one unified Word theory
Wed, 30 Jun 2010 17:12:38 +0200
changeset 37660 56e3520b68b2
parent 37659 14cabf5fa710
child 37661 f6b592f2aca4
one unified Word theory
--- a/src/HOL/IsaMakefile	Wed Jun 30 16:46:44 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/IsaMakefile	Wed Jun 30 17:12:38 2010 +0200
@@ -1194,9 +1194,7 @@
   Library/Numeral_Type.thy Word/Misc_Numeric.thy Word/Misc_Typedef.thy	\
   Word/Type_Length.thy Word/Bit_Representation.thy Word/Bit_Int.thy	\
   Word/Bool_List_Representation.thy Word/Bit_Operations.thy		\
-  Word/WordDefinition.thy						\
-  Word/WordArith.thy Word/WordBitwise.thy Word/WordShift.thy		\
-  Word/WordGenLib.thy Word/Word.thy Word/document/root.tex		\
+  Word/Word.thy Word/document/root.tex					\
   Word/document/root.bib Tools/SMT/smt_word.ML
 	@cd Word; $(ISABELLE_TOOL) usedir -b -g true $(OUT)/HOL HOL-Word
--- a/src/HOL/Word/Word.thy	Wed Jun 30 16:46:44 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Word/Word.thy	Wed Jun 30 17:12:38 2010 +0200
@@ -1,16 +1,4746 @@
 (*  Title:      HOL/Word/Word.thy
-    Author:     Gerwin Klein, NICTA
+    Author: Jeremy Dawson and Gerwin Klein, NICTA
-header {* Word Library interface *}
+header {* A type of finite bit strings *}
 theory Word
-imports WordGenLib
-uses "~~/src/HOL/Tools/SMT/smt_word.ML"
+imports Type_Length Misc_Typedef Boolean_Algebra Bool_List_Representation
+uses ("~~/src/HOL/Tools/SMT/smt_word.ML")
+text {* see @{text "Examples/WordExamples.thy"} for examples *}
+subsection {* Type definition *}
+typedef (open word) 'a word = "{(0::int) ..< 2^len_of TYPE('a::len0)}"
+  morphisms uint Abs_word by auto
+definition word_of_int :: "int \<Rightarrow> 'a\<Colon>len0 word" where
+  -- {* representation of words using unsigned or signed bins, 
+        only difference in these is the type class *}
+  "word_of_int w = Abs_word (bintrunc (len_of TYPE ('a)) w)" 
+lemma uint_word_of_int [code]: "uint (word_of_int w \<Colon> 'a\<Colon>len0 word) = w mod 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a)"
+  by (auto simp add: word_of_int_def bintrunc_mod2p intro: Abs_word_inverse)
+code_datatype word_of_int
+notation fcomp (infixl "o>" 60)
+notation scomp (infixl "o\<rightarrow>" 60)
+instantiation word :: ("{len0, typerep}") random
+  "random_word i = Random.range (max i (2 ^ len_of TYPE('a))) o\<rightarrow> (\<lambda>k. Pair (
+     let j = word_of_int (Code_Numeral.int_of k) :: 'a word
+     in (j, \<lambda>_::unit. Code_Evaluation.term_of j)))"
+instance ..
+no_notation fcomp (infixl "o>" 60)
+no_notation scomp (infixl "o\<rightarrow>" 60)
+subsection {* Type conversions and casting *}
+definition sint :: "'a :: len word => int" where
+  -- {* treats the most-significant-bit as a sign bit *}
+  sint_uint: "sint w = sbintrunc (len_of TYPE ('a) - 1) (uint w)"
+definition unat :: "'a :: len0 word => nat" where
+  "unat w = nat (uint w)"
+definition uints :: "nat => int set" where
+  -- "the sets of integers representing the words"
+  "uints n = range (bintrunc n)"
+definition sints :: "nat => int set" where
+  "sints n = range (sbintrunc (n - 1))"
+definition unats :: "nat => nat set" where
+  "unats n = {i. i < 2 ^ n}"
+definition norm_sint :: "nat => int => int" where
+  "norm_sint n w = (w + 2 ^ (n - 1)) mod 2 ^ n - 2 ^ (n - 1)"
+definition scast :: "'a :: len word => 'b :: len word" where
+  -- "cast a word to a different length"
+  "scast w = word_of_int (sint w)"
+definition ucast :: "'a :: len0 word => 'b :: len0 word" where
+  "ucast w = word_of_int (uint w)"
+instantiation word :: (len0) size
+  word_size: "size (w :: 'a word) = len_of TYPE('a)"
+instance ..
+definition source_size :: "('a :: len0 word => 'b) => nat" where
+  -- "whether a cast (or other) function is to a longer or shorter length"
+  "source_size c = (let arb = undefined ; x = c arb in size arb)"  
+definition target_size :: "('a => 'b :: len0 word) => nat" where
+  "target_size c = size (c undefined)"
+definition is_up :: "('a :: len0 word => 'b :: len0 word) => bool" where
+  "is_up c \<longleftrightarrow> source_size c <= target_size c"
+definition is_down :: "('a :: len0 word => 'b :: len0 word) => bool" where
+  "is_down c \<longleftrightarrow> target_size c <= source_size c"
+definition of_bl :: "bool list => 'a :: len0 word" where
+  "of_bl bl = word_of_int (bl_to_bin bl)"
+definition to_bl :: "'a :: len0 word => bool list" where
+  "to_bl w = bin_to_bl (len_of TYPE ('a)) (uint w)"
+definition word_reverse :: "'a :: len0 word => 'a word" where
+  "word_reverse w = of_bl (rev (to_bl w))"
+definition word_int_case :: "(int => 'b) => ('a :: len0 word) => 'b" where
+  "word_int_case f w = f (uint w)"
+  of_int :: "int => 'a"
+  "case x of CONST of_int y => b" == "CONST word_int_case (%y. b) x"
+subsection  "Arithmetic operations"
+instantiation word :: (len0) "{number, uminus, minus, plus, one, zero, times, Divides.div, ord, bit}"
+  word_0_wi: "0 = word_of_int 0"
+  word_1_wi: "1 = word_of_int 1"
+  word_add_def: "a + b = word_of_int (uint a + uint b)"
+  word_sub_wi: "a - b = word_of_int (uint a - uint b)"
+  word_minus_def: "- a = word_of_int (- uint a)"
+  word_mult_def: "a * b = word_of_int (uint a * uint b)"
+  word_div_def: "a div b = word_of_int (uint a div uint b)"
+  word_mod_def: "a mod b = word_of_int (uint a mod uint b)"
+  word_number_of_def: "number_of w = word_of_int w"
+  word_le_def: "a \<le> b \<longleftrightarrow> uint a \<le> uint b"
+  word_less_def: "x < y \<longleftrightarrow> x \<le> y \<and> x \<noteq> (y \<Colon> 'a word)"
+  word_and_def: 
+  "(a::'a word) AND b = word_of_int (uint a AND uint b)"
+  word_or_def:  
+  "(a::'a word) OR b = word_of_int (uint a OR uint b)"
+  word_xor_def: 
+  "(a::'a word) XOR b = word_of_int (uint a XOR uint b)"
+  word_not_def: 
+  "NOT (a::'a word) = word_of_int (NOT (uint a))"
+instance ..
+  word_succ :: "'a :: len0 word => 'a word"
+  "word_succ a = word_of_int (Int.succ (uint a))"
+  word_pred :: "'a :: len0 word => 'a word"
+  "word_pred a = word_of_int (Int.pred (uint a))"
+definition udvd :: "'a::len word => 'a::len word => bool" (infixl "udvd" 50) where
+  "a udvd b == EX n>=0. uint b = n * uint a"
+definition word_sle :: "'a :: len word => 'a word => bool" ("(_/ <=s _)" [50, 51] 50) where
+  "a <=s b == sint a <= sint b"
+definition word_sless :: "'a :: len word => 'a word => bool" ("(_/ <s _)" [50, 51] 50) where
+  "(x <s y) == (x <=s y & x ~= y)"
+subsection "Bit-wise operations"
+instantiation word :: (len0) bits
+  word_test_bit_def: "test_bit a = bin_nth (uint a)"
+  word_set_bit_def: "set_bit a n x =
+   word_of_int (bin_sc n (If x 1 0) (uint a))"
+  word_set_bits_def: "(BITS n. f n) = of_bl (bl_of_nth (len_of TYPE ('a)) f)"
+  word_lsb_def: "lsb a \<longleftrightarrow> bin_last (uint a) = 1"
+definition shiftl1 :: "'a word \<Rightarrow> 'a word" where
+  "shiftl1 w = word_of_int (uint w BIT 0)"
+definition shiftr1 :: "'a word \<Rightarrow> 'a word" where
+  -- "shift right as unsigned or as signed, ie logical or arithmetic"
+  "shiftr1 w = word_of_int (bin_rest (uint w))"
+  shiftl_def: "w << n = (shiftl1 ^^ n) w"
+  shiftr_def: "w >> n = (shiftr1 ^^ n) w"
+instance ..
+instantiation word :: (len) bitss
+  word_msb_def: 
+  "msb a \<longleftrightarrow> bin_sign (sint a) = Int.Min"
+instance ..
+definition setBit :: "'a :: len0 word => nat => 'a word" where 
+  "setBit w n == set_bit w n True"
+definition clearBit :: "'a :: len0 word => nat => 'a word" where
+  "clearBit w n == set_bit w n False"
+subsection "Shift operations"
+definition sshiftr1 :: "'a :: len word => 'a word" where 
+  "sshiftr1 w == word_of_int (bin_rest (sint w))"
+definition bshiftr1 :: "bool => 'a :: len word => 'a word" where
+  "bshiftr1 b w == of_bl (b # butlast (to_bl w))"
+definition sshiftr :: "'a :: len word => nat => 'a word" (infixl ">>>" 55) where
+  "w >>> n == (sshiftr1 ^^ n) w"
+definition mask :: "nat => 'a::len word" where
+  "mask n == (1 << n) - 1"
+definition revcast :: "'a :: len0 word => 'b :: len0 word" where
+  "revcast w ==  of_bl (takefill False (len_of TYPE('b)) (to_bl w))"
+definition slice1 :: "nat => 'a :: len0 word => 'b :: len0 word" where
+  "slice1 n w == of_bl (takefill False n (to_bl w))"
+definition slice :: "nat => 'a :: len0 word => 'b :: len0 word" where
+  "slice n w == slice1 (size w - n) w"
+subsection "Rotation"
+definition rotater1 :: "'a list => 'a list" where
+  "rotater1 ys == 
+    case ys of [] => [] | x # xs => last ys # butlast ys"
+definition rotater :: "nat => 'a list => 'a list" where
+  "rotater n == rotater1 ^^ n"
+definition word_rotr :: "nat => 'a :: len0 word => 'a :: len0 word" where
+  "word_rotr n w == of_bl (rotater n (to_bl w))"
+definition word_rotl :: "nat => 'a :: len0 word => 'a :: len0 word" where
+  "word_rotl n w == of_bl (rotate n (to_bl w))"
+definition word_roti :: "int => 'a :: len0 word => 'a :: len0 word" where
+  "word_roti i w == if i >= 0 then word_rotr (nat i) w
+                    else word_rotl (nat (- i)) w"
+subsection "Split and cat operations"
+definition word_cat :: "'a :: len0 word => 'b :: len0 word => 'c :: len0 word" where
+  "word_cat a b == word_of_int (bin_cat (uint a) (len_of TYPE ('b)) (uint b))"
+definition word_split :: "'a :: len0 word => ('b :: len0 word) * ('c :: len0 word)" where
+  "word_split a == 
+   case bin_split (len_of TYPE ('c)) (uint a) of 
+     (u, v) => (word_of_int u, word_of_int v)"
+definition word_rcat :: "'a :: len0 word list => 'b :: len0 word" where
+  "word_rcat ws == 
+  word_of_int (bin_rcat (len_of TYPE ('a)) (map uint ws))"
+definition word_rsplit :: "'a :: len0 word => 'b :: len word list" where
+  "word_rsplit w == 
+  map word_of_int (bin_rsplit (len_of TYPE ('b)) (len_of TYPE ('a), uint w))"
+definition max_word :: "'a::len word" -- "Largest representable machine integer." where
+  "max_word \<equiv> word_of_int (2 ^ len_of TYPE('a) - 1)"
+primrec of_bool :: "bool \<Rightarrow> 'a::len word" where
+  "of_bool False = 0"
+| "of_bool True = 1"
+lemmas of_nth_def = word_set_bits_def
+lemmas word_size_gt_0 [iff] = 
+  xtr1 [OF word_size len_gt_0, standard]
+lemmas lens_gt_0 = word_size_gt_0 len_gt_0
+lemmas lens_not_0 [iff] = lens_gt_0 [THEN gr_implies_not0, standard]
+lemma uints_num: "uints n = {i. 0 \<le> i \<and> i < 2 ^ n}"
+  by (simp add: uints_def range_bintrunc)
+lemma sints_num: "sints n = {i. - (2 ^ (n - 1)) \<le> i \<and> i < 2 ^ (n - 1)}"
+  by (simp add: sints_def range_sbintrunc)
+lemmas atLeastLessThan_alt = atLeastLessThan_def [unfolded 
+  atLeast_def lessThan_def Collect_conj_eq [symmetric]]
+lemma mod_in_reps: "m > 0 ==> y mod m : {0::int ..< m}"
+  unfolding atLeastLessThan_alt by auto
+  uint_0:"0 <= uint x" and 
+  uint_lt: "uint (x::'a::len0 word) < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a)"
+  by (auto simp: uint [simplified])
+lemma uint_mod_same:
+  "uint x mod 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a) = uint (x::'a::len0 word)"
+  by (simp add: int_mod_eq uint_lt uint_0)
+lemma td_ext_uint: 
+  "td_ext (uint :: 'a word => int) word_of_int (uints (len_of TYPE('a::len0))) 
+    (%w::int. w mod 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a))"
+  apply (unfold td_ext_def')
+  apply (simp add: uints_num word_of_int_def bintrunc_mod2p)
+  apply (simp add: uint_mod_same uint_0 uint_lt
+                   word.uint_inverse word.Abs_word_inverse int_mod_lem)
+  done
+lemmas int_word_uint = td_ext_uint [THEN td_ext.eq_norm, standard]
+interpretation word_uint:
+  td_ext "uint::'a::len0 word \<Rightarrow> int" 
+         word_of_int 
+         "uints (len_of TYPE('a::len0))"
+         "\<lambda>w. w mod 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a::len0)"
+  by (rule td_ext_uint)
+lemmas td_uint = word_uint.td_thm
+lemmas td_ext_ubin = td_ext_uint 
+  [simplified len_gt_0 no_bintr_alt1 [symmetric]]
+interpretation word_ubin:
+  td_ext "uint::'a::len0 word \<Rightarrow> int" 
+         word_of_int 
+         "uints (len_of TYPE('a::len0))"
+         "bintrunc (len_of TYPE('a::len0))"
+  by (rule td_ext_ubin)
+lemma sint_sbintrunc': 
+  "sint (word_of_int bin :: 'a word) = 
+    (sbintrunc (len_of TYPE ('a :: len) - 1) bin)"
+  unfolding sint_uint 
+  by (auto simp: word_ubin.eq_norm sbintrunc_bintrunc_lt)
+lemma uint_sint: 
+  "uint w = bintrunc (len_of TYPE('a)) (sint (w :: 'a :: len word))"
+  unfolding sint_uint by (auto simp: bintrunc_sbintrunc_le)
+lemma bintr_uint': 
+  "n >= size w ==> bintrunc n (uint w) = uint w"
+  apply (unfold word_size)
+  apply (subst word_ubin.norm_Rep [symmetric]) 
+  apply (simp only: bintrunc_bintrunc_min word_size)
+  apply (simp add: min_max.inf_absorb2)
+  done
+lemma wi_bintr': 
+  "wb = word_of_int bin ==> n >= size wb ==> 
+    word_of_int (bintrunc n bin) = wb"
+  unfolding word_size
+  by (clarsimp simp add: word_ubin.norm_eq_iff [symmetric] min_max.inf_absorb1)
+lemmas bintr_uint = bintr_uint' [unfolded word_size]
+lemmas wi_bintr = wi_bintr' [unfolded word_size]
+lemma td_ext_sbin: 
+  "td_ext (sint :: 'a word => int) word_of_int (sints (len_of TYPE('a::len))) 
+    (sbintrunc (len_of TYPE('a) - 1))"
+  apply (unfold td_ext_def' sint_uint)
+  apply (simp add : word_ubin.eq_norm)
+  apply (cases "len_of TYPE('a)")
+   apply (auto simp add : sints_def)
+  apply (rule sym [THEN trans])
+  apply (rule word_ubin.Abs_norm)
+  apply (simp only: bintrunc_sbintrunc)
+  apply (drule sym)
+  apply simp
+  done
+lemmas td_ext_sint = td_ext_sbin 
+  [simplified len_gt_0 no_sbintr_alt2 Suc_pred' [symmetric]]
+(* We do sint before sbin, before sint is the user version
+   and interpretations do not produce thm duplicates. I.e. 
+   we get the name word_sint.Rep_eqD, but not word_sbin.Req_eqD,
+   because the latter is the same thm as the former *)
+interpretation word_sint:
+  td_ext "sint ::'a::len word => int" 
+          word_of_int 
+          "sints (len_of TYPE('a::len))"
+          "%w. (w + 2^(len_of TYPE('a::len) - 1)) mod 2^len_of TYPE('a::len) -
+               2 ^ (len_of TYPE('a::len) - 1)"
+  by (rule td_ext_sint)
+interpretation word_sbin:
+  td_ext "sint ::'a::len word => int" 
+          word_of_int 
+          "sints (len_of TYPE('a::len))"
+          "sbintrunc (len_of TYPE('a::len) - 1)"
+  by (rule td_ext_sbin)
+lemmas int_word_sint = td_ext_sint [THEN td_ext.eq_norm, standard]
+lemmas td_sint =
+lemma word_number_of_alt: "number_of b == word_of_int (number_of b)"
+  unfolding word_number_of_def by (simp add: number_of_eq)
+lemma word_no_wi: "number_of = word_of_int"
+  by (auto simp: word_number_of_def intro: ext)
+lemma to_bl_def': 
+  "(to_bl :: 'a :: len0 word => bool list) =
+    bin_to_bl (len_of TYPE('a)) o uint"
+  by (auto simp: to_bl_def intro: ext)
+lemmas word_reverse_no_def [simp] = word_reverse_def [of "number_of w", standard]
+lemmas uints_mod = uints_def [unfolded no_bintr_alt1]
+lemma uint_bintrunc: "uint (number_of bin :: 'a word) = 
+    number_of (bintrunc (len_of TYPE ('a :: len0)) bin)"
+  unfolding word_number_of_def number_of_eq
+  by (auto intro: word_ubin.eq_norm) 
+lemma sint_sbintrunc: "sint (number_of bin :: 'a word) = 
+    number_of (sbintrunc (len_of TYPE ('a :: len) - 1) bin)" 
+  unfolding word_number_of_def number_of_eq
+  by (subst word_sbin.eq_norm) simp
+lemma unat_bintrunc: 
+  "unat (number_of bin :: 'a :: len0 word) =
+    number_of (bintrunc (len_of TYPE('a)) bin)"
+  unfolding unat_def nat_number_of_def 
+  by (simp only: uint_bintrunc)
+(* WARNING - these may not always be helpful *)
+  uint_bintrunc [simp] 
+  sint_sbintrunc [simp] 
+  unat_bintrunc [simp]
+lemma size_0_eq: "size (w :: 'a :: len0 word) = 0 ==> v = w"
+  apply (unfold word_size)
+  apply (rule word_uint.Rep_eqD)
+  apply (rule box_equals)
+    defer
+    apply (rule word_ubin.norm_Rep)+
+  apply simp
+  done
+lemmas uint_lem = word_uint.Rep [unfolded uints_num mem_Collect_eq]
+lemmas sint_lem = word_sint.Rep [unfolded sints_num mem_Collect_eq]
+lemmas uint_ge_0 [iff] = uint_lem [THEN conjunct1, standard]
+lemmas uint_lt2p [iff] = uint_lem [THEN conjunct2, standard]
+lemmas sint_ge = sint_lem [THEN conjunct1, standard]
+lemmas sint_lt = sint_lem [THEN conjunct2, standard]
+lemma sign_uint_Pls [simp]: 
+  "bin_sign (uint x) = Int.Pls"
+  by (simp add: sign_Pls_ge_0 number_of_eq)
+lemmas uint_m2p_neg = iffD2 [OF diff_less_0_iff_less uint_lt2p, standard]
+lemmas uint_m2p_not_non_neg = 
+  iffD2 [OF linorder_not_le uint_m2p_neg, standard]
+lemma lt2p_lem:
+  "len_of TYPE('a) <= n ==> uint (w :: 'a :: len0 word) < 2 ^ n"
+  by (rule xtr8 [OF _ uint_lt2p]) simp
+lemmas uint_le_0_iff [simp] = 
+  uint_ge_0 [THEN leD, THEN linorder_antisym_conv1, standard]
+lemma uint_nat: "uint w == int (unat w)"
+  unfolding unat_def by auto
+lemma uint_number_of:
+  "uint (number_of b :: 'a :: len0 word) = number_of b mod 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a)"
+  unfolding word_number_of_alt
+  by (simp only: int_word_uint)
+lemma unat_number_of: 
+  "bin_sign b = Int.Pls ==> 
+  unat (number_of b::'a::len0 word) = number_of b mod 2 ^ len_of TYPE ('a)"
+  apply (unfold unat_def)
+  apply (clarsimp simp only: uint_number_of)
+  apply (rule nat_mod_distrib [THEN trans])
+    apply (erule sign_Pls_ge_0 [THEN iffD1])
+   apply (simp_all add: nat_power_eq)
+  done
+lemma sint_number_of: "sint (number_of b :: 'a :: len word) = (number_of b + 
+    2 ^ (len_of TYPE('a) - 1)) mod 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a) -
+    2 ^ (len_of TYPE('a) - 1)"
+  unfolding word_number_of_alt by (rule int_word_sint)
+lemma word_of_int_bin [simp] : 
+  "(word_of_int (number_of bin) :: 'a :: len0 word) = (number_of bin)"
+  unfolding word_number_of_alt by auto
+lemma word_int_case_wi: 
+  "word_int_case f (word_of_int i :: 'b word) = 
+    f (i mod 2 ^ len_of TYPE('b::len0))"
+  unfolding word_int_case_def by (simp add: word_uint.eq_norm)
+lemma word_int_split: 
+  "P (word_int_case f x) = 
+    (ALL i. x = (word_of_int i :: 'b :: len0 word) & 
+      0 <= i & i < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('b) --> P (f i))"
+  unfolding word_int_case_def
+  by (auto simp: word_uint.eq_norm int_mod_eq')
+lemma word_int_split_asm: 
+  "P (word_int_case f x) = 
+    (~ (EX n. x = (word_of_int n :: 'b::len0 word) &
+      0 <= n & n < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('b::len0) & ~ P (f n)))"
+  unfolding word_int_case_def
+  by (auto simp: word_uint.eq_norm int_mod_eq')
+lemmas uint_range' =
+  word_uint.Rep [unfolded uints_num mem_Collect_eq, standard]
+lemmas sint_range' = word_sint.Rep [unfolded One_nat_def
+  sints_num mem_Collect_eq, standard]
+lemma uint_range_size: "0 <= uint w & uint w < 2 ^ size w"
+  unfolding word_size by (rule uint_range')
+lemma sint_range_size:
+  "- (2 ^ (size w - Suc 0)) <= sint w & sint w < 2 ^ (size w - Suc 0)"
+  unfolding word_size by (rule sint_range')
+lemmas sint_above_size = sint_range_size
+  [THEN conjunct2, THEN [2] xtr8, folded One_nat_def, standard]
+lemmas sint_below_size = sint_range_size
+  [THEN conjunct1, THEN [2] order_trans, folded One_nat_def, standard]
+lemma test_bit_eq_iff: "(test_bit (u::'a::len0 word) = test_bit v) = (u = v)"
+  unfolding word_test_bit_def by (simp add: bin_nth_eq_iff)
+lemma test_bit_size [rule_format] : "(w::'a::len0 word) !! n --> n < size w"
+  apply (unfold word_test_bit_def)
+  apply (subst word_ubin.norm_Rep [symmetric])
+  apply (simp only: nth_bintr word_size)
+  apply fast
+  done
+lemma word_eqI [rule_format] : 
+  fixes u :: "'a::len0 word"
+  shows "(ALL n. n < size u --> u !! n = v !! n) ==> u = v"
+  apply (rule test_bit_eq_iff [THEN iffD1])
+  apply (rule ext)
+  apply (erule allE)
+  apply (erule impCE)
+   prefer 2
+   apply assumption
+  apply (auto dest!: test_bit_size simp add: word_size)
+  done
+lemmas word_eqD = test_bit_eq_iff [THEN iffD2, THEN fun_cong, standard]
+lemma test_bit_bin': "w !! n = (n < size w & bin_nth (uint w) n)"
+  unfolding word_test_bit_def word_size
+  by (simp add: nth_bintr [symmetric])
+lemmas test_bit_bin = test_bit_bin' [unfolded word_size]
+lemma bin_nth_uint_imp': "bin_nth (uint w) n --> n < size w"
+  apply (unfold word_size)
+  apply (rule impI)
+  apply (rule nth_bintr [THEN iffD1, THEN conjunct1])
+  apply (subst word_ubin.norm_Rep)
+  apply assumption
+  done
+lemma bin_nth_sint': 
+  "n >= size w --> bin_nth (sint w) n = bin_nth (sint w) (size w - 1)"
+  apply (rule impI)
+  apply (subst word_sbin.norm_Rep [symmetric])
+  apply (simp add : nth_sbintr word_size)
+  apply auto
+  done
+lemmas bin_nth_uint_imp = bin_nth_uint_imp' [rule_format, unfolded word_size]
+lemmas bin_nth_sint = bin_nth_sint' [rule_format, unfolded word_size]
+(* type definitions theorem for in terms of equivalent bool list *)
+lemma td_bl: 
+  "type_definition (to_bl :: 'a::len0 word => bool list) 
+                   of_bl  
+                   {bl. length bl = len_of TYPE('a)}"
+  apply (unfold type_definition_def of_bl_def to_bl_def)
+  apply (simp add: word_ubin.eq_norm)
+  apply safe
+  apply (drule sym)
+  apply simp
+  done
+interpretation word_bl:
+  type_definition "to_bl :: 'a::len0 word => bool list"
+                  of_bl  
+                  "{bl. length bl = len_of TYPE('a::len0)}"
+  by (rule td_bl)
+lemma word_size_bl: "size w == size (to_bl w)"
+  unfolding word_size by auto
+lemma to_bl_use_of_bl:
+  "(to_bl w = bl) = (w = of_bl bl \<and> length bl = length (to_bl w))"
+  by (fastsimp elim!: word_bl.Abs_inverse [simplified])
+lemma to_bl_word_rev: "to_bl (word_reverse w) = rev (to_bl w)"
+  unfolding word_reverse_def by (simp add: word_bl.Abs_inverse)
+lemma word_rev_rev [simp] : "word_reverse (word_reverse w) = w"
+  unfolding word_reverse_def by (simp add : word_bl.Abs_inverse)
+lemma word_rev_gal: "word_reverse w = u ==> word_reverse u = w"
+  by auto
+lemmas word_rev_gal' = sym [THEN word_rev_gal, symmetric, standard]
+lemmas length_bl_gt_0 [iff] = xtr1 [OF word_bl.Rep' len_gt_0, standard]
+lemmas bl_not_Nil [iff] = 
+  length_bl_gt_0 [THEN length_greater_0_conv [THEN iffD1], standard]
+lemmas length_bl_neq_0 [iff] = length_bl_gt_0 [THEN gr_implies_not0]
+lemma hd_bl_sign_sint: "hd (to_bl w) = (bin_sign (sint w) = Int.Min)"
+  apply (unfold to_bl_def sint_uint)
+  apply (rule trans [OF _ bl_sbin_sign])
+  apply simp
+  done
+lemma of_bl_drop': 
+  "lend = length bl - len_of TYPE ('a :: len0) ==> 
+    of_bl (drop lend bl) = (of_bl bl :: 'a word)"
+  apply (unfold of_bl_def)
+  apply (clarsimp simp add : trunc_bl2bin [symmetric])
+  done
+lemmas of_bl_no = of_bl_def [folded word_number_of_def]
+lemma test_bit_of_bl:  
+  "(of_bl bl::'a::len0 word) !! n = (rev bl ! n \<and> n < len_of TYPE('a) \<and> n < length bl)"
+  apply (unfold of_bl_def word_test_bit_def)
+  apply (auto simp add: word_size word_ubin.eq_norm nth_bintr bin_nth_of_bl)
+  done
+lemma no_of_bl: 
+  "(number_of bin ::'a::len0 word) = of_bl (bin_to_bl (len_of TYPE ('a)) bin)"
+  unfolding word_size of_bl_no by (simp add : word_number_of_def)
+lemma uint_bl: "to_bl w == bin_to_bl (size w) (uint w)"
+  unfolding word_size to_bl_def by auto
+lemma to_bl_bin: "bl_to_bin (to_bl w) = uint w"
+  unfolding uint_bl by (simp add : word_size)
+lemma to_bl_of_bin: 
+  "to_bl (word_of_int bin::'a::len0 word) = bin_to_bl (len_of TYPE('a)) bin"
+  unfolding uint_bl by (clarsimp simp add: word_ubin.eq_norm word_size)
+lemmas to_bl_no_bin [simp] = to_bl_of_bin [folded word_number_of_def]
+lemma to_bl_to_bin [simp] : "bl_to_bin (to_bl w) = uint w"
+  unfolding uint_bl by (simp add : word_size)
+lemmas uint_bl_bin [simp] = trans [OF bin_bl_bin word_ubin.norm_Rep, standard]
+lemmas num_AB_u [simp] = word_uint.Rep_inverse 
+  [unfolded o_def word_number_of_def [symmetric], standard]
+lemmas num_AB_s [simp] = word_sint.Rep_inverse 
+  [unfolded o_def word_number_of_def [symmetric], standard]
+(* naturals *)
+lemma uints_unats: "uints n = int ` unats n"
+  apply (unfold unats_def uints_num)
+  apply safe
+  apply (rule_tac image_eqI)
+  apply (erule_tac nat_0_le [symmetric])
+  apply auto
+  apply (erule_tac nat_less_iff [THEN iffD2])
+  apply (rule_tac [2] zless_nat_eq_int_zless [THEN iffD1])
+  apply (auto simp add : nat_power_eq int_power)
+  done
+lemma unats_uints: "unats n = nat ` uints n"
+  by (auto simp add : uints_unats image_iff)
+lemmas bintr_num = word_ubin.norm_eq_iff 
+  [symmetric, folded word_number_of_def, standard]
+lemmas sbintr_num = word_sbin.norm_eq_iff 
+  [symmetric, folded word_number_of_def, standard]
+lemmas num_of_bintr = word_ubin.Abs_norm [folded word_number_of_def, standard]
+lemmas num_of_sbintr = word_sbin.Abs_norm [folded word_number_of_def, standard];
+(* don't add these to simpset, since may want bintrunc n w to be simplified;
+  may want these in reverse, but loop as simp rules, so use following *)
+lemma num_of_bintr':
+  "bintrunc (len_of TYPE('a :: len0)) a = b ==> 
+    number_of a = (number_of b :: 'a word)"
+  apply safe
+  apply (rule_tac num_of_bintr [symmetric])
+  done
+lemma num_of_sbintr':
+  "sbintrunc (len_of TYPE('a :: len) - 1) a = b ==> 
+    number_of a = (number_of b :: 'a word)"
+  apply safe
+  apply (rule_tac num_of_sbintr [symmetric])
+  done
+lemmas num_abs_bintr = sym [THEN trans,
+  OF num_of_bintr word_number_of_def, standard]
+lemmas num_abs_sbintr = sym [THEN trans,
+  OF num_of_sbintr word_number_of_def, standard]
+(** cast - note, no arg for new length, as it's determined by type of result,
+  thus in "cast w = w, the type means cast to length of w! **)
+lemma ucast_id: "ucast w = w"
+  unfolding ucast_def by auto
+lemma scast_id: "scast w = w"
+  unfolding scast_def by auto
+lemma ucast_bl: "ucast w == of_bl (to_bl w)"
+  unfolding ucast_def of_bl_def uint_bl
+  by (auto simp add : word_size)
+lemma nth_ucast: 
+  "(ucast w::'a::len0 word) !! n = (w !! n & n < len_of TYPE('a))"
+  apply (unfold ucast_def test_bit_bin)
+  apply (simp add: word_ubin.eq_norm nth_bintr word_size) 
+  apply (fast elim!: bin_nth_uint_imp)
+  done
+(* for literal u(s)cast *)
+lemma ucast_bintr [simp]: 
+  "ucast (number_of w ::'a::len0 word) = 
+   number_of (bintrunc (len_of TYPE('a)) w)"
+  unfolding ucast_def by simp
+lemma scast_sbintr [simp]: 
+  "scast (number_of w ::'a::len word) = 
+   number_of (sbintrunc (len_of TYPE('a) - Suc 0) w)"
+  unfolding scast_def by simp
+lemmas source_size = source_size_def [unfolded Let_def word_size]
+lemmas target_size = target_size_def [unfolded Let_def word_size]
+lemmas is_down = is_down_def [unfolded source_size target_size]
+lemmas is_up = is_up_def [unfolded source_size target_size]
+lemmas is_up_down =  trans [OF is_up is_down [symmetric], standard]
+lemma down_cast_same': "uc = ucast ==> is_down uc ==> uc = scast"
+  apply (unfold is_down)
+  apply safe
+  apply (rule ext)
+  apply (unfold ucast_def scast_def uint_sint)
+  apply (rule word_ubin.norm_eq_iff [THEN iffD1])
+  apply simp
+  done
+lemma word_rev_tf': 
+  "r = to_bl (of_bl bl) ==> r = rev (takefill False (length r) (rev bl))"
+  unfolding of_bl_def uint_bl
+  by (clarsimp simp add: bl_bin_bl_rtf word_ubin.eq_norm word_size)
+lemmas word_rev_tf = refl [THEN word_rev_tf', unfolded word_bl.Rep', standard]
+lemmas word_rep_drop = word_rev_tf [simplified takefill_alt,
+  simplified, simplified rev_take, simplified]
+lemma to_bl_ucast: 
+  "to_bl (ucast (w::'b::len0 word) ::'a::len0 word) = 
+   replicate (len_of TYPE('a) - len_of TYPE('b)) False @
+   drop (len_of TYPE('b) - len_of TYPE('a)) (to_bl w)"
+  apply (unfold ucast_bl)
+  apply (rule trans)
+   apply (rule word_rep_drop)
+  apply simp
+  done
+lemma ucast_up_app': 
+  "uc = ucast ==> source_size uc + n = target_size uc ==> 
+    to_bl (uc w) = replicate n False @ (to_bl w)"
+  by (auto simp add : source_size target_size to_bl_ucast)
+lemma ucast_down_drop': 
+  "uc = ucast ==> source_size uc = target_size uc + n ==> 
+    to_bl (uc w) = drop n (to_bl w)"
+  by (auto simp add : source_size target_size to_bl_ucast)
+lemma scast_down_drop': 
+  "sc = scast ==> source_size sc = target_size sc + n ==> 
+    to_bl (sc w) = drop n (to_bl w)"
+  apply (subgoal_tac "sc = ucast")
+   apply safe
+   apply simp
+   apply (erule refl [THEN ucast_down_drop'])
+  apply (rule refl [THEN down_cast_same', symmetric])
+  apply (simp add : source_size target_size is_down)
+  done
+lemma sint_up_scast': 
+  "sc = scast ==> is_up sc ==> sint (sc w) = sint w"
+  apply (unfold is_up)
+  apply safe
+  apply (simp add: scast_def word_sbin.eq_norm)
+  apply (rule box_equals)
+    prefer 3
+    apply (rule word_sbin.norm_Rep)
+   apply (rule sbintrunc_sbintrunc_l)
+   defer
+   apply (subst word_sbin.norm_Rep)
+   apply (rule refl)
+  apply simp
+  done
+lemma uint_up_ucast':
+  "uc = ucast ==> is_up uc ==> uint (uc w) = uint w"
+  apply (unfold is_up)
+  apply safe
+  apply (rule bin_eqI)
+  apply (fold word_test_bit_def)
+  apply (auto simp add: nth_ucast)
+  apply (auto simp add: test_bit_bin)
+  done
+lemmas down_cast_same = refl [THEN down_cast_same']
+lemmas ucast_up_app = refl [THEN ucast_up_app']
+lemmas ucast_down_drop = refl [THEN ucast_down_drop']
+lemmas scast_down_drop = refl [THEN scast_down_drop']
+lemmas uint_up_ucast = refl [THEN uint_up_ucast']
+lemmas sint_up_scast = refl [THEN sint_up_scast']
+lemma ucast_up_ucast': "uc = ucast ==> is_up uc ==> ucast (uc w) = ucast w"
+  apply (simp (no_asm) add: ucast_def)
+  apply (clarsimp simp add: uint_up_ucast)
+  done
+lemma scast_up_scast': "sc = scast ==> is_up sc ==> scast (sc w) = scast w"
+  apply (simp (no_asm) add: scast_def)
+  apply (clarsimp simp add: sint_up_scast)
+  done
+lemma ucast_of_bl_up': 
+  "w = of_bl bl ==> size bl <= size w ==> ucast w = of_bl bl"
+  by (auto simp add : nth_ucast word_size test_bit_of_bl intro!: word_eqI)
+lemmas ucast_up_ucast = refl [THEN ucast_up_ucast']
+lemmas scast_up_scast = refl [THEN scast_up_scast']
+lemmas ucast_of_bl_up = refl [THEN ucast_of_bl_up']
+lemmas ucast_up_ucast_id = trans [OF ucast_up_ucast ucast_id]
+lemmas scast_up_scast_id = trans [OF scast_up_scast scast_id]
+lemmas isduu = is_up_down [where c = "ucast", THEN iffD2]
+lemmas isdus = is_up_down [where c = "scast", THEN iffD2]
+lemmas ucast_down_ucast_id = isduu [THEN ucast_up_ucast_id]
+lemmas scast_down_scast_id = isdus [THEN ucast_up_ucast_id]
+lemma up_ucast_surj:
+  "is_up (ucast :: 'b::len0 word => 'a::len0 word) ==> 
+   surj (ucast :: 'a word => 'b word)"
+  by (rule surjI, erule ucast_up_ucast_id)
+lemma up_scast_surj:
+  "is_up (scast :: 'b::len word => 'a::len word) ==> 
+   surj (scast :: 'a word => 'b word)"
+  by (rule surjI, erule scast_up_scast_id)
+lemma down_scast_inj:
+  "is_down (scast :: 'b::len word => 'a::len word) ==> 
+   inj_on (ucast :: 'a word => 'b word) A"
+  by (rule inj_on_inverseI, erule scast_down_scast_id)
+lemma down_ucast_inj:
+  "is_down (ucast :: 'b::len0 word => 'a::len0 word) ==> 
+   inj_on (ucast :: 'a word => 'b word) A"
+  by (rule inj_on_inverseI, erule ucast_down_ucast_id)
+lemma of_bl_append_same: "of_bl (X @ to_bl w) = w"
+  by (rule word_bl.Rep_eqD) (simp add: word_rep_drop)
+lemma ucast_down_no': 
+  "uc = ucast ==> is_down uc ==> uc (number_of bin) = number_of bin"
+  apply (unfold word_number_of_def is_down)
+  apply (clarsimp simp add: ucast_def word_ubin.eq_norm)
+  apply (rule word_ubin.norm_eq_iff [THEN iffD1])
+  apply (erule bintrunc_bintrunc_ge)
+  done
+lemmas ucast_down_no = ucast_down_no' [OF refl]
+lemma ucast_down_bl': "uc = ucast ==> is_down uc ==> uc (of_bl bl) = of_bl bl"
+  unfolding of_bl_no by clarify (erule ucast_down_no)
+lemmas ucast_down_bl = ucast_down_bl' [OF refl]
+lemmas slice_def' = slice_def [unfolded word_size]
+lemmas test_bit_def' = word_test_bit_def [THEN fun_cong]
+lemmas word_log_defs = word_and_def word_or_def word_xor_def word_not_def
+lemmas word_log_bin_defs = word_log_defs
+text {* Executable equality *}
+instantiation word :: ("{len0}") eq
+definition eq_word :: "'a word \<Rightarrow> 'a word \<Rightarrow> bool" where
+  "eq_word k l \<longleftrightarrow> HOL.eq (uint k) (uint l)"
+instance proof
+qed (simp add: eq eq_word_def)
+subsection {* Word Arithmetic *}
+lemma word_less_alt: "(a < b) = (uint a < uint b)"
+  unfolding word_less_def word_le_def
+  by (auto simp del: word_uint.Rep_inject 
+           simp: word_uint.Rep_inject [symmetric])
+lemma signed_linorder: "class.linorder word_sle word_sless"
+qed (unfold word_sle_def word_sless_def, auto)
+interpretation signed: linorder "word_sle" "word_sless"
+  by (rule signed_linorder)
+lemmas word_arith_wis = 
+  word_add_def word_mult_def word_minus_def 
+  word_succ_def word_pred_def word_0_wi word_1_wi
+lemma udvdI: 
+  "0 \<le> n ==> uint b = n * uint a ==> a udvd b"
+  by (auto simp: udvd_def)
+lemmas word_div_no [simp] = 
+  word_div_def [of "number_of a" "number_of b", standard]
+lemmas word_mod_no [simp] = 
+  word_mod_def [of "number_of a" "number_of b", standard]
+lemmas word_less_no [simp] = 
+  word_less_def [of "number_of a" "number_of b", standard]
+lemmas word_le_no [simp] = 
+  word_le_def [of "number_of a" "number_of b", standard]
+lemmas word_sless_no [simp] = 
+  word_sless_def [of "number_of a" "number_of b", standard]
+lemmas word_sle_no [simp] = 
+  word_sle_def [of "number_of a" "number_of b", standard]
+(* following two are available in class number_ring, 
+  but convenient to have them here here;
+  note - the number_ring versions, numeral_0_eq_0 and numeral_1_eq_1
+  are in the default simpset, so to use the automatic simplifications for
+  (eg) sint (number_of bin) on sint 1, must do
+  (simp add: word_1_no del: numeral_1_eq_1) 
+  *)
+lemmas word_0_wi_Pls = word_0_wi [folded Pls_def]
+lemmas word_0_no = word_0_wi_Pls [folded word_no_wi]
+lemma int_one_bin: "(1 :: int) == (Int.Pls BIT 1)"
+  unfolding Pls_def Bit_def by auto
+lemma word_1_no: 
+  "(1 :: 'a :: len0 word) == number_of (Int.Pls BIT 1)"
+  unfolding word_1_wi word_number_of_def int_one_bin by auto
+lemma word_m1_wi: "-1 == word_of_int -1" 
+  by (rule word_number_of_alt)
+lemma word_m1_wi_Min: "-1 = word_of_int Int.Min"
+  by (simp add: word_m1_wi number_of_eq)
+lemma word_0_bl: "of_bl [] = 0" 
+  unfolding word_0_wi of_bl_def by (simp add : Pls_def)
+lemma word_1_bl: "of_bl [True] = 1" 
+  unfolding word_1_wi of_bl_def
+  by (simp add : bl_to_bin_def Bit_def Pls_def)
+lemma uint_eq_0 [simp] : "(uint 0 = 0)" 
+  unfolding word_0_wi
+  by (simp add: word_ubin.eq_norm Pls_def [symmetric])
+lemma of_bl_0 [simp] : "of_bl (replicate n False) = 0"
+  by (simp add : word_0_wi of_bl_def bl_to_bin_rep_False Pls_def)
+lemma to_bl_0: 
+  "to_bl (0::'a::len0 word) = replicate (len_of TYPE('a)) False"
+  unfolding uint_bl
+  by (simp add : word_size bin_to_bl_Pls Pls_def [symmetric])
+lemma uint_0_iff: "(uint x = 0) = (x = 0)"
+  by (auto intro!: word_uint.Rep_eqD)
+lemma unat_0_iff: "(unat x = 0) = (x = 0)"
+  unfolding unat_def by (auto simp add : nat_eq_iff uint_0_iff)
+lemma unat_0 [simp]: "unat 0 = 0"
+  unfolding unat_def by auto
+lemma size_0_same': "size w = 0 ==> w = (v :: 'a :: len0 word)"
+  apply (unfold word_size)
+  apply (rule box_equals)
+    defer
+    apply (rule word_uint.Rep_inverse)+
+  apply (rule word_ubin.norm_eq_iff [THEN iffD1])
+  apply simp
+  done
+lemmas size_0_same = size_0_same' [folded word_size]
+lemmas unat_eq_0 = unat_0_iff
+lemmas unat_eq_zero = unat_0_iff
+lemma unat_gt_0: "(0 < unat x) = (x ~= 0)"
+by (auto simp: unat_0_iff [symmetric])
+lemma ucast_0 [simp] : "ucast 0 = 0"
+unfolding ucast_def
+by simp (simp add: word_0_wi)
+lemma sint_0 [simp] : "sint 0 = 0"
+unfolding sint_uint
+by (simp add: Pls_def [symmetric])
+lemma scast_0 [simp] : "scast 0 = 0"
+apply (unfold scast_def)
+apply simp
+apply (simp add: word_0_wi)
+lemma sint_n1 [simp] : "sint -1 = -1"
+apply (unfold word_m1_wi_Min)
+apply (simp add: word_sbin.eq_norm)
+apply (unfold Min_def number_of_eq)
+apply simp
+lemma scast_n1 [simp] : "scast -1 = -1"
+  apply (unfold scast_def sint_n1)
+  apply (unfold word_number_of_alt)
+  apply (rule refl)
+  done
+lemma uint_1 [simp] : "uint (1 :: 'a :: len word) = 1"
+  unfolding word_1_wi
+  by (simp add: word_ubin.eq_norm int_one_bin bintrunc_minus_simps)
+lemma unat_1 [simp] : "unat (1 :: 'a :: len word) = 1"
+  by (unfold unat_def uint_1) auto
+lemma ucast_1 [simp] : "ucast (1 :: 'a :: len word) = 1"
+  unfolding ucast_def word_1_wi
+  by (simp add: word_ubin.eq_norm int_one_bin bintrunc_minus_simps)
+(* abstraction preserves the operations
+  (the definitions tell this for bins in range uint) *)
+lemmas arths = 
+  bintr_ariths [THEN word_ubin.norm_eq_iff [THEN iffD1],
+                folded word_ubin.eq_norm, standard]
+lemma wi_homs: 
+  shows
+  wi_hom_add: "word_of_int a + word_of_int b = word_of_int (a + b)" and
+  wi_hom_mult: "word_of_int a * word_of_int b = word_of_int (a * b)" and
