--- a/src/Pure/Tools/dump.scala Mon Sep 02 16:28:09 2019 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/dump.scala Mon Sep 02 19:44:12 2019 +0200
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
sealed case class Aspect_Args(
options: Options,
+ deps: Sessions.Deps,
progress: Progress,
output_dir: Path,
- deps: Sessions.Deps,
snapshot: Document.Snapshot,
status: Document_Status.Node_Status)
@@ -73,135 +73,177 @@
error("Unknown aspect " + quote(name))
- /* dependencies */
- def dependencies(
- options: Options,
- progress: Progress = No_Progress,
- dirs: List[Path] = Nil,
- select_dirs: List[Path] = Nil,
- selection: Sessions.Selection = Sessions.Selection.empty): Sessions.Deps =
- {
- Sessions.load_structure(options, dirs = dirs, select_dirs = select_dirs).
- selection_deps(options, selection, progress = progress,
- uniform_session = true, loading_sessions = true)
- }
/* session */
sealed case class Args(
session: Headless.Session,
- deps: Sessions.Deps,
snapshot: Document.Snapshot,
status: Document_Status.Node_Status)
def print_node: String = snapshot.node_name.toString
+ }
- def aspect_args(options: Options, progress: Progress, output_dir: Path): Aspect_Args =
- Aspect_Args(options, progress, output_dir, deps, snapshot, status)
+ object Session
+ {
+ def apply(
+ options: Options,
+ logic: String,
+ aspects: List[Aspect] = Nil,
+ progress: Progress = No_Progress,
+ log: Logger = No_Logger,
+ dirs: List[Path] = Nil,
+ select_dirs: List[Path] = Nil,
+ selection: Sessions.Selection = Sessions.Selection.empty): Session =
+ {
+ new Session(options, logic, aspects, progress, log, dirs, select_dirs, selection)
+ }
- def session(
- deps: Sessions.Deps,
- resources: Headless.Resources,
- unicode_symbols: Boolean = false,
- process_theory: Args => Unit,
- progress: Progress = No_Progress)
+ class Session private(
+ options: Options,
+ logic: String,
+ aspects: List[Aspect],
+ progress: Progress,
+ log: Logger,
+ dirs: List[Path],
+ select_dirs: List[Path],
+ selection: Sessions.Selection)
- val session = resources.start_session(progress = progress)
+ /* context */
- /* asynchronous consumer */
- object Consumer
- {
- sealed case class Bad_Theory(
- name: Document.Node.Name,
- status: Document_Status.Node_Status,
- errors: List[String])
- private val consumer_bad_theories = Synchronized(List.empty[Bad_Theory])
+ Build.build_logic(options, logic, build_heap = true, progress = progress,
+ dirs = dirs ::: select_dirs, strict = true)
- private val consumer =
- Consumer_Thread.fork(name = "dump")(
- consume = (args: (Document.Snapshot, Document_Status.Node_Status)) =>
- {
- val (snapshot, status) = args
- val name = snapshot.node_name
- if (status.ok) {
- try { process_theory(Args(session, deps, snapshot, status)) }
- catch {
- case exn: Throwable if !Exn.is_interrupt(exn) =>
- val msg = Exn.message(exn)
- progress.echo("FAILED to process theory " + name)
- progress.echo_error_message(msg)
- consumer_bad_theories.change(Bad_Theory(name, status, List(msg)) :: _)
- }
- }
- else {
- val msgs =
- for ((tree, pos) <- snapshot.messages if Protocol.is_error(tree))
- yield {
- "Error" + Position.here(pos) + ":\n" +
- XML.content(Pretty.formatted(List(tree)))
- }
- progress.echo("FAILED to process theory " + name)
- msgs.foreach(progress.echo_error_message)
- consumer_bad_theories.change(Bad_Theory(name, status, msgs) :: _)
- }
- true
- })
+ val dump_options: Options =
+ {
+ val options0 = if (NUMA.enabled) NUMA.policy_options(options) else options
+ val options1 =
+ options0 +
+ "completion_limit=0" +
+ "ML_statistics=false" +
+ "parallel_proofs=0" +
+ "editor_tracing_messages=0" +
+ "editor_presentation" +
+ "execution_eager"
+ (options1 /: aspects)({ case (opts, aspect) => (opts /: aspect.options)(_ + _) })
+ }
- def apply(snapshot: Document.Snapshot, status: Document_Status.Node_Status): Unit =
- consumer.send((snapshot, status))
+ val deps: Sessions.Deps =
+ Sessions.load_structure(dump_options, dirs = dirs, select_dirs = select_dirs).
