--- a/src/Pure/Concurrent/thread_position.ML Sat Apr 01 19:15:38 2023 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Concurrent/thread_position.ML Sat Apr 01 21:12:44 2023 +0200
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
- type T = {line: int, offset: int, end_offset: int, props: (string * string) list}
+ type T = {line: int, offset: int, end_offset: int, props: {file: string, id: string}}
val none: T
val get: unit -> T
val setmp: T -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@
structure Thread_Position: THREAD_POSITION =
-type T = {line: int, offset: int, end_offset: int, props: (string * string) list};
+type T = {line: int, offset: int, end_offset: int, props: {file: string, id: string}};
val var = Thread_Data.var () : T Thread_Data.var;
-val none: T = {line = 0, offset = 0, end_offset = 0, props = []};
+val none: T = {line = 0, offset = 0, end_offset = 0, props = {file = "", id = ""}};
fun get () = (case Thread_Data.get var of NONE => none | SOME pos => pos);
fun setmp pos f x = Thread_Data.setmp var (if pos = none then NONE else SOME pos) f x;
--- a/src/Pure/General/position.ML Sat Apr 01 19:15:38 2023 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/General/position.ML Sat Apr 01 21:12:44 2023 +0200
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
val distance_of: T * T -> int option
val none: T
val start: T
- val file_name: string -> Properties.T
val file_only: string -> T
val file: string -> T
val line_file_only: int -> string -> T
@@ -36,6 +35,7 @@
val parse_id: T -> int option
val shift_offsets: {remove_id: bool} -> int -> T -> T
val adjust_offsets: (int -> int option) -> T -> T
+ val of_props: {line: int, offset: int, end_offset: int, props: Properties.T} -> T
val of_properties: Properties.T -> T
val properties_of: T -> Properties.T
val def_properties_of: T -> Properties.T
@@ -74,15 +74,9 @@
(* datatype position *)
-datatype T = Pos of {line: int, offset: int, end_offset: int, props: Properties.T};
+datatype T = Pos of Thread_Position.T;
-fun norm_props (props: Properties.T) =
- maps (fn a => the_list (find_first (fn (b, _) => a = b) props))
- [Markup.fileN, Markup.idN];
-fun make {line, offset, end_offset, props} =
- Pos {line = line, offset = offset, end_offset = end_offset, props = norm_props props};
+val make = Pos;
fun dest (Pos args) = args;
val ord =
@@ -90,7 +84,8 @@
(int_ord o apply2 (#line o dest) |||
int_ord o apply2 (#offset o dest) |||
int_ord o apply2 (#end_offset o dest) |||
- Properties.ord o apply2 (#props o dest));
+ fast_string_ord o apply2 (#file o #props o dest) |||
+ fast_string_ord o apply2 (#id o #props o dest));
(* fields *)
@@ -105,8 +100,8 @@
val offset_of = maybe_valid o #offset o dest;
val end_offset_of = maybe_valid o #end_offset o dest;
-fun file_of (Pos {props, ...}) = Properties.get props Markup.fileN;
-fun id_of (Pos {props, ...}) = Properties.get props Markup.idN;
+fun file_of (Pos {props = {file, ...}, ...}) = if file = "" then NONE else SOME file;
+fun id_of (Pos {props = {id, ...}, ...}) = if id = "" then NONE else SOME id;
(* symbol positions *)
@@ -137,28 +132,34 @@
(* make position *)
-val none = Pos {line = 0, offset = 0, end_offset = 0, props = []};
-val start = Pos {line = 1, offset = 1, end_offset = 0, props = []};
+type props = {file: string, id: string};
+val no_props: props = {file = "", id = ""};
+fun file_props name : props =
+ if name = "" then no_props else {file = name, id = ""};
+fun id_props id : props =
+ if id = "" then no_props else {file = "", id = id};
-fun file_name "" = []
- | file_name name = [(Markup.fileN, name)];
+val none = Pos {line = 0, offset = 0, end_offset = 0, props = no_props};
