four changes to Nitpick:
Thu, 04 Feb 2010 13:36:52 +0100
changeset 34998 5e492a862b34
parent 34997 7cc8726aa8a7
child 34999 5312d2ffee3b
child 35070 96136eb6218f
four changes to Nitpick: 1. avoid writing absolute paths in Kodkodi files for input/output files of external SAT solvers (e.g. MiniSat), to dodge Cygwin problems 2. do eta-contraction in the monotonicity check 3. improved quantifier massaging algorithms using ideas from Paradox 4. repaired "check_potential" and "check_genuine"
--- a/doc-src/Nitpick/nitpick.tex	Tue Feb 02 23:38:41 2010 +0100
+++ b/doc-src/Nitpick/nitpick.tex	Thu Feb 04 13:36:52 2010 +0100
@@ -1888,7 +1888,9 @@
 Specifies whether Nitpick should put its temporary files in
 \texttt{\$ISABELLE\_\allowbreak HOME\_\allowbreak USER}, which is useful for
 debugging Nitpick but also unsafe if several instances of the tool are run
+simultaneously. The files are identified by the extensions
+\texttt{.kki}, \texttt{.cnf}, \texttt{.out}, and
+\texttt{.err}; you may safely remove them after Nitpick has run.
 {\small See also \textit{debug} (\S\ref{output-format}).}
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/kodkod.ML	Tue Feb 02 23:38:41 2010 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/kodkod.ML	Thu Feb 04 13:36:52 2010 +0100
@@ -505,6 +505,19 @@
   filter (is_relevant_setting o fst) (#settings p1)
   = filter (is_relevant_setting o fst) (#settings p2)
+val created_temp_dir = Unsynchronized.ref false
+(* bool -> string * string *)
+fun serial_string_and_temporary_dir_for_overlord overlord =
+  if overlord then
+    ("", getenv "ISABELLE_HOME_USER")
+  else
+    let
+      val dir = getenv "ISABELLE_TMP"
+      val _ = if !created_temp_dir then ()
+              else (created_temp_dir := true; File.mkdir (Path.explode dir))
+    in (serial_string (), dir) end
 (* int -> string *)
 fun base_name j =
   if j < 0 then string_of_int (~j - 1) ^ "'" else string_of_int j
@@ -1012,20 +1025,17 @@
       Normal ([], triv_js)
-        val (serial_str, tmp_path) =
-          if overlord then
-            ("", Path.append (Path.variable "ISABELLE_HOME_USER") o Path.base)
-          else
-            (serial_string (), File.tmp_path)
-        (* string -> string -> Path.T *)
-        fun path_for base suf =
-          tmp_path (Path.explode (base ^ serial_str ^ "." ^ suf))
-        val in_path = path_for "isabelle" "kki"
+        val (serial_str, temp_dir) =
+          serial_string_and_temporary_dir_for_overlord overlord
+        (* string -> Path.T *)
+        fun path_for suf =
+          Path.explode (temp_dir ^ "/kodkodi" ^ serial_str ^ "." ^ suf)
+        val in_path = path_for "kki"
         val in_buf = Unsynchronized.ref Buffer.empty
         (* string -> unit *)
         fun out s = Unsynchronized.change in_buf (Buffer.add s)
-        val out_path = path_for "kodkodi" "out"
-        val err_path = path_for "kodkodi" "err"
+        val out_path = path_for "out"
+        val err_path = path_for "err"
         val _ = write_problem_file out (map snd indexed_problems)
         val _ = File.write_buffer in_path (!in_buf)
         (* unit -> unit *)
@@ -1043,7 +1053,8 @@
           val outcome =
               val code =
-                system ("env CLASSPATH=\"$KODKODI_CLASSPATH:$CLASSPATH\" \
+                system ("cd " ^ temp_dir ^ ";\n" ^
+                        "env CLASSPATH=\"$KODKODI_CLASSPATH:$CLASSPATH\" \
                         \$JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH\" \
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/kodkod_sat.ML	Tue Feb 02 23:38:41 2010 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/kodkod_sat.ML	Thu Feb 04 13:36:52 2010 +0100
@@ -9,12 +9,14 @@
   val configured_sat_solvers : bool -> string list
   val smart_sat_solver_name : bool -> string
-  val sat_solver_spec : string -> string * string list
+  val sat_solver_spec : bool -> string -> string * string list
 structure Kodkod_SAT : KODKOD_SAT =
+open Kodkod
 datatype sink = ToStdout | ToFile
 datatype availability = Java | JNI
 datatype mode = Batch | Incremental
@@ -49,34 +51,34 @@
    ("HaifaSat", ExternalV2 (ToStdout, "HAIFASAT_HOME", "HaifaSat", ["-p", "1"],
                             "s SATISFIABLE", "v ", "s UNSATISFIABLE"))]
-val created_temp_dir = Unsynchronized.ref false
-(* string -> sink -> string -> string -> string list -> string list
+(* bool -> string -> sink -> string -> string -> string list -> string list
    -> (string * (unit -> string list)) option *)
-fun dynamic_entry_for_external name dev home exec args markers =
+fun dynamic_entry_for_external overlord name dev home exec args markers =
