--- a/src/HOLCF/Tools/Domain/domain_theorems.ML Fri Mar 05 10:42:13 2010 +0100
+++ b/src/HOLCF/Tools/Domain/domain_theorems.ML Fri Mar 05 09:09:11 2010 -0800
@@ -196,6 +196,278 @@
pat_rews @ dist_les @ dist_eqs)
end; (* let *)
+(****************************** induction rules *******************************)
+fun prove_induction
+ (comp_dnam, eqs : eq list)
+ (take_lemmas : thm list)
+ (axs_reach : thm list)
+ (take_rews : thm list)
+ (thy : theory) =
+ val dnames = map (fst o fst) eqs;
+ val conss = map snd eqs;
+ fun dc_take dn = %%:(dn^"_take");
+ val x_name = idx_name dnames "x";
+ val P_name = idx_name dnames "P";
+ val pg = pg' thy;
+ local
+ fun ga s dn = PureThy.get_thm thy (dn ^ "." ^ s);
+ fun gts s dn = PureThy.get_thms thy (dn ^ "." ^ s);
+ in
+ val axs_chain_take = map (ga "chain_take") dnames;
+ val axs_finite_def = map (ga "finite_def") dnames;
+ val cases = map (ga "casedist" ) dnames;
+ val con_rews = maps (gts "con_rews" ) dnames;
+ end;
+ fun one_con p (con, args) =
+ let
+ val P_names = map P_name (1 upto (length dnames));
+ val vns = Name.variant_list P_names (map vname args);
+ val nonlazy_vns = map snd (filter_out (is_lazy o fst) (args ~~ vns));
+ fun ind_hyp arg = %:(P_name (1 + rec_of arg)) $ bound_arg args arg;
+ val t1 = mk_trp (%:p $ con_app2 con (bound_arg args) args);
+ val t2 = lift ind_hyp (filter is_rec args, t1);
+ val t3 = lift_defined (bound_arg vns) (nonlazy_vns, t2);
+ in Library.foldr mk_All (vns, t3) end;
+ fun one_eq ((p, cons), concl) =
+ mk_trp (%:p $ UU) ===> Logic.list_implies (map (one_con p) cons, concl);
+ fun ind_term concf = Library.foldr one_eq
+ (mapn (fn n => fn x => (P_name n, x)) 1 conss,
+ mk_trp (foldr1 mk_conj (mapn concf 1 dnames)));
+ val take_ss = HOL_ss addsimps (@{thm Rep_CFun_strict1} :: take_rews);
+ fun quant_tac ctxt i = EVERY
+ (mapn (fn n => fn _ => res_inst_tac ctxt [(("x", 0), x_name n)] spec i) 1 dnames);
+ fun ind_prems_tac prems = EVERY
+ (maps (fn cons =>
+ (resolve_tac prems 1 ::
+ maps (fn (_,args) =>
+ resolve_tac prems 1 ::
+ map (K(atac 1)) (nonlazy args) @
+ map (K(atac 1)) (filter is_rec args))
+ cons))
+ conss);
+ local
+ (* check whether every/exists constructor of the n-th part of the equation:
+ it has a possibly indirectly recursive argument that isn't/is possibly
+ indirectly lazy *)
+ fun rec_to quant nfn rfn ns lazy_rec (n,cons) = quant (exists (fn arg =>
+ is_rec arg andalso not(rec_of arg mem ns) andalso
+ ((rec_of arg = n andalso nfn(lazy_rec orelse is_lazy arg)) orelse
+ rec_of arg <> n andalso rec_to quant nfn rfn (rec_of arg::ns)
+ (lazy_rec orelse is_lazy arg) (n, (List.nth(conss,rec_of arg))))
+ ) o snd) cons;
+ fun all_rec_to ns = rec_to forall not all_rec_to ns;
+ fun warn (n,cons) =
+ if all_rec_to [] false (n,cons)
+ then (warning ("domain "^List.nth(dnames,n)^" is empty!"); true)