+ selection_deps(dump_options, selection, progress = progress,
+ uniform_session = true, loading_sessions = true)
- def shutdown(): List[Bad_Theory] =
- {
- consumer.shutdown()
- consumer_bad_theories.value.reverse
- }
+ val resources: Headless.Resources =
+ Headless.Resources.make(dump_options, logic, progress = progress, log = log,
+ session_dirs = dirs ::: select_dirs,
+ include_sessions = deps.sessions_structure.imports_topological_order)
+ val used_theories: List[Document.Node.Name] =
+ {
+ for {
+ name <- deps.used_theories_condition(dump_options, progress = progress).topological_order
+ if !resources.session_base.loaded_theory(name.theory)
+ } yield name
- /* run session */
+ /* run */
+ def run(process_theory: Args => Unit, unicode_symbols: Boolean = false)
+ {
+ val session = resources.start_session(progress = progress)
+ // asynchronous consumer
+ object Consumer
+ {
+ sealed case class Bad_Theory(
+ name: Document.Node.Name,
+ status: Document_Status.Node_Status,
+ errors: List[String])
+ private val consumer_bad_theories = Synchronized(List.empty[Bad_Theory])
- try {
- val dump_checkpoint = deps.dump_checkpoint.toSet
- def commit(snapshot: Document.Snapshot, status: Document_Status.Node_Status)
- {
- if (dump_checkpoint(snapshot.node_name)) {
- session.protocol_command("ML_Heap.share_common_data")
+ private val consumer =
+ Consumer_Thread.fork(name = "dump")(
+ consume = (args: (Document.Snapshot, Document_Status.Node_Status)) =>
+ {
+ val (snapshot, status) = args
+ val name = snapshot.node_name
+ if (status.ok) {
+ try { process_theory(Args(session, snapshot, status)) }
+ catch {
+ case exn: Throwable if !Exn.is_interrupt(exn) =>
+ val msg = Exn.message(exn)
+ progress.echo("FAILED to process theory " + name)
+ progress.echo_error_message(msg)
+ consumer_bad_theories.change(Bad_Theory(name, status, List(msg)) :: _)
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ val msgs =
+ for ((tree, pos) <- snapshot.messages if Protocol.is_error(tree))
+ yield {
+ "Error" + Position.here(pos) + ":\n" +
+ XML.content(Pretty.formatted(List(tree)))
+ }
+ progress.echo("FAILED to process theory " + name)
+ msgs.foreach(progress.echo_error_message)
+ consumer_bad_theories.change(Bad_Theory(name, status, msgs) :: _)
+ }
+ true
+ })
+ def apply(snapshot: Document.Snapshot, status: Document_Status.Node_Status): Unit =
+ consumer.send((snapshot, status))
+ def shutdown(): List[Bad_Theory] =
+ {
+ consumer.shutdown()
+ consumer_bad_theories.value.reverse
- Consumer.apply(snapshot, status)
- val use_theories = resources.used_theories(deps).map(_.theory)
- val use_theories_result =
- session.use_theories(use_theories,
- unicode_symbols = unicode_symbols,
- share_common_data = true,
- progress = progress,
- commit = Some(commit _))
+ // run
- val bad_theories = Consumer.shutdown()
- val bad_msgs =
- bad_theories.map(bad =>
- Output.clean_yxml(
- "FAILED theory " + bad.name +
- (if (bad.status.consolidated) "" else ": " + bad.status.percentage + "% finished") +
- (if (bad.errors.isEmpty) "" else bad.errors.mkString("\n", "\n", ""))))
- val pending_msgs =
- use_theories_result.nodes_pending match {
- case Nil => Nil
- case pending => List("Pending theories: " + commas(pending.map(p => p._1.toString)))
+ try {
+ val dump_checkpoint = deps.dump_checkpoint.toSet
+ def commit(snapshot: Document.Snapshot, status: Document_Status.Node_Status)
+ {
+ if (dump_checkpoint(snapshot.node_name)) {
+ session.protocol_command("ML_Heap.share_common_data")
+ }
+ Consumer.apply(snapshot, status)
- val errors = bad_msgs ::: pending_msgs
- if (errors.nonEmpty) error(errors.mkString("\n\n"))
+ val use_theories_result =
+ session.use_theories(used_theories.map(_.theory),
+ unicode_symbols = unicode_symbols,
+ share_common_data = true,
+ progress = progress,
+ commit = Some(commit _))
+ val bad_theories = Consumer.shutdown()
+ val bad_msgs =
+ bad_theories.map(bad =>
+ Output.clean_yxml(
+ "FAILED theory " + bad.name +
+ (if (bad.status.consolidated) "" else ": " + bad.status.percentage + "% finished") +
+ (if (bad.errors.isEmpty) "" else bad.errors.mkString("\n", "\n", ""))))
+ val pending_msgs =
+ use_theories_result.nodes_pending match {
+ case Nil => Nil
+ case pending => List("Pending theories: " + commas(pending.map(p => p._1.toString)))
+ }
+ val errors = bad_msgs ::: pending_msgs