+  wi_hom_neg: "- word_of_int a = word_of_int (- a)" and
+  wi_hom_succ: "word_succ (word_of_int a) = word_of_int (Int.succ a)" and
+  wi_hom_pred: "word_pred (word_of_int a) = word_of_int (Int.pred a)"
+  by (auto simp: word_arith_wis arths)
+lemmas wi_hom_syms = wi_homs [symmetric]
+lemma word_sub_def: "a - b == a + - (b :: 'a :: len0 word)"
+  unfolding word_sub_wi diff_def
+  by (simp only : word_uint.Rep_inverse wi_hom_syms)
+lemmas word_diff_minus = word_sub_def [THEN meta_eq_to_obj_eq, standard]
+lemma word_of_int_sub_hom:
+  "(word_of_int a) - word_of_int b = word_of_int (a - b)"
+  unfolding word_sub_def diff_def by (simp only : wi_homs)
+lemmas new_word_of_int_homs = 
+  word_of_int_sub_hom wi_homs word_0_wi word_1_wi 
+lemmas new_word_of_int_hom_syms = new_word_of_int_homs [symmetric, standard]
+lemmas word_of_int_hom_syms =
+  new_word_of_int_hom_syms [unfolded succ_def pred_def]
+lemmas word_of_int_homs =
+  new_word_of_int_homs [unfolded succ_def pred_def]
+lemmas word_of_int_add_hom = word_of_int_homs (2)
+lemmas word_of_int_mult_hom = word_of_int_homs (3)
+lemmas word_of_int_minus_hom = word_of_int_homs (4)
+lemmas word_of_int_succ_hom = word_of_int_homs (5)
+lemmas word_of_int_pred_hom = word_of_int_homs (6)
+lemmas word_of_int_0_hom = word_of_int_homs (7)
+lemmas word_of_int_1_hom = word_of_int_homs (8)
+(* now, to get the weaker results analogous to word_div/mod_def *)
+lemmas word_arith_alts = 
+  word_sub_wi [unfolded succ_def pred_def, standard]
+  word_arith_wis [unfolded succ_def pred_def, standard]
+lemmas word_sub_alt = word_arith_alts (1)
+lemmas word_add_alt = word_arith_alts (2)
+lemmas word_mult_alt = word_arith_alts (3)
+lemmas word_minus_alt = word_arith_alts (4)
+lemmas word_succ_alt = word_arith_alts (5)
+lemmas word_pred_alt = word_arith_alts (6)
+lemmas word_0_alt = word_arith_alts (7)
+lemmas word_1_alt = word_arith_alts (8)
+subsection  "Transferring goals from words to ints"
+lemma word_ths:  
+  shows
+  word_succ_p1:   "word_succ a = a + 1" and
+  word_pred_m1:   "word_pred a = a - 1" and
+  word_pred_succ: "word_pred (word_succ a) = a" and
+  word_succ_pred: "word_succ (word_pred a) = a" and
+  word_mult_succ: "word_succ a * b = b + a * b"
+  by (rule word_uint.Abs_cases [of b],
+      rule word_uint.Abs_cases [of a],
+      simp add: pred_def succ_def add_commute mult_commute 
+                ring_distribs new_word_of_int_homs)+
+lemmas uint_cong = arg_cong [where f = uint]
+lemmas uint_word_ariths = 
+  word_arith_alts [THEN trans [OF uint_cong int_word_uint], standard]
+lemmas uint_word_arith_bintrs = uint_word_ariths [folded bintrunc_mod2p]
+(* similar expressions for sint (arith operations) *)
+lemmas sint_word_ariths = uint_word_arith_bintrs
+  [THEN uint_sint [symmetric, THEN trans],
+  unfolded uint_sint bintr_arith1s bintr_ariths 
+    len_gt_0 [THEN bin_sbin_eq_iff'] word_sbin.norm_Rep, standard]
+lemmas uint_div_alt = word_div_def
+  [THEN trans [OF uint_cong int_word_uint], standard]
+lemmas uint_mod_alt = word_mod_def
+  [THEN trans [OF uint_cong int_word_uint], standard]
+lemma word_pred_0_n1: "word_pred 0 = word_of_int -1"
+  unfolding word_pred_def number_of_eq
+  by (simp add : pred_def word_no_wi)
+lemma word_pred_0_Min: "word_pred 0 = word_of_int Int.Min"
+  by (simp add: word_pred_0_n1 number_of_eq)
+lemma word_m1_Min: "- 1 = word_of_int Int.Min"
+  unfolding Min_def by (simp only: word_of_int_hom_syms)
+lemma succ_pred_no [simp]:
+  "word_succ (number_of bin) = number_of (Int.succ bin) & 
+    word_pred (number_of bin) = number_of (Int.pred bin)"
+  unfolding word_number_of_def by (simp add : new_word_of_int_homs)
+lemma word_sp_01 [simp] : 
+  "word_succ -1 = 0 & word_succ 0 = 1 & word_pred 0 = -1 & word_pred 1 = 0"
+  by (unfold word_0_no word_1_no) auto
+(* alternative approach to lifting arithmetic equalities *)
+lemma word_of_int_Ex:
+  "\<exists>y. x = word_of_int y"
+  by (rule_tac x="uint x" in exI) simp
+lemma word_arith_eqs:
+  fixes a :: "'a::len0 word"
+  fixes b :: "'a::len0 word"
+  shows
+  word_add_0: "0 + a = a" and
+  word_add_0_right: "a + 0 = a" and
+  word_mult_1: "1 * a = a" and
+  word_mult_1_right: "a * 1 = a" and
+  word_add_commute: "a + b = b + a" and
+  word_add_assoc: "a + b + c = a + (b + c)" and
+  word_add_left_commute: "a + (b + c) = b + (a + c)" and
+  word_mult_commute: "a * b = b * a" and
+  word_mult_assoc: "a * b * c = a * (b * c)" and
+  word_mult_left_commute: "a * (b * c) = b * (a * c)" and
+  word_left_distrib: "(a + b) * c = a * c + b * c" and
+  word_right_distrib: "a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c" and
+  word_left_minus: "- a + a = 0" and
+  word_diff_0_right: "a - 0 = a" and
+  word_diff_self: "a - a = 0"
+  using word_of_int_Ex [of a] 
+        word_of_int_Ex [of b] 
+        word_of_int_Ex [of c]
+  by (auto simp: word_of_int_hom_syms [symmetric]
+                 zadd_0_right add_commute add_assoc add_left_commute
+                 mult_commute mult_assoc mult_left_commute
+                 left_distrib right_distrib)
+lemmas word_add_ac = word_add_commute word_add_assoc word_add_left_commute
+lemmas word_mult_ac = word_mult_commute word_mult_assoc word_mult_left_commute
+lemmas word_plus_ac0 = word_add_0 word_add_0_right word_add_ac
+lemmas word_times_ac1 = word_mult_1 word_mult_1_right word_mult_ac
+subsection "Order on fixed-length words"
+lemma word_order_trans: "x <= y ==> y <= z ==> x <= (z :: 'a :: len0 word)"
+  unfolding word_le_def by auto
+lemma word_order_refl: "z <= (z :: 'a :: len0 word)"
+  unfolding word_le_def by auto
+lemma word_order_antisym: "x <= y ==> y <= x ==> x = (y :: 'a :: len0 word)"
+  unfolding word_le_def by (auto intro!: word_uint.Rep_eqD)
+lemma word_order_linear:
+  "y <= x | x <= (y :: 'a :: len0 word)"
+  unfolding word_le_def by auto
+lemma word_zero_le [simp] :
+  "0 <= (y :: 'a :: len0 word)"
+  unfolding word_le_def by auto
+instance word :: (len0) semigroup_add
+  by intro_classes (simp add: word_add_assoc)
+instance word :: (len0) linorder
+  by intro_classes (auto simp: word_less_def word_le_def)
+instance word :: (len0) ring
+  by intro_classes
+     (auto simp: word_arith_eqs word_diff_minus 
+                 word_diff_self [unfolded word_diff_minus])
+lemma word_m1_ge [simp] : "word_pred 0 >= y"
+  unfolding word_le_def
+  by (simp only : word_pred_0_n1 word_uint.eq_norm m1mod2k) auto
+lemmas word_n1_ge [simp]  = word_m1_ge [simplified word_sp_01]
+lemmas word_not_simps [simp] = 
+  word_zero_le [THEN leD] word_m1_ge [THEN leD] word_n1_ge [THEN leD]
+lemma word_gt_0: "0 < y = (0 ~= (y :: 'a :: len0 word))"
+  unfolding word_less_def by auto
+lemmas word_gt_0_no [simp] = word_gt_0 [of "number_of y", standard]
+lemma word_sless_alt: "(a <s b) == (sint a < sint b)"
+  unfolding word_sle_def word_sless_def
+  by (auto simp add: less_le)
+lemma word_le_nat_alt: "(a <= b) = (unat a <= unat b)"
+  unfolding unat_def word_le_def
+  by (rule nat_le_eq_zle [symmetric]) simp
+lemma word_less_nat_alt: "(a < b) = (unat a < unat b)"
+  unfolding unat_def word_less_alt
+  by (rule nat_less_eq_zless [symmetric]) simp
+lemma wi_less: 
+  "(word_of_int n < (word_of_int m :: 'a :: len0 word)) = 
+    (n mod 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a) < m mod 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a))"
+  unfolding word_less_alt by (simp add: word_uint.eq_norm)
+lemma wi_le: 
+  "(word_of_int n <= (word_of_int m :: 'a :: len0 word)) = 
+    (n mod 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a) <= m mod 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a))"
+  unfolding word_le_def by (simp add: word_uint.eq_norm)
+lemma udvd_nat_alt: "a udvd b = (EX n>=0. unat b = n * unat a)"
+  apply (unfold udvd_def)
+  apply safe
+   apply (simp add: unat_def nat_mult_distrib)
+  apply (simp add: uint_nat int_mult)
+  apply (rule exI)
+  apply safe
+   prefer 2
+   apply (erule notE)
+   apply (rule refl)
+  apply force
+  done
+lemma udvd_iff_dvd: "x udvd y <-> unat x dvd unat y"
+  unfolding dvd_def udvd_nat_alt by force
+lemmas unat_mono = word_less_nat_alt [THEN iffD1, standard]
+lemma word_zero_neq_one: "0 < len_of TYPE ('a :: len0) ==> (0 :: 'a word) ~= 1";
+  unfolding word_arith_wis
+  by (auto simp add: word_ubin.norm_eq_iff [symmetric] gr0_conv_Suc)
+lemmas lenw1_zero_neq_one = len_gt_0 [THEN word_zero_neq_one]
+lemma no_no [simp] : "number_of (number_of b) = number_of b"
+  by (simp add: number_of_eq)
+lemma unat_minus_one: "x ~= 0 ==> unat (x - 1) = unat x - 1"
+  apply (unfold unat_def)
+  apply (simp only: int_word_uint word_arith_alts rdmods)
+  apply (subgoal_tac "uint x >= 1")
+   prefer 2
+   apply (drule contrapos_nn)
+    apply (erule word_uint.Rep_inverse' [symmetric])
+   apply (insert uint_ge_0 [of x])[1]
+   apply arith
+  apply (rule box_equals)
+    apply (rule nat_diff_distrib)
+     prefer 2
+     apply assumption
+    apply simp
+   apply (subst mod_pos_pos_trivial)
+     apply arith
+    apply (insert uint_lt2p [of x])[1]
+    apply arith
+   apply (rule refl)
+  apply simp
+  done
+lemma measure_unat: "p ~= 0 ==> unat (p - 1) < unat p"
+  by (simp add: unat_minus_one) (simp add: unat_0_iff [symmetric])
+lemmas uint_add_ge0 [simp] =
+  add_nonneg_nonneg [OF uint_ge_0 uint_ge_0, standard]
+lemmas uint_mult_ge0 [simp] =
+  mult_nonneg_nonneg [OF uint_ge_0 uint_ge_0, standard]
+lemma uint_sub_lt2p [simp]: 
+  "uint (x :: 'a :: len0 word) - uint (y :: 'b :: len0 word) < 
+    2 ^ len_of TYPE('a)"
+  using uint_ge_0 [of y] uint_lt2p [of x] by arith
+subsection "Conditions for the addition (etc) of two words to overflow"
+lemma uint_add_lem: 
+  "(uint x + uint y < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a)) = 
+    (uint (x + y :: 'a :: len0 word) = uint x + uint y)"
+  by (unfold uint_word_ariths) (auto intro!: trans [OF _ int_mod_lem])
+lemma uint_mult_lem: 
+  "(uint x * uint y < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a)) = 
+    (uint (x * y :: 'a :: len0 word) = uint x * uint y)"
+  by (unfold uint_word_ariths) (auto intro!: trans [OF _ int_mod_lem])
+lemma uint_sub_lem: 
+  "(uint x >= uint y) = (uint (x - y) = uint x - uint y)"
+  by (unfold uint_word_ariths) (auto intro!: trans [OF _ int_mod_lem])
+lemma uint_add_le: "uint (x + y) <= uint x + uint y"
+  unfolding uint_word_ariths by (auto simp: mod_add_if_z)
+lemma uint_sub_ge: "uint (x - y) >= uint x - uint y"
+  unfolding uint_word_ariths by (auto simp: mod_sub_if_z)
+lemmas uint_sub_if' =
+  trans [OF uint_word_ariths(1) mod_sub_if_z, simplified, standard]
+lemmas uint_plus_if' =
+  trans [OF uint_word_ariths(2) mod_add_if_z, simplified, standard]
+subsection {* Definition of uint\_arith *}
+lemma word_of_int_inverse:
+  "word_of_int r = a ==> 0 <= r ==> r < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a) ==> 
+   uint (a::'a::len0 word) = r"
+  apply (erule word_uint.Abs_inverse' [rotated])
+  apply (simp add: uints_num)
+  done
+lemma uint_split:
+  fixes x::"'a::len0 word"
+  shows "P (uint x) = 
+         (ALL i. word_of_int i = x & 0 <= i & i < 2^len_of TYPE('a) --> P i)"
+  apply (fold word_int_case_def)
+  apply (auto dest!: word_of_int_inverse simp: int_word_uint int_mod_eq'
+              split: word_int_split)
+  done
+lemma uint_split_asm:
+  fixes x::"'a::len0 word"
+  shows "P (uint x) = 
+         (~(EX i. word_of_int i = x & 0 <= i & i < 2^len_of TYPE('a) & ~ P i))"
+  by (auto dest!: word_of_int_inverse 
+           simp: int_word_uint int_mod_eq'
+           split: uint_split)
+lemmas uint_splits = uint_split uint_split_asm
+lemmas uint_arith_simps = 
+  word_le_def word_less_alt
+  word_uint.Rep_inject [symmetric] 
+  uint_sub_if' uint_plus_if'
+(* use this to stop, eg, 2 ^ len_of TYPE (32) being simplified *)
+lemma power_False_cong: "False ==> a ^ b = c ^ d" 
+  by auto
+(* uint_arith_tac: reduce to arithmetic on int, try to solve by arith *)
+ML {*
+fun uint_arith_ss_of ss = 
+  ss addsimps @{thms uint_arith_simps}
+     delsimps @{thms word_uint.Rep_inject}
+     addsplits @{thms split_if_asm} 
+     addcongs @{thms power_False_cong}
+fun uint_arith_tacs ctxt = 
+  let
+    fun arith_tac' n t =
+      Arith_Data.verbose_arith_tac ctxt n t
+        handle Cooper.COOPER _ => Seq.empty;
+    val cs = claset_of ctxt;
+    val ss = simpset_of ctxt;
+  in 
+    [ clarify_tac cs 1,
+      full_simp_tac (uint_arith_ss_of ss) 1,
+      ALLGOALS (full_simp_tac (HOL_ss addsplits @{thms uint_splits} 
+                                      addcongs @{thms power_False_cong})),
+      rewrite_goals_tac @{thms word_size}, 
+      ALLGOALS  (fn n => REPEAT (resolve_tac [allI, impI] n) THEN      
+                         REPEAT (etac conjE n) THEN
+                         REPEAT (dtac @{thm word_of_int_inverse} n 
+                                 THEN atac n 
+                                 THEN atac n)),
+      TRYALL arith_tac' ]
+  end
+fun uint_arith_tac ctxt = SELECT_GOAL (EVERY (uint_arith_tacs ctxt))
+method_setup uint_arith = 
+  {* Scan.succeed (SIMPLE_METHOD' o uint_arith_tac) *}
+  "solving word arithmetic via integers and arith"
+subsection "More on overflows and monotonicity"
+lemma no_plus_overflow_uint_size: 
+  "((x :: 'a :: len0 word) <= x + y) = (uint x + uint y < 2 ^ size x)"
+  unfolding word_size by uint_arith
+lemmas no_olen_add = no_plus_overflow_uint_size [unfolded word_size]
+lemma no_ulen_sub: "((x :: 'a :: len0 word) >= x - y) = (uint y <= uint x)"
+  by uint_arith
+lemma no_olen_add':
+  fixes x :: "'a::len0 word"
+  shows "(x \<le> y + x) = (uint y + uint x < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a))"
+  by (simp add: word_add_ac add_ac no_olen_add)
+lemmas olen_add_eqv = trans [OF no_olen_add no_olen_add' [symmetric], standard]
+lemmas uint_plus_simple_iff = trans [OF no_olen_add uint_add_lem, standard]
+lemmas uint_plus_simple = uint_plus_simple_iff [THEN iffD1, standard]
+lemmas uint_minus_simple_iff = trans [OF no_ulen_sub uint_sub_lem, standard]
+lemmas uint_minus_simple_alt = uint_sub_lem [folded word_le_def]
+lemmas word_sub_le_iff = no_ulen_sub [folded word_le_def]
+lemmas word_sub_le = word_sub_le_iff [THEN iffD2, standard]
+lemma word_less_sub1: 
+  "(x :: 'a :: len word) ~= 0 ==> (1 < x) = (0 < x - 1)"
+  by uint_arith
+lemma word_le_sub1: 
+  "(x :: 'a :: len word) ~= 0 ==> (1 <= x) = (0 <= x - 1)"
+  by uint_arith
+lemma sub_wrap_lt: 
+  "((x :: 'a :: len0 word) < x - z) = (x < z)"
+  by uint_arith
+lemma sub_wrap: 
+  "((x :: 'a :: len0 word) <= x - z) = (z = 0 | x < z)"
+  by uint_arith
+lemma plus_minus_not_NULL_ab: 
+  "(x :: 'a :: len0 word) <= ab - c ==> c <= ab ==> c ~= 0 ==> x + c ~= 0"
+  by uint_arith
+lemma plus_minus_no_overflow_ab: 
+  "(x :: 'a :: len0 word) <= ab - c ==> c <= ab ==> x <= x + c" 
+  by uint_arith
+lemma le_minus': 
+  "(a :: 'a :: len0 word) + c <= b ==> a <= a + c ==> c <= b - a"
+  by uint_arith
+lemma le_plus': 
+  "(a :: 'a :: len0 word) <= b ==> c <= b - a ==> a + c <= b"
+  by uint_arith
+lemmas le_plus = le_plus' [rotated]
+lemmas le_minus = leD [THEN thin_rl, THEN le_minus', standard]
+lemma word_plus_mono_right: 
+  "(y :: 'a :: len0 word) <= z ==> x <= x + z ==> x + y <= x + z"
+  by uint_arith
+lemma word_less_minus_cancel: 
+  "y - x < z - x ==> x <= z ==> (y :: 'a :: len0 word) < z"
+  by uint_arith
+lemma word_less_minus_mono_left: 
+  "(y :: 'a :: len0 word) < z ==> x <= y ==> y - x < z - x"
+  by uint_arith
+lemma word_less_minus_mono:  
+  "a < c ==> d < b ==> a - b < a ==> c - d < c 
+  ==> a - b < c - (d::'a::len word)"
+  by uint_arith
+lemma word_le_minus_cancel: 
+  "y - x <= z - x ==> x <= z ==> (y :: 'a :: len0 word) <= z"
+  by uint_arith
+lemma word_le_minus_mono_left: 
+  "(y :: 'a :: len0 word) <= z ==> x <= y ==> y - x <= z - x"
+  by uint_arith
+lemma word_le_minus_mono:  
+  "a <= c ==> d <= b ==> a - b <= a ==> c - d <= c 
+  ==> a - b <= c - (d::'a::len word)"
+  by uint_arith
+lemma plus_le_left_cancel_wrap: 
+  "(x :: 'a :: len0 word) + y' < x ==> x + y < x ==> (x + y' < x + y) = (y' < y)"
+  by uint_arith
+lemma plus_le_left_cancel_nowrap: 
+  "(x :: 'a :: len0 word) <= x + y' ==> x <= x + y ==> 
+    (x + y' < x + y) = (y' < y)" 
+  by uint_arith
+lemma word_plus_mono_right2: 
+  "(a :: 'a :: len0 word) <= a + b ==> c <= b ==> a <= a + c"
+  by uint_arith
+lemma word_less_add_right: 
+  "(x :: 'a :: len0 word) < y - z ==> z <= y ==> x + z < y"
+  by uint_arith
+lemma word_less_sub_right: 
+  "(x :: 'a :: len0 word) < y + z ==> y <= x ==> x - y < z"
+  by uint_arith
+lemma word_le_plus_either: 
+  "(x :: 'a :: len0 word) <= y | x <= z ==> y <= y + z ==> x <= y + z"
+  by uint_arith
+lemma word_less_nowrapI: 
+  "(x :: 'a :: len0 word) < z - k ==> k <= z ==> 0 < k ==> x < x + k"
+  by uint_arith
+lemma inc_le: "(i :: 'a :: len word) < m ==> i + 1 <= m"
+  by uint_arith
+lemma inc_i: 
+  "(1 :: 'a :: len word) <= i ==> i < m ==> 1 <= (i + 1) & i + 1 <= m"
+  by uint_arith
+lemma udvd_incr_lem:
+  "up < uq ==> up = ua + n * uint K ==> 
+    uq = ua + n' * uint K ==> up + uint K <= uq"
+  apply clarsimp
+  apply (drule less_le_mult)
+  apply safe
+  done
+lemma udvd_incr': 
+  "p < q ==> uint p = ua + n * uint K ==> 
+    uint q = ua + n' * uint K ==> p + K <= q" 
+  apply (unfold word_less_alt word_le_def)
+  apply (drule (2) udvd_incr_lem)
+  apply (erule uint_add_le [THEN order_trans])
+  done
+lemma udvd_decr': 
+  "p < q ==> uint p = ua + n * uint K ==> 
+    uint q = ua + n' * uint K ==> p <= q - K"
+  apply (unfold word_less_alt word_le_def)
+  apply (drule (2) udvd_incr_lem)
+  apply (drule le_diff_eq [THEN iffD2])
+  apply (erule order_trans)
+  apply (rule uint_sub_ge)
+  done
+lemmas udvd_incr_lem0 = udvd_incr_lem [where ua=0, simplified]
+lemmas udvd_incr0 = udvd_incr' [where ua=0, simplified]
+lemmas udvd_decr0 = udvd_decr' [where ua=0, simplified]
+lemma udvd_minus_le': 
+  "xy < k ==> z udvd xy ==> z udvd k ==> xy <= k - z"
+  apply (unfold udvd_def)
+  apply clarify
+  apply (erule (2) udvd_decr0)
+  done
+ML {* Delsimprocs Numeral_Simprocs.cancel_factors *}
+lemma udvd_incr2_K: 
+  "p < a + s ==> a <= a + s ==> K udvd s ==> K udvd p - a ==> a <= p ==> 
+    0 < K ==> p <= p + K & p + K <= a + s"
+  apply (unfold udvd_def)
+  apply clarify
+  apply (simp add: uint_arith_simps split: split_if_asm)
+   prefer 2 
+   apply (insert uint_range' [of s])[1]
+   apply arith
+  apply (drule add_commute [THEN xtr1])
+  apply (simp add: diff_less_eq [symmetric])
+  apply (drule less_le_mult)
+   apply arith
+  apply simp
+  done
+ML {* Addsimprocs Numeral_Simprocs.cancel_factors *}
+(* links with rbl operations *)
+lemma word_succ_rbl:
+  "to_bl w = bl ==> to_bl (word_succ w) = (rev (rbl_succ (rev bl)))"
+  apply (unfold word_succ_def)
+  apply clarify
+  apply (simp add: to_bl_of_bin)
+  apply (simp add: to_bl_def rbl_succ)
+  done
+lemma word_pred_rbl:
+  "to_bl w = bl ==> to_bl (word_pred w) = (rev (rbl_pred (rev bl)))"
+  apply (unfold word_pred_def)
+  apply clarify
+  apply (simp add: to_bl_of_bin)
+  apply (simp add: to_bl_def rbl_pred)
+  done
+lemma word_add_rbl:
+  "to_bl v = vbl ==> to_bl w = wbl ==> 
+    to_bl (v + w) = (rev (rbl_add (rev vbl) (rev wbl)))"
+  apply (unfold word_add_def)
+  apply clarify
+  apply (simp add: to_bl_of_bin)
+  apply (simp add: to_bl_def rbl_add)
+  done
+lemma word_mult_rbl:
+  "to_bl v = vbl ==> to_bl w = wbl ==> 
+    to_bl (v * w) = (rev (rbl_mult (rev vbl) (rev wbl)))"
+  apply (unfold word_mult_def)
+  apply clarify
+  apply (simp add: to_bl_of_bin)
+  apply (simp add: to_bl_def rbl_mult)
+  done
+lemma rtb_rbl_ariths:
+  "rev (to_bl w) = ys \<Longrightarrow> rev (to_bl (word_succ w)) = rbl_succ ys"
+  "rev (to_bl w) = ys \<Longrightarrow> rev (to_bl (word_pred w)) = rbl_pred ys"
+  "[| rev (to_bl v) = ys; rev (to_bl w) = xs |] 
+  ==> rev (to_bl (v * w)) = rbl_mult ys xs"
+  "[| rev (to_bl v) = ys; rev (to_bl w) = xs |] 
+  ==> rev (to_bl (v + w)) = rbl_add ys xs"
+  by (auto simp: rev_swap [symmetric] word_succ_rbl 
+                 word_pred_rbl word_mult_rbl word_add_rbl)
+subsection "Arithmetic type class instantiations"
+instance word :: (len0) comm_monoid_add ..
+instance word :: (len0) comm_monoid_mult
+  apply (intro_classes)
+   apply (simp add: word_mult_commute)
+  apply (simp add: word_mult_1)
+  done
+instance word :: (len0) comm_semiring 
+  by (intro_classes) (simp add : word_left_distrib)
+instance word :: (len0) ab_group_add ..
+instance word :: (len0) comm_ring ..
+instance word :: (len) comm_semiring_1 
+  by (intro_classes) (simp add: lenw1_zero_neq_one)
+instance word :: (len) comm_ring_1 ..
+instance word :: (len0) comm_semiring_0 ..
+instance word :: (len0) order ..
+(* note that iszero_def is only for class comm_semiring_1_cancel,
+   which requires word length >= 1, ie 'a :: len word *) 
+lemma zero_bintrunc:
+  "iszero (number_of x :: 'a :: len word) = 
+    (bintrunc (len_of TYPE('a)) x = Int.Pls)"
+  apply (unfold iszero_def word_0_wi word_no_wi)
+  apply (rule word_ubin.norm_eq_iff [symmetric, THEN trans])
+  apply (simp add : Pls_def [symmetric])
+  done
+lemmas word_le_0_iff [simp] =
+  word_zero_le [THEN leD, THEN linorder_antisym_conv1]
+lemma word_of_nat: "of_nat n = word_of_int (int n)"
+  by (induct n) (auto simp add : word_of_int_hom_syms)
+lemma word_of_int: "of_int = word_of_int"
+  apply (rule ext)
+  apply (unfold of_int_def)
+  apply (rule contentsI)
+  apply safe
+  apply (simp_all add: word_of_nat word_of_int_homs)
+   defer
+   apply (rule Rep_Integ_ne [THEN nonemptyE])
+   apply (rule bexI)
+    prefer 2
+    apply assumption
+   apply (auto simp add: RI_eq_diff)
+  done
+lemma word_of_int_nat: 
+  "0 <= x ==> word_of_int x = of_nat (nat x)"
+  by (simp add: of_nat_nat word_of_int)
+lemma word_number_of_eq: 
+  "number_of w = (of_int w :: 'a :: len word)"
+  unfolding word_number_of_def word_of_int by auto
+instance word :: (len) number_ring
+  by (intro_classes) (simp add : word_number_of_eq)
+lemma iszero_word_no [simp] : 
+  "iszero (number_of bin :: 'a :: len word) = 
+    iszero (number_of (bintrunc (len_of TYPE('a)) bin) :: int)"
+  apply (simp add: zero_bintrunc number_of_is_id)
+  apply (unfold iszero_def Pls_def)
+  apply (rule refl)
+  done
+subsection "Word and nat"
+lemma td_ext_unat':
+  "n = len_of TYPE ('a :: len) ==> 
+    td_ext (unat :: 'a word => nat) of_nat 
+    (unats n) (%i. i mod 2 ^ n)"
+  apply (unfold td_ext_def' unat_def word_of_nat unats_uints)
+  apply (auto intro!: imageI simp add : word_of_int_hom_syms)
+  apply (erule word_uint.Abs_inverse [THEN arg_cong])
+  apply (simp add: int_word_uint nat_mod_distrib nat_power_eq)
+  done
+lemmas td_ext_unat = refl [THEN td_ext_unat']
+lemmas unat_of_nat = td_ext_unat [THEN td_ext.eq_norm, standard]
+interpretation word_unat:
+  td_ext "unat::'a::len word => nat" 
+         of_nat 
+         "unats (len_of TYPE('a::len))"
+         "%i. i mod 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a::len)"
+  by (rule td_ext_unat)
+lemmas td_unat = word_unat.td_thm
+lemmas unat_lt2p [iff] = word_unat.Rep [unfolded unats_def mem_Collect_eq]
+lemma unat_le: "y <= unat (z :: 'a :: len word) ==> y : unats (len_of TYPE ('a))"
+  apply (unfold unats_def)
+  apply clarsimp
+  apply (rule xtrans, rule unat_lt2p, assumption) 
+  done
+lemma word_nchotomy:
+  "ALL w. EX n. (w :: 'a :: len word) = of_nat n & n < 2 ^ len_of TYPE ('a)"
+  apply (rule allI)
+  apply (rule word_unat.Abs_cases)
+  apply (unfold unats_def)
+  apply auto
+  done
+lemma of_nat_eq:
+  fixes w :: "'a::len word"
+  shows "(of_nat n = w) = (\<exists>q. n = unat w + q * 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a))"
+  apply (rule trans)
+   apply (rule word_unat.inverse_norm)
+  apply (rule iffI)
+   apply (rule mod_eqD)
+   apply simp
+  apply clarsimp
+  done
+lemma of_nat_eq_size: 
+  "(of_nat n = w) = (EX q. n = unat w + q * 2 ^ size w)"
+  unfolding word_size by (rule of_nat_eq)
+lemma of_nat_0:
+  "(of_nat m = (0::'a::len word)) = (\<exists>q. m = q * 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a))"
+  by (simp add: of_nat_eq)
+lemmas of_nat_2p = mult_1 [symmetric, THEN iffD2 [OF of_nat_0 exI]]
+lemma of_nat_gt_0: "of_nat k ~= 0 ==> 0 < k"
+  by (cases k) auto
+lemma of_nat_neq_0: 
+  "0 < k ==> k < 2 ^ len_of TYPE ('a :: len) ==> of_nat k ~= (0 :: 'a word)"
+  by (clarsimp simp add : of_nat_0)
+lemma Abs_fnat_hom_add:
+  "of_nat a + of_nat b = of_nat (a + b)"
+  by simp
+lemma Abs_fnat_hom_mult:
+  "of_nat a * of_nat b = (of_nat (a * b) :: 'a :: len word)"
+  by (simp add: word_of_nat word_of_int_mult_hom zmult_int)
+lemma Abs_fnat_hom_Suc:
+  "word_succ (of_nat a) = of_nat (Suc a)"
+  by (simp add: word_of_nat word_of_int_succ_hom add_ac)
+lemma Abs_fnat_hom_0: "(0::'a::len word) = of_nat 0"
+  by (simp add: word_of_nat word_0_wi)
+lemma Abs_fnat_hom_1: "(1::'a::len word) = of_nat (Suc 0)"
+  by (simp add: word_of_nat word_1_wi)
+lemmas Abs_fnat_homs = 
+  Abs_fnat_hom_add Abs_fnat_hom_mult Abs_fnat_hom_Suc 
+  Abs_fnat_hom_0 Abs_fnat_hom_1
+lemma word_arith_nat_add:
+  "a + b = of_nat (unat a + unat b)" 
+  by simp
+lemma word_arith_nat_mult:
+  "a * b = of_nat (unat a * unat b)"
+  by (simp add: Abs_fnat_hom_mult [symmetric])
+lemma word_arith_nat_Suc:
+  "word_succ a = of_nat (Suc (unat a))"
+  by (subst Abs_fnat_hom_Suc [symmetric]) simp
+lemma word_arith_nat_div:
+  "a div b = of_nat (unat a div unat b)"
+  by (simp add: word_div_def word_of_nat zdiv_int uint_nat)
+lemma word_arith_nat_mod:
+  "a mod b = of_nat (unat a mod unat b)"
+  by (simp add: word_mod_def word_of_nat zmod_int uint_nat)
+lemmas word_arith_nat_defs =
+  word_arith_nat_add word_arith_nat_mult
+  word_arith_nat_Suc Abs_fnat_hom_0
+  Abs_fnat_hom_1 word_arith_nat_div
+  word_arith_nat_mod 
+lemmas unat_cong = arg_cong [where f = "unat"]
+lemmas unat_word_ariths = word_arith_nat_defs
+  [THEN trans [OF unat_cong unat_of_nat], standard]
+lemmas word_sub_less_iff = word_sub_le_iff
+  [simplified linorder_not_less [symmetric], simplified]
+lemma unat_add_lem: 
+  "(unat x + unat y < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a)) = 
+    (unat (x + y :: 'a :: len word) = unat x + unat y)"
+  unfolding unat_word_ariths
+  by (auto intro!: trans [OF _ nat_mod_lem])
+lemma unat_mult_lem: 
+  "(unat x * unat y < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a)) = 
+    (unat (x * y :: 'a :: len word) = unat x * unat y)"
+  unfolding unat_word_ariths
+  by (auto intro!: trans [OF _ nat_mod_lem])
+lemmas unat_plus_if' = 
+  trans [OF unat_word_ariths(1) mod_nat_add, simplified, standard]
+lemma le_no_overflow: 
+  "x <= b ==> a <= a + b ==> x <= a + (b :: 'a :: len0 word)"
+  apply (erule order_trans)
+  apply (erule olen_add_eqv [THEN iffD1])
+  done
+lemmas un_ui_le = trans 
+  [OF word_le_nat_alt [symmetric] 
+      word_le_def, 
+   standard]
+lemma unat_sub_if_size:
+  "unat (x - y) = (if unat y <= unat x 
+   then unat x - unat y 
+   else unat x + 2 ^ size x - unat y)"
+  apply (unfold word_size)
+  apply (simp add: un_ui_le)
+  apply (auto simp add: unat_def uint_sub_if')
+   apply (rule nat_diff_distrib)
+    prefer 3
+    apply (simp add: algebra_simps)
+    apply (rule nat_diff_distrib [THEN trans])
+      prefer 3
+      apply (subst nat_add_distrib)
+        prefer 3
+        apply (simp add: nat_power_eq)
+       apply auto
+  apply uint_arith
+  done
+lemmas unat_sub_if' = unat_sub_if_size [unfolded word_size]
+lemma unat_div: "unat ((x :: 'a :: len word) div y) = unat x div unat y"
+  apply (simp add : unat_word_ariths)
+  apply (rule unat_lt2p [THEN xtr7, THEN nat_mod_eq'])
+  apply (rule div_le_dividend)
+  done
+lemma unat_mod: "unat ((x :: 'a :: len word) mod y) = unat x mod unat y"
+  apply (clarsimp simp add : unat_word_ariths)
+  apply (cases "unat y")
+   prefer 2
+   apply (rule unat_lt2p [THEN xtr7, THEN nat_mod_eq'])
+   apply (rule mod_le_divisor)
+   apply auto
+  done
+lemma uint_div: "uint ((x :: 'a :: len word) div y) = uint x div uint y"
+  unfolding uint_nat by (simp add : unat_div zdiv_int)
+lemma uint_mod: "uint ((x :: 'a :: len word) mod y) = uint x mod uint y"
+  unfolding uint_nat by (simp add : unat_mod zmod_int)
+subsection {* Definition of unat\_arith tactic *}
+lemma unat_split:
+  fixes x::"'a::len word"
+  shows "P (unat x) = 
+         (ALL n. of_nat n = x & n < 2^len_of TYPE('a) --> P n)"
+  by (auto simp: unat_of_nat)
+lemma unat_split_asm:
+  fixes x::"'a::len word"
+  shows "P (unat x) = 
+         (~(EX n. of_nat n = x & n < 2^len_of TYPE('a) & ~ P n))"
+  by (auto simp: unat_of_nat)
+lemmas of_nat_inverse = 
+  word_unat.Abs_inverse' [rotated, unfolded unats_def, simplified]
+lemmas unat_splits = unat_split unat_split_asm
+lemmas unat_arith_simps =
+  word_le_nat_alt word_less_nat_alt
+  word_unat.Rep_inject [symmetric]
+  unat_sub_if' unat_plus_if' unat_div unat_mod
+(* unat_arith_tac: tactic to reduce word arithmetic to nat, 
+   try to solve via arith *)
+ML {*
+fun unat_arith_ss_of ss = 
+  ss addsimps @{thms unat_arith_simps}
+     delsimps @{thms word_unat.Rep_inject}
+     addsplits @{thms split_if_asm}
+     addcongs @{thms power_False_cong}
+fun unat_arith_tacs ctxt =   
+  let
+    fun arith_tac' n t =
+      Arith_Data.verbose_arith_tac ctxt n t
+        handle Cooper.COOPER _ => Seq.empty;
+    val cs = claset_of ctxt;
+    val ss = simpset_of ctxt;
+  in 
+    [ clarify_tac cs 1,
+      full_simp_tac (unat_arith_ss_of ss) 1,
+      ALLGOALS (full_simp_tac (HOL_ss addsplits @{thms unat_splits} 
+                                       addcongs @{thms power_False_cong})),
+      rewrite_goals_tac @{thms word_size}, 
+      ALLGOALS  (fn n => REPEAT (resolve_tac [allI, impI] n) THEN      
+                         REPEAT (etac conjE n) THEN
+                         REPEAT (dtac @{thm of_nat_inverse} n THEN atac n)),
+      TRYALL arith_tac' ] 
+  end
+fun unat_arith_tac ctxt = SELECT_GOAL (EVERY (unat_arith_tacs ctxt))
+method_setup unat_arith = 
+  {* Scan.succeed (SIMPLE_METHOD' o unat_arith_tac) *}
+  "solving word arithmetic via natural numbers and arith"
+lemma no_plus_overflow_unat_size: 
+  "((x :: 'a :: len word) <= x + y) = (unat x + unat y < 2 ^ size x)" 
+  unfolding word_size by unat_arith
+lemmas no_olen_add_nat = no_plus_overflow_unat_size [unfolded word_size]
+lemmas unat_plus_simple = trans [OF no_olen_add_nat unat_add_lem, standard]
+lemma word_div_mult: 
+  "(0 :: 'a :: len word) < y ==> unat x * unat y < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a) ==> 
+    x * y div y = x"
+  apply unat_arith
+  apply clarsimp
+  apply (subst unat_mult_lem [THEN iffD1])
+  apply auto
+  done
+lemma div_lt': "(i :: 'a :: len word) <= k div x ==> 
+    unat i * unat x < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a)"
+  apply unat_arith
+  apply clarsimp
+  apply (drule mult_le_mono1)
+  apply (erule order_le_less_trans)
+  apply (rule xtr7 [OF unat_lt2p div_mult_le])
+  done
+lemmas div_lt'' = order_less_imp_le [THEN div_lt']
+lemma div_lt_mult: "(i :: 'a :: len word) < k div x ==> 0 < x ==> i * x < k"
+  apply (frule div_lt'' [THEN unat_mult_lem [THEN iffD1]])
+  apply (simp add: unat_arith_simps)
+  apply (drule (1) mult_less_mono1)
+  apply (erule order_less_le_trans)
+  apply (rule div_mult_le)
+  done
+lemma div_le_mult: 
+  "(i :: 'a :: len word) <= k div x ==> 0 < x ==> i * x <= k"
+  apply (frule div_lt' [THEN unat_mult_lem [THEN iffD1]])
+  apply (simp add: unat_arith_simps)
+  apply (drule mult_le_mono1)
+  apply (erule order_trans)
+  apply (rule div_mult_le)
+  done
+lemma div_lt_uint': 
+  "(i :: 'a :: len word) <= k div x ==> uint i * uint x < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a)"
+  apply (unfold uint_nat)
+  apply (drule div_lt')
+  apply (simp add: zmult_int zless_nat_eq_int_zless [symmetric] 
+                   nat_power_eq)
+  done
+lemmas div_lt_uint'' = order_less_imp_le [THEN div_lt_uint']
+lemma word_le_exists': 
+  "(x :: 'a :: len0 word) <= y ==> 
+    (EX z. y = x + z & uint x + uint z < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a))"
+  apply (rule exI)
+  apply (rule conjI)
+  apply (rule zadd_diff_inverse)
+  apply uint_arith
+  done
+lemmas plus_minus_not_NULL = order_less_imp_le [THEN plus_minus_not_NULL_ab]
+lemmas plus_minus_no_overflow =
+  order_less_imp_le [THEN plus_minus_no_overflow_ab]
+lemmas mcs = word_less_minus_cancel word_less_minus_mono_left
+  word_le_minus_cancel word_le_minus_mono_left
+lemmas word_l_diffs = mcs [where y = "w + x", unfolded add_diff_cancel, standard]
+lemmas word_diff_ls = mcs [where z = "w + x", unfolded add_diff_cancel, standard]
+lemmas word_plus_mcs = word_diff_ls 
+  [where y = "v + x", unfolded add_diff_cancel, standard]
+lemmas le_unat_uoi = unat_le [THEN word_unat.Abs_inverse]
+lemmas thd = refl [THEN [2] split_div_lemma [THEN iffD2], THEN conjunct1]
+lemma thd1:
+  "a div b * b \<le> (a::nat)"
+  using gt_or_eq_0 [of b]
+  apply (rule disjE)
+   apply (erule xtr4 [OF thd mult_commute])
+  apply clarsimp
+  done
+lemmas uno_simps [THEN le_unat_uoi, standard] =
+  mod_le_divisor div_le_dividend thd1 
+lemma word_mod_div_equality:
+  "(n div b) * b + (n mod b) = (n :: 'a :: len word)"
+  apply (unfold word_less_nat_alt word_arith_nat_defs)
+  apply (cut_tac y="unat b" in gt_or_eq_0)
+  apply (erule disjE)
+   apply (simp add: mod_div_equality uno_simps)
+  apply simp
+  done
+lemma word_div_mult_le: "a div b * b <= (a::'a::len word)"
+  apply (unfold word_le_nat_alt word_arith_nat_defs)
+  apply (cut_tac y="unat b" in gt_or_eq_0)
+  apply (erule disjE)
+   apply (simp add: div_mult_le uno_simps)
+  apply simp
+  done
+lemma word_mod_less_divisor: "0 < n ==> m mod n < (n :: 'a :: len word)"
+  apply (simp only: word_less_nat_alt word_arith_nat_defs)
+  apply (clarsimp simp add : uno_simps)
+  done
+lemma word_of_int_power_hom: 
+  "word_of_int a ^ n = (word_of_int (a ^ n) :: 'a :: len word)"
+  by (induct n) (simp_all add : word_of_int_hom_syms power_Suc)
+lemma word_arith_power_alt: 
+  "a ^ n = (word_of_int (uint a ^ n) :: 'a :: len word)"
+  by (simp add : word_of_int_power_hom [symmetric])
+lemma of_bl_length_less: 
+  "length x = k ==> k < len_of TYPE('a) ==> (of_bl x :: 'a :: len word) < 2 ^ k"
+  apply (unfold of_bl_no [unfolded word_number_of_def]
+                word_less_alt word_number_of_alt)
+  apply safe
+  apply (simp (no_asm) add: word_of_int_power_hom word_uint.eq_norm 
+                       del: word_of_int_bin)
+  apply (simp add: mod_pos_pos_trivial)
+  apply (subst mod_pos_pos_trivial)
+    apply (rule bl_to_bin_ge0)
+   apply (rule order_less_trans)
+    apply (rule bl_to_bin_lt2p)
+   apply simp
+  apply (rule bl_to_bin_lt2p)    
+  done
+subsection "Cardinality, finiteness of set of words"
+lemmas card_lessThan' = card_lessThan [unfolded lessThan_def]
+lemmas card_eq = word_unat.Abs_inj_on [THEN card_image,
+  unfolded word_unat.image, unfolded unats_def, standard]
+lemmas card_word = trans [OF card_eq card_lessThan', standard]
+lemma finite_word_UNIV: "finite (UNIV :: 'a :: len word set)"
+apply (rule contrapos_np)
+ prefer 2
+ apply (erule card_infinite)
+apply (simp add: card_word)
+lemma card_word_size: 
+  "card (UNIV :: 'a :: len word set) = (2 ^ size (x :: 'a word))"
+unfolding word_size by (rule card_word)
+subsection {* Bitwise Operations on Words *}
+lemmas bin_log_bintrs = bin_trunc_not bin_trunc_xor bin_trunc_and bin_trunc_or
+(* following definitions require both arithmetic and bit-wise word operations *)
+(* to get word_no_log_defs from word_log_defs, using bin_log_bintrs *)
+lemmas wils1 = bin_log_bintrs [THEN word_ubin.norm_eq_iff [THEN iffD1],
+  folded word_ubin.eq_norm, THEN eq_reflection, standard]
+(* the binary operations only *)
+lemmas word_log_binary_defs = 
+  word_and_def word_or_def word_xor_def
+lemmas word_no_log_defs [simp] = 
+  word_not_def  [where a="number_of a", 
+                 unfolded word_no_wi wils1, folded word_no_wi, standard]
+  word_log_binary_defs [where a="number_of a" and b="number_of b",
+                        unfolded word_no_wi wils1, folded word_no_wi, standard]
+lemmas word_wi_log_defs = word_no_log_defs [unfolded word_no_wi]
+lemma uint_or: "uint (x OR y) = (uint x) OR (uint y)"
+  by (simp add: word_or_def word_no_wi [symmetric] number_of_is_id
+                bin_trunc_ao(2) [symmetric])
+lemma uint_and: "uint (x AND y) = (uint x) AND (uint y)"
+  by (simp add: word_and_def number_of_is_id word_no_wi [symmetric]
+                bin_trunc_ao(1) [symmetric]) 
+lemma word_ops_nth_size:
+  "n < size (x::'a::len0 word) ==> 
+    (x OR y) !! n = (x !! n | y !! n) & 
+    (x AND y) !! n = (x !! n & y !! n) & 
+    (x XOR y) !! n = (x !! n ~= y !! n) & 
+    (NOT x) !! n = (~ x !! n)"