+ else false;
+ fun lazy_rec_to ns = rec_to exists I lazy_rec_to ns;
+ in
+ val n__eqs = mapn (fn n => fn (_,cons) => (n,cons)) 0 eqs;
+ val is_emptys = map warn n__eqs;
+ val is_finite = forall (not o lazy_rec_to [] false) n__eqs;
+ end;
+ val _ = trace " Proving finite_ind...";
+ val finite_ind =
+ let
+ fun concf n dn = %:(P_name n) $ (dc_take dn $ %:"n" `%(x_name n));
+ val goal = ind_term concf;
+ fun tacf {prems, context} =
+ let
+ val tacs1 = [
+ quant_tac context 1,
+ simp_tac HOL_ss 1,
+ InductTacs.induct_tac context [[SOME "n"]] 1,
+ simp_tac (take_ss addsimps prems) 1,
+ TRY (safe_tac HOL_cs)];
+ fun arg_tac arg =
+ (* FIXME! case_UU_tac *)
+ case_UU_tac context (prems @ con_rews) 1
+ (List.nth (dnames, rec_of arg) ^ "_take n$" ^ vname arg);
+ fun con_tacs (con, args) =
+ asm_simp_tac take_ss 1 ::
+ map arg_tac (filter is_nonlazy_rec args) @
+ [resolve_tac prems 1] @
+ map (K (atac 1)) (nonlazy args) @
+ map (K (etac spec 1)) (filter is_rec args);
+ fun cases_tacs (cons, cases) =
+ res_inst_tac context [(("y", 0), "x")] cases 1 ::
+ asm_simp_tac (take_ss addsimps prems) 1 ::
+ maps con_tacs cons;
+ in
+ tacs1 @ maps cases_tacs (conss ~~ cases)
+ end;
+ in pg'' thy [] goal tacf
+ handle ERROR _ => (warning "Proof of finite_ind failed."; TrueI)
+ end;
+(* ----- theorems concerning finiteness and induction ----------------------- *)
+ val global_ctxt = ProofContext.init thy;
+ val _ = trace " Proving finites, ind...";
+ val (finites, ind) =
+ (
+ if is_finite
+ then (* finite case *)
+ let
+ fun take_enough dn = mk_ex ("n",dc_take dn $ Bound 0 ` %:"x" === %:"x");
+ fun dname_lemma dn =
+ let
+ val prem1 = mk_trp (defined (%:"x"));
+ val disj1 = mk_all ("n", dc_take dn $ Bound 0 ` %:"x" === UU);
+ val prem2 = mk_trp (mk_disj (disj1, take_enough dn));
+ val concl = mk_trp (take_enough dn);
+ val goal = prem1 ===> prem2 ===> concl;
+ val tacs = [
+ etac disjE 1,
+ etac notE 1,
+ resolve_tac take_lemmas 1,
+ asm_simp_tac take_ss 1,
+ atac 1];
+ in pg [] goal (K tacs) end;
+ val _ = trace " Proving finite_lemmas1a";
+ val finite_lemmas1a = map dname_lemma dnames;
+ val _ = trace " Proving finite_lemma1b";
+ val finite_lemma1b =
+ let
+ fun mk_eqn n ((dn, args), _) =
+ let
+ val disj1 = dc_take dn $ Bound 1 ` Bound 0 === UU;
+ val disj2 = dc_take dn $ Bound 1 ` Bound 0 === Bound 0;
+ in
+ mk_constrainall
+ (x_name n, Type (dn,args), mk_disj (disj1, disj2))
+ end;
+ val goal =
+ mk_trp (mk_all ("n", foldr1 mk_conj (mapn mk_eqn 1 eqs)));
+ fun arg_tacs ctxt vn = [
+ eres_inst_tac ctxt [(("x", 0), vn)] all_dupE 1,
+ etac disjE 1,
+ asm_simp_tac (HOL_ss addsimps con_rews) 1,
+ asm_simp_tac take_ss 1];
+ fun con_tacs ctxt (con, args) =
+ asm_simp_tac take_ss 1 ::
+ maps (arg_tacs ctxt) (nonlazy_rec args);
+ fun foo_tacs ctxt n (cons, cases) =
+ simp_tac take_ss 1 ::
