The simplifier has been improved a little: equations s=t which used to be
rejected because of looping are now treated as (s=t) == True. The latter
translation must be done outside of Thm because it involves the object-logic
specific True. Therefore the simple loop test has been moved from Thm to
--- a/src/Pure/logic.ML Thu Oct 16 13:43:42 1997 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/logic.ML Thu Oct 16 13:45:16 1997 +0200
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
val list_implies : term list * term -> term
val list_rename_params: string list * term -> term
val is_equals : term -> bool
+ val loops : -> term list -> term -> term
+ -> string option * bool
val mk_equals : term * term -> term
val mk_flexpair : term * term -> term
val mk_implies : term * term -> term
@@ -348,4 +350,42 @@
fun termless tu = (termord tu = LESS);
+(** Check for looping rewrite rules **)
+fun vperm (Var _, Var _) = true
+ | vperm (Abs (_, _, s), Abs (_, _, t)) = vperm (s, t)
+ | vperm (t1 $ t2, u1 $ u2) = vperm (t1, u1) andalso vperm (t2, u2)
+ | vperm (t, u) = (t = u);
+fun var_perm (t, u) =
+ vperm (t, u) andalso eq_set_term (term_vars t, term_vars u);
+(*simple test for looping rewrite*)
+fun looptest sign prems lhs rhs =
+ is_Var (head_of lhs)
+ orelse
+ (exists (apl (lhs,occs)) (rhs :: prems))
+ orelse
+ (null prems andalso
+ Pattern.matches (#tsig (Sign.rep_sg sign)) (lhs, rhs));
+(*the condition "null prems" in the last case is necessary because
+ conditional rewrites with extra variables in the conditions may terminate
+ although the rhs is an instance of the lhs. Example:
+ ?m < ?n ==> f(?n) == f(?m)*)
+fun loops sign prems lhs rhs =
+ let
+ val elhs = Pattern.eta_contract lhs;
+ val erhs = Pattern.eta_contract rhs;
+ val perm = var_perm (elhs, erhs) andalso not (elhs aconv erhs)
+ andalso not (is_Var elhs)
+ in (if not ((term_vars erhs) subset
+ (union_term (term_vars elhs, List.concat(map term_vars prems))))
+ then Some("extra Var(s) on rhs") else
+ if not perm andalso looptest sign prems elhs erhs
+ then Some("loops")
+ else None
+ ,perm)
+ end;
--- a/src/Pure/thm.ML Thu Oct 16 13:43:42 1997 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/thm.ML Thu Oct 16 13:45:16 1997 +0200
@@ -1535,44 +1535,16 @@
(* mk_rrule *)
-fun vperm (Var _, Var _) = true
- | vperm (Abs (_, _, s), Abs (_, _, t)) = vperm (s, t)
- | vperm (t1 $ t2, u1 $ u2) = vperm (t1, u1) andalso vperm (t2, u2)
- | vperm (t, u) = (t = u);
-fun var_perm (t, u) =
- vperm (t, u) andalso eq_set_term (term_vars t, term_vars u);
-(*simple test for looping rewrite*)
-fun loops sign prems (lhs, rhs) =
- is_Var (head_of lhs)
- orelse
- (exists (apl (lhs, Logic.occs)) (rhs :: prems))
- orelse
- (null prems andalso
- Pattern.matches (#tsig (Sign.rep_sg sign)) (lhs, rhs));
-(*the condition "null prems" in the last case is necessary because
- conditional rewrites with extra variables in the conditions may terminate
- although the rhs is an instance of the lhs. Example:
- ?m < ?n ==> f(?n) == f(?m)*)
fun mk_rrule (thm as Thm {sign, prop, ...}) =
val prems = Logic.strip_imp_prems prop;
val concl = Logic.strip_imp_concl prop;
- val (lhs, _) = Logic.dest_equals concl handle TERM _ =>
+ val (lhs, rhs) = Logic.dest_equals concl handle TERM _ =>
raise SIMPLIFIER ("Rewrite rule not a meta-equality", thm);
- val econcl = Pattern.eta_contract concl;
- val (elhs, erhs) = Logic.dest_equals econcl;
- val perm = var_perm (elhs, erhs) andalso not (elhs aconv erhs)
- andalso not (is_Var elhs);
- in
- if not ((term_vars erhs) subset
- (union_term (term_vars elhs, List.concat(map term_vars prems)))) then
- (prtm_warning "extra Var(s) on rhs" sign prop; None)
- else if not perm andalso loops sign prems (elhs, erhs) then
- (prtm_warning "ignoring looping rewrite rule" sign prop; None)
- else Some {thm = thm, lhs = lhs, perm = perm}
+ in case Logic.loops sign prems lhs rhs of
+ (None,perm) => Some {thm = thm, lhs = lhs, perm = perm}
+ | (Some msg,_) =>
+ (prtm_warning("ignoring rewrite rule ("^msg^")") sign prop; None)