   case getenv home of
     "" => NONE
-  | dir => SOME (name, fn () =>
-                          let
-                            val temp_dir = getenv "ISABELLE_TMP"
-                            val _ = if !created_temp_dir then
-                                      ()
-                                    else
-                                      (created_temp_dir := true;
-                                       File.mkdir (Path.explode temp_dir))
-                            val temp = temp_dir ^ "/" ^ name ^ serial_string ()
-                            val out_file = temp ^ ".out"
-                          in
-                            [if null markers then "External" else "ExternalV2",
-                             dir ^ "/" ^ exec, temp ^ ".cnf",
-                             if dev = ToFile then out_file else ""] @ markers @
-                            (if dev = ToFile then [out_file] else []) @ args
-                          end)
-(* bool -> string * sat_solver_info
+  | dir =>
+    SOME (name, fn () =>
+                   let
+                     val serial_str = if overlord then "" else serial_string ()
+                     val base = name ^ serial_str
+                     val out_file = base ^ ".out"
+                     val dir_sep =
+                       if String.isSubstring "\\" dir andalso
+                          not (String.isSubstring "/" dir) then
+                         "\\"
+                       else
+                         "/"
+                   in
+                     [if null markers then "External" else "ExternalV2",
+                      dir ^ dir_sep ^ exec, base ^ ".cnf",
+                      if dev = ToFile then out_file else ""] @ markers @
+                      (if dev = ToFile then [out_file] else []) @ args
+                   end)
+(* bool -> bool -> string * sat_solver_info
    -> (string * (unit -> string list)) option *)
-fun dynamic_entry_for_info incremental (name, Internal (Java, mode, ss)) =
+fun dynamic_entry_for_info _ incremental (name, Internal (Java, mode, ss)) =
     if incremental andalso mode = Batch then NONE else SOME (name, K ss)
-  | dynamic_entry_for_info incremental (name, Internal (JNI, mode, ss)) =
+  | dynamic_entry_for_info _ incremental (name, Internal (JNI, mode, ss)) =
     if incremental andalso mode = Batch then
@@ -90,33 +92,36 @@
-  | dynamic_entry_for_info false (name, External (dev, home, exec, args)) =
-    dynamic_entry_for_external name dev home exec args []
-  | dynamic_entry_for_info false (name, ExternalV2 (dev, home, exec, args,
-                                                    m1, m2, m3)) =
-    dynamic_entry_for_external name dev home exec args [m1, m2, m3]
-  | dynamic_entry_for_info true _ = NONE
-(* bool -> (string * (unit -> string list)) list *)
-fun dynamic_list incremental =
-  map_filter (dynamic_entry_for_info incremental) static_list
+  | dynamic_entry_for_info overlord false
+    (name, External (dev, home, exec, args)) =
+    dynamic_entry_for_external overlord name dev home exec args []
+  | dynamic_entry_for_info overlord false
+        (name, ExternalV2 (dev, home, exec, args, m1, m2, m3)) =
+    dynamic_entry_for_external overlord name dev home exec args [m1, m2, m3]
+  | dynamic_entry_for_info _ true _ = NONE
+(* bool -> bool -> (string * (unit -> string list)) list *)
+fun dynamic_list overlord incremental =
+  map_filter (dynamic_entry_for_info overlord incremental) static_list
 (* bool -> string list *)
-val configured_sat_solvers = map fst o dynamic_list
+val configured_sat_solvers = map fst o dynamic_list false
 (* bool -> string *)
-val smart_sat_solver_name = dynamic_list #> hd #> fst
+val smart_sat_solver_name = fst o hd o dynamic_list false
-(* (string * 'a) list -> string *)
-fun enum_solvers xs = commas (map (quote o fst) xs |> distinct (op =))
-(* string -> string * string list *)
-fun sat_solver_spec name =
-  let val dynamic_list = dynamic_list false in
-    (name, the (AList.lookup (op =) dynamic_list name) ())
+(* bool -> string -> string * string list *)
+fun sat_solver_spec overlord name =
+  let
+    val dyn_list = dynamic_list overlord false
+    (* (string * 'a) list -> string *)
+    fun enum_solvers solvers =
+      commas (distinct (op =) (map (quote o fst) solvers))
+  in
+    (name, the (AList.lookup (op =) dyn_list name) ())
     handle Option.Option =>
            error (if AList.defined (op =) static_list name then
                     "The SAT solver " ^ quote name ^ " is not configured. The \
                     \following solvers are configured:\n" ^
-                    enum_solvers dynamic_list ^ "."