+ rtac allI 1 ::
+ res_inst_tac ctxt [(("y", 0), x_name n)] cases 1 ::
+ asm_simp_tac take_ss 1 ::
+ maps (con_tacs ctxt) cons;
+ fun tacs ctxt =
+ rtac allI 1 ::
+ InductTacs.induct_tac ctxt [[SOME "n"]] 1 ::
+ simp_tac take_ss 1 ::
+ TRY (safe_tac (empty_cs addSEs [conjE] addSIs [conjI])) ::
+ flat (mapn (foo_tacs ctxt) 1 (conss ~~ cases));
+ in pg [] goal tacs end;
+ fun one_finite (dn, l1b) =
+ let
+ val goal = mk_trp (%%:(dn^"_finite") $ %:"x");
+ fun tacs ctxt = [
+ (* FIXME! case_UU_tac *)
+ case_UU_tac ctxt take_rews 1 "x",
+ eresolve_tac finite_lemmas1a 1,
+ step_tac HOL_cs 1,
+ step_tac HOL_cs 1,
+ cut_facts_tac [l1b] 1,
+ fast_tac HOL_cs 1];
+ in pg axs_finite_def goal tacs end;
+ val _ = trace " Proving finites";
+ val finites = map one_finite (dnames ~~ atomize global_ctxt finite_lemma1b);
+ val _ = trace " Proving ind";
+ val ind =
+ let
+ fun concf n dn = %:(P_name n) $ %:(x_name n);
+ fun tacf {prems, context} =
+ let
+ fun finite_tacs (finite, fin_ind) = [
+ rtac(rewrite_rule axs_finite_def finite RS exE)1,
+ etac subst 1,
+ rtac fin_ind 1,
+ ind_prems_tac prems];
+ in
+ TRY (safe_tac HOL_cs) ::
+ maps finite_tacs (finites ~~ atomize global_ctxt finite_ind)
+ end;
+ in pg'' thy [] (ind_term concf) tacf end;
+ in (finites, ind) end (* let *)
+ else (* infinite case *)
+ let
+ fun one_finite n dn =
+ read_instantiate global_ctxt [(("P", 0), dn ^ "_finite " ^ x_name n)] excluded_middle;
+ val finites = mapn one_finite 1 dnames;
+ val goal =
+ let
+ fun one_adm n _ = mk_trp (mk_adm (%:(P_name n)));
+ fun concf n dn = %:(P_name n) $ %:(x_name n);
+ in Logic.list_implies (mapn one_adm 1 dnames, ind_term concf) end;
+ val cont_rules =
+ @{thms cont_id cont_const cont2cont_Rep_CFun
+ cont2cont_fst cont2cont_snd};
+ val subgoal =
+ let fun p n dn = %:(P_name n) $ (dc_take dn $ Bound 0 `%(x_name n));
+ in mk_trp (mk_all ("n", foldr1 mk_conj (mapn p 1 dnames))) end;
+ val subgoal' = legacy_infer_term thy subgoal;
+ fun tacf {prems, context} =
+ let
+ val subtac =
+ EVERY [rtac allI 1, rtac finite_ind 1, ind_prems_tac prems];
+ val subthm = Goal.prove context [] [] subgoal' (K subtac);
+ in
+ map (fn ax_reach => rtac (ax_reach RS subst) 1) axs_reach @ [
+ cut_facts_tac (subthm :: take (length dnames) prems) 1,
+ REPEAT (rtac @{thm conjI} 1 ORELSE
+ EVERY [etac @{thm admD [OF _ ch2ch_Rep_CFunL]} 1,
+ resolve_tac axs_chain_take 1,
+ asm_simp_tac HOL_basic_ss 1])
+ ]
+ end;
+ val ind = (pg'' thy [] goal tacf
+ handle ERROR _ =>
+ (warning "Cannot prove infinite induction rule"; TrueI)
+ );
+ in (finites, ind) end
+ )
+ handle THM _ =>
+ (warning "Induction proofs failed (THM raised)."; ([], TrueI))
+ | ERROR _ =>
+ (warning "Cannot prove induction rule"; ([], TrueI));
+val inducts = Project_Rule.projections (ProofContext.init thy) ind;
+fun ind_rule (dname, rule) = ((Binding.empty, [rule]), [Induct.induct_type dname]);
