--- a/src/Pure/Isar/expression.ML Wed Nov 19 17:03:13 2008 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/expression.ML Wed Nov 19 17:04:29 2008 +0100
@@ -312,26 +312,61 @@
(*** Locale processing ***)
-(** Prepare locale elements **)
+(** Parsing **)
+fun parse_elem prep_typ prep_term ctxt elem =
+ Element.map_ctxt {name = I, var = I, typ = prep_typ ctxt,
+ term = prep_term ctxt, fact = I, attrib = I} elem;
+fun parse_concl prep_term ctxt concl =
+ (map o map) (fn (t, ps) =>
+ (prep_term ctxt, map (prep_term ctxt) ps)) concl;
+(** Type checking **)
+fun extract_elem (Fixes fixes) = map (#2 #> the_list #> map (Logic.mk_type #> rpair [])) fixes
+ | extract_elem (Constrains csts) = map (#2 #> single #> map (Logic.mk_type #> rpair [])) csts
+ | extract_elem (Assumes asms) = map #2 asms
+ | extract_elem (Defines defs) = map (fn (_, (t, ps)) => [(t, ps)]) defs
+ | extract_elem (Notes _) = [];
+fun restore_elem (Fixes fixes, propps) =
+ (fixes ~~ propps) |> map (fn ((x, _, mx), propp) =>
+ (x, propp |> map (fst #> Logic.dest_type) |> try hd, mx)) |> Fixes
+ | restore_elem (Constrains csts, propps) =
+ (csts ~~ propps) |> map (fn ((x, _), propp) =>
+ (x, propp |> map (fst #> Logic.dest_type) |> hd)) |> Constrains
+ | restore_elem (Assumes asms, propps) =
+ (asms ~~ propps) |> map (fn ((b, _), propp) => (b, propp)) |> Assumes
+ | restore_elem (Defines defs, propps) =
+ (defs ~~ propps) |> map (fn ((b, _), [propp]) => (b, propp)) |> Defines
+ | restore_elem (Notes notes, _) = Notes notes;
+fun check_autofix_elems elems concl ctxt =
+ let
+ val termss = elems |> map extract_elem;
+ val all_terms' = (burrow o burrow_fst) (Syntax.check_terms ctxt) (concl @ flat termss);
+(* val (ctxt', all_props') = ProofContext.check_propp_schematic (ctxt, concl @ flat propss); *)
+val _ = "check" |> warning;
+val _ = PolyML.makestring all_terms' |> warning;
+ val (concl', terms') = chop (length concl) all_terms';
+ val ctxt'' = (fold o fold) (fn (t, _) => Variable.auto_fixes t) terms' ctxt;
+ in (terms' |> unflat termss |> curry (op ~~) elems |> map restore_elem, concl', ctxt'') end;
+(** Prepare locale elements **)
fun declare_elem prep_vars (Fixes fixes) ctxt =
let val (vars, _) = prep_vars fixes ctxt
- in ([], ctxt |> ProofContext.add_fixes_i vars |> snd) end
+ in ctxt |> ProofContext.add_fixes_i vars |> snd end
| declare_elem prep_vars (Constrains csts) ctxt =
- let val (_, ctxt') = prep_vars (map (fn (x, T) => (Name.binding x, SOME T, NoSyn)) csts) ctxt
- in ([], ctxt') end
- | declare_elem _ (Assumes asms) ctxt = (map #2 asms, ctxt)
- | declare_elem _ (Defines defs) ctxt = (map (fn (_, (t, ps)) => [(t, ps)]) defs, ctxt)
- | declare_elem _ (Notes _) ctxt = ([], ctxt);
+ ctxt |> prep_vars (map (fn (x, T) => (Name.binding x, SOME T, NoSyn)) csts) |> snd
+ | declare_elem _ (Assumes asms) ctxt = ctxt
+ | declare_elem _ (Defines defs) ctxt = ctxt
+ | declare_elem _ (Notes _) ctxt = ctxt;
-fun declare_elems prep_vars raw_elems ctxt =
- fold_map (declare_elem prep_vars) raw_elems ctxt;
+(** Finish locale elements, extract specification text **)
@@ -367,18 +402,18 @@
(spec, fold (bind_def ctxt o #1 o #2) defs binds)
| eval_text _ (Notes _) text = text;
