--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/predicate_compile_core.ML Mon Mar 29 17:30:36 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/predicate_compile_core.ML Mon Mar 29 17:30:36 2010 +0200
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
val register_intros : string * thm list -> theory -> theory
val is_registered : theory -> string -> bool
val function_name_of : Predicate_Compile_Aux.compilation -> theory
- -> string -> bool * Predicate_Compile_Aux.mode -> string
+ -> string -> Predicate_Compile_Aux.mode -> string
val predfun_intro_of: Proof.context -> string -> Predicate_Compile_Aux.mode -> thm
val predfun_elim_of: Proof.context -> string -> Predicate_Compile_Aux.mode -> thm
val all_preds_of : theory -> string list
@@ -254,11 +254,11 @@
^ "functions defined for predicate " ^ quote name)
| SOME fun_names => fun_names
-fun function_name_of compilation thy name (pol, mode) =
+fun function_name_of compilation thy name mode =
case AList.lookup eq_mode
- (function_names_of (compilation_for_polarity pol compilation) thy name) mode of
+ (function_names_of compilation thy name) mode of
NONE => error ("No " ^ string_of_compilation compilation
- ^ "function defined for mode " ^ string_of_mode mode ^ " of predicate " ^ quote name)
+ ^ " function defined for mode " ^ string_of_mode mode ^ " of predicate " ^ quote name)
| SOME function_name => function_name
fun modes_of compilation thy name = map fst (function_names_of compilation thy name)
@@ -1021,6 +1021,8 @@
val pred_compfuns = PredicateCompFuns.compfuns
val randompred_compfuns = Random_Sequence_CompFuns.compfuns;
+(* compilation modifiers *)
(* function types and names of different compilations *)
fun funT_of compfuns mode T =
@@ -1031,6 +1033,264 @@
inTs ---> (mk_predT compfuns (HOLogic.mk_tupleT outTs))
+structure Comp_Mod =
+datatype comp_modifiers = Comp_Modifiers of
+ compilation : compilation,
+ function_name_prefix : string,
+ compfuns : compilation_funs,
+ mk_random : typ -> term list -> term,
+ modify_funT : typ -> typ,
+ additional_arguments : string list -> term list,
+ wrap_compilation : compilation_funs -> string -> typ -> mode -> term list -> term -> term,
+ transform_additional_arguments : indprem -> term list -> term list
+fun dest_comp_modifiers (Comp_Modifiers c) = c
+val compilation = #compilation o dest_comp_modifiers
+val function_name_prefix = #function_name_prefix o dest_comp_modifiers
+val compfuns = #compfuns o dest_comp_modifiers
+val mk_random = #mk_random o dest_comp_modifiers
+val funT_of' = funT_of o compfuns
+val modify_funT = #modify_funT o dest_comp_modifiers
+fun funT_of comp mode = modify_funT comp o funT_of' comp mode
+val additional_arguments = #additional_arguments o dest_comp_modifiers
+val wrap_compilation = #wrap_compilation o dest_comp_modifiers
+val transform_additional_arguments = #transform_additional_arguments o dest_comp_modifiers
+val depth_limited_comp_modifiers = Comp_Mod.Comp_Modifiers
+ {
+ compilation = Depth_Limited,
+ function_name_prefix = "depth_limited_",
+ compfuns = PredicateCompFuns.compfuns,
+ mk_random = (fn _ => error "no random generation"),
+ additional_arguments = fn names =>
+ let
+ val depth_name = Name.variant names "depth"
+ in [Free (depth_name, @{typ code_numeral})] end,
+ modify_funT = (fn T => let val (Ts, U) = strip_type T
+ val Ts' = [@{typ code_numeral}] in (Ts @ Ts') ---> U end),
+ wrap_compilation =
+ fn compfuns => fn s => fn T => fn mode => fn additional_arguments => fn compilation =>
+ let
+ val [depth] = additional_arguments
+ val (_, Ts) = split_modeT' mode (binder_types T)
+ val T' = mk_predT compfuns (HOLogic.mk_tupleT Ts)
+ val if_const = Const (@{const_name "If"}, @{typ bool} --> T' --> T' --> T')
+ in
+ if_const $ HOLogic.mk_eq (depth, @{term "0 :: code_numeral"})
+ $ mk_bot compfuns (dest_predT compfuns T')
+ $ compilation
+ end,
+ transform_additional_arguments =
+ fn prem => fn additional_arguments =>
+ let
+ val [depth] = additional_arguments
+ val depth' =
+ Const (@{const_name Groups.minus}, @{typ "code_numeral => code_numeral => code_numeral"})
+ $ depth $ Const (@{const_name Groups.one}, @{typ "Code_Numeral.code_numeral"})
