support for ML files with/without debugger information;
Mon, 17 Aug 2015 19:34:15 +0200
changeset 60957 574254152856
parent 60956 10d463883dc2
child 60958 5d70b5c509f8
support for ML files with/without debugger information;
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/isar_syn.ML	Mon Aug 17 16:27:12 2015 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/isar_syn.ML	Mon Aug 17 19:34:15 2015 +0200
@@ -203,19 +203,31 @@
 (* use ML text *)
+fun SML_file_cmd debug files = Toplevel.theory (fn thy =>
+  let
+    val ([{lines, pos, ...}: Token.file], thy') = files thy;
+    val source = Input.source true (cat_lines lines) (pos, pos);
+    val flags: ML_Compiler.flags =
+      {SML = true, exchange = false, redirect = true, verbose = true,
+        debug = debug, writeln = writeln, warning = warning};
+  in
+    thy' |> Context.theory_map
+      (ML_Context.exec (fn () => ML_Context.eval_source flags source))
+  end);
 val _ =
   Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword SML_file} "read and evaluate Standard ML file"
-    (Resources.provide_parse_files "SML_file" >> (fn files => Toplevel.theory (fn thy =>
-        let
-          val ([{lines, pos, ...}], thy') = files thy;
-          val source = Input.source true (cat_lines lines) (pos, pos);
-          val flags: ML_Compiler.flags =
-            {SML = true, exchange = false, redirect = true, verbose = true,
-              debug = NONE, writeln = writeln, warning = warning};
-        in
-          thy' |> Context.theory_map
-            (ML_Context.exec (fn () => ML_Context.eval_source flags source))
-        end)));
+    (Resources.provide_parse_files "SML_file" >> SML_file_cmd NONE);
+val _ =
+  Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword SML_file_debug}
+    "read and evaluate Standard ML file (with debugger information)"
+    (Resources.provide_parse_files "SML_file_debug" >> SML_file_cmd (SOME true));
+val _ =
+  Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword SML_file_no_debug}
+    "read and evaluate Standard ML file (no debugger information)"
+    (Resources.provide_parse_files "SML_file_no_debug" >> SML_file_cmd (SOME false));
 val _ =
   Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword SML_export} "evaluate SML within Isabelle/ML environment"
--- a/src/Pure/ML/ml_file.ML	Mon Aug 17 16:27:12 2015 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ML/ml_file.ML	Mon Aug 17 19:34:15 2015 +0200
@@ -7,21 +7,33 @@
 structure ML_File: sig end =
+fun ML_file_cmd debug files = Toplevel.generic_theory (fn gthy =>
+  let
+    val [{src_path, lines, digest, pos}: Token.file] = files (Context.theory_of gthy);
+    val provide = Resources.provide (src_path, digest);
+    val source = Input.source true (cat_lines lines) (pos, pos);
+    val flags: ML_Compiler.flags =
+      {SML = false, exchange = false, redirect = true, verbose = true,
+        debug = debug, writeln = writeln, warning = warning};
+  in
+    gthy
+    |> ML_Context.exec (fn () => ML_Context.eval_source flags source)
+    |> Local_Theory.propagate_ml_env
+    |> Context.mapping provide (Local_Theory.background_theory provide)
+  end);
 val _ =
-  Outer_Syntax.command ("ML_file", @{here}) "ML text from file"
-    (Resources.parse_files "ML_file" >> (fn files => Toplevel.generic_theory (fn gthy =>
-        let
-          val [{src_path, lines, digest, pos}] = files (Context.theory_of gthy);
-          val provide = Resources.provide (src_path, digest);
-          val source = Input.source true (cat_lines lines) (pos, pos);
-          val flags: ML_Compiler.flags =
-            {SML = false, exchange = false, redirect = true, verbose = true,
-              debug = NONE, writeln = writeln, warning = warning};
-        in
-          gthy
-          |> ML_Context.exec (fn () => ML_Context.eval_source flags source)
-          |> Local_Theory.propagate_ml_env
-          |> Context.mapping provide (Local_Theory.background_theory provide)
-        end)));
+  Outer_Syntax.command ("ML_file", @{here}) "read and evaluate Isabelle/ML file"
+    (Resources.parse_files "ML_file" >> ML_file_cmd NONE);
+val _ =
+  Outer_Syntax.command ("ML_file_debug", @{here})
+    "read and evaluate Isabelle/ML file (with debugger information)"
+    (Resources.parse_files "ML_file_debug" >> ML_file_cmd (SOME true));
+val _ =
+  Outer_Syntax.command ("ML_file_no_debug", @{here})
+    "read and evaluate Isabelle/ML file (no debugger information)"
+    (Resources.parse_files "ML_file_no_debug" >> ML_file_cmd (SOME false));