+val induct_failed = (Thm.prop_of ind = Thm.prop_of TrueI);
+in thy |> Sign.add_path comp_dnam
+ |> snd o PureThy.add_thmss [
+ ((Binding.name "finites" , finites ), []),
+ ((Binding.name "finite_ind" , [finite_ind]), []),
+ ((Binding.name "ind" , [ind] ), [])]
+ |> (if induct_failed then I
+ else snd o PureThy.add_thmss (map ind_rule (dnames ~~ inducts)))
+ |> Sign.parent_path
+end; (* prove_induction *)
+(************************ bisimulation and coinduction ************************)
fun prove_coinduction
(comp_dnam, eqs : eq list)
(take_lemmas : thm list)
@@ -348,303 +620,62 @@
val map_tab = Domain_Take_Proofs.get_map_tab thy;
val dnames = map (fst o fst) eqs;
-val conss = map snd eqs;
val comp_dname = Sign.full_bname thy comp_dnam;
val _ = message ("Proving induction properties of domain "^comp_dname^" ...");
-val pg = pg' thy;
+(* ----- getting the composite axiom and definitions ------------------------ *)
-(* ----- getting the composite axiom and definitions ------------------------ *)
+(* Test for indirect recursion *)
+ fun indirect_arg arg =
+ rec_of arg = ~1 andalso Datatype_Aux.is_rec_type (dtyp_of arg);
+ fun indirect_con (_, args) = exists indirect_arg args;
+ fun indirect_eq (_, cons) = exists indirect_con cons;
+ val is_indirect = exists indirect_eq eqs;
+ val _ = if is_indirect
+ then message "Definition uses indirect recursion."
+ else ();
+(* theorems about take *)
fun ga s dn = PureThy.get_thm thy (dn ^ "." ^ s);
- val axs_take_def = map (ga "take_def" ) dnames;
val axs_chain_take = map (ga "chain_take") dnames;
val axs_lub_take = map (ga "lub_take" ) dnames;
- val axs_finite_def = map (ga "finite_def") dnames;
- fun gt s dn = PureThy.get_thm thy (dn ^ "." ^ s);
- fun gts s dn = PureThy.get_thms thy (dn ^ "." ^ s);
- val cases = map (gt "casedist" ) dnames;
- val con_rews = maps (gts "con_rews" ) dnames;
-fun dc_take dn = %%:(dn^"_take");
-val x_name = idx_name dnames "x";
-val P_name = idx_name dnames "P";
-val n_eqs = length eqs;
-(* ----- theorems concerning finite approximation and finite induction ------ *)
-val take_rews =
- maps (fn dn => PureThy.get_thms thy (dn ^ ".take_rews")) dnames;
- fun one_con p (con, args) =
- let
- val P_names = map P_name (1 upto (length dnames));
- val vns = Name.variant_list P_names (map vname args);
- val nonlazy_vns = map snd (filter_out (is_lazy o fst) (args ~~ vns));
- fun ind_hyp arg = %:(P_name (1 + rec_of arg)) $ bound_arg args arg;
- val t1 = mk_trp (%:p $ con_app2 con (bound_arg args) args);
- val t2 = lift ind_hyp (filter is_rec args, t1);
- val t3 = lift_defined (bound_arg vns) (nonlazy_vns, t2);
- in Library.foldr mk_All (vns, t3) end;
- fun one_eq ((p, cons), concl) =
- mk_trp (%:p $ UU) ===> Logic.list_implies (map (one_con p) cons, concl);
- fun ind_term concf = Library.foldr one_eq
