Wed, 28 Jun 2023 16:01:34 +0200
changeset 78229 524ba83940c2
parent 78202 759c71cdaf2a (current diff)
parent 78228 67e836ce3f04 (diff)
child 78230 7ca11a7ace41
--- a/src/Pure/General/sql.scala	Tue Jun 27 11:56:31 2023 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/General/sql.scala	Wed Jun 28 16:01:34 2023 +0200
@@ -253,8 +253,12 @@
     def transaction_lock[A](
       db: Database,
       more_tables: Tables = Tables.empty,
-      create: Boolean = false
-    )(body: => A): A = db.transaction { (tables ::: more_tables).lock(db, create = create); body }
+      create: Boolean = false,
+      synchronized: Boolean = false,
+    )(body: => A): A = {
+      def run: A = db.transaction { (tables ::: more_tables).lock(db, create = create); body }
+      if (synchronized) db.synchronized { run } else run
+    }
     def vacuum(db: Database, more_tables: Tables = Tables.empty): Unit =
       db.vacuum(tables = tables ::: more_tables)
--- a/src/Pure/ML/ml_heap.scala	Tue Jun 27 11:56:31 2023 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/ML/ml_heap.scala	Wed Jun 28 16:01:34 2023 +0200
@@ -110,29 +110,36 @@
-  def clean_entry(db: SQL.Database, name: String): Unit =
-    Data.transaction_lock(db, create = true) { Data.clean_entry(db, name) }
+  def clean_entry(db: SQL.Database, session_name: String): Unit =
+    Data.transaction_lock(db, create = true, synchronized = true) {
+      Data.clean_entry(db, session_name)
+    }
-  def get_entry(db: SQL.Database, name: String): Option[SHA1.Digest] =
-    Data.transaction_lock(db, create = true) { Data.get_entry(db, name) }
+  def get_entry(db: SQL.Database, session_name: String): Option[SHA1.Digest] =
+    Data.transaction_lock(db, create = true, synchronized = true) {
+      Data.get_entry(db, session_name)
+    }
   def store(
     database: Option[SQL.Database],
+    session_name: String,
     heap: Path,
     slice: Long,
     cache: Compress.Cache = Compress.Cache.none
   ): SHA1.Digest = {
     val digest = write_file_digest(heap)
     database match {
+      case None =>
       case Some(db) =>
-        val name = heap.file_name
         val size = - sha1_prefix.length - SHA1.digest_length
         val slices = (size.toDouble / slice.toDouble).ceil.toInt
         val step = (size.toDouble / slices.toDouble).ceil.toLong
         try {
-          Data.transaction_lock(db, create = true) { Data.prepare_entry(db, name) }
+          Data.transaction_lock(db, create = true, synchronized = true) {
+            Data.prepare_entry(db, session_name)
+          }
           for (i <- 0 until slices) {
             val j = i + 1
@@ -141,39 +148,48 @@
             val content =
               Bytes.read_file(heap.file, offset = offset, limit = limit)
                 .compress(cache = cache)
-            Data.transaction_lock(db) { Data.write_entry(db, name, i, content) }
+            Data.transaction_lock(db, synchronized = true) {
+              Data.write_entry(db, session_name, i, content)
+            }
-          Data.transaction_lock(db) { Data.finish_entry(db, name, size, digest) }
+          Data.transaction_lock(db, synchronized = true) {
+            Data.finish_entry(db, session_name, size, digest)
+          }
         catch { case exn: Throwable =>
-          Data.transaction_lock(db, create = true) { Data.clean_entry(db, name) }
+          Data.transaction_lock(db, create = true, synchronized = true) {
+            Data.clean_entry(db, session_name)
+          }
           throw exn
-      case None =>
   def restore(
-    db: SQL.Database,
+    database: Option[SQL.Database],
+    session_name: String,
     heap: Path,
     cache: Compress.Cache = Compress.Cache.none
   ): Unit = {
-    val name = heap.file_name
-    Data.transaction_lock(db, create = true) {
-      val db_digest = Data.get_entry(db, name)
-      val file_digest = read_file_digest(heap)
+    database match {
+      case None =>
+      case Some(db) =>
+        Data.transaction_lock(db, create = true, synchronized = true) {
+          val db_digest = Data.get_entry(db, session_name)
+          val file_digest = read_file_digest(heap)
-      if (db_digest.isDefined && db_digest != file_digest) {
-        Isabelle_System.make_directory(heap.expand.dir)
-        Bytes.write(heap, Bytes.empty)
-          for (slice <- Data.read_entry(db, name)) {
-            Bytes.append(heap, slice.uncompress(cache = cache))
+          if (db_digest.isDefined && db_digest != file_digest) {
+            Isabelle_System.make_directory(heap.expand.dir)
+            Bytes.write(heap, Bytes.empty)
+              for (slice <- Data.read_entry(db, session_name)) {
+                Bytes.append(heap, slice.uncompress(cache = cache))
+              }
+            val digest = write_file_digest(heap)
+            if (db_digest.get != digest) error("Incoherent content for file " + heap)
-        val digest = write_file_digest(heap)
-        if (db_digest.get != digest) error("Incoherent content for file " + heap)
-      }
+        }