+                    enum_solvers dyn_list ^ "."
                     "Unknown SAT solver " ^ quote name ^ ". The following \
                     \solvers are supported:\n" ^ enum_solvers static_list ^ ".")
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick.ML	Tue Feb 02 23:38:41 2010 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick.ML	Thu Feb 04 13:36:52 2010 +0100
@@ -502,8 +502,8 @@
         val formula = fold (fold s_and) [def_fs, nondef_fs] core_f
         val comment = (if liberal then "liberal" else "conservative") ^ "\n" ^
                       PrintMode.setmp [] multiline_string_for_scope scope
-        val kodkod_sat_solver = Kodkod_SAT.sat_solver_spec effective_sat_solver
-                                |> snd
+        val kodkod_sat_solver =
+          Kodkod_SAT.sat_solver_spec overlord effective_sat_solver |> snd
         val bit_width = if bits = 0 then 16 else bits + 1
         val delay = if liberal then
              (fn time => Time.- (time, ()))
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_hol.ML	Tue Feb 02 23:38:41 2010 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_hol.ML	Thu Feb 04 13:36:52 2010 +0100
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
   val skolem_prefix : string
   val eval_prefix : string
   val original_name : string -> string
+  val s_conj : term * term -> term
   val unbit_and_unbox_type : typ -> typ
   val string_for_type : Proof.context -> typ -> string
   val prefix_name : string -> string -> string
@@ -204,36 +205,6 @@
     {frac_types = AList.merge (op =) (K true) (fs1, fs2),
      codatatypes = AList.merge (op =) (K true) (cs1, cs2)})
-(* term * term -> term *)
-fun s_conj (t1, @{const True}) = t1
-  | s_conj (@{const True}, t2) = t2
-  | s_conj (t1, t2) =
-    if t1 = @{const False} orelse t2 = @{const False} then @{const False}
-    else HOLogic.mk_conj (t1, t2)
-fun s_disj (t1, @{const False}) = t1
-  | s_disj (@{const False}, t2) = t2
-  | s_disj (t1, t2) =
-    if t1 = @{const True} orelse t2 = @{const True} then @{const True}
-    else HOLogic.mk_disj (t1, t2)
-(* term -> term -> term *)
-fun mk_exists v t =
-  HOLogic.exists_const (fastype_of v) $ lambda v (incr_boundvars 1 t)
-(* term -> term -> term list *)
-fun strip_connective conn_t (t as (t0 $ t1 $ t2)) =
-    if t0 = conn_t then strip_connective t0 t2 @ strip_connective t0 t1 else [t]
-  | strip_connective _ t = [t]
-(* term -> term list * term *)
-fun strip_any_connective (t as (t0 $ t1 $ t2)) =
-    if t0 = @{const "op &"} orelse t0 = @{const "op |"} then
-      (strip_connective t0 t, t0)
-    else
-      ([t], @{const Not})
-  | strip_any_connective t = ([t], @{const Not})
-(* term -> term list *)
-val conjuncts = strip_connective @{const "op &"}
-val disjuncts = strip_connective @{const "op |"}
 val name_sep = "$"
 val numeral_prefix = nitpick_prefix ^ "num" ^ name_sep
 val sel_prefix = nitpick_prefix ^ "sel"
@@ -278,6 +249,36 @@
 val after_name_sep = snd o strip_first_name_sep
+(* term * term -> term *)
+fun s_conj (t1, @{const True}) = t1
+  | s_conj (@{const True}, t2) = t2
+  | s_conj (t1, t2) =
+    if t1 = @{const False} orelse t2 = @{const False} then @{const False}
+    else HOLogic.mk_conj (t1, t2)
+fun s_disj (t1, @{const False}) = t1
+  | s_disj (@{const False}, t2) = t2
+  | s_disj (t1, t2) =
+    if t1 = @{const True} orelse t2 = @{const True} then @{const True}
+    else HOLogic.mk_disj (t1, t2)
+(* term -> term -> term *)
+fun mk_exists v t =
+  HOLogic.exists_const (fastype_of v) $ lambda v (incr_boundvars 1 t)
+(* term -> term -> term list *)
+fun strip_connective conn_t (t as (t0 $ t1 $ t2)) =
+    if t0 = conn_t then strip_connective t0 t2 @ strip_connective t0 t1 else [t]
+  | strip_connective _ t = [t]
+(* term -> term list * term *)