+  unfolding word_size word_no_wi word_test_bit_def word_log_defs
+  by (clarsimp simp add : word_ubin.eq_norm nth_bintr bin_nth_ops)
+lemma word_ao_nth:
+  fixes x :: "'a::len0 word"
+  shows "(x OR y) !! n = (x !! n | y !! n) & 
+         (x AND y) !! n = (x !! n & y !! n)"
+  apply (cases "n < size x")
+   apply (drule_tac y = "y" in word_ops_nth_size)
+   apply simp
+  apply (simp add : test_bit_bin word_size)
+  done
+(* get from commutativity, associativity etc of int_and etc
+  to same for word_and etc *)
+lemmas bwsimps = 
+  word_of_int_homs(2) 
+  word_0_wi_Pls
+  word_m1_wi_Min
+  word_wi_log_defs
+lemma word_bw_assocs:
+  fixes x :: "'a::len0 word"
+  shows
+  "(x AND y) AND z = x AND y AND z"
+  "(x OR y) OR z = x OR y OR z"
+  "(x XOR y) XOR z = x XOR y XOR z"
+  using word_of_int_Ex [where x=x] 
+        word_of_int_Ex [where x=y] 
+        word_of_int_Ex [where x=z]
+  by (auto simp: bwsimps bbw_assocs)
+lemma word_bw_comms:
+  fixes x :: "'a::len0 word"
+  shows
+  "x AND y = y AND x"
+  "x OR y = y OR x"
+  "x XOR y = y XOR x"
+  using word_of_int_Ex [where x=x] 
+        word_of_int_Ex [where x=y] 
+  by (auto simp: bwsimps bin_ops_comm)
+lemma word_bw_lcs:
+  fixes x :: "'a::len0 word"
+  shows
+  "y AND x AND z = x AND y AND z"
+  "y OR x OR z = x OR y OR z"
+  "y XOR x XOR z = x XOR y XOR z"
+  using word_of_int_Ex [where x=x] 
+        word_of_int_Ex [where x=y] 
+        word_of_int_Ex [where x=z]
+  by (auto simp: bwsimps)
+lemma word_log_esimps [simp]:
+  fixes x :: "'a::len0 word"
+  shows
+  "x AND 0 = 0"
+  "x AND -1 = x"
+  "x OR 0 = x"
+  "x OR -1 = -1"
+  "x XOR 0 = x"
+  "x XOR -1 = NOT x"
+  "0 AND x = 0"
+  "-1 AND x = x"
+  "0 OR x = x"
+  "-1 OR x = -1"
+  "0 XOR x = x"
+  "-1 XOR x = NOT x"
+  using word_of_int_Ex [where x=x] 
+  by (auto simp: bwsimps)
+lemma word_not_dist:
+  fixes x :: "'a::len0 word"
+  shows
+  "NOT (x OR y) = NOT x AND NOT y"
+  "NOT (x AND y) = NOT x OR NOT y"
+  using word_of_int_Ex [where x=x] 
+        word_of_int_Ex [where x=y] 
+  by (auto simp: bwsimps bbw_not_dist)
+lemma word_bw_same:
+  fixes x :: "'a::len0 word"
+  shows
+  "x AND x = x"
+  "x OR x = x"
+  "x XOR x = 0"
+  using word_of_int_Ex [where x=x] 
+  by (auto simp: bwsimps)
+lemma word_ao_absorbs [simp]:
+  fixes x :: "'a::len0 word"
+  shows
+  "x AND (y OR x) = x"
+  "x OR y AND x = x"
+  "x AND (x OR y) = x"
+  "y AND x OR x = x"
+  "(y OR x) AND x = x"
+  "x OR x AND y = x"
+  "(x OR y) AND x = x"
+  "x AND y OR x = x"
+  using word_of_int_Ex [where x=x] 
+        word_of_int_Ex [where x=y] 
+  by (auto simp: bwsimps)
+lemma word_not_not [simp]:
+  "NOT NOT (x::'a::len0 word) = x"
+  using word_of_int_Ex [where x=x] 
+  by (auto simp: bwsimps)
+lemma word_ao_dist:
+  fixes x :: "'a::len0 word"
+  shows "(x OR y) AND z = x AND z OR y AND z"
+  using word_of_int_Ex [where x=x] 
+        word_of_int_Ex [where x=y] 
+        word_of_int_Ex [where x=z]   
+  by (auto simp: bwsimps bbw_ao_dist simp del: bin_ops_comm)
+lemma word_oa_dist:
+  fixes x :: "'a::len0 word"
+  shows "x AND y OR z = (x OR z) AND (y OR z)"
+  using word_of_int_Ex [where x=x] 
+        word_of_int_Ex [where x=y] 
+        word_of_int_Ex [where x=z]   
+  by (auto simp: bwsimps bbw_oa_dist simp del: bin_ops_comm)
+lemma word_add_not [simp]: 
+  fixes x :: "'a::len0 word"
+  shows "x + NOT x = -1"
+  using word_of_int_Ex [where x=x] 
+  by (auto simp: bwsimps bin_add_not)
+lemma word_plus_and_or [simp]:
+  fixes x :: "'a::len0 word"
+  shows "(x AND y) + (x OR y) = x + y"
+  using word_of_int_Ex [where x=x] 
+        word_of_int_Ex [where x=y] 
+  by (auto simp: bwsimps plus_and_or)
+lemma leoa:   
+  fixes x :: "'a::len0 word"
+  shows "(w = (x OR y)) ==> (y = (w AND y))" by auto
+lemma leao: 
+  fixes x' :: "'a::len0 word"
+  shows "(w' = (x' AND y')) ==> (x' = (x' OR w'))" by auto 
+lemmas word_ao_equiv = leao [COMP leoa [COMP iffI]]
+lemma le_word_or2: "x <= x OR (y::'a::len0 word)"
+  unfolding word_le_def uint_or
+  by (auto intro: le_int_or) 
+lemmas le_word_or1 = xtr3 [OF word_bw_comms (2) le_word_or2, standard]
+lemmas word_and_le1 =
+  xtr3 [OF word_ao_absorbs (4) [symmetric] le_word_or2, standard]
+lemmas word_and_le2 =
+  xtr3 [OF word_ao_absorbs (8) [symmetric] le_word_or2, standard]
+lemma bl_word_not: "to_bl (NOT w) = map Not (to_bl w)" 
+  unfolding to_bl_def word_log_defs
+  by (simp add: bl_not_bin number_of_is_id word_no_wi [symmetric] bin_to_bl_def[symmetric])
+lemma bl_word_xor: "to_bl (v XOR w) = map2 op ~= (to_bl v) (to_bl w)" 
+  unfolding to_bl_def word_log_defs bl_xor_bin
+  by (simp add: number_of_is_id word_no_wi [symmetric])
+lemma bl_word_or: "to_bl (v OR w) = map2 op | (to_bl v) (to_bl w)" 
+  unfolding to_bl_def word_log_defs
+  by (simp add: bl_or_bin number_of_is_id word_no_wi [symmetric])
+lemma bl_word_and: "to_bl (v AND w) = map2 op & (to_bl v) (to_bl w)" 
+  unfolding to_bl_def word_log_defs
+  by (simp add: bl_and_bin number_of_is_id word_no_wi [symmetric])
+lemma word_lsb_alt: "lsb (w::'a::len0 word) = test_bit w 0"
+  by (auto simp: word_test_bit_def word_lsb_def)
+lemma word_lsb_1_0: "lsb (1::'a::len word) & ~ lsb (0::'b::len0 word)"
+  unfolding word_lsb_def word_1_no word_0_no by auto
+lemma word_lsb_last: "lsb (w::'a::len word) = last (to_bl w)"
+  apply (unfold word_lsb_def uint_bl bin_to_bl_def) 
+  apply (rule_tac bin="uint w" in bin_exhaust)
+  apply (cases "size w")
+   apply auto
+   apply (auto simp add: bin_to_bl_aux_alt)
+  done
+lemma word_lsb_int: "lsb w = (uint w mod 2 = 1)"
+  unfolding word_lsb_def bin_last_mod by auto
+lemma word_msb_sint: "msb w = (sint w < 0)" 
+  unfolding word_msb_def
+  by (simp add : sign_Min_lt_0 number_of_is_id)
+lemma word_msb_no': 
+  "w = number_of bin ==> msb (w::'a::len word) = bin_nth bin (size w - 1)"
+  unfolding word_msb_def word_number_of_def
+  by (clarsimp simp add: word_sbin.eq_norm word_size bin_sign_lem)
+lemmas word_msb_no = refl [THEN word_msb_no', unfolded word_size]
+lemma word_msb_nth': "msb (w::'a::len word) = bin_nth (uint w) (size w - 1)"
+  apply (unfold word_size)
+  apply (rule trans [OF _ word_msb_no])
+  apply (simp add : word_number_of_def)
+  done
+lemmas word_msb_nth = word_msb_nth' [unfolded word_size]
+lemma word_msb_alt: "msb (w::'a::len word) = hd (to_bl w)"
+  apply (unfold word_msb_nth uint_bl)
+  apply (subst hd_conv_nth)
+  apply (rule length_greater_0_conv [THEN iffD1])
+   apply simp
+  apply (simp add : nth_bin_to_bl word_size)
+  done
+lemma word_set_nth:
+  "set_bit w n (test_bit w n) = (w::'a::len0 word)"
+  unfolding word_test_bit_def word_set_bit_def by auto
+lemma bin_nth_uint':
+  "bin_nth (uint w) n = (rev (bin_to_bl (size w) (uint w)) ! n & n < size w)"
+  apply (unfold word_size)
+  apply (safe elim!: bin_nth_uint_imp)
+   apply (frule bin_nth_uint_imp)
+   apply (fast dest!: bin_nth_bl)+
+  done
+lemmas bin_nth_uint = bin_nth_uint' [unfolded word_size]
+lemma test_bit_bl: "w !! n = (rev (to_bl w) ! n & n < size w)"
+  unfolding to_bl_def word_test_bit_def word_size
+  by (rule bin_nth_uint)
+lemma to_bl_nth: "n < size w ==> to_bl w ! n = w !! (size w - Suc n)"
+  apply (unfold test_bit_bl)
+  apply clarsimp
+  apply (rule trans)
+   apply (rule nth_rev_alt)
+   apply (auto simp add: word_size)
+  done
+lemma test_bit_set: 
+  fixes w :: "'a::len0 word"
+  shows "(set_bit w n x) !! n = (n < size w & x)"
+  unfolding word_size word_test_bit_def word_set_bit_def
+  by (clarsimp simp add : word_ubin.eq_norm nth_bintr)
+lemma test_bit_set_gen: 
+  fixes w :: "'a::len0 word"
+  shows "test_bit (set_bit w n x) m = 
+         (if m = n then n < size w & x else test_bit w m)"
+  apply (unfold word_size word_test_bit_def word_set_bit_def)
+  apply (clarsimp simp add: word_ubin.eq_norm nth_bintr bin_nth_sc_gen)
+  apply (auto elim!: test_bit_size [unfolded word_size]
+              simp add: word_test_bit_def [symmetric])
+  done
+lemma of_bl_rep_False: "of_bl (replicate n False @ bs) = of_bl bs"
+  unfolding of_bl_def bl_to_bin_rep_F by auto
+lemma msb_nth':
+  fixes w :: "'a::len word"
+  shows "msb w = w !! (size w - 1)"
+  unfolding word_msb_nth' word_test_bit_def by simp
+lemmas msb_nth = msb_nth' [unfolded word_size]
+lemmas msb0 = len_gt_0 [THEN diff_Suc_less, THEN
+  word_ops_nth_size [unfolded word_size], standard]
+lemmas msb1 = msb0 [where i = 0]
+lemmas word_ops_msb = msb1 [unfolded msb_nth [symmetric, unfolded One_nat_def]]
+lemmas lsb0 = len_gt_0 [THEN word_ops_nth_size [unfolded word_size], standard]
+lemmas word_ops_lsb = lsb0 [unfolded word_lsb_alt]
+lemma td_ext_nth':
+  "n = size (w::'a::len0 word) ==> ofn = set_bits ==> [w, ofn g] = l ==> 
+    td_ext test_bit ofn {f. ALL i. f i --> i < n} (%h i. h i & i < n)"
+  apply (unfold word_size td_ext_def')
+  apply (safe del: subset_antisym)
+     apply (rule_tac [3] ext)
+     apply (rule_tac [4] ext)
+     apply (unfold word_size of_nth_def test_bit_bl)
+     apply safe
+       defer
+       apply (clarsimp simp: word_bl.Abs_inverse)+
+  apply (rule word_bl.Rep_inverse')
+  apply (rule sym [THEN trans])
+  apply (rule bl_of_nth_nth)
+  apply simp
+  apply (rule bl_of_nth_inj)
+  apply (clarsimp simp add : test_bit_bl word_size)
+  done
+lemmas td_ext_nth = td_ext_nth' [OF refl refl refl, unfolded word_size]
+interpretation test_bit:
+  td_ext "op !! :: 'a::len0 word => nat => bool"
+         set_bits
+         "{f. \<forall>i. f i \<longrightarrow> i < len_of TYPE('a::len0)}"
+         "(\<lambda>h i. h i \<and> i < len_of TYPE('a::len0))"
+  by (rule td_ext_nth)
+declare test_bit.Rep' [simp del]
+declare test_bit.Rep' [rule del]
+lemmas td_nth = test_bit.td_thm
+lemma word_set_set_same: 
+  fixes w :: "'a::len0 word"
+  shows "set_bit (set_bit w n x) n y = set_bit w n y" 
+  by (rule word_eqI) (simp add : test_bit_set_gen word_size)
+lemma word_set_set_diff: 
+  fixes w :: "'a::len0 word"
+  assumes "m ~= n"
+  shows "set_bit (set_bit w m x) n y = set_bit (set_bit w n y) m x" 
+  by (rule word_eqI) (clarsimp simp add : test_bit_set_gen word_size prems)
+lemma test_bit_no': 
+  fixes w :: "'a::len0 word"
+  shows "w = number_of bin ==> test_bit w n = (n < size w & bin_nth bin n)"
+  unfolding word_test_bit_def word_number_of_def word_size
+  by (simp add : nth_bintr [symmetric] word_ubin.eq_norm)
+lemmas test_bit_no = 
+  refl [THEN test_bit_no', unfolded word_size, THEN eq_reflection, standard]
+lemma nth_0: "~ (0::'a::len0 word) !! n"
+  unfolding test_bit_no word_0_no by auto
+lemma nth_sint: 
+  fixes w :: "'a::len word"
+  defines "l \<equiv> len_of TYPE ('a)"
+  shows "bin_nth (sint w) n = (if n < l - 1 then w !! n else w !! (l - 1))"
+  unfolding sint_uint l_def
+  by (clarsimp simp add: nth_sbintr word_test_bit_def [symmetric])
+lemma word_lsb_no: 
+  "lsb (number_of bin :: 'a :: len word) = (bin_last bin = 1)"
+  unfolding word_lsb_alt test_bit_no by auto
+lemma word_set_no: 
+  "set_bit (number_of bin::'a::len0 word) n b = 
+    number_of (bin_sc n (if b then 1 else 0) bin)"
+  apply (unfold word_set_bit_def word_number_of_def [symmetric])
+  apply (rule word_eqI)
+  apply (clarsimp simp: word_size bin_nth_sc_gen number_of_is_id 
+                        test_bit_no nth_bintr)
+  done
+lemmas setBit_no = setBit_def [THEN trans [OF meta_eq_to_obj_eq word_set_no],
+  simplified if_simps, THEN eq_reflection, standard]
+lemmas clearBit_no = clearBit_def [THEN trans [OF meta_eq_to_obj_eq word_set_no],
+  simplified if_simps, THEN eq_reflection, standard]
+lemma to_bl_n1: 
+  "to_bl (-1::'a::len0 word) = replicate (len_of TYPE ('a)) True"
+  apply (rule word_bl.Abs_inverse')
+   apply simp
+  apply (rule word_eqI)
+  apply (clarsimp simp add: word_size test_bit_no)
+  apply (auto simp add: word_bl.Abs_inverse test_bit_bl word_size)
+  done
+lemma word_msb_n1: "msb (-1::'a::len word)"
+  unfolding word_msb_alt word_msb_alt to_bl_n1 by simp
+declare word_set_set_same [simp] word_set_nth [simp]
+  test_bit_no [simp] word_set_no [simp] nth_0 [simp]
+  setBit_no [simp] clearBit_no [simp]
+  word_lsb_no [simp] word_msb_no [simp] word_msb_n1 [simp] word_lsb_1_0 [simp]
+lemma word_set_nth_iff: 
+  "(set_bit w n b = w) = (w !! n = b | n >= size (w::'a::len0 word))"
+  apply (rule iffI)
+   apply (rule disjCI)
+   apply (drule word_eqD)
+   apply (erule sym [THEN trans])
+   apply (simp add: test_bit_set)
+  apply (erule disjE)
+   apply clarsimp
+  apply (rule word_eqI)
+  apply (clarsimp simp add : test_bit_set_gen)
+  apply (drule test_bit_size)
+  apply force
+  done
+lemma test_bit_2p': 
+  "w = word_of_int (2 ^ n) ==> 
+    w !! m = (m = n & m < size (w :: 'a :: len word))"
+  unfolding word_test_bit_def word_size
+  by (auto simp add: word_ubin.eq_norm nth_bintr nth_2p_bin)
+lemmas test_bit_2p = refl [THEN test_bit_2p', unfolded word_size]
+lemma nth_w2p:
+  "((2\<Colon>'a\<Colon>len word) ^ n) !! m \<longleftrightarrow> m = n \<and> m < len_of TYPE('a\<Colon>len)"
+  unfolding test_bit_2p [symmetric] word_of_int [symmetric]
+  by (simp add:  of_int_power)
+lemma uint_2p: 
+  "(0::'a::len word) < 2 ^ n ==> uint (2 ^ n::'a::len word) = 2 ^ n"
+  apply (unfold word_arith_power_alt)
+  apply (case_tac "len_of TYPE ('a)")
+   apply clarsimp
+  apply (case_tac "nat")
+   apply clarsimp
+   apply (case_tac "n")
+    apply (clarsimp simp add : word_1_wi [symmetric])
+   apply (clarsimp simp add : word_0_wi [symmetric])
+  apply (drule word_gt_0 [THEN iffD1])
+  apply (safe intro!: word_eqI bin_nth_lem ext)
+     apply (auto simp add: test_bit_2p nth_2p_bin word_test_bit_def [symmetric])
+  done
+lemma word_of_int_2p: "(word_of_int (2 ^ n) :: 'a :: len word) = 2 ^ n" 
+  apply (unfold word_arith_power_alt)
+  apply (case_tac "len_of TYPE ('a)")
+   apply clarsimp
+  apply (case_tac "nat")
+   apply (rule word_ubin.norm_eq_iff [THEN iffD1]) 
+   apply (rule box_equals) 
+     apply (rule_tac [2] bintr_ariths (1))+ 
+   apply (clarsimp simp add : number_of_is_id)
+  apply simp 
+  done
+lemma bang_is_le: "x !! m ==> 2 ^ m <= (x :: 'a :: len word)" 
+  apply (rule xtr3) 
+  apply (rule_tac [2] y = "x" in le_word_or2)
+  apply (rule word_eqI)
+  apply (auto simp add: word_ao_nth nth_w2p word_size)
+  done
+lemma word_clr_le: 
+  fixes w :: "'a::len0 word"
+  shows "w >= set_bit w n False"
+  apply (unfold word_set_bit_def word_le_def word_ubin.eq_norm)
+  apply simp
+  apply (rule order_trans)
+   apply (rule bintr_bin_clr_le)
+  apply simp
+  done
+lemma word_set_ge: 
+  fixes w :: "'a::len word"
+  shows "w <= set_bit w n True"
+  apply (unfold word_set_bit_def word_le_def word_ubin.eq_norm)
+  apply simp
+  apply (rule order_trans [OF _ bintr_bin_set_ge])
+  apply simp
+  done
+subsection {* Shifting, Rotating, and Splitting Words *}
+lemma shiftl1_number [simp] :
+  "shiftl1 (number_of w) = number_of (w BIT 0)"
+  apply (unfold shiftl1_def word_number_of_def)
+  apply (simp add: word_ubin.norm_eq_iff [symmetric] word_ubin.eq_norm
+              del: BIT_simps)
+  apply (subst refl [THEN bintrunc_BIT_I, symmetric])
+  apply (subst bintrunc_bintrunc_min)
+  apply simp
+  done
+lemma shiftl1_0 [simp] : "shiftl1 0 = 0"
+  unfolding word_0_no shiftl1_number by auto
+lemmas shiftl1_def_u = shiftl1_def [folded word_number_of_def]
+lemma shiftl1_def_s: "shiftl1 w = number_of (sint w BIT 0)"
+  by (rule trans [OF _ shiftl1_number]) simp
+lemma shiftr1_0 [simp] : "shiftr1 0 = 0"
+  unfolding shiftr1_def 
+  by simp (simp add: word_0_wi)
+lemma sshiftr1_0 [simp] : "sshiftr1 0 = 0"
+  apply (unfold sshiftr1_def)
+  apply simp
+  apply (simp add : word_0_wi)
+  done
+lemma sshiftr1_n1 [simp] : "sshiftr1 -1 = -1"
+  unfolding sshiftr1_def by auto
+lemma shiftl_0 [simp] : "(0::'a::len0 word) << n = 0"
+  unfolding shiftl_def by (induct n) auto
+lemma shiftr_0 [simp] : "(0::'a::len0 word) >> n = 0"
+  unfolding shiftr_def by (induct n) auto
+lemma sshiftr_0 [simp] : "0 >>> n = 0"
+  unfolding sshiftr_def by (induct n) auto
+lemma sshiftr_n1 [simp] : "-1 >>> n = -1"
+  unfolding sshiftr_def by (induct n) auto
+lemma nth_shiftl1: "shiftl1 w !! n = (n < size w & n > 0 & w !! (n - 1))"
+  apply (unfold shiftl1_def word_test_bit_def)
+  apply (simp add: nth_bintr word_ubin.eq_norm word_size)
+  apply (cases n)
+   apply auto
+  done
+lemma nth_shiftl' [rule_format]:
+  "ALL n. ((w::'a::len0 word) << m) !! n = (n < size w & n >= m & w !! (n - m))"
+  apply (unfold shiftl_def)
+  apply (induct "m")
+   apply (force elim!: test_bit_size)
+  apply (clarsimp simp add : nth_shiftl1 word_size)
+  apply arith
+  done
+lemmas nth_shiftl = nth_shiftl' [unfolded word_size] 
+lemma nth_shiftr1: "shiftr1 w !! n = w !! Suc n"
+  apply (unfold shiftr1_def word_test_bit_def)
+  apply (simp add: nth_bintr word_ubin.eq_norm)
+  apply safe
+  apply (drule bin_nth.Suc [THEN iffD2, THEN bin_nth_uint_imp])
+  apply simp
+  done
+lemma nth_shiftr: 
+  "\<And>n. ((w::'a::len0 word) >> m) !! n = w !! (n + m)"
+  apply (unfold shiftr_def)
+  apply (induct "m")
+   apply (auto simp add : nth_shiftr1)
+  done
+(* see paper page 10, (1), (2), shiftr1_def is of the form of (1),
+  where f (ie bin_rest) takes normal arguments to normal results,
+  thus we get (2) from (1) *)
+lemma uint_shiftr1: "uint (shiftr1 w) = bin_rest (uint w)" 
+  apply (unfold shiftr1_def word_ubin.eq_norm bin_rest_trunc_i)
+  apply (subst bintr_uint [symmetric, OF order_refl])
+  apply (simp only : bintrunc_bintrunc_l)
+  apply simp 
+  done
+lemma nth_sshiftr1: 
+  "sshiftr1 w !! n = (if n = size w - 1 then w !! n else w !! Suc n)"
+  apply (unfold sshiftr1_def word_test_bit_def)
+  apply (simp add: nth_bintr word_ubin.eq_norm
+                   bin_nth.Suc [symmetric] word_size 
+             del: bin_nth.simps)
+  apply (simp add: nth_bintr uint_sint del : bin_nth.simps)
+  apply (auto simp add: bin_nth_sint)
+  done
+lemma nth_sshiftr [rule_format] : 
+  "ALL n. sshiftr w m !! n = (n < size w & 
+    (if n + m >= size w then w !! (size w - 1) else w !! (n + m)))"
+  apply (unfold sshiftr_def)
+  apply (induct_tac "m")
+   apply (simp add: test_bit_bl)
+  apply (clarsimp simp add: nth_sshiftr1 word_size)
+  apply safe
+       apply arith
+      apply arith
+     apply (erule thin_rl)
+     apply (case_tac n)
+      apply safe
+      apply simp
+     apply simp
+    apply (erule thin_rl)
+    apply (case_tac n)
+     apply safe
+     apply simp
+    apply simp
+   apply arith+
+  done
+lemma shiftr1_div_2: "uint (shiftr1 w) = uint w div 2"
+  apply (unfold shiftr1_def bin_rest_div)
+  apply (rule word_uint.Abs_inverse)
+  apply (simp add: uints_num pos_imp_zdiv_nonneg_iff)
+  apply (rule xtr7)
+   prefer 2
+   apply (rule zdiv_le_dividend)
+    apply auto
+  done
+lemma sshiftr1_div_2: "sint (sshiftr1 w) = sint w div 2"
+  apply (unfold sshiftr1_def bin_rest_div [symmetric])
+  apply (simp add: word_sbin.eq_norm)
+  apply (rule trans)
+   defer
+   apply (subst word_sbin.norm_Rep [symmetric])
+   apply (rule refl)
+  apply (subst word_sbin.norm_Rep [symmetric])
+  apply (unfold One_nat_def)
+  apply (rule sbintrunc_rest)
+  done
+lemma shiftr_div_2n: "uint (shiftr w n) = uint w div 2 ^ n"
+  apply (unfold shiftr_def)
+  apply (induct "n")
+   apply simp
+  apply (simp add: shiftr1_div_2 mult_commute
+                   zdiv_zmult2_eq [symmetric])
+  done
+lemma sshiftr_div_2n: "sint (sshiftr w n) = sint w div 2 ^ n"
+  apply (unfold sshiftr_def)
+  apply (induct "n")
+   apply simp
+  apply (simp add: sshiftr1_div_2 mult_commute
+                   zdiv_zmult2_eq [symmetric])
+  done
+subsubsection "shift functions in terms of lists of bools"
+lemmas bshiftr1_no_bin [simp] = 
+  bshiftr1_def [where w="number_of w", unfolded to_bl_no_bin, standard]
+lemma bshiftr1_bl: "to_bl (bshiftr1 b w) = b # butlast (to_bl w)"
+  unfolding bshiftr1_def by (rule word_bl.Abs_inverse) simp
+lemma shiftl1_of_bl: "shiftl1 (of_bl bl) = of_bl (bl @ [False])"
+  unfolding uint_bl of_bl_no 
+  by (simp add: bl_to_bin_aux_append bl_to_bin_def)
+lemma shiftl1_bl: "shiftl1 (w::'a::len0 word) = of_bl (to_bl w @ [False])"
+proof -
+  have "shiftl1 w = shiftl1 (of_bl (to_bl w))" by simp
+  also have "\<dots> = of_bl (to_bl w @ [False])" by (rule shiftl1_of_bl)
+  finally show ?thesis .
+lemma bl_shiftl1:
+  "to_bl (shiftl1 (w :: 'a :: len word)) = tl (to_bl w) @ [False]"
+  apply (simp add: shiftl1_bl word_rep_drop drop_Suc drop_Cons')
+  apply (fast intro!: Suc_leI)
+  done
+lemma shiftr1_bl: "shiftr1 w = of_bl (butlast (to_bl w))"
+  apply (unfold shiftr1_def uint_bl of_bl_def)
+  apply (simp add: butlast_rest_bin word_size)
+  apply (simp add: bin_rest_trunc [symmetric, unfolded One_nat_def])
+  done
+lemma bl_shiftr1: 
+  "to_bl (shiftr1 (w :: 'a :: len word)) = False # butlast (to_bl w)"
+  unfolding shiftr1_bl
+  by (simp add : word_rep_drop len_gt_0 [THEN Suc_leI])
+(* relate the two above : TODO - remove the :: len restriction on
+  this theorem and others depending on it *)
+lemma shiftl1_rev: 
+  "shiftl1 (w :: 'a :: len word) = word_reverse (shiftr1 (word_reverse w))"
+  apply (unfold word_reverse_def)
+  apply (rule word_bl.Rep_inverse' [symmetric])
+  apply (simp add: bl_shiftl1 bl_shiftr1 word_bl.Abs_inverse)
+  apply (cases "to_bl w")
+   apply auto
+  done
+lemma shiftl_rev: 
+  "shiftl (w :: 'a :: len word) n = word_reverse (shiftr (word_reverse w) n)"
+  apply (unfold shiftl_def shiftr_def)
+  apply (induct "n")
+   apply (auto simp add : shiftl1_rev)
+  done
+lemmas rev_shiftl =
+  shiftl_rev [where w = "word_reverse w", simplified, standard]
+lemmas shiftr_rev = rev_shiftl [THEN word_rev_gal', standard]
+lemmas rev_shiftr = shiftl_rev [THEN word_rev_gal', standard]
+lemma bl_sshiftr1:
+  "to_bl (sshiftr1 (w :: 'a :: len word)) = hd (to_bl w) # butlast (to_bl w)"
+  apply (unfold sshiftr1_def uint_bl word_size)
+  apply (simp add: butlast_rest_bin word_ubin.eq_norm)
+  apply (simp add: sint_uint)
+  apply (rule nth_equalityI)
+   apply clarsimp
+  apply clarsimp
+  apply (case_tac i)
+   apply (simp_all add: hd_conv_nth length_0_conv [symmetric]
+                        nth_bin_to_bl bin_nth.Suc [symmetric] 
+                        nth_sbintr 
+                   del: bin_nth.Suc)
+   apply force
+  apply (rule impI)
+  apply (rule_tac f = "bin_nth (uint w)" in arg_cong)
+  apply simp
+  done
+lemma drop_shiftr: 
+  "drop n (to_bl ((w :: 'a :: len word) >> n)) = take (size w - n) (to_bl w)" 
+  apply (unfold shiftr_def)
+  apply (induct n)
+   prefer 2
+   apply (simp add: drop_Suc bl_shiftr1 butlast_drop [symmetric])
+   apply (rule butlast_take [THEN trans])
+  apply (auto simp: word_size)
+  done
+lemma drop_sshiftr: 
+  "drop n (to_bl ((w :: 'a :: len word) >>> n)) = take (size w - n) (to_bl w)"
+  apply (unfold sshiftr_def)
+  apply (induct n)
+   prefer 2
+   apply (simp add: drop_Suc bl_sshiftr1 butlast_drop [symmetric])
+   apply (rule butlast_take [THEN trans])
+  apply (auto simp: word_size)
+  done
+lemma take_shiftr [rule_format] :
+  "n <= size (w :: 'a :: len word) --> take n (to_bl (w >> n)) = 
+    replicate n False" 
+  apply (unfold shiftr_def)
+  apply (induct n)
+   prefer 2
+   apply (simp add: bl_shiftr1)
+   apply (rule impI)
+   apply (rule take_butlast [THEN trans])
+  apply (auto simp: word_size)
+  done
+lemma take_sshiftr' [rule_format] :
+  "n <= size (w :: 'a :: len word) --> hd (to_bl (w >>> n)) = hd (to_bl w) & 
+    take n (to_bl (w >>> n)) = replicate n (hd (to_bl w))" 
+  apply (unfold sshiftr_def)
+  apply (induct n)
+   prefer 2
+   apply (simp add: bl_sshiftr1)
+   apply (rule impI)
+   apply (rule take_butlast [THEN trans])
+  apply (auto simp: word_size)
+  done
+lemmas hd_sshiftr = take_sshiftr' [THEN conjunct1, standard]
+lemmas take_sshiftr = take_sshiftr' [THEN conjunct2, standard]
+lemma atd_lem: "take n xs = t ==> drop n xs = d ==> xs = t @ d"
+  by (auto intro: append_take_drop_id [symmetric])
+lemmas bl_shiftr = atd_lem [OF take_shiftr drop_shiftr]
+lemmas bl_sshiftr = atd_lem [OF take_sshiftr drop_sshiftr]
+lemma shiftl_of_bl: "of_bl bl << n = of_bl (bl @ replicate n False)"
+  unfolding shiftl_def
+  by (induct n) (auto simp: shiftl1_of_bl replicate_app_Cons_same)
+lemma shiftl_bl:
+  "(w::'a::len0 word) << (n::nat) = of_bl (to_bl w @ replicate n False)"
+proof -
+  have "w << n = of_bl (to_bl w) << n" by simp
+  also have "\<dots> = of_bl (to_bl w @ replicate n False)" by (rule shiftl_of_bl)
+  finally show ?thesis .
+lemmas shiftl_number [simp] = shiftl_def [where w="number_of w", standard]
+lemma bl_shiftl:
+  "to_bl (w << n) = drop n (to_bl w) @ replicate (min (size w) n) False"
+  by (simp add: shiftl_bl word_rep_drop word_size)
+lemma shiftl_zero_size: 
+  fixes x :: "'a::len0 word"
+  shows "size x <= n ==> x << n = 0"
+  apply (unfold word_size)
+  apply (rule word_eqI)
+  apply (clarsimp simp add: shiftl_bl word_size test_bit_of_bl nth_append)
+  done
+(* note - the following results use 'a :: len word < number_ring *)
+lemma shiftl1_2t: "shiftl1 (w :: 'a :: len word) = 2 * w"
+  apply (simp add: shiftl1_def_u)
+  apply (simp only:  double_number_of_Bit0 [symmetric])
+  apply simp
+  done
+lemma shiftl1_p: "shiftl1 (w :: 'a :: len word) = w + w"
+  apply (simp add: shiftl1_def_u)
+  apply (simp only: double_number_of_Bit0 [symmetric])
+  apply simp
+  done
+lemma shiftl_t2n: "shiftl (w :: 'a :: len word) n = 2 ^ n * w"
+  unfolding shiftl_def 
+  by (induct n) (auto simp: shiftl1_2t power_Suc)
+lemma shiftr1_bintr [simp]:
+  "(shiftr1 (number_of w) :: 'a :: len0 word) = 
+    number_of (bin_rest (bintrunc (len_of TYPE ('a)) w))" 
+  unfolding shiftr1_def word_number_of_def
+  by (simp add : word_ubin.eq_norm)
+lemma sshiftr1_sbintr [simp] :
+  "(sshiftr1 (number_of w) :: 'a :: len word) = 
+    number_of (bin_rest (sbintrunc (len_of TYPE ('a) - 1) w))" 
+  unfolding sshiftr1_def word_number_of_def
+  by (simp add : word_sbin.eq_norm)
+lemma shiftr_no': 
+  "w = number_of bin ==> 
+  (w::'a::len0 word) >> n = number_of ((bin_rest ^^ n) (bintrunc (size w) bin))"
+  apply clarsimp
+  apply (rule word_eqI)
+  apply (auto simp: nth_shiftr nth_rest_power_bin nth_bintr word_size)
+  done
+lemma sshiftr_no': 
+  "w = number_of bin ==> w >>> n = number_of ((bin_rest ^^ n) 
+    (sbintrunc (size w - 1) bin))"
+  apply clarsimp
+  apply (rule word_eqI)
+  apply (auto simp: nth_sshiftr nth_rest_power_bin nth_sbintr word_size)
+   apply (subgoal_tac "na + n = len_of TYPE('a) - Suc 0", simp, simp)+
+  done
+lemmas sshiftr_no [simp] = 
+  sshiftr_no' [where w = "number_of w", OF refl, unfolded word_size, standard]
+lemmas shiftr_no [simp] = 
+  shiftr_no' [where w = "number_of w", OF refl, unfolded word_size, standard]
+lemma shiftr1_bl_of': 
+  "us = shiftr1 (of_bl bl) ==> length bl <= size us ==> 
+    us = of_bl (butlast bl)"
+  by (clarsimp simp: shiftr1_def of_bl_def word_size butlast_rest_bl2bin 
+                     word_ubin.eq_norm trunc_bl2bin)
+lemmas shiftr1_bl_of = refl [THEN shiftr1_bl_of', unfolded word_size]
+lemma shiftr_bl_of' [rule_format]: 
+  "us = of_bl bl >> n ==> length bl <= size us --> 
+   us = of_bl (take (length bl - n) bl)"
+  apply (unfold shiftr_def)
+  apply hypsubst
+  apply (unfold word_size)
+  apply (induct n)
+   apply clarsimp
+  apply clarsimp
+  apply (subst shiftr1_bl_of)
+   apply simp
+  apply (simp add: butlast_take)
+  done
+lemmas shiftr_bl_of = refl [THEN shiftr_bl_of', unfolded word_size]
+lemmas shiftr_bl = word_bl.Rep' [THEN eq_imp_le, THEN shiftr_bl_of,
+  simplified word_size, simplified, THEN eq_reflection, standard]
+lemma msb_shift': "msb (w::'a::len word) <-> (w >> (size w - 1)) ~= 0"
+  apply (unfold shiftr_bl word_msb_alt)
+  apply (simp add: word_size Suc_le_eq take_Suc)
+  apply (cases "hd (to_bl w)")
+   apply (auto simp: word_1_bl word_0_bl 
+                     of_bl_rep_False [where n=1 and bs="[]", simplified])
+  done
+lemmas msb_shift = msb_shift' [unfolded word_size]
+lemma align_lem_or [rule_format] :
+  "ALL x m. length x = n + m --> length y = n + m --> 
+    drop m x = replicate n False --> take m y = replicate m False --> 
+    map2 op | x y = take m x @ drop m y"
+  apply (induct_tac y)
+   apply force
+  apply clarsimp
+  apply (case_tac x, force)
+  apply (case_tac m, auto)
+  apply (drule sym)
+  apply auto
+  apply (induct_tac list, auto)
+  done
+lemma align_lem_and [rule_format] :
+  "ALL x m. length x = n + m --> length y = n + m --> 
+    drop m x = replicate n False --> take m y = replicate m False --> 
+    map2 op & x y = replicate (n + m) False"
+  apply (induct_tac y)
+   apply force
+  apply clarsimp
+  apply (case_tac x, force)
+  apply (case_tac m, auto)
+  apply (drule sym)
+  apply auto
+  apply (induct_tac list, auto)
+  done
+lemma aligned_bl_add_size':
+  "size x - n = m ==> n <= size x ==> drop m (to_bl x) = replicate n False ==>
+    take m (to_bl y) = replicate m False ==> 
+    to_bl (x + y) = take m (to_bl x) @ drop m (to_bl y)"
+  apply (subgoal_tac "x AND y = 0")
+   prefer 2
+   apply (rule word_bl.Rep_eqD)
+   apply (simp add: bl_word_and to_bl_0)
+   apply (rule align_lem_and [THEN trans])
+       apply (simp_all add: word_size)[5]
+   apply simp
+  apply (subst word_plus_and_or [symmetric])
+  apply (simp add : bl_word_or)
+  apply (rule align_lem_or)
+     apply (simp_all add: word_size)
+  done
+lemmas aligned_bl_add_size = refl [THEN aligned_bl_add_size']
+subsubsection "Mask"
+lemma nth_mask': "m = mask n ==> test_bit m i = (i < n & i < size m)"
+  apply (unfold mask_def test_bit_bl)
+  apply (simp only: word_1_bl [symmetric] shiftl_of_bl)
+  apply (clarsimp simp add: word_size)
+  apply (simp only: of_bl_no mask_lem number_of_succ add_diff_cancel2)
+  apply (fold of_bl_no)
+  apply (simp add: word_1_bl)
+  apply (rule test_bit_of_bl [THEN trans, unfolded test_bit_bl word_size])
+  apply auto
+  done
+lemmas nth_mask [simp] = refl [THEN nth_mask']
+lemma mask_bl: "mask n = of_bl (replicate n True)"
+  by (auto simp add : test_bit_of_bl word_size intro: word_eqI)
+lemma mask_bin: "mask n = number_of (bintrunc n Int.Min)"
+  by (auto simp add: nth_bintr word_size intro: word_eqI)
+lemma and_mask_bintr: "w AND mask n = number_of (bintrunc n (uint w))"
+  apply (rule word_eqI)
+  apply (simp add: nth_bintr word_size word_ops_nth_size)
+  apply (auto simp add: test_bit_bin)
+  done
+lemma and_mask_no: "number_of i AND mask n = number_of (bintrunc n i)" 
+  by (auto simp add : nth_bintr word_size word_ops_nth_size intro: word_eqI)
+lemmas and_mask_wi = and_mask_no [unfolded word_number_of_def] 
+lemma bl_and_mask':
+  "to_bl (w AND mask n :: 'a :: len word) = 
+    replicate (len_of TYPE('a) - n) False @ 
+    drop (len_of TYPE('a) - n) (to_bl w)"
+  apply (rule nth_equalityI)
+   apply simp
+  apply (clarsimp simp add: to_bl_nth word_size)
+  apply (simp add: word_size word_ops_nth_size)
+  apply (auto simp add: word_size test_bit_bl nth_append nth_rev)
+  done
+lemmas and_mask_mod_2p = 
+  and_mask_bintr [unfolded word_number_of_alt no_bintr_alt]
+lemma and_mask_lt_2p: "uint (w AND mask n) < 2 ^ n"
+  apply (simp add : and_mask_bintr no_bintr_alt)
+  apply (rule xtr8)
+   prefer 2
+   apply (rule pos_mod_bound)
+  apply auto
+  done
+lemmas eq_mod_iff = trans [symmetric, OF int_mod_lem eq_sym_conv]
+lemma mask_eq_iff: "(w AND mask n) = w <-> uint w < 2 ^ n"
+  apply (simp add: and_mask_bintr word_number_of_def)
+  apply (simp add: word_ubin.inverse_norm)
+  apply (simp add: eq_mod_iff bintrunc_mod2p min_def)
+  apply (fast intro!: lt2p_lem)
+  done
+lemma and_mask_dvd: "2 ^ n dvd uint w = (w AND mask n = 0)"
+  apply (simp add: dvd_eq_mod_eq_0 and_mask_mod_2p)
+  apply (simp add: word_uint.norm_eq_iff [symmetric] word_of_int_homs)
+  apply (subst word_uint.norm_Rep [symmetric])
+  apply (simp only: bintrunc_bintrunc_min bintrunc_mod2p [symmetric] min_def)
+  apply auto
+  done
+lemma and_mask_dvd_nat: "2 ^ n dvd unat w = (w AND mask n = 0)"
+  apply (unfold unat_def)
+  apply (rule trans [OF _ and_mask_dvd])
+  apply (unfold dvd_def) 
+  apply auto 
+  apply (drule uint_ge_0 [THEN nat_int.Abs_inverse' [simplified], symmetric])
+  apply (simp add : int_mult int_power)
+  apply (simp add : nat_mult_distrib nat_power_eq)
+  done
+lemma word_2p_lem: 
+  "n < size w ==> w < 2 ^ n = (uint (w :: 'a :: len word) < 2 ^ n)"
+  apply (unfold word_size word_less_alt word_number_of_alt)
+  apply (clarsimp simp add: word_of_int_power_hom word_uint.eq_norm 
+                            int_mod_eq'
+                  simp del: word_of_int_bin)
+  done
+lemma less_mask_eq: "x < 2 ^ n ==> x AND mask n = (x :: 'a :: len word)"
+  apply (unfold word_less_alt word_number_of_alt)
+  apply (clarsimp simp add: and_mask_mod_2p word_of_int_power_hom 
+                            word_uint.eq_norm
+                  simp del: word_of_int_bin)
+  apply (drule xtr8 [rotated])
+  apply (rule int_mod_le)
+  apply (auto simp add : mod_pos_pos_trivial)
+  done
+lemmas mask_eq_iff_w2p =
+  trans [OF mask_eq_iff word_2p_lem [symmetric], standard]
+lemmas and_mask_less' = 
+  iffD2 [OF word_2p_lem and_mask_lt_2p, simplified word_size, standard]
+lemma and_mask_less_size: "n < size x ==> x AND mask n < 2^n"
+  unfolding word_size by (erule and_mask_less')
+lemma word_mod_2p_is_mask':
+  "c = 2 ^ n ==> c > 0 ==> x mod c = (x :: 'a :: len word) AND mask n" 
+  by (clarsimp simp add: word_mod_def uint_2p and_mask_mod_2p) 
+lemmas word_mod_2p_is_mask = refl [THEN word_mod_2p_is_mask'] 
+lemma mask_eqs:
+  "(a AND mask n) + b AND mask n = a + b AND mask n"
+  "a + (b AND mask n) AND mask n = a + b AND mask n"
+  "(a AND mask n) - b AND mask n = a - b AND mask n"
+  "a - (b AND mask n) AND mask n = a - b AND mask n"
+  "a * (b AND mask n) AND mask n = a * b AND mask n"
+  "(b AND mask n) * a AND mask n = b * a AND mask n"
+  "(a AND mask n) + (b AND mask n) AND mask n = a + b AND mask n"
+  "(a AND mask n) - (b AND mask n) AND mask n = a - b AND mask n"
+  "(a AND mask n) * (b AND mask n) AND mask n = a * b AND mask n"
+  "- (a AND mask n) AND mask n = - a AND mask n"
+  "word_succ (a AND mask n) AND mask n = word_succ a AND mask n"
+  "word_pred (a AND mask n) AND mask n = word_pred a AND mask n"
+  using word_of_int_Ex [where x=a] word_of_int_Ex [where x=b]
+  by (auto simp: and_mask_wi bintr_ariths bintr_arith1s new_word_of_int_homs)
+lemma mask_power_eq:
+  "(x AND mask n) ^ k AND mask n = x ^ k AND mask n"
+  using word_of_int_Ex [where x=x]
+  by (clarsimp simp: and_mask_wi word_of_int_power_hom bintr_ariths)
+subsubsection "Revcast"
+lemmas revcast_def' = revcast_def [simplified]
+lemmas revcast_def'' = revcast_def' [simplified word_size]
+lemmas revcast_no_def [simp] =
+  revcast_def' [where w="number_of w", unfolded word_size, standard]
+lemma to_bl_revcast: 
+  "to_bl (revcast w :: 'a :: len0 word) = 
+   takefill False (len_of TYPE ('a)) (to_bl w)"
+  apply (unfold revcast_def' word_size)
+  apply (rule word_bl.Abs_inverse)
+  apply simp
+  done
+lemma revcast_rev_ucast': 
+  "cs = [rc, uc] ==> rc = revcast (word_reverse w) ==> uc = ucast w ==> 
+    rc = word_reverse uc"
+  apply (unfold ucast_def revcast_def' Let_def word_reverse_def)
+  apply (clarsimp simp add : to_bl_of_bin takefill_bintrunc)
+  apply (simp add : word_bl.Abs_inverse word_size)
+  done
+lemmas revcast_rev_ucast = revcast_rev_ucast' [OF refl refl refl]
+lemmas revcast_ucast = revcast_rev_ucast
+  [where w = "word_reverse w", simplified word_rev_rev, standard]
+lemmas ucast_revcast = revcast_rev_ucast [THEN word_rev_gal', standard]
+lemmas ucast_rev_revcast = revcast_ucast [THEN word_rev_gal', standard]
+-- "linking revcast and cast via shift"
+lemmas wsst_TYs = source_size target_size word_size
+lemma revcast_down_uu': 
+  "rc = revcast ==> source_size rc = target_size rc + n ==> 
+    rc (w :: 'a :: len word) = ucast (w >> n)"
+  apply (simp add: revcast_def')
+  apply (rule word_bl.Rep_inverse')
+  apply (rule trans, rule ucast_down_drop)
+   prefer 2
+   apply (rule trans, rule drop_shiftr)
+   apply (auto simp: takefill_alt wsst_TYs)
+  done
+lemma revcast_down_us': 
+  "rc = revcast ==> source_size rc = target_size rc + n ==> 
+    rc (w :: 'a :: len word) = ucast (w >>> n)"
+  apply (simp add: revcast_def')
+  apply (rule word_bl.Rep_inverse')
+  apply (rule trans, rule ucast_down_drop)
+   prefer 2
+   apply (rule trans, rule drop_sshiftr)
+   apply (auto simp: takefill_alt wsst_TYs)
+  done
+lemma revcast_down_su': 
+  "rc = revcast ==> source_size rc = target_size rc + n ==> 
+    rc (w :: 'a :: len word) = scast (w >> n)"
+  apply (simp add: revcast_def')
+  apply (rule word_bl.Rep_inverse')
+  apply (rule trans, rule scast_down_drop)
+   prefer 2
+   apply (rule trans, rule drop_shiftr)
+   apply (auto simp: takefill_alt wsst_TYs)
+  done
+lemma revcast_down_ss': 
+  "rc = revcast ==> source_size rc = target_size rc + n ==> 