--- a/src/Pure/Pure.thy	Mon Aug 17 16:27:12 2015 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Pure.thy	Mon Aug 17 19:34:15 2015 +0200
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
     "definition" "abbreviation" "type_notation" "no_type_notation" "notation"
     "no_notation" "axiomatization" "theorems" "lemmas" "declare"
     "hide_class" "hide_type" "hide_const" "hide_fact" :: thy_decl
-  and "SML_file" :: thy_load % "ML"
+  and "SML_file" "SML_file_debug" "SML_file_no_debug" :: thy_load % "ML"
   and "SML_import" "SML_export" :: thy_decl % "ML"
   and "ML" :: thy_decl % "ML"
   and "ML_prf" :: prf_decl % "proof"  (* FIXME % "ML" ?? *)
--- a/src/Pure/ROOT.ML	Mon Aug 17 16:27:12 2015 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ROOT.ML	Mon Aug 17 19:34:15 2015 +0200
@@ -41,11 +41,23 @@
 val use_text = Secure.use_text;
 val use_file = Secure.use_file;
-fun use file =
-  Position.setmp_thread_data (Position.file_only file)
-    (fn () =>
-      Secure.use_file ML_Parse.global_context {verbose = true, debug = false} file
-        handle ERROR msg => (writeln msg; error "ML error")) ();
+fun use_fns default_debug_option =
+  let
+    fun use_ debug_option file =
+      let
+        val debug =
+          (case debug_option of
+            SOME debug => debug
+          | NONE => default_debug_option ());
+      in
+        Position.setmp_thread_data (Position.file_only file)
+          (fn () =>
+            Secure.use_file ML_Parse.global_context {verbose = true, debug = debug} file
+              handle ERROR msg => (writeln msg; error "ML error")) ()
+      end;
+  in {use = use_ NONE, use_debug = use_ (SOME true), use_no_debug = use_ (SOME false)} end;
+val {use, use_debug, use_no_debug} = use_fns (K false);
 val toplevel_pp = Secure.toplevel_pp;
@@ -95,6 +107,8 @@
 use "System/options.ML";
 use "config.ML";
+val {use, use_debug, use_no_debug} = use_fns (fn () => Options.default_bool "ML_debugger");
 (* concurrency within the ML runtime *)
@@ -204,6 +218,10 @@
 use "ML/ml_syntax.ML";
 use "ML/ml_env.ML";
 use "ML/ml_options.ML";
+val {use, use_debug, use_no_debug} =
+  use_fns (fn () => ML_Options.debugger_enabled (Context.thread_data ()));
 use "ML/exn_output.ML";
 if ML_System.is_polyml then use "ML/exn_output_polyml.ML" else ();
 use "ML/ml_options.ML";
@@ -244,9 +262,21 @@
 use "ML/ml_context.ML";
 use "ML/ml_antiquotation.ML";
-fun use s =
-  ML_Context.eval_file (ML_Compiler.verbose true ML_Compiler.flags) (Path.explode s)
-    handle ERROR msg => (writeln msg; error "ML error");
+  fun use_ debug file =
+    let
+      val flags =
+        {SML = false, exchange = false, redirect = false, verbose = true,
+          debug = debug, writeln = writeln, warning = warning};
+    in
+      ML_Context.eval_file (ML_Compiler.verbose true ML_Compiler.flags) (Path.explode file)
+        handle ERROR msg => (writeln msg; error "ML error")
+    end
+  val use = use_ NONE;
+  val use_debug = use_ (SOME true);
+  val use_no_debug = use_ (SOME false);
@@ -377,4 +407,3 @@
 val cd = o Path.explode;
 Proofterm.proofs := 0;
--- a/src/Pure/Thy/thy_header.ML	Mon Aug 17 16:27:12 2015 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/thy_header.ML	Mon Aug 17 19:34:15 2015 +0200
@@ -78,7 +78,9 @@
      ((txtN, @{here}), SOME ((Keyword.document_body, []), [])),
      ((text_rawN, @{here}), SOME ((Keyword.document_raw, []), [])),
      ((theoryN, @{here}), SOME ((Keyword.thy_begin, []), ["theory"])),
-     (("ML_file", @{here}), SOME ((Keyword.thy_load, []), ["ML"]))];
+     (("ML_file", @{here}), SOME ((Keyword.thy_load, []), ["ML"])),
+     (("ML_file_debug", @{here}), SOME ((Keyword.thy_load, []), ["ML"])),
+     (("ML_file_no_debug", @{here}), SOME ((Keyword.thy_load, []), ["ML"]))];
 (* theory data *)
--- a/src/Pure/Thy/thy_header.scala	Mon Aug 17 16:27:12 2015 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/thy_header.scala	Mon Aug 17 19:34:15 2015 +0200
@@ -55,7 +55,9 @@
       (TXT, Some(((Keyword.DOCUMENT_BODY, Nil), Nil)), None),
       (TEXT_RAW, Some(((Keyword.DOCUMENT_RAW, Nil), Nil)), None),
       (THEORY, Some((Keyword.THY_BEGIN, Nil), List("theory")), None),
-      ("ML_file", Some((Keyword.THY_LOAD, Nil), List("ML")), None))
+      ("ML_file", Some((Keyword.THY_LOAD, Nil), List("ML")), None),
+      ("ML_file_debug", Some((Keyword.THY_LOAD, Nil), List("ML")), None),
+      ("ML_file_no_debug", Some((Keyword.THY_LOAD, Nil), List("ML")), None))
   private val bootstrap_keywords =