more elementary pgiptype;
Tue, 14 May 2013 21:40:25 +0200
changeset 51992 5c179451c445
parent 51991 5b814dd90f7f
child 51993 ea123790121b
more elementary pgiptype;
--- a/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/pgip_types.ML	Tue May 14 21:02:49 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/pgip_types.ML	Tue May 14 21:40:25 2013 +0200
@@ -6,19 +6,10 @@
 signature PGIPTYPES =
+  exception PGIP of string
   val attr: string -> string -> XML.attributes
   val opt_attr: string -> string option -> XML.attributes
   val get_attr: XML.attributes -> string -> string           (* raises PGIP *)
-  datatype pgiptype =
-      Pgipnull | Pgipbool | Pgipint of int option * int option | Pgipnat | Pgipreal
-    | Pgipstring | Pgipconst of string | Pgipchoice of pgipdtype list
-  and pgipdtype = Pgipdtype of string option * pgiptype  (* type with opt. description *)
-  exception PGIP of string
-  val pgiptype_to_xml   : pgiptype -> XML.tree
 structure PgipTypes : PGIPTYPES =
@@ -26,8 +17,6 @@
 exception PGIP of string
-(** XML utils **)
 fun get_attr attrs name =
   (case Properties.get attrs name of
     SOME value => value
@@ -38,77 +27,5 @@
 fun opt_attr _ NONE = []
   | opt_attr name (SOME value) = attr name value;
-(* PGIP datatypes.
-   This is a reflection of the type structure of PGIP configuration,
-   which is meant for setting up user dialogs and preference settings.
-   These are configured declaratively in XML, using a syntax for types
-   and values which is like a (vastly cut down) form of XML Schema
-   Datatypes.
-   The prover needs to interpret the strings representing the typed
-   values, at least for the types it expects from the dialogs it
-   configures.  Here we go further and construct a type-safe
-   encapsulation of these values, which would be useful for more
-   advanced cases (e.g. generating and processing forms).
-datatype pgiptype =
-         Pgipnull                            (* unit type: unique element is empty string *)
-       | Pgipbool                            (* booleans: "true" or "false" *)
-       | Pgipint of int option * int option  (* ranged integers, should be XSD canonical *)
-       | Pgipnat                             (* naturals: non-negative integers (convenience) *)
-       | Pgipreal                            (* floating-point numbers *)
-       | Pgipstring                          (* non-empty strings *)
-       | Pgipconst of string                 (* singleton type *)
-       | Pgipchoice of pgipdtype list        (* union type *)
-(* Compared with the PGIP schema, we push descriptions of types inside choices. *)
-and pgipdtype = Pgipdtype of string option * pgiptype
-datatype pgipuval =
-    Pgvalnull | Pgvalbool of bool | Pgvalint of int | Pgvalnat of int | Pgvalreal of real
-  | Pgvalstring of string | Pgvalconst of string
-type pgipval = pgiptype * pgipuval      (* type-safe values *)
-fun pgipdtype_to_xml (desco,ty) =
-    let
-        val desc_attr = opt_attr "descr" desco
-        val elt = case ty of
-                      Pgipnull => "pgipnull"
-                    | Pgipbool => "pgipbool"
-                    | Pgipint _ => "pgipint"
-                    | Pgipnat => "pgipint"
-                    | Pgipreal => "pgipint"  (*sic!*)  (*required for PG 4.0 and 3.7.x*)
-                    | Pgipstring => "pgipstring"
-                    | Pgipconst _ => "pgipconst"
-                    | Pgipchoice _ => "pgipchoice"
-        fun range_attr r v = attr r (Markup.print_int v)
-        val attrs = case ty of
-                        Pgipint (SOME min,SOME max) => (range_attr "min" min)@(range_attr "max" max)
-                      | Pgipint (SOME min,NONE) => (range_attr "min" min)
-                      | Pgipint (NONE,SOME max) => (range_attr "max" max)
-                      | Pgipnat => (range_attr "min" 0)
-                      | Pgipconst nm => attr "name" nm
-                      | _ => []
-        fun destpgipdtype (Pgipdtype x) = x
-        val typargs = case ty of
-                          Pgipchoice ds => map destpgipdtype ds
-                        | _ => []
-    in
-        XML.Elem ((elt, desc_attr @ attrs), map pgipdtype_to_xml typargs)
-    end