--- a/src/Pure/Thy/export.scala	Tue Jun 27 11:56:31 2023 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/export.scala	Wed Jun 28 16:01:34 2023 +0200
@@ -29,25 +29,76 @@
   /* SQL data model */
-  object Data {
-    val session_name = SQL.Column.string("session_name").make_primary_key
-    val theory_name = SQL.Column.string("theory_name").make_primary_key
-    val name = SQL.Column.string("name").make_primary_key
-    val executable = SQL.Column.bool("executable")
-    val compressed = SQL.Column.bool("compressed")
-    val body = SQL.Column.bytes("body")
+  object Data extends SQL.Data() {
+    override lazy val tables = SQL.Tables(Base.table)
-    val table =
-      SQL.Table("isabelle_exports",
-        List(session_name, theory_name, name, executable, compressed, body))
+    object Base {
+      val session_name = SQL.Column.string("session_name").make_primary_key
+      val theory_name = SQL.Column.string("theory_name").make_primary_key
+      val name = SQL.Column.string("name").make_primary_key
+      val executable = SQL.Column.bool("executable")
+      val compressed = SQL.Column.bool("compressed")
+      val body = SQL.Column.bytes("body")
-    val tables = SQL.Tables(table)
+      val table =
+        SQL.Table("isabelle_exports",
+          List(session_name, theory_name, name, executable, compressed, body))
+    }
     def where_equal(session_name: String, theory_name: String = "", name: String = ""): SQL.Source =
-        Data.session_name.equal(session_name),
-        if_proper(theory_name, Data.theory_name.equal(theory_name)),
-        if_proper(name,
+        Base.session_name.equal(session_name),
+        if_proper(theory_name, Base.theory_name.equal(theory_name)),
+        if_proper(name,
+    def readable_entry(db: SQL.Database, entry_name: Entry_Name): Boolean = {
+      db.execute_query_statementB(
+          sql = where_equal(entry_name.session, entry_name.theory,
+    }
+    def read_entry(db: SQL.Database, entry_name: Entry_Name, cache: XML.Cache): Option[Entry] =
+      db.execute_query_statementO[Entry](
+, Base.compressed, Base.body),
+          sql = Data.where_equal(entry_name.session, entry_name.theory,,
+        { res =>
+          val executable = res.bool(Base.executable)
+          val compressed = res.bool(Base.compressed)
+          val bytes = res.bytes(Base.body)
+          val body = Future.value(compressed, bytes)
+          Entry(entry_name, executable, body, cache)
+        }
+      )
+    def write_entry(db: SQL.Database, entry: Entry): Unit = {
+      val (compressed, bs) = entry.body.join
+      db.execute_statement(Base.table.insert(), body = { stmt =>
+        stmt.string(1) = entry.session_name
+        stmt.string(2) = entry.theory_name
+        stmt.string(3) =
+        stmt.bool(4) = entry.executable
+        stmt.bool(5) = compressed
+        stmt.bytes(6) = bs
+      })
+    }
+    def read_theory_names(db: SQL.Database, session_name: String): List[String] =
+      db.execute_query_statement(
+, distinct = true,
+          sql = Data.where_equal(session_name) + SQL.order_by(List(Base.theory_name))),
+        List.from[String], res => res.string(Base.theory_name))
+    def read_entry_names(db: SQL.Database, session_name: String): List[Entry_Name] =
+      db.execute_query_statement(
+          sql = Data.where_equal(session_name)) + SQL.order_by(List(Base.theory_name,,
+        List.from[Entry_Name],
+        { res =>
+          Entry_Name(
+            session = session_name,
+            theory = res.string(Base.theory_name),
+            name = res.string(
+        })
   def compound_name(a: String, b: String): String =
@@ -63,45 +114,8 @@
       else Path.make(elems.drop(prune))
-    def readable(db: SQL.Database): Boolean = {
-      db.execute_query_statementB(
-          sql = Data.where_equal(session, theory, name)))
-    }
-    def read(db: SQL.Database, cache: XML.Cache): Option[Entry] =
-      db.execute_query_statementO[Entry](
-, Data.compressed, Data.body),
-          sql = Data.where_equal(session, theory, name)),
-        { res =>
-          val executable = res.bool(Data.executable)
-          val compressed = res.bool(Data.compressed)
-          val bytes = res.bytes(Data.body)
-          val body = Future.value(compressed, bytes)
-          Entry(this, executable, body, cache)
-        }
-      )
-  def read_theory_names(db: SQL.Database, session_name: String): List[String] =
-    db.execute_query_statement(
-, distinct = true,
-        sql = Data.where_equal(session_name) + SQL.order_by(List(Data.theory_name))),
-      List.from[String], res => res.string(Data.theory_name))
-  def read_entry_names(db: SQL.Database, session_name: String): List[Entry_Name] =
-    db.execute_query_statement(
-        sql = Data.where_equal(session_name)) + SQL.order_by(List(Data.theory_name,,
-      List.from[Entry_Name],
-      { res =>
-        Entry_Name(
-          session = session_name,
-          theory = res.string(Data.theory_name),
-          name = res.string(
-      })
