun ignore_interrupt f x =
-  let
-    val old_handler = Signals.inqHandler Signals.SIGINT;
-    val _ = Signals.setHandler (Signals.SIGINT, SOME #2);
-    val result = capture f x;
-    val _ = Signals.setHandler (Signals.SIGINT, old_handler);
-  in release result end;
-fun raise_interrupt f x =
-  let
-    val interrupted = ref false;
-    val result = ref NONE;
-    val old_handler = Signals.inqHandler Signals.SIGINT;
-  in
-    callcc (fn cont =>
-      (Signals.setHandler (Signals.SIGINT, SOME (fn _ => (interrupted := true; cont)));
-      result := capture f x));
-    Signals.setHandler (Signals.SIGINT, old_handler);
-    if ! interrupted then raise Interrupt else release (! result)
-  end;
-(** OS related **)
-(* system command execution *)
-(*execute Unix command which doesn't take any input from stdin and
-  sends its output to stdout; could be done more easily by IO.execute,
-  but that function seems to be buggy in SML/NJ 0.93*)
-fun execute command =
-  let
-    val tmp_name = "/tmp/isabelle-execute";
-    val is = (System.system (command ^ " > " ^ tmp_name); open_in tmp_name);
-    val result = input (is, 999999);
-  in
-    close_in is;
-    System.Unsafe.SysIO.unlink tmp_name;
-    result
-  end;
-(*plain version; with return code*)
-fun system cmd = System.system cmd div 256;
-(* file handling *)
-(*get time of last modification*)
-  open System.Timer System.Unsafe.SysIO;
-  fun file_info name = makestring (mtime (PATH name)) handle _ => "";
-structure OS =
-  structure FileSys =
-  struct
-    val chDir = System.Directory.cd;
-    val remove = System.Unsafe.SysIO.unlink;
-    val getDir = System.Directory.getWD;
-  end;
-(*redefine to flush its output immediately -- temporary patch suggested
-  by Kim Dam Petersen*)         (* FIXME !? *)
-val output = fn (s, t) => (output (s, t); flush_out s);
-(* getenv *)
-  fun drop_last [] = []
-    | drop_last [x] = []
-    | drop_last (x :: xs) = x :: drop_last xs;
-  val drop_last_char = implode o drop_last o explode;
-  fun getenv var = drop_last_char
-    (execute ("env | grep '^" ^ var ^ "=' | sed -e 's/" ^ var ^ "=//'"));
--- a/src/Pure/basis.ML	Fri Jun 04 11:51:31 2004 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Pure/basis.ML
-    ID:         $Id$
-    Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
-    Copyright   1993  University of Cambridge
-Basis Library emulation.  Needed for Poly/ML and Standard ML of New
-Jersey version 0.93 to 1.08.  Full compatibility cannot be obtained
-using a file: what about char constants?
-exception Subscript;
-structure Bool =
-  struct
-  fun toString true  = "true"
-    | toString false = "false"
-  end;
-structure Option =
-  struct
-  exception Option
-  datatype 'a option = NONE | SOME of 'a
-  fun getOpt (SOME v, _) = v
-    | getOpt (NONE,   a) = a
-  fun isSome (SOME _) = true 
-    | isSome NONE     = false
-  fun valOf (SOME v) = v
-    | valOf NONE     = raise Option
-  end;
-structure Int =
-  struct
-  type int = int
-  fun toString (i: int) = makestring i;
-  fun max (x, y) = if x < y then y else x : int;
-  fun min (x, y) = if x < y then x else y : int;
-  end;
-structure Real =
-  struct
-  fun toString (x: real) = makestring x;
-  fun max (x, y) = if x < y then y else x : real;
-  fun min (x, y) = if x < y then x else y : real;
-  val real = real;
-  val floor = floor;
-  fun ceil x = ~1 - floor (~ (x + 1.0));
-  fun round x = floor (x + 0.5);  (*does not do round-to-nearest*)
-  fun trunc x = if x < 0.0 then ceil x else floor x;
-  end;
-structure List =
-  struct
-  exception Empty
-  fun last []      = raise Empty
-    | last [x]     = x
-    | last (x::xs) = last xs;
-  fun nth (xs, n) =
-      let fun h []      _ = raise Subscript
-	    | h (x::xs) n = if n=0 then x else h xs (n-1)
-      in if n<0 then raise Subscript else h xs n end;
-  fun drop (xs, n) =
-      let fun h xs      0 = xs
-	    | h []      n = raise Subscript
-	    | h (x::xs) n = h xs (n-1)
-      in if n<0 then raise Subscript else h xs n end;
-  fun take (xs, n) =
-      let fun h xs      0 = []
-	    | h []      n = raise Subscript
-	    | h (x::xs) n = x :: h xs (n-1)
-      in if n<0 then raise Subscript else h xs n end;
-  fun concat []      = []
-    | concat (l::ls) = l @ concat ls;
-  fun mapPartial f []      = []
-    | mapPartial f (x::xs) = 
-         (case f x of Option.NONE   => mapPartial f xs
-                    | Option.SOME y => y :: mapPartial f xs);
-  fun find _ []        = Option.NONE
-    | find p (x :: xs) = if p x then Option.SOME x else find p xs;
-  (*copy the list preserving elements that satisfy the predicate*)
-  fun filter p [] = []
-    | filter p (x :: xs) = if p x then x :: filter p xs else filter p xs;
-  (*Partition list into elements that satisfy predicate and those that don't.
