moved some generic tools to src/Tools/ -- src/Provers is essentially obsolete;
Sat, 28 Feb 2009 14:02:12 +0100
changeset 30160 5f7b17941730
parent 30159 7b55b6b5c0c2
child 30161 c26e515f1c29
moved some generic tools to src/Tools/ -- src/Provers is essentially obsolete;
--- a/src/FOL/IFOL.thy	Sat Feb 28 13:54:47 2009 +0100
+++ b/src/FOL/IFOL.thy	Sat Feb 28 14:02:12 2009 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 (*  Title:      FOL/IFOL.thy
-    ID:         $Id$
     Author:     Lawrence C Paulson and Markus Wenzel
@@ -14,9 +13,9 @@
-  "~~/src/Provers/eqsubst.ML"
+  "~~/src/Tools/eqsubst.ML"
-  "~~/src/Provers/project_rule.ML"
+  "~~/src/Tools/project_rule.ML"
--- a/src/FOL/IsaMakefile	Sat Feb 28 13:54:47 2009 +0100
+++ b/src/FOL/IsaMakefile	Sat Feb 28 14:02:12 2009 +0100
@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@
   $(SRC)/Provers/clasimp.ML $(SRC)/Provers/classical.ML			\
   $(SRC)/Tools/IsaPlanner/zipper.ML $(SRC)/Tools/IsaPlanner/isand.ML	\
   $(SRC)/Tools/IsaPlanner/rw_tools.ML					\
-  $(SRC)/Tools/IsaPlanner/rw_inst.ML $(SRC)/Provers/eqsubst.ML		\
+  $(SRC)/Tools/IsaPlanner/rw_inst.ML $(SRC)/Tools/eqsubst.ML		\
   $(SRC)/Provers/hypsubst.ML $(SRC)/Tools/induct.ML			\
-  $(SRC)/Tools/atomize_elim.ML $(SRC)/Provers/project_rule.ML		\
+  $(SRC)/Tools/atomize_elim.ML $(SRC)/Tools/project_rule.ML		\
   $(SRC)/Provers/quantifier1.ML $(SRC)/Provers/splitter.ML FOL.thy	\
   IFOL.thy ROOT.ML blastdata.ML cladata.ML document/root.tex		\
   fologic.ML hypsubstdata.ML intprover.ML simpdata.ML
--- a/src/HOL/HOL.thy	Sat Feb 28 13:54:47 2009 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/HOL.thy	Sat Feb 28 14:02:12 2009 +0100
@@ -12,14 +12,14 @@
-  "~~/src/Provers/project_rule.ML"
+  "~~/src/Tools/project_rule.ML"
-  "~~/src/Provers/coherent.ML"
-  "~~/src/Provers/eqsubst.ML"
+  "~~/src/Tools/coherent.ML"
+  "~~/src/Tools/eqsubst.ML"
--- a/src/HOL/IsaMakefile	Sat Feb 28 13:54:47 2009 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/IsaMakefile	Sat Feb 28 14:02:12 2009 +0100
@@ -78,38 +78,38 @@
 $(OUT)/Pure: Pure
+  $(SRC)/Provers/blast.ML \
+  $(SRC)/Provers/clasimp.ML \
+  $(SRC)/Provers/classical.ML \
+  $(SRC)/Provers/hypsubst.ML \
+  $(SRC)/Provers/quantifier1.ML \
+  $(SRC)/Provers/splitter.ML \
+  $(SRC)/Tools/IsaPlanner/isand.ML \
+  $(SRC)/Tools/IsaPlanner/rw_inst.ML \
+  $(SRC)/Tools/IsaPlanner/rw_tools.ML \
+  $(SRC)/Tools/IsaPlanner/zipper.ML \
+  $(SRC)/Tools/atomize_elim.ML \
+  $(SRC)/Tools/code/code_funcgr.ML \
+  $(SRC)/Tools/code/code_haskell.ML \
+  $(SRC)/Tools/code/code_ml.ML \
+  $(SRC)/Tools/code/code_name.ML \
+  $(SRC)/Tools/code/code_printer.ML \
+  $(SRC)/Tools/code/code_target.ML \
+  $(SRC)/Tools/code/code_thingol.ML \
+  $(SRC)/Tools/code/code_wellsorted.ML \
+  $(SRC)/Tools/coherent.ML \
+  $(SRC)/Tools/eqsubst.ML \
+  $(SRC)/Tools/induct.ML \
+  $(SRC)/Tools/induct_tacs.ML \
+  $(SRC)/Tools/nbe.ML \
+  $(SRC)/Tools/project_rule.ML \
+  $(SRC)/Tools/random_word.ML \
+  $(SRC)/Tools/value.ML \
   Code_Setup.thy \
   HOL.thy \
   Tools/hologic.ML \
   Tools/recfun_codegen.ML \
   Tools/simpdata.ML \
-  $(SRC)/Tools/atomize_elim.ML \
-  $(SRC)/Tools/code/code_funcgr.ML \
-  $(SRC)/Tools/code/code_wellsorted.ML \
-  $(SRC)/Tools/code/code_name.ML \
-  $(SRC)/Tools/code/code_printer.ML \
-  $(SRC)/Tools/code/code_target.ML \
-  $(SRC)/Tools/code/code_ml.ML \
-  $(SRC)/Tools/code/code_haskell.ML \
-  $(SRC)/Tools/code/code_thingol.ML \
-  $(SRC)/Tools/induct.ML \
-  $(SRC)/Tools/induct_tacs.ML \
-  $(SRC)/Tools/IsaPlanner/isand.ML \
-  $(SRC)/Tools/IsaPlanner/rw_inst.ML \
-  $(SRC)/Tools/IsaPlanner/rw_tools.ML \
-  $(SRC)/Tools/IsaPlanner/zipper.ML \
-  $(SRC)/Tools/nbe.ML \
-  $(SRC)/Tools/random_word.ML \
-  $(SRC)/Tools/value.ML \
-  $(SRC)/Provers/blast.ML \
-  $(SRC)/Provers/clasimp.ML \
-  $(SRC)/Provers/classical.ML \
-  $(SRC)/Provers/coherent.ML \
-  $(SRC)/Provers/eqsubst.ML \
-  $(SRC)/Provers/hypsubst.ML \
-  $(SRC)/Provers/project_rule.ML \
-  $(SRC)/Provers/quantifier1.ML \
-  $(SRC)/Provers/splitter.ML \
 	@$(ISABELLE_TOOL) usedir -b -f base.ML -d false -g false $(OUT)/Pure HOL-Base
--- a/src/Provers/coherent.ML	Sat Feb 28 13:54:47 2009 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Provers/coherent.ML
-    Author:     Stefan Berghofer, TU Muenchen
-    Author:     Marc Bezem, Institutt for Informatikk, Universitetet i Bergen 
-Prover for coherent logic, see e.g.
-  Marc Bezem and Thierry Coquand, Automating Coherent Logic, LPAR 2005
-for a description of the algorithm.
-signature COHERENT_DATA =
-  val atomize_elimL: thm
-  val atomize_exL: thm
-  val atomize_conjL: thm
-  val atomize_disjL: thm
-  val operator_names: string list
-signature COHERENT =
-  val verbose: bool ref
-  val show_facts: bool ref
-  val coherent_tac: thm list -> Proof.context -> int -> tactic
-  val coherent_meth: thm list -> Proof.context -> Proof.method
-  val setup: theory -> theory
-functor CoherentFun(Data: COHERENT_DATA) : COHERENT =
-val verbose = ref false;
-fun message f = if !verbose then tracing (f ()) else ();
-datatype cl_prf =
-  ClPrf of thm * (Type.tyenv * Envir.tenv) * ((indexname * typ) * term) list *
-  int list * (term list * cl_prf) list;
-val is_atomic = not o exists_Const (member (op =) Data.operator_names o #1);
-local open Conv in
-fun rulify_elim_conv ct =
-  if is_atomic (Logic.strip_imp_concl (term_of ct)) then all_conv ct
-  else concl_conv (length (Logic.strip_imp_prems (term_of ct)))
-    (rewr_conv (symmetric Data.atomize_elimL) then_conv
-     MetaSimplifier.rewrite true (map symmetric
-       [Data.atomize_exL, Data.atomize_conjL, Data.atomize_disjL])) ct
-fun rulify_elim th = MetaSimplifier.norm_hhf (Conv.fconv_rule rulify_elim_conv th);
-(* Decompose elimination rule of the form
-   A1 ==> ... ==> Am ==> (!!xs1. Bs1 ==> P) ==> ... ==> (!!xsn. Bsn ==> P) ==> P
-fun dest_elim prop =
-  let
-    val prems = Logic.strip_imp_prems prop;
-    val concl = Logic.strip_imp_concl prop;
-    val (prems1, prems2) =
-      take_suffix (fn t => Logic.strip_assums_concl t = concl) prems;
-  in
-    (prems1,
-     if null prems2 then [([], [concl])]
-     else map (fn t =>
-       (map snd (Logic.strip_params t), Logic.strip_assums_hyp t)) prems2)
-  end;
-fun mk_rule th =
-  let
-    val th' = rulify_elim th;
-    val (prems, cases) = dest_elim (prop_of th')
-  in (th', prems, cases) end;
-fun mk_dom ts = fold (fn t =>
-  Typtab.map_default (fastype_of t, []) (fn us => us @ [t])) ts Typtab.empty;
-val empty_env = (Vartab.empty, Vartab.empty);
-(* Find matcher that makes conjunction valid in given state *)