+ if (errors.nonEmpty) error(errors.mkString("\n\n"))
+ }
+ finally { session.stop() }
- finally { session.stop() }
@@ -209,21 +251,9 @@
val default_output_dir: Path = Path.explode("dump")
- def make_options(options: Options, aspects: List[Aspect] = Nil): Options =
- {
- val options0 = if (NUMA.enabled) NUMA.policy_options(options) else options
- val options1 =
- options0 +
- "completion_limit=0" +
- "ML_statistics=false" +
- "parallel_proofs=0" +
- "editor_tracing_messages=0" +
- "editor_presentation" +
- "execution_eager"
- (options1 /: aspects)({ case (opts, aspect) => (opts /: aspect.options)(_ + _) })
- }
- def dump(options: Options, logic: String,
+ def dump(
+ options: Options,
+ logic: String,
aspects: List[Aspect] = Nil,
progress: Progress = No_Progress,
log: Logger = No_Logger,
@@ -232,28 +262,18 @@
output_dir: Path = default_output_dir,
selection: Sessions.Selection = Sessions.Selection.empty)
- Build.build_logic(options, logic, build_heap = true, progress = progress,
- dirs = dirs ::: select_dirs, strict = true)
- val dump_options = make_options(options, aspects)
- val deps =
- dependencies(dump_options, progress = progress,
+ val session =
+ Session(options, logic, aspects = aspects, progress = progress, log = log,
dirs = dirs, select_dirs = select_dirs, selection = selection)
- val resources =
- Headless.Resources.make(dump_options, logic, progress = progress, log = log,
- session_dirs = dirs ::: select_dirs,
- include_sessions = deps.sessions_structure.imports_topological_order)
- session(deps, resources, progress = progress,
- process_theory = (args: Args) =>
- {
- progress.echo("Processing theory " + args.print_node + " ...")
- val aspect_args = args.aspect_args(dump_options, progress, output_dir)
- aspects.foreach(_.operation(aspect_args))
- })
+ session.run((args: Args) =>
+ {
+ progress.echo("Processing theory " + args.print_node + " ...")
+ val aspect_args =
+ Aspect_Args(session.dump_options, session.deps, progress, output_dir,
+ args.snapshot, args.status)
+ aspects.foreach(_.operation(aspect_args))
+ })
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/update.scala Mon Sep 02 16:28:09 2019 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/update.scala Mon Sep 02 19:44:12 2019 +0200
@@ -16,21 +16,11 @@
select_dirs: List[Path] = Nil,
selection: Sessions.Selection = Sessions.Selection.empty)
- Build.build_logic(options, logic, build_heap = true, progress = progress,
- dirs = dirs ::: select_dirs, strict = true)
- val dump_options = Dump.make_options(options)
+ val session =
+ Dump.Session(options, logic, progress = progress, log = log, dirs = dirs,
+ select_dirs = select_dirs, selection = selection)
- val deps =
- Dump.dependencies(dump_options, progress = progress,
- dirs = dirs, select_dirs = select_dirs, selection = selection)
- val resources =
- Headless.Resources.make(dump_options, logic, progress = progress, log = log,
- session_dirs = dirs ::: select_dirs,
- include_sessions = deps.sessions_structure.imports_topological_order)
- val path_cartouches = dump_options.bool("update_path_cartouches")
+ val path_cartouches = session.dump_options.bool("update_path_cartouches")
def update_xml(xml: XML.Body): XML.Body =
xml flatMap {
@@ -46,24 +36,23 @@
case t => List(t)
- Dump.session(deps, resources, progress = progress,
- process_theory = (args: Dump.Args) =>
- {
- progress.echo("Processing theory " + args.print_node + " ...")
+ session.run((args: Dump.Args) =>
+ {
+ progress.echo("Processing theory " + args.print_node + " ...")
- val snapshot = args.snapshot
- for ((node_name, node) <- snapshot.nodes) {
- val xml =
- snapshot.state.markup_to_XML(snapshot.version, node_name,
- Text.Range.full, Markup.Elements(Markup.UPDATE, Markup.LANGUAGE))
+ val snapshot = args.snapshot
+ for ((node_name, node) <- snapshot.nodes) {
+ val xml =
+ snapshot.state.markup_to_XML(snapshot.version, node_name,
+ Text.Range.full, Markup.Elements(Markup.UPDATE, Markup.LANGUAGE))
- val source1 = Symbol.encode(XML.content(update_xml(xml)))
- if (source1 != Symbol.encode(node.source)) {
- progress.echo("Updating " + node_name.path)
- File.write(node_name.path, source1)
- }
+ val source1 = Symbol.encode(XML.content(update_xml(xml)))
+ if (source1 != Symbol.encode(node.source)) {
+ progress.echo("Updating " + node_name.path)
+ File.write(node_name.path, source1)
- })
+ }
+ })