   def message(msg: String, theory_name: String, name: String): String =
     msg + " " + quote(name) + " for theory " + quote(theory_name)
@@ -135,8 +149,8 @@
   final class Entry private(
     val entry_name: Entry_Name,
     val executable: Boolean,
-    body: Future[(Boolean, Bytes)],
-    cache: XML.Cache
+    val body: Future[(Boolean, Bytes)],
+    val cache: XML.Cache
   ) {
     def session_name: String = entry_name.session
     def theory_name: String = entry_name.theory
@@ -162,19 +176,6 @@
     def text: String = bytes.text
     def yxml: XML.Body = YXML.parse_body(UTF8.decode_permissive(bytes), cache = cache)
-    def write(db: SQL.Database): Unit = {
-      val (compressed, bs) = body.join
-      db.execute_statement(Data.table.insert(), body =
-        { stmt =>
-          stmt.string(1) = session_name
-          stmt.string(2) = theory_name
-          stmt.string(3) = name
-          stmt.bool(4) = executable
-          stmt.bool(5) = compressed
-          stmt.bytes(6) = bs
-        })
-    }
   def make_regex(pattern: String): Regex = {
@@ -199,6 +200,15 @@
     (entry_name: Entry_Name) => regs.exists(_.matches(entry_name.compound_name))
+  def read_theory_names(db: SQL.Database, session_name: String): List[String] =
+    Data.transaction_lock(db) { Data.read_theory_names(db, session_name) }
+  def read_entry_names(db: SQL.Database, session_name: String): List[Entry_Name] =
+    Data.transaction_lock(db) { Data.read_entry_names(db, session_name) }
+  def read_entry(db: SQL.Database, entry_name: Entry_Name, cache: XML.Cache): Option[Entry] =
+    Data.transaction_lock(db) { Data.read_entry(db, entry_name, cache) }
   /* database consumer thread */
@@ -214,21 +224,21 @@
         consume =
           { (args: List[(Entry, Boolean)]) =>
             val results =
-              db.transaction {
+              Data.transaction_lock(db) {
                 for ((entry, strict) <- args)
                 yield {
                   if (progress.stopped) {
-                  else if (entry.entry_name.readable(db)) {
+                  else if (Data.readable_entry(db, entry.entry_name)) {
                     if (strict) {
                       val msg = message("Duplicate export", entry.theory_name,
                       errors.change(msg :: _)
-                  else Exn.capture { entry.write(db) }
+                  else Exn.capture { Data.write_entry(db, entry) }
             (results, true)
@@ -250,10 +260,8 @@
   /* context for database access */
-  def open_database_context(store: Store): Database_Context = {
-    val database_server = if (store.build_database_server) Some(store.open_database_server()) else None
-    new Database_Context(store, database_server)
-  }
+  def open_database_context(store: Store): Database_Context =
+    new Database_Context(store, store.maybe_open_database_server())
   def open_session_context0(store: Store, session: String): Session_Context =
     open_database_context(store).open_session0(session, close_database_context = true)
@@ -402,10 +410,10 @@
           entry <- snapshot.all_exports.get(entry_name)
         } yield entry
       def db_entry: Option[Entry] =
- =>
-          Export.Entry_Name(session = database.session, theory = theory, name = name)
-            .read(database.db, cache))
-          .collectFirst({ case Some(entry) => entry })
+ { database =>
+          val entry_name = Export.Entry_Name(session = database.session, theory = theory, name = name)
+          read_entry(database.db, entry_name, cache)
+        }.collectFirst({ case Some(entry) => entry })
       snapshot_entry orElse db_entry
@@ -527,7 +535,7 @@
         val matcher = make_matcher(export_patterns)
         for {
           entry_name <- entry_names if matcher(entry_name)
-          entry <-, store.cache)
+          entry <- read_entry(db, entry_name, store.cache)
         } {
           val path = export_dir + entry_name.make_path(prune = export_prune)
           progress.echo("export " + path + (if (entry.executable) " (executable)" else ""))
--- a/src/Pure/Thy/store.scala	Tue Jun 27 11:56:31 2023 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/store.scala	Wed Jun 28 16:01:34 2023 +0200
@@ -79,7 +79,8 @@
   object Data extends SQL.Data() {
     override lazy val tables =
-      SQL.Tables(Session_Info.table, Sources.table, Export.Data.table, Document_Build.Data.table)
+      SQL.Tables(Session_Info.table, Sources.table,
+        Export.Data.Base.table, Document_Build.Data.table)
     object Session_Info {
       val session_name = SQL.Column.string("session_name").make_primary_key
@@ -232,8 +233,8 @@
       error("Missing heap image for session " + quote(name) + " -- expected in:\n" +
         cat_lines( => "  " + File.standard_path(dir))))
-  def heap_shasum(database: Option[SQL.Database], name: String): SHA1.Shasum = {
-    def get_database = database.flatMap(ML_Heap.get_entry(_, name))
+  def heap_shasum(database_server: Option[SQL.Database], name: String): SHA1.Shasum = {