+    rc (w :: 'a :: len word) = scast (w >>> n)"
+  apply (simp add: revcast_def')
+  apply (rule word_bl.Rep_inverse')
+  apply (rule trans, rule scast_down_drop)
+   prefer 2
+   apply (rule trans, rule drop_sshiftr)
+   apply (auto simp: takefill_alt wsst_TYs)
+  done
+lemmas revcast_down_uu = refl [THEN revcast_down_uu']
+lemmas revcast_down_us = refl [THEN revcast_down_us']
+lemmas revcast_down_su = refl [THEN revcast_down_su']
+lemmas revcast_down_ss = refl [THEN revcast_down_ss']
+lemma cast_down_rev: 
+  "uc = ucast ==> source_size uc = target_size uc + n ==> 
+    uc w = revcast ((w :: 'a :: len word) << n)"
+  apply (unfold shiftl_rev)
+  apply clarify
+  apply (simp add: revcast_rev_ucast)
+  apply (rule word_rev_gal')
+  apply (rule trans [OF _ revcast_rev_ucast])
+  apply (rule revcast_down_uu [symmetric])
+  apply (auto simp add: wsst_TYs)
+  done
+lemma revcast_up': 
+  "rc = revcast ==> source_size rc + n = target_size rc ==> 
+    rc w = (ucast w :: 'a :: len word) << n" 
+  apply (simp add: revcast_def')
+  apply (rule word_bl.Rep_inverse')
+  apply (simp add: takefill_alt)
+  apply (rule bl_shiftl [THEN trans])
+  apply (subst ucast_up_app)
+  apply (auto simp add: wsst_TYs)
+  done
+lemmas revcast_up = refl [THEN revcast_up']
+lemmas rc1 = revcast_up [THEN 
+  revcast_rev_ucast [symmetric, THEN trans, THEN word_rev_gal, symmetric]]
+lemmas rc2 = revcast_down_uu [THEN 
+  revcast_rev_ucast [symmetric, THEN trans, THEN word_rev_gal, symmetric]]
+lemmas ucast_up =
+ rc1 [simplified rev_shiftr [symmetric] revcast_ucast [symmetric]]
+lemmas ucast_down = 
+  rc2 [simplified rev_shiftr revcast_ucast [symmetric]]
+subsubsection "Slices"
+lemmas slice1_no_bin [simp] =
+  slice1_def [where w="number_of w", unfolded to_bl_no_bin, standard]
+lemmas slice_no_bin [simp] = 
+   trans [OF slice_def [THEN meta_eq_to_obj_eq] 
+             slice1_no_bin [THEN meta_eq_to_obj_eq], 
+          unfolded word_size, standard]
+lemma slice1_0 [simp] : "slice1 n 0 = 0"
+  unfolding slice1_def by (simp add : to_bl_0)
+lemma slice_0 [simp] : "slice n 0 = 0"
+  unfolding slice_def by auto
+lemma slice_take': "slice n w = of_bl (take (size w - n) (to_bl w))"
+  unfolding slice_def' slice1_def
+  by (simp add : takefill_alt word_size)
+lemmas slice_take = slice_take' [unfolded word_size]
+-- "shiftr to a word of the same size is just slice, 
+    slice is just shiftr then ucast"
+lemmas shiftr_slice = trans
+  [OF shiftr_bl [THEN meta_eq_to_obj_eq] slice_take [symmetric], standard]
+lemma slice_shiftr: "slice n w = ucast (w >> n)"
+  apply (unfold slice_take shiftr_bl)
+  apply (rule ucast_of_bl_up [symmetric])
+  apply (simp add: word_size)
+  done
+lemma nth_slice: 
+  "(slice n w :: 'a :: len0 word) !! m = 
+   (w !! (m + n) & m < len_of TYPE ('a))"
+  unfolding slice_shiftr 
+  by (simp add : nth_ucast nth_shiftr)
+lemma slice1_down_alt': 
+  "sl = slice1 n w ==> fs = size sl ==> fs + k = n ==> 
+    to_bl sl = takefill False fs (drop k (to_bl w))"
+  unfolding slice1_def word_size of_bl_def uint_bl
+  by (clarsimp simp: word_ubin.eq_norm bl_bin_bl_rep_drop drop_takefill)
+lemma slice1_up_alt': 
+  "sl = slice1 n w ==> fs = size sl ==> fs = n + k ==> 
+    to_bl sl = takefill False fs (replicate k False @ (to_bl w))"
+  apply (unfold slice1_def word_size of_bl_def uint_bl)
+  apply (clarsimp simp: word_ubin.eq_norm bl_bin_bl_rep_drop 
+                        takefill_append [symmetric])
+  apply (rule_tac f = "%k. takefill False (len_of TYPE('a))
+    (replicate k False @ bin_to_bl (len_of TYPE('b)) (uint w))" in arg_cong)
+  apply arith
+  done
+lemmas sd1 = slice1_down_alt' [OF refl refl, unfolded word_size]
+lemmas su1 = slice1_up_alt' [OF refl refl, unfolded word_size]
+lemmas slice1_down_alt = le_add_diff_inverse [THEN sd1]
+lemmas slice1_up_alts = 
+  le_add_diff_inverse [symmetric, THEN su1] 
+  le_add_diff_inverse2 [symmetric, THEN su1]
+lemma ucast_slice1: "ucast w = slice1 (size w) w"
+  unfolding slice1_def ucast_bl
+  by (simp add : takefill_same' word_size)
+lemma ucast_slice: "ucast w = slice 0 w"
+  unfolding slice_def by (simp add : ucast_slice1)
+lemmas slice_id = trans [OF ucast_slice [symmetric] ucast_id]
+lemma revcast_slice1': 
+  "rc = revcast w ==> slice1 (size rc) w = rc"
+  unfolding slice1_def revcast_def' by (simp add : word_size)
+lemmas revcast_slice1 = refl [THEN revcast_slice1']
+lemma slice1_tf_tf': 
+  "to_bl (slice1 n w :: 'a :: len0 word) = 
+   rev (takefill False (len_of TYPE('a)) (rev (takefill False n (to_bl w))))"
+  unfolding slice1_def by (rule word_rev_tf)
+lemmas slice1_tf_tf = slice1_tf_tf'
+  [THEN word_bl.Rep_inverse', symmetric, standard]
+lemma rev_slice1:
+  "n + k = len_of TYPE('a) + len_of TYPE('b) \<Longrightarrow> 
+  slice1 n (word_reverse w :: 'b :: len0 word) = 
+  word_reverse (slice1 k w :: 'a :: len0 word)"
+  apply (unfold word_reverse_def slice1_tf_tf)
+  apply (rule word_bl.Rep_inverse')
+  apply (rule rev_swap [THEN iffD1])
+  apply (rule trans [symmetric])
+  apply (rule tf_rev)
+   apply (simp add: word_bl.Abs_inverse)
+  apply (simp add: word_bl.Abs_inverse)
+  done
+lemma rev_slice': 
+  "res = slice n (word_reverse w) ==> n + k + size res = size w ==> 
+    res = word_reverse (slice k w)"
+  apply (unfold slice_def word_size)
+  apply clarify
+  apply (rule rev_slice1)
+  apply arith
+  done
+lemmas rev_slice = refl [THEN rev_slice', unfolded word_size]
+lemmas sym_notr = 
+  not_iff [THEN iffD2, THEN not_sym, THEN not_iff [THEN iffD1]]
+-- {* problem posed by TPHOLs referee:
+      criterion for overflow of addition of signed integers *}
+lemma sofl_test:
+  "(sint (x :: 'a :: len word) + sint y = sint (x + y)) = 
+     ((((x+y) XOR x) AND ((x+y) XOR y)) >> (size x - 1) = 0)"
+  apply (unfold word_size)
+  apply (cases "len_of TYPE('a)", simp) 
+  apply (subst msb_shift [THEN sym_notr])
+  apply (simp add: word_ops_msb)
+  apply (simp add: word_msb_sint)
+  apply safe
+       apply simp_all
+     apply (unfold sint_word_ariths)
+     apply (unfold word_sbin.set_iff_norm [symmetric] sints_num)
+     apply safe
+        apply (insert sint_range' [where x=x])
+        apply (insert sint_range' [where x=y])
+        defer 
+        apply (simp (no_asm), arith)
+       apply (simp (no_asm), arith)
+      defer
+      defer
+      apply (simp (no_asm), arith)
+     apply (simp (no_asm), arith)
+    apply (rule notI [THEN notnotD],
+           drule leI not_leE,
+           drule sbintrunc_inc sbintrunc_dec,      
+           simp)+
+  done
+subsection "Split and cat"
+lemmas word_split_bin' = word_split_def [THEN meta_eq_to_obj_eq, standard]
+lemmas word_cat_bin' = word_cat_def [THEN meta_eq_to_obj_eq, standard]
+lemma word_rsplit_no:
+  "(word_rsplit (number_of bin :: 'b :: len0 word) :: 'a word list) = 
+    map number_of (bin_rsplit (len_of TYPE('a :: len)) 
+      (len_of TYPE('b), bintrunc (len_of TYPE('b)) bin))"
+  apply (unfold word_rsplit_def word_no_wi)
+  apply (simp add: word_ubin.eq_norm)
+  done
+lemmas word_rsplit_no_cl [simp] = word_rsplit_no
+  [unfolded bin_rsplitl_def bin_rsplit_l [symmetric]]
+lemma test_bit_cat:
+  "wc = word_cat a b ==> wc !! n = (n < size wc & 
+    (if n < size b then b !! n else a !! (n - size b)))"
+  apply (unfold word_cat_bin' test_bit_bin)
+  apply (auto simp add : word_ubin.eq_norm nth_bintr bin_nth_cat word_size)
+  apply (erule bin_nth_uint_imp)
+  done
+lemma word_cat_bl: "word_cat a b = of_bl (to_bl a @ to_bl b)"
+  apply (unfold of_bl_def to_bl_def word_cat_bin')
+  apply (simp add: bl_to_bin_app_cat)
+  done
+lemma of_bl_append:
+  "(of_bl (xs @ ys) :: 'a :: len word) = of_bl xs * 2^(length ys) + of_bl ys"
+  apply (unfold of_bl_def)
+  apply (simp add: bl_to_bin_app_cat bin_cat_num)
+  apply (simp add: word_of_int_power_hom [symmetric] new_word_of_int_hom_syms)
+  done
+lemma of_bl_False [simp]:
+  "of_bl (False#xs) = of_bl xs"
+  by (rule word_eqI)
+     (auto simp add: test_bit_of_bl nth_append)
+lemma of_bl_True: 
+  "(of_bl (True#xs)::'a::len word) = 2^length xs + of_bl xs"
+  by (subst of_bl_append [where xs="[True]", simplified])
+     (simp add: word_1_bl)
+lemma of_bl_Cons:
+  "of_bl (x#xs) = of_bool x * 2^length xs + of_bl xs"
+  by (cases x) (simp_all add: of_bl_True)
+lemma split_uint_lem: "bin_split n (uint (w :: 'a :: len0 word)) = (a, b) ==> 
+  a = bintrunc (len_of TYPE('a) - n) a & b = bintrunc (len_of TYPE('a)) b"
+  apply (frule word_ubin.norm_Rep [THEN ssubst])
+  apply (drule bin_split_trunc1)
+  apply (drule sym [THEN trans])
+  apply assumption
+  apply safe
+  done
+lemma word_split_bl': 
+  "std = size c - size b ==> (word_split c = (a, b)) ==> 
+    (a = of_bl (take std (to_bl c)) & b = of_bl (drop std (to_bl c)))"
+  apply (unfold word_split_bin')
+  apply safe
+   defer
+   apply (clarsimp split: prod.splits)
+   apply (drule word_ubin.norm_Rep [THEN ssubst])
+   apply (drule split_bintrunc)
+   apply (simp add : of_bl_def bl2bin_drop word_size
+       word_ubin.norm_eq_iff [symmetric] min_def del : word_ubin.norm_Rep)    
+  apply (clarsimp split: prod.splits)
+  apply (frule split_uint_lem [THEN conjunct1])
+  apply (unfold word_size)
+  apply (cases "len_of TYPE('a) >= len_of TYPE('b)")
+   defer
+   apply (simp add: word_0_bl word_0_wi_Pls)
+  apply (simp add : of_bl_def to_bl_def)
+  apply (subst bin_split_take1 [symmetric])
+    prefer 2
+    apply assumption
+   apply simp
+  apply (erule thin_rl)
+  apply (erule arg_cong [THEN trans])
+  apply (simp add : word_ubin.norm_eq_iff [symmetric])
+  done
+lemma word_split_bl: "std = size c - size b ==> 
+    (a = of_bl (take std (to_bl c)) & b = of_bl (drop std (to_bl c))) <-> 
+    word_split c = (a, b)"
+  apply (rule iffI)
+   defer
+   apply (erule (1) word_split_bl')
+  apply (case_tac "word_split c")
+  apply (auto simp add : word_size)
+  apply (frule word_split_bl' [rotated])
+  apply (auto simp add : word_size)
+  done
+lemma word_split_bl_eq:
+   "(word_split (c::'a::len word) :: ('c :: len0 word * 'd :: len0 word)) =
+      (of_bl (take (len_of TYPE('a::len) - len_of TYPE('d::len0)) (to_bl c)),
+       of_bl (drop (len_of TYPE('a) - len_of TYPE('d)) (to_bl c)))"
+  apply (rule word_split_bl [THEN iffD1])
+  apply (unfold word_size)
+  apply (rule refl conjI)+
+  done
+-- "keep quantifiers for use in simplification"
+lemma test_bit_split':
+  "word_split c = (a, b) --> (ALL n m. b !! n = (n < size b & c !! n) & 
+    a !! m = (m < size a & c !! (m + size b)))"
+  apply (unfold word_split_bin' test_bit_bin)
+  apply (clarify)
+  apply (clarsimp simp: word_ubin.eq_norm nth_bintr word_size split: prod.splits)
+  apply (drule bin_nth_split)
+  apply safe
+       apply (simp_all add: add_commute)
+   apply (erule bin_nth_uint_imp)+
+  done
+lemma test_bit_split:
+  "word_split c = (a, b) \<Longrightarrow>
+    (\<forall>n\<Colon>nat. b !! n \<longleftrightarrow> n < size b \<and> c !! n) \<and> (\<forall>m\<Colon>nat. a !! m \<longleftrightarrow> m < size a \<and> c !! (m + size b))"
+  by (simp add: test_bit_split')
+lemma test_bit_split_eq: "word_split c = (a, b) <-> 
+  ((ALL n::nat. b !! n = (n < size b & c !! n)) &
+    (ALL m::nat. a !! m = (m < size a & c !! (m + size b))))"
+  apply (rule_tac iffI)
+   apply (rule_tac conjI)
+    apply (erule test_bit_split [THEN conjunct1])
+   apply (erule test_bit_split [THEN conjunct2])
+  apply (case_tac "word_split c")
+  apply (frule test_bit_split)
+  apply (erule trans)
+  apply (fastsimp intro ! : word_eqI simp add : word_size)
+  done
+-- {* this odd result is analogous to @{text "ucast_id"}, 
+      result to the length given by the result type *}
+lemma word_cat_id: "word_cat a b = b"
+  unfolding word_cat_bin' by (simp add: word_ubin.inverse_norm)
+-- "limited hom result"
+lemma word_cat_hom:
+  "len_of TYPE('a::len0) <= len_of TYPE('b::len0) + len_of TYPE ('c::len0)
+  ==>
+  (word_cat (word_of_int w :: 'b word) (b :: 'c word) :: 'a word) = 
+  word_of_int (bin_cat w (size b) (uint b))"
+  apply (unfold word_cat_def word_size) 
+  apply (clarsimp simp add: word_ubin.norm_eq_iff [symmetric]
+      word_ubin.eq_norm bintr_cat min_max.inf_absorb1)
+  done
+lemma word_cat_split_alt:
+  "size w <= size u + size v ==> word_split w = (u, v) ==> word_cat u v = w"
+  apply (rule word_eqI)
+  apply (drule test_bit_split)
+  apply (clarsimp simp add : test_bit_cat word_size)
+  apply safe
+  apply arith
+  done
+lemmas word_cat_split_size = 
+  sym [THEN [2] word_cat_split_alt [symmetric], standard]
+subsubsection "Split and slice"
+lemma split_slices: 
+  "word_split w = (u, v) ==> u = slice (size v) w & v = slice 0 w"
+  apply (drule test_bit_split)
+  apply (rule conjI)
+   apply (rule word_eqI, clarsimp simp: nth_slice word_size)+
+  done
+lemma slice_cat1':
+  "wc = word_cat a b ==> size wc >= size a + size b ==> slice (size b) wc = a"
+  apply safe
+  apply (rule word_eqI)
+  apply (simp add: nth_slice test_bit_cat word_size)
+  done
+lemmas slice_cat1 = refl [THEN slice_cat1']
+lemmas slice_cat2 = trans [OF slice_id word_cat_id]
+lemma cat_slices:
+  "a = slice n c ==> b = slice 0 c ==> n = size b ==>
+    size a + size b >= size c ==> word_cat a b = c"
+  apply safe
+  apply (rule word_eqI)
+  apply (simp add: nth_slice test_bit_cat word_size)
+  apply safe
+  apply arith
+  done
+lemma word_split_cat_alt:
+  "w = word_cat u v ==> size u + size v <= size w ==> word_split w = (u, v)"
+  apply (case_tac "word_split ?w")
+  apply (rule trans, assumption)
+  apply (drule test_bit_split)
+  apply safe
+   apply (rule word_eqI, clarsimp simp: test_bit_cat word_size)+
+  done
+lemmas word_cat_bl_no_bin [simp] =
+  word_cat_bl [where a="number_of a" 
+                 and b="number_of b", 
+               unfolded to_bl_no_bin, standard]
+lemmas word_split_bl_no_bin [simp] =
+  word_split_bl_eq [where c="number_of c", unfolded to_bl_no_bin, standard]
+-- {* this odd result arises from the fact that the statement of the
+      result implies that the decoded words are of the same type, 
+      and therefore of the same length, as the original word *}
+lemma word_rsplit_same: "word_rsplit w = [w]"
+  unfolding word_rsplit_def by (simp add : bin_rsplit_all)
+lemma word_rsplit_empty_iff_size:
+  "(word_rsplit w = []) = (size w = 0)" 
+  unfolding word_rsplit_def bin_rsplit_def word_size
+  by (simp add: bin_rsplit_aux_simp_alt Let_def split: Product_Type.split_split)
+lemma test_bit_rsplit:
+  "sw = word_rsplit w ==> m < size (hd sw :: 'a :: len word) ==> 
+    k < length sw ==> (rev sw ! k) !! m = (w !! (k * size (hd sw) + m))"
+  apply (unfold word_rsplit_def word_test_bit_def)
+  apply (rule trans)
+   apply (rule_tac f = "%x. bin_nth x m" in arg_cong)
+   apply (rule nth_map [symmetric])
+   apply simp
+  apply (rule bin_nth_rsplit)
+     apply simp_all
+  apply (simp add : word_size rev_map)
+  apply (rule trans)
+   defer
+   apply (rule map_ident [THEN fun_cong])
+  apply (rule refl [THEN map_cong])
+  apply (simp add : word_ubin.eq_norm)
+  apply (erule bin_rsplit_size_sign [OF len_gt_0 refl])
+  done
+lemma word_rcat_bl: "word_rcat wl == of_bl (concat (map to_bl wl))"
+  unfolding word_rcat_def to_bl_def' of_bl_def
+  by (clarsimp simp add : bin_rcat_bl)
+lemma size_rcat_lem':
+  "size (concat (map to_bl wl)) = length wl * size (hd wl)"
+  unfolding word_size by (induct wl) auto
+lemmas size_rcat_lem = size_rcat_lem' [unfolded word_size]
+lemmas td_gal_lt_len = len_gt_0 [THEN td_gal_lt, standard]
+lemma nth_rcat_lem' [rule_format] :
+  "sw = size (hd wl  :: 'a :: len word) ==> (ALL n. n < size wl * sw --> 
+    rev (concat (map to_bl wl)) ! n = 
+    rev (to_bl (rev wl ! (n div sw))) ! (n mod sw))"
+  apply (unfold word_size)
+  apply (induct "wl")
+   apply clarsimp
+  apply (clarsimp simp add : nth_append size_rcat_lem)
+  apply (simp (no_asm_use) only:  mult_Suc [symmetric] 
+         td_gal_lt_len less_Suc_eq_le mod_div_equality')
+  apply clarsimp
+  done
+lemmas nth_rcat_lem = refl [THEN nth_rcat_lem', unfolded word_size]
+lemma test_bit_rcat:
+  "sw = size (hd wl :: 'a :: len word) ==> rc = word_rcat wl ==> rc !! n = 
+    (n < size rc & n div sw < size wl & (rev wl) ! (n div sw) !! (n mod sw))"
+  apply (unfold word_rcat_bl word_size)
+  apply (clarsimp simp add : 
+    test_bit_of_bl size_rcat_lem word_size td_gal_lt_len)
+  apply safe
+   apply (auto simp add : 
+    test_bit_bl word_size td_gal_lt_len [THEN iffD2, THEN nth_rcat_lem])
+  done
+lemma foldl_eq_foldr [rule_format] :
+  "ALL x. foldl op + x xs = foldr op + (x # xs) (0 :: 'a :: comm_monoid_add)" 
+  by (induct xs) (auto simp add : add_assoc)
+lemmas test_bit_cong = arg_cong [where f = "test_bit", THEN fun_cong]
+lemmas test_bit_rsplit_alt = 
+  trans [OF nth_rev_alt [THEN test_bit_cong] 
+  test_bit_rsplit [OF refl asm_rl diff_Suc_less]]
+-- "lazy way of expressing that u and v, and su and sv, have same types"
+lemma word_rsplit_len_indep':
+  "[u,v] = p ==> [su,sv] = q ==> word_rsplit u = su ==> 
+    word_rsplit v = sv ==> length su = length sv"
+  apply (unfold word_rsplit_def)
+  apply (auto simp add : bin_rsplit_len_indep)
+  done
+lemmas word_rsplit_len_indep = word_rsplit_len_indep' [OF refl refl refl refl]
+lemma length_word_rsplit_size: 
+  "n = len_of TYPE ('a :: len) ==> 
+    (length (word_rsplit w :: 'a word list) <= m) = (size w <= m * n)"
+  apply (unfold word_rsplit_def word_size)
+  apply (clarsimp simp add : bin_rsplit_len_le)
+  done
+lemmas length_word_rsplit_lt_size = 
+  length_word_rsplit_size [unfolded Not_eq_iff linorder_not_less [symmetric]]
+lemma length_word_rsplit_exp_size: 
+  "n = len_of TYPE ('a :: len) ==> 
+    length (word_rsplit w :: 'a word list) = (size w + n - 1) div n"
+  unfolding word_rsplit_def by (clarsimp simp add : word_size bin_rsplit_len)
+lemma length_word_rsplit_even_size: 
+  "n = len_of TYPE ('a :: len) ==> size w = m * n ==> 
+    length (word_rsplit w :: 'a word list) = m"
+  by (clarsimp simp add : length_word_rsplit_exp_size given_quot_alt)
+lemmas length_word_rsplit_exp_size' = refl [THEN length_word_rsplit_exp_size]
+(* alternative proof of word_rcat_rsplit *)
+lemmas tdle = iffD2 [OF split_div_lemma refl, THEN conjunct1] 
+lemmas dtle = xtr4 [OF tdle mult_commute]
+lemma word_rcat_rsplit: "word_rcat (word_rsplit w) = w"
+  apply (rule word_eqI)
+  apply (clarsimp simp add : test_bit_rcat word_size)
+  apply (subst refl [THEN test_bit_rsplit])
+    apply (simp_all add: word_size 
+      refl [THEN length_word_rsplit_size [simplified not_less [symmetric], simplified]])
+   apply safe
+   apply (erule xtr7, rule len_gt_0 [THEN dtle])+
+  done
+lemma size_word_rsplit_rcat_size':
+  "word_rcat (ws :: 'a :: len word list) = frcw ==> 
+    size frcw = length ws * len_of TYPE ('a) ==> 
+    size (hd [word_rsplit frcw, ws]) = size ws" 
+  apply (clarsimp simp add : word_size length_word_rsplit_exp_size')
+  apply (fast intro: given_quot_alt)
+  done
+lemmas size_word_rsplit_rcat_size = 
+  size_word_rsplit_rcat_size' [simplified]
+lemma msrevs:
+  fixes n::nat
+  shows "0 < n \<Longrightarrow> (k * n + m) div n = m div n + k"
+  and   "(k * n + m) mod n = m mod n"
+  by (auto simp: add_commute)
+lemma word_rsplit_rcat_size':
+  "word_rcat (ws :: 'a :: len word list) = frcw ==> 
+    size frcw = length ws * len_of TYPE ('a) ==> word_rsplit frcw = ws" 
+  apply (frule size_word_rsplit_rcat_size, assumption)
+  apply (clarsimp simp add : word_size)
+  apply (rule nth_equalityI, assumption)
+  apply clarsimp
+  apply (rule word_eqI)
+  apply (rule trans)
+   apply (rule test_bit_rsplit_alt)
+     apply (clarsimp simp: word_size)+
+  apply (rule trans)
+  apply (rule test_bit_rcat [OF refl refl])
+  apply (simp add : word_size msrevs)
+  apply (subst nth_rev)
+   apply arith
+  apply (simp add : le0 [THEN [2] xtr7, THEN diff_Suc_less])
+  apply safe
+  apply (simp add : diff_mult_distrib)
+  apply (rule mpl_lem)
+  apply (cases "size ws")
+   apply simp_all
+  done
+lemmas word_rsplit_rcat_size = refl [THEN word_rsplit_rcat_size']
+subsection "Rotation"
+lemmas rotater_0' [simp] = rotater_def [where n = "0", simplified]
+lemmas word_rot_defs = word_roti_def word_rotr_def word_rotl_def
+lemma rotate_eq_mod: 
+  "m mod length xs = n mod length xs ==> rotate m xs = rotate n xs"
+  apply (rule box_equals)
+    defer
+    apply (rule rotate_conv_mod [symmetric])+
+  apply simp
+  done
+lemmas rotate_eqs [standard] = 
+  trans [OF rotate0 [THEN fun_cong] id_apply]
+  rotate_rotate [symmetric] 
+  rotate_id 
+  rotate_conv_mod 
+  rotate_eq_mod
+subsubsection "Rotation of list to right"
+lemma rotate1_rl': "rotater1 (l @ [a]) = a # l"
+  unfolding rotater1_def by (cases l) auto
+lemma rotate1_rl [simp] : "rotater1 (rotate1 l) = l"
+  apply (unfold rotater1_def)
+  apply (cases "l")
+  apply (case_tac [2] "list")
+  apply auto
+  done
+lemma rotate1_lr [simp] : "rotate1 (rotater1 l) = l"
+  unfolding rotater1_def by (cases l) auto
+lemma rotater1_rev': "rotater1 (rev xs) = rev (rotate1 xs)"
+  apply (cases "xs")
+  apply (simp add : rotater1_def)
+  apply (simp add : rotate1_rl')
+  done
+lemma rotater_rev': "rotater n (rev xs) = rev (rotate n xs)"
+  unfolding rotater_def by (induct n) (auto intro: rotater1_rev')
+lemmas rotater_rev = rotater_rev' [where xs = "rev ys", simplified, standard]
+lemma rotater_drop_take: 
+  "rotater n xs = 
+   drop (length xs - n mod length xs) xs @
+   take (length xs - n mod length xs) xs"
+  by (clarsimp simp add : rotater_rev rotate_drop_take rev_take rev_drop)
+lemma rotater_Suc [simp] : 
+  "rotater (Suc n) xs = rotater1 (rotater n xs)"
+  unfolding rotater_def by auto
+lemma rotate_inv_plus [rule_format] :
+  "ALL k. k = m + n --> rotater k (rotate n xs) = rotater m xs & 
+    rotate k (rotater n xs) = rotate m xs & 
+    rotater n (rotate k xs) = rotate m xs & 
+    rotate n (rotater k xs) = rotater m xs"
+  unfolding rotater_def rotate_def
+  by (induct n) (auto intro: funpow_swap1 [THEN trans])
+lemmas rotate_inv_rel = le_add_diff_inverse2 [symmetric, THEN rotate_inv_plus]
+lemmas rotate_inv_eq = order_refl [THEN rotate_inv_rel, simplified]
+lemmas rotate_lr [simp] = rotate_inv_eq [THEN conjunct1, standard]
+lemmas rotate_rl [simp] =
+  rotate_inv_eq [THEN conjunct2, THEN conjunct1, standard]
+lemma rotate_gal: "(rotater n xs = ys) = (rotate n ys = xs)"
+  by auto
+lemma rotate_gal': "(ys = rotater n xs) = (xs = rotate n ys)"
+  by auto
+lemma length_rotater [simp]: 
+  "length (rotater n xs) = length xs"
+  by (simp add : rotater_rev)
+lemmas rrs0 = rotate_eqs [THEN restrict_to_left, 
+  simplified rotate_gal [symmetric] rotate_gal' [symmetric], standard]
+lemmas rrs1 = rrs0 [THEN refl [THEN rev_iffD1]]
+lemmas rotater_eqs = rrs1 [simplified length_rotater, standard]
+lemmas rotater_0 = rotater_eqs (1)
+lemmas rotater_add = rotater_eqs (2)
+subsubsection "map, map2, commuting with rotate(r)"
+lemma last_map: "xs ~= [] ==> last (map f xs) = f (last xs)"
+  by (induct xs) auto
+lemma butlast_map:
+  "xs ~= [] ==> butlast (map f xs) = map f (butlast xs)"
+  by (induct xs) auto
+lemma rotater1_map: "rotater1 (map f xs) = map f (rotater1 xs)" 
+  unfolding rotater1_def
+  by (cases xs) (auto simp add: last_map butlast_map)
+lemma rotater_map:
+  "rotater n (map f xs) = map f (rotater n xs)" 
+  unfolding rotater_def
+  by (induct n) (auto simp add : rotater1_map)
+lemma but_last_zip [rule_format] :
+  "ALL ys. length xs = length ys --> xs ~= [] --> 
+    last (zip xs ys) = (last xs, last ys) & 
+    butlast (zip xs ys) = zip (butlast xs) (butlast ys)" 
+  apply (induct "xs")
+  apply auto
+     apply ((case_tac ys, auto simp: neq_Nil_conv)[1])+
+  done
+lemma but_last_map2 [rule_format] :
+  "ALL ys. length xs = length ys --> xs ~= [] --> 
+    last (map2 f xs ys) = f (last xs) (last ys) & 
+    butlast (map2 f xs ys) = map2 f (butlast xs) (butlast ys)" 
+  apply (induct "xs")
+  apply auto
+     apply (unfold map2_def)
+     apply ((case_tac ys, auto simp: neq_Nil_conv)[1])+
+  done
+lemma rotater1_zip:
+  "length xs = length ys ==> 
+    rotater1 (zip xs ys) = zip (rotater1 xs) (rotater1 ys)" 
+  apply (unfold rotater1_def)
+  apply (cases "xs")
+   apply auto
+   apply ((case_tac ys, auto simp: neq_Nil_conv but_last_zip)[1])+
+  done
+lemma rotater1_map2:
+  "length xs = length ys ==> 
+    rotater1 (map2 f xs ys) = map2 f (rotater1 xs) (rotater1 ys)" 
+  unfolding map2_def by (simp add: rotater1_map rotater1_zip)
+lemmas lrth = 
+  box_equals [OF asm_rl length_rotater [symmetric] 
+                 length_rotater [symmetric], 
+              THEN rotater1_map2]
+lemma rotater_map2: 
+  "length xs = length ys ==> 
+    rotater n (map2 f xs ys) = map2 f (rotater n xs) (rotater n ys)" 
+  by (induct n) (auto intro!: lrth)
+lemma rotate1_map2:
+  "length xs = length ys ==> 
+    rotate1 (map2 f xs ys) = map2 f (rotate1 xs) (rotate1 ys)" 
+  apply (unfold map2_def)
+  apply (cases xs)
+   apply (cases ys, auto simp add : rotate1_def)+
+  done
+lemmas lth = box_equals [OF asm_rl length_rotate [symmetric] 
+  length_rotate [symmetric], THEN rotate1_map2]
+lemma rotate_map2: 
+  "length xs = length ys ==> 
+    rotate n (map2 f xs ys) = map2 f (rotate n xs) (rotate n ys)" 
+  by (induct n) (auto intro!: lth)
+-- "corresponding equalities for word rotation"
+lemma to_bl_rotl: 
+  "to_bl (word_rotl n w) = rotate n (to_bl w)"
+  by (simp add: word_bl.Abs_inverse' word_rotl_def)
+lemmas blrs0 = rotate_eqs [THEN to_bl_rotl [THEN trans]]
+lemmas word_rotl_eqs =
+  blrs0 [simplified word_bl.Rep' word_bl.Rep_inject to_bl_rotl [symmetric]]
+lemma to_bl_rotr: 
+  "to_bl (word_rotr n w) = rotater n (to_bl w)"
+  by (simp add: word_bl.Abs_inverse' word_rotr_def)
+lemmas brrs0 = rotater_eqs [THEN to_bl_rotr [THEN trans]]
+lemmas word_rotr_eqs =
+  brrs0 [simplified word_bl.Rep' word_bl.Rep_inject to_bl_rotr [symmetric]]
+declare word_rotr_eqs (1) [simp]
+declare word_rotl_eqs (1) [simp]
+  word_rot_rl [simp]:
+  "word_rotl k (word_rotr k v) = v" and
+  word_rot_lr [simp]:
+  "word_rotr k (word_rotl k v) = v"
+  by (auto simp add: to_bl_rotr to_bl_rotl word_bl.Rep_inject [symmetric])
+  word_rot_gal:
+  "(word_rotr n v = w) = (word_rotl n w = v)" and
+  word_rot_gal':
+  "(w = word_rotr n v) = (v = word_rotl n w)"
+  by (auto simp: to_bl_rotr to_bl_rotl word_bl.Rep_inject [symmetric] 
+           dest: sym)
+lemma word_rotr_rev:
+  "word_rotr n w = word_reverse (word_rotl n (word_reverse w))"
+  by (simp add: word_bl.Rep_inject [symmetric] to_bl_word_rev
+                to_bl_rotr to_bl_rotl rotater_rev)
+lemma word_roti_0 [simp]: "word_roti 0 w = w"
+  by (unfold word_rot_defs) auto
+lemmas abl_cong = arg_cong [where f = "of_bl"]
+lemma word_roti_add: 
+  "word_roti (m + n) w = word_roti m (word_roti n w)"
+proof -
+  have rotater_eq_lem: 
+    "\<And>m n xs. m = n ==> rotater m xs = rotater n xs"
+    by auto
+  have rotate_eq_lem: 
+    "\<And>m n xs. m = n ==> rotate m xs = rotate n xs"
+    by auto
+  note rpts [symmetric, standard] = 
+    rotate_inv_plus [THEN conjunct1]
+    rotate_inv_plus [THEN conjunct2, THEN conjunct1]
+    rotate_inv_plus [THEN conjunct2, THEN conjunct2, THEN conjunct1]
+    rotate_inv_plus [THEN conjunct2, THEN conjunct2, THEN conjunct2]
+  note rrp = trans [symmetric, OF rotate_rotate rotate_eq_lem]
+  note rrrp = trans [symmetric, OF rotater_add [symmetric] rotater_eq_lem]
+  show ?thesis
+  apply (unfold word_rot_defs)
+  apply (simp only: split: split_if)
+  apply (safe intro!: abl_cong)
+  apply (simp_all only: to_bl_rotl [THEN word_bl.Rep_inverse'] 
+                    to_bl_rotl
+                    to_bl_rotr [THEN word_bl.Rep_inverse']
+                    to_bl_rotr)
+  apply (rule rrp rrrp rpts,
+         simp add: nat_add_distrib [symmetric] 
+                   nat_diff_distrib [symmetric])+
+  done
+lemma word_roti_conv_mod': "word_roti n w = word_roti (n mod int (size w)) w"
+  apply (unfold word_rot_defs)
+  apply (cut_tac y="size w" in gt_or_eq_0)
+  apply (erule disjE)
+   apply simp_all
+  apply (safe intro!: abl_cong)
+   apply (rule rotater_eqs)
+   apply (simp add: word_size nat_mod_distrib)
+  apply (simp add: rotater_add [symmetric] rotate_gal [symmetric])
+  apply (rule rotater_eqs)
+  apply (simp add: word_size nat_mod_distrib)
+  apply (rule int_eq_0_conv [THEN iffD1])
+  apply (simp only: zmod_int zadd_int [symmetric])
+  apply (simp add: rdmods)
+  done
+lemmas word_roti_conv_mod = word_roti_conv_mod' [unfolded word_size]
+subsubsection "Word rotation commutes with bit-wise operations"
+(* using locale to not pollute lemma namespace *)
+locale word_rotate 
+context word_rotate
+lemmas word_rot_defs' = to_bl_rotl to_bl_rotr
+lemmas blwl_syms [symmetric] = bl_word_not bl_word_and bl_word_or bl_word_xor
+lemmas lbl_lbl = trans [OF word_bl.Rep' word_bl.Rep' [symmetric]]
+lemmas ths_map2 [OF lbl_lbl] = rotate_map2 rotater_map2
+lemmas ths_map [where xs = "to_bl v", standard] = rotate_map rotater_map
+lemmas th1s [simplified word_rot_defs' [symmetric]] = ths_map2 ths_map
+lemma word_rot_logs:
+  "word_rotl n (NOT v) = NOT word_rotl n v"
+  "word_rotr n (NOT v) = NOT word_rotr n v"
+  "word_rotl n (x AND y) = word_rotl n x AND word_rotl n y"
+  "word_rotr n (x AND y) = word_rotr n x AND word_rotr n y"
+  "word_rotl n (x OR y) = word_rotl n x OR word_rotl n y"
+  "word_rotr n (x OR y) = word_rotr n x OR word_rotr n y"
+  "word_rotl n (x XOR y) = word_rotl n x XOR word_rotl n y"
+  "word_rotr n (x XOR y) = word_rotr n x XOR word_rotr n y"  
+  by (rule word_bl.Rep_eqD,
+      rule word_rot_defs' [THEN trans],
+      simp only: blwl_syms [symmetric],
+      rule th1s [THEN trans], 
+      rule refl)+
+lemmas word_rot_logs = word_rotate.word_rot_logs
+lemmas bl_word_rotl_dt = trans [OF to_bl_rotl rotate_drop_take,
+  simplified word_bl.Rep', standard]
+lemmas bl_word_rotr_dt = trans [OF to_bl_rotr rotater_drop_take,
+  simplified word_bl.Rep', standard]
+lemma bl_word_roti_dt': 
+  "n = nat ((- i) mod int (size (w :: 'a :: len word))) ==> 
+    to_bl (word_roti i w) = drop n (to_bl w) @ take n (to_bl w)"
+  apply (unfold word_roti_def)
+  apply (simp add: bl_word_rotl_dt bl_word_rotr_dt word_size)
+  apply safe
+   apply (simp add: zmod_zminus1_eq_if)
+   apply safe
+    apply (simp add: nat_mult_distrib)
+   apply (simp add: nat_diff_distrib [OF pos_mod_sign pos_mod_conj 
+                                      [THEN conjunct2, THEN order_less_imp_le]]
+                    nat_mod_distrib)
+  apply (simp add: nat_mod_distrib)
+  done
+lemmas bl_word_roti_dt = bl_word_roti_dt' [unfolded word_size]
+lemmas word_rotl_dt = bl_word_rotl_dt 
+  [THEN word_bl.Rep_inverse' [symmetric], standard] 
+lemmas word_rotr_dt = bl_word_rotr_dt 
+  [THEN word_bl.Rep_inverse' [symmetric], standard]
+lemmas word_roti_dt = bl_word_roti_dt 
+  [THEN word_bl.Rep_inverse' [symmetric], standard]
+lemma word_rotx_0 [simp] : "word_rotr i 0 = 0 & word_rotl i 0 = 0"
+  by (simp add : word_rotr_dt word_rotl_dt to_bl_0 replicate_add [symmetric])
+lemma word_roti_0' [simp] : "word_roti n 0 = 0"
+  unfolding word_roti_def by auto
+lemmas word_rotr_dt_no_bin' [simp] = 
+  word_rotr_dt [where w="number_of w", unfolded to_bl_no_bin, standard]
+lemmas word_rotl_dt_no_bin' [simp] = 
+  word_rotl_dt [where w="number_of w", unfolded to_bl_no_bin, standard]
+declare word_roti_def [simp]
+subsection {* Miscellaneous  *}
+declare of_nat_2p [simp]
+lemma word_int_cases:
+  "\<lbrakk>\<And>n. \<lbrakk>(x ::'a::len0 word) = word_of_int n; 0 \<le> n; n < 2^len_of TYPE('a)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P\<rbrakk>
+   \<Longrightarrow> P"
+  by (cases x rule: word_uint.Abs_cases) (simp add: uints_num)
+lemma word_nat_cases [cases type: word]:
+  "\<lbrakk>\<And>n. \<lbrakk>(x ::'a::len word) = of_nat n; n < 2^len_of TYPE('a)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P\<rbrakk>
+   \<Longrightarrow> P"
+  by (cases x rule: word_unat.Abs_cases) (simp add: unats_def)
+lemma max_word_eq:
+  "(max_word::'a::len word) = 2^len_of TYPE('a) - 1"
+  by (simp add: max_word_def word_of_int_hom_syms word_of_int_2p)
+lemma max_word_max [simp,intro!]:
+  "n \<le> max_word"
+  by (cases n rule: word_int_cases)
+     (simp add: max_word_def word_le_def int_word_uint int_mod_eq')
+lemma word_of_int_2p_len: 
+  "word_of_int (2 ^ len_of TYPE('a)) = (0::'a::len0 word)"
+  by (subst word_uint.Abs_norm [symmetric]) 
+     (simp add: word_of_int_hom_syms)
+lemma word_pow_0:
+  "(2::'a::len word) ^ len_of TYPE('a) = 0"
+proof -
+  have "word_of_int (2 ^ len_of TYPE('a)) = (0::'a word)"
+    by (rule word_of_int_2p_len)
+  thus ?thesis by (simp add: word_of_int_2p)
+lemma max_word_wrap: "x + 1 = 0 \<Longrightarrow> x = max_word"
+  apply (simp add: max_word_eq)
+  apply uint_arith
+  apply auto
+  apply (simp add: word_pow_0)
+  done
+lemma max_word_minus: 
+  "max_word = (-1::'a::len word)"
+proof -
+  have "-1 + 1 = (0::'a word)" by simp
+  thus ?thesis by (rule max_word_wrap [symmetric])
+lemma max_word_bl [simp]:
+  "to_bl (max_word::'a::len word) = replicate (len_of TYPE('a)) True"
+  by (subst max_word_minus to_bl_n1)+ simp
+lemma max_test_bit [simp]:
+  "(max_word::'a::len word) !! n = (n < len_of TYPE('a))"
+  by (auto simp add: test_bit_bl word_size)
+lemma word_and_max [simp]:
+  "x AND max_word = x"
+  by (rule word_eqI) (simp add: word_ops_nth_size word_size)
+lemma word_or_max [simp]:
+  "x OR max_word = max_word"
+  by (rule word_eqI) (simp add: word_ops_nth_size word_size)
+lemma word_ao_dist2:
+  "x AND (y OR z) = x AND y OR x AND (z::'a::len0 word)"
+  by (rule word_eqI) (auto simp add: word_ops_nth_size word_size)
+lemma word_oa_dist2:
+  "x OR y AND z = (x OR y) AND (x OR (z::'a::len0 word))"
+  by (rule word_eqI) (auto simp add: word_ops_nth_size word_size)
+lemma word_and_not [simp]:
+  "x AND NOT x = (0::'a::len0 word)"
+  by (rule word_eqI) (auto simp add: word_ops_nth_size word_size)
+lemma word_or_not [simp]:
+  "x OR NOT x = max_word"
+  by (rule word_eqI) (auto simp add: word_ops_nth_size word_size)
+lemma word_boolean:
+  "boolean (op AND) (op OR) bitNOT 0 max_word"
+  apply (rule boolean.intro)
+           apply (rule word_bw_assocs)
+          apply (rule word_bw_assocs)
+         apply (rule word_bw_comms)
+        apply (rule word_bw_comms)
+       apply (rule word_ao_dist2)
+      apply (rule word_oa_dist2)
+     apply (rule word_and_max)
+    apply (rule word_log_esimps)
+   apply (rule word_and_not)
+  apply (rule word_or_not)
+  done
+interpretation word_bool_alg:
+  boolean "op AND" "op OR" bitNOT 0 max_word
+  by (rule word_boolean)
+lemma word_xor_and_or:
+  "x XOR y = x AND NOT y OR NOT x AND (y::'a::len0 word)"
+  by (rule word_eqI) (auto simp add: word_ops_nth_size word_size)
+interpretation word_bool_alg:
+  boolean_xor "op AND" "op OR" bitNOT 0 max_word "op XOR"
+  apply (rule boolean_xor.intro)
+   apply (rule word_boolean)
+  apply (rule boolean_xor_axioms.intro)
+  apply (rule word_xor_and_or)
+  done
+lemma shiftr_x_0 [iff]:
+  "(x::'a::len0 word) >> 0 = x"
+  by (simp add: shiftr_bl)
+lemma shiftl_x_0 [simp]: 
+  "(x :: 'a :: len word) << 0 = x"
+  by (simp add: shiftl_t2n)
+lemma shiftl_1 [simp]:
+  "(1::'a::len word) << n = 2^n"
+  by (simp add: shiftl_t2n)
+lemma uint_lt_0 [simp]:
+  "uint x < 0 = False"
+  by (simp add: linorder_not_less)
+lemma shiftr1_1 [simp]: 
+  "shiftr1 (1::'a::len word) = 0"
+  by (simp add: shiftr1_def word_0_alt)
+lemma shiftr_1[simp]: 
+  "(1::'a::len word) >> n = (if n = 0 then 1 else 0)"
+  by (induct n) (auto simp: shiftr_def)
+lemma word_less_1 [simp]: 
+  "((x::'a::len word) < 1) = (x = 0)"
+  by (simp add: word_less_nat_alt unat_0_iff)
+lemma to_bl_mask:
+  "to_bl (mask n :: 'a::len word) = 
+  replicate (len_of TYPE('a) - n) False @ 
+    replicate (min (len_of TYPE('a)) n) True"
+  by (simp add: mask_bl word_rep_drop min_def)
+lemma map_replicate_True:
+  "n = length xs ==>
+    map (\<lambda>(x,y). x & y) (zip xs (replicate n True)) = xs"
+  by (induct xs arbitrary: n) auto
+lemma map_replicate_False:
+  "n = length xs ==> map (\<lambda>(x,y). x & y)
+    (zip xs (replicate n False)) = replicate n False"
+  by (induct xs arbitrary: n) auto
+lemma bl_and_mask:
+  fixes w :: "'a::len word"
+  fixes n
+  defines "n' \<equiv> len_of TYPE('a) - n"
+  shows "to_bl (w AND mask n) =  replicate n' False @ drop n' (to_bl w)"
+proof - 
+  note [simp] = map_replicate_True map_replicate_False
+  have "to_bl (w AND mask n) = 
+        map2 op & (to_bl w) (to_bl (mask n::'a::len word))"
+    by (simp add: bl_word_and)
+  also
+  have "to_bl w = take n' (to_bl w) @ drop n' (to_bl w)" by simp
+  also
+  have "map2 op & \<dots> (to_bl (mask n::'a::len word)) = 
+        replicate n' False @ drop n' (to_bl w)"
+    unfolding to_bl_mask n'_def map2_def
+    by (subst zip_append) auto
+  finally
+  show ?thesis .