+fun strip_any_connective (t as (t0 $ t1 $ t2)) =
+    if t0 = @{const "op &"} orelse t0 = @{const "op |"} then
+      (strip_connective t0 t, t0)
+    else
+      ([t], @{const Not})
+  | strip_any_connective t = ([t], @{const Not})
+(* term -> term list *)
+val conjuncts = strip_connective @{const "op &"}
+val disjuncts = strip_connective @{const "op |"}
 (* When you add constants to these lists, make sure to handle them in
    "Nitpick_Nut.nut_from_term", and perhaps in "Nitpick_Mono.consider_term" as
    well. *)
@@ -551,6 +552,7 @@
 val is_real_datatype = is_some oo Datatype.get_info
 (* theory -> typ -> bool *)
 fun is_quot_type _ (Type ("IntEx.my_int", _)) = true (* FIXME *)
+  | is_quot_type _ (Type ("FSet.fset", _)) = true (* FIXME *)
   | is_quot_type _ _ = false
 fun is_codatatype thy (T as Type (s, _)) =
     not (null (AList.lookup (op =) (#codatatypes (Data.get thy)) s
@@ -618,8 +620,10 @@
   | is_rep_fun _ _ = false
 (* Proof.context -> styp -> bool *)
 fun is_quot_abs_fun _ ("IntEx.abs_my_int", _) = true (* FIXME *)
+  | is_quot_abs_fun _ ("FSet.abs_fset", _) = true (* FIXME *)
   | is_quot_abs_fun _ _ = false
 fun is_quot_rep_fun _ ("IntEx.rep_my_int", _) = true (* FIXME *)
+  | is_quot_rep_fun _ ("FSet.rep_fset", _) = true (* FIXME *)
   | is_quot_rep_fun _ _ = false
 (* theory -> styp -> styp *)
@@ -630,11 +634,17 @@
   | mate_of_rep_fun _ x = raise TERM ("Nitpick_HOL.mate_of_rep_fun", [Const x])
 (* theory -> typ -> typ *)
 fun rep_type_for_quot_type _ (Type ("IntEx.my_int", [])) = @{typ "nat * nat"}
+  | rep_type_for_quot_type _ (Type ("FSet.fset", [T])) =
+    Type (@{type_name list}, [T])
   | rep_type_for_quot_type _ T =
     raise TYPE ("Nitpick_HOL.rep_type_for_quot_type", [T], [])
 (* theory -> typ -> term *)
 fun equiv_relation_for_quot_type _ (Type ("IntEx.my_int", [])) =
     Const ("IntEx.intrel", @{typ "(nat * nat) => (nat * nat) => bool"})
+  | equiv_relation_for_quot_type _ (Type ("FSet.fset", [T])) =
+    Const ("FSet.list_eq",
+           Type (@{type_name list}, [T]) --> Type (@{type_name list}, [T])
+           --> bool_T)
   | equiv_relation_for_quot_type _ T =
     raise TYPE ("Nitpick_HOL.equiv_relation_for_quot_type", [T], [])
@@ -2396,7 +2406,7 @@
     Bound (if j' >= j andalso j' < j + n then f (j' - j) + j else j')
   | _ => t
-val quantifier_cluster_max_size = 8
+val quantifier_cluster_threshold = 7
 (* theory -> term -> term *)
 fun push_quantifiers_inward thy =
@@ -2405,7 +2415,7 @@
     fun aux quant_s ss Ts t =
       (case t of
          (t0 as Const (s0, _)) $ Abs (s1, T1, t1 as _ $ _) =>
-         if s0 = quant_s andalso length Ts < quantifier_cluster_max_size then
+         if s0 = quant_s then
            aux s0 (s1 :: ss) (T1 :: Ts) t1
          else if quant_s = "" andalso
                  (s0 = @{const_name All} orelse s0 = @{const_name Ex}) then
@@ -2432,22 +2442,43 @@
                    (* int -> int *)
                    val flip = curry (op -) (num_Ts - 1)
                    val t_boundss = map (map flip o loose_bnos) ts
-                   (* (int list * int) list -> int list -> int *)
-                   fun cost boundss_cum_costs [] =
-                       map snd boundss_cum_costs |> Integer.sum
-                     | cost boundss_cum_costs (j :: js) =
+                   (* (int list * int) list -> int list
+                      -> (int list * int) list *)
+                   fun merge costly_boundss [] = costly_boundss
+                     | merge costly_boundss (j :: js) =
                          val (yeas, nays) =
                            List.partition (fn (bounds, _) =>
                                               member (op =) bounds j)
-                                          boundss_cum_costs
+                                          costly_boundss