-fun valid_conj ctxt facts env [] = Seq.single (env, [])
-  | valid_conj ctxt facts env (t :: ts) =
-      Seq.maps (fn (u, x) => (apsnd (cons x))
-        (valid_conj ctxt facts
-           (Pattern.match (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt) (t, u) env) ts
-         handle Pattern.MATCH => Seq.empty))
-          (Seq.of_list (sort (int_ord o pairself snd) (Net.unify_term facts t)));
-(* Instantiate variables that only occur free in conlusion *)
-fun inst_extra_vars ctxt dom cs =
-  let
-    val vs = fold Term.add_vars (maps snd cs) [];
-    fun insts [] inst = Seq.single inst
-      | insts ((ixn, T) :: vs') inst = Seq.maps
-          (fn t => insts vs' (((ixn, T), t) :: inst))
-          (Seq.of_list (case Typtab.lookup dom T of
-             NONE => error ("Unknown domain: " ^
-               Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt T ^ "\nfor term(s) " ^
-               commas (maps (map (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt) o snd) cs))
-           | SOME ts => ts))
-  in (fn inst =>
-    (inst, map (apsnd (map (subst_Vars (map (apfst fst) inst)))) cs))
-      (insts vs [])
-  end;
-(* Check whether disjunction is valid in given state *)
-fun is_valid_disj ctxt facts [] = false
-  | is_valid_disj ctxt facts ((Ts, ts) :: ds) =
-      let val vs = rev (map_index (fn (i, T) => Var (("x", i), T)) Ts)
-      in case Seq.pull (valid_conj ctxt facts empty_env
-        (map (fn t => subst_bounds (vs, t)) ts)) of
-          SOME _ => true
-        | NONE => is_valid_disj ctxt facts ds
-      end;
-val show_facts = ref false;
-fun string_of_facts ctxt s facts = space_implode "\n"
-  (s :: map (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt)
-     (map fst (sort (int_ord o pairself snd) (Net.content facts)))) ^ "\n\n";
-fun print_facts ctxt facts =
-  if !show_facts then message (fn () => string_of_facts ctxt "Facts:" facts)
-  else ();
-fun valid ctxt rules goal dom facts nfacts nparams =
-  let val seq = Seq.of_list rules |> Seq.maps (fn (th, ps, cs) =>
-    valid_conj ctxt facts empty_env ps |> Seq.maps (fn (env as (tye, _), is) =>
-      let val cs' = map (fn (Ts, ts) =>
-        (map (Envir.typ_subst_TVars tye) Ts, map (Envir.subst_vars env) ts)) cs
-      in
-        inst_extra_vars ctxt dom cs' |>
-          Seq.map_filter (fn (inst, cs'') =>
-            if is_valid_disj ctxt facts cs'' then NONE
-            else SOME (th, env, inst, is, cs''))
-      end))
-  in
-    case Seq.pull seq of
-      NONE => (tracing (string_of_facts ctxt "Countermodel found:" facts); NONE)
-    | SOME ((th, env, inst, is, cs), _) =>
-        if cs = [([], [goal])] then SOME (ClPrf (th, env, inst, is, []))
-        else
-          (case valid_cases ctxt rules goal dom facts nfacts nparams cs of
-             NONE => NONE
-           | SOME prfs => SOME (ClPrf (th, env, inst, is, prfs)))
-  end
-and valid_cases ctxt rules goal dom facts nfacts nparams [] = SOME []
-  | valid_cases ctxt rules goal dom facts nfacts nparams ((Ts, ts) :: ds) =
-      let
-        val _ = message (fn () => "case " ^ commas (map (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt) ts));
-        val params = rev (map_index (fn (i, T) =>
-          Free ("par" ^ string_of_int (nparams + i), T)) Ts);
-        val ts' = map_index (fn (i, t) =>
-          (subst_bounds (params, t), nfacts + i)) ts;
-        val dom' = fold (fn (T, p) =>
-          Typtab.map_default (T, []) (fn ps => ps @ [p]))
-            (Ts ~~ params) dom;
-        val facts' = fold (fn (t, i) => Net.insert_term op =
-          (t, (t, i))) ts' facts
-      in
-        case valid ctxt rules goal dom' facts'
-          (nfacts + length ts) (nparams + length Ts) of
-          NONE => NONE
-        | SOME prf => (case valid_cases ctxt rules goal dom facts nfacts nparams ds of
-            NONE => NONE
-          | SOME prfs => SOME ((params, prf) :: prfs))
-      end;
-(** proof replaying **)
-fun thm_of_cl_prf thy goal asms (ClPrf (th, (tye, env), insts, is, prfs)) =
-  let
-    val _ = message (fn () => space_implode "\n"
-      ("asms:" :: map Display.string_of_thm asms) ^ "\n\n");
-    val th' = Drule.implies_elim_list
-      (Thm.instantiate
-         (map (fn (ixn, (S, T)) =>
-            (Thm.ctyp_of thy (TVar ((ixn, S))), Thm.ctyp_of thy T))
-               (Vartab.dest tye),
-          map (fn (ixn, (T, t)) =>
-            (Thm.cterm_of thy (Var (ixn, Envir.typ_subst_TVars tye T)),
-             Thm.cterm_of thy t)) (Vartab.dest env) @
-          map (fn (ixnT, t) =>
-            (Thm.cterm_of thy (Var ixnT), Thm.cterm_of thy t)) insts) th)
-      (map (nth asms) is);
-    val (_, cases) = dest_elim (prop_of th')
-  in
-    case (cases, prfs) of
-      ([([], [_])], []) => th'
-    | ([([], [_])], [([], prf)]) => thm_of_cl_prf thy goal (asms @ [th']) prf
-    | _ => Drule.implies_elim_list
-        (Thm.instantiate (Thm.match
-           (Drule.strip_imp_concl (cprop_of th'), goal)) th')
-        (map (thm_of_case_prf thy goal asms) (prfs ~~ cases))
-  end
-and thm_of_case_prf thy goal asms ((params, prf), (_, asms')) =
-  let
-    val cparams = map (cterm_of thy) params;
-    val asms'' = map (cterm_of thy o curry subst_bounds (rev params)) asms'
-  in
-    Drule.forall_intr_list cparams (Drule.implies_intr_list asms''
-      (thm_of_cl_prf thy goal (asms @ map Thm.assume asms'') prf))
-  end;
-(** external interface **)
-fun coherent_tac rules ctxt = SUBPROOF (fn {prems, concl, params, context, ...} =>
-  rtac (rulify_elim_conv concl RS equal_elim_rule2) 1 THEN
-  SUBPROOF (fn {prems = prems', concl, context, ...} =>
-    let val xs = map term_of params @
-      map (fn (_, s) => Free (s, the (Variable.default_type context s)))
-        (Variable.fixes_of context)
-    in
-      case valid context (map mk_rule (prems' @ prems @ rules)) (term_of concl)
-           (mk_dom xs) Net.empty 0 0 of
-         NONE => no_tac
-       | SOME prf =>
-           rtac (thm_of_cl_prf (ProofContext.theory_of context) concl [] prf) 1
-    end) context 1) ctxt;
-fun coherent_meth rules ctxt =
-  Method.METHOD (fn facts => coherent_tac (facts @ rules) ctxt 1);
-val setup = Method.add_method
-  ("coherent", Method.thms_ctxt_args coherent_meth, "Prove coherent formula");
--- a/src/Provers/eqsubst.ML	Sat Feb 28 13:54:47 2009 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,575 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Provers/eqsubst.ML
-    Author:     Lucas Dixon, University of Edinburgh
-A proof method to perform a substiution using an equation.
