misc tuning and simplification;
Tue, 14 Jun 2011 12:18:34 +0200
changeset 43382 5d9d34bdec25
parent 43381 806878ae2219
child 43383 63fc6b5ef8ac
misc tuning and simplification;
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/text_area_painter.scala	Tue Jun 14 11:36:08 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/text_area_painter.scala	Tue Jun 14 12:18:34 2011 +0200
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 class Text_Area_Painter(doc_view: Document_View)
   private val model = doc_view.model
+  private val buffer = model.buffer
   private val text_area = doc_view.text_area
   private val orig_text_painter: TextAreaExtension =
@@ -72,7 +73,7 @@
       first_line: Int, last_line: Int, physical_lines: Array[Int],
       start: Array[Int], end: Array[Int], y: Int, line_height: Int)
-      Isabelle.swing_buffer_lock(model.buffer) {
+      Isabelle.swing_buffer_lock(buffer) {
         val snapshot = painter_snapshot()
         val ascent = text_area.getPainter.getFontMetrics.getAscent
@@ -147,110 +148,107 @@
   /* text */
+  private def line_infos(physical_lines: Iterator[Int]): Map[Text.Offset, Chunk] =
+  {
+    val painter = text_area.getPainter
+    val font = painter.getFont
+    val font_context = painter.getFontRenderContext
+    // see org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.TextArea.propertiesChanged
+    // see org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.TextArea.setMaxLineLength
+    val margin =
+      if (buffer.getStringProperty("wrap") != "soft") 0.0f
+      else {
+        val max = buffer.getIntegerProperty("maxLineLen", 0)
+        if (max > 0) font.getStringBounds(" " * max, font_context).getWidth.toInt
+        else painter.getWidth - font.getStringBounds(" ", font_context).getWidth.round.toInt * 3
+      }.toFloat
+    val out = new ArrayList[Chunk]
+    val handler = new DisplayTokenHandler
+    var result = Map[Text.Offset, Chunk]()
+    for (line <- physical_lines) {
+      out.clear
+      handler.init(painter.getStyles, font_context, painter, out, margin)
+      buffer.markTokens(line, handler)
+      val line_start = buffer.getLineStartOffset(line)
+      for (i <- 0 until out.size) {
+        val chunk = out.get(i)
+        result += (line_start + chunk.offset -> chunk)
+      }
+    }
+    result
+  }
+  private def paint_chunk_list(gfx: Graphics2D,
+    offset: Text.Offset, head: Chunk, x: Float, y: Float): Float =
+  {
+    val clip_rect = gfx.getClipBounds
+    val font_context = text_area.getPainter.getFontRenderContext
+    var w = 0.0f
+    var chunk_offset = offset
+    var chunk = head
+    while (chunk != null) {
+      val chunk_length = if (chunk.str == null) 0 else chunk.str.length
+      if (x + w + chunk.width > clip_rect.x &&
+          x + w < clip_rect.x + clip_rect.width &&
+          chunk.accessable && chunk.visible)
+      {
+        val chunk_range = Text.Range(chunk_offset, chunk_offset + chunk_length)
+        val chunk_font = chunk.style.getFont
+        val chunk_color = chunk.style.getForegroundColor
+        val markup = painter_snapshot.select_markup(chunk_range)(Isabelle_Markup.foreground)
+        gfx.setFont(chunk_font)
+        if (!Debug.DISABLE_GLYPH_VECTOR && chunk.gv != null &&
+            markup.forall(info => info.info.isEmpty)) {
+          gfx.setColor(chunk_color)
+          gfx.drawGlyphVector(chunk.gv, x + w, y)
+        }
+        else {
+          var xpos = x + w
+          for (Text.Info(range, info) <- markup) {
+            val str = chunk.str.substring(range.start - chunk_offset, range.stop - chunk_offset)
+            gfx.setColor(info.getOrElse(chunk_color))
+            gfx.drawString(str, xpos.toInt, y.toInt)
+            xpos += chunk_font.getStringBounds(str, font_context).getWidth.toFloat
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      w += chunk.width
+      chunk_offset += chunk_length
+      chunk = chunk.next.asInstanceOf[Chunk]
+    }
+    w
+  }
   private val text_painter = new TextAreaExtension
     override def paintScreenLineRange(gfx: Graphics2D,
       first_line: Int, last_line: Int, physical_lines: Array[Int],
-      start: Array[Int], end: Array[Int], y_start: Int, line_height: Int)
+      start: Array[Int], end: Array[Int], y: Int, line_height: Int)
-      val buffer = text_area.getBuffer
       Isabelle.swing_buffer_lock(buffer) {