                          val yeas_bounds = big_union fst yeas
                          val yeas_cost = Integer.sum (map snd yeas)
                                          * nth T_costs j
-                       in cost ((yeas_bounds, yeas_cost) :: nays) js end
-                   val js = all_permutations (index_seq 0 num_Ts)
-                            |> map (`(cost (t_boundss ~~ t_costs)))
-                            |> sort (int_ord o pairself fst) |> hd |> snd
+                       in merge ((yeas_bounds, yeas_cost) :: nays) js end
+                   (* (int list * int) list -> int list -> int *)
+                   val cost = Integer.sum o map snd oo merge
+                   (* Inspired by Claessen & Sörensson's polynomial binary
+                      splitting heuristic (p. 5 of their MODEL 2003 paper). *)
+                   (* (int list * int) list -> int list -> int list *)
+                   fun heuristically_best_permutation _ [] = []
+                     | heuristically_best_permutation costly_boundss js =
+                       let
+                         val (costly_boundss, (j, js)) =
+                           js |> map (`(merge costly_boundss o single))
+                              |> sort (int_ord
+                                       o pairself (Integer.sum o map snd o fst))
+                              |> split_list |>> hd ||> pairf hd tl
+                       in
+                         j :: heuristically_best_permutation costly_boundss js
+                       end
+                   val js =
+                     if length Ts <= quantifier_cluster_threshold then
+                       all_permutations (index_seq 0 num_Ts)
+                       |> map (`(cost (t_boundss ~~ t_costs)))
+                       |> sort (int_ord o pairself fst) |> hd |> snd
+                     else
+                       heuristically_best_permutation (t_boundss ~~ t_costs)
+                                                      (index_seq 0 num_Ts)
                    val back_js = map (fn j => find_index (curry (op =) j) js)
                                      (index_seq 0 num_Ts)
                    val ts = map (renumber_bounds 0 num_Ts (nth back_js o flip))
@@ -3515,7 +3546,6 @@
       #> simplify_constrs_and_sels thy
       #> distribute_quantifiers
       #> push_quantifiers_inward thy
-      #> Envir.eta_contract 
       #> not core ? Refute.close_form
       #> shorten_abs_vars
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_model.ML	Tue Feb 02 23:38:41 2010 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_model.ML	Thu Feb 04 13:36:52 2010 +0100
@@ -232,7 +232,8 @@
           if T = T' then t
           else raise TYPE ("Nitpick_Model.typecast_fun.do_term", [T, T'], [])
     in if T1' = T1 andalso T2' = T2 then t else do_fun T1' T2' T1 T2 t end
-  | typecast_fun T' _ _ _ = raise TYPE ("Nitpick_Model.typecast_fun", [T'], [])
+  | typecast_fun T' _ _ _ =
+    raise TYPE ("Nitpick_Model.typecast_fun", [T'], [])
 (* term -> string *)
 fun truth_const_sort_key @{const True} = "0"
@@ -341,7 +342,7 @@
     (* bool -> typ -> typ -> typ -> term list -> term list -> term *)
     fun make_fun maybe_opt T1 T2 T' ts1 ts2 =
       ts1 ~~ ts2 |> sort (nice_term_ord o pairself fst)
-                 |> make_plain_fun (maybe_opt andalso not for_auto) T1 T2
+                 |> make_plain_fun maybe_opt T1 T2
                  |> unbit_and_unbox_term
                  |> typecast_fun (unbit_and_unbox_type T')
                                  (unbit_and_unbox_type T1)
@@ -523,7 +524,7 @@
                    Refute.string_of_typ T ^ " " ^ string_for_rep R ^ " " ^
                    string_of_int (length jss))
-    (not for_auto ? polish_funs []) o unbit_and_unbox_term oooo term_for_rep []
