explicit option for "open" code generation
Sun, 23 Feb 2014 10:33:43 +0100
changeset 55683 5732a55b9232
parent 55682 def6575032df
child 55684 ee49b4f7edc8
explicit option for "open" code generation
--- a/src/Tools/Code/code_haskell.ML	Sun Feb 23 10:33:43 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/Tools/Code/code_haskell.ML	Sun Feb 23 10:33:43 2014 +0100
@@ -329,13 +329,13 @@
 fun serialize_haskell module_prefix string_classes ctxt { module_name,
-    reserved_syms, identifiers, includes, class_syntax, tyco_syntax, const_syntax } program =
+    reserved_syms, identifiers, includes, class_syntax, tyco_syntax, const_syntax } exports program =
     (* build program *)
     val reserved = fold (insert (op =) o fst) includes reserved_syms;
     val { deresolver, flat_program = haskell_program } = haskell_program_of_program
-      ctxt module_prefix module_name (Name.make_context reserved) identifiers program;
+      ctxt module_prefix module_name (Name.make_context reserved) identifiers exports program;
     (* print statements *)
     fun deriving_show tyco =
--- a/src/Tools/Code/code_ml.ML	Sun Feb 23 10:33:43 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/Tools/Code/code_ml.ML	Sun Feb 23 10:33:43 2014 +0100
@@ -797,13 +797,13 @@
 fun serialize_ml print_ml_module print_ml_stmt ctxt
     { module_name, reserved_syms, identifiers, includes,
-      class_syntax, tyco_syntax, const_syntax } program =
+      class_syntax, tyco_syntax, const_syntax } exports program =
     (* build program *)
     val { deresolver, hierarchical_program = ml_program } =
       ml_program_of_program ctxt module_name (Name.make_context reserved_syms)
-        identifiers program;
+        identifiers exports program;
     (* print statements *)
     fun print_stmt prefix_fragments (_, (export, stmt)) = print_ml_stmt
--- a/src/Tools/Code/code_namespace.ML	Sun Feb 23 10:33:43 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/Tools/Code/code_namespace.ML	Sun Feb 23 10:33:43 2014 +0100
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
     reserved: Name.context, identifiers: Code_Target.identifier_data, empty_nsp: 'a,
     namify_stmt: Code_Thingol.stmt -> string -> 'a -> string * 'a,
     modify_stmt: Code_Thingol.stmt -> Code_Thingol.stmt option }
-      -> Code_Thingol.program
+      -> Code_Symbol.T list -> Code_Thingol.program
       -> { deresolver: string -> Code_Symbol.T -> string,
            flat_program: flat_program }
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
     namify_stmt: Code_Thingol.stmt -> string -> 'c -> string * 'c,
     cyclic_modules: bool, empty_data: 'b, memorize_data: Code_Symbol.T -> 'b -> 'b,
     modify_stmts: (Code_Symbol.T * Code_Thingol.stmt) list -> 'a option list }
-      -> Code_Thingol.program
+      -> Code_Symbol.T list -> Code_Thingol.program
       -> { deresolver: string list -> Code_Symbol.T -> string,
            hierarchical_program: ('a, 'b) hierarchical_program }
   val print_hierarchical: { print_module: string list -> string -> 'b -> 'c list -> 'c,
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
 type flat_program = ((string * (export * Code_Thingol.stmt) option) Code_Symbol.Graph.T * (string * Code_Symbol.T list) list) Graph.T;
 fun flat_program ctxt { module_prefix, module_name, reserved,
-    identifiers, empty_nsp, namify_stmt, modify_stmt } program =
+    identifiers, empty_nsp, namify_stmt, modify_stmt } exports program =
     (* building module name hierarchy *)
@@ -214,7 +214,8 @@
 fun hierarchical_program ctxt { module_name, reserved, identifiers, empty_nsp,
-      namify_module, namify_stmt, cyclic_modules, empty_data, memorize_data, modify_stmts } program =
+      namify_module, namify_stmt, cyclic_modules, empty_data, memorize_data, modify_stmts }
+      exports program =
     (* building module name hierarchy *)
--- a/src/Tools/Code/code_runtime.ML	Sun Feb 23 10:33:43 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/Tools/Code/code_runtime.ML	Sun Feb 23 10:33:43 2014 +0100
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