- (mapn (fn n => fn x => (P_name n, x)) 1 conss,
- mk_trp (foldr1 mk_conj (mapn concf 1 dnames)));
- val take_ss = HOL_ss addsimps (@{thm Rep_CFun_strict1} :: take_rews);
- fun quant_tac ctxt i = EVERY
- (mapn (fn n => fn _ => res_inst_tac ctxt [(("x", 0), x_name n)] spec i) 1 dnames);
- fun ind_prems_tac prems = EVERY
- (maps (fn cons =>
- (resolve_tac prems 1 ::
- maps (fn (_,args) =>
- resolve_tac prems 1 ::
- map (K(atac 1)) (nonlazy args) @
- map (K(atac 1)) (filter is_rec args))
- cons))
- conss);
- local
- (* check whether every/exists constructor of the n-th part of the equation:
- it has a possibly indirectly recursive argument that isn't/is possibly
- indirectly lazy *)
- fun rec_to quant nfn rfn ns lazy_rec (n,cons) = quant (exists (fn arg =>
- is_rec arg andalso not(rec_of arg mem ns) andalso
- ((rec_of arg = n andalso nfn(lazy_rec orelse is_lazy arg)) orelse
- rec_of arg <> n andalso rec_to quant nfn rfn (rec_of arg::ns)
- (lazy_rec orelse is_lazy arg) (n, (List.nth(conss,rec_of arg))))
- ) o snd) cons;
- fun all_rec_to ns = rec_to forall not all_rec_to ns;
- fun warn (n,cons) =
- if all_rec_to [] false (n,cons)
- then (warning ("domain "^List.nth(dnames,n)^" is empty!"); true)
- else false;
- fun lazy_rec_to ns = rec_to exists I lazy_rec_to ns;
- in
- val n__eqs = mapn (fn n => fn (_,cons) => (n,cons)) 0 eqs;
- val is_emptys = map warn n__eqs;
- val is_finite = forall (not o lazy_rec_to [] false) n__eqs;
- end;
-in (* local *)
- val _ = trace " Proving finite_ind...";
- val finite_ind =
- let
- fun concf n dn = %:(P_name n) $ (dc_take dn $ %:"n" `%(x_name n));
- val goal = ind_term concf;
- fun tacf {prems, context} =
- let
- val tacs1 = [
- quant_tac context 1,
- simp_tac HOL_ss 1,
- InductTacs.induct_tac context [[SOME "n"]] 1,
- simp_tac (take_ss addsimps prems) 1,
- TRY (safe_tac HOL_cs)];
- fun arg_tac arg =
- (* FIXME! case_UU_tac *)
- case_UU_tac context (prems @ con_rews) 1
- (List.nth (dnames, rec_of arg) ^ "_take n$" ^ vname arg);
- fun con_tacs (con, args) =
- asm_simp_tac take_ss 1 ::
- map arg_tac (filter is_nonlazy_rec args) @
- [resolve_tac prems 1] @
- map (K (atac 1)) (nonlazy args) @
- map (K (etac spec 1)) (filter is_rec args);
- fun cases_tacs (cons, cases) =
- res_inst_tac context [(("y", 0), "x")] cases 1 ::
- asm_simp_tac (take_ss addsimps prems) 1 ::
- maps con_tacs cons;
- in
- tacs1 @ maps cases_tacs (conss ~~ cases)
- end;
- in pg'' thy [] goal tacf
- handle ERROR _ => (warning "Proof of finite_ind failed."; TrueI)
- end;
val _ = trace " Proving take_lemmas...";
val take_lemmas =
fun take_lemma (ax_chain_take, ax_lub_take) =
- Drule.export_without_context
- (@{thm lub_ID_take_lemma} OF [ax_chain_take, ax_lub_take]);
+ Drule.export_without_context
+ (@{thm lub_ID_take_lemma} OF [ax_chain_take, ax_lub_take]);