-val pgiptype_to_xml = pgipdtype_to_xml o pair NONE
--- a/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/preferences.ML	Tue May 14 21:02:49 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/preferences.ML	Tue May 14 21:40:25 2013 +0200
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
    {name: string,
     descr: string,
     default: string,
-    pgiptype: PgipTypes.pgiptype,
+    pgiptype: string,
     get: unit -> string,
     set: string -> unit}
   val options_pref: string -> string -> string -> preference
@@ -45,10 +45,15 @@
  {name: string,
   descr: string,
   default: string,
-  pgiptype: PgipTypes.pgiptype,
+  pgiptype: string,
   get: unit -> string,
   set: string -> unit};
+val pgipbool = "pgipbool";
+val pgipint = "pgipint";
+val pgipfloat = "pgipint";  (*NB: PG 3.7.x and 4.0 lack pgipfloat, but accept floats as pgipint*)
+val pgipstring = "pgipstring";
 (* options as preferences *)
@@ -56,10 +61,10 @@
     val typ = Options.default_typ option_name;
     val pgiptype =
-      if typ = Options.boolT then PgipTypes.Pgipbool
-      else if typ = Options.intT then PgipTypes.Pgipint (NONE, NONE)
-      else if typ = Options.realT then PgipTypes.Pgipreal
-      else PgipTypes.Pgipstring;
+      if typ = Options.boolT then pgipbool
+      else if typ = Options.intT then pgipint
+      else if typ = Options.realT then pgipfloat
+      else pgipstring;
    {name = pgip_name,
     descr = descr,
@@ -81,14 +86,10 @@
 fun generic_pref read write typ r =
   mkpref (fn () => read (! r)) (fn x => r := write x) typ;
-val string_pref = generic_pref I I PgipTypes.Pgipstring;
-val real_pref = generic_pref Markup.print_real Markup.parse_real PgipTypes.Pgipreal;
-val int_pref =
-  generic_pref Markup.print_int Markup.parse_int (PgipTypes.Pgipint (NONE, NONE));
-val bool_pref = generic_pref Markup.print_bool Markup.parse_bool PgipTypes.Pgipbool;
+val bool_pref = generic_pref Markup.print_bool Markup.parse_bool pgipbool;
+val int_pref = generic_pref Markup.print_int Markup.parse_int pgipint;
+val real_pref = generic_pref Markup.print_real Markup.parse_real pgipfloat;
+val string_pref = generic_pref I I pgipstring;
 (* preferences of Pure *)
@@ -97,13 +98,13 @@
     fun get () = Markup.print_bool (Proofterm.proofs_enabled ());
     fun set s = Proofterm.proofs := (if Markup.parse_bool s then 2 else 1);
-  in mkpref get set PgipTypes.Pgipbool "full-proofs" "Record full proof objects internally" end) ();
+  in mkpref get set pgipbool "full-proofs" "Record full proof objects internally" end) ();
 val parallel_proof_pref =
     fun get () = Markup.print_bool (! Goal.parallel_proofs >= 1);
     fun set s = Goal.parallel_proofs := (if Markup.parse_bool s then 1 else 0);
-  in mkpref get set PgipTypes.Pgipbool "parallel-proofs" "Check proofs in parallel" end;
+  in mkpref get set pgipbool "parallel-proofs" "Check proofs in parallel" end;
 val thm_depsN = "thm_deps";
 val thm_deps_pref =
@@ -114,7 +115,7 @@
       then Unsynchronized.change print_mode (insert (op =) thm_depsN)
       else Unsynchronized.change print_mode (remove (op =) thm_depsN);
-    mkpref get set PgipTypes.Pgipbool "theorem-dependencies"
+    mkpref get set pgipbool "theorem-dependencies"
       "Track theorem dependencies within Proof General"
@@ -122,7 +123,7 @@
     val get = Markup.print_int o get_print_depth;
     val set = print_depth o Markup.parse_int;
-  in mkpref get set PgipTypes.Pgipnat "print-depth" "Setting for the ML print depth" end;
+  in mkpref get set pgipint "print-depth" "Setting for the ML print depth" end;
 val display_preferences =
--- a/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/proof_general_pgip.ML	Tue May 14 21:02:49 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/proof_general_pgip.ML	Tue May 14 21:40:25 2013 +0200
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
 fun haspref ({name, descr, default, pgiptype, ...}: Preferences.preference) =
   XML.Elem (("haspref", [("name", name), ("descr", descr), ("default", default)]),
-    [PgipTypes.pgiptype_to_xml pgiptype]);
+    [XML.Elem ((pgiptype, []), [])]);
 fun process_element refid refseq (XML.Elem (("askprefs", _), _)) =
       ! preferences |> (fn (category, prefs) =>