comitting symlinks failed!!!
Mon, 09 Dec 1996 10:01:04 +0100
changeset 2337 5b18cc02adb7
parent 2336 008ce88c9913
child 2338 1871df9900bf
comitting symlinks failed!!!
--- a/src/Pure/ML-Systems/polyml-2.07.ML	Mon Dec 09 09:59:43 1996 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Pure/POLY
-    ID:         $Id$
-    Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
-    Copyright   1991  University of Cambridge
-Compatibility file for Poly/ML (AHL release 1.88)
-open PolyML ExtendedIO;
-(*A conditional timing function: applies f to () and, if the flag is true,
-  prints its runtime.*)
-fun cond_timeit flag f =
-  if flag then
-    let val before = System.processtime()
-        val result = f()
-        val both = real(System.processtime() - before) / 10.0
-    in  output(std_out, "Process time (incl GC): "^
-                         makestring both ^ " secs\n");
-        result
-    end
-  else f();
-(*Save function: in Poly/ML, ignores filename and commits to present file*)
-fun xML filename banner = commit();
-(*Interface for toplevel pretty printers, see also Pure/install_pp.ML*)
-fun make_pp _ pprint (str, blk, brk, en) obj =
-  pprint obj (str, fn ind => blk (ind, false), fn wd => brk (wd, 0),
-    fn () => brk (99999, 0), en);
-(*** File handling ***)
-(*These are functions from library.ML *)
-fun take_suffix _ [] = ([], [])
-  | take_suffix pred (x :: xs) =
-      (case take_suffix pred xs of
-         ([], sffx) => if pred x then ([], x :: sffx)
-                                 else ([x], sffx)
-       | (prfx, sffx) => (x :: prfx, sffx));
-fun apr (f,y) x = f(x,y);
-fun seq (proc: 'a -> unit) : 'a list -> unit =
-  let fun seqf [] = ()
-        | seqf (x :: xs) = (proc x; seqf xs)
-  in seqf end;
-fun radixpand num : int list =
-  let fun radix (n, tail) =
-    if n < 10 then n :: tail else radix (n div 10, (n mod 10) :: tail)
-  in radix (num, []) end;
-fun radixstring num =
-  let fun chrof n = chr (ord "0" + n);
-  in implode (map chrof (radixpand num)) end;
-(*Get time of last modification; if file doesn't exist return an empty string*)
-fun file_info "" = ""
-  | file_info name = radixstring (System.filedate name)  handle _ => "";
-structure OS =
-  struct
-  structure FileSys =
-    struct
-    val chDir =
-    fun remove name =    (*Delete a file *)
-      let val (is, os) = ExtendedIO.execute ("rm " ^ name)
-      in close_in is; close_out os end;
-    (*Get pathname of current working directory *)
-    fun getDir () =
-      let val (is, os) = ExtendedIO.execute ("pwd")
-	  val (path, _) = take_suffix (apr(op=,"\n")) (*remove newline*)
-			   (explode (ExtendedIO.input_line is)) 
-      in close_in is; close_out os; implode path end;
-    end
-  end;
-(*** ML command execution ***)
-val use_string =
-  let fun exec command =
-    let val firstLine = ref true;
-        fun getLine () =
-          if !firstLine
-          then (firstLine := false; command)
-          else raise Io "use_string: buffer exhausted"
-    in PolyML.compiler (getLine, fn s => output (std_out, s)) () end
-  in seq exec end;
-(*** System command execution ***)
-(*Execute an Unix command which doesn't take any input from stdin and
-  sends its output to stdout.*)
-fun execute command =
-  let val (is, os) =  ExtendedIO.execute command;
-      val result = input (is, 999999);
-  in close_out os;
-     close_in is;
-     result
-  end;
--- a/src/Pure/ML-Systems/polyml-3.1.ML	Mon Dec 09 09:59:43 1996 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Pure/POLY
-    ID:         $Id$
-    Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
-    Copyright   1991  University of Cambridge
-Compatibility file for Poly/ML (AHL release 1.88)
-open PolyML ExtendedIO;
-(*A conditional timing function: applies f to () and, if the flag is true,
-  prints its runtime.*)
-fun cond_timeit flag f =
-  if flag then
-    let val before = System.processtime()
-        val result = f()
-        val both = real(System.processtime() - before) / 10.0
-    in  output(std_out, "Process time (incl GC): "^
-                         makestring both ^ " secs\n");
-        result
-    end
-  else f();
-(*Save function: in Poly/ML, ignores filename and commits to present file*)
-fun xML filename banner = commit();
-(*Interface for toplevel pretty printers, see also Pure/install_pp.ML*)
-fun make_pp _ pprint (str, blk, brk, en) obj =
-  pprint obj (str, fn ind => blk (ind, false), fn wd => brk (wd, 0),
-    fn () => brk (99999, 0), en);
-(*** File handling ***)
-(*These are functions from library.ML *)
-fun take_suffix _ [] = ([], [])
-  | take_suffix pred (x :: xs) =
-      (case take_suffix pred xs of
-         ([], sffx) => if pred x then ([], x :: sffx)
-                                 else ([x], sffx)
-       | (prfx, sffx) => (x :: prfx, sffx));
-fun apr (f,y) x = f(x,y);
-fun seq (proc: 'a -> unit) : 'a list -> unit =
-  let fun seqf [] = ()
-        | seqf (x :: xs) = (proc x; seqf xs)
-  in seqf end;
-fun radixpand num : int list =
-  let fun radix (n, tail) =
-    if n < 10 then n :: tail else radix (n div 10, (n mod 10) :: tail)
-  in radix (num, []) end;
-fun radixstring num =
-  let fun chrof n = chr (ord "0" + n);
-  in implode (map chrof (radixpand num)) end;
-(*Get time of last modification; if file doesn't exist return an empty string*)
-fun file_info "" = ""
-  | file_info name = radixstring (System.filedate name)  handle _ => "";
-structure OS =
-  struct
-  structure FileSys =
-    struct
-    val chDir =
-    fun remove name =    (*Delete a file *)
-      let val (is, os) = ExtendedIO.execute ("rm " ^ name)
-      in close_in is; close_out os end;
-    (*Get pathname of current working directory *)
-    fun getDir () =
-      let val (is, os) = ExtendedIO.execute ("pwd")
-	  val (path, _) = take_suffix (apr(op=,"\n")) (*remove newline*)
-			   (explode (ExtendedIO.input_line is)) 
-      in close_in is; close_out os; implode path end;
-    end
-  end;
-(*** ML command execution ***)
-val use_string =
-  let fun exec command =
-    let val firstLine = ref true;
-        fun getLine () =
-          if !firstLine
-          then (firstLine := false; command)
-          else raise Io "use_string: buffer exhausted"
-    in PolyML.compiler (getLine, fn s => output (std_out, s)) () end
-  in seq exec end;
-(*** System command execution ***)
-(*Execute an Unix command which doesn't take any input from stdin and
-  sends its output to stdout.*)
-fun execute command =
-  let val (is, os) =  ExtendedIO.execute command;
-      val result = input (is, 999999);
-  in close_out os;
-     close_in is;
-     result
-  end;