in map take_lemma (axs_chain_take ~~ axs_lub_take) end;
val axs_reach =
fun reach (ax_chain_take, ax_lub_take) =
- Drule.export_without_context
- (@{thm lub_ID_reach} OF [ax_chain_take, ax_lub_take]);
+ Drule.export_without_context
+ (@{thm lub_ID_reach} OF [ax_chain_take, ax_lub_take]);
in map reach (axs_chain_take ~~ axs_lub_take) end;
-(* ----- theorems concerning finiteness and induction ----------------------- *)
- val global_ctxt = ProofContext.init thy;
- val _ = trace " Proving finites, ind...";
- val (finites, ind) =
- (
- if is_finite
- then (* finite case *)
- let
- fun take_enough dn = mk_ex ("n",dc_take dn $ Bound 0 ` %:"x" === %:"x");
- fun dname_lemma dn =
- let
- val prem1 = mk_trp (defined (%:"x"));
- val disj1 = mk_all ("n", dc_take dn $ Bound 0 ` %:"x" === UU);
- val prem2 = mk_trp (mk_disj (disj1, take_enough dn));
- val concl = mk_trp (take_enough dn);
- val goal = prem1 ===> prem2 ===> concl;
- val tacs = [
- etac disjE 1,
- etac notE 1,
- resolve_tac take_lemmas 1,
- asm_simp_tac take_ss 1,
- atac 1];
- in pg [] goal (K tacs) end;
- val _ = trace " Proving finite_lemmas1a";
- val finite_lemmas1a = map dname_lemma dnames;
- val _ = trace " Proving finite_lemma1b";
- val finite_lemma1b =
- let
- fun mk_eqn n ((dn, args), _) =
- let
- val disj1 = dc_take dn $ Bound 1 ` Bound 0 === UU;
- val disj2 = dc_take dn $ Bound 1 ` Bound 0 === Bound 0;
- in
- mk_constrainall
- (x_name n, Type (dn,args), mk_disj (disj1, disj2))
- end;
- val goal =
- mk_trp (mk_all ("n", foldr1 mk_conj (mapn mk_eqn 1 eqs)));
- fun arg_tacs ctxt vn = [
- eres_inst_tac ctxt [(("x", 0), vn)] all_dupE 1,
- etac disjE 1,
- asm_simp_tac (HOL_ss addsimps con_rews) 1,
- asm_simp_tac take_ss 1];
- fun con_tacs ctxt (con, args) =
- asm_simp_tac take_ss 1 ::
- maps (arg_tacs ctxt) (nonlazy_rec args);
- fun foo_tacs ctxt n (cons, cases) =
- simp_tac take_ss 1 ::
- rtac allI 1 ::
- res_inst_tac ctxt [(("y", 0), x_name n)] cases 1 ::
- asm_simp_tac take_ss 1 ::
- maps (con_tacs ctxt) cons;
- fun tacs ctxt =
- rtac allI 1 ::
- InductTacs.induct_tac ctxt [[SOME "n"]] 1 ::
- simp_tac take_ss 1 ::
- TRY (safe_tac (empty_cs addSEs [conjE] addSIs [conjI])) ::
- flat (mapn (foo_tacs ctxt) 1 (conss ~~ cases));
- in pg [] goal tacs end;
- fun one_finite (dn, l1b) =
- let
- val goal = mk_trp (%%:(dn^"_finite") $ %:"x");
- fun tacs ctxt = [
- (* FIXME! case_UU_tac *)
- case_UU_tac ctxt take_rews 1 "x",
- eresolve_tac finite_lemmas1a 1,
- step_tac HOL_cs 1,
- step_tac HOL_cs 1,
- cut_facts_tac [l1b] 1,
- fast_tac HOL_cs 1];
- in pg axs_finite_def goal tacs end;
- val _ = trace " Proving finites";
- val finites = map one_finite (dnames ~~ atomize global_ctxt finite_lemma1b);
- val _ = trace " Proving ind";
- val ind =
- let
- fun concf n dn = %:(P_name n) $ %:(x_name n);
- fun tacf {prems, context} =
- let