-signature EQSUBST =
-  (* a type abbreviation for match information *)
-  type match =
-       ((indexname * (sort * typ)) list (* type instantiations *)
-        * (indexname * (typ * term)) list) (* term instantiations *)
-       * (string * typ) list (* fake named type abs env *)
-       * (string * typ) list (* type abs env *)
-       * term (* outer term *)
-  type searchinfo =
-       theory
-       * int (* maxidx *)
-       * Zipper.T (* focusterm to search under *)
-    exception eqsubst_occL_exp of
-       string * int list * Thm.thm list * int * Thm.thm
-    (* low level substitution functions *)
-    val apply_subst_in_asm :
-       int ->
-       Thm.thm ->
-       Thm.thm ->
-       (Thm.cterm list * int * 'a * Thm.thm) * match -> Thm.thm Seq.seq
-    val apply_subst_in_concl :
-       int ->
-       Thm.thm ->
-       Thm.cterm list * Thm.thm ->
-       Thm.thm -> match -> Thm.thm Seq.seq
-    (* matching/unification within zippers *)
-    val clean_match_z :
-       Context.theory -> Term.term -> Zipper.T -> match option
-    val clean_unify_z :
-       Context.theory -> int -> Term.term -> Zipper.T -> match Seq.seq
-    (* skipping things in seq seq's *)
-   (* skipping non-empty sub-sequences but when we reach the end
-      of the seq, remembering how much we have left to skip. *)
-    datatype 'a skipseq = SkipMore of int
-      | SkipSeq of 'a Seq.seq Seq.seq;
-    val skip_first_asm_occs_search :
-       ('a -> 'b -> 'c Seq.seq Seq.seq) ->
-       'a -> int -> 'b -> 'c skipseq
-    val skip_first_occs_search :
-       int -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c Seq.seq Seq.seq) -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c Seq.seq
-    val skipto_skipseq : int -> 'a Seq.seq Seq.seq -> 'a skipseq
-    (* tactics *)
-    val eqsubst_asm_tac :
-       Proof.context ->
-       int list -> Thm.thm list -> int -> Thm.thm -> Thm.thm Seq.seq
-    val eqsubst_asm_tac' :
-       Proof.context ->
-       (searchinfo -> int -> Term.term -> match skipseq) ->
-       int -> Thm.thm -> int -> Thm.thm -> Thm.thm Seq.seq
-    val eqsubst_tac :
-       Proof.context ->
-       int list -> (* list of occurences to rewrite, use [0] for any *)
-       Thm.thm list -> int -> Thm.thm -> Thm.thm Seq.seq
-    val eqsubst_tac' :
-       Proof.context -> (* proof context *)
-       (searchinfo -> Term.term -> match Seq.seq) (* search function *)
-       -> Thm.thm (* equation theorem to rewrite with *)
-       -> int (* subgoal number in goal theorem *)
-       -> Thm.thm (* goal theorem *)
-       -> Thm.thm Seq.seq (* rewritten goal theorem *)
-    val fakefree_badbounds :
-       (string * Term.typ) list ->
-       Term.term ->
-       (string * Term.typ) list * (string * Term.typ) list * Term.term
-    val mk_foo_match :
-       (Term.term -> Term.term) ->
-       ('a * Term.typ) list -> Term.term -> Term.term
-    (* preparing substitution *)
-    val prep_meta_eq : Proof.context -> Thm.thm -> Thm.thm list
-    val prep_concl_subst :
-       int -> Thm.thm -> (Thm.cterm list * Thm.thm) * searchinfo
-    val prep_subst_in_asm :
-       int -> Thm.thm -> int ->
-       (Thm.cterm list * int * int * Thm.thm) * searchinfo
-    val prep_subst_in_asms :
-       int -> Thm.thm ->
-       ((Thm.cterm list * int * int * Thm.thm) * searchinfo) list
-    val prep_zipper_match :
-       Zipper.T -> Term.term * ((string * Term.typ) list * (string * Term.typ) list * Term.term)
-    (* search for substitutions *)
-    val valid_match_start : Zipper.T -> bool
-    val search_lr_all : Zipper.T -> Zipper.T Seq.seq
-    val search_lr_valid : (Zipper.T -> bool) -> Zipper.T -> Zipper.T Seq.seq
-    val searchf_lr_unify_all :
-       searchinfo -> Term.term -> match Seq.seq Seq.seq
-    val searchf_lr_unify_valid :
-       searchinfo -> Term.term -> match Seq.seq Seq.seq
-    val searchf_bt_unify_valid :
-       searchinfo -> Term.term -> match Seq.seq Seq.seq
-    (* syntax tools *)
-    val ith_syntax : Args.T list -> int list * Args.T list
-    val options_syntax : Args.T list -> bool * Args.T list
-    (* Isar level hooks *)
-    val eqsubst_asm_meth : Proof.context -> int list -> Thm.thm list -> Proof.method
-    val eqsubst_meth : Proof.context -> int list -> Thm.thm list -> Proof.method
-    val subst_meth : Method.src -> Proof.context -> Proof.method
-    val setup : theory -> theory
-structure EqSubst
-= struct
-structure Z = Zipper;
-(* changes object "=" to meta "==" which prepares a given rewrite rule *)
-fun prep_meta_eq ctxt =
-  let val (_, {mk_rews = {mk, ...}, ...}) = Simplifier.rep_ss (Simplifier.local_simpset_of ctxt)
-  in mk #> map Drule.zero_var_indexes end;
-  (* a type abriviation for match information *)
-  type match =
-       ((indexname * (sort * typ)) list (* type instantiations *)
-        * (indexname * (typ * term)) list) (* term instantiations *)
-       * (string * typ) list (* fake named type abs env *)
-       * (string * typ) list (* type abs env *)
-       * term (* outer term *)
-  type searchinfo =
-       theory
-       * int (* maxidx *)
-       * Zipper.T (* focusterm to search under *)
-(* skipping non-empty sub-sequences but when we reach the end
-   of the seq, remembering how much we have left to skip. *)
-datatype 'a skipseq = SkipMore of int
-  | SkipSeq of 'a Seq.seq Seq.seq;
-(* given a seqseq, skip the first m non-empty seq's, note deficit *)
-fun skipto_skipseq m s = 
-    let 
-      fun skip_occs n sq = 
-          case Seq.pull sq of 
-            NONE => SkipMore n
-          | SOME (h,t) => 
-            (case Seq.pull h of NONE => skip_occs n t
-             | SOME _ => if n <= 1 then SkipSeq (Seq.cons h t)
-                         else skip_occs (n - 1) t)
-    in (skip_occs m s) end;
-(* note: outerterm is the taget with the match replaced by a bound 
-         variable : ie: "P lhs" beocmes "%x. P x" 
-         insts is the types of instantiations of vars in lhs
-         and typinsts is the type instantiations of types in the lhs
-         Note: Final rule is the rule lifted into the ontext of the 
-         taget thm. *)
-fun mk_foo_match mkuptermfunc Ts t = 
-    let 
-      val ty = Term.type_of t
-      val bigtype = (rev (map snd Ts)) ---> ty
-      fun mk_foo 0 t = t
-        | mk_foo i t = mk_foo (i - 1) (t $ (Bound (i - 1)))
-      val num_of_bnds = (length Ts)
-      (* foo_term = "fooabs y0 ... yn" where y's are local bounds *)
-      val foo_term = mk_foo num_of_bnds (Bound num_of_bnds)
-    in Abs("fooabs", bigtype, mkuptermfunc foo_term) end;
-(* T is outer bound vars, n is number of locally bound vars *)
-(* THINK: is order of Ts correct...? or reversed? *)
-fun fakefree_badbounds Ts t = 
-    let val (FakeTs,Ts,newnames) = 
-            List.foldr (fn ((n,ty),(FakeTs,Ts,usednames)) => 
-                           let val newname = Name.variant usednames n
-                           in ((RWTools.mk_fake_bound_name newname,ty)::FakeTs,
-                               (newname,ty)::Ts, 
-                               newname::usednames) end)
-                       ([],[],[])
-                       Ts
-    in (FakeTs, Ts, Term.subst_bounds (map Free FakeTs, t)) end;
-(* before matching we need to fake the bound vars that are missing an
-abstraction. In this function we additionally construct the
-abstraction environment, and an outer context term (with the focus
-abstracted out) for use in rewriting with *)
-fun prep_zipper_match z = 
-    let 
-      val t = Z.trm z  
-      val c = Z.ctxt z
-      val Ts = Z.C.nty_ctxt c
-      val (FakeTs', Ts', t') = fakefree_badbounds Ts t
-      val absterm = mk_foo_match (Z.C.apply c) Ts' t'
-    in
-      (t', (FakeTs', Ts', absterm))
-    end;
-(* Matching and Unification with exception handled *)
-fun clean_match thy (a as (pat, t)) =
-  let val (tyenv, tenv) = Pattern.match thy a (Vartab.empty, Vartab.empty)
-  in SOME (Vartab.dest tyenv, Vartab.dest tenv)
-  end handle Pattern.MATCH => NONE;
-(* given theory, max var index, pat, tgt; returns Seq of instantiations *)
-fun clean_unify thry ix (a as (pat, tgt)) =
-    let
-      (* type info will be re-derived, maybe this can be cached
-         for efficiency? *)
-      val pat_ty = Term.type_of pat;
-      val tgt_ty = Term.type_of tgt;
-      (* is it OK to ignore the type instantiation info?
-         or should I be using it? *)
-      val typs_unify =
-          SOME (Sign.typ_unify thry (pat_ty, tgt_ty) (Vartab.empty, ix))
-            handle Type.TUNIFY => NONE;
-    in
-      case typs_unify of
-        SOME (typinsttab, ix2) =>
-        let
-      (* is it right to throw away the flexes?
-         or should I be using them somehow? *)
-          fun mk_insts env =
-            (Vartab.dest (Envir.type_env env),
-             Envir.alist_of env);
-          val initenv = Envir.Envir {asol = Vartab.empty,
-                                     iTs = typinsttab, maxidx = ix2};
-          val useq = Unify.smash_unifiers thry [a] initenv
-	            handle UnequalLengths => Seq.empty
-		               | Term.TERM _ => Seq.empty;
-          fun clean_unify' useq () =
-              (case (Seq.pull useq) of
-                 NONE => NONE
-               | SOME (h,t) => SOME (mk_insts h, Seq.make (clean_unify' t)))