+    def get_database = database_server.flatMap(ML_Heap.get_entry(_, name))
     def get_file = find_heap(name).flatMap(ML_Heap.read_file_digest)
     get_database orElse get_file match {
@@ -266,15 +267,16 @@
             port ="build_database_ssh_port"))),
       ssh_close = true)
+  def maybe_open_database_server(): Option[SQL.Database] =
+    if (build_database_server) Some(open_database_server()) else None
   def open_build_database(path: Path): SQL.Database =
     if (build_database_server) open_database_server()
     else SQLite.open_database(path, restrict = true)
-  def maybe_open_build_database(path: Path): Option[SQL.Database] =
-    if (build_database_test) Some(open_build_database(path)) else None
-  def maybe_open_heaps_database(): Option[SQL.Database] =
-    if (build_database_test && build_database_server) Some(open_database_server()) else None
+  def maybe_open_build_database(
+    path: Path = Path.explode("$ISABELLE_HOME_USER/build.db")
+  ): Option[SQL.Database] = if (build_database_test) Some(open_build_database(path)) else None
   def try_open_database(
     name: String,
@@ -301,12 +303,18 @@
   def open_database(name: String, output: Boolean = false): SQL.Database =
     try_open_database(name, output = output) getOrElse error_database(name)
-  def prepare_output(): Unit = Isabelle_System.make_directory(output_dir + Path.basic("log"))
-  def clean_output(name: String, init: Boolean = false): Option[Boolean] = {
+  def clean_output(
+    database_server: Option[SQL.Database],
+    name: String,
+    session_init: Boolean = false
+  ): Option[Boolean] = {
     val relevant_db =
-      build_database_server &&
-        using_option(try_open_database(name))(init_session_info(_, name)).getOrElse(false)
+      database_server match {
+        case Some(db) =>
+          ML_Heap.clean_entry(db, name)
+          clean_session_info(db, name)
+        case None => false
+      }
     val del =
       for {
@@ -316,12 +324,8 @@
         path = dir + file if path.is_file
       } yield path.file.delete
-    using_optional(maybe_open_heaps_database()) { database =>
-      database.foreach(ML_Heap.clean_entry(_, name))
-    }
-    if (init) {
-      using(open_database(name, output = true))(init_session_info(_, name))
+    if (database_server.isEmpty && session_init) {
+      using(open_database(name, output = true))(clean_session_info(_, name))
     if (relevant_db || del.nonEmpty) Some(del.forall(identity)) else None
@@ -382,8 +386,8 @@,
         sql = Store.Data.Session_Info.session_name.where_equal(name)))
-  def init_session_info(db: SQL.Database, name: String): Boolean =
-    Store.Data.transaction_lock(db, create = true) {
+  def clean_session_info(db: SQL.Database, name: String): Boolean =
+    Store.Data.transaction_lock(db, create = true, synchronized = true) {
       val already_defined = session_info_defined(db, name)
@@ -395,7 +399,7 @@
         sql = Store.Data.Sources.where_equal(name)))
-        Export.Data.table.delete(sql = Export.Data.session_name.where_equal(name)))
+        Export.Data.Base.table.delete(sql = Export.Data.Base.session_name.where_equal(name)))
         Document_Build.Data.table.delete(sql = Document_Build.Data.session_name.where_equal(name)))
@@ -410,7 +414,7 @@
     build_log: Build_Log.Session_Info,
     build: Store.Build_Info
   ): Unit = {
-    Store.Data.transaction_lock(db) {
+    Store.Data.transaction_lock(db, synchronized = true) {
       Store.Data.write_sources(db, session_name, sources)
       Store.Data.write_session_info(db, cache.compress, session_name, build_log, build)
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/build.scala	Tue Jun 27 11:56:31 2023 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/build.scala	Wed Jun 28 16:01:34 2023 +0200
@@ -81,6 +81,14 @@
   /* build */
+  def build_results(options: Options, context: Build_Process.Context, progress: Progress): Results =
+    Isabelle_Thread.uninterruptible {
+      val engine = get_engine(options.string("build_engine"))
+      using(engine.init(context, progress)) { build_process =>
+        Results(context,
+      }
+    }
   def build(
     options: Options,
     selection: Sessions.Selection = Sessions.Selection.empty,
@@ -163,32 +171,24 @@
     /* build process and results */
     val build_context =
-      Build_Process.Context(store, build_deps, progress = progress,
+      Build_Process.init_context(store, build_deps, progress = progress,
         hostname = hostname(build_options), build_heap = build_heap,
         numa_shuffling = numa_shuffling, max_jobs = max_jobs, fresh_build = fresh_build,
         no_build = no_build, session_setup = session_setup, master = true)
-    store.prepare_output()
-    build_context.prepare_database()
     if (clean_build) {
-      for (name <- full_sessions.imports_descendants(full_sessions_selection)) {
-        store.clean_output(name) match {
-          case None =>
-          case Some(true) => progress.echo("Cleaned " + name)
-          case Some(false) => progress.echo(name + " FAILED to clean")