- fun finite_tacs (finite, fin_ind) = [
- rtac(rewrite_rule axs_finite_def finite RS exE)1,
- etac subst 1,
- rtac fin_ind 1,
- ind_prems_tac prems];
- in
- TRY (safe_tac HOL_cs) ::
- maps finite_tacs (finites ~~ atomize global_ctxt finite_ind)
- end;
- in pg'' thy [] (ind_term concf) tacf end;
- in (finites, ind) end (* let *)
- else (* infinite case *)
- let
- fun one_finite n dn =
- read_instantiate global_ctxt [(("P", 0), dn ^ "_finite " ^ x_name n)] excluded_middle;
- val finites = mapn one_finite 1 dnames;
+val take_rews =
+ maps (fn dn => PureThy.get_thms thy (dn ^ ".take_rews")) dnames;
- val goal =
- let
- fun one_adm n _ = mk_trp (mk_adm (%:(P_name n)));
- fun concf n dn = %:(P_name n) $ %:(x_name n);
- in Logic.list_implies (mapn one_adm 1 dnames, ind_term concf) end;
- val cont_rules =
- @{thms cont_id cont_const cont2cont_Rep_CFun
- cont2cont_fst cont2cont_snd};
- val subgoal =
- let fun p n dn = %:(P_name n) $ (dc_take dn $ Bound 0 `%(x_name n));
- in mk_trp (mk_all ("n", foldr1 mk_conj (mapn p 1 dnames))) end;
- val subgoal' = legacy_infer_term thy subgoal;
- fun tacf {prems, context} =
- let
- val subtac =
- EVERY [rtac allI 1, rtac finite_ind 1, ind_prems_tac prems];
- val subthm = Goal.prove context [] [] subgoal' (K subtac);
- in
- map (fn ax_reach => rtac (ax_reach RS subst) 1) axs_reach @ [
- cut_facts_tac (subthm :: take (length dnames) prems) 1,
- REPEAT (rtac @{thm conjI} 1 ORELSE
- EVERY [etac @{thm admD [OF _ ch2ch_Rep_CFunL]} 1,
- resolve_tac axs_chain_take 1,
- asm_simp_tac HOL_basic_ss 1])
- ]
- end;
- val ind = (pg'' thy [] goal tacf
- handle ERROR _ =>
- (warning "Cannot prove infinite induction rule"; TrueI)
- );
- in (finites, ind) end
- )
- handle THM _ =>
- (warning "Induction proofs failed (THM raised)."; ([], TrueI))
- | ERROR _ =>
- (warning "Cannot prove induction rule"; ([], TrueI));
-end; (* local *)
+(* prove induction rules, unless definition is indirect recursive *)
+val thy =
+ if is_indirect then thy else
+ prove_induction (comp_dnam, eqs) take_lemmas axs_reach take_rews thy;
val (coind, thy) = prove_coinduction (comp_dnam, eqs) take_lemmas thy;
-val inducts = Project_Rule.projections (ProofContext.init thy) ind;
-fun ind_rule (dname, rule) = ((Binding.empty, [rule]), [Induct.induct_type dname]);
-val induct_failed = (Thm.prop_of ind = Thm.prop_of TrueI);
in thy |> Sign.add_path comp_dnam
|> snd o PureThy.add_thmss [
((Binding.name "take_lemmas", take_lemmas ), []),
((Binding.name "reach" , axs_reach ), []),
- ((Binding.name "finites" , finites ), []),
- ((Binding.name "finite_ind" , [finite_ind]), []),
- ((Binding.name "ind" , [ind] ), []),
((Binding.name "coind" , [coind] ), [])]
- |> (if induct_failed then I
- else snd o PureThy.add_thmss (map ind_rule (dnames ~~ inducts)))
|> Sign.parent_path |> pair take_rews
end; (* let *)
end; (* struct *)