-	            handle UnequalLengths => NONE
-                   | Term.TERM _ => NONE
-        in
-          (Seq.make (clean_unify' useq))
-        end
-      | NONE => Seq.empty
-    end;
-(* Matching and Unification for zippers *)
-(* Note: Ts is a modified version of the original names of the outer
-bound variables. New names have been introduced to make sure they are
-unique w.r.t all names in the term and each other. usednames' is
-oldnames + new names. *)
-fun clean_match_z thy pat z = 
-    let val (t, (FakeTs,Ts,absterm)) = prep_zipper_match z in
-      case clean_match thy (pat, t) of 
-        NONE => NONE 
-      | SOME insts => SOME (insts, FakeTs, Ts, absterm) end;
-(* ix = max var index *)
-fun clean_unify_z sgn ix pat z = 
-    let val (t, (FakeTs, Ts,absterm)) = prep_zipper_match z in
- (fn insts => (insts, FakeTs, Ts, absterm)) 
-            (clean_unify sgn ix (t, pat)) end;
-type trace_subst_errT = int (* subgoal *)
-        * thm (* thm with all goals *)
-        * (Thm.cterm list (* certified free var placeholders for vars *)
-           * thm)  (* trivial thm of goal concl *)
-            (* possible matches/unifiers *)
-        * thm (* rule *)
-        * (((indexname * typ) list (* type instantiations *)
-              * (indexname * term) list ) (* term instantiations *)
-             * (string * typ) list (* Type abs env *)
-             * term) (* outer term *);
-val trace_subst_err = (ref NONE : trace_subst_errT option ref);
-val trace_subst_search = ref false;
-exception trace_subst_exp of trace_subst_errT;
-fun bot_left_leaf_of (l $ r) = bot_left_leaf_of l
-  | bot_left_leaf_of (Abs(s,ty,t)) = bot_left_leaf_of t
-  | bot_left_leaf_of x = x;
-(* Avoid considering replacing terms which have a var at the head as
-   they always succeed trivially, and uninterestingly. *)
-fun valid_match_start z =
-    (case bot_left_leaf_of (Z.trm z) of 
-      Var _ => false 
-      | _ => true);
-(* search from top, left to right, then down *)
-val search_lr_all = ZipperSearch.all_bl_ur;
-(* search from top, left to right, then down *)
-fun search_lr_valid validf =
-    let 
-      fun sf_valid_td_lr z = 
-          let val here = if validf z then [Z.Here z] else [] in
-            case Z.trm z 
-             of _ $ _ => [Z.LookIn (Z.move_down_left z)] 
-                         @ here 
-                         @ [Z.LookIn (Z.move_down_right z)]
-              | Abs _ => here @ [Z.LookIn (Z.move_down_abs z)]
-              | _ => here
-          end;
-    in Z.lzy_search sf_valid_td_lr end;
-(* search from bottom to top, left to right *)
-fun search_bt_valid validf =
-    let 
-      fun sf_valid_td_lr z = 
-          let val here = if validf z then [Z.Here z] else [] in
-            case Z.trm z 
-             of _ $ _ => [Z.LookIn (Z.move_down_left z), 
-                          Z.LookIn (Z.move_down_right z)] @ here
-              | Abs _ => [Z.LookIn (Z.move_down_abs z)] @ here
-              | _ => here
-          end;
-    in Z.lzy_search sf_valid_td_lr end;
-fun searchf_unify_gen f (sgn, maxidx, z) lhs =
- (clean_unify_z sgn maxidx lhs) 
-            (Z.limit_apply f z);
-(* search all unifications *)
-val searchf_lr_unify_all =
-    searchf_unify_gen search_lr_all;
-(* search only for 'valid' unifiers (non abs subterms and non vars) *)
-val searchf_lr_unify_valid = 
-    searchf_unify_gen (search_lr_valid valid_match_start);
-val searchf_bt_unify_valid =
-    searchf_unify_gen (search_bt_valid valid_match_start);
-(* apply a substitution in the conclusion of the theorem th *)
-(* cfvs are certified free var placeholders for goal params *)
-(* conclthm is a theorem of for just the conclusion *)
-(* m is instantiation/match information *)
-(* rule is the equation for substitution *)
-fun apply_subst_in_concl i th (cfvs, conclthm) rule m =
-    ( m rule conclthm)
-      |> IsaND.unfix_frees cfvs
-      |> RWInst.beta_eta_contract
-      |> (fn r => Tactic.rtac r i th);
-(* substitute within the conclusion of goal i of gth, using a meta
-equation rule. Note that we assume rule has var indicies zero'd *)
-fun prep_concl_subst i gth =
-    let
-      val th = Thm.incr_indexes 1 gth;
-      val tgt_term = Thm.prop_of th;
-      val sgn = Thm.theory_of_thm th;
-      val ctermify = Thm.cterm_of sgn;
-      val trivify = Thm.trivial o ctermify;
-      val (fixedbody, fvs) = IsaND.fix_alls_term i tgt_term;
-      val cfvs = rev (map ctermify fvs);
-      val conclterm = Logic.strip_imp_concl fixedbody;
-      val conclthm = trivify conclterm;
-      val maxidx = Thm.maxidx_of th;
-      val ft = ((Z.move_down_right (* ==> *)
-                 o Z.move_down_left (* Trueprop *)
-                 o Z.mktop
-                 o Thm.prop_of) conclthm)
-    in
-      ((cfvs, conclthm), (sgn, maxidx, ft))
-    end;
-(* substitute using an object or meta level equality *)
-fun eqsubst_tac' ctxt searchf instepthm i th =
-    let
-      val (cvfsconclthm, searchinfo) = prep_concl_subst i th;
-      val stepthms = Seq.of_list (prep_meta_eq ctxt instepthm);
-      fun rewrite_with_thm r =
-          let val (lhs,_) = Logic.dest_equals (Thm.concl_of r);
-          in searchf searchinfo lhs
-             |> Seq.maps (apply_subst_in_concl i th cvfsconclthm r) end;
-    in stepthms |> Seq.maps rewrite_with_thm end;
-(* distinct subgoals *)
-fun distinct_subgoals th =
-  the_default th (SINGLE distinct_subgoals_tac th);
-(* General substitution of multiple occurances using one of
-   the given theorems*)
-exception eqsubst_occL_exp of
-          string * (int list) * (thm list) * int * thm;
-fun skip_first_occs_search occ srchf sinfo lhs =
-    case (skipto_skipseq occ (srchf sinfo lhs)) of
-      SkipMore _ => Seq.empty
-    | SkipSeq ss => Seq.flat ss;
-(* The occL is a list of integers indicating which occurence
-w.r.t. the search order, to rewrite. Backtracking will also find later
-occurences, but all earlier ones are skipped. Thus you can use [0] to
-just find all rewrites. *)
-fun eqsubst_tac ctxt occL thms i th =
-    let val nprems = Thm.nprems_of th in
-      if nprems < i then Seq.empty else
-      let val thmseq = (Seq.of_list thms)
-        fun apply_occ occ th =
-            thmseq |> Seq.maps
-                    (fn r => eqsubst_tac' 
-                               ctxt 
-                               (skip_first_occs_search
-                                  occ searchf_lr_unify_valid) r
-                                 (i + ((Thm.nprems_of th) - nprems))
-                                 th);
-        val sortedoccL =
-            Library.sort (Library.rev_order o Library.int_ord) occL;
-      in
- distinct_subgoals (Seq.EVERY (map apply_occ sortedoccL) th)
-      end
-    end
-    handle THM _ => raise eqsubst_occL_exp ("THM",occL,thms,i,th);
-(* inthms are the given arguments in Isar, and treated as eqstep with
-   the first one, then the second etc *)
-fun eqsubst_meth ctxt occL inthms =
-    Method.SIMPLE_METHOD' (eqsubst_tac ctxt occL inthms);
-(* apply a substitution inside assumption j, keeps asm in the same place *)
-fun apply_subst_in_asm i th rule ((cfvs, j, ngoalprems, pth),m) =
-    let
-      val th2 = Thm.rotate_rule (j - 1) i th; (* put premice first *)
-      val preelimrule =
-          ( m rule pth)
-            |> (Seq.hd o prune_params_tac)
-            |> Thm.permute_prems 0 ~1 (* put old asm first *)
-            |> IsaND.unfix_frees cfvs (* unfix any global params *)
-            |> RWInst.beta_eta_contract; (* normal form *)
-  (*    val elimrule =
-          preelimrule
-            |> Tactic.make_elim (* make into elim rule *)
-            |> Thm.lift_rule (th2, i); (* lift into context *)
-   *)
-    in
-      (* ~j because new asm starts at back, thus we subtract 1 *)
- (Thm.rotate_rule (~j) ((Thm.nprems_of rule) + i))
-      (Tactic.dtac preelimrule i th2)
-      (* (Thm.bicompose
-                 false (* use unification *)
-                 (true, (* elim resolution *)
-                  elimrule, (2 + (Thm.nprems_of rule)) - ngoalprems)
-                 i th2) *)
-    end;
-(* prepare to substitute within the j'th premise of subgoal i of gth,
-using a meta-level equation. Note that we assume rule has var indicies
-zero'd. Note that we also assume that premt is the j'th premice of
-subgoal i of gth. Note the repetition of work done for each
-assumption, i.e. this can be made more efficient for search over
-multiple assumptions.  *)
-fun prep_subst_in_asm i gth j =
-    let
-      val th = Thm.incr_indexes 1 gth;
-      val tgt_term = Thm.prop_of th;
-      val sgn = Thm.theory_of_thm th;
-      val ctermify = Thm.cterm_of sgn;
-      val trivify = Thm.trivial o ctermify;
-      val (fixedbody, fvs) = IsaND.fix_alls_term i tgt_term;
-      val cfvs = rev (map ctermify fvs);
-      val asmt = nth (Logic.strip_imp_prems fixedbody) (j - 1);
-      val asm_nprems = length (Logic.strip_imp_prems asmt);
-      val pth = trivify asmt;
-      val maxidx = Thm.maxidx_of th;
-      val ft = ((Z.move_down_right (* trueprop *)
-                 o Z.mktop
-                 o Thm.prop_of) pth)
-    in ((cfvs, j, asm_nprems, pth), (sgn, maxidx, ft)) end;
-(* prepare subst in every possible assumption *)
-fun prep_subst_in_asms i gth =