-fun closeup _ false elem = elem
- | closeup ctxt true elem =
+fun closeup _ _ false elem = elem
+ | closeup ctxt parms true elem =
fun close_frees t =
val rev_frees =
Term.fold_aterms (fn Free (x, T) =>
- if Variable.is_fixed ctxt x then I else insert (op =) (x, T) | _ => I) t [];
+ if AList.defined (op =) parms x then I else insert (op =) (x, T) | _ => I) t [];
in Term.list_all_free (rev rev_frees, t) end;
fun no_binds [] = []
- | no_binds _ = error "Illegal term bindings in locale element";
+ | no_binds _ = error "Illegal term bindings in context element";
(case elem of
Assumes asms => Assumes (asms |> map (fn (a, propps) =>
@@ -388,19 +423,17 @@
| e => e)
-fun finish_ext_elem parms _ (Fixes fixes, _) = Fixes (map (fn (binding, _, mx) =>
+fun finish_ext_elem parms _ (Fixes fixes) = Fixes (map (fn (binding, _, mx) =>
let val x = Name.name_of binding
in (binding, AList.lookup (op =) parms x, mx) end) fixes)
- | finish_ext_elem _ _ (Constrains _, _) = Constrains []
- | finish_ext_elem _ close (Assumes asms, propp) =
- close (Assumes (map #1 asms ~~ propp))
- | finish_ext_elem _ close (Defines defs, propp) =
- close (Defines (map #1 defs ~~ map (fn [(t, ps)] => (t, ps)) propp))
- | finish_ext_elem _ _ (Notes facts, _) = Notes facts;
+ | finish_ext_elem _ _ (Constrains _) = Constrains []
+ | finish_ext_elem _ close (Assumes asms) = close (Assumes asms)
+ | finish_ext_elem _ close (Defines defs) = close (Defines defs)
+ | finish_ext_elem _ _ (Notes facts) = Notes facts;
-fun finish_elem ctxt parms do_close (elem, propp) text =
+fun finish_elem ctxt parms do_close elem text =
- val elem' = finish_ext_elem parms (closeup ctxt do_close) (elem, propp);
+ val elem' = finish_ext_elem parms (closeup ctxt parms do_close) elem;
val text' = eval_text ctxt elem' text;
in (elem', text') end
@@ -414,62 +447,40 @@
-fun param_types ps = map_filter (fn (_, NONE) => NONE | (x, SOME T) => SOME (x, T)) ps;
+(* nice, but for now not needed
+fun fold_suffixes f [] y = f [] y
+ | fold_suffixes f (x :: xs) y = f (x :: xs) (f xs y);
-fun frozen_tvars ctxt Ts =
- #1 (Variable.importT_inst (map Logic.mk_type Ts) ctxt)
- |> map (fn ((xi, S), T) => (xi, (S, T)));
-fun unify_frozen ctxt maxidx Ts Us =
- let
- fun paramify NONE i = (NONE, i)
- | paramify (SOME T) i = apfst SOME (TypeInfer.paramify_dummies T i);
+fun fold_prefixes f xs y = fold_suffixes (f o rev) (rev xs) y;
- val (Ts', maxidx') = fold_map paramify Ts maxidx;
- val (Us', maxidx'') = fold_map paramify Us maxidx';
- val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
- fun unify (SOME T, SOME U) env = (Sign.typ_unify thy (U, T) env
- handle Type.TUNIFY => raise TYPE ("unify_frozen: failed to unify types", [U, T], []))
- | unify _ env = env;
- val (unifier, _) = fold unify (Ts' ~~ Us') (Vartab.empty, maxidx'');
- val Vs = map (Option.map (Envir.norm_type unifier)) Us';
- val unifier' = Vartab.extend (unifier, frozen_tvars ctxt (map_filter I Vs));
- in map (Option.map (Envir.norm_type unifier')) Vs end;
-fun prep_elems prep_vars prepp do_close context raw_elems raw_concl =
+fun prep_elems parse_typ parse_prop prep_vars do_close context raw_elems raw_concl =
- val (raw_propps, raw_ctxt) = declare_elems prep_vars raw_elems context;