+ in [depth'] end
+ }
+val random_comp_modifiers = Comp_Mod.Comp_Modifiers
+ {
+ compilation = Random,
+ function_name_prefix = "random_",
+ compfuns = PredicateCompFuns.compfuns,
+ mk_random = (fn T => fn additional_arguments =>
+ list_comb (Const(@{const_name Quickcheck.iter},
+ [@{typ code_numeral}, @{typ code_numeral}, @{typ Random.seed}] --->
+ PredicateCompFuns.mk_predT T), additional_arguments)),
+ modify_funT = (fn T =>
+ let
+ val (Ts, U) = strip_type T
+ val Ts' = [@{typ code_numeral}, @{typ code_numeral}, @{typ "code_numeral * code_numeral"}]
+ in (Ts @ Ts') ---> U end),
+ additional_arguments = (fn names =>
+ let
+ val [nrandom, size, seed] = Name.variant_list names ["nrandom", "size", "seed"]
+ in
+ [Free (nrandom, @{typ code_numeral}), Free (size, @{typ code_numeral}),
+ Free (seed, @{typ "code_numeral * code_numeral"})]
+ end),
+ wrap_compilation = K (K (K (K (K I))))
+ : (compilation_funs -> string -> typ -> mode -> term list -> term -> term),
+ transform_additional_arguments = K I : (indprem -> term list -> term list)
+ }
+val depth_limited_random_comp_modifiers = Comp_Mod.Comp_Modifiers
+ {
+ compilation = Depth_Limited_Random,
+ function_name_prefix = "depth_limited_random_",
+ compfuns = PredicateCompFuns.compfuns,
+ mk_random = (fn T => fn additional_arguments =>
+ list_comb (Const(@{const_name Quickcheck.iter},
+ [@{typ code_numeral}, @{typ code_numeral}, @{typ Random.seed}] --->
+ PredicateCompFuns.mk_predT T), tl additional_arguments)),
+ modify_funT = (fn T =>
+ let
+ val (Ts, U) = strip_type T
+ val Ts' = [@{typ code_numeral}, @{typ code_numeral}, @{typ code_numeral},
+ @{typ "code_numeral * code_numeral"}]
+ in (Ts @ Ts') ---> U end),
+ additional_arguments = (fn names =>
+ let
+ val [depth, nrandom, size, seed] = Name.variant_list names ["depth", "nrandom", "size", "seed"]
+ in
+ [Free (depth, @{typ code_numeral}), Free (nrandom, @{typ code_numeral}),
+ Free (size, @{typ code_numeral}), Free (seed, @{typ "code_numeral * code_numeral"})]
+ end),
+ wrap_compilation =
+ fn compfuns => fn s => fn T => fn mode => fn additional_arguments => fn compilation =>
+ let
+ val depth = hd (additional_arguments)
+ val (_, Ts) = split_map_modeT (fn m => fn T => (SOME (funT_of compfuns m T), NONE))
+ mode (binder_types T)
+ val T' = mk_predT compfuns (HOLogic.mk_tupleT Ts)
+ val if_const = Const (@{const_name "If"}, @{typ bool} --> T' --> T' --> T')
+ in
+ if_const $ HOLogic.mk_eq (depth, @{term "0 :: code_numeral"})
+ $ mk_bot compfuns (dest_predT compfuns T')
+ $ compilation
+ end,
+ transform_additional_arguments =
+ fn prem => fn additional_arguments =>
+ let
+ val [depth, nrandom, size, seed] = additional_arguments
+ val depth' =
+ Const (@{const_name Groups.minus}, @{typ "code_numeral => code_numeral => code_numeral"})
+ $ depth $ Const (@{const_name Groups.one}, @{typ "Code_Numeral.code_numeral"})
+ in [depth', nrandom, size, seed] end
+val predicate_comp_modifiers = Comp_Mod.Comp_Modifiers
+ {
+ compilation = Pred,
+ function_name_prefix = "",
+ compfuns = PredicateCompFuns.compfuns,
+ mk_random = (fn _ => error "no random generation"),
+ modify_funT = I,
+ additional_arguments = K [],
+ wrap_compilation = K (K (K (K (K I))))
+ : (compilation_funs -> string -> typ -> mode -> term list -> term -> term),
+ transform_additional_arguments = K I : (indprem -> term list -> term list)
+ }
+val annotated_comp_modifiers = Comp_Mod.Comp_Modifiers
+ {
+ compilation = Annotated,
+ function_name_prefix = "annotated_",
+ compfuns = PredicateCompFuns.compfuns,
+ mk_random = (fn _ => error "no random generation"),
+ modify_funT = I,
+ additional_arguments = K [],
+ wrap_compilation =
+ fn compfuns => fn s => fn T => fn mode => fn additional_arguments => fn compilation =>
+ mk_tracing ("calling predicate " ^ s ^
+ " with mode " ^ string_of_mode mode) compilation,
+ transform_additional_arguments = K I : (indprem -> term list -> term list)
+ }
+val dseq_comp_modifiers = Comp_Mod.Comp_Modifiers
+ {
+ compilation = DSeq,
+ function_name_prefix = "dseq_",
+ compfuns = DSequence_CompFuns.compfuns,
+ mk_random = (fn _ => error "no random generation"),