     val program = Code_Thingol.consts_program thy consts;
     val (ml_modules, target_names) =
       Code_Target.produce_code_for thy
-        target NONE module_name [] program (map Constant consts @ map Type_Constructor tycos);
+        target NONE module_name [] program false (map Constant consts @ map Type_Constructor tycos);
     val ml_code = space_implode "\n\n" (map snd ml_modules);
     val (consts', tycos') = chop (length consts) target_names;
     val consts_map = map2 (fn const =>
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@
   |-> (fn ([Const (const, _)], _) =>
     Code_Target.set_printings (Constant (const,
       [(target, SOME (Code_Printer.simple_const_syntax (0, (K o K o K o Code_Printer.str) ml_name)))]))
-  #> tap (fn thy => Code_Target.produce_code thy [const] target NONE structure_generated []));
+  #> tap (fn thy => Code_Target.produce_code thy false [const] target NONE structure_generated []));
 fun process_file filepath (definienda, thy) =
--- a/src/Tools/Code/code_scala.ML	Sun Feb 23 10:33:43 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/Tools/Code/code_scala.ML	Sun Feb 23 10:33:43 2014 +0100
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@
   in print_stmt end;
-fun scala_program_of_program ctxt module_name reserved identifiers program =
+fun scala_program_of_program ctxt module_name reserved identifiers exports program =
     fun namify_module name_fragment ((nsp_class, nsp_object), nsp_common) =
@@ -343,17 +343,17 @@
       { module_name = module_name, reserved = reserved, identifiers = identifiers,
         empty_nsp = ((reserved, reserved), reserved), namify_module = namify_module,
         namify_stmt = namify_stmt, cyclic_modules = true, empty_data = [],
-        memorize_data = memorize_implicits, modify_stmts = map modify_stmt } program
+        memorize_data = memorize_implicits, modify_stmts = map modify_stmt } exports program
 fun serialize_scala ctxt { module_name, reserved_syms, identifiers,
-    includes, class_syntax, tyco_syntax, const_syntax } program =
+    includes, class_syntax, tyco_syntax, const_syntax } exports program =
     (* build program *)
     val { deresolver, hierarchical_program = scala_program } =
       scala_program_of_program ctxt module_name (Name.make_context reserved_syms)
-        identifiers program;
+        identifiers exports program;
     (* print statements *)
     fun lookup_constr tyco constr = case Code_Symbol.Graph.get_node program (Type_Constructor tyco)
--- a/src/Tools/Code/code_target.ML	Sun Feb 23 10:33:43 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/Tools/Code/code_target.ML	Sun Feb 23 10:33:43 2014 +0100
@@ -10,21 +10,21 @@
   val read_tyco: theory -> string -> string
   val export_code_for: theory -> Path.T option -> string -> int option -> string -> Token.T list
-    -> Code_Thingol.program -> Code_Symbol.T list -> unit
+    -> Code_Thingol.program -> bool -> Code_Symbol.T list -> unit
   val produce_code_for: theory -> string -> int option -> string -> Token.T list
-    -> Code_Thingol.program -> Code_Symbol.T list -> (string * string) list * string option list
+    -> Code_Thingol.program -> bool -> Code_Symbol.T list -> (string * string) list * string option list
   val present_code_for: theory -> string -> int option -> string -> Token.T list
     -> Code_Thingol.program -> Code_Symbol.T list * Code_Symbol.T list -> string
   val check_code_for: theory -> string -> bool -> Token.T list
-    -> Code_Thingol.program -> Code_Symbol.T list -> unit
+    -> Code_Thingol.program -> bool -> Code_Symbol.T list -> unit
-  val export_code: theory -> string list
+  val export_code: theory -> bool -> string list
     -> (((string * string) * Path.T option) * Token.T list) list -> unit
-  val produce_code: theory -> string list
+  val produce_code: theory -> bool -> string list
     -> string -> int option -> string -> Token.T list -> (string * string) list * string option list
   val present_code: theory -> string list -> Code_Symbol.T list