+lemma drop_rev_takefill:
+  "length xs \<le> n ==>
+    drop (n - length xs) (rev (takefill False n (rev xs))) = xs"
+  by (simp add: takefill_alt rev_take)
+lemma map_nth_0 [simp]:
+  "map (op !! (0::'a::len0 word)) xs = replicate (length xs) False"
+  by (induct xs) auto
+lemma uint_plus_if_size:
+  "uint (x + y) = 
+  (if uint x + uint y < 2^size x then 
+      uint x + uint y 
+   else 
+      uint x + uint y - 2^size x)" 
+  by (simp add: word_arith_alts int_word_uint mod_add_if_z 
+                word_size)
+lemma unat_plus_if_size:
+  "unat (x + (y::'a::len word)) = 
+  (if unat x + unat y < 2^size x then 
+      unat x + unat y 
+   else 
+      unat x + unat y - 2^size x)" 
+  apply (subst word_arith_nat_defs)
+  apply (subst unat_of_nat)
+  apply (simp add:  mod_nat_add word_size)
+  done
+lemma word_neq_0_conv [simp]:
+  fixes w :: "'a :: len word"
+  shows "(w \<noteq> 0) = (0 < w)"
+proof -
+  have "0 \<le> w" by (rule word_zero_le)
+  thus ?thesis by (auto simp add: word_less_def)
+lemma max_lt:
+  "unat (max a b div c) = unat (max a b) div unat (c:: 'a :: len word)"
+  apply (subst word_arith_nat_defs)
+  apply (subst word_unat.eq_norm)
+  apply (subst mod_if)
+  apply clarsimp
+  apply (erule notE)
+  apply (insert div_le_dividend [of "unat (max a b)" "unat c"])
+  apply (erule order_le_less_trans)
+  apply (insert unat_lt2p [of "max a b"])
+  apply simp
+  done
+lemma uint_sub_if_size:
+  "uint (x - y) = 
+  (if uint y \<le> uint x then 
+      uint x - uint y 
+   else 
+      uint x - uint y + 2^size x)"
+  by (simp add: word_arith_alts int_word_uint mod_sub_if_z 
+                word_size)
+lemma unat_sub:
+  "b <= a ==> unat (a - b) = unat a - unat b"
+  by (simp add: unat_def uint_sub_if_size word_le_def nat_diff_distrib)
+lemmas word_less_sub1_numberof [simp] =
+  word_less_sub1 [of "number_of w", standard]
+lemmas word_le_sub1_numberof [simp] =
+  word_le_sub1 [of "number_of w", standard]
+lemma word_of_int_minus: 
+  "word_of_int (2^len_of TYPE('a) - i) = (word_of_int (-i)::'a::len word)"
+proof -
+  have x: "2^len_of TYPE('a) - i = -i + 2^len_of TYPE('a)" by simp
+  show ?thesis
+    apply (subst x)
+    apply (subst word_uint.Abs_norm [symmetric], subst mod_add_self2)
+    apply simp
+    done
+lemmas word_of_int_inj = 
+  word_uint.Abs_inject [unfolded uints_num, simplified]
+lemma word_le_less_eq:
+  "(x ::'z::len word) \<le> y = (x = y \<or> x < y)"
+  by (auto simp add: word_less_def)
+lemma mod_plus_cong:
+  assumes 1: "(b::int) = b'"
+      and 2: "x mod b' = x' mod b'"
+      and 3: "y mod b' = y' mod b'"
+      and 4: "x' + y' = z'"
+  shows "(x + y) mod b = z' mod b'"
+proof -
+  from 1 2[symmetric] 3[symmetric] have "(x + y) mod b = (x' mod b' + y' mod b') mod b'"
+    by (simp add: mod_add_eq[symmetric])
+  also have "\<dots> = (x' + y') mod b'"
+    by (simp add: mod_add_eq[symmetric])
+  finally show ?thesis by (simp add: 4)
+lemma mod_minus_cong:
+  assumes 1: "(b::int) = b'"
+      and 2: "x mod b' = x' mod b'"
+      and 3: "y mod b' = y' mod b'"
+      and 4: "x' - y' = z'"
+  shows "(x - y) mod b = z' mod b'"
+  using assms
+  apply (subst zmod_zsub_left_eq)
+  apply (subst zmod_zsub_right_eq)
+  apply (simp add: zmod_zsub_left_eq [symmetric] zmod_zsub_right_eq [symmetric])
+  done
+lemma word_induct_less: 
+  "\<lbrakk>P (0::'a::len word); \<And>n. \<lbrakk>n < m; P n\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P (1 + n)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P m"
+  apply (cases m)
+  apply atomize
+  apply (erule rev_mp)+
+  apply (rule_tac x=m in spec)
+  apply (induct_tac n)
+   apply simp
+  apply clarsimp
+  apply (erule impE)
+   apply clarsimp
+   apply (erule_tac x=n in allE)
+   apply (erule impE)
+    apply (simp add: unat_arith_simps)
+    apply (clarsimp simp: unat_of_nat)
+   apply simp
+  apply (erule_tac x="of_nat na" in allE)
+  apply (erule impE)
+   apply (simp add: unat_arith_simps)
+   apply (clarsimp simp: unat_of_nat)
+  apply simp
+  done
+lemma word_induct: 
+  "\<lbrakk>P (0::'a::len word); \<And>n. P n \<Longrightarrow> P (1 + n)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P m"
+  by (erule word_induct_less, simp)
+lemma word_induct2 [induct type]: 
+  "\<lbrakk>P 0; \<And>n. \<lbrakk>1 + n \<noteq> 0; P n\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P (1 + n)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P (n::'b::len word)"
+  apply (rule word_induct, simp)
+  apply (case_tac "1+n = 0", auto)
+  done
+definition word_rec :: "'a \<Rightarrow> ('b::len word \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<Rightarrow> 'b word \<Rightarrow> 'a" where
+  "word_rec forZero forSuc n \<equiv> nat_rec forZero (forSuc \<circ> of_nat) (unat n)"
+lemma word_rec_0: "word_rec z s 0 = z"
+  by (simp add: word_rec_def)
+lemma word_rec_Suc: 
+  "1 + n \<noteq> (0::'a::len word) \<Longrightarrow> word_rec z s (1 + n) = s n (word_rec z s n)"
+  apply (simp add: word_rec_def unat_word_ariths)
+  apply (subst nat_mod_eq')
+   apply (cut_tac x=n in unat_lt2p)
+   apply (drule Suc_mono)
+   apply (simp add: less_Suc_eq_le)
+   apply (simp only: order_less_le, simp)
+   apply (erule contrapos_pn, simp)
+   apply (drule arg_cong[where f=of_nat])
+   apply simp
+   apply (subst (asm) word_unat.Rep_inverse[of n])
+   apply simp
+  apply simp
+  done
+lemma word_rec_Pred: 
+  "n \<noteq> 0 \<Longrightarrow> word_rec z s n = s (n - 1) (word_rec z s (n - 1))"
+  apply (rule subst[where t="n" and s="1 + (n - 1)"])
+   apply simp
+  apply (subst word_rec_Suc)
+   apply simp
+  apply simp
+  done
+lemma word_rec_in: 
+  "f (word_rec z (\<lambda>_. f) n) = word_rec (f z) (\<lambda>_. f) n"
+  by (induct n) (simp_all add: word_rec_0 word_rec_Suc)
+lemma word_rec_in2: 
+  "f n (word_rec z f n) = word_rec (f 0 z) (f \<circ> op + 1) n"
+  by (induct n) (simp_all add: word_rec_0 word_rec_Suc)
+lemma word_rec_twice: 
+  "m \<le> n \<Longrightarrow> word_rec z f n = word_rec (word_rec z f (n - m)) (f \<circ> op + (n - m)) m"
+apply (erule rev_mp)
+apply (rule_tac x=z in spec)
+apply (rule_tac x=f in spec)
+apply (induct n)
+ apply (simp add: word_rec_0)
+apply clarsimp
+apply (rule_tac t="1 + n - m" and s="1 + (n - m)" in subst)
+ apply simp
+apply (case_tac "1 + (n - m) = 0")
+ apply (simp add: word_rec_0)
+ apply (rule_tac f = "word_rec ?a ?b" in arg_cong)
+ apply (rule_tac t="m" and s="m + (1 + (n - m))" in subst)
+  apply simp
+ apply (simp (no_asm_use))
+apply (simp add: word_rec_Suc word_rec_in2)
+apply (erule impE)
+ apply uint_arith
+apply (drule_tac x="x \<circ> op + 1" in spec)
+apply (drule_tac x="x 0 xa" in spec)
+apply simp
+apply (rule_tac t="\<lambda>a. x (1 + (n - m + a))" and s="\<lambda>a. x (1 + (n - m) + a)"
+       in subst)
+ apply (clarsimp simp add: expand_fun_eq)
+ apply (rule_tac t="(1 + (n - m + xb))" and s="1 + (n - m) + xb" in subst)
+  apply simp
+ apply (rule refl)
+apply (rule refl)
+lemma word_rec_id: "word_rec z (\<lambda>_. id) n = z"
+  by (induct n) (auto simp add: word_rec_0 word_rec_Suc)
+lemma word_rec_id_eq: "\<forall>m < n. f m = id \<Longrightarrow> word_rec z f n = z"
+apply (erule rev_mp)
+apply (induct n)
+ apply (auto simp add: word_rec_0 word_rec_Suc)
+ apply (drule spec, erule mp)
+ apply uint_arith
+apply (drule_tac x=n in spec, erule impE)
+ apply uint_arith
+apply simp
+lemma word_rec_max: 
+  "\<forall>m\<ge>n. m \<noteq> -1 \<longrightarrow> f m = id \<Longrightarrow> word_rec z f -1 = word_rec z f n"
+apply (subst word_rec_twice[where n="-1" and m="-1 - n"])
+ apply simp
+apply simp
+apply (rule word_rec_id_eq)
+apply clarsimp
+apply (drule spec, rule mp, erule mp)
+ apply (rule word_plus_mono_right2[OF _ order_less_imp_le])
+  prefer 2 
+  apply assumption
+ apply simp
+apply (erule contrapos_pn)
+apply simp
+apply (drule arg_cong[where f="\<lambda>x. x - n"])
+apply simp
+lemma unatSuc: 
+  "1 + n \<noteq> (0::'a::len word) \<Longrightarrow> unat (1 + n) = Suc (unat n)"
+  by unat_arith
+lemmas word_no_1 [simp] = word_1_no [symmetric, unfolded BIT_simps]
+lemmas word_no_0 [simp] = word_0_no [symmetric]
+declare word_0_bl [simp]
+declare bin_to_bl_def [simp]
+declare to_bl_0 [simp]
+declare of_bl_True [simp]
+use "~~/src/HOL/Tools/SMT/smt_word.ML"
 setup {* SMT_Word.setup *}
-text {* see @{text "Examples/WordExamples.thy"} for examples *}
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/src/HOL/Word/WordArith.thy	Wed Jun 30 16:46:44 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1265 +0,0 @@
-    Author:     Jeremy Dawson and Gerwin Klein, NICTA
-  contains arithmetic theorems for word, instantiations to
-  arithmetic type classes and tactics for reducing word arithmetic
-  to linear arithmetic on int or nat
-header {* Word Arithmetic *}
-theory WordArith
-imports WordDefinition
-lemma word_less_alt: "(a < b) = (uint a < uint b)"
-  unfolding word_less_def word_le_def
-  by (auto simp del: word_uint.Rep_inject 
-           simp: word_uint.Rep_inject [symmetric])
-lemma signed_linorder: "class.linorder word_sle word_sless"
-qed (unfold word_sle_def word_sless_def, auto)
-interpretation signed: linorder "word_sle" "word_sless"
-  by (rule signed_linorder)
-lemmas word_arith_wis = 
-  word_add_def word_mult_def word_minus_def 
-  word_succ_def word_pred_def word_0_wi word_1_wi
-lemma udvdI: 
-  "0 \<le> n ==> uint b = n * uint a ==> a udvd b"
-  by (auto simp: udvd_def)
-lemmas word_div_no [simp] = 
-  word_div_def [of "number_of a" "number_of b", standard]
-lemmas word_mod_no [simp] = 
-  word_mod_def [of "number_of a" "number_of b", standard]
-lemmas word_less_no [simp] = 
-  word_less_def [of "number_of a" "number_of b", standard]
-lemmas word_le_no [simp] = 
-  word_le_def [of "number_of a" "number_of b", standard]
-lemmas word_sless_no [simp] = 
-  word_sless_def [of "number_of a" "number_of b", standard]
-lemmas word_sle_no [simp] = 
-  word_sle_def [of "number_of a" "number_of b", standard]
-(* following two are available in class number_ring, 
-  but convenient to have them here here;
-  note - the number_ring versions, numeral_0_eq_0 and numeral_1_eq_1
-  are in the default simpset, so to use the automatic simplifications for
-  (eg) sint (number_of bin) on sint 1, must do
-  (simp add: word_1_no del: numeral_1_eq_1) 
-  *)
-lemmas word_0_wi_Pls = word_0_wi [folded Pls_def]
-lemmas word_0_no = word_0_wi_Pls [folded word_no_wi]
-lemma int_one_bin: "(1 :: int) == (Int.Pls BIT 1)"
-  unfolding Pls_def Bit_def by auto
-lemma word_1_no: 
-  "(1 :: 'a :: len0 word) == number_of (Int.Pls BIT 1)"
-  unfolding word_1_wi word_number_of_def int_one_bin by auto
-lemma word_m1_wi: "-1 == word_of_int -1" 
-  by (rule word_number_of_alt)
-lemma word_m1_wi_Min: "-1 = word_of_int Int.Min"
-  by (simp add: word_m1_wi number_of_eq)
-lemma word_0_bl: "of_bl [] = 0" 
-  unfolding word_0_wi of_bl_def by (simp add : Pls_def)
-lemma word_1_bl: "of_bl [True] = 1" 
-  unfolding word_1_wi of_bl_def
-  by (simp add : bl_to_bin_def Bit_def Pls_def)
-lemma uint_0 [simp] : "(uint 0 = 0)" 
-  unfolding word_0_wi
-  by (simp add: word_ubin.eq_norm Pls_def [symmetric])
-lemma of_bl_0 [simp] : "of_bl (replicate n False) = 0"
-  by (simp add : word_0_wi of_bl_def bl_to_bin_rep_False Pls_def)
-lemma to_bl_0: 
-  "to_bl (0::'a::len0 word) = replicate (len_of TYPE('a)) False"
-  unfolding uint_bl
-  by (simp add : word_size bin_to_bl_Pls Pls_def [symmetric])
-lemma uint_0_iff: "(uint x = 0) = (x = 0)"
-  by (auto intro!: word_uint.Rep_eqD)
-lemma unat_0_iff: "(unat x = 0) = (x = 0)"
-  unfolding unat_def by (auto simp add : nat_eq_iff uint_0_iff)
-lemma unat_0 [simp]: "unat 0 = 0"
-  unfolding unat_def by auto
-lemma size_0_same': "size w = 0 ==> w = (v :: 'a :: len0 word)"
-  apply (unfold word_size)
-  apply (rule box_equals)
-    defer
-    apply (rule word_uint.Rep_inverse)+
-  apply (rule word_ubin.norm_eq_iff [THEN iffD1])
-  apply simp
-  done
-lemmas size_0_same = size_0_same' [folded word_size]
-lemmas unat_eq_0 = unat_0_iff
-lemmas unat_eq_zero = unat_0_iff
-lemma unat_gt_0: "(0 < unat x) = (x ~= 0)"
-by (auto simp: unat_0_iff [symmetric])
-lemma ucast_0 [simp] : "ucast 0 = 0"
-unfolding ucast_def
-by simp (simp add: word_0_wi)
-lemma sint_0 [simp] : "sint 0 = 0"
-unfolding sint_uint
-by (simp add: Pls_def [symmetric])
-lemma scast_0 [simp] : "scast 0 = 0"
-apply (unfold scast_def)
-apply simp
-apply (simp add: word_0_wi)
-lemma sint_n1 [simp] : "sint -1 = -1"
-apply (unfold word_m1_wi_Min)
-apply (simp add: word_sbin.eq_norm)
-apply (unfold Min_def number_of_eq)
-apply simp
-lemma scast_n1 [simp] : "scast -1 = -1"
-  apply (unfold scast_def sint_n1)
-  apply (unfold word_number_of_alt)
-  apply (rule refl)
-  done
-lemma uint_1 [simp] : "uint (1 :: 'a :: len word) = 1"
-  unfolding word_1_wi
-  by (simp add: word_ubin.eq_norm int_one_bin bintrunc_minus_simps)
-lemma unat_1 [simp] : "unat (1 :: 'a :: len word) = 1"
-  by (unfold unat_def uint_1) auto
-lemma ucast_1 [simp] : "ucast (1 :: 'a :: len word) = 1"
-  unfolding ucast_def word_1_wi
-  by (simp add: word_ubin.eq_norm int_one_bin bintrunc_minus_simps)
-(* abstraction preserves the operations
-  (the definitions tell this for bins in range uint) *)
-lemmas arths = 
-  bintr_ariths [THEN word_ubin.norm_eq_iff [THEN iffD1],
-                folded word_ubin.eq_norm, standard]
-lemma wi_homs: 
-  shows
-  wi_hom_add: "word_of_int a + word_of_int b = word_of_int (a + b)" and
-  wi_hom_mult: "word_of_int a * word_of_int b = word_of_int (a * b)" and
-  wi_hom_neg: "- word_of_int a = word_of_int (- a)" and
-  wi_hom_succ: "word_succ (word_of_int a) = word_of_int (Int.succ a)" and
-  wi_hom_pred: "word_pred (word_of_int a) = word_of_int (Int.pred a)"
-  by (auto simp: word_arith_wis arths)
-lemmas wi_hom_syms = wi_homs [symmetric]
-lemma word_sub_def: "a - b == a + - (b :: 'a :: len0 word)"
-  unfolding word_sub_wi diff_def
-  by (simp only : word_uint.Rep_inverse wi_hom_syms)
-lemmas word_diff_minus = word_sub_def [THEN meta_eq_to_obj_eq, standard]
-lemma word_of_int_sub_hom:
-  "(word_of_int a) - word_of_int b = word_of_int (a - b)"
-  unfolding word_sub_def diff_def by (simp only : wi_homs)
-lemmas new_word_of_int_homs = 
-  word_of_int_sub_hom wi_homs word_0_wi word_1_wi 
-lemmas new_word_of_int_hom_syms = new_word_of_int_homs [symmetric, standard]
-lemmas word_of_int_hom_syms =
-  new_word_of_int_hom_syms [unfolded succ_def pred_def]
-lemmas word_of_int_homs =
-  new_word_of_int_homs [unfolded succ_def pred_def]
-lemmas word_of_int_add_hom = word_of_int_homs (2)
-lemmas word_of_int_mult_hom = word_of_int_homs (3)
-lemmas word_of_int_minus_hom = word_of_int_homs (4)
-lemmas word_of_int_succ_hom = word_of_int_homs (5)
-lemmas word_of_int_pred_hom = word_of_int_homs (6)
-lemmas word_of_int_0_hom = word_of_int_homs (7)
-lemmas word_of_int_1_hom = word_of_int_homs (8)
-(* now, to get the weaker results analogous to word_div/mod_def *)
-lemmas word_arith_alts = 
-  word_sub_wi [unfolded succ_def pred_def, standard]
-  word_arith_wis [unfolded succ_def pred_def, standard]
-lemmas word_sub_alt = word_arith_alts (1)
-lemmas word_add_alt = word_arith_alts (2)
-lemmas word_mult_alt = word_arith_alts (3)
-lemmas word_minus_alt = word_arith_alts (4)
-lemmas word_succ_alt = word_arith_alts (5)
-lemmas word_pred_alt = word_arith_alts (6)
-lemmas word_0_alt = word_arith_alts (7)
-lemmas word_1_alt = word_arith_alts (8)
-subsection  "Transferring goals from words to ints"
-lemma word_ths:  
-  shows
-  word_succ_p1:   "word_succ a = a + 1" and
-  word_pred_m1:   "word_pred a = a - 1" and
-  word_pred_succ: "word_pred (word_succ a) = a" and
-  word_succ_pred: "word_succ (word_pred a) = a" and
-  word_mult_succ: "word_succ a * b = b + a * b"
-  by (rule word_uint.Abs_cases [of b],
-      rule word_uint.Abs_cases [of a],
-      simp add: pred_def succ_def add_commute mult_commute 
-                ring_distribs new_word_of_int_homs)+
-lemmas uint_cong = arg_cong [where f = uint]
-lemmas uint_word_ariths = 
-  word_arith_alts [THEN trans [OF uint_cong int_word_uint], standard]
-lemmas uint_word_arith_bintrs = uint_word_ariths [folded bintrunc_mod2p]
-(* similar expressions for sint (arith operations) *)
-lemmas sint_word_ariths = uint_word_arith_bintrs
-  [THEN uint_sint [symmetric, THEN trans],
-  unfolded uint_sint bintr_arith1s bintr_ariths 
-    len_gt_0 [THEN bin_sbin_eq_iff'] word_sbin.norm_Rep, standard]
-lemmas uint_div_alt = word_div_def
-  [THEN trans [OF uint_cong int_word_uint], standard]
-lemmas uint_mod_alt = word_mod_def
-  [THEN trans [OF uint_cong int_word_uint], standard]
-lemma word_pred_0_n1: "word_pred 0 = word_of_int -1"
-  unfolding word_pred_def number_of_eq
-  by (simp add : pred_def word_no_wi)
-lemma word_pred_0_Min: "word_pred 0 = word_of_int Int.Min"
-  by (simp add: word_pred_0_n1 number_of_eq)
-lemma word_m1_Min: "- 1 = word_of_int Int.Min"
-  unfolding Min_def by (simp only: word_of_int_hom_syms)
-lemma succ_pred_no [simp]:
-  "word_succ (number_of bin) = number_of (Int.succ bin) & 
-    word_pred (number_of bin) = number_of (Int.pred bin)"
-  unfolding word_number_of_def by (simp add : new_word_of_int_homs)
-lemma word_sp_01 [simp] : 
-  "word_succ -1 = 0 & word_succ 0 = 1 & word_pred 0 = -1 & word_pred 1 = 0"
-  by (unfold word_0_no word_1_no) auto
-(* alternative approach to lifting arithmetic equalities *)
-lemma word_of_int_Ex:
-  "\<exists>y. x = word_of_int y"
-  by (rule_tac x="uint x" in exI) simp
-lemma word_arith_eqs:
-  fixes a :: "'a::len0 word"
-  fixes b :: "'a::len0 word"
-  shows
-  word_add_0: "0 + a = a" and
-  word_add_0_right: "a + 0 = a" and
-  word_mult_1: "1 * a = a" and
-  word_mult_1_right: "a * 1 = a" and
-  word_add_commute: "a + b = b + a" and
-  word_add_assoc: "a + b + c = a + (b + c)" and
-  word_add_left_commute: "a + (b + c) = b + (a + c)" and
-  word_mult_commute: "a * b = b * a" and
-  word_mult_assoc: "a * b * c = a * (b * c)" and
-  word_mult_left_commute: "a * (b * c) = b * (a * c)" and
-  word_left_distrib: "(a + b) * c = a * c + b * c" and
-  word_right_distrib: "a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c" and
-  word_left_minus: "- a + a = 0" and
-  word_diff_0_right: "a - 0 = a" and
-  word_diff_self: "a - a = 0"
-  using word_of_int_Ex [of a] 
-        word_of_int_Ex [of b] 
-        word_of_int_Ex [of c]
-  by (auto simp: word_of_int_hom_syms [symmetric]
-                 zadd_0_right add_commute add_assoc add_left_commute
-                 mult_commute mult_assoc mult_left_commute
-                 left_distrib right_distrib)
-lemmas word_add_ac = word_add_commute word_add_assoc word_add_left_commute
-lemmas word_mult_ac = word_mult_commute word_mult_assoc word_mult_left_commute
-lemmas word_plus_ac0 = word_add_0 word_add_0_right word_add_ac
-lemmas word_times_ac1 = word_mult_1 word_mult_1_right word_mult_ac
-subsection "Order on fixed-length words"
-lemma word_order_trans: "x <= y ==> y <= z ==> x <= (z :: 'a :: len0 word)"
-  unfolding word_le_def by auto
-lemma word_order_refl: "z <= (z :: 'a :: len0 word)"
-  unfolding word_le_def by auto
-lemma word_order_antisym: "x <= y ==> y <= x ==> x = (y :: 'a :: len0 word)"
-  unfolding word_le_def by (auto intro!: word_uint.Rep_eqD)
-lemma word_order_linear:
-  "y <= x | x <= (y :: 'a :: len0 word)"
-  unfolding word_le_def by auto
-lemma word_zero_le [simp] :
-  "0 <= (y :: 'a :: len0 word)"
-  unfolding word_le_def by auto
-instance word :: (len0) semigroup_add
-  by intro_classes (simp add: word_add_assoc)
-instance word :: (len0) linorder
-  by intro_classes (auto simp: word_less_def word_le_def)
-instance word :: (len0) ring
-  by intro_classes
-     (auto simp: word_arith_eqs word_diff_minus 
-                 word_diff_self [unfolded word_diff_minus])
-lemma word_m1_ge [simp] : "word_pred 0 >= y"
-  unfolding word_le_def
-  by (simp only : word_pred_0_n1 word_uint.eq_norm m1mod2k) auto
-lemmas word_n1_ge [simp]  = word_m1_ge [simplified word_sp_01]
-lemmas word_not_simps [simp] = 
-  word_zero_le [THEN leD] word_m1_ge [THEN leD] word_n1_ge [THEN leD]
-lemma word_gt_0: "0 < y = (0 ~= (y :: 'a :: len0 word))"
-  unfolding word_less_def by auto
-lemmas word_gt_0_no [simp] = word_gt_0 [of "number_of y", standard]
-lemma word_sless_alt: "(a <s b) == (sint a < sint b)"
-  unfolding word_sle_def word_sless_def
-  by (auto simp add: less_le)
-lemma word_le_nat_alt: "(a <= b) = (unat a <= unat b)"
-  unfolding unat_def word_le_def
-  by (rule nat_le_eq_zle [symmetric]) simp
-lemma word_less_nat_alt: "(a < b) = (unat a < unat b)"
-  unfolding unat_def word_less_alt
-  by (rule nat_less_eq_zless [symmetric]) simp
-lemma wi_less: 
-  "(word_of_int n < (word_of_int m :: 'a :: len0 word)) = 
-    (n mod 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a) < m mod 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a))"
-  unfolding word_less_alt by (simp add: word_uint.eq_norm)
-lemma wi_le: 
-  "(word_of_int n <= (word_of_int m :: 'a :: len0 word)) = 
-    (n mod 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a) <= m mod 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a))"
-  unfolding word_le_def by (simp add: word_uint.eq_norm)
-lemma udvd_nat_alt: "a udvd b = (EX n>=0. unat b = n * unat a)"
-  apply (unfold udvd_def)
-  apply safe
-   apply (simp add: unat_def nat_mult_distrib)
-  apply (simp add: uint_nat int_mult)
-  apply (rule exI)
-  apply safe
-   prefer 2
-   apply (erule notE)
-   apply (rule refl)
-  apply force
-  done
-lemma udvd_iff_dvd: "x udvd y <-> unat x dvd unat y"
-  unfolding dvd_def udvd_nat_alt by force
-lemmas unat_mono = word_less_nat_alt [THEN iffD1, standard]
-lemma word_zero_neq_one: "0 < len_of TYPE ('a :: len0) ==> (0 :: 'a word) ~= 1";
-  unfolding word_arith_wis
-  by (auto simp add: word_ubin.norm_eq_iff [symmetric] gr0_conv_Suc)
-lemmas lenw1_zero_neq_one = len_gt_0 [THEN word_zero_neq_one]
-lemma no_no [simp] : "number_of (number_of b) = number_of b"
-  by (simp add: number_of_eq)
-lemma unat_minus_one: "x ~= 0 ==> unat (x - 1) = unat x - 1"
-  apply (unfold unat_def)
-  apply (simp only: int_word_uint word_arith_alts rdmods)
-  apply (subgoal_tac "uint x >= 1")
-   prefer 2
-   apply (drule contrapos_nn)
-    apply (erule word_uint.Rep_inverse' [symmetric])
-   apply (insert uint_ge_0 [of x])[1]
-   apply arith
-  apply (rule box_equals)
-    apply (rule nat_diff_distrib)
-     prefer 2
-     apply assumption
-    apply simp
-   apply (subst mod_pos_pos_trivial)
-     apply arith
-    apply (insert uint_lt2p [of x])[1]
-    apply arith
-   apply (rule refl)
-  apply simp
-  done
-lemma measure_unat: "p ~= 0 ==> unat (p - 1) < unat p"
-  by (simp add: unat_minus_one) (simp add: unat_0_iff [symmetric])
-lemmas uint_add_ge0 [simp] =
-  add_nonneg_nonneg [OF uint_ge_0 uint_ge_0, standard]
-lemmas uint_mult_ge0 [simp] =
-  mult_nonneg_nonneg [OF uint_ge_0 uint_ge_0, standard]
-lemma uint_sub_lt2p [simp]: 
-  "uint (x :: 'a :: len0 word) - uint (y :: 'b :: len0 word) < 
-    2 ^ len_of TYPE('a)"
-  using uint_ge_0 [of y] uint_lt2p [of x] by arith
-subsection "Conditions for the addition (etc) of two words to overflow"
-lemma uint_add_lem: 
-  "(uint x + uint y < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a)) = 
-    (uint (x + y :: 'a :: len0 word) = uint x + uint y)"
-  by (unfold uint_word_ariths) (auto intro!: trans [OF _ int_mod_lem])
-lemma uint_mult_lem: 
-  "(uint x * uint y < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a)) = 
-    (uint (x * y :: 'a :: len0 word) = uint x * uint y)"
-  by (unfold uint_word_ariths) (auto intro!: trans [OF _ int_mod_lem])
-lemma uint_sub_lem: 
-  "(uint x >= uint y) = (uint (x - y) = uint x - uint y)"
-  by (unfold uint_word_ariths) (auto intro!: trans [OF _ int_mod_lem])
-lemma uint_add_le: "uint (x + y) <= uint x + uint y"
-  unfolding uint_word_ariths by (auto simp: mod_add_if_z)
-lemma uint_sub_ge: "uint (x - y) >= uint x - uint y"
-  unfolding uint_word_ariths by (auto simp: mod_sub_if_z)
-lemmas uint_sub_if' =
-  trans [OF uint_word_ariths(1) mod_sub_if_z, simplified, standard]
-lemmas uint_plus_if' =
-  trans [OF uint_word_ariths(2) mod_add_if_z, simplified, standard]
-subsection {* Definition of uint\_arith *}
-lemma word_of_int_inverse:
-  "word_of_int r = a ==> 0 <= r ==> r < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a) ==> 
-   uint (a::'a::len0 word) = r"
-  apply (erule word_uint.Abs_inverse' [rotated])
-  apply (simp add: uints_num)
-  done
-lemma uint_split:
-  fixes x::"'a::len0 word"
-  shows "P (uint x) = 
-         (ALL i. word_of_int i = x & 0 <= i & i < 2^len_of TYPE('a) --> P i)"
-  apply (fold word_int_case_def)
-  apply (auto dest!: word_of_int_inverse simp: int_word_uint int_mod_eq'
-              split: word_int_split)
-  done
-lemma uint_split_asm:
-  fixes x::"'a::len0 word"
-  shows "P (uint x) = 
-         (~(EX i. word_of_int i = x & 0 <= i & i < 2^len_of TYPE('a) & ~ P i))"
-  by (auto dest!: word_of_int_inverse 
-           simp: int_word_uint int_mod_eq'
-           split: uint_split)
-lemmas uint_splits = uint_split uint_split_asm
-lemmas uint_arith_simps = 
-  word_le_def word_less_alt
-  word_uint.Rep_inject [symmetric] 
-  uint_sub_if' uint_plus_if'
-(* use this to stop, eg, 2 ^ len_of TYPE (32) being simplified *)
-lemma power_False_cong: "False ==> a ^ b = c ^ d" 
-  by auto
-(* uint_arith_tac: reduce to arithmetic on int, try to solve by arith *)
-ML {*
-fun uint_arith_ss_of ss = 
-  ss addsimps @{thms uint_arith_simps}
-     delsimps @{thms word_uint.Rep_inject}
-     addsplits @{thms split_if_asm} 
-     addcongs @{thms power_False_cong}
-fun uint_arith_tacs ctxt = 
-  let
-    fun arith_tac' n t =
-      Arith_Data.verbose_arith_tac ctxt n t
-        handle Cooper.COOPER _ => Seq.empty;
-    val cs = claset_of ctxt;
-    val ss = simpset_of ctxt;
-  in 
-    [ clarify_tac cs 1,
-      full_simp_tac (uint_arith_ss_of ss) 1,
-      ALLGOALS (full_simp_tac (HOL_ss addsplits @{thms uint_splits} 
-                                      addcongs @{thms power_False_cong})),
-      rewrite_goals_tac @{thms word_size}, 
-      ALLGOALS  (fn n => REPEAT (resolve_tac [allI, impI] n) THEN      
-                         REPEAT (etac conjE n) THEN
-                         REPEAT (dtac @{thm word_of_int_inverse} n 
-                                 THEN atac n 
-                                 THEN atac n)),
-      TRYALL arith_tac' ]
-  end
-fun uint_arith_tac ctxt = SELECT_GOAL (EVERY (uint_arith_tacs ctxt))
-method_setup uint_arith = 
-  {* Scan.succeed (SIMPLE_METHOD' o uint_arith_tac) *}
-  "solving word arithmetic via integers and arith"
-subsection "More on overflows and monotonicity"
-lemma no_plus_overflow_uint_size: 
-  "((x :: 'a :: len0 word) <= x + y) = (uint x + uint y < 2 ^ size x)"
-  unfolding word_size by uint_arith
-lemmas no_olen_add = no_plus_overflow_uint_size [unfolded word_size]
-lemma no_ulen_sub: "((x :: 'a :: len0 word) >= x - y) = (uint y <= uint x)"
-  by uint_arith
-lemma no_olen_add':
-  fixes x :: "'a::len0 word"
-  shows "(x \<le> y + x) = (uint y + uint x < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a))"
-  by (simp add: word_add_ac add_ac no_olen_add)
-lemmas olen_add_eqv = trans [OF no_olen_add no_olen_add' [symmetric], standard]
-lemmas uint_plus_simple_iff = trans [OF no_olen_add uint_add_lem, standard]
-lemmas uint_plus_simple = uint_plus_simple_iff [THEN iffD1, standard]
-lemmas uint_minus_simple_iff = trans [OF no_ulen_sub uint_sub_lem, standard]
-lemmas uint_minus_simple_alt = uint_sub_lem [folded word_le_def]
-lemmas word_sub_le_iff = no_ulen_sub [folded word_le_def]
-lemmas word_sub_le = word_sub_le_iff [THEN iffD2, standard]
-lemma word_less_sub1: 
-  "(x :: 'a :: len word) ~= 0 ==> (1 < x) = (0 < x - 1)"
-  by uint_arith
-lemma word_le_sub1: 
-  "(x :: 'a :: len word) ~= 0 ==> (1 <= x) = (0 <= x - 1)"
-  by uint_arith
-lemma sub_wrap_lt: 
-  "((x :: 'a :: len0 word) < x - z) = (x < z)"
-  by uint_arith
-lemma sub_wrap: 
-  "((x :: 'a :: len0 word) <= x - z) = (z = 0 | x < z)"
-  by uint_arith
-lemma plus_minus_not_NULL_ab: 
-  "(x :: 'a :: len0 word) <= ab - c ==> c <= ab ==> c ~= 0 ==> x + c ~= 0"
-  by uint_arith
-lemma plus_minus_no_overflow_ab: 
-  "(x :: 'a :: len0 word) <= ab - c ==> c <= ab ==> x <= x + c" 
-  by uint_arith
-lemma le_minus': 
-  "(a :: 'a :: len0 word) + c <= b ==> a <= a + c ==> c <= b - a"
-  by uint_arith
-lemma le_plus': 
-  "(a :: 'a :: len0 word) <= b ==> c <= b - a ==> a + c <= b"
-  by uint_arith
-lemmas le_plus = le_plus' [rotated]
-lemmas le_minus = leD [THEN thin_rl, THEN le_minus', standard]
-lemma word_plus_mono_right: 
-  "(y :: 'a :: len0 word) <= z ==> x <= x + z ==> x + y <= x + z"
-  by uint_arith
-lemma word_less_minus_cancel: 
-  "y - x < z - x ==> x <= z ==> (y :: 'a :: len0 word) < z"
-  by uint_arith
-lemma word_less_minus_mono_left: 
-  "(y :: 'a :: len0 word) < z ==> x <= y ==> y - x < z - x"
-  by uint_arith
-lemma word_less_minus_mono:  
-  "a < c ==> d < b ==> a - b < a ==> c - d < c 
-  ==> a - b < c - (d::'a::len word)"
-  by uint_arith
-lemma word_le_minus_cancel: 
-  "y - x <= z - x ==> x <= z ==> (y :: 'a :: len0 word) <= z"
-  by uint_arith
-lemma word_le_minus_mono_left: 
-  "(y :: 'a :: len0 word) <= z ==> x <= y ==> y - x <= z - x"
-  by uint_arith
-lemma word_le_minus_mono:  
-  "a <= c ==> d <= b ==> a - b <= a ==> c - d <= c 
-  ==> a - b <= c - (d::'a::len word)"
-  by uint_arith
-lemma plus_le_left_cancel_wrap: 
-  "(x :: 'a :: len0 word) + y' < x ==> x + y < x ==> (x + y' < x + y) = (y' < y)"
-  by uint_arith
-lemma plus_le_left_cancel_nowrap: 
-  "(x :: 'a :: len0 word) <= x + y' ==> x <= x + y ==> 
-    (x + y' < x + y) = (y' < y)" 
-  by uint_arith
-lemma word_plus_mono_right2: 
-  "(a :: 'a :: len0 word) <= a + b ==> c <= b ==> a <= a + c"
-  by uint_arith
-lemma word_less_add_right: 
-  "(x :: 'a :: len0 word) < y - z ==> z <= y ==> x + z < y"
-  by uint_arith
-lemma word_less_sub_right: 
-  "(x :: 'a :: len0 word) < y + z ==> y <= x ==> x - y < z"
-  by uint_arith
-lemma word_le_plus_either: 
-  "(x :: 'a :: len0 word) <= y | x <= z ==> y <= y + z ==> x <= y + z"
-  by uint_arith
-lemma word_less_nowrapI: 
-  "(x :: 'a :: len0 word) < z - k ==> k <= z ==> 0 < k ==> x < x + k"
-  by uint_arith
-lemma inc_le: "(i :: 'a :: len word) < m ==> i + 1 <= m"
-  by uint_arith
-lemma inc_i: 
-  "(1 :: 'a :: len word) <= i ==> i < m ==> 1 <= (i + 1) & i + 1 <= m"
-  by uint_arith
-lemma udvd_incr_lem:
-  "up < uq ==> up = ua + n * uint K ==> 
-    uq = ua + n' * uint K ==> up + uint K <= uq"
-  apply clarsimp
-  apply (drule less_le_mult)
-  apply safe
-  done
-lemma udvd_incr': 
-  "p < q ==> uint p = ua + n * uint K ==> 
-    uint q = ua + n' * uint K ==> p + K <= q" 
-  apply (unfold word_less_alt word_le_def)
-  apply (drule (2) udvd_incr_lem)
-  apply (erule uint_add_le [THEN order_trans])
-  done
-lemma udvd_decr': 
-  "p < q ==> uint p = ua + n * uint K ==> 
-    uint q = ua + n' * uint K ==> p <= q - K"
-  apply (unfold word_less_alt word_le_def)
-  apply (drule (2) udvd_incr_lem)
-  apply (drule le_diff_eq [THEN iffD2])
-  apply (erule order_trans)
-  apply (rule uint_sub_ge)
-  done
-lemmas udvd_incr_lem0 = udvd_incr_lem [where ua=0, simplified]
-lemmas udvd_incr0 = udvd_incr' [where ua=0, simplified]
-lemmas udvd_decr0 = udvd_decr' [where ua=0, simplified]
-lemma udvd_minus_le': 
-  "xy < k ==> z udvd xy ==> z udvd k ==> xy <= k - z"
-  apply (unfold udvd_def)
-  apply clarify
-  apply (erule (2) udvd_decr0)
-  done
-ML {* Delsimprocs Numeral_Simprocs.cancel_factors *}
-lemma udvd_incr2_K: 
-  "p < a + s ==> a <= a + s ==> K udvd s ==> K udvd p - a ==> a <= p ==> 
-    0 < K ==> p <= p + K & p + K <= a + s"
-  apply (unfold udvd_def)
-  apply clarify
-  apply (simp add: uint_arith_simps split: split_if_asm)
-   prefer 2 
-   apply (insert uint_range' [of s])[1]
-   apply arith
-  apply (drule add_commute [THEN xtr1])
-  apply (simp add: diff_less_eq [symmetric])
-  apply (drule less_le_mult)
-   apply arith
-  apply simp
-  done
-ML {* Addsimprocs Numeral_Simprocs.cancel_factors *}
-(* links with rbl operations *)
-lemma word_succ_rbl:
-  "to_bl w = bl ==> to_bl (word_succ w) = (rev (rbl_succ (rev bl)))"
-  apply (unfold word_succ_def)
-  apply clarify
-  apply (simp add: to_bl_of_bin)
-  apply (simp add: to_bl_def rbl_succ)
-  done
-lemma word_pred_rbl:
-  "to_bl w = bl ==> to_bl (word_pred w) = (rev (rbl_pred (rev bl)))"
-  apply (unfold word_pred_def)
-  apply clarify
-  apply (simp add: to_bl_of_bin)
-  apply (simp add: to_bl_def rbl_pred)
-  done
-lemma word_add_rbl:
-  "to_bl v = vbl ==> to_bl w = wbl ==> 
-    to_bl (v + w) = (rev (rbl_add (rev vbl) (rev wbl)))"
-  apply (unfold word_add_def)
-  apply clarify
-  apply (simp add: to_bl_of_bin)
-  apply (simp add: to_bl_def rbl_add)
-  done
-lemma word_mult_rbl:
-  "to_bl v = vbl ==> to_bl w = wbl ==> 
-    to_bl (v * w) = (rev (rbl_mult (rev vbl) (rev wbl)))"
-  apply (unfold word_mult_def)
-  apply clarify
-  apply (simp add: to_bl_of_bin)
-  apply (simp add: to_bl_def rbl_mult)
-  done
-lemma rtb_rbl_ariths:
-  "rev (to_bl w) = ys \<Longrightarrow> rev (to_bl (word_succ w)) = rbl_succ ys"
-  "rev (to_bl w) = ys \<Longrightarrow> rev (to_bl (word_pred w)) = rbl_pred ys"
-  "[| rev (to_bl v) = ys; rev (to_bl w) = xs |] 
-  ==> rev (to_bl (v * w)) = rbl_mult ys xs"
-  "[| rev (to_bl v) = ys; rev (to_bl w) = xs |] 
-  ==> rev (to_bl (v + w)) = rbl_add ys xs"
-  by (auto simp: rev_swap [symmetric] word_succ_rbl 
-                 word_pred_rbl word_mult_rbl word_add_rbl)
-subsection "Arithmetic type class instantiations"
-instance word :: (len0) comm_monoid_add ..
-instance word :: (len0) comm_monoid_mult
-  apply (intro_classes)
-   apply (simp add: word_mult_commute)
-  apply (simp add: word_mult_1)
-  done
-instance word :: (len0) comm_semiring 
-  by (intro_classes) (simp add : word_left_distrib)
-instance word :: (len0) ab_group_add ..
-instance word :: (len0) comm_ring ..
-instance word :: (len) comm_semiring_1 
-  by (intro_classes) (simp add: lenw1_zero_neq_one)
-instance word :: (len) comm_ring_1 ..
-instance word :: (len0) comm_semiring_0 ..
-instance word :: (len0) order ..
-(* note that iszero_def is only for class comm_semiring_1_cancel,
-   which requires word length >= 1, ie 'a :: len word *) 
-lemma zero_bintrunc:
-  "iszero (number_of x :: 'a :: len word) = 
-    (bintrunc (len_of TYPE('a)) x = Int.Pls)"
-  apply (unfold iszero_def word_0_wi word_no_wi)
-  apply (rule word_ubin.norm_eq_iff [symmetric, THEN trans])
-  apply (simp add : Pls_def [symmetric])
-  done
-lemmas word_le_0_iff [simp] =
-  word_zero_le [THEN leD, THEN linorder_antisym_conv1]
-lemma word_of_nat: "of_nat n = word_of_int (int n)"
-  by (induct n) (auto simp add : word_of_int_hom_syms)
-lemma word_of_int: "of_int = word_of_int"
-  apply (rule ext)
-  apply (unfold of_int_def)
-  apply (rule contentsI)
-  apply safe
-  apply (simp_all add: word_of_nat word_of_int_homs)
-   defer
-   apply (rule Rep_Integ_ne [THEN nonemptyE])
-   apply (rule bexI)
-    prefer 2
-    apply assumption
-   apply (auto simp add: RI_eq_diff)
-  done
-lemma word_of_int_nat: 
-  "0 <= x ==> word_of_int x = of_nat (nat x)"
-  by (simp add: of_nat_nat word_of_int)
-lemma word_number_of_eq: 
-  "number_of w = (of_int w :: 'a :: len word)"
-  unfolding word_number_of_def word_of_int by auto
-instance word :: (len) number_ring
-  by (intro_classes) (simp add : word_number_of_eq)
-lemma iszero_word_no [simp] : 
-  "iszero (number_of bin :: 'a :: len word) = 
-    iszero (number_of (bintrunc (len_of TYPE('a)) bin) :: int)"
-  apply (simp add: zero_bintrunc number_of_is_id)
-  apply (unfold iszero_def Pls_def)
-  apply (rule refl)
-  done
-subsection "Word and nat"
-lemma td_ext_unat':
-  "n = len_of TYPE ('a :: len) ==> 
-    td_ext (unat :: 'a word => nat) of_nat 
-    (unats n) (%i. i mod 2 ^ n)"
-  apply (unfold td_ext_def' unat_def word_of_nat unats_uints)
-  apply (auto intro!: imageI simp add : word_of_int_hom_syms)
-  apply (erule word_uint.Abs_inverse [THEN arg_cong])
-  apply (simp add: int_word_uint nat_mod_distrib nat_power_eq)
-  done
-lemmas td_ext_unat = refl [THEN td_ext_unat']
-lemmas unat_of_nat = td_ext_unat [THEN td_ext.eq_norm, standard]
-interpretation word_unat:
-  td_ext "unat::'a::len word => nat" 
-         of_nat 
-         "unats (len_of TYPE('a::len))"
-         "%i. i mod 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a::len)"
-  by (rule td_ext_unat)
-lemmas td_unat = word_unat.td_thm
-lemmas unat_lt2p [iff] = word_unat.Rep [unfolded unats_def mem_Collect_eq]
-lemma unat_le: "y <= unat (z :: 'a :: len word) ==> y : unats (len_of TYPE ('a))"
-  apply (unfold unats_def)
-  apply clarsimp
-  apply (rule xtrans, rule unat_lt2p, assumption) 
-  done
-lemma word_nchotomy:
-  "ALL w. EX n. (w :: 'a :: len word) = of_nat n & n < 2 ^ len_of TYPE ('a)"
-  apply (rule allI)
-  apply (rule word_unat.Abs_cases)
-  apply (unfold unats_def)
-  apply auto
-  done
-lemma of_nat_eq:
-  fixes w :: "'a::len word"
-  shows "(of_nat n = w) = (\<exists>q. n = unat w + q * 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a))"
-  apply (rule trans)
-   apply (rule word_unat.inverse_norm)
-  apply (rule iffI)
-   apply (rule mod_eqD)
-   apply simp
-  apply clarsimp
-  done
-lemma of_nat_eq_size: 
-  "(of_nat n = w) = (EX q. n = unat w + q * 2 ^ size w)"
-  unfolding word_size by (rule of_nat_eq)
-lemma of_nat_0:
-  "(of_nat m = (0::'a::len word)) = (\<exists>q. m = q * 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a))"
-  by (simp add: of_nat_eq)
-lemmas of_nat_2p = mult_1 [symmetric, THEN iffD2 [OF of_nat_0 exI]]
-lemma of_nat_gt_0: "of_nat k ~= 0 ==> 0 < k"
-  by (cases k) auto
-lemma of_nat_neq_0: 
-  "0 < k ==> k < 2 ^ len_of TYPE ('a :: len) ==> of_nat k ~= (0 :: 'a word)"
-  by (clarsimp simp add : of_nat_0)
-lemma Abs_fnat_hom_add:
-  "of_nat a + of_nat b = of_nat (a + b)"
-  by simp
-lemma Abs_fnat_hom_mult:
-  "of_nat a * of_nat b = (of_nat (a * b) :: 'a :: len word)"
-  by (simp add: word_of_nat word_of_int_mult_hom zmult_int)
-lemma Abs_fnat_hom_Suc:
-  "word_succ (of_nat a) = of_nat (Suc a)"
-  by (simp add: word_of_nat word_of_int_succ_hom add_ac)
-lemma Abs_fnat_hom_0: "(0::'a::len word) = of_nat 0"
-  by (simp add: word_of_nat word_0_wi)
-lemma Abs_fnat_hom_1: "(1::'a::len word) = of_nat (Suc 0)"
-  by (simp add: word_of_nat word_1_wi)
-lemmas Abs_fnat_homs = 
-  Abs_fnat_hom_add Abs_fnat_hom_mult Abs_fnat_hom_Suc 
-  Abs_fnat_hom_0 Abs_fnat_hom_1
-lemma word_arith_nat_add:
-  "a + b = of_nat (unat a + unat b)" 
-  by simp
-lemma word_arith_nat_mult:
-  "a * b = of_nat (unat a * unat b)"
-  by (simp add: Abs_fnat_hom_mult [symmetric])
-lemma word_arith_nat_Suc:
-  "word_succ a = of_nat (Suc (unat a))"
-  by (subst Abs_fnat_hom_Suc [symmetric]) simp
-lemma word_arith_nat_div:
-  "a div b = of_nat (unat a div unat b)"
