Induction now preserves the name of the induction variable.
--- a/src/Provers/induct_method.ML Thu Oct 07 15:42:30 2004 +0200
+++ b/src/Provers/induct_method.ML Mon Oct 11 07:39:19 2004 +0200
@@ -243,10 +243,34 @@
(* find rules *)
+(* rename all outermost !!-bound vars of type T in all premises of thm to x,
+ possibly indexed to avoid clashes *)
+fun rename [[Some(Free(x,Type(T,_)))]] thm =
+ let
+ fun index i [] = []
+ | index i (y::ys) = if x=y then x^string_of_int i :: index (i+1) ys
+ else y :: index i ys;
+ fun rename_params [] = []
+ | rename_params ((y,Type(U,_))::ys) =
+ (if U=T then x else y)::rename_params ys
+ | rename_params ((y,_)::ys) = y::rename_params ys;
+ fun rename_asm (A:term):term =
+ let val xs = rename_params (Logic.strip_params A)
+ val xs' = case filter (equal x) xs of
+ [] => xs | [_] => xs | _ => index 1 xs
+ in Logic.list_rename_params (xs',A) end;
+ fun rename_prop (p:term) =
+ let val (As,C) = Logic.strip_horn p
+ in Logic.list_implies(map rename_asm As, C) end;
+ val cp' = cterm_fun rename_prop (cprop_of thm);
+ val thm' = equal_elim (reflexive cp') thm
+ in Thm.put_name_tags (Thm.get_name_tags thm) thm' end
+ | rename _ thm = thm;
fun find_inductT ctxt insts =
foldr multiply (insts |> mapfilter (fn [] => None | ts => last_elem ts)
|> map (InductAttrib.find_inductT ctxt o fastype_of), [[]])
- |> map join_rules |> flat;
+ |> map join_rules |> flat |> map (rename insts);
fun find_inductS ctxt (fact :: _) = InductAttrib.find_inductS ctxt fact
| find_inductS _ _ = [];