+      using_optional(store.maybe_open_database_server()) { database_server =>
+        for (name <- full_sessions.imports_descendants(full_sessions_selection)) {
+          store.clean_output(database_server, name) match {
+            case None =>
+            case Some(true) => progress.echo("Cleaned " + name)
+            case Some(false) => progress.echo(name + " FAILED to clean")
+          }
-    val results =
-      Isabelle_Thread.uninterruptible {
-        val engine = get_engine(build_options.string("build_engine"))
-        using(engine.init(build_context, progress)) { build_process =>
-          val res =
-          Results(build_context, res)
-        }
-      }
+    val results = build_results(build_options, build_context, progress)
     if (export_files) {
       for (name <- full_sessions_selection.iterator if results(name).ok) {
@@ -379,25 +379,72 @@
   /** "isabelle build_worker" **/
+  /* identified builds */
+  def read_builds(options: Options): List[Build_Process.Build] =
+    using_option(Store(options).maybe_open_build_database())(
+      Build_Process.read_builds).getOrElse(Nil).filter(
+  def print_builds(options: Options, builds: List[Build_Process.Build]): String =
+    using_optional(Store(options).maybe_open_build_database()) { build_database =>
+      val print_database =
+        build_database match {
+          case None => ""
+          case Some(db) => " (database: " + db + ")"
+        }
+      if (builds.isEmpty) "No build processes available" + print_database
+      else {
+        "Available build processes" + print_database +
+          (for ((build, i) <- builds.iterator.zipWithIndex)
+            yield {
+              "\n  " + (i + 1) + ": " + build.build_uuid +
+                " (platform: " + build.ml_platform +
+                ", start: " + Build_Log.print_date(build.start) + ")"
+            }).mkString
+      }
+    }
+  def id_builds(
+    options: Options,
+    id: String,
+    builds: List[Build_Process.Build]
+  ): Build_Process.Build =
+    (id, builds.length) match {
+      case (Value.Int(i), n) if 1 <= i && i <= n => builds(i - 1)
+      case (UUID(_), _) if builds.exists(_.build_uuid == id) => builds.find(_.build_uuid == id).get
+      case ("", 0) => error(print_builds(options, builds))
+      case ("", 1) => builds.head
+      case _ => cat_error("Cannot identify build process " + quote(id), print_builds(options, builds))
+    }
   /* build_worker */
   def build_worker(
     options: Options,
-    build_uuid: String,
+    build_master: Build_Process.Build,
     progress: Progress = new Progress,
     dirs: List[Path] = Nil,
-    infos: List[Sessions.Info] = Nil,
     numa_shuffling: Boolean = false,
     max_jobs: Int = 1,
-    session_setup: (String, Session) => Unit = (_, _) => (),
     cache: Term.Cache = Term.Cache.make()
   ): Results = {
     val store = build_init(options, cache = cache)
     val build_options = store.options
-    progress.echo("build worker for " + build_uuid)
-    progress.echo_warning("FIXME")
-    ???
+    val sessions_structure =
+      Sessions.load_structure(build_options, dirs = dirs).
+        selection(Sessions.Selection(sessions = build_master.sessions))
+    val build_deps =
+      Sessions.deps(sessions_structure, progress = progress, inlined_files = true).check_errors
+    val build_context =
+      Build_Process.init_context(store, build_deps, progress = progress,
+        hostname = hostname(build_options), numa_shuffling = numa_shuffling, max_jobs = max_jobs,
+        build_uuid = build_master.build_uuid)
+    build_results(build_options, build_context, progress)
@@ -406,51 +453,63 @@
   val isabelle_tool2 = Isabelle_Tool("build_worker", "external worker for session build process",,
     { args =>
+      var build_id = ""
+      var list_builds = false
       var numa_shuffling = false
       var dirs: List[Path] = Nil
       var max_jobs = 1
-      var options = Options.init(specs = Options.Spec.ISABELLE_BUILD_OPTIONS)
+      var options =
+        Options.init(specs = Options.Spec.ISABELLE_BUILD_OPTIONS :::
+          List(Options.Spec.make("build_database_test")))
       var verbose = false
-      var build_uuid = ""
       val getopts = Getopts("""
-Usage: isabelle build_worker [OPTIONS] ...]
+Usage: isabelle build_worker [OPTIONS]
   Options are:
     -N           cyclic shuffling of NUMA CPU nodes (performance tuning)
-    -U UUID      Universally Unique Identifier of the build process
     -d DIR       include session directory
+    -i ID        identify build process, either via index (starting from 1) or
+                 Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
     -j INT       maximum number of parallel jobs (default 1)
+    -l           list build processes
     -o OPTION    override Isabelle system OPTION (via NAME=VAL or NAME)
     -v           verbose
   Run as external worker for session build process, as identified via
-  option -U UUID.
+  option -i. The latter can be omitted, if there is exactly one build.