     -> string -> int option -> string -> Token.T list -> string
-  val check_code: theory -> string list
+  val check_code: theory -> bool -> string list
     -> ((string * bool) * Token.T list) list -> unit
   val generatedN: string
@@ -177,6 +177,7 @@
     class_syntax: string -> string option,
     tyco_syntax: string -> Code_Printer.tyco_syntax option,
     const_syntax: string -> Code_Printer.const_syntax option }
+  -> Code_Symbol.T list
   -> Code_Thingol.program
   -> serialization;
@@ -351,7 +352,7 @@
       const_syntax = Code_Symbol.lookup_constant_data printings,
       tyco_syntax = Code_Symbol.lookup_type_constructor_data printings,
       class_syntax = Code_Symbol.lookup_type_class_data printings },
-      program)
+      (syms_all, program))
 fun mount_serializer thy target some_width module_name args program syms =
@@ -359,20 +360,20 @@
     val (default_width, data, modify) = activate_target thy target;
     val serializer = case the_description data
      of Fundamental seri => #serializer seri;
-    val (prepared_serializer, prepared_program) =
+    val (prepared_serializer, (prepared_syms, prepared_program)) =
       prepare_serializer thy serializer
         (the_reserved data) (the_identifiers data) (the_printings data)
         module_name args (modify program) syms
     val width = the_default default_width some_width;
-  in (fn program => prepared_serializer program width, prepared_program) end;
+  in (fn program => fn syms => prepared_serializer syms program width, (prepared_syms, prepared_program)) end;
-fun invoke_serializer thy target some_width raw_module_name args program syms =
+fun invoke_serializer thy target some_width raw_module_name args program all_public syms =
     val module_name = if raw_module_name = "" then ""
       else (check_name true raw_module_name; raw_module_name)
-    val (mounted_serializer, prepared_program) = mount_serializer thy
+    val (mounted_serializer, (prepared_syms, prepared_program)) = mount_serializer thy
       target some_width module_name args program syms;
-  in mounted_serializer prepared_program end;
+  in mounted_serializer prepared_program (if all_public then prepared_syms else []) end;
 fun assert_module_name "" = error "Empty module name not allowed here"
   | assert_module_name module_name = module_name;
@@ -386,23 +387,23 @@
 fun export_code_for thy some_path target some_width module_name args =
   export (using_master_directory thy some_path)
-  oo invoke_serializer thy target some_width module_name args;
+  ooo invoke_serializer thy target some_width module_name args;
 fun produce_code_for thy target some_width module_name args =
     val serializer = invoke_serializer thy target some_width (assert_module_name module_name) args;
-  in fn program => fn syms =>
-    produce (serializer program syms) |> apsnd (fn deresolve => map deresolve syms)
+  in fn program => fn all_public => fn syms =>
+    produce (serializer program all_public syms) |> apsnd (fn deresolve => map deresolve syms)
 fun present_code_for thy target some_width module_name args =
     val serializer = invoke_serializer thy target some_width (assert_module_name module_name) args;
   in fn program => fn (syms, selects) =>
-    present selects (serializer program syms)
+    present selects (serializer program false syms)
-fun check_code_for thy target strict args program syms =
+fun check_code_for thy target strict args program all_public syms =
     val { env_var, make_destination, make_command } =
       (#check o the_fundamental thy) target;
@@ -410,7 +411,7 @@
         val destination = make_destination p;
         val _ = export (SOME destination) (invoke_serializer thy target (SOME 80)
-          generatedN args program syms);
+          generatedN args program all_public syms);
         val cmd = make_command generatedN;
         if Isabelle_System.bash ("cd " ^ File.shell_path p ^ " && " ^ cmd ^ " 2>&1") <> 0
@@ -437,13 +438,14 @@
           Code_Thingol.Fun (((vs', ty'), [(([IVar NONE], t), (NONE, true))]), NONE))
       |> fold (curry (perhaps o try o