-    Preserves order of elements in both lists.*)
-  fun partition (p: 'a->bool) (ys: 'a list) : ('a list * 'a list) =
-      let fun part ([], answer) = answer
-	    | part (x::xs, (ys, ns)) = if p(x)
-	      then  part (xs, (x::ys, ns))
-	      else  part (xs, (ys, x::ns))
-      in  part (rev ys, ([], []))  end;
-  end;
-structure ListPair =
-  struct
-  fun zip ([], [])      = []
-    | zip (x::xs,y::ys) = (x,y) :: zip(xs,ys);
-  fun unzip [] = ([],[])
-    | unzip((x,y)::pairs) =
-	  let val (xs,ys) = unzip pairs
-	  in  (x::xs, y::ys)  end;
-  fun map f ([], [])      = []
-    | map f (x::xs,y::ys) = f(x,y) :: map f (xs,ys);
-  fun exists p =
-    let fun boolf ([], [])      = false
-	  | boolf (x::xs,y::ys) = p(x,y) orelse boolf (xs,ys)
-    in boolf end;
-  fun all p =
-    let fun boolf ([], [])      = true
-	  | boolf (x::xs,y::ys) = p(x,y) andalso boolf (xs,ys)
-    in boolf end;
-  end;
-structure TextIO =
-  struct
-  type instream = instream
-  and  outstream = outstream
-  exception Io of {name: string, function: string, cause: exn}
-  val stdIn 	= std_in
-  val stdOut 	= std_out
-  val stdErr 	= std_out
-  val openIn 	= open_in
-  val openAppend = open_append
-  val openOut 	= open_out
-  val closeIn 	= close_in
-  val closeOut 	= close_out
-  val inputN 	= input
-  val inputAll  = fn is => inputN (is, 999999)
-  val inputLine = input_line
-  val endOfStream = end_of_stream
-  val output 	= output
-  val flushOut 	= flush_out
-  end;
-fun print s = (output (std_out, s); flush_out std_out);
-structure General =
-  fun raised name = "exception " ^ name ^ " raised";
-  fun raised_msg name msg = raised name ^ ": " ^ msg;
-  fun exnMessage Match = raised_msg "Match" "nonexhaustive match failure"
-    | exnMessage Bind = raised_msg "Bind" "nonexhaustive binding failure"
-    | exnMessage (Io msg) = "I/O error: " ^ msg
-    | exnMessage Neg = raised "Neg"
-    | exnMessage Sum = raised "Sum"
-    | exnMessage Diff = raised "Diff"
-    | exnMessage Prod = raised "Prod"
-    | exnMessage Quot = raised "Quot"
-    | exnMessage Abs = raised "Abs"
-    | exnMessage Div = raised "Div"
-    | exnMessage Mod = raised "Mod"
-    | exnMessage Floor = raised "Floor"
-    | exnMessage Sqrt = raised "Sqrt"
-    | exnMessage Exp = raised "Exp"
-    | exnMessage Ln = raised "Ln"
-    | exnMessage Ord = raised "Ord"
-    | exnMessage Subscript = raised_msg "Subscript " "subscript out of bounds"
-    | exnMessage Option.Option = raised "Option.Option"
-    | exnMessage List.Empty = raised "List.Empty"
-    | exnMessage (TextIO.Io {name, ...}) = raised_msg "TextIO.Io" name
-    | exnMessage exn = raised "???";