-  by (simp add: word_div_def word_of_nat zdiv_int uint_nat)
-lemma word_arith_nat_mod:
-  "a mod b = of_nat (unat a mod unat b)"
-  by (simp add: word_mod_def word_of_nat zmod_int uint_nat)
-lemmas word_arith_nat_defs =
-  word_arith_nat_add word_arith_nat_mult
-  word_arith_nat_Suc Abs_fnat_hom_0
-  Abs_fnat_hom_1 word_arith_nat_div
-  word_arith_nat_mod 
-lemmas unat_cong = arg_cong [where f = "unat"]
-lemmas unat_word_ariths = word_arith_nat_defs
-  [THEN trans [OF unat_cong unat_of_nat], standard]
-lemmas word_sub_less_iff = word_sub_le_iff
-  [simplified linorder_not_less [symmetric], simplified]
-lemma unat_add_lem: 
-  "(unat x + unat y < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a)) = 
-    (unat (x + y :: 'a :: len word) = unat x + unat y)"
-  unfolding unat_word_ariths
-  by (auto intro!: trans [OF _ nat_mod_lem])
-lemma unat_mult_lem: 
-  "(unat x * unat y < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a)) = 
-    (unat (x * y :: 'a :: len word) = unat x * unat y)"
-  unfolding unat_word_ariths
-  by (auto intro!: trans [OF _ nat_mod_lem])
-lemmas unat_plus_if' = 
-  trans [OF unat_word_ariths(1) mod_nat_add, simplified, standard]
-lemma le_no_overflow: 
-  "x <= b ==> a <= a + b ==> x <= a + (b :: 'a :: len0 word)"
-  apply (erule order_trans)
-  apply (erule olen_add_eqv [THEN iffD1])
-  done
-lemmas un_ui_le = trans 
-  [OF word_le_nat_alt [symmetric] 
-      word_le_def, 
-   standard]
-lemma unat_sub_if_size:
-  "unat (x - y) = (if unat y <= unat x 
-   then unat x - unat y 
-   else unat x + 2 ^ size x - unat y)"
-  apply (unfold word_size)
-  apply (simp add: un_ui_le)
-  apply (auto simp add: unat_def uint_sub_if')
-   apply (rule nat_diff_distrib)
-    prefer 3
-    apply (simp add: algebra_simps)
-    apply (rule nat_diff_distrib [THEN trans])
-      prefer 3
-      apply (subst nat_add_distrib)
-        prefer 3
-        apply (simp add: nat_power_eq)
-       apply auto
-  apply uint_arith
-  done
-lemmas unat_sub_if' = unat_sub_if_size [unfolded word_size]
-lemma unat_div: "unat ((x :: 'a :: len word) div y) = unat x div unat y"
-  apply (simp add : unat_word_ariths)
-  apply (rule unat_lt2p [THEN xtr7, THEN nat_mod_eq'])
-  apply (rule div_le_dividend)
-  done
-lemma unat_mod: "unat ((x :: 'a :: len word) mod y) = unat x mod unat y"
-  apply (clarsimp simp add : unat_word_ariths)
-  apply (cases "unat y")
-   prefer 2
-   apply (rule unat_lt2p [THEN xtr7, THEN nat_mod_eq'])
-   apply (rule mod_le_divisor)
-   apply auto
-  done
-lemma uint_div: "uint ((x :: 'a :: len word) div y) = uint x div uint y"
-  unfolding uint_nat by (simp add : unat_div zdiv_int)
-lemma uint_mod: "uint ((x :: 'a :: len word) mod y) = uint x mod uint y"
-  unfolding uint_nat by (simp add : unat_mod zmod_int)
-subsection {* Definition of unat\_arith tactic *}
-lemma unat_split:
-  fixes x::"'a::len word"
-  shows "P (unat x) = 
-         (ALL n. of_nat n = x & n < 2^len_of TYPE('a) --> P n)"
-  by (auto simp: unat_of_nat)
-lemma unat_split_asm:
-  fixes x::"'a::len word"
-  shows "P (unat x) = 
-         (~(EX n. of_nat n = x & n < 2^len_of TYPE('a) & ~ P n))"
-  by (auto simp: unat_of_nat)
-lemmas of_nat_inverse = 
-  word_unat.Abs_inverse' [rotated, unfolded unats_def, simplified]
-lemmas unat_splits = unat_split unat_split_asm
-lemmas unat_arith_simps =
-  word_le_nat_alt word_less_nat_alt
-  word_unat.Rep_inject [symmetric]
-  unat_sub_if' unat_plus_if' unat_div unat_mod
-(* unat_arith_tac: tactic to reduce word arithmetic to nat, 
-   try to solve via arith *)
-ML {*
-fun unat_arith_ss_of ss = 
-  ss addsimps @{thms unat_arith_simps}
-     delsimps @{thms word_unat.Rep_inject}
-     addsplits @{thms split_if_asm}
-     addcongs @{thms power_False_cong}
-fun unat_arith_tacs ctxt =   
-  let
-    fun arith_tac' n t =
-      Arith_Data.verbose_arith_tac ctxt n t
-        handle Cooper.COOPER _ => Seq.empty;
-    val cs = claset_of ctxt;
-    val ss = simpset_of ctxt;
-  in 
-    [ clarify_tac cs 1,
-      full_simp_tac (unat_arith_ss_of ss) 1,
-      ALLGOALS (full_simp_tac (HOL_ss addsplits @{thms unat_splits} 
-                                       addcongs @{thms power_False_cong})),
-      rewrite_goals_tac @{thms word_size}, 
-      ALLGOALS  (fn n => REPEAT (resolve_tac [allI, impI] n) THEN      
-                         REPEAT (etac conjE n) THEN
-                         REPEAT (dtac @{thm of_nat_inverse} n THEN atac n)),
-      TRYALL arith_tac' ] 
-  end
-fun unat_arith_tac ctxt = SELECT_GOAL (EVERY (unat_arith_tacs ctxt))
-method_setup unat_arith = 
-  {* Scan.succeed (SIMPLE_METHOD' o unat_arith_tac) *}
-  "solving word arithmetic via natural numbers and arith"
-lemma no_plus_overflow_unat_size: 
-  "((x :: 'a :: len word) <= x + y) = (unat x + unat y < 2 ^ size x)" 
-  unfolding word_size by unat_arith
-lemma unat_sub: "b <= a ==> unat (a - b) = unat a - unat (b :: 'a :: len word)"
-  by unat_arith
-lemmas no_olen_add_nat = no_plus_overflow_unat_size [unfolded word_size]
-lemmas unat_plus_simple = trans [OF no_olen_add_nat unat_add_lem, standard]
-lemma word_div_mult: 
-  "(0 :: 'a :: len word) < y ==> unat x * unat y < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a) ==> 
-    x * y div y = x"
-  apply unat_arith
-  apply clarsimp
-  apply (subst unat_mult_lem [THEN iffD1])
-  apply auto
-  done
-lemma div_lt': "(i :: 'a :: len word) <= k div x ==> 
-    unat i * unat x < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a)"
-  apply unat_arith
-  apply clarsimp
-  apply (drule mult_le_mono1)
-  apply (erule order_le_less_trans)
-  apply (rule xtr7 [OF unat_lt2p div_mult_le])
-  done
-lemmas div_lt'' = order_less_imp_le [THEN div_lt']
-lemma div_lt_mult: "(i :: 'a :: len word) < k div x ==> 0 < x ==> i * x < k"
-  apply (frule div_lt'' [THEN unat_mult_lem [THEN iffD1]])
-  apply (simp add: unat_arith_simps)
-  apply (drule (1) mult_less_mono1)
-  apply (erule order_less_le_trans)
-  apply (rule div_mult_le)
-  done
-lemma div_le_mult: 
-  "(i :: 'a :: len word) <= k div x ==> 0 < x ==> i * x <= k"
-  apply (frule div_lt' [THEN unat_mult_lem [THEN iffD1]])
-  apply (simp add: unat_arith_simps)
-  apply (drule mult_le_mono1)
-  apply (erule order_trans)
-  apply (rule div_mult_le)
-  done
-lemma div_lt_uint': 
-  "(i :: 'a :: len word) <= k div x ==> uint i * uint x < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a)"
-  apply (unfold uint_nat)
-  apply (drule div_lt')
-  apply (simp add: zmult_int zless_nat_eq_int_zless [symmetric] 
-                   nat_power_eq)
-  done
-lemmas div_lt_uint'' = order_less_imp_le [THEN div_lt_uint']
-lemma word_le_exists': 
-  "(x :: 'a :: len0 word) <= y ==> 
-    (EX z. y = x + z & uint x + uint z < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a))"
-  apply (rule exI)
-  apply (rule conjI)
-  apply (rule zadd_diff_inverse)
-  apply uint_arith
-  done
-lemmas plus_minus_not_NULL = order_less_imp_le [THEN plus_minus_not_NULL_ab]
-lemmas plus_minus_no_overflow =
-  order_less_imp_le [THEN plus_minus_no_overflow_ab]
-lemmas mcs = word_less_minus_cancel word_less_minus_mono_left
-  word_le_minus_cancel word_le_minus_mono_left
-lemmas word_l_diffs = mcs [where y = "w + x", unfolded add_diff_cancel, standard]
-lemmas word_diff_ls = mcs [where z = "w + x", unfolded add_diff_cancel, standard]
-lemmas word_plus_mcs = word_diff_ls 
-  [where y = "v + x", unfolded add_diff_cancel, standard]
-lemmas le_unat_uoi = unat_le [THEN word_unat.Abs_inverse]
-lemmas thd = refl [THEN [2] split_div_lemma [THEN iffD2], THEN conjunct1]
-lemma thd1:
-  "a div b * b \<le> (a::nat)"
-  using gt_or_eq_0 [of b]
-  apply (rule disjE)
-   apply (erule xtr4 [OF thd mult_commute])
-  apply clarsimp
-  done
-lemmas uno_simps [THEN le_unat_uoi, standard] =
-  mod_le_divisor div_le_dividend thd1 
-lemma word_mod_div_equality:
-  "(n div b) * b + (n mod b) = (n :: 'a :: len word)"
-  apply (unfold word_less_nat_alt word_arith_nat_defs)
-  apply (cut_tac y="unat b" in gt_or_eq_0)
-  apply (erule disjE)
-   apply (simp add: mod_div_equality uno_simps)
-  apply simp
-  done
-lemma word_div_mult_le: "a div b * b <= (a::'a::len word)"
-  apply (unfold word_le_nat_alt word_arith_nat_defs)
-  apply (cut_tac y="unat b" in gt_or_eq_0)
-  apply (erule disjE)
-   apply (simp add: div_mult_le uno_simps)
-  apply simp
-  done
-lemma word_mod_less_divisor: "0 < n ==> m mod n < (n :: 'a :: len word)"
-  apply (simp only: word_less_nat_alt word_arith_nat_defs)
-  apply (clarsimp simp add : uno_simps)
-  done
-lemma word_of_int_power_hom: 
-  "word_of_int a ^ n = (word_of_int (a ^ n) :: 'a :: len word)"
-  by (induct n) (simp_all add : word_of_int_hom_syms power_Suc)
-lemma word_arith_power_alt: 
-  "a ^ n = (word_of_int (uint a ^ n) :: 'a :: len word)"
-  by (simp add : word_of_int_power_hom [symmetric])
-lemma of_bl_length_less: 
-  "length x = k ==> k < len_of TYPE('a) ==> (of_bl x :: 'a :: len word) < 2 ^ k"
-  apply (unfold of_bl_no [unfolded word_number_of_def]
-                word_less_alt word_number_of_alt)
-  apply safe
-  apply (simp (no_asm) add: word_of_int_power_hom word_uint.eq_norm 
-                       del: word_of_int_bin)
-  apply (simp add: mod_pos_pos_trivial)
-  apply (subst mod_pos_pos_trivial)
-    apply (rule bl_to_bin_ge0)
-   apply (rule order_less_trans)
-    apply (rule bl_to_bin_lt2p)
-   apply simp
-  apply (rule bl_to_bin_lt2p)    
-  done
-subsection "Cardinality, finiteness of set of words"
-lemmas card_lessThan' = card_lessThan [unfolded lessThan_def]
-lemmas card_eq = word_unat.Abs_inj_on [THEN card_image,
-  unfolded word_unat.image, unfolded unats_def, standard]
-lemmas card_word = trans [OF card_eq card_lessThan', standard]
-lemma finite_word_UNIV: "finite (UNIV :: 'a :: len word set)"
-apply (rule contrapos_np)
- prefer 2
- apply (erule card_infinite)
-apply (simp add: card_word)
-lemma card_word_size: 
-  "card (UNIV :: 'a :: len word set) = (2 ^ size (x :: 'a word))"
-unfolding word_size by (rule card_word)
--- a/src/HOL/Word/WordBitwise.thy	Wed Jun 30 16:46:44 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,505 +0,0 @@
-    Author:     Jeremy Dawson and Gerwin Klein, NICTA
-  contains theorems to do with bit-wise (logical) operations on words
-header {* Bitwise Operations on Words *}
-theory WordBitwise
-imports WordArith
-lemmas bin_log_bintrs = bin_trunc_not bin_trunc_xor bin_trunc_and bin_trunc_or
-(* following definitions require both arithmetic and bit-wise word operations *)
-(* to get word_no_log_defs from word_log_defs, using bin_log_bintrs *)
-lemmas wils1 = bin_log_bintrs [THEN word_ubin.norm_eq_iff [THEN iffD1],
-  folded word_ubin.eq_norm, THEN eq_reflection, standard]
-(* the binary operations only *)
-lemmas word_log_binary_defs = 
-  word_and_def word_or_def word_xor_def
-lemmas word_no_log_defs [simp] = 
-  word_not_def  [where a="number_of a", 
-                 unfolded word_no_wi wils1, folded word_no_wi, standard]
-  word_log_binary_defs [where a="number_of a" and b="number_of b",
-                        unfolded word_no_wi wils1, folded word_no_wi, standard]
-lemmas word_wi_log_defs = word_no_log_defs [unfolded word_no_wi]
-lemma uint_or: "uint (x OR y) = (uint x) OR (uint y)"
-  by (simp add: word_or_def word_no_wi [symmetric] number_of_is_id
-                bin_trunc_ao(2) [symmetric])
-lemma uint_and: "uint (x AND y) = (uint x) AND (uint y)"
-  by (simp add: word_and_def number_of_is_id word_no_wi [symmetric]
-                bin_trunc_ao(1) [symmetric]) 
-lemma word_ops_nth_size:
-  "n < size (x::'a::len0 word) ==> 
-    (x OR y) !! n = (x !! n | y !! n) & 
-    (x AND y) !! n = (x !! n & y !! n) & 
-    (x XOR y) !! n = (x !! n ~= y !! n) & 
-    (NOT x) !! n = (~ x !! n)"
-  unfolding word_size word_no_wi word_test_bit_def word_log_defs
-  by (clarsimp simp add : word_ubin.eq_norm nth_bintr bin_nth_ops)
-lemma word_ao_nth:
-  fixes x :: "'a::len0 word"
-  shows "(x OR y) !! n = (x !! n | y !! n) & 
-         (x AND y) !! n = (x !! n & y !! n)"
-  apply (cases "n < size x")
-   apply (drule_tac y = "y" in word_ops_nth_size)
-   apply simp
-  apply (simp add : test_bit_bin word_size)
-  done
-(* get from commutativity, associativity etc of int_and etc
-  to same for word_and etc *)
-lemmas bwsimps = 
-  word_of_int_homs(2) 
-  word_0_wi_Pls
-  word_m1_wi_Min
-  word_wi_log_defs
-lemma word_bw_assocs:
-  fixes x :: "'a::len0 word"
-  shows
-  "(x AND y) AND z = x AND y AND z"
-  "(x OR y) OR z = x OR y OR z"
-  "(x XOR y) XOR z = x XOR y XOR z"
-  using word_of_int_Ex [where x=x] 
-        word_of_int_Ex [where x=y] 
-        word_of_int_Ex [where x=z]
-  by (auto simp: bwsimps bbw_assocs)
-lemma word_bw_comms:
-  fixes x :: "'a::len0 word"
-  shows
-  "x AND y = y AND x"
-  "x OR y = y OR x"
-  "x XOR y = y XOR x"
-  using word_of_int_Ex [where x=x] 
-        word_of_int_Ex [where x=y] 
-  by (auto simp: bwsimps bin_ops_comm)
-lemma word_bw_lcs:
-  fixes x :: "'a::len0 word"
-  shows
-  "y AND x AND z = x AND y AND z"
-  "y OR x OR z = x OR y OR z"
-  "y XOR x XOR z = x XOR y XOR z"
-  using word_of_int_Ex [where x=x] 
-        word_of_int_Ex [where x=y] 
-        word_of_int_Ex [where x=z]
-  by (auto simp: bwsimps)
-lemma word_log_esimps [simp]:
-  fixes x :: "'a::len0 word"
-  shows
-  "x AND 0 = 0"
-  "x AND -1 = x"
-  "x OR 0 = x"
-  "x OR -1 = -1"
-  "x XOR 0 = x"
-  "x XOR -1 = NOT x"
-  "0 AND x = 0"
-  "-1 AND x = x"
-  "0 OR x = x"
-  "-1 OR x = -1"
-  "0 XOR x = x"
-  "-1 XOR x = NOT x"
-  using word_of_int_Ex [where x=x] 
-  by (auto simp: bwsimps)
-lemma word_not_dist:
-  fixes x :: "'a::len0 word"
-  shows
-  "NOT (x OR y) = NOT x AND NOT y"
-  "NOT (x AND y) = NOT x OR NOT y"
-  using word_of_int_Ex [where x=x] 
-        word_of_int_Ex [where x=y] 
-  by (auto simp: bwsimps bbw_not_dist)
-lemma word_bw_same:
-  fixes x :: "'a::len0 word"
-  shows
-  "x AND x = x"
-  "x OR x = x"
-  "x XOR x = 0"
-  using word_of_int_Ex [where x=x] 
-  by (auto simp: bwsimps)
-lemma word_ao_absorbs [simp]:
-  fixes x :: "'a::len0 word"
-  shows
-  "x AND (y OR x) = x"
-  "x OR y AND x = x"
-  "x AND (x OR y) = x"
-  "y AND x OR x = x"
-  "(y OR x) AND x = x"
-  "x OR x AND y = x"
-  "(x OR y) AND x = x"
-  "x AND y OR x = x"
-  using word_of_int_Ex [where x=x] 
-        word_of_int_Ex [where x=y] 
-  by (auto simp: bwsimps)
-lemma word_not_not [simp]:
-  "NOT NOT (x::'a::len0 word) = x"
-  using word_of_int_Ex [where x=x] 
-  by (auto simp: bwsimps)
-lemma word_ao_dist:
-  fixes x :: "'a::len0 word"
-  shows "(x OR y) AND z = x AND z OR y AND z"
-  using word_of_int_Ex [where x=x] 
-        word_of_int_Ex [where x=y] 
-        word_of_int_Ex [where x=z]   
-  by (auto simp: bwsimps bbw_ao_dist simp del: bin_ops_comm)
-lemma word_oa_dist:
-  fixes x :: "'a::len0 word"
-  shows "x AND y OR z = (x OR z) AND (y OR z)"
-  using word_of_int_Ex [where x=x] 
-        word_of_int_Ex [where x=y] 
-        word_of_int_Ex [where x=z]   
-  by (auto simp: bwsimps bbw_oa_dist simp del: bin_ops_comm)
-lemma word_add_not [simp]: 
-  fixes x :: "'a::len0 word"
-  shows "x + NOT x = -1"
-  using word_of_int_Ex [where x=x] 
-  by (auto simp: bwsimps bin_add_not)
-lemma word_plus_and_or [simp]:
-  fixes x :: "'a::len0 word"
-  shows "(x AND y) + (x OR y) = x + y"
-  using word_of_int_Ex [where x=x] 
-        word_of_int_Ex [where x=y] 
-  by (auto simp: bwsimps plus_and_or)
-lemma leoa:   
-  fixes x :: "'a::len0 word"
-  shows "(w = (x OR y)) ==> (y = (w AND y))" by auto
-lemma leao: 
-  fixes x' :: "'a::len0 word"
-  shows "(w' = (x' AND y')) ==> (x' = (x' OR w'))" by auto 
-lemmas word_ao_equiv = leao [COMP leoa [COMP iffI]]
-lemma le_word_or2: "x <= x OR (y::'a::len0 word)"
-  unfolding word_le_def uint_or
-  by (auto intro: le_int_or) 
-lemmas le_word_or1 = xtr3 [OF word_bw_comms (2) le_word_or2, standard]
-lemmas word_and_le1 =
-  xtr3 [OF word_ao_absorbs (4) [symmetric] le_word_or2, standard]
-lemmas word_and_le2 =
-  xtr3 [OF word_ao_absorbs (8) [symmetric] le_word_or2, standard]
-lemma bl_word_not: "to_bl (NOT w) = map Not (to_bl w)" 
-  unfolding to_bl_def word_log_defs
-  by (simp add: bl_not_bin number_of_is_id word_no_wi [symmetric] bin_to_bl_def[symmetric])
-lemma bl_word_xor: "to_bl (v XOR w) = map2 op ~= (to_bl v) (to_bl w)" 
-  unfolding to_bl_def word_log_defs bl_xor_bin
-  by (simp add: number_of_is_id word_no_wi [symmetric])
-lemma bl_word_or: "to_bl (v OR w) = map2 op | (to_bl v) (to_bl w)" 
-  unfolding to_bl_def word_log_defs
-  by (simp add: bl_or_bin number_of_is_id word_no_wi [symmetric])
-lemma bl_word_and: "to_bl (v AND w) = map2 op & (to_bl v) (to_bl w)" 
-  unfolding to_bl_def word_log_defs
-  by (simp add: bl_and_bin number_of_is_id word_no_wi [symmetric])
-lemma word_lsb_alt: "lsb (w::'a::len0 word) = test_bit w 0"
-  by (auto simp: word_test_bit_def word_lsb_def)
-lemma word_lsb_1_0: "lsb (1::'a::len word) & ~ lsb (0::'b::len0 word)"
-  unfolding word_lsb_def word_1_no word_0_no by auto
-lemma word_lsb_last: "lsb (w::'a::len word) = last (to_bl w)"
-  apply (unfold word_lsb_def uint_bl bin_to_bl_def) 
-  apply (rule_tac bin="uint w" in bin_exhaust)
-  apply (cases "size w")
-   apply auto
-   apply (auto simp add: bin_to_bl_aux_alt)
-  done
-lemma word_lsb_int: "lsb w = (uint w mod 2 = 1)"
-  unfolding word_lsb_def bin_last_mod by auto
-lemma word_msb_sint: "msb w = (sint w < 0)" 
-  unfolding word_msb_def
-  by (simp add : sign_Min_lt_0 number_of_is_id)
-lemma word_msb_no': 
-  "w = number_of bin ==> msb (w::'a::len word) = bin_nth bin (size w - 1)"
-  unfolding word_msb_def word_number_of_def
-  by (clarsimp simp add: word_sbin.eq_norm word_size bin_sign_lem)
-lemmas word_msb_no = refl [THEN word_msb_no', unfolded word_size]
-lemma word_msb_nth': "msb (w::'a::len word) = bin_nth (uint w) (size w - 1)"
-  apply (unfold word_size)
-  apply (rule trans [OF _ word_msb_no])
-  apply (simp add : word_number_of_def)
-  done
-lemmas word_msb_nth = word_msb_nth' [unfolded word_size]
-lemma word_msb_alt: "msb (w::'a::len word) = hd (to_bl w)"
-  apply (unfold word_msb_nth uint_bl)
-  apply (subst hd_conv_nth)
-  apply (rule length_greater_0_conv [THEN iffD1])
-   apply simp
-  apply (simp add : nth_bin_to_bl word_size)
-  done
-lemma word_set_nth:
-  "set_bit w n (test_bit w n) = (w::'a::len0 word)"
-  unfolding word_test_bit_def word_set_bit_def by auto
-lemma bin_nth_uint':
-  "bin_nth (uint w) n = (rev (bin_to_bl (size w) (uint w)) ! n & n < size w)"
-  apply (unfold word_size)
-  apply (safe elim!: bin_nth_uint_imp)
-   apply (frule bin_nth_uint_imp)
-   apply (fast dest!: bin_nth_bl)+
-  done
-lemmas bin_nth_uint = bin_nth_uint' [unfolded word_size]
-lemma test_bit_bl: "w !! n = (rev (to_bl w) ! n & n < size w)"
-  unfolding to_bl_def word_test_bit_def word_size
-  by (rule bin_nth_uint)
-lemma to_bl_nth: "n < size w ==> to_bl w ! n = w !! (size w - Suc n)"
-  apply (unfold test_bit_bl)
-  apply clarsimp
-  apply (rule trans)
-   apply (rule nth_rev_alt)
-   apply (auto simp add: word_size)
-  done
-lemma test_bit_set: 
-  fixes w :: "'a::len0 word"
-  shows "(set_bit w n x) !! n = (n < size w & x)"
-  unfolding word_size word_test_bit_def word_set_bit_def
-  by (clarsimp simp add : word_ubin.eq_norm nth_bintr)
-lemma test_bit_set_gen: 
-  fixes w :: "'a::len0 word"
-  shows "test_bit (set_bit w n x) m = 
-         (if m = n then n < size w & x else test_bit w m)"
-  apply (unfold word_size word_test_bit_def word_set_bit_def)
-  apply (clarsimp simp add: word_ubin.eq_norm nth_bintr bin_nth_sc_gen)
-  apply (auto elim!: test_bit_size [unfolded word_size]
-              simp add: word_test_bit_def [symmetric])
-  done
-lemma of_bl_rep_False: "of_bl (replicate n False @ bs) = of_bl bs"
-  unfolding of_bl_def bl_to_bin_rep_F by auto
-lemma msb_nth':
-  fixes w :: "'a::len word"
-  shows "msb w = w !! (size w - 1)"
-  unfolding word_msb_nth' word_test_bit_def by simp
-lemmas msb_nth = msb_nth' [unfolded word_size]
-lemmas msb0 = len_gt_0 [THEN diff_Suc_less, THEN
-  word_ops_nth_size [unfolded word_size], standard]
-lemmas msb1 = msb0 [where i = 0]
-lemmas word_ops_msb = msb1 [unfolded msb_nth [symmetric, unfolded One_nat_def]]
-lemmas lsb0 = len_gt_0 [THEN word_ops_nth_size [unfolded word_size], standard]
-lemmas word_ops_lsb = lsb0 [unfolded word_lsb_alt]
-lemma td_ext_nth':
-  "n = size (w::'a::len0 word) ==> ofn = set_bits ==> [w, ofn g] = l ==> 
-    td_ext test_bit ofn {f. ALL i. f i --> i < n} (%h i. h i & i < n)"
-  apply (unfold word_size td_ext_def')
-  apply (safe del: subset_antisym)
-     apply (rule_tac [3] ext)
-     apply (rule_tac [4] ext)
-     apply (unfold word_size of_nth_def test_bit_bl)
-     apply safe
-       defer
-       apply (clarsimp simp: word_bl.Abs_inverse)+
-  apply (rule word_bl.Rep_inverse')
-  apply (rule sym [THEN trans])
-  apply (rule bl_of_nth_nth)
-  apply simp
-  apply (rule bl_of_nth_inj)
-  apply (clarsimp simp add : test_bit_bl word_size)
-  done
-lemmas td_ext_nth = td_ext_nth' [OF refl refl refl, unfolded word_size]
-interpretation test_bit:
-  td_ext "op !! :: 'a::len0 word => nat => bool"
-         set_bits
-         "{f. \<forall>i. f i \<longrightarrow> i < len_of TYPE('a::len0)}"
-         "(\<lambda>h i. h i \<and> i < len_of TYPE('a::len0))"
-  by (rule td_ext_nth)
-declare test_bit.Rep' [simp del]
-declare test_bit.Rep' [rule del]
-lemmas td_nth = test_bit.td_thm
-lemma word_set_set_same: 
-  fixes w :: "'a::len0 word"
-  shows "set_bit (set_bit w n x) n y = set_bit w n y" 
-  by (rule word_eqI) (simp add : test_bit_set_gen word_size)
-lemma word_set_set_diff: 
-  fixes w :: "'a::len0 word"
-  assumes "m ~= n"
-  shows "set_bit (set_bit w m x) n y = set_bit (set_bit w n y) m x" 
-  by (rule word_eqI) (clarsimp simp add : test_bit_set_gen word_size prems)
-lemma test_bit_no': 
-  fixes w :: "'a::len0 word"
-  shows "w = number_of bin ==> test_bit w n = (n < size w & bin_nth bin n)"
-  unfolding word_test_bit_def word_number_of_def word_size
-  by (simp add : nth_bintr [symmetric] word_ubin.eq_norm)
-lemmas test_bit_no = 
-  refl [THEN test_bit_no', unfolded word_size, THEN eq_reflection, standard]
-lemma nth_0: "~ (0::'a::len0 word) !! n"
-  unfolding test_bit_no word_0_no by auto
-lemma nth_sint: 
-  fixes w :: "'a::len word"
-  defines "l \<equiv> len_of TYPE ('a)"
-  shows "bin_nth (sint w) n = (if n < l - 1 then w !! n else w !! (l - 1))"
-  unfolding sint_uint l_def
-  by (clarsimp simp add: nth_sbintr word_test_bit_def [symmetric])
-lemma word_lsb_no: 
-  "lsb (number_of bin :: 'a :: len word) = (bin_last bin = 1)"
-  unfolding word_lsb_alt test_bit_no by auto
-lemma word_set_no: 
-  "set_bit (number_of bin::'a::len0 word) n b = 
-    number_of (bin_sc n (if b then 1 else 0) bin)"
-  apply (unfold word_set_bit_def word_number_of_def [symmetric])
-  apply (rule word_eqI)
-  apply (clarsimp simp: word_size bin_nth_sc_gen number_of_is_id 
-                        test_bit_no nth_bintr)
-  done
-lemmas setBit_no = setBit_def [THEN trans [OF meta_eq_to_obj_eq word_set_no],
-  simplified if_simps, THEN eq_reflection, standard]
-lemmas clearBit_no = clearBit_def [THEN trans [OF meta_eq_to_obj_eq word_set_no],
-  simplified if_simps, THEN eq_reflection, standard]
-lemma to_bl_n1: 
-  "to_bl (-1::'a::len0 word) = replicate (len_of TYPE ('a)) True"
-  apply (rule word_bl.Abs_inverse')
-   apply simp
-  apply (rule word_eqI)
-  apply (clarsimp simp add: word_size test_bit_no)
-  apply (auto simp add: word_bl.Abs_inverse test_bit_bl word_size)
-  done
-lemma word_msb_n1: "msb (-1::'a::len word)"
-  unfolding word_msb_alt word_msb_alt to_bl_n1 by simp
-declare word_set_set_same [simp] word_set_nth [simp]
-  test_bit_no [simp] word_set_no [simp] nth_0 [simp]
-  setBit_no [simp] clearBit_no [simp]
-  word_lsb_no [simp] word_msb_no [simp] word_msb_n1 [simp] word_lsb_1_0 [simp]
-lemma word_set_nth_iff: 
-  "(set_bit w n b = w) = (w !! n = b | n >= size (w::'a::len0 word))"
-  apply (rule iffI)
-   apply (rule disjCI)
-   apply (drule word_eqD)
-   apply (erule sym [THEN trans])
-   apply (simp add: test_bit_set)
-  apply (erule disjE)
-   apply clarsimp
-  apply (rule word_eqI)
-  apply (clarsimp simp add : test_bit_set_gen)
-  apply (drule test_bit_size)
-  apply force
-  done
-lemma test_bit_2p': 
-  "w = word_of_int (2 ^ n) ==> 
-    w !! m = (m = n & m < size (w :: 'a :: len word))"
-  unfolding word_test_bit_def word_size
-  by (auto simp add: word_ubin.eq_norm nth_bintr nth_2p_bin)
-lemmas test_bit_2p = refl [THEN test_bit_2p', unfolded word_size]
-lemma nth_w2p:
-  "((2\<Colon>'a\<Colon>len word) ^ n) !! m \<longleftrightarrow> m = n \<and> m < len_of TYPE('a\<Colon>len)"
-  unfolding test_bit_2p [symmetric] word_of_int [symmetric]
-  by (simp add:  of_int_power)
-lemma uint_2p: 
-  "(0::'a::len word) < 2 ^ n ==> uint (2 ^ n::'a::len word) = 2 ^ n"
-  apply (unfold word_arith_power_alt)
-  apply (case_tac "len_of TYPE ('a)")
-   apply clarsimp
-  apply (case_tac "nat")
-   apply clarsimp
-   apply (case_tac "n")
-    apply (clarsimp simp add : word_1_wi [symmetric])
-   apply (clarsimp simp add : word_0_wi [symmetric])
-  apply (drule word_gt_0 [THEN iffD1])
-  apply (safe intro!: word_eqI bin_nth_lem ext)
-     apply (auto simp add: test_bit_2p nth_2p_bin word_test_bit_def [symmetric])
-  done
-lemma word_of_int_2p: "(word_of_int (2 ^ n) :: 'a :: len word) = 2 ^ n" 
-  apply (unfold word_arith_power_alt)
-  apply (case_tac "len_of TYPE ('a)")
-   apply clarsimp
-  apply (case_tac "nat")
-   apply (rule word_ubin.norm_eq_iff [THEN iffD1]) 
-   apply (rule box_equals) 
-     apply (rule_tac [2] bintr_ariths (1))+ 
-   apply (clarsimp simp add : number_of_is_id)
-  apply simp 
-  done
-lemma bang_is_le: "x !! m ==> 2 ^ m <= (x :: 'a :: len word)" 
-  apply (rule xtr3) 
-  apply (rule_tac [2] y = "x" in le_word_or2)
-  apply (rule word_eqI)
-  apply (auto simp add: word_ao_nth nth_w2p word_size)
-  done
-lemma word_clr_le: 
-  fixes w :: "'a::len0 word"
-  shows "w >= set_bit w n False"
-  apply (unfold word_set_bit_def word_le_def word_ubin.eq_norm)
-  apply simp
-  apply (rule order_trans)
-   apply (rule bintr_bin_clr_le)
-  apply simp
-  done
-lemma word_set_ge: 
-  fixes w :: "'a::len word"
-  shows "w <= set_bit w n True"
-  apply (unfold word_set_bit_def word_le_def word_ubin.eq_norm)
-  apply simp
-  apply (rule order_trans [OF _ bintr_bin_set_ge])
-  apply simp
-  done
--- a/src/HOL/Word/WordDefinition.thy	Wed Jun 30 16:46:44 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,963 +0,0 @@
-  Author: Jeremy Dawson and Gerwin Klein, NICTA
-  Basic definition of word type and basic theorems following from 
-  the definition of the word type 
-header {* Definition of Word Type *}
-theory WordDefinition
-imports Type_Length Misc_Typedef Bool_List_Representation
-subsection {* Type definition *}
-typedef (open word) 'a word = "{(0::int) ..< 2^len_of TYPE('a::len0)}"
-  morphisms uint Abs_word by auto
-definition word_of_int :: "int \<Rightarrow> 'a\<Colon>len0 word" where
-  -- {* representation of words using unsigned or signed bins, 
-        only difference in these is the type class *}
-  "word_of_int w = Abs_word (bintrunc (len_of TYPE ('a)) w)" 
-lemma uint_word_of_int [code]: "uint (word_of_int w \<Colon> 'a\<Colon>len0 word) = w mod 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a)"
-  by (auto simp add: word_of_int_def bintrunc_mod2p intro: Abs_word_inverse)
-code_datatype word_of_int
-notation fcomp (infixl "o>" 60)
-notation scomp (infixl "o\<rightarrow>" 60)
-instantiation word :: ("{len0, typerep}") random
-  "random_word i = Random.range (max i (2 ^ len_of TYPE('a))) o\<rightarrow> (\<lambda>k. Pair (
-     let j = word_of_int (Code_Numeral.int_of k) :: 'a word
-     in (j, \<lambda>_::unit. Code_Evaluation.term_of j)))"
-instance ..
-no_notation fcomp (infixl "o>" 60)
-no_notation scomp (infixl "o\<rightarrow>" 60)
-subsection {* Type conversions and casting *}
-definition sint :: "'a :: len word => int" where
-  -- {* treats the most-significant-bit as a sign bit *}
-  sint_uint: "sint w = sbintrunc (len_of TYPE ('a) - 1) (uint w)"
-definition unat :: "'a :: len0 word => nat" where
-  "unat w = nat (uint w)"
-definition uints :: "nat => int set" where
-  -- "the sets of integers representing the words"
-  "uints n = range (bintrunc n)"
-definition sints :: "nat => int set" where
-  "sints n = range (sbintrunc (n - 1))"
-definition unats :: "nat => nat set" where
-  "unats n = {i. i < 2 ^ n}"
-definition norm_sint :: "nat => int => int" where
-  "norm_sint n w = (w + 2 ^ (n - 1)) mod 2 ^ n - 2 ^ (n - 1)"
-definition scast :: "'a :: len word => 'b :: len word" where
-  -- "cast a word to a different length"
-  "scast w = word_of_int (sint w)"
-definition ucast :: "'a :: len0 word => 'b :: len0 word" where
-  "ucast w = word_of_int (uint w)"
-instantiation word :: (len0) size
-  word_size: "size (w :: 'a word) = len_of TYPE('a)"
-instance ..
-definition source_size :: "('a :: len0 word => 'b) => nat" where
-  -- "whether a cast (or other) function is to a longer or shorter length"
-  "source_size c = (let arb = undefined ; x = c arb in size arb)"  
-definition target_size :: "('a => 'b :: len0 word) => nat" where
-  "target_size c = size (c undefined)"
-definition is_up :: "('a :: len0 word => 'b :: len0 word) => bool" where
-  "is_up c \<longleftrightarrow> source_size c <= target_size c"
-definition is_down :: "('a :: len0 word => 'b :: len0 word) => bool" where
-  "is_down c \<longleftrightarrow> target_size c <= source_size c"
-definition of_bl :: "bool list => 'a :: len0 word" where
-  "of_bl bl = word_of_int (bl_to_bin bl)"
-definition to_bl :: "'a :: len0 word => bool list" where
-  "to_bl w = bin_to_bl (len_of TYPE ('a)) (uint w)"
-definition word_reverse :: "'a :: len0 word => 'a word" where
-  "word_reverse w = of_bl (rev (to_bl w))"
-definition word_int_case :: "(int => 'b) => ('a :: len0 word) => 'b" where
-  "word_int_case f w = f (uint w)"
-  of_int :: "int => 'a"
-  "case x of CONST of_int y => b" == "CONST word_int_case (%y. b) x"
-subsection  "Arithmetic operations"
-instantiation word :: (len0) "{number, uminus, minus, plus, one, zero, times, Divides.div, ord, bit}"
-  word_0_wi: "0 = word_of_int 0"
-  word_1_wi: "1 = word_of_int 1"
-  word_add_def: "a + b = word_of_int (uint a + uint b)"
-  word_sub_wi: "a - b = word_of_int (uint a - uint b)"
-  word_minus_def: "- a = word_of_int (- uint a)"
-  word_mult_def: "a * b = word_of_int (uint a * uint b)"
-  word_div_def: "a div b = word_of_int (uint a div uint b)"
-  word_mod_def: "a mod b = word_of_int (uint a mod uint b)"
-  word_number_of_def: "number_of w = word_of_int w"
-  word_le_def: "a \<le> b \<longleftrightarrow> uint a \<le> uint b"
-  word_less_def: "x < y \<longleftrightarrow> x \<le> y \<and> x \<noteq> (y \<Colon> 'a word)"
-  word_and_def: 
-  "(a::'a word) AND b = word_of_int (uint a AND uint b)"
-  word_or_def:  
-  "(a::'a word) OR b = word_of_int (uint a OR uint b)"
-  word_xor_def: 
-  "(a::'a word) XOR b = word_of_int (uint a XOR uint b)"
-  word_not_def: 
-  "NOT (a::'a word) = word_of_int (NOT (uint a))"
-instance ..
-  word_succ :: "'a :: len0 word => 'a word"
-  "word_succ a = word_of_int (Int.succ (uint a))"
-  word_pred :: "'a :: len0 word => 'a word"
-  "word_pred a = word_of_int (Int.pred (uint a))"
-definition udvd :: "'a::len word => 'a::len word => bool" (infixl "udvd" 50) where
-  "a udvd b == EX n>=0. uint b = n * uint a"
-definition word_sle :: "'a :: len word => 'a word => bool" ("(_/ <=s _)" [50, 51] 50) where
-  "a <=s b == sint a <= sint b"
-definition word_sless :: "'a :: len word => 'a word => bool" ("(_/ <s _)" [50, 51] 50) where
-  "(x <s y) == (x <=s y & x ~= y)"
-subsection "Bit-wise operations"
-instantiation word :: (len0) bits
-  word_test_bit_def: "test_bit a = bin_nth (uint a)"
-  word_set_bit_def: "set_bit a n x =
-   word_of_int (bin_sc n (If x 1 0) (uint a))"
-  word_set_bits_def: "(BITS n. f n) = of_bl (bl_of_nth (len_of TYPE ('a)) f)"
-  word_lsb_def: "lsb a \<longleftrightarrow> bin_last (uint a) = 1"
-definition shiftl1 :: "'a word \<Rightarrow> 'a word" where
-  "shiftl1 w = word_of_int (uint w BIT 0)"
-definition shiftr1 :: "'a word \<Rightarrow> 'a word" where
-  -- "shift right as unsigned or as signed, ie logical or arithmetic"
-  "shiftr1 w = word_of_int (bin_rest (uint w))"
-  shiftl_def: "w << n = (shiftl1 ^^ n) w"
-  shiftr_def: "w >> n = (shiftr1 ^^ n) w"
-instance ..
-instantiation word :: (len) bitss
-  word_msb_def: 
-  "msb a \<longleftrightarrow> bin_sign (sint a) = Int.Min"
-instance ..
-definition setBit :: "'a :: len0 word => nat => 'a word" where 
-  "setBit w n == set_bit w n True"
-definition clearBit :: "'a :: len0 word => nat => 'a word" where
-  "clearBit w n == set_bit w n False"
-subsection "Shift operations"
-definition sshiftr1 :: "'a :: len word => 'a word" where 
-  "sshiftr1 w == word_of_int (bin_rest (sint w))"
-definition bshiftr1 :: "bool => 'a :: len word => 'a word" where
-  "bshiftr1 b w == of_bl (b # butlast (to_bl w))"
-definition sshiftr :: "'a :: len word => nat => 'a word" (infixl ">>>" 55) where
-  "w >>> n == (sshiftr1 ^^ n) w"
-definition mask :: "nat => 'a::len word" where
-  "mask n == (1 << n) - 1"
-definition revcast :: "'a :: len0 word => 'b :: len0 word" where
-  "revcast w ==  of_bl (takefill False (len_of TYPE('b)) (to_bl w))"
-definition slice1 :: "nat => 'a :: len0 word => 'b :: len0 word" where
-  "slice1 n w == of_bl (takefill False n (to_bl w))"
-definition slice :: "nat => 'a :: len0 word => 'b :: len0 word" where
-  "slice n w == slice1 (size w - n) w"
-subsection "Rotation"
-definition rotater1 :: "'a list => 'a list" where
-  "rotater1 ys == 
-    case ys of [] => [] | x # xs => last ys # butlast ys"
-definition rotater :: "nat => 'a list => 'a list" where
-  "rotater n == rotater1 ^^ n"
-definition word_rotr :: "nat => 'a :: len0 word => 'a :: len0 word" where
-  "word_rotr n w == of_bl (rotater n (to_bl w))"
-definition word_rotl :: "nat => 'a :: len0 word => 'a :: len0 word" where
-  "word_rotl n w == of_bl (rotate n (to_bl w))"
-definition word_roti :: "int => 'a :: len0 word => 'a :: len0 word" where
-  "word_roti i w == if i >= 0 then word_rotr (nat i) w
-                    else word_rotl (nat (- i)) w"
-subsection "Split and cat operations"
-definition word_cat :: "'a :: len0 word => 'b :: len0 word => 'c :: len0 word" where
-  "word_cat a b == word_of_int (bin_cat (uint a) (len_of TYPE ('b)) (uint b))"
-definition word_split :: "'a :: len0 word => ('b :: len0 word) * ('c :: len0 word)" where
-  "word_split a == 
-   case bin_split (len_of TYPE ('c)) (uint a) of 
-     (u, v) => (word_of_int u, word_of_int v)"
-definition word_rcat :: "'a :: len0 word list => 'b :: len0 word" where
-  "word_rcat ws == 
-  word_of_int (bin_rcat (len_of TYPE ('a)) (map uint ws))"
-definition word_rsplit :: "'a :: len0 word => 'b :: len word list" where
-  "word_rsplit w == 
-  map word_of_int (bin_rsplit (len_of TYPE ('b)) (len_of TYPE ('a), uint w))"
-definition max_word :: "'a::len word" -- "Largest representable machine integer." where
-  "max_word \<equiv> word_of_int (2 ^ len_of TYPE('a) - 1)"
-primrec of_bool :: "bool \<Rightarrow> 'a::len word" where
-  "of_bool False = 0"
-| "of_bool True = 1"
-lemmas of_nth_def = word_set_bits_def
-lemmas word_size_gt_0 [iff] = 
-  xtr1 [OF word_size len_gt_0, standard]
-lemmas lens_gt_0 = word_size_gt_0 len_gt_0
-lemmas lens_not_0 [iff] = lens_gt_0 [THEN gr_implies_not0, standard]
-lemma uints_num: "uints n = {i. 0 \<le> i \<and> i < 2 ^ n}"
-  by (simp add: uints_def range_bintrunc)
-lemma sints_num: "sints n = {i. - (2 ^ (n - 1)) \<le> i \<and> i < 2 ^ (n - 1)}"
-  by (simp add: sints_def range_sbintrunc)
-lemmas atLeastLessThan_alt = atLeastLessThan_def [unfolded 
-  atLeast_def lessThan_def Collect_conj_eq [symmetric]]
-lemma mod_in_reps: "m > 0 ==> y mod m : {0::int ..< m}"
-  unfolding atLeastLessThan_alt by auto
-  uint_0:"0 <= uint x" and 
-  uint_lt: "uint (x::'a::len0 word) < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a)"
-  by (auto simp: uint [simplified])
-lemma uint_mod_same:
-  "uint x mod 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a) = uint (x::'a::len0 word)"
-  by (simp add: int_mod_eq uint_lt uint_0)
-lemma td_ext_uint: 
-  "td_ext (uint :: 'a word => int) word_of_int (uints (len_of TYPE('a::len0))) 
-    (%w::int. w mod 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a))"
-  apply (unfold td_ext_def')
-  apply (simp add: uints_num word_of_int_def bintrunc_mod2p)
-  apply (simp add: uint_mod_same uint_0 uint_lt
-                   word.uint_inverse word.Abs_word_inverse int_mod_lem)
-  done
-lemmas int_word_uint = td_ext_uint [THEN td_ext.eq_norm, standard]
-interpretation word_uint:
-  td_ext "uint::'a::len0 word \<Rightarrow> int" 
-         word_of_int 
-         "uints (len_of TYPE('a::len0))"
-         "\<lambda>w. w mod 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a::len0)"
-  by (rule td_ext_uint)
-lemmas td_uint = word_uint.td_thm
-lemmas td_ext_ubin = td_ext_uint 
-  [simplified len_gt_0 no_bintr_alt1 [symmetric]]
-interpretation word_ubin:
-  td_ext "uint::'a::len0 word \<Rightarrow> int" 
-         word_of_int 
-         "uints (len_of TYPE('a::len0))"
-         "bintrunc (len_of TYPE('a::len0))"
-  by (rule td_ext_ubin)
-lemma sint_sbintrunc': 
-  "sint (word_of_int bin :: 'a word) = 
-    (sbintrunc (len_of TYPE ('a :: len) - 1) bin)"
-  unfolding sint_uint 
-  by (auto simp: word_ubin.eq_norm sbintrunc_bintrunc_lt)
-lemma uint_sint: 
-  "uint w = bintrunc (len_of TYPE('a)) (sint (w :: 'a :: len word))"
-  unfolding sint_uint by (auto simp: bintrunc_sbintrunc_le)
-lemma bintr_uint': 
-  "n >= size w ==> bintrunc n (uint w) = uint w"
-  apply (unfold word_size)
-  apply (subst word_ubin.norm_Rep [symmetric]) 
-  apply (simp only: bintrunc_bintrunc_min word_size)
-  apply (simp add: min_max.inf_absorb2)
-  done
-lemma wi_bintr': 
-  "wb = word_of_int bin ==> n >= size wb ==> 
-    word_of_int (bintrunc n bin) = wb"
-  unfolding word_size
-  by (clarsimp simp add: word_ubin.norm_eq_iff [symmetric] min_max.inf_absorb1)
-lemmas bintr_uint = bintr_uint' [unfolded word_size]
-lemmas wi_bintr = wi_bintr' [unfolded word_size]
-lemma td_ext_sbin: 
-  "td_ext (sint :: 'a word => int) word_of_int (sints (len_of TYPE('a::len))) 
-    (sbintrunc (len_of TYPE('a) - 1))"
-  apply (unfold td_ext_def' sint_uint)
-  apply (simp add : word_ubin.eq_norm)
-  apply (cases "len_of TYPE('a)")
-   apply (auto simp add : sints_def)
-  apply (rule sym [THEN trans])
-  apply (rule word_ubin.Abs_norm)
-  apply (simp only: bintrunc_sbintrunc)
-  apply (drule sym)
-  apply simp
-  done
-lemmas td_ext_sint = td_ext_sbin 
-  [simplified len_gt_0 no_sbintr_alt2 Suc_pred' [symmetric]]
-(* We do sint before sbin, before sint is the user version
-   and interpretations do not produce thm duplicates. I.e. 