+val start = Pos {line = 1, offset = 1, end_offset = 0, props = no_props};
-fun file_only name = Pos {line = 0, offset = 0, end_offset = 0, props = file_name name};
-fun file name = Pos {line = 1, offset = 1, end_offset = 0, props = file_name name};
+fun file_only name = Pos {line = 0, offset = 0, end_offset = 0, props = file_props name};
+fun file name = Pos {line = 1, offset = 1, end_offset = 0, props = file_props name};
-fun line_file_only line name = Pos {line = line, offset = 0, end_offset = 0, props = file_name name};
-fun line_file line name = Pos {line = line, offset = 1, end_offset = 0, props = file_name name};
+fun line_file_only line name = Pos {line = line, offset = 0, end_offset = 0, props = file_props name};
+fun line_file line name = Pos {line = line, offset = 1, end_offset = 0, props = file_props name};
fun line line = line_file line "";
-fun id id = Pos {line = 0, offset = 1, end_offset = 0, props = [(Markup.idN, id)]};
-fun id_only id = Pos {line = 0, offset = 0, end_offset = 0, props = [(Markup.idN, id)]};
+fun id id = Pos {line = 0, offset = 1, end_offset = 0, props = id_props id};
+fun id_only id = Pos {line = 0, offset = 0, end_offset = 0, props = id_props id};
-fun put_id id (pos as Pos {line, offset, end_offset, props}) =
- let val props' = norm_props (Properties.put (Markup.idN, id) props) in
- if props = props' then pos
- else Pos {line = line, offset = offset, end_offset = end_offset, props = props'}
- end;
+fun put_id id' (pos as Pos {line, offset, end_offset, props = {file, id}}) =
+ if id = id' then pos
+ else Pos {line = line, offset = offset, end_offset = end_offset, props = {file = file, id = id'}};
fun copy_id pos = (case id_of pos of NONE => I | SOME id => put_id id);
@@ -179,7 +180,7 @@
val offset' = if valid offset then offset + shift else offset;
val end_offset' = if valid end_offset then end_offset + shift else end_offset;
- val props' = if remove_id then Properties.remove Markup.idN props else props;
+ val props' = if remove_id then file_props (#file props) else props;
if offset = offset' andalso end_offset = end_offset' andalso props = props' then pos
else Pos {line = line, offset = offset', end_offset = end_offset', props = props'}
@@ -198,19 +199,28 @@
(* markup properties *)
+fun of_props {line, offset, end_offset, props} =
+ Pos {line = line, offset = offset, end_offset = end_offset,
+ props =
+ {file = Properties.get_string props Markup.fileN,
+ id = Properties.get_string props Markup.idN}};
fun of_properties props =
- make {
+ of_props {
line = Properties.get_int props Markup.lineN,
offset = Properties.get_int props Markup.offsetN,
end_offset = Properties.get_int props Markup.end_offsetN,
props = props};
+fun string_entry k s = if s = "" then [] else [(k, s)];
fun int_entry k i = if i = 0 then [] else [(k, Value.print_int i)];
-fun properties_of (Pos {line, offset, end_offset, props}) =
+fun properties_of (Pos {line, offset, end_offset, props = {file, id}}) =
int_entry Markup.lineN line @
int_entry Markup.offsetN offset @
- int_entry Markup.end_offsetN end_offset @ props;
+ int_entry Markup.end_offsetN end_offset @
+ string_entry Markup.fileN file @
+ string_entry Markup.idN id;
val def_properties_of = properties_of #> map (apfst Markup.def_name);
@@ -293,7 +303,7 @@
val pos = of_properties props;
val pos' =
- make {line = Properties.get_int props Markup.end_lineN,
+ of_props {line = Properties.get_int props Markup.end_lineN,
offset = Properties.get_int props Markup.end_offsetN,
end_offset = 0,
props = props};
@@ -305,7 +315,7 @@
(* thread data *)
-val thread_data = make o Thread_Position.get;
+val thread_data = Pos o Thread_Position.get;
fun setmp_thread_data pos = Thread_Position.setmp (dest pos);
fun default pos =