-        val painter = text_area.getPainter
-        val font = painter.getFont
-        val font_context = painter.getFontRenderContext
-        val font_metrics = painter.getFontMetrics
-        def paint_chunk_list(head_offset: Text.Offset, head: Chunk, x: Float, y: Float): Float =
-        {
-          val clip_rect = gfx.getClipBounds
-          var w = 0.0f
-          var offset = head_offset
-          var chunk = head
-          while (chunk != null) {
-            val chunk_length = if (chunk.str == null) 0 else chunk.str.length
-            if (x + w + chunk.width > clip_rect.x &&
-                x + w < clip_rect.x + clip_rect.width &&
-                chunk.accessable && chunk.visible)
-            {
-              val chunk_range = Text.Range(offset, offset + chunk_length)
-              val chunk_font = chunk.style.getFont
-              val chunk_color = chunk.style.getForegroundColor
-              val markup = painter_snapshot.select_markup(chunk_range)(Isabelle_Markup.foreground)
-              gfx.setFont(chunk_font)
-              if (!Debug.DISABLE_GLYPH_VECTOR && chunk.gv != null &&
-                  markup.forall(info => info.info.isEmpty)) {
-                gfx.setColor(chunk_color)
-                gfx.drawGlyphVector(chunk.gv, x + w, y)
-              }
-              else {
-                var xpos = x + w
-                for (Text.Info(range, info) <- markup) {
-                  val str = chunk.str.substring(range.start - offset, range.stop - offset)
-                  gfx.setColor(info.getOrElse(chunk_color))
-                  gfx.drawString(str, xpos.toInt, y.toInt)
-                  xpos += chunk_font.getStringBounds(str, font_context).getWidth.toFloat
-                }
-              }
-            }
-            w += chunk.width
-            offset += chunk_length
-            chunk = chunk.next.asInstanceOf[Chunk]
-          }
-          w
-        }
-        // see org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.TextArea.propertiesChanged
-        // see org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.TextArea.setMaxLineLength
-        val char_width = font.getStringBounds(" ", font_context).getWidth.round.toInt
-        val soft_wrap = buffer.getStringProperty("wrap") == "soft"
-        val wrap_margin =
-        {
-          val max = buffer.getIntegerProperty("maxLineLen", 0)
-          if (max > 0) font.getStringBounds(" " * max, font_context).getWidth.toInt
-          else if (soft_wrap) painter.getWidth - char_width * 3
-          else 0
-        }.toFloat
-        val line_infos: Map[Text.Offset, Chunk] =
-        {
-          val out = new ArrayList[Chunk]
-          val handler = new DisplayTokenHandler
-          val margin = if (soft_wrap) wrap_margin else 0.0f
-          var result = Map[Text.Offset, Chunk]()
-          for (line <- physical_lines.iterator.filter(i => i != -1)) {
-            out.clear
-            handler.init(painter.getStyles, font_context, painter, out, margin)
-            buffer.markTokens(line, handler)
-            val line_start = buffer.getLineStartOffset(line)
-            for (i <- 0 until out.size) {
-              val chunk = out.get(i)
-              result += (line_start + chunk.offset -> chunk)
-            }
-          }
-          result
-        }
         val clip = gfx.getClip
         val x0 = text_area.getHorizontalOffset
-        var y0 =
-          y_start + font_metrics.getHeight - (font_metrics.getLeading + 1) - font_metrics.getDescent
+        val fm = text_area.getPainter.getFontMetrics
+        var y0 = y + fm.getHeight - (fm.getLeading + 1) - fm.getDescent
+        val infos = line_infos(physical_lines.iterator.filter(i => i != -1))
         for (i <- 0 until physical_lines.length) {
           if (physical_lines(i) != -1) {
-            line_infos.get(start(i)) match {
+            infos.get(start(i)) match {
               case Some(chunk) =>
-                val w = paint_chunk_list(start(i), chunk, x0, y0).toInt
+                val w = paint_chunk_list(gfx, start(i), chunk, x0, y0).toInt
                 gfx.clipRect(x0 + w, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE)
-                  first_line + i, physical_lines(i), start(i), end(i), y_start + line_height * i)
+                  first_line + i, physical_lines(i), start(i), end(i), y + line_height * i)
               case None =>