         "N" -> (_ => numa_shuffling = true),
-        "U:" -> (arg => build_uuid = arg),
         "d:" -> (arg => dirs = dirs ::: List(Path.explode(arg))),
+        "i:" -> (arg => build_id = arg),
         "j:" -> (arg => max_jobs = Value.Int.parse(arg)),
+        "l" -> (_ => list_builds = true),
         "o:" -> (arg => options = options + arg),
         "v" -> (_ => verbose = true))
       val more_args = getopts(args)
       if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage()
-      if (build_uuid.isEmpty) error("Missing UUID for build process (option -U)")
       val progress = new Console_Progress(verbose = verbose)
-      val results =
-        progress.interrupt_handler {
-          build_worker(options, build_uuid,
-            progress = progress,
-            dirs = dirs,
-            numa_shuffling = Host.numa_check(progress, numa_shuffling),
-            max_jobs = max_jobs)
-        }
+      val builds = read_builds(options)
+      if (list_builds) progress.echo(print_builds(options, builds))
+      if (!list_builds || build_id.nonEmpty) {
+        val build = id_builds(options, build_id, builds)
-      sys.exit(results.rc)
+        val results =
+          progress.interrupt_handler {
+            build_worker(options, build,
+              progress = progress,
+              dirs = dirs,
+              numa_shuffling = Host.numa_check(progress, numa_shuffling),
+              max_jobs = max_jobs)
+          }
+        sys.exit(results.rc)
+      }
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/build_job.scala	Tue Jun 27 11:56:31 2023 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/build_job.scala	Wed Jun 28 16:01:34 2023 +0200
@@ -23,11 +23,13 @@
     build_context: Build_Process.Context,
     progress: Progress,
     log: Logger,
+    database_server: Option[SQL.Database],
     session_background: Sessions.Background,
     input_shasum: SHA1.Shasum,
     node_info: Host.Node_Info
   ): Session_Job = {
-    new Session_Job(build_context, progress, log, session_background, input_shasum, node_info)
+    new Session_Job(build_context, progress, log, database_server,
+      session_background, input_shasum, node_info)
   object Session_Context {
@@ -93,6 +95,7 @@
     build_context: Build_Process.Context,
     progress: Progress,
     log: Logger,
+    database_server: Option[SQL.Database],
     session_background: Sessions.Background,
     input_shasum: SHA1.Shasum,
     node_info: Host.Node_Info
@@ -453,8 +456,7 @@
           val heap = store.output_heap(session_name)
           if (process_result.ok && store_heap && heap.is_file) {
             val slice = Space.MiB(options.real("build_database_slice")).bytes
-            val digest =
-              using_optional(store.maybe_open_heaps_database())(, heap, slice))
+            val digest =, session_name, heap, slice)
             SHA1.shasum(digest, session_name)
           else SHA1.no_shasum
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/build_process.scala	Tue Jun 27 11:56:31 2023 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/build_process.scala	Wed Jun 28 16:01:34 2023 +0200
@@ -16,79 +16,89 @@
 object Build_Process {
   /** static context **/
-  object Context {
-    def apply(
-      store: Store,
-      build_deps: Sessions.Deps,
-      progress: Progress = new Progress,
-      ml_platform: String = Isabelle_System.getenv("ML_PLATFORM"),
-      hostname: String = Isabelle_System.hostname(),
-      numa_shuffling: Boolean = false,
-      build_heap: Boolean = false,
-      max_jobs: Int = 1,
-      fresh_build: Boolean = false,
-      no_build: Boolean = false,
-      session_setup: (String, Session) => Unit = (_, _) => (),
-      build_uuid: String = UUID.random().toString,
-      master: Boolean = false,
-    ): Context = {
-      val sessions_structure = build_deps.sessions_structure
-      val build_graph = sessions_structure.build_graph
+  def init_context(
+    store: Store,
+    build_deps: Sessions.Deps,
+    progress: Progress = new Progress,
+    ml_platform: String = Isabelle_System.getenv("ML_PLATFORM"),
+    hostname: String = Isabelle_System.hostname(),
+    numa_shuffling: Boolean = false,
+    build_heap: Boolean = false,
+    max_jobs: Int = 1,
+    fresh_build: Boolean = false,
+    no_build: Boolean = false,
+    session_setup: (String, Session) => Unit = (_, _) => (),
+    build_uuid: String = UUID.random().toString,
+    master: Boolean = false,
+  ): Context = {
+    val sessions_structure = build_deps.sessions_structure
+    val build_graph = sessions_structure.build_graph
-      val sessions =
-        Map.from(
-          for ((name, (info, _)) <- build_graph.iterator)
-          yield {
-            val deps = info.parent.toList
-            val ancestors = sessions_structure.build_requirements(deps)
-            val sources_shasum = build_deps.sources_shasum(name)
-            val session_context =
-              Build_Job.Session_Context.load(
-                build_uuid, name, deps, ancestors, info.session_prefs, sources_shasum,
-                info.timeout, store, progress = progress)
-            name -> session_context
-          })
+    val sessions =
+      Map.from(
+        for ((name, (info, _)) <- build_graph.iterator)
+        yield {
+          val deps = info.parent.toList
+          val ancestors = sessions_structure.build_requirements(deps)
+          val sources_shasum = build_deps.sources_shasum(name)
+          val session_context =
+            Build_Job.Session_Context.load(
+              build_uuid, name, deps, ancestors, info.session_prefs, sources_shasum,
+              info.timeout, store, progress = progress)
+          name -> session_context
+        })
-      val sessions_time = {
-        val maximals = build_graph.maximals.toSet
-        def descendants_time(name: String): Double = {