-    map (prep_subst_in_asm i gth)
-        ((fn l => Library.upto (1, length l))
-           (Logic.prems_of_goal (Thm.prop_of gth) i));
-(* substitute in an assumption using an object or meta level equality *)
-fun eqsubst_asm_tac' ctxt searchf skipocc instepthm i th =
-    let
-      val asmpreps = prep_subst_in_asms i th;
-      val stepthms = Seq.of_list (prep_meta_eq ctxt instepthm);
-      fun rewrite_with_thm r =
-          let val (lhs,_) = Logic.dest_equals (Thm.concl_of r)
-            fun occ_search occ [] = Seq.empty
-              | occ_search occ ((asminfo, searchinfo)::moreasms) =
-                (case searchf searchinfo occ lhs of
-                   SkipMore i => occ_search i moreasms
-                 | SkipSeq ss =>
-                   Seq.append ( (Library.pair asminfo) (Seq.flat ss))
-                               (occ_search 1 moreasms))
-                              (* find later substs also *)
-          in
-            occ_search skipocc asmpreps |> Seq.maps (apply_subst_in_asm i th r)
-          end;
-    in stepthms |> Seq.maps rewrite_with_thm end;
-fun skip_first_asm_occs_search searchf sinfo occ lhs =
-    skipto_skipseq occ (searchf sinfo lhs);
-fun eqsubst_asm_tac ctxt occL thms i th =
-    let val nprems = Thm.nprems_of th
-    in
-      if nprems < i then Seq.empty else
-      let val thmseq = (Seq.of_list thms)
-        fun apply_occ occK th =
-            thmseq |> Seq.maps
-                    (fn r =>
-                        eqsubst_asm_tac' ctxt (skip_first_asm_occs_search
-                                            searchf_lr_unify_valid) occK r
-                                         (i + ((Thm.nprems_of th) - nprems))
-                                         th);
-        val sortedoccs =
-            Library.sort (Library.rev_order o Library.int_ord) occL
-      in
- distinct_subgoals
-                (Seq.EVERY (map apply_occ sortedoccs) th)
-      end
-    end
-    handle THM _ => raise eqsubst_occL_exp ("THM",occL,thms,i,th);
-(* inthms are the given arguments in Isar, and treated as eqstep with
-   the first one, then the second etc *)
-fun eqsubst_asm_meth ctxt occL inthms =
-    Method.SIMPLE_METHOD' (eqsubst_asm_tac ctxt occL inthms);
-(* syntax for options, given "(asm)" will give back true, without
-   gives back false *)
-val options_syntax =
-    (Args.parens (Args.$$$ "asm") >> (K true)) ||
-     (Scan.succeed false);
-val ith_syntax =
-    Scan.optional (Args.parens (Scan.repeat OuterParse.nat)) [0];
-(* combination method that takes a flag (true indicates that subst
-should be done to an assumption, false = apply to the conclusion of
-the goal) as well as the theorems to use *)
-fun subst_meth src =
-  Method.syntax ((Scan.lift options_syntax) -- (Scan.lift ith_syntax) -- Attrib.thms) src
-  #> (fn (((asmflag, occL), inthms), ctxt) =>
-    (if asmflag then eqsubst_asm_meth else eqsubst_meth) ctxt occL inthms);
-val setup =
-  Method.add_method ("subst", subst_meth, "single-step substitution");
--- a/src/Provers/project_rule.ML	Sat Feb 28 13:54:47 2009 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Provers/project_rule.ML
-    ID:         $Id$
-    Author:     Makarius
-Transform mutual rule:
-  HH ==> (x1:A1 --> P1 x1) & ... & (xn:An --> Pn xn)
-into projection:
-  xi:Ai ==> HH ==> Pi xi
-signature PROJECT_RULE_DATA =
-  val conjunct1: thm
-  val conjunct2: thm
-  val mp: thm
-signature PROJECT_RULE =
-  val project: Proof.context -> int -> thm -> thm
-  val projects: Proof.context -> int list -> thm -> thm list
-  val projections: Proof.context -> thm -> thm list
-functor ProjectRuleFun(Data: PROJECT_RULE_DATA): PROJECT_RULE =
-fun conj1 th = th RS Data.conjunct1;
-fun conj2 th = th RS Data.conjunct2;
-fun imp th = th RS;
-fun projects ctxt is raw_rule =
-  let
-    fun proj 1 th = the_default th (try conj1 th)
-      | proj k th = proj (k - 1) (conj2 th);
-    fun prems k th =
-      (case try imp th of
-        NONE => (k, th)
-      | SOME th' => prems (k + 1) th');
-    val ((_, [rule]), ctxt') = Variable.import_thms true [raw_rule] ctxt;
-    fun result i =
-      rule
-      |> proj i
-      |> prems 0 |-> (fn k =>
-        Thm.permute_prems 0 (~ k)
-        #> singleton (Variable.export ctxt' ctxt)
-        #> Drule.zero_var_indexes
-        #> raw_rule
-        #> RuleCases.add_consumes k);
-  in map result is end;
-fun project ctxt i th = hd (projects ctxt [i] th);
-fun projections ctxt raw_rule =
-  let
-    fun projs k th =
-      (case try conj2 th of
-        NONE => k
-      | SOME th' => projs (k + 1) th');
-    val ((_, [rule]), _) = Variable.import_thms true [raw_rule] ctxt;
-  in projects ctxt (1 upto projs 1 rule) raw_rule end;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/coherent.ML	Sat Feb 28 14:02:12 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+(*  Title:      Tools/coherent.ML
+    Author:     Stefan Berghofer, TU Muenchen
+    Author:     Marc Bezem, Institutt for Informatikk, Universitetet i Bergen 
+Prover for coherent logic, see e.g.
+  Marc Bezem and Thierry Coquand, Automating Coherent Logic, LPAR 2005
+for a description of the algorithm.
+signature COHERENT_DATA =
+  val atomize_elimL: thm
+  val atomize_exL: thm
+  val atomize_conjL: thm
+  val atomize_disjL: thm
+  val operator_names: string list
+signature COHERENT =
+  val verbose: bool ref
+  val show_facts: bool ref
+  val coherent_tac: thm list -> Proof.context -> int -> tactic
+  val coherent_meth: thm list -> Proof.context -> Proof.method
+  val setup: theory -> theory
+functor CoherentFun(Data: COHERENT_DATA) : COHERENT =
+val verbose = ref false;
+fun message f = if !verbose then tracing (f ()) else ();
+datatype cl_prf =
+  ClPrf of thm * (Type.tyenv * Envir.tenv) * ((indexname * typ) * term) list *
+  int list * (term list * cl_prf) list;
+val is_atomic = not o exists_Const (member (op =) Data.operator_names o #1);
+local open Conv in
+fun rulify_elim_conv ct =
+  if is_atomic (Logic.strip_imp_concl (term_of ct)) then all_conv ct
+  else concl_conv (length (Logic.strip_imp_prems (term_of ct)))
+    (rewr_conv (symmetric Data.atomize_elimL) then_conv
+     MetaSimplifier.rewrite true (map symmetric
+       [Data.atomize_exL, Data.atomize_conjL, Data.atomize_disjL])) ct
+fun rulify_elim th = MetaSimplifier.norm_hhf (Conv.fconv_rule rulify_elim_conv th);
+(* Decompose elimination rule of the form
+   A1 ==> ... ==> Am ==> (!!xs1. Bs1 ==> P) ==> ... ==> (!!xsn. Bsn ==> P) ==> P
+fun dest_elim prop =
+  let
+    val prems = Logic.strip_imp_prems prop;
+    val concl = Logic.strip_imp_concl prop;
+    val (prems1, prems2) =
+      take_suffix (fn t => Logic.strip_assums_concl t = concl) prems;
+  in
+    (prems1,
+     if null prems2 then [([], [concl])]
+     else map (fn t =>
+       (map snd (Logic.strip_params t), Logic.strip_assums_hyp t)) prems2)
+  end;
+fun mk_rule th =
+  let
+    val th' = rulify_elim th;
+    val (prems, cases) = dest_elim (prop_of th')
+  in (th', prems, cases) end;
+fun mk_dom ts = fold (fn t =>
+  Typtab.map_default (fastype_of t, []) (fn us => us @ [t])) ts Typtab.empty;
+val empty_env = (Vartab.empty, Vartab.empty);
+(* Find matcher that makes conjunction valid in given state *)
+fun valid_conj ctxt facts env [] = Seq.single (env, [])
+  | valid_conj ctxt facts env (t :: ts) =
+      Seq.maps (fn (u, x) => (apsnd (cons x))
+        (valid_conj ctxt facts
+           (Pattern.match (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt) (t, u) env) ts
+         handle Pattern.MATCH => Seq.empty))
+          (Seq.of_list (sort (int_ord o pairself snd) (Net.unify_term facts t)));
+(* Instantiate variables that only occur free in conlusion *)
+fun inst_extra_vars ctxt dom cs =
+  let
+    val vs = fold Term.add_vars (maps snd cs) [];
+    fun insts [] inst = Seq.single inst
+      | insts ((ixn, T) :: vs') inst = Seq.maps
+          (fn t => insts vs' (((ixn, T), t) :: inst))
+          (Seq.of_list (case Typtab.lookup dom T of
+             NONE => error ("Unknown domain: " ^
+               Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt T ^ "\nfor term(s) " ^
+               commas (maps (map (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt) o snd) cs))
+           | SOME ts => ts))
+  in (fn inst =>
+    (inst, map (apsnd (map (subst_Vars (map (apfst fst) inst)))) cs))
+      (insts vs [])
+  end;
+(* Check whether disjunction is valid in given state *)
+fun is_valid_disj ctxt facts [] = false
+  | is_valid_disj ctxt facts ((Ts, ts) :: ds) =
+      let val vs = rev (map_index (fn (i, T) => Var (("x", i), T)) Ts)
+      in case Seq.pull (valid_conj ctxt facts empty_env
+        (map (fn t => subst_bounds (vs, t)) ts)) of
+          SOME _ => true
+        | NONE => is_valid_disj ctxt facts ds
+      end;
+val show_facts = ref false;
+fun string_of_facts ctxt s facts = space_implode "\n"
+  (s :: map (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt)
+     (map fst (sort (int_ord o pairself snd) (Net.content facts)))) ^ "\n\n";
+fun print_facts ctxt facts =
+  if !show_facts then message (fn () => string_of_facts ctxt "Facts:" facts)
+  else ();
+fun valid ctxt rules goal dom facts nfacts nparams =
+  let val seq = Seq.of_list rules |> Seq.maps (fn (th, ps, cs) =>