           Code_Symbol.Graph.add_edge) Code_Symbol.value) syms;
-    val (program_code, deresolve) = produce (mounted_serializer program);
+    val (program_code, deresolve) =
+      produce (mounted_serializer program [Code_Symbol.value]);
     val value_name = the (deresolve Code_Symbol.value);
   in (program_code, value_name) end;
 fun evaluator thy target program syms =
-    val (mounted_serializer, prepared_program) =
+    val (mounted_serializer, (_, prepared_program)) =
       mount_serializer thy target NONE generatedN [] program syms;
   in evaluation mounted_serializer prepared_program syms end;
@@ -455,36 +457,38 @@
 fun prep_destination "" = NONE
   | prep_destination s = SOME (Path.explode s);
-fun export_code thy cs seris =
+fun export_code thy all_public cs seris =
     val program = Code_Thingol.consts_program thy cs;
     val _ = map (fn (((target, module_name), some_path), args) =>
-      export_code_for thy some_path target NONE module_name args program (map Constant cs)) seris;
+      export_code_for thy some_path target NONE module_name args program all_public (map Constant cs)) seris;
   in () end;
-fun export_code_cmd raw_cs seris thy = export_code thy
-  (Code_Thingol.read_const_exprs thy raw_cs)
-  ((map o apfst o apsnd) prep_destination seris);
+fun export_code_cmd all_public raw_cs seris thy =
+  export_code thy all_public
+    (Code_Thingol.read_const_exprs thy raw_cs)
+    ((map o apfst o apsnd) prep_destination seris);
-fun produce_code thy cs target some_width some_module_name args =
+fun produce_code thy all_public cs target some_width some_module_name args =
     val program = Code_Thingol.consts_program thy cs;
-  in produce_code_for thy target some_width some_module_name args program (map Constant cs) end;
+  in produce_code_for thy target some_width some_module_name args program all_public (map Constant cs) end;
 fun present_code thy cs syms target some_width some_module_name args =
     val program = Code_Thingol.consts_program thy cs;
   in present_code_for thy target some_width some_module_name args program (map Constant cs, syms) end;
-fun check_code thy cs seris =
+fun check_code thy all_public cs seris =
     val program = Code_Thingol.consts_program thy cs;
     val _ = map (fn ((target, strict), args) =>
-      check_code_for thy target strict args program (map Constant cs)) seris;
+      check_code_for thy target strict args program all_public (map Constant cs)) seris;
   in () end;
-fun check_code_cmd raw_cs seris thy = check_code thy
-  (Code_Thingol.read_const_exprs thy raw_cs) seris;
+fun check_code_cmd all_public raw_cs seris thy =
+  check_code thy all_public
+    (Code_Thingol.read_const_exprs thy raw_cs) seris;
@@ -639,21 +643,22 @@
 val code_expr_argsP = Scan.optional (@{keyword "("} |-- Args.parse --| @{keyword ")"}) [];
-fun code_expr_inP raw_cs =
+fun code_expr_inP all_public raw_cs =
   Scan.repeat (@{keyword "in"} |-- Parse.!!! (Parse.name
     -- Scan.optional (@{keyword "module_name"} |-- Parse.name) ""
     -- Scan.optional (@{keyword "file"} |-- Parse.name) ""
     -- code_expr_argsP))
-      >> (fn seri_args => export_code_cmd raw_cs seri_args);
+      >> (fn seri_args => export_code_cmd all_public raw_cs seri_args);
-fun code_expr_checkingP raw_cs =
+fun code_expr_checkingP all_public raw_cs =
   (@{keyword "checking"} |-- Parse.!!!
     (Scan.repeat (Parse.name -- ((@{keyword "?"} |-- Scan.succeed false) || Scan.succeed true)
     -- code_expr_argsP)))
-      >> (fn seri_args => check_code_cmd raw_cs seri_args);
+      >> (fn seri_args => check_code_cmd all_public raw_cs seri_args);
-val code_exprP = Scan.repeat1 Parse.term
-  :|-- (fn raw_cs => (code_expr_checkingP raw_cs || code_expr_inP raw_cs));
+val code_exprP = (Scan.optional (@{keyword "open"} |-- Scan.succeed true) false
+  -- Scan.repeat1 Parse.term)
+  :|-- (fn (all_public, raw_cs) => (code_expr_checkingP all_public raw_cs || code_expr_inP all_public raw_cs));
 val _ =
   Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "code_reserved"}