-          if (maximals.contains(name)) sessions(name).old_time.seconds
-          else {
-            val descendants = build_graph.all_succs(List(name)).toSet
-            val g = build_graph.restrict(descendants)
-            (0.0 :: g.maximals.flatMap { desc =>
-              val ps = g.all_preds(List(desc))
-              if (ps.exists(p => !sessions.isDefinedAt(p))) None
-              else Some( => sessions(p).old_time.seconds).sum)
-            }).max
+    val sessions_time = {
+      val maximals = build_graph.maximals.toSet
+      def descendants_time(name: String): Double = {
+        if (maximals.contains(name)) sessions(name).old_time.seconds
+        else {
+          val descendants = build_graph.all_succs(List(name)).toSet
+          val g = build_graph.restrict(descendants)
+          (0.0 :: g.maximals.flatMap { desc =>
+            val ps = g.all_preds(List(desc))
+            if (ps.exists(p => !sessions.isDefinedAt(p))) None
+            else Some( => sessions(p).old_time.seconds).sum)
+          }).max
+        }
+      }
+      Map.from(
+        for (name <- sessions.keysIterator)
+        yield name -> descendants_time(name)).withDefaultValue(0.0)
+    }
+    val ordering =
+      new Ordering[String] {
+        def compare(name1: String, name2: String): Int =
+          sessions_time(name2) compare sessions_time(name1) match {
+            case 0 =>
+              sessions(name2).timeout compare sessions(name1).timeout match {
+                case 0 => name1 compare name2
+                case ord => ord
+              }
+            case ord => ord
-        }
-        Map.from(
-          for (name <- sessions.keysIterator)
-          yield name -> descendants_time(name)).withDefaultValue(0.0)
-      val ordering =
-        new Ordering[String] {
-          def compare(name1: String, name2: String): Int =
-            sessions_time(name2) compare sessions_time(name1) match {
-              case 0 =>
-                sessions(name2).timeout compare sessions(name1).timeout match {
-                  case 0 => name1 compare name2
-                  case ord => ord
-                }
-              case ord => ord
-            }
-        }
+    Isabelle_System.make_directory(store.output_dir + Path.basic("log"))
-      val numa_nodes = Host.numa_nodes(enabled = numa_shuffling)
-      new Context(store, build_deps, sessions, ordering, ml_platform, hostname, numa_nodes,
-        build_heap = build_heap, max_jobs = max_jobs, fresh_build = fresh_build,
-        no_build = no_build, session_setup, build_uuid = build_uuid, master = master)
+    using_option(store.maybe_open_build_database()) { db =>
+      val shared_db = db.is_postgresql
+      Data.transaction_lock(db, create = true) {
+        Data.clean_build(db)
+        if (shared_db) Store.Data.tables.lock(db, create = true)
+      }
+      Data.vacuum(db, more_tables = if (shared_db) Store.Data.tables else SQL.Tables.empty)
+    val numa_nodes = Host.numa_nodes(enabled = numa_shuffling)
+    new Context(store, build_deps, sessions, ordering, ml_platform, hostname, numa_nodes,
+      build_heap = build_heap, max_jobs = max_jobs, fresh_build = fresh_build,
+      no_build = no_build, session_setup, build_uuid = build_uuid, master = master)
-  final class Context private(
+  final class Context private[Build_Process](
     val store: Store,
     val build_deps: Sessions.Deps,
     val sessions: State.Sessions,
@@ -121,17 +131,6 @@
         case None => Nil
-    def prepare_database(): Unit = {
-      using_option(store.maybe_open_build_database(Data.database)) { db =>
-        val shared_db = db.is_postgresql
-        Data.transaction_lock(db, create = true) {
-          Data.clean_build(db)
-          if (shared_db) Store.Data.tables.lock(db, create = true)
-        }
-        Data.vacuum(db, more_tables = if (shared_db) Store.Data.tables else SQL.Tables.empty)
-      }
-    }
     def store_heap(name: String): Boolean =
       build_heap || Sessions.is_pure(name) ||
@@ -148,8 +147,11 @@
     ml_platform: String,
     options: String,
     start: Date,
-    stop: Option[Date]
-  )
+    stop: Option[Date],
+    sessions: List[String]
+  ) {
+    def active: Boolean = stop.isEmpty
+  }
   case class Worker(
     worker_uuid: String,  // Database_Progress.agent_uuid
@@ -333,18 +335,25 @@
       val table = make_table("", List(build_uuid, ml_platform, options, start, stop))
-    def read_builds(db: SQL.Database, build_uuid: String = ""): List[Build] =
-      db.execute_query_statement(
- = Generic.sql_where(build_uuid = build_uuid)),
-        List.from[Build],
-        { res =>
-          val build_uuid = res.string(Base.build_uuid)
-          val ml_platform = res.string(Base.ml_platform)
-          val options = res.string(Base.options)
-          val start =
-          val stop = res.get_date(Base.stop)
-          Build(build_uuid, ml_platform, options, start, stop)
-        })
+    def read_builds(db: SQL.Database, build_uuid: String = ""): List[Build] = {
+      val builds =
+        db.execute_query_statement(
+ = Generic.sql_where(build_uuid = build_uuid)),
+          List.from[Build],
+          { res =>
+            val build_uuid = res.string(Base.build_uuid)
+            val ml_platform = res.string(Base.ml_platform)
+            val options = res.string(Base.options)
+            val start =
+            val stop = res.get_date(Base.stop)
+            Build(build_uuid, ml_platform, options, start, stop, Nil)
+          })
+      for (build <- builds.sortBy(_.start)(Date.Ordering)) yield {
+        val sessions = Data.read_sessions_domain(db, build_uuid = build.build_uuid)
+        build.copy(sessions = sessions.toList.sorted)
+      }
+    }
     def start_build(
       db: SQL.Database,
@@ -399,14 +408,23 @@
           old_time, old_command_timings, build_uuid))