+    valid_conj ctxt facts empty_env ps |> Seq.maps (fn (env as (tye, _), is) =>
+      let val cs' = map (fn (Ts, ts) =>
+        (map (Envir.typ_subst_TVars tye) Ts, map (Envir.subst_vars env) ts)) cs
+      in
+        inst_extra_vars ctxt dom cs' |>
+          Seq.map_filter (fn (inst, cs'') =>
+            if is_valid_disj ctxt facts cs'' then NONE
+            else SOME (th, env, inst, is, cs''))
+      end))
+  in
+    case Seq.pull seq of
+      NONE => (tracing (string_of_facts ctxt "Countermodel found:" facts); NONE)
+    | SOME ((th, env, inst, is, cs), _) =>
+        if cs = [([], [goal])] then SOME (ClPrf (th, env, inst, is, []))
+        else
+          (case valid_cases ctxt rules goal dom facts nfacts nparams cs of
+             NONE => NONE
+           | SOME prfs => SOME (ClPrf (th, env, inst, is, prfs)))
+  end
+and valid_cases ctxt rules goal dom facts nfacts nparams [] = SOME []
+  | valid_cases ctxt rules goal dom facts nfacts nparams ((Ts, ts) :: ds) =
+      let
+        val _ = message (fn () => "case " ^ commas (map (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt) ts));
+        val params = rev (map_index (fn (i, T) =>
+          Free ("par" ^ string_of_int (nparams + i), T)) Ts);
+        val ts' = map_index (fn (i, t) =>
+          (subst_bounds (params, t), nfacts + i)) ts;
+        val dom' = fold (fn (T, p) =>
+          Typtab.map_default (T, []) (fn ps => ps @ [p]))
+            (Ts ~~ params) dom;
+        val facts' = fold (fn (t, i) => Net.insert_term op =
+          (t, (t, i))) ts' facts
+      in
+        case valid ctxt rules goal dom' facts'
+          (nfacts + length ts) (nparams + length Ts) of
+          NONE => NONE
+        | SOME prf => (case valid_cases ctxt rules goal dom facts nfacts nparams ds of
+            NONE => NONE
+          | SOME prfs => SOME ((params, prf) :: prfs))
+      end;
+(** proof replaying **)
+fun thm_of_cl_prf thy goal asms (ClPrf (th, (tye, env), insts, is, prfs)) =
+  let
+    val _ = message (fn () => space_implode "\n"
+      ("asms:" :: map Display.string_of_thm asms) ^ "\n\n");
+    val th' = Drule.implies_elim_list
+      (Thm.instantiate
+         (map (fn (ixn, (S, T)) =>
+            (Thm.ctyp_of thy (TVar ((ixn, S))), Thm.ctyp_of thy T))
+               (Vartab.dest tye),
+          map (fn (ixn, (T, t)) =>
+            (Thm.cterm_of thy (Var (ixn, Envir.typ_subst_TVars tye T)),
+             Thm.cterm_of thy t)) (Vartab.dest env) @
+          map (fn (ixnT, t) =>
+            (Thm.cterm_of thy (Var ixnT), Thm.cterm_of thy t)) insts) th)
+      (map (nth asms) is);
+    val (_, cases) = dest_elim (prop_of th')
+  in
+    case (cases, prfs) of
+      ([([], [_])], []) => th'
+    | ([([], [_])], [([], prf)]) => thm_of_cl_prf thy goal (asms @ [th']) prf
+    | _ => Drule.implies_elim_list
+        (Thm.instantiate (Thm.match
+           (Drule.strip_imp_concl (cprop_of th'), goal)) th')
+        (map (thm_of_case_prf thy goal asms) (prfs ~~ cases))
+  end
+and thm_of_case_prf thy goal asms ((params, prf), (_, asms')) =
+  let
+    val cparams = map (cterm_of thy) params;
+    val asms'' = map (cterm_of thy o curry subst_bounds (rev params)) asms'
+  in
+    Drule.forall_intr_list cparams (Drule.implies_intr_list asms''
+      (thm_of_cl_prf thy goal (asms @ map Thm.assume asms'') prf))
+  end;
+(** external interface **)
+fun coherent_tac rules ctxt = SUBPROOF (fn {prems, concl, params, context, ...} =>
+  rtac (rulify_elim_conv concl RS equal_elim_rule2) 1 THEN
+  SUBPROOF (fn {prems = prems', concl, context, ...} =>
+    let val xs = map term_of params @
+      map (fn (_, s) => Free (s, the (Variable.default_type context s)))
+        (Variable.fixes_of context)
+    in
+      case valid context (map mk_rule (prems' @ prems @ rules)) (term_of concl)
+           (mk_dom xs) Net.empty 0 0 of
+         NONE => no_tac
+       | SOME prf =>
+           rtac (thm_of_cl_prf (ProofContext.theory_of context) concl [] prf) 1
+    end) context 1) ctxt;
+fun coherent_meth rules ctxt =
+  Method.METHOD (fn facts => coherent_tac (facts @ rules) ctxt 1);
+val setup = Method.add_method
+  ("coherent", Method.thms_ctxt_args coherent_meth, "Prove coherent formula");
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/eqsubst.ML	Sat Feb 28 14:02:12 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
+(*  Title:      Tools/eqsubst.ML
+    Author:     Lucas Dixon, University of Edinburgh
+A proof method to perform a substiution using an equation.
+signature EQSUBST =
+  (* a type abbreviation for match information *)
+  type match =
+       ((indexname * (sort * typ)) list (* type instantiations *)
+        * (indexname * (typ * term)) list) (* term instantiations *)
+       * (string * typ) list (* fake named type abs env *)
+       * (string * typ) list (* type abs env *)
+       * term (* outer term *)
+  type searchinfo =
+       theory
+       * int (* maxidx *)
+       * Zipper.T (* focusterm to search under *)
+    exception eqsubst_occL_exp of
+       string * int list * Thm.thm list * int * Thm.thm
+    (* low level substitution functions *)
+    val apply_subst_in_asm :
+       int ->
+       Thm.thm ->
+       Thm.thm ->
+       (Thm.cterm list * int * 'a * Thm.thm) * match -> Thm.thm Seq.seq
+    val apply_subst_in_concl :
+       int ->
+       Thm.thm ->
+       Thm.cterm list * Thm.thm ->
+       Thm.thm -> match -> Thm.thm Seq.seq
+    (* matching/unification within zippers *)
+    val clean_match_z :
+       Context.theory -> Term.term -> Zipper.T -> match option
+    val clean_unify_z :
+       Context.theory -> int -> Term.term -> Zipper.T -> match Seq.seq
+    (* skipping things in seq seq's *)
+   (* skipping non-empty sub-sequences but when we reach the end
+      of the seq, remembering how much we have left to skip. *)
+    datatype 'a skipseq = SkipMore of int
+      | SkipSeq of 'a Seq.seq Seq.seq;
+    val skip_first_asm_occs_search :
+       ('a -> 'b -> 'c Seq.seq Seq.seq) ->
+       'a -> int -> 'b -> 'c skipseq
+    val skip_first_occs_search :
+       int -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c Seq.seq Seq.seq) -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c Seq.seq
+    val skipto_skipseq : int -> 'a Seq.seq Seq.seq -> 'a skipseq
+    (* tactics *)
+    val eqsubst_asm_tac :
+       Proof.context ->
+       int list -> Thm.thm list -> int -> Thm.thm -> Thm.thm Seq.seq
+    val eqsubst_asm_tac' :
+       Proof.context ->
+       (searchinfo -> int -> Term.term -> match skipseq) ->
+       int -> Thm.thm -> int -> Thm.thm -> Thm.thm Seq.seq
+    val eqsubst_tac :
+       Proof.context ->
+       int list -> (* list of occurences to rewrite, use [0] for any *)
+       Thm.thm list -> int -> Thm.thm -> Thm.thm Seq.seq
+    val eqsubst_tac' :
+       Proof.context -> (* proof context *)
+       (searchinfo -> Term.term -> match Seq.seq) (* search function *)
+       -> Thm.thm (* equation theorem to rewrite with *)
+       -> int (* subgoal number in goal theorem *)
+       -> Thm.thm (* goal theorem *)
+       -> Thm.thm Seq.seq (* rewritten goal theorem *)
+    val fakefree_badbounds :
+       (string * Term.typ) list ->
+       Term.term ->
+       (string * Term.typ) list * (string * Term.typ) list * Term.term
+    val mk_foo_match :
+       (Term.term -> Term.term) ->
+       ('a * Term.typ) list -> Term.term -> Term.term
+    (* preparing substitution *)
+    val prep_meta_eq : Proof.context -> Thm.thm -> Thm.thm list
+    val prep_concl_subst :
+       int -> Thm.thm -> (Thm.cterm list * Thm.thm) * searchinfo
+    val prep_subst_in_asm :
+       int -> Thm.thm -> int ->
+       (Thm.cterm list * int * int * Thm.thm) * searchinfo
+    val prep_subst_in_asms :
+       int -> Thm.thm ->
+       ((Thm.cterm list * int * int * Thm.thm) * searchinfo) list
+    val prep_zipper_match :
+       Zipper.T -> Term.term * ((string * Term.typ) list * (string * Term.typ) list * Term.term)
+    (* search for substitutions *)
+    val valid_match_start : Zipper.T -> bool
+    val search_lr_all : Zipper.T -> Zipper.T Seq.seq
+    val search_lr_valid : (Zipper.T -> bool) -> Zipper.T -> Zipper.T Seq.seq
+    val searchf_lr_unify_all :
+       searchinfo -> Term.term -> match Seq.seq Seq.seq
+    val searchf_lr_unify_valid :
+       searchinfo -> Term.term -> match Seq.seq Seq.seq
+    val searchf_bt_unify_valid :
+       searchinfo -> Term.term -> match Seq.seq Seq.seq
+    (* syntax tools *)
+    val ith_syntax : Args.T list -> int list * Args.T list
+    val options_syntax : Args.T list -> bool * Args.T list
+    (* Isar level hooks *)
+    val eqsubst_asm_meth : Proof.context -> int list -> Thm.thm list -> Proof.method
+    val eqsubst_meth : Proof.context -> int list -> Thm.thm list -> Proof.method
+    val subst_meth : Method.src -> Proof.context -> Proof.method
+    val setup : theory -> theory
+structure EqSubst
+= struct
+structure Z = Zipper;
+(* changes object "=" to meta "==" which prepares a given rewrite rule *)
+fun prep_meta_eq ctxt =
+  let val (_, {mk_rews = {mk, ...}, ...}) = Simplifier.rep_ss (Simplifier.local_simpset_of ctxt)
+  in mk #> map Drule.zero_var_indexes end;
+  (* a type abriviation for match information *)
+  type match =