- (* raw_ctxt is context enriched by syntax from raw_elems *)
+ fun prep_elem raw_elem (elems, ctxt) =
+ let
+ val ctxt' = declare_elem prep_vars raw_elem ctxt;
+ val elems' = elems @ [parse_elem parse_typ parse_prop ctxt' raw_elem];
+ (* FIXME term bindings *)
+ val (_, _, ctxt'') = check_autofix_elems elems' [] ctxt';
+ in (elems', ctxt'') end;
- fun prep_prop raw_propp (raw_ctxt, raw_concl) =
+ fun prep_concl raw_concl (elems, ctxt) =
- (* process patterns (conclusion and external elements) *)
- val (ctxt, all_propp) = prepp (raw_ctxt, raw_concl @ raw_propp);
- (* add type information from conclusion and external elements to context *)
- val ctxt = fold Variable.declare_term (maps (map fst) all_propp) ctxt;
- (* resolve schematic variables (patterns) in conclusion and external elements. *)
- val all_propp' = map2 (curry (op ~~))
- (#1 (#2 (ProofContext.bind_propp_schematic_i (ctxt, all_propp)))) (map (map snd) all_propp);
- val (concl, propp) = chop (length raw_concl) all_propp';
- in (propp, (ctxt, concl)) end
+ val concl = (map o map) (fn (t, ps) =>
+ (parse_prop ctxt t, map (parse_prop ctxt) ps)) raw_concl;
+ in check_autofix_elems elems concl ctxt end;
- val (propps, (ctxt, concl)) = fold_burrow prep_prop raw_propps (raw_ctxt, raw_concl);
+ val (elems, concl, ctxt) = fold prep_elem raw_elems ([], context) |>
+ prep_concl raw_concl;
- (* Infer parameter types *)
+ (* Retrieve parameter types *)
val xs = fold (fn Fixes fixes => (fn ps => ps @ map (Name.name_of o #1) fixes) |
- _ => fn ps => ps) raw_elems [];
- val typing = unify_frozen ctxt 0
- (map (Variable.default_type raw_ctxt) xs)
- (map (Variable.default_type ctxt) xs);
- val parms = param_types (xs ~~ typing);
+ _ => fn ps => ps) elems [];
+ val (Ts, _) = fold_map ProofContext.inferred_param xs ctxt;
+ val parms = xs ~~ Ts;
- (* CB: extract information from assumes and defines elements
- (fixes, constrains and notes in raw_elemss don't have an effect on
- text and elemss), compute final form of context elements. *)
- val (elems, text) = finish_elems ctxt parms do_close
- (raw_elems ~~ propps) ((([], []), ([], [])), ([], [], []));
- (* CB: text has the following structure:
+ val (elems', text) = finish_elems ctxt parms do_close elems ((([], []), ([], [])), ([], [], []));
+ (* text has the following structure:
(((exts, exts'), (ints, ints')), (xs, env, defs))
exts: external assumptions (terms in external assumes elements)
@@ -489,12 +500,13 @@
from proppss in Assumes and Defines
- Facts unchanged
- in ((parms, elems, concl), text) end
+ in ((parms, elems', concl), text) end
-fun read_elems x = prep_elems ProofContext.read_vars ProofContext.read_propp_schematic x;
-fun cert_elems x = prep_elems ProofContext.cert_vars ProofContext.cert_propp_schematic x;
+fun read_elems x = prep_elems Syntax.parse_typ Syntax.parse_prop ProofContext.read_vars x;
+fun cert_elems x = prep_elems (K I) (K I) ProofContext.cert_vars x;
@@ -536,10 +548,9 @@
fun read_context imprt body ctxt =
#1 (prep_context_statement intern_expr read_elems true imprt body [] ctxt);
fun cert_context imprt body ctxt =
#1 (prep_context_statement (K I) cert_elems true imprt body [] ctxt);