-   we get the name word_sint.Rep_eqD, but not word_sbin.Req_eqD,
-   because the latter is the same thm as the former *)
-interpretation word_sint:
-  td_ext "sint ::'a::len word => int" 
-          word_of_int 
-          "sints (len_of TYPE('a::len))"
-          "%w. (w + 2^(len_of TYPE('a::len) - 1)) mod 2^len_of TYPE('a::len) -
-               2 ^ (len_of TYPE('a::len) - 1)"
-  by (rule td_ext_sint)
-interpretation word_sbin:
-  td_ext "sint ::'a::len word => int" 
-          word_of_int 
-          "sints (len_of TYPE('a::len))"
-          "sbintrunc (len_of TYPE('a::len) - 1)"
-  by (rule td_ext_sbin)
-lemmas int_word_sint = td_ext_sint [THEN td_ext.eq_norm, standard]
-lemmas td_sint =
-lemma word_number_of_alt: "number_of b == word_of_int (number_of b)"
-  unfolding word_number_of_def by (simp add: number_of_eq)
-lemma word_no_wi: "number_of = word_of_int"
-  by (auto simp: word_number_of_def intro: ext)
-lemma to_bl_def': 
-  "(to_bl :: 'a :: len0 word => bool list) =
-    bin_to_bl (len_of TYPE('a)) o uint"
-  by (auto simp: to_bl_def intro: ext)
-lemmas word_reverse_no_def [simp] = word_reverse_def [of "number_of w", standard]
-lemmas uints_mod = uints_def [unfolded no_bintr_alt1]
-lemma uint_bintrunc: "uint (number_of bin :: 'a word) = 
-    number_of (bintrunc (len_of TYPE ('a :: len0)) bin)"
-  unfolding word_number_of_def number_of_eq
-  by (auto intro: word_ubin.eq_norm) 
-lemma sint_sbintrunc: "sint (number_of bin :: 'a word) = 
-    number_of (sbintrunc (len_of TYPE ('a :: len) - 1) bin)" 
-  unfolding word_number_of_def number_of_eq
-  by (subst word_sbin.eq_norm) simp
-lemma unat_bintrunc: 
-  "unat (number_of bin :: 'a :: len0 word) =
-    number_of (bintrunc (len_of TYPE('a)) bin)"
-  unfolding unat_def nat_number_of_def 
-  by (simp only: uint_bintrunc)
-(* WARNING - these may not always be helpful *)
-  uint_bintrunc [simp] 
-  sint_sbintrunc [simp] 
-  unat_bintrunc [simp]
-lemma size_0_eq: "size (w :: 'a :: len0 word) = 0 ==> v = w"
-  apply (unfold word_size)
-  apply (rule word_uint.Rep_eqD)
-  apply (rule box_equals)
-    defer
-    apply (rule word_ubin.norm_Rep)+
-  apply simp
-  done
-lemmas uint_lem = word_uint.Rep [unfolded uints_num mem_Collect_eq]
-lemmas sint_lem = word_sint.Rep [unfolded sints_num mem_Collect_eq]
-lemmas uint_ge_0 [iff] = uint_lem [THEN conjunct1, standard]
-lemmas uint_lt2p [iff] = uint_lem [THEN conjunct2, standard]
-lemmas sint_ge = sint_lem [THEN conjunct1, standard]
-lemmas sint_lt = sint_lem [THEN conjunct2, standard]
-lemma sign_uint_Pls [simp]: 
-  "bin_sign (uint x) = Int.Pls"
-  by (simp add: sign_Pls_ge_0 number_of_eq)
-lemmas uint_m2p_neg = iffD2 [OF diff_less_0_iff_less uint_lt2p, standard]
-lemmas uint_m2p_not_non_neg = 
-  iffD2 [OF linorder_not_le uint_m2p_neg, standard]
-lemma lt2p_lem:
-  "len_of TYPE('a) <= n ==> uint (w :: 'a :: len0 word) < 2 ^ n"
-  by (rule xtr8 [OF _ uint_lt2p]) simp
-lemmas uint_le_0_iff [simp] = 
-  uint_ge_0 [THEN leD, THEN linorder_antisym_conv1, standard]
-lemma uint_nat: "uint w == int (unat w)"
-  unfolding unat_def by auto
-lemma uint_number_of:
-  "uint (number_of b :: 'a :: len0 word) = number_of b mod 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a)"
-  unfolding word_number_of_alt
-  by (simp only: int_word_uint)
-lemma unat_number_of: 
-  "bin_sign b = Int.Pls ==> 
-  unat (number_of b::'a::len0 word) = number_of b mod 2 ^ len_of TYPE ('a)"
-  apply (unfold unat_def)
-  apply (clarsimp simp only: uint_number_of)
-  apply (rule nat_mod_distrib [THEN trans])
-    apply (erule sign_Pls_ge_0 [THEN iffD1])
-   apply (simp_all add: nat_power_eq)
-  done
-lemma sint_number_of: "sint (number_of b :: 'a :: len word) = (number_of b + 
-    2 ^ (len_of TYPE('a) - 1)) mod 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a) -
-    2 ^ (len_of TYPE('a) - 1)"
-  unfolding word_number_of_alt by (rule int_word_sint)
-lemma word_of_int_bin [simp] : 
-  "(word_of_int (number_of bin) :: 'a :: len0 word) = (number_of bin)"
-  unfolding word_number_of_alt by auto
-lemma word_int_case_wi: 
-  "word_int_case f (word_of_int i :: 'b word) = 
-    f (i mod 2 ^ len_of TYPE('b::len0))"
-  unfolding word_int_case_def by (simp add: word_uint.eq_norm)
-lemma word_int_split: 
-  "P (word_int_case f x) = 
-    (ALL i. x = (word_of_int i :: 'b :: len0 word) & 
-      0 <= i & i < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('b) --> P (f i))"
-  unfolding word_int_case_def
-  by (auto simp: word_uint.eq_norm int_mod_eq')
-lemma word_int_split_asm: 
-  "P (word_int_case f x) = 
-    (~ (EX n. x = (word_of_int n :: 'b::len0 word) &
-      0 <= n & n < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('b::len0) & ~ P (f n)))"
-  unfolding word_int_case_def
-  by (auto simp: word_uint.eq_norm int_mod_eq')
-lemmas uint_range' =
-  word_uint.Rep [unfolded uints_num mem_Collect_eq, standard]
-lemmas sint_range' = word_sint.Rep [unfolded One_nat_def
-  sints_num mem_Collect_eq, standard]
-lemma uint_range_size: "0 <= uint w & uint w < 2 ^ size w"
-  unfolding word_size by (rule uint_range')
-lemma sint_range_size:
-  "- (2 ^ (size w - Suc 0)) <= sint w & sint w < 2 ^ (size w - Suc 0)"
-  unfolding word_size by (rule sint_range')
-lemmas sint_above_size = sint_range_size
-  [THEN conjunct2, THEN [2] xtr8, folded One_nat_def, standard]
-lemmas sint_below_size = sint_range_size
-  [THEN conjunct1, THEN [2] order_trans, folded One_nat_def, standard]
-lemma test_bit_eq_iff: "(test_bit (u::'a::len0 word) = test_bit v) = (u = v)"
-  unfolding word_test_bit_def by (simp add: bin_nth_eq_iff)
-lemma test_bit_size [rule_format] : "(w::'a::len0 word) !! n --> n < size w"
-  apply (unfold word_test_bit_def)
-  apply (subst word_ubin.norm_Rep [symmetric])
-  apply (simp only: nth_bintr word_size)
-  apply fast
-  done
-lemma word_eqI [rule_format] : 
-  fixes u :: "'a::len0 word"
-  shows "(ALL n. n < size u --> u !! n = v !! n) ==> u = v"
-  apply (rule test_bit_eq_iff [THEN iffD1])
-  apply (rule ext)
-  apply (erule allE)
-  apply (erule impCE)
-   prefer 2
-   apply assumption
-  apply (auto dest!: test_bit_size simp add: word_size)
-  done
-lemmas word_eqD = test_bit_eq_iff [THEN iffD2, THEN fun_cong, standard]
-lemma test_bit_bin': "w !! n = (n < size w & bin_nth (uint w) n)"
-  unfolding word_test_bit_def word_size
-  by (simp add: nth_bintr [symmetric])
-lemmas test_bit_bin = test_bit_bin' [unfolded word_size]
-lemma bin_nth_uint_imp': "bin_nth (uint w) n --> n < size w"
-  apply (unfold word_size)
-  apply (rule impI)
-  apply (rule nth_bintr [THEN iffD1, THEN conjunct1])
-  apply (subst word_ubin.norm_Rep)
-  apply assumption
-  done
-lemma bin_nth_sint': 
-  "n >= size w --> bin_nth (sint w) n = bin_nth (sint w) (size w - 1)"
-  apply (rule impI)
-  apply (subst word_sbin.norm_Rep [symmetric])
-  apply (simp add : nth_sbintr word_size)
-  apply auto
-  done
-lemmas bin_nth_uint_imp = bin_nth_uint_imp' [rule_format, unfolded word_size]
-lemmas bin_nth_sint = bin_nth_sint' [rule_format, unfolded word_size]
-(* type definitions theorem for in terms of equivalent bool list *)
-lemma td_bl: 
-  "type_definition (to_bl :: 'a::len0 word => bool list) 
-                   of_bl  
-                   {bl. length bl = len_of TYPE('a)}"
-  apply (unfold type_definition_def of_bl_def to_bl_def)
-  apply (simp add: word_ubin.eq_norm)
-  apply safe
-  apply (drule sym)
-  apply simp
-  done
-interpretation word_bl:
-  type_definition "to_bl :: 'a::len0 word => bool list"
-                  of_bl  
-                  "{bl. length bl = len_of TYPE('a::len0)}"
-  by (rule td_bl)
-lemma word_size_bl: "size w == size (to_bl w)"
-  unfolding word_size by auto
-lemma to_bl_use_of_bl:
-  "(to_bl w = bl) = (w = of_bl bl \<and> length bl = length (to_bl w))"
-  by (fastsimp elim!: word_bl.Abs_inverse [simplified])
-lemma to_bl_word_rev: "to_bl (word_reverse w) = rev (to_bl w)"
-  unfolding word_reverse_def by (simp add: word_bl.Abs_inverse)
-lemma word_rev_rev [simp] : "word_reverse (word_reverse w) = w"
-  unfolding word_reverse_def by (simp add : word_bl.Abs_inverse)
-lemma word_rev_gal: "word_reverse w = u ==> word_reverse u = w"
-  by auto
-lemmas word_rev_gal' = sym [THEN word_rev_gal, symmetric, standard]
-lemmas length_bl_gt_0 [iff] = xtr1 [OF word_bl.Rep' len_gt_0, standard]
-lemmas bl_not_Nil [iff] = 
-  length_bl_gt_0 [THEN length_greater_0_conv [THEN iffD1], standard]
-lemmas length_bl_neq_0 [iff] = length_bl_gt_0 [THEN gr_implies_not0]
-lemma hd_bl_sign_sint: "hd (to_bl w) = (bin_sign (sint w) = Int.Min)"
-  apply (unfold to_bl_def sint_uint)
-  apply (rule trans [OF _ bl_sbin_sign])
-  apply simp
-  done
-lemma of_bl_drop': 
-  "lend = length bl - len_of TYPE ('a :: len0) ==> 
-    of_bl (drop lend bl) = (of_bl bl :: 'a word)"
-  apply (unfold of_bl_def)
-  apply (clarsimp simp add : trunc_bl2bin [symmetric])
-  done
-lemmas of_bl_no = of_bl_def [folded word_number_of_def]
-lemma test_bit_of_bl:  
-  "(of_bl bl::'a::len0 word) !! n = (rev bl ! n \<and> n < len_of TYPE('a) \<and> n < length bl)"
-  apply (unfold of_bl_def word_test_bit_def)
-  apply (auto simp add: word_size word_ubin.eq_norm nth_bintr bin_nth_of_bl)
-  done
-lemma no_of_bl: 
-  "(number_of bin ::'a::len0 word) = of_bl (bin_to_bl (len_of TYPE ('a)) bin)"
-  unfolding word_size of_bl_no by (simp add : word_number_of_def)
-lemma uint_bl: "to_bl w == bin_to_bl (size w) (uint w)"
-  unfolding word_size to_bl_def by auto
-lemma to_bl_bin: "bl_to_bin (to_bl w) = uint w"
-  unfolding uint_bl by (simp add : word_size)
-lemma to_bl_of_bin: 
-  "to_bl (word_of_int bin::'a::len0 word) = bin_to_bl (len_of TYPE('a)) bin"
-  unfolding uint_bl by (clarsimp simp add: word_ubin.eq_norm word_size)
-lemmas to_bl_no_bin [simp] = to_bl_of_bin [folded word_number_of_def]
-lemma to_bl_to_bin [simp] : "bl_to_bin (to_bl w) = uint w"
-  unfolding uint_bl by (simp add : word_size)
-lemmas uint_bl_bin [simp] = trans [OF bin_bl_bin word_ubin.norm_Rep, standard]
-lemmas num_AB_u [simp] = word_uint.Rep_inverse 
-  [unfolded o_def word_number_of_def [symmetric], standard]
-lemmas num_AB_s [simp] = word_sint.Rep_inverse 
-  [unfolded o_def word_number_of_def [symmetric], standard]
-(* naturals *)
-lemma uints_unats: "uints n = int ` unats n"
-  apply (unfold unats_def uints_num)
-  apply safe
-  apply (rule_tac image_eqI)
-  apply (erule_tac nat_0_le [symmetric])
-  apply auto
-  apply (erule_tac nat_less_iff [THEN iffD2])
-  apply (rule_tac [2] zless_nat_eq_int_zless [THEN iffD1])
-  apply (auto simp add : nat_power_eq int_power)
-  done
-lemma unats_uints: "unats n = nat ` uints n"
-  by (auto simp add : uints_unats image_iff)
-lemmas bintr_num = word_ubin.norm_eq_iff 
-  [symmetric, folded word_number_of_def, standard]
-lemmas sbintr_num = word_sbin.norm_eq_iff 
-  [symmetric, folded word_number_of_def, standard]
-lemmas num_of_bintr = word_ubin.Abs_norm [folded word_number_of_def, standard]
-lemmas num_of_sbintr = word_sbin.Abs_norm [folded word_number_of_def, standard];
-(* don't add these to simpset, since may want bintrunc n w to be simplified;
-  may want these in reverse, but loop as simp rules, so use following *)
-lemma num_of_bintr':
-  "bintrunc (len_of TYPE('a :: len0)) a = b ==> 
-    number_of a = (number_of b :: 'a word)"
-  apply safe
-  apply (rule_tac num_of_bintr [symmetric])
-  done
-lemma num_of_sbintr':
-  "sbintrunc (len_of TYPE('a :: len) - 1) a = b ==> 
-    number_of a = (number_of b :: 'a word)"
-  apply safe
-  apply (rule_tac num_of_sbintr [symmetric])
-  done
-lemmas num_abs_bintr = sym [THEN trans,
-  OF num_of_bintr word_number_of_def, standard]
-lemmas num_abs_sbintr = sym [THEN trans,
-  OF num_of_sbintr word_number_of_def, standard]
-(** cast - note, no arg for new length, as it's determined by type of result,
-  thus in "cast w = w, the type means cast to length of w! **)
-lemma ucast_id: "ucast w = w"
-  unfolding ucast_def by auto
-lemma scast_id: "scast w = w"
-  unfolding scast_def by auto
-lemma ucast_bl: "ucast w == of_bl (to_bl w)"
-  unfolding ucast_def of_bl_def uint_bl
-  by (auto simp add : word_size)
-lemma nth_ucast: 
-  "(ucast w::'a::len0 word) !! n = (w !! n & n < len_of TYPE('a))"
-  apply (unfold ucast_def test_bit_bin)
-  apply (simp add: word_ubin.eq_norm nth_bintr word_size) 
-  apply (fast elim!: bin_nth_uint_imp)
-  done
-(* for literal u(s)cast *)
-lemma ucast_bintr [simp]: 
-  "ucast (number_of w ::'a::len0 word) = 
-   number_of (bintrunc (len_of TYPE('a)) w)"
-  unfolding ucast_def by simp
-lemma scast_sbintr [simp]: 
-  "scast (number_of w ::'a::len word) = 
-   number_of (sbintrunc (len_of TYPE('a) - Suc 0) w)"
-  unfolding scast_def by simp
-lemmas source_size = source_size_def [unfolded Let_def word_size]
-lemmas target_size = target_size_def [unfolded Let_def word_size]
-lemmas is_down = is_down_def [unfolded source_size target_size]
-lemmas is_up = is_up_def [unfolded source_size target_size]
-lemmas is_up_down =  trans [OF is_up is_down [symmetric], standard]
-lemma down_cast_same': "uc = ucast ==> is_down uc ==> uc = scast"
-  apply (unfold is_down)
-  apply safe
-  apply (rule ext)
-  apply (unfold ucast_def scast_def uint_sint)
-  apply (rule word_ubin.norm_eq_iff [THEN iffD1])
-  apply simp
-  done
-lemma word_rev_tf': 
-  "r = to_bl (of_bl bl) ==> r = rev (takefill False (length r) (rev bl))"
-  unfolding of_bl_def uint_bl
-  by (clarsimp simp add: bl_bin_bl_rtf word_ubin.eq_norm word_size)
-lemmas word_rev_tf = refl [THEN word_rev_tf', unfolded word_bl.Rep', standard]
-lemmas word_rep_drop = word_rev_tf [simplified takefill_alt,
-  simplified, simplified rev_take, simplified]
-lemma to_bl_ucast: 
-  "to_bl (ucast (w::'b::len0 word) ::'a::len0 word) = 
-   replicate (len_of TYPE('a) - len_of TYPE('b)) False @
-   drop (len_of TYPE('b) - len_of TYPE('a)) (to_bl w)"
-  apply (unfold ucast_bl)
-  apply (rule trans)
-   apply (rule word_rep_drop)
-  apply simp
-  done
-lemma ucast_up_app': 
-  "uc = ucast ==> source_size uc + n = target_size uc ==> 
-    to_bl (uc w) = replicate n False @ (to_bl w)"
-  by (auto simp add : source_size target_size to_bl_ucast)
-lemma ucast_down_drop': 
-  "uc = ucast ==> source_size uc = target_size uc + n ==> 
-    to_bl (uc w) = drop n (to_bl w)"
-  by (auto simp add : source_size target_size to_bl_ucast)
-lemma scast_down_drop': 
-  "sc = scast ==> source_size sc = target_size sc + n ==> 
-    to_bl (sc w) = drop n (to_bl w)"
-  apply (subgoal_tac "sc = ucast")
-   apply safe
-   apply simp
-   apply (erule refl [THEN ucast_down_drop'])
-  apply (rule refl [THEN down_cast_same', symmetric])
-  apply (simp add : source_size target_size is_down)
-  done
-lemma sint_up_scast': 
-  "sc = scast ==> is_up sc ==> sint (sc w) = sint w"
-  apply (unfold is_up)
-  apply safe
-  apply (simp add: scast_def word_sbin.eq_norm)
-  apply (rule box_equals)
-    prefer 3
-    apply (rule word_sbin.norm_Rep)
-   apply (rule sbintrunc_sbintrunc_l)
-   defer
-   apply (subst word_sbin.norm_Rep)
-   apply (rule refl)
-  apply simp
-  done
-lemma uint_up_ucast':
-  "uc = ucast ==> is_up uc ==> uint (uc w) = uint w"
-  apply (unfold is_up)
-  apply safe
-  apply (rule bin_eqI)
-  apply (fold word_test_bit_def)
-  apply (auto simp add: nth_ucast)
-  apply (auto simp add: test_bit_bin)
-  done
-lemmas down_cast_same = refl [THEN down_cast_same']
-lemmas ucast_up_app = refl [THEN ucast_up_app']
-lemmas ucast_down_drop = refl [THEN ucast_down_drop']
-lemmas scast_down_drop = refl [THEN scast_down_drop']
-lemmas uint_up_ucast = refl [THEN uint_up_ucast']
-lemmas sint_up_scast = refl [THEN sint_up_scast']
-lemma ucast_up_ucast': "uc = ucast ==> is_up uc ==> ucast (uc w) = ucast w"
-  apply (simp (no_asm) add: ucast_def)
-  apply (clarsimp simp add: uint_up_ucast)
-  done
-lemma scast_up_scast': "sc = scast ==> is_up sc ==> scast (sc w) = scast w"
-  apply (simp (no_asm) add: scast_def)
-  apply (clarsimp simp add: sint_up_scast)
-  done
-lemma ucast_of_bl_up': 
-  "w = of_bl bl ==> size bl <= size w ==> ucast w = of_bl bl"
-  by (auto simp add : nth_ucast word_size test_bit_of_bl intro!: word_eqI)
-lemmas ucast_up_ucast = refl [THEN ucast_up_ucast']
-lemmas scast_up_scast = refl [THEN scast_up_scast']
-lemmas ucast_of_bl_up = refl [THEN ucast_of_bl_up']
-lemmas ucast_up_ucast_id = trans [OF ucast_up_ucast ucast_id]
-lemmas scast_up_scast_id = trans [OF scast_up_scast scast_id]
-lemmas isduu = is_up_down [where c = "ucast", THEN iffD2]
-lemmas isdus = is_up_down [where c = "scast", THEN iffD2]
-lemmas ucast_down_ucast_id = isduu [THEN ucast_up_ucast_id]
-lemmas scast_down_scast_id = isdus [THEN ucast_up_ucast_id]
-lemma up_ucast_surj:
-  "is_up (ucast :: 'b::len0 word => 'a::len0 word) ==> 
-   surj (ucast :: 'a word => 'b word)"
-  by (rule surjI, erule ucast_up_ucast_id)
-lemma up_scast_surj:
-  "is_up (scast :: 'b::len word => 'a::len word) ==> 
-   surj (scast :: 'a word => 'b word)"
-  by (rule surjI, erule scast_up_scast_id)
-lemma down_scast_inj:
-  "is_down (scast :: 'b::len word => 'a::len word) ==> 
-   inj_on (ucast :: 'a word => 'b word) A"
-  by (rule inj_on_inverseI, erule scast_down_scast_id)
-lemma down_ucast_inj:
-  "is_down (ucast :: 'b::len0 word => 'a::len0 word) ==> 
-   inj_on (ucast :: 'a word => 'b word) A"
-  by (rule inj_on_inverseI, erule ucast_down_ucast_id)
-lemma of_bl_append_same: "of_bl (X @ to_bl w) = w"
-  by (rule word_bl.Rep_eqD) (simp add: word_rep_drop)
-lemma ucast_down_no': 
-  "uc = ucast ==> is_down uc ==> uc (number_of bin) = number_of bin"
-  apply (unfold word_number_of_def is_down)
-  apply (clarsimp simp add: ucast_def word_ubin.eq_norm)
-  apply (rule word_ubin.norm_eq_iff [THEN iffD1])
-  apply (erule bintrunc_bintrunc_ge)
-  done
-lemmas ucast_down_no = ucast_down_no' [OF refl]
-lemma ucast_down_bl': "uc = ucast ==> is_down uc ==> uc (of_bl bl) = of_bl bl"
-  unfolding of_bl_no by clarify (erule ucast_down_no)
-lemmas ucast_down_bl = ucast_down_bl' [OF refl]
-lemmas slice_def' = slice_def [unfolded word_size]
-lemmas test_bit_def' = word_test_bit_def [THEN fun_cong]
-lemmas word_log_defs = word_and_def word_or_def word_xor_def word_not_def
-lemmas word_log_bin_defs = word_log_defs
-text {* Executable equality *}
-instantiation word :: ("{len0}") eq
-definition eq_word :: "'a word \<Rightarrow> 'a word \<Rightarrow> bool" where
-  "eq_word k l \<longleftrightarrow> HOL.eq (uint k) (uint l)"
-instance proof
-qed (simp add: eq eq_word_def)
--- a/src/HOL/Word/WordGenLib.thy	Wed Jun 30 16:46:44 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,462 +0,0 @@
-(* Author: Gerwin Klein, Jeremy Dawson
-   Miscellaneous additional library definitions and lemmas for 
-   the word type. Instantiation to boolean algebras, definition
-   of recursion and induction patterns for words.
-header {* Miscellaneous Library for Words *}
-theory WordGenLib
-imports WordShift Boolean_Algebra
-declare of_nat_2p [simp]
-lemma word_int_cases:
-  "\<lbrakk>\<And>n. \<lbrakk>(x ::'a::len0 word) = word_of_int n; 0 \<le> n; n < 2^len_of TYPE('a)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P\<rbrakk>
-   \<Longrightarrow> P"
-  by (cases x rule: word_uint.Abs_cases) (simp add: uints_num)
-lemma word_nat_cases [cases type: word]:
-  "\<lbrakk>\<And>n. \<lbrakk>(x ::'a::len word) = of_nat n; n < 2^len_of TYPE('a)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P\<rbrakk>
-   \<Longrightarrow> P"
-  by (cases x rule: word_unat.Abs_cases) (simp add: unats_def)
-lemma max_word_eq:
-  "(max_word::'a::len word) = 2^len_of TYPE('a) - 1"
-  by (simp add: max_word_def word_of_int_hom_syms word_of_int_2p)
-lemma max_word_max [simp,intro!]:
-  "n \<le> max_word"
-  by (cases n rule: word_int_cases)
-     (simp add: max_word_def word_le_def int_word_uint int_mod_eq')
-lemma word_of_int_2p_len: 
-  "word_of_int (2 ^ len_of TYPE('a)) = (0::'a::len0 word)"
-  by (subst word_uint.Abs_norm [symmetric]) 
-     (simp add: word_of_int_hom_syms)
-lemma word_pow_0:
-  "(2::'a::len word) ^ len_of TYPE('a) = 0"
-proof -
-  have "word_of_int (2 ^ len_of TYPE('a)) = (0::'a word)"
-    by (rule word_of_int_2p_len)
-  thus ?thesis by (simp add: word_of_int_2p)
-lemma max_word_wrap: "x + 1 = 0 \<Longrightarrow> x = max_word"
-  apply (simp add: max_word_eq)
-  apply uint_arith
-  apply auto
-  apply (simp add: word_pow_0)
-  done
-lemma max_word_minus: 
-  "max_word = (-1::'a::len word)"
-proof -
-  have "-1 + 1 = (0::'a word)" by simp
-  thus ?thesis by (rule max_word_wrap [symmetric])
-lemma max_word_bl [simp]:
-  "to_bl (max_word::'a::len word) = replicate (len_of TYPE('a)) True"
-  by (subst max_word_minus to_bl_n1)+ simp
-lemma max_test_bit [simp]:
-  "(max_word::'a::len word) !! n = (n < len_of TYPE('a))"
-  by (auto simp add: test_bit_bl word_size)
-lemma word_and_max [simp]:
-  "x AND max_word = x"
-  by (rule word_eqI) (simp add: word_ops_nth_size word_size)
-lemma word_or_max [simp]:
-  "x OR max_word = max_word"
-  by (rule word_eqI) (simp add: word_ops_nth_size word_size)
-lemma word_ao_dist2:
-  "x AND (y OR z) = x AND y OR x AND (z::'a::len0 word)"
-  by (rule word_eqI) (auto simp add: word_ops_nth_size word_size)
-lemma word_oa_dist2:
-  "x OR y AND z = (x OR y) AND (x OR (z::'a::len0 word))"
-  by (rule word_eqI) (auto simp add: word_ops_nth_size word_size)
-lemma word_and_not [simp]:
-  "x AND NOT x = (0::'a::len0 word)"
-  by (rule word_eqI) (auto simp add: word_ops_nth_size word_size)
-lemma word_or_not [simp]:
-  "x OR NOT x = max_word"
-  by (rule word_eqI) (auto simp add: word_ops_nth_size word_size)
-lemma word_boolean:
-  "boolean (op AND) (op OR) bitNOT 0 max_word"
-  apply (rule boolean.intro)
-           apply (rule word_bw_assocs)
-          apply (rule word_bw_assocs)
-         apply (rule word_bw_comms)
-        apply (rule word_bw_comms)
-       apply (rule word_ao_dist2)
-      apply (rule word_oa_dist2)
-     apply (rule word_and_max)
-    apply (rule word_log_esimps)
-   apply (rule word_and_not)
-  apply (rule word_or_not)
-  done
-interpretation word_bool_alg:
-  boolean "op AND" "op OR" bitNOT 0 max_word
-  by (rule word_boolean)
-lemma word_xor_and_or:
-  "x XOR y = x AND NOT y OR NOT x AND (y::'a::len0 word)"
-  by (rule word_eqI) (auto simp add: word_ops_nth_size word_size)
-interpretation word_bool_alg:
-  boolean_xor "op AND" "op OR" bitNOT 0 max_word "op XOR"
-  apply (rule boolean_xor.intro)
-   apply (rule word_boolean)
-  apply (rule boolean_xor_axioms.intro)
-  apply (rule word_xor_and_or)
-  done
-lemma shiftr_0 [iff]:
-  "(x::'a::len0 word) >> 0 = x"
-  by (simp add: shiftr_bl)
-lemma shiftl_0 [simp]: 
-  "(x :: 'a :: len word) << 0 = x"
-  by (simp add: shiftl_t2n)
-lemma shiftl_1 [simp]:
-  "(1::'a::len word) << n = 2^n"
-  by (simp add: shiftl_t2n)
-lemma uint_lt_0 [simp]:
-  "uint x < 0 = False"
-  by (simp add: linorder_not_less)
-lemma shiftr1_1 [simp]: 
-  "shiftr1 (1::'a::len word) = 0"
-  by (simp add: shiftr1_def word_0_alt)
-lemma shiftr_1[simp]: 
-  "(1::'a::len word) >> n = (if n = 0 then 1 else 0)"
-  by (induct n) (auto simp: shiftr_def)
-lemma word_less_1 [simp]: 
-  "((x::'a::len word) < 1) = (x = 0)"
-  by (simp add: word_less_nat_alt unat_0_iff)
-lemma to_bl_mask:
-  "to_bl (mask n :: 'a::len word) = 
-  replicate (len_of TYPE('a) - n) False @ 
-    replicate (min (len_of TYPE('a)) n) True"
-  by (simp add: mask_bl word_rep_drop min_def)
-lemma map_replicate_True:
-  "n = length xs ==>
-    map (\<lambda>(x,y). x & y) (zip xs (replicate n True)) = xs"
-  by (induct xs arbitrary: n) auto
-lemma map_replicate_False:
-  "n = length xs ==> map (\<lambda>(x,y). x & y)
-    (zip xs (replicate n False)) = replicate n False"
-  by (induct xs arbitrary: n) auto
-lemma bl_and_mask:
-  fixes w :: "'a::len word"
-  fixes n
-  defines "n' \<equiv> len_of TYPE('a) - n"
-  shows "to_bl (w AND mask n) =  replicate n' False @ drop n' (to_bl w)"
-proof - 
-  note [simp] = map_replicate_True map_replicate_False
-  have "to_bl (w AND mask n) = 
-        map2 op & (to_bl w) (to_bl (mask n::'a::len word))"
-    by (simp add: bl_word_and)
-  also
-  have "to_bl w = take n' (to_bl w) @ drop n' (to_bl w)" by simp
-  also
-  have "map2 op & \<dots> (to_bl (mask n::'a::len word)) = 
-        replicate n' False @ drop n' (to_bl w)"
-    unfolding to_bl_mask n'_def map2_def
-    by (subst zip_append) auto
-  finally
-  show ?thesis .
-lemma drop_rev_takefill:
-  "length xs \<le> n ==>
-    drop (n - length xs) (rev (takefill False n (rev xs))) = xs"
-  by (simp add: takefill_alt rev_take)
-lemma map_nth_0 [simp]:
-  "map (op !! (0::'a::len0 word)) xs = replicate (length xs) False"
-  by (induct xs) auto
-lemma uint_plus_if_size:
-  "uint (x + y) = 
-  (if uint x + uint y < 2^size x then 
-      uint x + uint y 
-   else 
-      uint x + uint y - 2^size x)" 
-  by (simp add: word_arith_alts int_word_uint mod_add_if_z 
-                word_size)
-lemma unat_plus_if_size:
-  "unat (x + (y::'a::len word)) = 
-  (if unat x + unat y < 2^size x then 
-      unat x + unat y 
-   else 
-      unat x + unat y - 2^size x)" 
-  apply (subst word_arith_nat_defs)
-  apply (subst unat_of_nat)
-  apply (simp add:  mod_nat_add word_size)
-  done
-lemma word_neq_0_conv [simp]:
-  fixes w :: "'a :: len word"
-  shows "(w \<noteq> 0) = (0 < w)"
-proof -
-  have "0 \<le> w" by (rule word_zero_le)
-  thus ?thesis by (auto simp add: word_less_def)
-lemma max_lt:
-  "unat (max a b div c) = unat (max a b) div unat (c:: 'a :: len word)"
-  apply (subst word_arith_nat_defs)
-  apply (subst word_unat.eq_norm)
-  apply (subst mod_if)
-  apply clarsimp
-  apply (erule notE)
-  apply (insert div_le_dividend [of "unat (max a b)" "unat c"])
-  apply (erule order_le_less_trans)
-  apply (insert unat_lt2p [of "max a b"])
-  apply simp
-  done
-lemma uint_sub_if_size:
-  "uint (x - y) = 
-  (if uint y \<le> uint x then 
-      uint x - uint y 
-   else 
-      uint x - uint y + 2^size x)"
-  by (simp add: word_arith_alts int_word_uint mod_sub_if_z 
-                word_size)
-lemma unat_sub_simple:
-  "x \<le> y ==> unat (y - x) = unat y - unat x"
-  by (simp add: unat_def uint_sub_if_size word_le_def nat_diff_distrib)
-lemmas unat_sub = unat_sub_simple
-lemma word_less_sub1:
-  fixes x :: "'a :: len word"
-  shows "x \<noteq> 0 ==> 1 < x = (0 < x - 1)"
-  by (simp add: unat_sub_if_size word_less_nat_alt)
-lemma word_le_sub1:
-  fixes x :: "'a :: len word"
-  shows "x \<noteq> 0 ==> 1 \<le> x = (0 \<le> x - 1)"
-  by (simp add: unat_sub_if_size order_le_less word_less_nat_alt)
-lemmas word_less_sub1_numberof [simp] =
-  word_less_sub1 [of "number_of w", standard]
-lemmas word_le_sub1_numberof [simp] =
-  word_le_sub1 [of "number_of w", standard]
-lemma word_of_int_minus: 
-  "word_of_int (2^len_of TYPE('a) - i) = (word_of_int (-i)::'a::len word)"
-proof -
-  have x: "2^len_of TYPE('a) - i = -i + 2^len_of TYPE('a)" by simp
-  show ?thesis
-    apply (subst x)
-    apply (subst word_uint.Abs_norm [symmetric], subst mod_add_self2)
-    apply simp
-    done
-lemmas word_of_int_inj = 
-  word_uint.Abs_inject [unfolded uints_num, simplified]
-lemma word_le_less_eq:
-  "(x ::'z::len word) \<le> y = (x = y \<or> x < y)"
-  by (auto simp add: word_less_def)
-lemma mod_plus_cong:
-  assumes 1: "(b::int) = b'"
-      and 2: "x mod b' = x' mod b'"
-      and 3: "y mod b' = y' mod b'"
-      and 4: "x' + y' = z'"
-  shows "(x + y) mod b = z' mod b'"
-proof -
-  from 1 2[symmetric] 3[symmetric] have "(x + y) mod b = (x' mod b' + y' mod b') mod b'"
-    by (simp add: mod_add_eq[symmetric])
-  also have "\<dots> = (x' + y') mod b'"
-    by (simp add: mod_add_eq[symmetric])
-  finally show ?thesis by (simp add: 4)
-lemma mod_minus_cong:
-  assumes 1: "(b::int) = b'"
-      and 2: "x mod b' = x' mod b'"
-      and 3: "y mod b' = y' mod b'"
-      and 4: "x' - y' = z'"
-  shows "(x - y) mod b = z' mod b'"
-  using assms
-  apply (subst zmod_zsub_left_eq)
-  apply (subst zmod_zsub_right_eq)
-  apply (simp add: zmod_zsub_left_eq [symmetric] zmod_zsub_right_eq [symmetric])
-  done
-lemma word_induct_less: 
-  "\<lbrakk>P (0::'a::len word); \<And>n. \<lbrakk>n < m; P n\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P (1 + n)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P m"
-  apply (cases m)
-  apply atomize
-  apply (erule rev_mp)+
-  apply (rule_tac x=m in spec)
-  apply (induct_tac n)
-   apply simp
-  apply clarsimp
-  apply (erule impE)
-   apply clarsimp
-   apply (erule_tac x=n in allE)
-   apply (erule impE)
-    apply (simp add: unat_arith_simps)
-    apply (clarsimp simp: unat_of_nat)
-   apply simp
-  apply (erule_tac x="of_nat na" in allE)
-  apply (erule impE)
-   apply (simp add: unat_arith_simps)
-   apply (clarsimp simp: unat_of_nat)
-  apply simp
-  done
-lemma word_induct: 
-  "\<lbrakk>P (0::'a::len word); \<And>n. P n \<Longrightarrow> P (1 + n)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P m"
-  by (erule word_induct_less, simp)
-lemma word_induct2 [induct type]: 
-  "\<lbrakk>P 0; \<And>n. \<lbrakk>1 + n \<noteq> 0; P n\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P (1 + n)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P (n::'b::len word)"
-  apply (rule word_induct, simp)
-  apply (case_tac "1+n = 0", auto)
-  done
-definition word_rec :: "'a \<Rightarrow> ('b::len word \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<Rightarrow> 'b word \<Rightarrow> 'a" where
-  "word_rec forZero forSuc n \<equiv> nat_rec forZero (forSuc \<circ> of_nat) (unat n)"
-lemma word_rec_0: "word_rec z s 0 = z"
-  by (simp add: word_rec_def)
-lemma word_rec_Suc: 
-  "1 + n \<noteq> (0::'a::len word) \<Longrightarrow> word_rec z s (1 + n) = s n (word_rec z s n)"
-  apply (simp add: word_rec_def unat_word_ariths)
-  apply (subst nat_mod_eq')
-   apply (cut_tac x=n in unat_lt2p)
-   apply (drule Suc_mono)
-   apply (simp add: less_Suc_eq_le)
-   apply (simp only: order_less_le, simp)
-   apply (erule contrapos_pn, simp)
-   apply (drule arg_cong[where f=of_nat])
-   apply simp
-   apply (subst (asm) word_unat.Rep_inverse[of n])
-   apply simp
-  apply simp
-  done
-lemma word_rec_Pred: 
-  "n \<noteq> 0 \<Longrightarrow> word_rec z s n = s (n - 1) (word_rec z s (n - 1))"
-  apply (rule subst[where t="n" and s="1 + (n - 1)"])
-   apply simp
-  apply (subst word_rec_Suc)
-   apply simp
-  apply simp
-  done
-lemma word_rec_in: 
-  "f (word_rec z (\<lambda>_. f) n) = word_rec (f z) (\<lambda>_. f) n"
-  by (induct n) (simp_all add: word_rec_0 word_rec_Suc)
-lemma word_rec_in2: 
-  "f n (word_rec z f n) = word_rec (f 0 z) (f \<circ> op + 1) n"
-  by (induct n) (simp_all add: word_rec_0 word_rec_Suc)
-lemma word_rec_twice: 
-  "m \<le> n \<Longrightarrow> word_rec z f n = word_rec (word_rec z f (n - m)) (f \<circ> op + (n - m)) m"
-apply (erule rev_mp)
-apply (rule_tac x=z in spec)
-apply (rule_tac x=f in spec)
-apply (induct n)
- apply (simp add: word_rec_0)
-apply clarsimp
-apply (rule_tac t="1 + n - m" and s="1 + (n - m)" in subst)
- apply simp
-apply (case_tac "1 + (n - m) = 0")
- apply (simp add: word_rec_0)
- apply (rule_tac f = "word_rec ?a ?b" in arg_cong)
- apply (rule_tac t="m" and s="m + (1 + (n - m))" in subst)
-  apply simp
- apply (simp (no_asm_use))
-apply (simp add: word_rec_Suc word_rec_in2)
-apply (erule impE)
- apply uint_arith
-apply (drule_tac x="x \<circ> op + 1" in spec)
-apply (drule_tac x="x 0 xa" in spec)
-apply simp
-apply (rule_tac t="\<lambda>a. x (1 + (n - m + a))" and s="\<lambda>a. x (1 + (n - m) + a)"
-       in subst)
- apply (clarsimp simp add: expand_fun_eq)
- apply (rule_tac t="(1 + (n - m + xb))" and s="1 + (n - m) + xb" in subst)
-  apply simp
- apply (rule refl)
-apply (rule refl)
-lemma word_rec_id: "word_rec z (\<lambda>_. id) n = z"
-  by (induct n) (auto simp add: word_rec_0 word_rec_Suc)
-lemma word_rec_id_eq: "\<forall>m < n. f m = id \<Longrightarrow> word_rec z f n = z"
-apply (erule rev_mp)
-apply (induct n)
- apply (auto simp add: word_rec_0 word_rec_Suc)
- apply (drule spec, erule mp)
- apply uint_arith
-apply (drule_tac x=n in spec, erule impE)
- apply uint_arith
-apply simp
-lemma word_rec_max: 
-  "\<forall>m\<ge>n. m \<noteq> -1 \<longrightarrow> f m = id \<Longrightarrow> word_rec z f -1 = word_rec z f n"
-apply (subst word_rec_twice[where n="-1" and m="-1 - n"])
- apply simp
-apply simp
-apply (rule word_rec_id_eq)
-apply clarsimp
-apply (drule spec, rule mp, erule mp)
- apply (rule word_plus_mono_right2[OF _ order_less_imp_le])
-  prefer 2 
-  apply assumption
- apply simp
-apply (erule contrapos_pn)
-apply simp
-apply (drule arg_cong[where f="\<lambda>x. x - n"])
-apply simp
-lemma unatSuc: 
-  "1 + n \<noteq> (0::'a::len word) \<Longrightarrow> unat (1 + n) = Suc (unat n)"
-  by unat_arith
-lemmas word_no_1 [simp] = word_1_no [symmetric, unfolded BIT_simps]
-lemmas word_no_0 [simp] = word_0_no [symmetric]
-declare word_0_bl [simp]
-declare bin_to_bl_def [simp]
-declare to_bl_0 [simp]
-declare of_bl_True [simp]
--- a/src/HOL/Word/WordShift.thy	Wed Jun 30 16:46:44 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1608 +0,0 @@
-    Author:     Jeremy Dawson and Gerwin Klein, NICTA
-  contains theorems to do with shifting, rotating, splitting words
-header {* Shifting, Rotating, and Splitting Words *}
-theory WordShift
-imports WordBitwise
-subsection "Bit shifting"
-lemma shiftl1_number [simp] :
-  "shiftl1 (number_of w) = number_of (w BIT 0)"
-  apply (unfold shiftl1_def word_number_of_def)
-  apply (simp add: word_ubin.norm_eq_iff [symmetric] word_ubin.eq_norm
-              del: BIT_simps)
-  apply (subst refl [THEN bintrunc_BIT_I, symmetric])
-  apply (subst bintrunc_bintrunc_min)
-  apply simp
-  done
-lemma shiftl1_0 [simp] : "shiftl1 0 = 0"
-  unfolding word_0_no shiftl1_number by auto
-lemmas shiftl1_def_u = shiftl1_def [folded word_number_of_def]
-lemma shiftl1_def_s: "shiftl1 w = number_of (sint w BIT 0)"
-  by (rule trans [OF _ shiftl1_number]) simp
-lemma shiftr1_0 [simp] : "shiftr1 0 = 0"
-  unfolding shiftr1_def 
-  by simp (simp add: word_0_wi)
-lemma sshiftr1_0 [simp] : "sshiftr1 0 = 0"
-  apply (unfold sshiftr1_def)
-  apply simp
-  apply (simp add : word_0_wi)
-  done
-lemma sshiftr1_n1 [simp] : "sshiftr1 -1 = -1"
-  unfolding sshiftr1_def by auto
-lemma shiftl_0 [simp] : "(0::'a::len0 word) << n = 0"
-  unfolding shiftl_def by (induct n) auto
-lemma shiftr_0 [simp] : "(0::'a::len0 word) >> n = 0"
-  unfolding shiftr_def by (induct n) auto
-lemma sshiftr_0 [simp] : "0 >>> n = 0"
-  unfolding sshiftr_def by (induct n) auto
-lemma sshiftr_n1 [simp] : "-1 >>> n = -1"
-  unfolding sshiftr_def by (induct n) auto
-lemma nth_shiftl1: "shiftl1 w !! n = (n < size w & n > 0 & w !! (n - 1))"
-  apply (unfold shiftl1_def word_test_bit_def)
-  apply (simp add: nth_bintr word_ubin.eq_norm word_size)
-  apply (cases n)
-   apply auto
-  done
-lemma nth_shiftl' [rule_format]:
-  "ALL n. ((w::'a::len0 word) << m) !! n = (n < size w & n >= m & w !! (n - m))"
-  apply (unfold shiftl_def)
-  apply (induct "m")
-   apply (force elim!: test_bit_size)
-  apply (clarsimp simp add : nth_shiftl1 word_size)
-  apply arith
-  done
-lemmas nth_shiftl = nth_shiftl' [unfolded word_size] 
-lemma nth_shiftr1: "shiftr1 w !! n = w !! Suc n"
-  apply (unfold shiftr1_def word_test_bit_def)
-  apply (simp add: nth_bintr word_ubin.eq_norm)
-  apply safe
-  apply (drule bin_nth.Suc [THEN iffD2, THEN bin_nth_uint_imp])
-  apply simp
-  done
-lemma nth_shiftr: 
-  "\<And>n. ((w::'a::len0 word) >> m) !! n = w !! (n + m)"
-  apply (unfold shiftr_def)
-  apply (induct "m")
-   apply (auto simp add : nth_shiftr1)
-  done
-(* see paper page 10, (1), (2), shiftr1_def is of the form of (1),
-  where f (ie bin_rest) takes normal arguments to normal results,
-  thus we get (2) from (1) *)
-lemma uint_shiftr1: "uint (shiftr1 w) = bin_rest (uint w)" 
-  apply (unfold shiftr1_def word_ubin.eq_norm bin_rest_trunc_i)
-  apply (subst bintr_uint [symmetric, OF order_refl])
-  apply (simp only : bintrunc_bintrunc_l)
-  apply simp 
-  done
-lemma nth_sshiftr1: 
-  "sshiftr1 w !! n = (if n = size w - 1 then w !! n else w !! Suc n)"
-  apply (unfold sshiftr1_def word_test_bit_def)
-  apply (simp add: nth_bintr word_ubin.eq_norm
-                   bin_nth.Suc [symmetric] word_size 
-             del: bin_nth.simps)
-  apply (simp add: nth_bintr uint_sint del : bin_nth.simps)
-  apply (auto simp add: bin_nth_sint)
-  done
-lemma nth_sshiftr [rule_format] : 
-  "ALL n. sshiftr w m !! n = (n < size w & 
-    (if n + m >= size w then w !! (size w - 1) else w !! (n + m)))"
-  apply (unfold sshiftr_def)
-  apply (induct_tac "m")
-   apply (simp add: test_bit_bl)
-  apply (clarsimp simp add: nth_sshiftr1 word_size)
-  apply safe
-       apply arith
-      apply arith
-     apply (erule thin_rl)
-     apply (case_tac n)
-      apply safe
-      apply simp
-     apply simp
-    apply (erule thin_rl)
-    apply (case_tac n)
-     apply safe
-     apply simp
-    apply simp
-   apply arith+
-  done
-lemma shiftr1_div_2: "uint (shiftr1 w) = uint w div 2"
-  apply (unfold shiftr1_def bin_rest_div)
-  apply (rule word_uint.Abs_inverse)
-  apply (simp add: uints_num pos_imp_zdiv_nonneg_iff)
-  apply (rule xtr7)
-   prefer 2
-   apply (rule zdiv_le_dividend)
-    apply auto
-  done
-lemma sshiftr1_div_2: "sint (sshiftr1 w) = sint w div 2"
-  apply (unfold sshiftr1_def bin_rest_div [symmetric])
-  apply (simp add: word_sbin.eq_norm)
-  apply (rule trans)
-   defer
-   apply (subst word_sbin.norm_Rep [symmetric])
-   apply (rule refl)
-  apply (subst word_sbin.norm_Rep [symmetric])
-  apply (unfold One_nat_def)
-  apply (rule sbintrunc_rest)
-  done
-lemma shiftr_div_2n: "uint (shiftr w n) = uint w div 2 ^ n"
-  apply (unfold shiftr_def)
-  apply (induct "n")
-   apply simp
-  apply (simp add: shiftr1_div_2 mult_commute
-                   zdiv_zmult2_eq [symmetric])
-  done
-lemma sshiftr_div_2n: "sint (sshiftr w n) = sint w div 2 ^ n"
-  apply (unfold sshiftr_def)
-  apply (induct "n")
-   apply simp
-  apply (simp add: sshiftr1_div_2 mult_commute
-                   zdiv_zmult2_eq [symmetric])
-  done
-subsubsection "shift functions in terms of lists of bools"
-lemmas bshiftr1_no_bin [simp] = 
-  bshiftr1_def [where w="number_of w", unfolded to_bl_no_bin, standard]
-lemma bshiftr1_bl: "to_bl (bshiftr1 b w) = b # butlast (to_bl w)"
-  unfolding bshiftr1_def by (rule word_bl.Abs_inverse) simp
-lemma shiftl1_of_bl: "shiftl1 (of_bl bl) = of_bl (bl @ [False])"
-  unfolding uint_bl of_bl_no 
-  by (simp add: bl_to_bin_aux_append bl_to_bin_def)
-lemma shiftl1_bl: "shiftl1 (w::'a::len0 word) = of_bl (to_bl w @ [False])"
-proof -
-  have "shiftl1 w = shiftl1 (of_bl (to_bl w))" by simp
-  also have "\<dots> = of_bl (to_bl w @ [False])" by (rule shiftl1_of_bl)
-  finally show ?thesis .
-lemma bl_shiftl1:
-  "to_bl (shiftl1 (w :: 'a :: len word)) = tl (to_bl w) @ [False]"
-  apply (simp add: shiftl1_bl word_rep_drop drop_Suc drop_Cons')
-  apply (fast intro!: Suc_leI)
-  done
-lemma shiftr1_bl: "shiftr1 w = of_bl (butlast (to_bl w))"
-  apply (unfold shiftr1_def uint_bl of_bl_def)
-  apply (simp add: butlast_rest_bin word_size)
-  apply (simp add: bin_rest_trunc [symmetric, unfolded One_nat_def])
-  done
-lemma bl_shiftr1: 
-  "to_bl (shiftr1 (w :: 'a :: len word)) = False # butlast (to_bl w)"
-  unfolding shiftr1_bl
-  by (simp add : word_rep_drop len_gt_0 [THEN Suc_leI])
-(* relate the two above : TODO - remove the :: len restriction on
-  this theorem and others depending on it *)
-lemma shiftl1_rev: 
-  "shiftl1 (w :: 'a :: len word) = word_reverse (shiftr1 (word_reverse w))"
-  apply (unfold word_reverse_def)
-  apply (rule word_bl.Rep_inverse' [symmetric])
-  apply (simp add: bl_shiftl1 bl_shiftr1 word_bl.Abs_inverse)
-  apply (cases "to_bl w")
-   apply auto
-  done
-lemma shiftl_rev: 
-  "shiftl (w :: 'a :: len word) n = word_reverse (shiftr (word_reverse w) n)"
-  apply (unfold shiftl_def shiftr_def)
-  apply (induct "n")
-   apply (auto simp add : shiftl1_rev)
-  done
-lemmas rev_shiftl =
-  shiftl_rev [where w = "word_reverse w", simplified, standard]
-lemmas shiftr_rev = rev_shiftl [THEN word_rev_gal', standard]
-lemmas rev_shiftr = shiftl_rev [THEN word_rev_gal', standard]
-lemma bl_sshiftr1:
-  "to_bl (sshiftr1 (w :: 'a :: len word)) = hd (to_bl w) # butlast (to_bl w)"
-  apply (unfold sshiftr1_def uint_bl word_size)
-  apply (simp add: butlast_rest_bin word_ubin.eq_norm)
-  apply (simp add: sint_uint)
-  apply (rule nth_equalityI)
-   apply clarsimp
-  apply clarsimp
-  apply (case_tac i)
-   apply (simp_all add: hd_conv_nth length_0_conv [symmetric]
-                        nth_bin_to_bl bin_nth.Suc [symmetric] 
-                        nth_sbintr 
-                   del: bin_nth.Suc)
-   apply force
-  apply (rule impI)
-  apply (rule_tac f = "bin_nth (uint w)" in arg_cong)
-  apply simp
-  done
-lemma drop_shiftr: 
-  "drop n (to_bl ((w :: 'a :: len word) >> n)) = take (size w - n) (to_bl w)" 
-  apply (unfold shiftr_def)
-  apply (induct n)
-   prefer 2
-   apply (simp add: drop_Suc bl_shiftr1 butlast_drop [symmetric])
-   apply (rule butlast_take [THEN trans])
-  apply (auto simp: word_size)
-  done
-lemma drop_sshiftr: 
-  "drop n (to_bl ((w :: 'a :: len word) >>> n)) = take (size w - n) (to_bl w)"
-  apply (unfold sshiftr_def)
-  apply (induct n)
-   prefer 2
-   apply (simp add: drop_Suc bl_sshiftr1 butlast_drop [symmetric])
-   apply (rule butlast_take [THEN trans])
-  apply (auto simp: word_size)
-  done
-lemma take_shiftr [rule_format] :
-  "n <= size (w :: 'a :: len word) --> take n (to_bl (w >> n)) = 
-    replicate n False" 
-  apply (unfold shiftr_def)
-  apply (induct n)
-   prefer 2
-   apply (simp add: bl_shiftr1)
-   apply (rule impI)
-   apply (rule take_butlast [THEN trans])
-  apply (auto simp: word_size)
-  done
-lemma take_sshiftr' [rule_format] :
-  "n <= size (w :: 'a :: len word) --> hd (to_bl (w >>> n)) = hd (to_bl w) & 
-    take n (to_bl (w >>> n)) = replicate n (hd (to_bl w))" 
-  apply (unfold sshiftr_def)
-  apply (induct n)
-   prefer 2
-   apply (simp add: bl_sshiftr1)
-   apply (rule impI)
-   apply (rule take_butlast [THEN trans])
-  apply (auto simp: word_size)
-  done
-lemmas hd_sshiftr = take_sshiftr' [THEN conjunct1, standard]
-lemmas take_sshiftr = take_sshiftr' [THEN conjunct2, standard]
-lemma atd_lem: "take n xs = t ==> drop n xs = d ==> xs = t @ d"
-  by (auto intro: append_take_drop_id [symmetric])
-lemmas bl_shiftr = atd_lem [OF take_shiftr drop_shiftr]
-lemmas bl_sshiftr = atd_lem [OF take_sshiftr drop_sshiftr]
-lemma shiftl_of_bl: "of_bl bl << n = of_bl (bl @ replicate n False)"
-  unfolding shiftl_def
-  by (induct n) (auto simp: shiftl1_of_bl replicate_app_Cons_same)
-lemma shiftl_bl:
-  "(w::'a::len0 word) << (n::nat) = of_bl (to_bl w @ replicate n False)"
-proof -
-  have "w << n = of_bl (to_bl w) << n" by simp
-  also have "\<dots> = of_bl (to_bl w @ replicate n False)" by (rule shiftl_of_bl)
-  finally show ?thesis .