+       ((indexname * (sort * typ)) list (* type instantiations *)
+        * (indexname * (typ * term)) list) (* term instantiations *)
+       * (string * typ) list (* fake named type abs env *)
+       * (string * typ) list (* type abs env *)
+       * term (* outer term *)
+  type searchinfo =
+       theory
+       * int (* maxidx *)
+       * Zipper.T (* focusterm to search under *)
+(* skipping non-empty sub-sequences but when we reach the end
+   of the seq, remembering how much we have left to skip. *)
+datatype 'a skipseq = SkipMore of int
+  | SkipSeq of 'a Seq.seq Seq.seq;
+(* given a seqseq, skip the first m non-empty seq's, note deficit *)
+fun skipto_skipseq m s = 
+    let 
+      fun skip_occs n sq = 
+          case Seq.pull sq of 
+            NONE => SkipMore n
+          | SOME (h,t) => 
+            (case Seq.pull h of NONE => skip_occs n t
+             | SOME _ => if n <= 1 then SkipSeq (Seq.cons h t)
+                         else skip_occs (n - 1) t)
+    in (skip_occs m s) end;
+(* note: outerterm is the taget with the match replaced by a bound 
+         variable : ie: "P lhs" beocmes "%x. P x" 
+         insts is the types of instantiations of vars in lhs
+         and typinsts is the type instantiations of types in the lhs
+         Note: Final rule is the rule lifted into the ontext of the 
+         taget thm. *)
+fun mk_foo_match mkuptermfunc Ts t = 
+    let 
+      val ty = Term.type_of t
+      val bigtype = (rev (map snd Ts)) ---> ty
+      fun mk_foo 0 t = t
+        | mk_foo i t = mk_foo (i - 1) (t $ (Bound (i - 1)))
+      val num_of_bnds = (length Ts)
+      (* foo_term = "fooabs y0 ... yn" where y's are local bounds *)
+      val foo_term = mk_foo num_of_bnds (Bound num_of_bnds)
+    in Abs("fooabs", bigtype, mkuptermfunc foo_term) end;
+(* T is outer bound vars, n is number of locally bound vars *)
+(* THINK: is order of Ts correct...? or reversed? *)
+fun fakefree_badbounds Ts t = 
+    let val (FakeTs,Ts,newnames) = 
+            List.foldr (fn ((n,ty),(FakeTs,Ts,usednames)) => 
+                           let val newname = Name.variant usednames n
+                           in ((RWTools.mk_fake_bound_name newname,ty)::FakeTs,
+                               (newname,ty)::Ts, 
+                               newname::usednames) end)
+                       ([],[],[])
+                       Ts
+    in (FakeTs, Ts, Term.subst_bounds (map Free FakeTs, t)) end;
+(* before matching we need to fake the bound vars that are missing an
+abstraction. In this function we additionally construct the
+abstraction environment, and an outer context term (with the focus
+abstracted out) for use in rewriting with *)
+fun prep_zipper_match z = 
+    let 
+      val t = Z.trm z  
+      val c = Z.ctxt z
+      val Ts = Z.C.nty_ctxt c
+      val (FakeTs', Ts', t') = fakefree_badbounds Ts t
+      val absterm = mk_foo_match (Z.C.apply c) Ts' t'
+    in
+      (t', (FakeTs', Ts', absterm))
+    end;
+(* Matching and Unification with exception handled *)
+fun clean_match thy (a as (pat, t)) =
+  let val (tyenv, tenv) = Pattern.match thy a (Vartab.empty, Vartab.empty)
+  in SOME (Vartab.dest tyenv, Vartab.dest tenv)
+  end handle Pattern.MATCH => NONE;
+(* given theory, max var index, pat, tgt; returns Seq of instantiations *)
+fun clean_unify thry ix (a as (pat, tgt)) =
+    let
+      (* type info will be re-derived, maybe this can be cached
+         for efficiency? *)
+      val pat_ty = Term.type_of pat;
+      val tgt_ty = Term.type_of tgt;
+      (* is it OK to ignore the type instantiation info?
+         or should I be using it? *)
+      val typs_unify =
+          SOME (Sign.typ_unify thry (pat_ty, tgt_ty) (Vartab.empty, ix))
+            handle Type.TUNIFY => NONE;
+    in
+      case typs_unify of
+        SOME (typinsttab, ix2) =>
+        let
+      (* is it right to throw away the flexes?
+         or should I be using them somehow? *)
+          fun mk_insts env =
+            (Vartab.dest (Envir.type_env env),
+             Envir.alist_of env);
+          val initenv = Envir.Envir {asol = Vartab.empty,
+                                     iTs = typinsttab, maxidx = ix2};
+          val useq = Unify.smash_unifiers thry [a] initenv
+	            handle UnequalLengths => Seq.empty
+		               | Term.TERM _ => Seq.empty;
+          fun clean_unify' useq () =
+              (case (Seq.pull useq) of
+                 NONE => NONE
+               | SOME (h,t) => SOME (mk_insts h, Seq.make (clean_unify' t)))
+	            handle UnequalLengths => NONE
+                   | Term.TERM _ => NONE
+        in
+          (Seq.make (clean_unify' useq))
+        end
+      | NONE => Seq.empty
+    end;
+(* Matching and Unification for zippers *)
+(* Note: Ts is a modified version of the original names of the outer
+bound variables. New names have been introduced to make sure they are
+unique w.r.t all names in the term and each other. usednames' is
+oldnames + new names. *)
+fun clean_match_z thy pat z = 
+    let val (t, (FakeTs,Ts,absterm)) = prep_zipper_match z in
+      case clean_match thy (pat, t) of 
+        NONE => NONE 
+      | SOME insts => SOME (insts, FakeTs, Ts, absterm) end;
+(* ix = max var index *)
+fun clean_unify_z sgn ix pat z = 
+    let val (t, (FakeTs, Ts,absterm)) = prep_zipper_match z in
+ (fn insts => (insts, FakeTs, Ts, absterm)) 
+            (clean_unify sgn ix (t, pat)) end;
+type trace_subst_errT = int (* subgoal *)
+        * thm (* thm with all goals *)
+        * (Thm.cterm list (* certified free var placeholders for vars *)
+           * thm)  (* trivial thm of goal concl *)
+            (* possible matches/unifiers *)
+        * thm (* rule *)
+        * (((indexname * typ) list (* type instantiations *)
+              * (indexname * term) list ) (* term instantiations *)
+             * (string * typ) list (* Type abs env *)
+             * term) (* outer term *);
+val trace_subst_err = (ref NONE : trace_subst_errT option ref);
+val trace_subst_search = ref false;
+exception trace_subst_exp of trace_subst_errT;
+fun bot_left_leaf_of (l $ r) = bot_left_leaf_of l
+  | bot_left_leaf_of (Abs(s,ty,t)) = bot_left_leaf_of t
+  | bot_left_leaf_of x = x;
+(* Avoid considering replacing terms which have a var at the head as
+   they always succeed trivially, and uninterestingly. *)
+fun valid_match_start z =
+    (case bot_left_leaf_of (Z.trm z) of 
+      Var _ => false 
+      | _ => true);
+(* search from top, left to right, then down *)
+val search_lr_all = ZipperSearch.all_bl_ur;
+(* search from top, left to right, then down *)
+fun search_lr_valid validf =
+    let 
+      fun sf_valid_td_lr z = 
+          let val here = if validf z then [Z.Here z] else [] in
+            case Z.trm z 
+             of _ $ _ => [Z.LookIn (Z.move_down_left z)] 
+                         @ here 
+                         @ [Z.LookIn (Z.move_down_right z)]
+              | Abs _ => here @ [Z.LookIn (Z.move_down_abs z)]
+              | _ => here
+          end;
+    in Z.lzy_search sf_valid_td_lr end;
+(* search from bottom to top, left to right *)
+fun search_bt_valid validf =
+    let 
+      fun sf_valid_td_lr z = 
+          let val here = if validf z then [Z.Here z] else [] in
+            case Z.trm z 
+             of _ $ _ => [Z.LookIn (Z.move_down_left z), 
+                          Z.LookIn (Z.move_down_right z)] @ here
+              | Abs _ => [Z.LookIn (Z.move_down_abs z)] @ here
+              | _ => here
+          end;
+    in Z.lzy_search sf_valid_td_lr end;
+fun searchf_unify_gen f (sgn, maxidx, z) lhs =
+ (clean_unify_z sgn maxidx lhs) 
+            (Z.limit_apply f z);
+(* search all unifications *)
+val searchf_lr_unify_all =
+    searchf_unify_gen search_lr_all;
+(* search only for 'valid' unifiers (non abs subterms and non vars) *)
+val searchf_lr_unify_valid = 
+    searchf_unify_gen (search_lr_valid valid_match_start);
+val searchf_bt_unify_valid =
+    searchf_unify_gen (search_bt_valid valid_match_start);
+(* apply a substitution in the conclusion of the theorem th *)
+(* cfvs are certified free var placeholders for goal params *)
+(* conclthm is a theorem of for just the conclusion *)
+(* m is instantiation/match information *)
+(* rule is the equation for substitution *)
+fun apply_subst_in_concl i th (cfvs, conclthm) rule m =
+    ( m rule conclthm)
+      |> IsaND.unfix_frees cfvs
+      |> RWInst.beta_eta_contract
+      |> (fn r => Tactic.rtac r i th);
+(* substitute within the conclusion of goal i of gth, using a meta
+equation rule. Note that we assume rule has var indicies zero'd *)
+fun prep_concl_subst i gth =
+    let
+      val th = Thm.incr_indexes 1 gth;
+      val tgt_term = Thm.prop_of th;
+      val sgn = Thm.theory_of_thm th;
+      val ctermify = Thm.cterm_of sgn;
+      val trivify = Thm.trivial o ctermify;
+      val (fixedbody, fvs) = IsaND.fix_alls_term i tgt_term;
+      val cfvs = rev (map ctermify fvs);
+      val conclterm = Logic.strip_imp_concl fixedbody;
+      val conclthm = trivify conclterm;
+      val maxidx = Thm.maxidx_of th;
+      val ft = ((Z.move_down_right (* ==> *)
+                 o Z.move_down_left (* Trueprop *)
+                 o Z.mktop
