added linear_set.scala from
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/General/linear_set.scala Tue Sep 01 11:52:19 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+/* Title: Pure/General/linear_set.scala
+ Author: Makarius
+Sets with canonical linear order, or immutable linked-lists.
+package isabelle
+object Linear_Set
+ def empty[A]: Linear_Set[A] = new Linear_Set[A]
+ def apply[A](elems: A*): Linear_Set[A] =
+ (empty[A] /: elems) ((s, elem) => s + elem)
+ class Duplicate(s: String) extends Exception(s)
+ class Undefined(s: String) extends Exception(s)
+ private def make[A](first: Option[A], last: Option[A], b: Map[A, A]): Linear_Set[A] =
+ new Linear_Set[A] {
+ override val first_elem = first
+ override val last_elem = last
+ override val body = b
+ }
+class Linear_Set[A] extends scala.collection.immutable.Set[A]
+ /* representation */
+ val first_elem: Option[A] = None
+ val last_elem: Option[A] = None
+ val body: Map[A, A] = Map.empty
+ /* basic methods */
+ def next(elem: A) = body.get(elem)
+ def prev(elem: A) = body.find(_._2 == elem).map(_._1)
+ override def isEmpty: Boolean = !last_elem.isDefined
+ def size: Int = if (isEmpty) 0 else body.size + 1
+ def empty[B] = Linear_Set.empty[B]
+ def contains(elem: A): Boolean =
+ !isEmpty && (last_elem.get == elem || body.isDefinedAt(elem))
+ private def _insert_after(hook: Option[A], elem: A): Linear_Set[A] =
+ if (contains(elem)) throw new Linear_Set.Duplicate(elem.toString)
+ else hook match {
+ case Some(hook) =>
+ if (!contains(hook)) throw new Linear_Set.Undefined(hook.toString)
+ else if (body.isDefinedAt(hook))
+ Linear_Set.make(first_elem, last_elem, body - hook + (hook -> elem) + (elem -> body(hook)))
+ else Linear_Set.make(first_elem, Some(elem), body + (hook -> elem))
+ case None =>
+ if (isEmpty) Linear_Set.make(Some(elem), Some(elem), Map.empty)
+ else Linear_Set.make(Some(elem), last_elem, body + (elem -> first_elem.get))
+ }
+ def insert_after(hook: Option[A], elems: Seq[A]): Linear_Set[A] =
+ elems.reverse.foldLeft (this) ((ls, elem) => ls._insert_after(hook, elem))
+ def +(elem: A): Linear_Set[A] = _insert_after(last_elem, elem)
+ def delete_after(elem: Option[A]): Linear_Set[A] =
+ elem match {
+ case Some(elem) =>
+ if (!contains(elem)) throw new Linear_Set.Undefined(elem.toString)
+ else if (!body.isDefinedAt(elem)) throw new Linear_Set.Undefined(null)
+ else if (body(elem) == last_elem.get) Linear_Set.make(first_elem, Some(elem), body - elem)
+ else Linear_Set.make(first_elem, last_elem, body - elem - body(elem) + (elem -> body(body(elem))))
+ case None =>
+ if (isEmpty) throw new Linear_Set.Undefined(null)
+ else if (size == 1) empty
+ else Linear_Set.make(Some(body(first_elem.get)), last_elem, body - first_elem.get)
+ }
+ def delete_between(from: Option[A], to: Option[A]): Linear_Set[A] = {
+ if(!first_elem.isDefined) this
+ else {
+ val next = if (from == last_elem) None
+ else if (from == None) first_elem
+ else
+ if (next == to) this
+ else delete_after(from).delete_between(from, to)
+ }
+ }
+ def -(elem: A): Linear_Set[A] =
+ if (!contains(elem)) throw new Linear_Set.Undefined(elem.toString)
+ else delete_after(body find (p => p._2 == elem) map (p => p._1))
+ def elements = new Iterator[A] {
+ private var next_elem = first_elem
+ def hasNext = next_elem.isDefined
+ def next = {
+ val elem = next_elem.get
+ next_elem = if (body.isDefinedAt(elem)) Some(body(elem)) else None
+ elem
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/src/Pure/IsaMakefile Mon Aug 31 20:34:48 2009 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/IsaMakefile Tue Sep 01 11:52:19 2009 +0200
@@ -117,14 +117,14 @@
## Scala material
-SCALA_FILES = General/event_bus.scala General/markup.scala \
- General/position.scala General/scan.scala General/swing_thread.scala \
- General/symbol.scala General/xml.scala General/yxml.scala \
- Isar/isar.scala Isar/isar_document.scala Isar/outer_keyword.scala \
- System/cygwin.scala System/gui_setup.scala \
+SCALA_FILES = General/event_bus.scala General/linear_set.scala \
+ General/markup.scala General/position.scala General/scan.scala \
+ General/swing_thread.scala General/symbol.scala General/xml.scala \
+ General/yxml.scala Isar/isar.scala Isar/isar_document.scala \
+ Isar/outer_keyword.scala System/cygwin.scala System/gui_setup.scala \
System/isabelle_process.scala System/isabelle_syntax.scala \
System/isabelle_system.scala System/platform.scala \
- Thy/completion.scala Thy/thy_header.scala \
+ Thy/completion.scala Thy/thy_header.scala
JAR_DIR = $(ISABELLE_HOME)/lib/classes
PURE_JAR = $(JAR_DIR)/Pure.jar