--- a/doc-src/IsarRef/pure.tex Tue Aug 29 20:11:11 2000 +0200
+++ b/doc-src/IsarRef/pure.tex Tue Aug 29 20:12:04 2000 +0200
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@
- 'syntax' ('(' name 'output'? ')')? (constdecl +)
+ 'syntax' ('(' ( name | 'output' | name 'output' ) ')')? (constdecl +)
'translations' (transpat ('==' | '=>' | '<=') transpat comment? +)
@@ -1155,7 +1155,7 @@
does not apply here, the theory or proof configuration is not changed.
- 'pr' modes? nat?
+ 'pr' modes? nat? (',' nat)?
'thm' modes? thmrefs
@@ -1171,17 +1171,18 @@
-\item [$\isarkeyword{pr}~n$] prints the current proof state (if present),
- including the proof context, current facts and goals. The optional argument
- $n$ affects the implicit limit of goals to be displayed, which is initially
- 10. Omitting the limit leaves the current value unchanged.
+\item [$\isarkeyword{pr}~goals, prems$] prints the current proof state (if
+ present), including the proof context, current facts and goals. The
+ optional limit arguments affect the number of goals and premises to be
+ displayed, which is initially 10 for both. Omitting limit values leaves the
+ current setting unchanged.
\item [$\isarkeyword{thm}~\vec a$] retrieves theorems from the current theory
or proof context. Note that any attributes included in the theorem
specifications are applied to a temporary context derived from the current
theory or proof; the result is discarded, i.e.\ attributes involved in $\vec
a$ do not have any permanent effect.
-\item [$\isarkeyword{term}~t$, $\isarkeyword{prop}~\phi$] read, type-check and
- print terms or propositions according to the current theory or proof
+\item [$\isarkeyword{term}~t$ and $\isarkeyword{prop}~\phi$] read, type-check
+ and print terms or propositions according to the current theory or proof
context; the inferred type of $t$ is output as well. Note that these
commands are also useful in inspecting the current environment of term