-lemmas shiftl_number [simp] = shiftl_def [where w="number_of w", standard]
-lemma bl_shiftl:
-  "to_bl (w << n) = drop n (to_bl w) @ replicate (min (size w) n) False"
-  by (simp add: shiftl_bl word_rep_drop word_size)
-lemma shiftl_zero_size: 
-  fixes x :: "'a::len0 word"
-  shows "size x <= n ==> x << n = 0"
-  apply (unfold word_size)
-  apply (rule word_eqI)
-  apply (clarsimp simp add: shiftl_bl word_size test_bit_of_bl nth_append)
-  done
-(* note - the following results use 'a :: len word < number_ring *)
-lemma shiftl1_2t: "shiftl1 (w :: 'a :: len word) = 2 * w"
-  apply (simp add: shiftl1_def_u)
-  apply (simp only:  double_number_of_Bit0 [symmetric])
-  apply simp
-  done
-lemma shiftl1_p: "shiftl1 (w :: 'a :: len word) = w + w"
-  apply (simp add: shiftl1_def_u)
-  apply (simp only: double_number_of_Bit0 [symmetric])
-  apply simp
-  done
-lemma shiftl_t2n: "shiftl (w :: 'a :: len word) n = 2 ^ n * w"
-  unfolding shiftl_def 
-  by (induct n) (auto simp: shiftl1_2t power_Suc)
-lemma shiftr1_bintr [simp]:
-  "(shiftr1 (number_of w) :: 'a :: len0 word) = 
-    number_of (bin_rest (bintrunc (len_of TYPE ('a)) w))" 
-  unfolding shiftr1_def word_number_of_def
-  by (simp add : word_ubin.eq_norm)
-lemma sshiftr1_sbintr [simp] :
-  "(sshiftr1 (number_of w) :: 'a :: len word) = 
-    number_of (bin_rest (sbintrunc (len_of TYPE ('a) - 1) w))" 
-  unfolding sshiftr1_def word_number_of_def
-  by (simp add : word_sbin.eq_norm)
-lemma shiftr_no': 
-  "w = number_of bin ==> 
-  (w::'a::len0 word) >> n = number_of ((bin_rest ^^ n) (bintrunc (size w) bin))"
-  apply clarsimp
-  apply (rule word_eqI)
-  apply (auto simp: nth_shiftr nth_rest_power_bin nth_bintr word_size)
-  done
-lemma sshiftr_no': 
-  "w = number_of bin ==> w >>> n = number_of ((bin_rest ^^ n) 
-    (sbintrunc (size w - 1) bin))"
-  apply clarsimp
-  apply (rule word_eqI)
-  apply (auto simp: nth_sshiftr nth_rest_power_bin nth_sbintr word_size)
-   apply (subgoal_tac "na + n = len_of TYPE('a) - Suc 0", simp, simp)+
-  done
-lemmas sshiftr_no [simp] = 
-  sshiftr_no' [where w = "number_of w", OF refl, unfolded word_size, standard]
-lemmas shiftr_no [simp] = 
-  shiftr_no' [where w = "number_of w", OF refl, unfolded word_size, standard]
-lemma shiftr1_bl_of': 
-  "us = shiftr1 (of_bl bl) ==> length bl <= size us ==> 
-    us = of_bl (butlast bl)"
-  by (clarsimp simp: shiftr1_def of_bl_def word_size butlast_rest_bl2bin 
-                     word_ubin.eq_norm trunc_bl2bin)
-lemmas shiftr1_bl_of = refl [THEN shiftr1_bl_of', unfolded word_size]
-lemma shiftr_bl_of' [rule_format]: 
-  "us = of_bl bl >> n ==> length bl <= size us --> 
-   us = of_bl (take (length bl - n) bl)"
-  apply (unfold shiftr_def)
-  apply hypsubst
-  apply (unfold word_size)
-  apply (induct n)
-   apply clarsimp
-  apply clarsimp
-  apply (subst shiftr1_bl_of)
-   apply simp
-  apply (simp add: butlast_take)
-  done
-lemmas shiftr_bl_of = refl [THEN shiftr_bl_of', unfolded word_size]
-lemmas shiftr_bl = word_bl.Rep' [THEN eq_imp_le, THEN shiftr_bl_of,
-  simplified word_size, simplified, THEN eq_reflection, standard]
-lemma msb_shift': "msb (w::'a::len word) <-> (w >> (size w - 1)) ~= 0"
-  apply (unfold shiftr_bl word_msb_alt)
-  apply (simp add: word_size Suc_le_eq take_Suc)
-  apply (cases "hd (to_bl w)")
-   apply (auto simp: word_1_bl word_0_bl 
-                     of_bl_rep_False [where n=1 and bs="[]", simplified])
-  done
-lemmas msb_shift = msb_shift' [unfolded word_size]
-lemma align_lem_or [rule_format] :
-  "ALL x m. length x = n + m --> length y = n + m --> 
-    drop m x = replicate n False --> take m y = replicate m False --> 
-    map2 op | x y = take m x @ drop m y"
-  apply (induct_tac y)
-   apply force
-  apply clarsimp
-  apply (case_tac x, force)
-  apply (case_tac m, auto)
-  apply (drule sym)
-  apply auto
-  apply (induct_tac list, auto)
-  done
-lemma align_lem_and [rule_format] :
-  "ALL x m. length x = n + m --> length y = n + m --> 
-    drop m x = replicate n False --> take m y = replicate m False --> 
-    map2 op & x y = replicate (n + m) False"
-  apply (induct_tac y)
-   apply force
-  apply clarsimp
-  apply (case_tac x, force)
-  apply (case_tac m, auto)
-  apply (drule sym)
-  apply auto
-  apply (induct_tac list, auto)
-  done
-lemma aligned_bl_add_size':
-  "size x - n = m ==> n <= size x ==> drop m (to_bl x) = replicate n False ==>
-    take m (to_bl y) = replicate m False ==> 
-    to_bl (x + y) = take m (to_bl x) @ drop m (to_bl y)"
-  apply (subgoal_tac "x AND y = 0")
-   prefer 2
-   apply (rule word_bl.Rep_eqD)
-   apply (simp add: bl_word_and to_bl_0)
-   apply (rule align_lem_and [THEN trans])
-       apply (simp_all add: word_size)[5]
-   apply simp
-  apply (subst word_plus_and_or [symmetric])
-  apply (simp add : bl_word_or)
-  apply (rule align_lem_or)
-     apply (simp_all add: word_size)
-  done
-lemmas aligned_bl_add_size = refl [THEN aligned_bl_add_size']
-subsubsection "Mask"
-lemma nth_mask': "m = mask n ==> test_bit m i = (i < n & i < size m)"
-  apply (unfold mask_def test_bit_bl)
-  apply (simp only: word_1_bl [symmetric] shiftl_of_bl)
-  apply (clarsimp simp add: word_size)
-  apply (simp only: of_bl_no mask_lem number_of_succ add_diff_cancel2)
-  apply (fold of_bl_no)
-  apply (simp add: word_1_bl)
-  apply (rule test_bit_of_bl [THEN trans, unfolded test_bit_bl word_size])
-  apply auto
-  done
-lemmas nth_mask [simp] = refl [THEN nth_mask']
-lemma mask_bl: "mask n = of_bl (replicate n True)"
-  by (auto simp add : test_bit_of_bl word_size intro: word_eqI)
-lemma mask_bin: "mask n = number_of (bintrunc n Int.Min)"
-  by (auto simp add: nth_bintr word_size intro: word_eqI)
-lemma and_mask_bintr: "w AND mask n = number_of (bintrunc n (uint w))"
-  apply (rule word_eqI)
-  apply (simp add: nth_bintr word_size word_ops_nth_size)
-  apply (auto simp add: test_bit_bin)
-  done
-lemma and_mask_no: "number_of i AND mask n = number_of (bintrunc n i)" 
-  by (auto simp add : nth_bintr word_size word_ops_nth_size intro: word_eqI)
-lemmas and_mask_wi = and_mask_no [unfolded word_number_of_def] 
-lemma bl_and_mask:
-  "to_bl (w AND mask n :: 'a :: len word) = 
-    replicate (len_of TYPE('a) - n) False @ 
-    drop (len_of TYPE('a) - n) (to_bl w)"
-  apply (rule nth_equalityI)
-   apply simp
-  apply (clarsimp simp add: to_bl_nth word_size)
-  apply (simp add: word_size word_ops_nth_size)
-  apply (auto simp add: word_size test_bit_bl nth_append nth_rev)
-  done
-lemmas and_mask_mod_2p = 
-  and_mask_bintr [unfolded word_number_of_alt no_bintr_alt]
-lemma and_mask_lt_2p: "uint (w AND mask n) < 2 ^ n"
-  apply (simp add : and_mask_bintr no_bintr_alt)
-  apply (rule xtr8)
-   prefer 2
-   apply (rule pos_mod_bound)
-  apply auto
-  done
-lemmas eq_mod_iff = trans [symmetric, OF int_mod_lem eq_sym_conv]
-lemma mask_eq_iff: "(w AND mask n) = w <-> uint w < 2 ^ n"
-  apply (simp add: and_mask_bintr word_number_of_def)
-  apply (simp add: word_ubin.inverse_norm)
-  apply (simp add: eq_mod_iff bintrunc_mod2p min_def)
-  apply (fast intro!: lt2p_lem)
-  done
-lemma and_mask_dvd: "2 ^ n dvd uint w = (w AND mask n = 0)"
-  apply (simp add: dvd_eq_mod_eq_0 and_mask_mod_2p)
-  apply (simp add: word_uint.norm_eq_iff [symmetric] word_of_int_homs)
-  apply (subst word_uint.norm_Rep [symmetric])
-  apply (simp only: bintrunc_bintrunc_min bintrunc_mod2p [symmetric] min_def)
-  apply auto
-  done
-lemma and_mask_dvd_nat: "2 ^ n dvd unat w = (w AND mask n = 0)"
-  apply (unfold unat_def)
-  apply (rule trans [OF _ and_mask_dvd])
-  apply (unfold dvd_def) 
-  apply auto 
-  apply (drule uint_ge_0 [THEN nat_int.Abs_inverse' [simplified], symmetric])
-  apply (simp add : int_mult int_power)
-  apply (simp add : nat_mult_distrib nat_power_eq)
-  done
-lemma word_2p_lem: 
-  "n < size w ==> w < 2 ^ n = (uint (w :: 'a :: len word) < 2 ^ n)"
-  apply (unfold word_size word_less_alt word_number_of_alt)
-  apply (clarsimp simp add: word_of_int_power_hom word_uint.eq_norm 
-                            int_mod_eq'
-                  simp del: word_of_int_bin)
-  done
-lemma less_mask_eq: "x < 2 ^ n ==> x AND mask n = (x :: 'a :: len word)"
-  apply (unfold word_less_alt word_number_of_alt)
-  apply (clarsimp simp add: and_mask_mod_2p word_of_int_power_hom 
-                            word_uint.eq_norm
-                  simp del: word_of_int_bin)
-  apply (drule xtr8 [rotated])
-  apply (rule int_mod_le)
-  apply (auto simp add : mod_pos_pos_trivial)
-  done
-lemmas mask_eq_iff_w2p =
-  trans [OF mask_eq_iff word_2p_lem [symmetric], standard]
-lemmas and_mask_less' = 
-  iffD2 [OF word_2p_lem and_mask_lt_2p, simplified word_size, standard]
-lemma and_mask_less_size: "n < size x ==> x AND mask n < 2^n"
-  unfolding word_size by (erule and_mask_less')
-lemma word_mod_2p_is_mask':
-  "c = 2 ^ n ==> c > 0 ==> x mod c = (x :: 'a :: len word) AND mask n" 
-  by (clarsimp simp add: word_mod_def uint_2p and_mask_mod_2p) 
-lemmas word_mod_2p_is_mask = refl [THEN word_mod_2p_is_mask'] 
-lemma mask_eqs:
-  "(a AND mask n) + b AND mask n = a + b AND mask n"
-  "a + (b AND mask n) AND mask n = a + b AND mask n"
-  "(a AND mask n) - b AND mask n = a - b AND mask n"
-  "a - (b AND mask n) AND mask n = a - b AND mask n"
-  "a * (b AND mask n) AND mask n = a * b AND mask n"
-  "(b AND mask n) * a AND mask n = b * a AND mask n"
-  "(a AND mask n) + (b AND mask n) AND mask n = a + b AND mask n"
-  "(a AND mask n) - (b AND mask n) AND mask n = a - b AND mask n"
-  "(a AND mask n) * (b AND mask n) AND mask n = a * b AND mask n"
-  "- (a AND mask n) AND mask n = - a AND mask n"
-  "word_succ (a AND mask n) AND mask n = word_succ a AND mask n"
-  "word_pred (a AND mask n) AND mask n = word_pred a AND mask n"
-  using word_of_int_Ex [where x=a] word_of_int_Ex [where x=b]
-  by (auto simp: and_mask_wi bintr_ariths bintr_arith1s new_word_of_int_homs)
-lemma mask_power_eq:
-  "(x AND mask n) ^ k AND mask n = x ^ k AND mask n"
-  using word_of_int_Ex [where x=x]
-  by (clarsimp simp: and_mask_wi word_of_int_power_hom bintr_ariths)
-subsubsection "Revcast"
-lemmas revcast_def' = revcast_def [simplified]
-lemmas revcast_def'' = revcast_def' [simplified word_size]
-lemmas revcast_no_def [simp] =
-  revcast_def' [where w="number_of w", unfolded word_size, standard]
-lemma to_bl_revcast: 
-  "to_bl (revcast w :: 'a :: len0 word) = 
-   takefill False (len_of TYPE ('a)) (to_bl w)"
-  apply (unfold revcast_def' word_size)
-  apply (rule word_bl.Abs_inverse)
-  apply simp
-  done
-lemma revcast_rev_ucast': 
-  "cs = [rc, uc] ==> rc = revcast (word_reverse w) ==> uc = ucast w ==> 
-    rc = word_reverse uc"
-  apply (unfold ucast_def revcast_def' Let_def word_reverse_def)
-  apply (clarsimp simp add : to_bl_of_bin takefill_bintrunc)
-  apply (simp add : word_bl.Abs_inverse word_size)
-  done
-lemmas revcast_rev_ucast = revcast_rev_ucast' [OF refl refl refl]
-lemmas revcast_ucast = revcast_rev_ucast
-  [where w = "word_reverse w", simplified word_rev_rev, standard]
-lemmas ucast_revcast = revcast_rev_ucast [THEN word_rev_gal', standard]
-lemmas ucast_rev_revcast = revcast_ucast [THEN word_rev_gal', standard]
--- "linking revcast and cast via shift"
-lemmas wsst_TYs = source_size target_size word_size
-lemma revcast_down_uu': 
-  "rc = revcast ==> source_size rc = target_size rc + n ==> 
-    rc (w :: 'a :: len word) = ucast (w >> n)"
-  apply (simp add: revcast_def')
-  apply (rule word_bl.Rep_inverse')
-  apply (rule trans, rule ucast_down_drop)
-   prefer 2
-   apply (rule trans, rule drop_shiftr)
-   apply (auto simp: takefill_alt wsst_TYs)
-  done
-lemma revcast_down_us': 
-  "rc = revcast ==> source_size rc = target_size rc + n ==> 
-    rc (w :: 'a :: len word) = ucast (w >>> n)"
-  apply (simp add: revcast_def')
-  apply (rule word_bl.Rep_inverse')
-  apply (rule trans, rule ucast_down_drop)
-   prefer 2
-   apply (rule trans, rule drop_sshiftr)
-   apply (auto simp: takefill_alt wsst_TYs)
-  done
-lemma revcast_down_su': 
-  "rc = revcast ==> source_size rc = target_size rc + n ==> 
-    rc (w :: 'a :: len word) = scast (w >> n)"
-  apply (simp add: revcast_def')
-  apply (rule word_bl.Rep_inverse')
-  apply (rule trans, rule scast_down_drop)
-   prefer 2
-   apply (rule trans, rule drop_shiftr)
-   apply (auto simp: takefill_alt wsst_TYs)
-  done
-lemma revcast_down_ss': 
-  "rc = revcast ==> source_size rc = target_size rc + n ==> 
-    rc (w :: 'a :: len word) = scast (w >>> n)"
-  apply (simp add: revcast_def')
-  apply (rule word_bl.Rep_inverse')
-  apply (rule trans, rule scast_down_drop)
-   prefer 2
-   apply (rule trans, rule drop_sshiftr)
-   apply (auto simp: takefill_alt wsst_TYs)
-  done
-lemmas revcast_down_uu = refl [THEN revcast_down_uu']
-lemmas revcast_down_us = refl [THEN revcast_down_us']
-lemmas revcast_down_su = refl [THEN revcast_down_su']
-lemmas revcast_down_ss = refl [THEN revcast_down_ss']
-lemma cast_down_rev: 
-  "uc = ucast ==> source_size uc = target_size uc + n ==> 
-    uc w = revcast ((w :: 'a :: len word) << n)"
-  apply (unfold shiftl_rev)
-  apply clarify
-  apply (simp add: revcast_rev_ucast)
-  apply (rule word_rev_gal')
-  apply (rule trans [OF _ revcast_rev_ucast])
-  apply (rule revcast_down_uu [symmetric])
-  apply (auto simp add: wsst_TYs)
-  done
-lemma revcast_up': 
-  "rc = revcast ==> source_size rc + n = target_size rc ==> 
-    rc w = (ucast w :: 'a :: len word) << n" 
-  apply (simp add: revcast_def')
-  apply (rule word_bl.Rep_inverse')
-  apply (simp add: takefill_alt)
-  apply (rule bl_shiftl [THEN trans])
-  apply (subst ucast_up_app)
-  apply (auto simp add: wsst_TYs)
-  done
-lemmas revcast_up = refl [THEN revcast_up']
-lemmas rc1 = revcast_up [THEN 
-  revcast_rev_ucast [symmetric, THEN trans, THEN word_rev_gal, symmetric]]
-lemmas rc2 = revcast_down_uu [THEN 
-  revcast_rev_ucast [symmetric, THEN trans, THEN word_rev_gal, symmetric]]
-lemmas ucast_up =
- rc1 [simplified rev_shiftr [symmetric] revcast_ucast [symmetric]]
-lemmas ucast_down = 
-  rc2 [simplified rev_shiftr revcast_ucast [symmetric]]
-subsubsection "Slices"
-lemmas slice1_no_bin [simp] =
-  slice1_def [where w="number_of w", unfolded to_bl_no_bin, standard]
-lemmas slice_no_bin [simp] = 
-   trans [OF slice_def [THEN meta_eq_to_obj_eq] 
-             slice1_no_bin [THEN meta_eq_to_obj_eq], 
-          unfolded word_size, standard]
-lemma slice1_0 [simp] : "slice1 n 0 = 0"
-  unfolding slice1_def by (simp add : to_bl_0)
-lemma slice_0 [simp] : "slice n 0 = 0"
-  unfolding slice_def by auto
-lemma slice_take': "slice n w = of_bl (take (size w - n) (to_bl w))"
-  unfolding slice_def' slice1_def
-  by (simp add : takefill_alt word_size)
-lemmas slice_take = slice_take' [unfolded word_size]
--- "shiftr to a word of the same size is just slice, 
-    slice is just shiftr then ucast"
-lemmas shiftr_slice = trans
-  [OF shiftr_bl [THEN meta_eq_to_obj_eq] slice_take [symmetric], standard]
-lemma slice_shiftr: "slice n w = ucast (w >> n)"
-  apply (unfold slice_take shiftr_bl)
-  apply (rule ucast_of_bl_up [symmetric])
-  apply (simp add: word_size)
-  done
-lemma nth_slice: 
-  "(slice n w :: 'a :: len0 word) !! m = 
-   (w !! (m + n) & m < len_of TYPE ('a))"
-  unfolding slice_shiftr 
-  by (simp add : nth_ucast nth_shiftr)
-lemma slice1_down_alt': 
-  "sl = slice1 n w ==> fs = size sl ==> fs + k = n ==> 
-    to_bl sl = takefill False fs (drop k (to_bl w))"
-  unfolding slice1_def word_size of_bl_def uint_bl
-  by (clarsimp simp: word_ubin.eq_norm bl_bin_bl_rep_drop drop_takefill)
-lemma slice1_up_alt': 
-  "sl = slice1 n w ==> fs = size sl ==> fs = n + k ==> 
-    to_bl sl = takefill False fs (replicate k False @ (to_bl w))"
-  apply (unfold slice1_def word_size of_bl_def uint_bl)
-  apply (clarsimp simp: word_ubin.eq_norm bl_bin_bl_rep_drop 
-                        takefill_append [symmetric])
-  apply (rule_tac f = "%k. takefill False (len_of TYPE('a))
-    (replicate k False @ bin_to_bl (len_of TYPE('b)) (uint w))" in arg_cong)
-  apply arith
-  done
-lemmas sd1 = slice1_down_alt' [OF refl refl, unfolded word_size]
-lemmas su1 = slice1_up_alt' [OF refl refl, unfolded word_size]
-lemmas slice1_down_alt = le_add_diff_inverse [THEN sd1]
-lemmas slice1_up_alts = 
-  le_add_diff_inverse [symmetric, THEN su1] 
-  le_add_diff_inverse2 [symmetric, THEN su1]
-lemma ucast_slice1: "ucast w = slice1 (size w) w"
-  unfolding slice1_def ucast_bl
-  by (simp add : takefill_same' word_size)
-lemma ucast_slice: "ucast w = slice 0 w"
-  unfolding slice_def by (simp add : ucast_slice1)
-lemmas slice_id = trans [OF ucast_slice [symmetric] ucast_id]
-lemma revcast_slice1': 
-  "rc = revcast w ==> slice1 (size rc) w = rc"
-  unfolding slice1_def revcast_def' by (simp add : word_size)
-lemmas revcast_slice1 = refl [THEN revcast_slice1']
-lemma slice1_tf_tf': 
-  "to_bl (slice1 n w :: 'a :: len0 word) = 
-   rev (takefill False (len_of TYPE('a)) (rev (takefill False n (to_bl w))))"
-  unfolding slice1_def by (rule word_rev_tf)
-lemmas slice1_tf_tf = slice1_tf_tf'
-  [THEN word_bl.Rep_inverse', symmetric, standard]
-lemma rev_slice1:
-  "n + k = len_of TYPE('a) + len_of TYPE('b) \<Longrightarrow> 
-  slice1 n (word_reverse w :: 'b :: len0 word) = 
-  word_reverse (slice1 k w :: 'a :: len0 word)"
-  apply (unfold word_reverse_def slice1_tf_tf)
-  apply (rule word_bl.Rep_inverse')
-  apply (rule rev_swap [THEN iffD1])
-  apply (rule trans [symmetric])
-  apply (rule tf_rev)
-   apply (simp add: word_bl.Abs_inverse)
-  apply (simp add: word_bl.Abs_inverse)
-  done
-lemma rev_slice': 
-  "res = slice n (word_reverse w) ==> n + k + size res = size w ==> 
-    res = word_reverse (slice k w)"
-  apply (unfold slice_def word_size)
-  apply clarify
-  apply (rule rev_slice1)
-  apply arith
-  done
-lemmas rev_slice = refl [THEN rev_slice', unfolded word_size]
-lemmas sym_notr = 
-  not_iff [THEN iffD2, THEN not_sym, THEN not_iff [THEN iffD1]]
--- {* problem posed by TPHOLs referee:
-      criterion for overflow of addition of signed integers *}
-lemma sofl_test:
-  "(sint (x :: 'a :: len word) + sint y = sint (x + y)) = 
-     ((((x+y) XOR x) AND ((x+y) XOR y)) >> (size x - 1) = 0)"
-  apply (unfold word_size)
-  apply (cases "len_of TYPE('a)", simp) 
-  apply (subst msb_shift [THEN sym_notr])
-  apply (simp add: word_ops_msb)
-  apply (simp add: word_msb_sint)
-  apply safe
-       apply simp_all
-     apply (unfold sint_word_ariths)
-     apply (unfold word_sbin.set_iff_norm [symmetric] sints_num)
-     apply safe
-        apply (insert sint_range' [where x=x])
-        apply (insert sint_range' [where x=y])
-        defer 
-        apply (simp (no_asm), arith)
-       apply (simp (no_asm), arith)
-      defer
-      defer
-      apply (simp (no_asm), arith)
-     apply (simp (no_asm), arith)
-    apply (rule notI [THEN notnotD],
-           drule leI not_leE,
-           drule sbintrunc_inc sbintrunc_dec,      
-           simp)+
-  done
-subsection "Split and cat"
-lemmas word_split_bin' = word_split_def [THEN meta_eq_to_obj_eq, standard]
-lemmas word_cat_bin' = word_cat_def [THEN meta_eq_to_obj_eq, standard]
-lemma word_rsplit_no:
-  "(word_rsplit (number_of bin :: 'b :: len0 word) :: 'a word list) = 
-    map number_of (bin_rsplit (len_of TYPE('a :: len)) 
-      (len_of TYPE('b), bintrunc (len_of TYPE('b)) bin))"
-  apply (unfold word_rsplit_def word_no_wi)
-  apply (simp add: word_ubin.eq_norm)
-  done
-lemmas word_rsplit_no_cl [simp] = word_rsplit_no
-  [unfolded bin_rsplitl_def bin_rsplit_l [symmetric]]
-lemma test_bit_cat:
-  "wc = word_cat a b ==> wc !! n = (n < size wc & 
-    (if n < size b then b !! n else a !! (n - size b)))"
-  apply (unfold word_cat_bin' test_bit_bin)
-  apply (auto simp add : word_ubin.eq_norm nth_bintr bin_nth_cat word_size)
-  apply (erule bin_nth_uint_imp)
-  done
-lemma word_cat_bl: "word_cat a b = of_bl (to_bl a @ to_bl b)"
-  apply (unfold of_bl_def to_bl_def word_cat_bin')
-  apply (simp add: bl_to_bin_app_cat)
-  done
-lemma of_bl_append:
-  "(of_bl (xs @ ys) :: 'a :: len word) = of_bl xs * 2^(length ys) + of_bl ys"
-  apply (unfold of_bl_def)
-  apply (simp add: bl_to_bin_app_cat bin_cat_num)
-  apply (simp add: word_of_int_power_hom [symmetric] new_word_of_int_hom_syms)
-  done
-lemma of_bl_False [simp]:
-  "of_bl (False#xs) = of_bl xs"
-  by (rule word_eqI)
-     (auto simp add: test_bit_of_bl nth_append)
-lemma of_bl_True: 
-  "(of_bl (True#xs)::'a::len word) = 2^length xs + of_bl xs"
-  by (subst of_bl_append [where xs="[True]", simplified])
-     (simp add: word_1_bl)
-lemma of_bl_Cons:
-  "of_bl (x#xs) = of_bool x * 2^length xs + of_bl xs"
-  by (cases x) (simp_all add: of_bl_True)
-lemma split_uint_lem: "bin_split n (uint (w :: 'a :: len0 word)) = (a, b) ==> 
-  a = bintrunc (len_of TYPE('a) - n) a & b = bintrunc (len_of TYPE('a)) b"
-  apply (frule word_ubin.norm_Rep [THEN ssubst])
-  apply (drule bin_split_trunc1)
-  apply (drule sym [THEN trans])
-  apply assumption
-  apply safe
-  done
-lemma word_split_bl': 
-  "std = size c - size b ==> (word_split c = (a, b)) ==> 
-    (a = of_bl (take std (to_bl c)) & b = of_bl (drop std (to_bl c)))"
-  apply (unfold word_split_bin')
-  apply safe
-   defer
-   apply (clarsimp split: prod.splits)
-   apply (drule word_ubin.norm_Rep [THEN ssubst])
-   apply (drule split_bintrunc)
-   apply (simp add : of_bl_def bl2bin_drop word_size
-       word_ubin.norm_eq_iff [symmetric] min_def del : word_ubin.norm_Rep)    
-  apply (clarsimp split: prod.splits)
-  apply (frule split_uint_lem [THEN conjunct1])
-  apply (unfold word_size)
-  apply (cases "len_of TYPE('a) >= len_of TYPE('b)")
-   defer
-   apply (simp add: word_0_bl word_0_wi_Pls)
-  apply (simp add : of_bl_def to_bl_def)
-  apply (subst bin_split_take1 [symmetric])
-    prefer 2
-    apply assumption
-   apply simp
-  apply (erule thin_rl)
-  apply (erule arg_cong [THEN trans])
-  apply (simp add : word_ubin.norm_eq_iff [symmetric])
-  done
-lemma word_split_bl: "std = size c - size b ==> 
-    (a = of_bl (take std (to_bl c)) & b = of_bl (drop std (to_bl c))) <-> 
-    word_split c = (a, b)"
-  apply (rule iffI)
-   defer
-   apply (erule (1) word_split_bl')
-  apply (case_tac "word_split c")
-  apply (auto simp add : word_size)
-  apply (frule word_split_bl' [rotated])
-  apply (auto simp add : word_size)
-  done
-lemma word_split_bl_eq:
-   "(word_split (c::'a::len word) :: ('c :: len0 word * 'd :: len0 word)) =
-      (of_bl (take (len_of TYPE('a::len) - len_of TYPE('d::len0)) (to_bl c)),
-       of_bl (drop (len_of TYPE('a) - len_of TYPE('d)) (to_bl c)))"
-  apply (rule word_split_bl [THEN iffD1])
-  apply (unfold word_size)
-  apply (rule refl conjI)+
-  done
--- "keep quantifiers for use in simplification"
-lemma test_bit_split':
-  "word_split c = (a, b) --> (ALL n m. b !! n = (n < size b & c !! n) & 
-    a !! m = (m < size a & c !! (m + size b)))"
-  apply (unfold word_split_bin' test_bit_bin)
-  apply (clarify)
-  apply (clarsimp simp: word_ubin.eq_norm nth_bintr word_size split: prod.splits)
-  apply (drule bin_nth_split)
-  apply safe
-       apply (simp_all add: add_commute)
-   apply (erule bin_nth_uint_imp)+
-  done
-lemma test_bit_split:
-  "word_split c = (a, b) \<Longrightarrow>
-    (\<forall>n\<Colon>nat. b !! n \<longleftrightarrow> n < size b \<and> c !! n) \<and> (\<forall>m\<Colon>nat. a !! m \<longleftrightarrow> m < size a \<and> c !! (m + size b))"
-  by (simp add: test_bit_split')
-lemma test_bit_split_eq: "word_split c = (a, b) <-> 
-  ((ALL n::nat. b !! n = (n < size b & c !! n)) &
-    (ALL m::nat. a !! m = (m < size a & c !! (m + size b))))"
-  apply (rule_tac iffI)
-   apply (rule_tac conjI)
-    apply (erule test_bit_split [THEN conjunct1])
-   apply (erule test_bit_split [THEN conjunct2])
-  apply (case_tac "word_split c")
-  apply (frule test_bit_split)
-  apply (erule trans)
-  apply (fastsimp intro ! : word_eqI simp add : word_size)
-  done
--- {* this odd result is analogous to @{text "ucast_id"}, 
-      result to the length given by the result type *}
-lemma word_cat_id: "word_cat a b = b"
-  unfolding word_cat_bin' by (simp add: word_ubin.inverse_norm)
--- "limited hom result"
-lemma word_cat_hom:
-  "len_of TYPE('a::len0) <= len_of TYPE('b::len0) + len_of TYPE ('c::len0)
-  ==>
-  (word_cat (word_of_int w :: 'b word) (b :: 'c word) :: 'a word) = 
-  word_of_int (bin_cat w (size b) (uint b))"
-  apply (unfold word_cat_def word_size) 
-  apply (clarsimp simp add: word_ubin.norm_eq_iff [symmetric]
-      word_ubin.eq_norm bintr_cat min_max.inf_absorb1)
-  done
-lemma word_cat_split_alt:
-  "size w <= size u + size v ==> word_split w = (u, v) ==> word_cat u v = w"
-  apply (rule word_eqI)
-  apply (drule test_bit_split)
-  apply (clarsimp simp add : test_bit_cat word_size)
-  apply safe
-  apply arith
-  done
-lemmas word_cat_split_size = 
-  sym [THEN [2] word_cat_split_alt [symmetric], standard]
-subsubsection "Split and slice"
-lemma split_slices: 
-  "word_split w = (u, v) ==> u = slice (size v) w & v = slice 0 w"
-  apply (drule test_bit_split)
-  apply (rule conjI)
-   apply (rule word_eqI, clarsimp simp: nth_slice word_size)+
-  done
-lemma slice_cat1':
-  "wc = word_cat a b ==> size wc >= size a + size b ==> slice (size b) wc = a"
-  apply safe
-  apply (rule word_eqI)
-  apply (simp add: nth_slice test_bit_cat word_size)
-  done
-lemmas slice_cat1 = refl [THEN slice_cat1']
-lemmas slice_cat2 = trans [OF slice_id word_cat_id]
-lemma cat_slices:
-  "a = slice n c ==> b = slice 0 c ==> n = size b ==>
-    size a + size b >= size c ==> word_cat a b = c"
-  apply safe
-  apply (rule word_eqI)
-  apply (simp add: nth_slice test_bit_cat word_size)
-  apply safe
-  apply arith
-  done
-lemma word_split_cat_alt:
-  "w = word_cat u v ==> size u + size v <= size w ==> word_split w = (u, v)"
-  apply (case_tac "word_split ?w")
-  apply (rule trans, assumption)
-  apply (drule test_bit_split)
-  apply safe
-   apply (rule word_eqI, clarsimp simp: test_bit_cat word_size)+
-  done
-lemmas word_cat_bl_no_bin [simp] =
-  word_cat_bl [where a="number_of a" 
-                 and b="number_of b", 
-               unfolded to_bl_no_bin, standard]
-lemmas word_split_bl_no_bin [simp] =
-  word_split_bl_eq [where c="number_of c", unfolded to_bl_no_bin, standard]
--- {* this odd result arises from the fact that the statement of the
-      result implies that the decoded words are of the same type, 
-      and therefore of the same length, as the original word *}
-lemma word_rsplit_same: "word_rsplit w = [w]"
-  unfolding word_rsplit_def by (simp add : bin_rsplit_all)
-lemma word_rsplit_empty_iff_size:
-  "(word_rsplit w = []) = (size w = 0)" 
-  unfolding word_rsplit_def bin_rsplit_def word_size
-  by (simp add: bin_rsplit_aux_simp_alt Let_def split: Product_Type.split_split)
-lemma test_bit_rsplit:
-  "sw = word_rsplit w ==> m < size (hd sw :: 'a :: len word) ==> 
-    k < length sw ==> (rev sw ! k) !! m = (w !! (k * size (hd sw) + m))"
-  apply (unfold word_rsplit_def word_test_bit_def)
-  apply (rule trans)
-   apply (rule_tac f = "%x. bin_nth x m" in arg_cong)
-   apply (rule nth_map [symmetric])
-   apply simp
-  apply (rule bin_nth_rsplit)
-     apply simp_all
-  apply (simp add : word_size rev_map)
-  apply (rule trans)
-   defer
-   apply (rule map_ident [THEN fun_cong])
-  apply (rule refl [THEN map_cong])
-  apply (simp add : word_ubin.eq_norm)
-  apply (erule bin_rsplit_size_sign [OF len_gt_0 refl])
-  done
-lemma word_rcat_bl: "word_rcat wl == of_bl (concat (map to_bl wl))"
-  unfolding word_rcat_def to_bl_def' of_bl_def
-  by (clarsimp simp add : bin_rcat_bl)
-lemma size_rcat_lem':
-  "size (concat (map to_bl wl)) = length wl * size (hd wl)"
-  unfolding word_size by (induct wl) auto
-lemmas size_rcat_lem = size_rcat_lem' [unfolded word_size]
-lemmas td_gal_lt_len = len_gt_0 [THEN td_gal_lt, standard]
-lemma nth_rcat_lem' [rule_format] :
-  "sw = size (hd wl  :: 'a :: len word) ==> (ALL n. n < size wl * sw --> 
-    rev (concat (map to_bl wl)) ! n = 
-    rev (to_bl (rev wl ! (n div sw))) ! (n mod sw))"
-  apply (unfold word_size)
-  apply (induct "wl")
-   apply clarsimp
-  apply (clarsimp simp add : nth_append size_rcat_lem)
-  apply (simp (no_asm_use) only:  mult_Suc [symmetric] 
-         td_gal_lt_len less_Suc_eq_le mod_div_equality')
-  apply clarsimp
-  done
-lemmas nth_rcat_lem = refl [THEN nth_rcat_lem', unfolded word_size]
-lemma test_bit_rcat:
-  "sw = size (hd wl :: 'a :: len word) ==> rc = word_rcat wl ==> rc !! n = 
-    (n < size rc & n div sw < size wl & (rev wl) ! (n div sw) !! (n mod sw))"
-  apply (unfold word_rcat_bl word_size)
-  apply (clarsimp simp add : 
-    test_bit_of_bl size_rcat_lem word_size td_gal_lt_len)
-  apply safe
-   apply (auto simp add : 
-    test_bit_bl word_size td_gal_lt_len [THEN iffD2, THEN nth_rcat_lem])
-  done
-lemma foldl_eq_foldr [rule_format] :
-  "ALL x. foldl op + x xs = foldr op + (x # xs) (0 :: 'a :: comm_monoid_add)" 
-  by (induct xs) (auto simp add : add_assoc)
-lemmas test_bit_cong = arg_cong [where f = "test_bit", THEN fun_cong]
-lemmas test_bit_rsplit_alt = 
-  trans [OF nth_rev_alt [THEN test_bit_cong] 
-  test_bit_rsplit [OF refl asm_rl diff_Suc_less]]
--- "lazy way of expressing that u and v, and su and sv, have same types"
-lemma word_rsplit_len_indep':
-  "[u,v] = p ==> [su,sv] = q ==> word_rsplit u = su ==> 
-    word_rsplit v = sv ==> length su = length sv"
-  apply (unfold word_rsplit_def)
-  apply (auto simp add : bin_rsplit_len_indep)
-  done
-lemmas word_rsplit_len_indep = word_rsplit_len_indep' [OF refl refl refl refl]
-lemma length_word_rsplit_size: 
-  "n = len_of TYPE ('a :: len) ==> 
-    (length (word_rsplit w :: 'a word list) <= m) = (size w <= m * n)"
-  apply (unfold word_rsplit_def word_size)
-  apply (clarsimp simp add : bin_rsplit_len_le)
-  done
-lemmas length_word_rsplit_lt_size = 
-  length_word_rsplit_size [unfolded Not_eq_iff linorder_not_less [symmetric]]
-lemma length_word_rsplit_exp_size: 
-  "n = len_of TYPE ('a :: len) ==> 
-    length (word_rsplit w :: 'a word list) = (size w + n - 1) div n"
-  unfolding word_rsplit_def by (clarsimp simp add : word_size bin_rsplit_len)
-lemma length_word_rsplit_even_size: 
-  "n = len_of TYPE ('a :: len) ==> size w = m * n ==> 
-    length (word_rsplit w :: 'a word list) = m"
-  by (clarsimp simp add : length_word_rsplit_exp_size given_quot_alt)
-lemmas length_word_rsplit_exp_size' = refl [THEN length_word_rsplit_exp_size]
-(* alternative proof of word_rcat_rsplit *)
-lemmas tdle = iffD2 [OF split_div_lemma refl, THEN conjunct1] 
-lemmas dtle = xtr4 [OF tdle mult_commute]
-lemma word_rcat_rsplit: "word_rcat (word_rsplit w) = w"
-  apply (rule word_eqI)
-  apply (clarsimp simp add : test_bit_rcat word_size)
-  apply (subst refl [THEN test_bit_rsplit])
-    apply (simp_all add: word_size 
-      refl [THEN length_word_rsplit_size [simplified not_less [symmetric], simplified]])
-   apply safe
-   apply (erule xtr7, rule len_gt_0 [THEN dtle])+
-  done
-lemma size_word_rsplit_rcat_size':
-  "word_rcat (ws :: 'a :: len word list) = frcw ==> 
-    size frcw = length ws * len_of TYPE ('a) ==> 
-    size (hd [word_rsplit frcw, ws]) = size ws" 
-  apply (clarsimp simp add : word_size length_word_rsplit_exp_size')
-  apply (fast intro: given_quot_alt)
-  done
-lemmas size_word_rsplit_rcat_size = 
-  size_word_rsplit_rcat_size' [simplified]
-lemma msrevs:
-  fixes n::nat
-  shows "0 < n \<Longrightarrow> (k * n + m) div n = m div n + k"
-  and   "(k * n + m) mod n = m mod n"
-  by (auto simp: add_commute)
-lemma word_rsplit_rcat_size':
-  "word_rcat (ws :: 'a :: len word list) = frcw ==> 
-    size frcw = length ws * len_of TYPE ('a) ==> word_rsplit frcw = ws" 
-  apply (frule size_word_rsplit_rcat_size, assumption)
-  apply (clarsimp simp add : word_size)
-  apply (rule nth_equalityI, assumption)
-  apply clarsimp
-  apply (rule word_eqI)
-  apply (rule trans)
-   apply (rule test_bit_rsplit_alt)
-     apply (clarsimp simp: word_size)+
-  apply (rule trans)
-  apply (rule test_bit_rcat [OF refl refl])
-  apply (simp add : word_size msrevs)
-  apply (subst nth_rev)
-   apply arith
-  apply (simp add : le0 [THEN [2] xtr7, THEN diff_Suc_less])
-  apply safe
-  apply (simp add : diff_mult_distrib)
-  apply (rule mpl_lem)
-  apply (cases "size ws")
-   apply simp_all
-  done
-lemmas word_rsplit_rcat_size = refl [THEN word_rsplit_rcat_size']
-subsection "Rotation"
-lemmas rotater_0' [simp] = rotater_def [where n = "0", simplified]
-lemmas word_rot_defs = word_roti_def word_rotr_def word_rotl_def
-lemma rotate_eq_mod: 
-  "m mod length xs = n mod length xs ==> rotate m xs = rotate n xs"
-  apply (rule box_equals)
-    defer
-    apply (rule rotate_conv_mod [symmetric])+
-  apply simp
-  done
-lemmas rotate_eqs [standard] = 
-  trans [OF rotate0 [THEN fun_cong] id_apply]
-  rotate_rotate [symmetric] 
-  rotate_id 
-  rotate_conv_mod 
-  rotate_eq_mod
-subsubsection "Rotation of list to right"
-lemma rotate1_rl': "rotater1 (l @ [a]) = a # l"
-  unfolding rotater1_def by (cases l) auto
-lemma rotate1_rl [simp] : "rotater1 (rotate1 l) = l"
-  apply (unfold rotater1_def)
-  apply (cases "l")
-  apply (case_tac [2] "list")
-  apply auto
-  done
-lemma rotate1_lr [simp] : "rotate1 (rotater1 l) = l"
-  unfolding rotater1_def by (cases l) auto
-lemma rotater1_rev': "rotater1 (rev xs) = rev (rotate1 xs)"
-  apply (cases "xs")
-  apply (simp add : rotater1_def)
-  apply (simp add : rotate1_rl')
-  done
-lemma rotater_rev': "rotater n (rev xs) = rev (rotate n xs)"
-  unfolding rotater_def by (induct n) (auto intro: rotater1_rev')
-lemmas rotater_rev = rotater_rev' [where xs = "rev ys", simplified, standard]
-lemma rotater_drop_take: 
-  "rotater n xs = 
-   drop (length xs - n mod length xs) xs @
-   take (length xs - n mod length xs) xs"
-  by (clarsimp simp add : rotater_rev rotate_drop_take rev_take rev_drop)
-lemma rotater_Suc [simp] : 
-  "rotater (Suc n) xs = rotater1 (rotater n xs)"
-  unfolding rotater_def by auto
-lemma rotate_inv_plus [rule_format] :
-  "ALL k. k = m + n --> rotater k (rotate n xs) = rotater m xs & 
-    rotate k (rotater n xs) = rotate m xs & 
-    rotater n (rotate k xs) = rotate m xs & 
-    rotate n (rotater k xs) = rotater m xs"
-  unfolding rotater_def rotate_def
-  by (induct n) (auto intro: funpow_swap1 [THEN trans])
-lemmas rotate_inv_rel = le_add_diff_inverse2 [symmetric, THEN rotate_inv_plus]
-lemmas rotate_inv_eq = order_refl [THEN rotate_inv_rel, simplified]
-lemmas rotate_lr [simp] = rotate_inv_eq [THEN conjunct1, standard]
-lemmas rotate_rl [simp] =
-  rotate_inv_eq [THEN conjunct2, THEN conjunct1, standard]
-lemma rotate_gal: "(rotater n xs = ys) = (rotate n ys = xs)"
-  by auto
-lemma rotate_gal': "(ys = rotater n xs) = (xs = rotate n ys)"
-  by auto
-lemma length_rotater [simp]: 
-  "length (rotater n xs) = length xs"
-  by (simp add : rotater_rev)
-lemmas rrs0 = rotate_eqs [THEN restrict_to_left, 
-  simplified rotate_gal [symmetric] rotate_gal' [symmetric], standard]
-lemmas rrs1 = rrs0 [THEN refl [THEN rev_iffD1]]
-lemmas rotater_eqs = rrs1 [simplified length_rotater, standard]
-lemmas rotater_0 = rotater_eqs (1)
-lemmas rotater_add = rotater_eqs (2)
-subsubsection "map, map2, commuting with rotate(r)"
-lemma last_map: "xs ~= [] ==> last (map f xs) = f (last xs)"
-  by (induct xs) auto
-lemma butlast_map:
-  "xs ~= [] ==> butlast (map f xs) = map f (butlast xs)"
-  by (induct xs) auto
-lemma rotater1_map: "rotater1 (map f xs) = map f (rotater1 xs)" 
-  unfolding rotater1_def
-  by (cases xs) (auto simp add: last_map butlast_map)
-lemma rotater_map:
-  "rotater n (map f xs) = map f (rotater n xs)" 
-  unfolding rotater_def
-  by (induct n) (auto simp add : rotater1_map)
-lemma but_last_zip [rule_format] :
-  "ALL ys. length xs = length ys --> xs ~= [] --> 
-    last (zip xs ys) = (last xs, last ys) & 
-    butlast (zip xs ys) = zip (butlast xs) (butlast ys)" 
-  apply (induct "xs")
-  apply auto
-     apply ((case_tac ys, auto simp: neq_Nil_conv)[1])+
-  done
-lemma but_last_map2 [rule_format] :
-  "ALL ys. length xs = length ys --> xs ~= [] --> 
-    last (map2 f xs ys) = f (last xs) (last ys) & 
-    butlast (map2 f xs ys) = map2 f (butlast xs) (butlast ys)" 
-  apply (induct "xs")
-  apply auto
-     apply (unfold map2_def)
-     apply ((case_tac ys, auto simp: neq_Nil_conv)[1])+
-  done
-lemma rotater1_zip:
-  "length xs = length ys ==> 
-    rotater1 (zip xs ys) = zip (rotater1 xs) (rotater1 ys)" 
-  apply (unfold rotater1_def)
-  apply (cases "xs")
-   apply auto
-   apply ((case_tac ys, auto simp: neq_Nil_conv but_last_zip)[1])+
-  done
-lemma rotater1_map2:
-  "length xs = length ys ==> 
-    rotater1 (map2 f xs ys) = map2 f (rotater1 xs) (rotater1 ys)" 
-  unfolding map2_def by (simp add: rotater1_map rotater1_zip)
-lemmas lrth = 
-  box_equals [OF asm_rl length_rotater [symmetric] 
-                 length_rotater [symmetric], 
-              THEN rotater1_map2]
-lemma rotater_map2: 
-  "length xs = length ys ==> 
-    rotater n (map2 f xs ys) = map2 f (rotater n xs) (rotater n ys)" 
-  by (induct n) (auto intro!: lrth)
-lemma rotate1_map2:
-  "length xs = length ys ==> 
-    rotate1 (map2 f xs ys) = map2 f (rotate1 xs) (rotate1 ys)" 
-  apply (unfold map2_def)
-  apply (cases xs)
-   apply (cases ys, auto simp add : rotate1_def)+
-  done
-lemmas lth = box_equals [OF asm_rl length_rotate [symmetric] 
-  length_rotate [symmetric], THEN rotate1_map2]
-lemma rotate_map2: 
-  "length xs = length ys ==> 
-    rotate n (map2 f xs ys) = map2 f (rotate n xs) (rotate n ys)" 
-  by (induct n) (auto intro!: lth)
--- "corresponding equalities for word rotation"
-lemma to_bl_rotl: 
-  "to_bl (word_rotl n w) = rotate n (to_bl w)"
-  by (simp add: word_bl.Abs_inverse' word_rotl_def)
-lemmas blrs0 = rotate_eqs [THEN to_bl_rotl [THEN trans]]
-lemmas word_rotl_eqs =
-  blrs0 [simplified word_bl.Rep' word_bl.Rep_inject to_bl_rotl [symmetric]]
-lemma to_bl_rotr: 
-  "to_bl (word_rotr n w) = rotater n (to_bl w)"
-  by (simp add: word_bl.Abs_inverse' word_rotr_def)
-lemmas brrs0 = rotater_eqs [THEN to_bl_rotr [THEN trans]]
-lemmas word_rotr_eqs =
-  brrs0 [simplified word_bl.Rep' word_bl.Rep_inject to_bl_rotr [symmetric]]
-declare word_rotr_eqs (1) [simp]
-declare word_rotl_eqs (1) [simp]
-  word_rot_rl [simp]:
-  "word_rotl k (word_rotr k v) = v" and
-  word_rot_lr [simp]:
-  "word_rotr k (word_rotl k v) = v"
-  by (auto simp add: to_bl_rotr to_bl_rotl word_bl.Rep_inject [symmetric])
-  word_rot_gal:
-  "(word_rotr n v = w) = (word_rotl n w = v)" and
-  word_rot_gal':
-  "(w = word_rotr n v) = (v = word_rotl n w)"
-  by (auto simp: to_bl_rotr to_bl_rotl word_bl.Rep_inject [symmetric] 
-           dest: sym)
-lemma word_rotr_rev:
-  "word_rotr n w = word_reverse (word_rotl n (word_reverse w))"
-  by (simp add: word_bl.Rep_inject [symmetric] to_bl_word_rev
-                to_bl_rotr to_bl_rotl rotater_rev)
-lemma word_roti_0 [simp]: "word_roti 0 w = w"
-  by (unfold word_rot_defs) auto
-lemmas abl_cong = arg_cong [where f = "of_bl"]
-lemma word_roti_add: 
-  "word_roti (m + n) w = word_roti m (word_roti n w)"
-proof -
-  have rotater_eq_lem: 
-    "\<And>m n xs. m = n ==> rotater m xs = rotater n xs"
-    by auto
-  have rotate_eq_lem: 
-    "\<And>m n xs. m = n ==> rotate m xs = rotate n xs"
-    by auto
-  note rpts [symmetric, standard] = 
-    rotate_inv_plus [THEN conjunct1]
-    rotate_inv_plus [THEN conjunct2, THEN conjunct1]
-    rotate_inv_plus [THEN conjunct2, THEN conjunct2, THEN conjunct1]
-    rotate_inv_plus [THEN conjunct2, THEN conjunct2, THEN conjunct2]
-  note rrp = trans [symmetric, OF rotate_rotate rotate_eq_lem]
-  note rrrp = trans [symmetric, OF rotater_add [symmetric] rotater_eq_lem]
-  show ?thesis
-  apply (unfold word_rot_defs)
-  apply (simp only: split: split_if)
-  apply (safe intro!: abl_cong)
-  apply (simp_all only: to_bl_rotl [THEN word_bl.Rep_inverse'] 
-                    to_bl_rotl
-                    to_bl_rotr [THEN word_bl.Rep_inverse']
-                    to_bl_rotr)
-  apply (rule rrp rrrp rpts,
-         simp add: nat_add_distrib [symmetric] 
-                   nat_diff_distrib [symmetric])+
-  done
-lemma word_roti_conv_mod': "word_roti n w = word_roti (n mod int (size w)) w"
-  apply (unfold word_rot_defs)
-  apply (cut_tac y="size w" in gt_or_eq_0)
-  apply (erule disjE)
-   apply simp_all
-  apply (safe intro!: abl_cong)
-   apply (rule rotater_eqs)
-   apply (simp add: word_size nat_mod_distrib)
-  apply (simp add: rotater_add [symmetric] rotate_gal [symmetric])
-  apply (rule rotater_eqs)
-  apply (simp add: word_size nat_mod_distrib)
-  apply (rule int_eq_0_conv [THEN iffD1])
-  apply (simp only: zmod_int zadd_int [symmetric])
-  apply (simp add: rdmods)
-  done
-lemmas word_roti_conv_mod = word_roti_conv_mod' [unfolded word_size]
-subsubsection "Word rotation commutes with bit-wise operations"
-(* using locale to not pollute lemma namespace *)
-locale word_rotate 
-context word_rotate
-lemmas word_rot_defs' = to_bl_rotl to_bl_rotr
-lemmas blwl_syms [symmetric] = bl_word_not bl_word_and bl_word_or bl_word_xor
-lemmas lbl_lbl = trans [OF word_bl.Rep' word_bl.Rep' [symmetric]]
-lemmas ths_map2 [OF lbl_lbl] = rotate_map2 rotater_map2
-lemmas ths_map [where xs = "to_bl v", standard] = rotate_map rotater_map
-lemmas th1s [simplified word_rot_defs' [symmetric]] = ths_map2 ths_map
-lemma word_rot_logs:
-  "word_rotl n (NOT v) = NOT word_rotl n v"
-  "word_rotr n (NOT v) = NOT word_rotr n v"
-  "word_rotl n (x AND y) = word_rotl n x AND word_rotl n y"
-  "word_rotr n (x AND y) = word_rotr n x AND word_rotr n y"
-  "word_rotl n (x OR y) = word_rotl n x OR word_rotl n y"
-  "word_rotr n (x OR y) = word_rotr n x OR word_rotr n y"
-  "word_rotl n (x XOR y) = word_rotl n x XOR word_rotl n y"
-  "word_rotr n (x XOR y) = word_rotr n x XOR word_rotr n y"  
-  by (rule word_bl.Rep_eqD,
-      rule word_rot_defs' [THEN trans],
-      simp only: blwl_syms [symmetric],
-      rule th1s [THEN trans], 
-      rule refl)+
-lemmas word_rot_logs = word_rotate.word_rot_logs
-lemmas bl_word_rotl_dt = trans [OF to_bl_rotl rotate_drop_take,
-  simplified word_bl.Rep', standard]
-lemmas bl_word_rotr_dt = trans [OF to_bl_rotr rotater_drop_take,
-  simplified word_bl.Rep', standard]
-lemma bl_word_roti_dt': 
-  "n = nat ((- i) mod int (size (w :: 'a :: len word))) ==> 
-    to_bl (word_roti i w) = drop n (to_bl w) @ take n (to_bl w)"
-  apply (unfold word_roti_def)
-  apply (simp add: bl_word_rotl_dt bl_word_rotr_dt word_size)
-  apply safe
-   apply (simp add: zmod_zminus1_eq_if)
-   apply safe
-    apply (simp add: nat_mult_distrib)
-   apply (simp add: nat_diff_distrib [OF pos_mod_sign pos_mod_conj 
-                                      [THEN conjunct2, THEN order_less_imp_le]]
-                    nat_mod_distrib)
-  apply (simp add: nat_mod_distrib)
-  done
-lemmas bl_word_roti_dt = bl_word_roti_dt' [unfolded word_size]
-lemmas word_rotl_dt = bl_word_rotl_dt 
-  [THEN word_bl.Rep_inverse' [symmetric], standard] 
-lemmas word_rotr_dt = bl_word_rotr_dt 
-  [THEN word_bl.Rep_inverse' [symmetric], standard]
-lemmas word_roti_dt = bl_word_roti_dt 
-  [THEN word_bl.Rep_inverse' [symmetric], standard]
-lemma word_rotx_0 [simp] : "word_rotr i 0 = 0 & word_rotl i 0 = 0"
-  by (simp add : word_rotr_dt word_rotl_dt to_bl_0 replicate_add [symmetric])
-lemma word_roti_0' [simp] : "word_roti n 0 = 0"
-  unfolding word_roti_def by auto
-lemmas word_rotr_dt_no_bin' [simp] = 
-  word_rotr_dt [where w="number_of w", unfolded to_bl_no_bin, standard]
-lemmas word_rotl_dt_no_bin' [simp] = 
-  word_rotl_dt [where w="number_of w", unfolded to_bl_no_bin, standard]
-declare word_roti_def [simp]