+    polish_funs [] o unbit_and_unbox_term oooo term_for_rep []
 (* scope -> nut list -> nut NameTable.table -> KK.raw_bound list -> nut
@@ -723,7 +724,8 @@
 (* scope -> Time.time option -> nut list -> nut list -> nut NameTable.table
    -> KK.raw_bound list -> term -> bool option *)
-fun prove_hol_model (scope as {ext_ctxt as {thy, ctxt, ...}, card_assigns, ...})
+fun prove_hol_model (scope as {ext_ctxt as {thy, ctxt, debug, ...},
+                               card_assigns, ...})
                     auto_timeout free_names sel_names rel_table bounds prop =
     (* typ * int -> term *)
@@ -737,25 +739,29 @@
           Const (@{const_name All}, (T --> bool_T) --> bool_T)
               $ Abs ("x", T, foldl1 HOLogic.mk_disj eqs)
         val distinct_assm = distinctness_formula T (map atom (index_seq 0 k))
-      in HOLogic.mk_conj (compreh_assm, distinct_assm) end
+      in s_conj (compreh_assm, distinct_assm) end
     (* nut -> term *)
     fun free_name_assm name =
       HOLogic.mk_eq (Free (nickname_of name, type_of name),
                      term_for_name scope sel_names rel_table bounds name)
     val freeT_assms = map free_type_assm (filter (is_TFree o fst) card_assigns)
     val model_assms = map free_name_assm free_names
-    val assm = List.foldr HOLogic.mk_conj @{const True}
-                          (freeT_assms @ model_assms)
+    val assm = foldr1 s_conj (freeT_assms @ model_assms)
     (* bool -> bool *)
     fun try_out negate =
         val concl = (negate ? curry (op $) @{const Not})
                     (ObjectLogic.atomize_term thy prop)
-        val goal = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_imp (assm, concl))
+        val prop = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_imp (assm, concl))
                    |> map_types (map_type_tfree
-                          (fn (s, []) => TFree (s, HOLogic.typeS)
-                            | x => TFree x))
-                   |> cterm_of thy |> Goal.init
+                                     (fn (s, []) => TFree (s, HOLogic.typeS)
+                                       | x => TFree x))
+       val _ = if debug then
+                 priority ((if negate then "Genuineness" else "Spuriousness") ^
+                           " goal: " ^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt prop ^ ".")
+               else
+                 ()
+        val goal = prop |> cterm_of thy |> Goal.init
         (goal |> SINGLE (DETERM_TIMEOUT auto_timeout
                                         (auto_tac (clasimpset_of ctxt)))
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_mono.ML	Tue Feb 02 23:38:41 2010 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_mono.ML	Thu Feb 04 13:36:52 2010 +0100
@@ -766,10 +766,18 @@
          | Bound j => (nth bounds j, accum)
          | Abs (_, T, @{const False}) => (ctype_for (T --> bool_T), accum)
          | Abs (s, T, t') =>
-           let
-             val C = ctype_for T
-             val (C', accum) = do_term t' (accum |>> push_bound C)
-           in (CFun (C, S Minus, C'), accum |>> pop_bound) end
+           ((case t' of
+               t1' $ Bound 0 =>
+               if not (loose_bvar1 (t1', 0)) then
+                 do_term (incr_boundvars ~1 t1') accum
+               else
+                 raise SAME ()
+             | _ => raise SAME ())
+            handle SAME () =>
+                   let
+                     val C = ctype_for T
+                     val (C', accum) = do_term t' (accum |>> push_bound C)
+                   in (CFun (C, S Minus, C'), accum |>> pop_bound) end)
          | Const (@{const_name All}, _)
            $ Abs (_, T', @{const "op -->"} $ (t1 $ Bound 0) $ t2) =>
            do_bounded_quantifier T' t1 t2 accum