+                 o Thm.prop_of) conclthm)
+    in
+      ((cfvs, conclthm), (sgn, maxidx, ft))
+    end;
+(* substitute using an object or meta level equality *)
+fun eqsubst_tac' ctxt searchf instepthm i th =
+    let
+      val (cvfsconclthm, searchinfo) = prep_concl_subst i th;
+      val stepthms = Seq.of_list (prep_meta_eq ctxt instepthm);
+      fun rewrite_with_thm r =
+          let val (lhs,_) = Logic.dest_equals (Thm.concl_of r);
+          in searchf searchinfo lhs
+             |> Seq.maps (apply_subst_in_concl i th cvfsconclthm r) end;
+    in stepthms |> Seq.maps rewrite_with_thm end;
+(* distinct subgoals *)
+fun distinct_subgoals th =
+  the_default th (SINGLE distinct_subgoals_tac th);
+(* General substitution of multiple occurances using one of
+   the given theorems*)
+exception eqsubst_occL_exp of
+          string * (int list) * (thm list) * int * thm;
+fun skip_first_occs_search occ srchf sinfo lhs =
+    case (skipto_skipseq occ (srchf sinfo lhs)) of
+      SkipMore _ => Seq.empty
+    | SkipSeq ss => Seq.flat ss;
+(* The occL is a list of integers indicating which occurence
+w.r.t. the search order, to rewrite. Backtracking will also find later
+occurences, but all earlier ones are skipped. Thus you can use [0] to
+just find all rewrites. *)
+fun eqsubst_tac ctxt occL thms i th =
+    let val nprems = Thm.nprems_of th in
+      if nprems < i then Seq.empty else
+      let val thmseq = (Seq.of_list thms)
+        fun apply_occ occ th =
+            thmseq |> Seq.maps
+                    (fn r => eqsubst_tac' 
+                               ctxt 
+                               (skip_first_occs_search
+                                  occ searchf_lr_unify_valid) r
+                                 (i + ((Thm.nprems_of th) - nprems))
+                                 th);
+        val sortedoccL =
+            Library.sort (Library.rev_order o Library.int_ord) occL;
+      in
+ distinct_subgoals (Seq.EVERY (map apply_occ sortedoccL) th)
+      end
+    end
+    handle THM _ => raise eqsubst_occL_exp ("THM",occL,thms,i,th);
+(* inthms are the given arguments in Isar, and treated as eqstep with
+   the first one, then the second etc *)
+fun eqsubst_meth ctxt occL inthms =
+    Method.SIMPLE_METHOD' (eqsubst_tac ctxt occL inthms);
+(* apply a substitution inside assumption j, keeps asm in the same place *)
+fun apply_subst_in_asm i th rule ((cfvs, j, ngoalprems, pth),m) =
+    let
+      val th2 = Thm.rotate_rule (j - 1) i th; (* put premice first *)
+      val preelimrule =
+          ( m rule pth)
+            |> (Seq.hd o prune_params_tac)
+            |> Thm.permute_prems 0 ~1 (* put old asm first *)
+            |> IsaND.unfix_frees cfvs (* unfix any global params *)
+            |> RWInst.beta_eta_contract; (* normal form *)
+  (*    val elimrule =
+          preelimrule
+            |> Tactic.make_elim (* make into elim rule *)
+            |> Thm.lift_rule (th2, i); (* lift into context *)
+   *)
+    in
+      (* ~j because new asm starts at back, thus we subtract 1 *)
+ (Thm.rotate_rule (~j) ((Thm.nprems_of rule) + i))
+      (Tactic.dtac preelimrule i th2)
+      (* (Thm.bicompose
+                 false (* use unification *)
+                 (true, (* elim resolution *)
+                  elimrule, (2 + (Thm.nprems_of rule)) - ngoalprems)
+                 i th2) *)
+    end;
+(* prepare to substitute within the j'th premise of subgoal i of gth,
+using a meta-level equation. Note that we assume rule has var indicies
+zero'd. Note that we also assume that premt is the j'th premice of
+subgoal i of gth. Note the repetition of work done for each
+assumption, i.e. this can be made more efficient for search over
+multiple assumptions.  *)
+fun prep_subst_in_asm i gth j =
+    let
+      val th = Thm.incr_indexes 1 gth;
+      val tgt_term = Thm.prop_of th;
+      val sgn = Thm.theory_of_thm th;
+      val ctermify = Thm.cterm_of sgn;
+      val trivify = Thm.trivial o ctermify;
+      val (fixedbody, fvs) = IsaND.fix_alls_term i tgt_term;
+      val cfvs = rev (map ctermify fvs);
+      val asmt = nth (Logic.strip_imp_prems fixedbody) (j - 1);
+      val asm_nprems = length (Logic.strip_imp_prems asmt);
+      val pth = trivify asmt;
+      val maxidx = Thm.maxidx_of th;
+      val ft = ((Z.move_down_right (* trueprop *)
+                 o Z.mktop
+                 o Thm.prop_of) pth)
+    in ((cfvs, j, asm_nprems, pth), (sgn, maxidx, ft)) end;
+(* prepare subst in every possible assumption *)
+fun prep_subst_in_asms i gth =
+    map (prep_subst_in_asm i gth)
+        ((fn l => Library.upto (1, length l))
+           (Logic.prems_of_goal (Thm.prop_of gth) i));
+(* substitute in an assumption using an object or meta level equality *)
+fun eqsubst_asm_tac' ctxt searchf skipocc instepthm i th =
+    let
+      val asmpreps = prep_subst_in_asms i th;
+      val stepthms = Seq.of_list (prep_meta_eq ctxt instepthm);
+      fun rewrite_with_thm r =
+          let val (lhs,_) = Logic.dest_equals (Thm.concl_of r)
+            fun occ_search occ [] = Seq.empty
+              | occ_search occ ((asminfo, searchinfo)::moreasms) =
+                (case searchf searchinfo occ lhs of
+                   SkipMore i => occ_search i moreasms
+                 | SkipSeq ss =>
+                   Seq.append ( (Library.pair asminfo) (Seq.flat ss))
+                               (occ_search 1 moreasms))
+                              (* find later substs also *)
+          in
+            occ_search skipocc asmpreps |> Seq.maps (apply_subst_in_asm i th r)
+          end;
+    in stepthms |> Seq.maps rewrite_with_thm end;
+fun skip_first_asm_occs_search searchf sinfo occ lhs =
+    skipto_skipseq occ (searchf sinfo lhs);
+fun eqsubst_asm_tac ctxt occL thms i th =
+    let val nprems = Thm.nprems_of th
+    in
+      if nprems < i then Seq.empty else
+      let val thmseq = (Seq.of_list thms)
+        fun apply_occ occK th =
+            thmseq |> Seq.maps
+                    (fn r =>
+                        eqsubst_asm_tac' ctxt (skip_first_asm_occs_search
+                                            searchf_lr_unify_valid) occK r
+                                         (i + ((Thm.nprems_of th) - nprems))
+                                         th);
+        val sortedoccs =
+            Library.sort (Library.rev_order o Library.int_ord) occL
+      in
+ distinct_subgoals
+                (Seq.EVERY (map apply_occ sortedoccs) th)
+      end
+    end
+    handle THM _ => raise eqsubst_occL_exp ("THM",occL,thms,i,th);
+(* inthms are the given arguments in Isar, and treated as eqstep with
+   the first one, then the second etc *)
+fun eqsubst_asm_meth ctxt occL inthms =
+    Method.SIMPLE_METHOD' (eqsubst_asm_tac ctxt occL inthms);
+(* syntax for options, given "(asm)" will give back true, without
+   gives back false *)
+val options_syntax =
+    (Args.parens (Args.$$$ "asm") >> (K true)) ||
+     (Scan.succeed false);
+val ith_syntax =
+    Scan.optional (Args.parens (Scan.repeat OuterParse.nat)) [0];
+(* combination method that takes a flag (true indicates that subst
+should be done to an assumption, false = apply to the conclusion of
+the goal) as well as the theorems to use *)
+fun subst_meth src =
+  Method.syntax ((Scan.lift options_syntax) -- (Scan.lift ith_syntax) -- Attrib.thms) src
+  #> (fn (((asmflag, occL), inthms), ctxt) =>
+    (if asmflag then eqsubst_asm_meth else eqsubst_meth) ctxt occL inthms);
+val setup =
+  Method.add_method ("subst", subst_meth, "single-step substitution");
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/project_rule.ML	Sat Feb 28 14:02:12 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+(*  Title:      Tools/project_rule.ML
+    Author:     Makarius
+Transform mutual rule:
+  HH ==> (x1:A1 --> P1 x1) & ... & (xn:An --> Pn xn)
+into projection:
+  xi:Ai ==> HH ==> Pi xi
+signature PROJECT_RULE_DATA =
+  val conjunct1: thm
+  val conjunct2: thm
+  val mp: thm
+signature PROJECT_RULE =
+  val project: Proof.context -> int -> thm -> thm
+  val projects: Proof.context -> int list -> thm -> thm list
+  val projections: Proof.context -> thm -> thm list
+functor ProjectRuleFun(Data: PROJECT_RULE_DATA): PROJECT_RULE =
+fun conj1 th = th RS Data.conjunct1;
+fun conj2 th = th RS Data.conjunct2;
+fun imp th = th RS;
+fun projects ctxt is raw_rule =
+  let
+    fun proj 1 th = the_default th (try conj1 th)
+      | proj k th = proj (k - 1) (conj2 th);
+    fun prems k th =
+      (case try imp th of
+        NONE => (k, th)
+      | SOME th' => prems (k + 1) th');
+    val ((_, [rule]), ctxt') = Variable.import_thms true [raw_rule] ctxt;
+    fun result i =
+      rule
+      |> proj i
+      |> prems 0 |-> (fn k =>
+        Thm.permute_prems 0 (~ k)
+        #> singleton (Variable.export ctxt' ctxt)
+        #> Drule.zero_var_indexes
+        #> raw_rule
+        #> RuleCases.add_consumes k);
+  in map result is end;
+fun project ctxt i th = hd (projects ctxt [i] th);
+fun projections ctxt raw_rule =
+  let
+    fun projs k th =
+      (case try conj2 th of
+        NONE => k
+      | SOME th' => projs (k + 1) th');
+    val ((_, [rule]), _) = Variable.import_thms true [raw_rule] ctxt;
+  in projects ctxt (1 upto projs 1 rule) raw_rule end;