-    def read_sessions_domain(db: SQL.Database): Set[String] =
+    def read_sessions_domain(db: SQL.Database, build_uuid: String = ""): Set[String] =
+          sql = if_proper(build_uuid,,
         Set.from[String], res => res.string(
-    def read_sessions(db: SQL.Database, names: Iterable[String] = Nil): State.Sessions =
+    def read_sessions(db: SQL.Database,
+      names: Iterable[String] = Nil,
+      build_uuid: String = ""
+    ): State.Sessions =
- = if_proper(names,,
+          sql =
+            SQL.where_and(
+              if_proper(names,,
+              if_proper(build_uuid, Sessions.build_uuid.equal(build_uuid)))
+        ),
         Map.from[String, Build_Job.Session_Context],
         { res =>
           val name = res.string(
@@ -423,7 +441,7 @@
-    def update_sessions(db:SQL.Database, sessions: State.Sessions): Boolean = {
+    def update_sessions(db: SQL.Database, sessions: State.Sessions): Boolean = {
       val old_sessions = read_sessions_domain(db)
       val insert = sessions.iterator.filterNot(p => old_sessions.contains(p._1)).toList
@@ -780,6 +798,9 @@
+  def read_builds(db: SQL.Database): List[Build] =
+    Data.transaction_lock(db, create = true) { Data.read_builds(db) }
@@ -802,30 +823,40 @@
   /* progress backed by database */
-  private val _database: Option[SQL.Database] =
-    store.maybe_open_build_database(Build_Process.Data.database)
+  private val _database_server: Option[SQL.Database] =
+    try { store.maybe_open_database_server() }
+    catch { case exn: Throwable => close(); throw exn }
+  private val _build_database: Option[SQL.Database] =
+    try { store.maybe_open_build_database() }
+    catch { case exn: Throwable => close(); throw exn }
   private val _host_database: Option[SQL.Database] =
-    store.maybe_open_build_database(Host.Data.database)
+    try { store.maybe_open_build_database(path = Host.Data.database) }
+    catch { case exn: Throwable => close(); throw exn }
   protected val (progress, worker_uuid) = synchronized {
-    _database match {
+    _build_database match {
       case None => (build_progress, UUID.random().toString)
       case Some(db) =>
-        val progress_db = store.open_build_database(Progress.Data.database)
-        val progress =
-          new Database_Progress(progress_db, build_progress,
-            hostname = hostname,
-            context_uuid = build_uuid)
-        (progress, progress.agent_uuid)
+        try {
+          val progress_db = store.open_build_database(Progress.Data.database)
+          val progress =
+            new Database_Progress(progress_db, build_progress,
+              hostname = hostname,
+              context_uuid = build_uuid)
+          (progress, progress.agent_uuid)
+        }
+        catch { case exn: Throwable => close(); throw exn }
   protected val log: Logger = Logger.make_system_log(progress, build_options)
   def close(): Unit = synchronized {
-    _database.foreach(_.close())
-    _host_database.foreach(_.close())
+    Option(_database_server).flatten.foreach(_.close())
+    Option(_build_database).flatten.foreach(_.close())
+    Option(_host_database).flatten.foreach(_.close())
     progress match {
       case db_progress: Database_Progress =>
@@ -839,7 +870,7 @@
   private var _state: Build_Process.State = Build_Process.State()
   protected def synchronized_database[A](body: => A): A = synchronized {
-    _database match {
+    _build_database match {
       case None => body
       case Some(db) =>
         Build_Process.Data.transaction_lock(db) {
@@ -906,10 +937,8 @@
     val cancelled = progress.stopped || !ancestor_results.forall(_.ok)
     if (!skipped && !cancelled) {
-      using_optional(store.maybe_open_heaps_database()) { database =>
-        database.foreach(
-          ML_Heap.restore(_, store.output_heap(session_name), cache = store.cache.compress))
-      }
+      ML_Heap.restore(_database_server, session_name, store.output_heap(session_name),
+        cache = store.cache.compress)
     val result_name = (session_name, worker_uuid, build_uuid)
@@ -945,10 +974,10 @@
         (if (store_heap) "Building " else "Running ") + session_name +
           if_proper(node_info.numa_node, " on " + node_info) + " ...")
-      store.clean_output(session_name, init = true)
+      store.clean_output(_database_server, session_name, session_init = true)
       val build =
-        Build_Job.start_session(build_context, progress, log,
+        Build_Job.start_session(build_context, progress, log, _database_server,
           build_deps.background(session_name), input_shasum, node_info)
       val job = Build_Process.Job(session_name, worker_uuid, build_uuid, node_info, Some(build))
@@ -964,27 +993,27 @@
   protected final def start_build(): Unit = synchronized_database {
-    for (db <- _database) {
+    for (db <- _build_database) {
       Build_Process.Data.start_build(db, build_uuid, build_context.ml_platform,
   protected final def stop_build(): Unit = synchronized_database {
-    for (db <- _database) {
+    for (db <- _build_database) {
       Build_Process.Data.stop_build(db, build_uuid)
   protected final def start_worker(): Unit = synchronized_database {
-    for (db <- _database) {
+    for (db <- _build_database) {
       _state = _state.inc_serial
       Build_Process.Data.start_worker(db, worker_uuid, build_uuid, _state.serial)
   protected final def stop_worker(): Unit = synchronized_database {
-    for (db <- _database) {
+    for (db <- _build_database) {
       Build_Process.Data.stamp_worker(db, worker_uuid, _state.serial, stop = true)
@@ -1060,7 +1089,7 @@
   def snapshot(): Build_Process.Snapshot = synchronized_database {
     val (builds, workers) =
-      _database match {
+      _build_database match {
         case None => (Nil, Nil)
         case Some(db) =>