+ modify_funT = I,
+ additional_arguments = K [],
+ wrap_compilation = K (K (K (K (K I))))
+ : (compilation_funs -> string -> typ -> mode -> term list -> term -> term),
+ transform_additional_arguments = K I : (indprem -> term list -> term list)
+ }
+val pos_random_dseq_comp_modifiers = Comp_Mod.Comp_Modifiers
+ {
+ compilation = Pos_Random_DSeq,
+ function_name_prefix = "random_dseq_",
+ compfuns = Random_Sequence_CompFuns.compfuns,
+ mk_random = (fn T => fn additional_arguments =>
+ let
+ val random = Const ("Quickcheck.random_class.random",
+ @{typ code_numeral} --> @{typ Random.seed} -->
+ HOLogic.mk_prodT (HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, @{typ "unit => term"}), @{typ Random.seed}))
+ in
+ Const ("Random_Sequence.Random", (@{typ code_numeral} --> @{typ Random.seed} -->
+ HOLogic.mk_prodT (HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, @{typ "unit => term"}), @{typ Random.seed})) -->
+ Random_Sequence_CompFuns.mk_random_dseqT T) $ random
+ end),
+ modify_funT = I,
+ additional_arguments = K [],
+ wrap_compilation = K (K (K (K (K I))))
+ : (compilation_funs -> string -> typ -> mode -> term list -> term -> term),
+ transform_additional_arguments = K I : (indprem -> term list -> term list)
+ }
+val neg_random_dseq_comp_modifiers = Comp_Mod.Comp_Modifiers
+ {
+ compilation = Neg_Random_DSeq,
+ function_name_prefix = "random_dseq_neg_",
+ compfuns = Random_Sequence_CompFuns.compfuns,
+ mk_random = (fn _ => error "no random generation"),
+ modify_funT = I,
+ additional_arguments = K [],
+ wrap_compilation = K (K (K (K (K I))))
+ : (compilation_funs -> string -> typ -> mode -> term list -> term -> term),
+ transform_additional_arguments = K I : (indprem -> term list -> term list)
+ }
+val new_pos_random_dseq_comp_modifiers = Comp_Mod.Comp_Modifiers
+ {
+ compilation = New_Pos_Random_DSeq,
+ function_name_prefix = "new_random_dseq_",
+ compfuns = New_Pos_Random_Sequence_CompFuns.compfuns,
+ mk_random = (fn T => fn additional_arguments =>
+ let
+ val random = Const ("Quickcheck.random_class.random",
+ @{typ code_numeral} --> @{typ Random.seed} -->
+ HOLogic.mk_prodT (HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, @{typ "unit => term"}), @{typ Random.seed}))
+ in
+ Const ("New_Random_Sequence.Random", (@{typ code_numeral} --> @{typ Random.seed} -->
+ HOLogic.mk_prodT (HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, @{typ "unit => term"}), @{typ Random.seed})) -->
+ New_Pos_Random_Sequence_CompFuns.mk_pos_random_dseqT T) $ random
+ end),
+ modify_funT = I,
+ additional_arguments = K [],
+ wrap_compilation = K (K (K (K (K I))))
+ : (compilation_funs -> string -> typ -> mode -> term list -> term -> term),
+ transform_additional_arguments = K I : (indprem -> term list -> term list)
+ }
+val new_neg_random_dseq_comp_modifiers = Comp_Mod.Comp_Modifiers
+ {
+ compilation = New_Neg_Random_DSeq,
+ function_name_prefix = "new_random_dseq_neg_",
+ compfuns = New_Neg_Random_Sequence_CompFuns.compfuns,
+ mk_random = (fn _ => error "no random generation"),
+ modify_funT = I,
+ additional_arguments = K [],
+ wrap_compilation = K (K (K (K (K I))))
+ : (compilation_funs -> string -> typ -> mode -> term list -> term -> term),
+ transform_additional_arguments = K I : (indprem -> term list -> term list)
+ }
+fun negative_comp_modifiers_of comp_modifiers =
+ (case Comp_Mod.compilation comp_modifiers of
+ Pos_Random_DSeq => neg_random_dseq_comp_modifiers
+ | Neg_Random_DSeq => pos_random_dseq_comp_modifiers
+ | New_Pos_Random_DSeq => new_neg_random_dseq_comp_modifiers
+ | New_Neg_Random_DSeq => new_pos_random_dseq_comp_modifiers
+ | c => comp_modifiers)
(** mode analysis **)
type mode_analysis_options = {use_random : bool, reorder_premises : bool, infer_pos_and_neg_modes : bool}
@@ -1581,40 +1841,8 @@
(t, names)
-structure Comp_Mod =
-datatype comp_modifiers = Comp_Modifiers of
- compilation : compilation,
- function_name_prefix : string,
- compfuns : compilation_funs,
- mk_random : typ -> term list -> term,
- modify_funT : typ -> typ,
- additional_arguments : string list -> term list,
- wrap_compilation : compilation_funs -> string -> typ -> mode -> term list -> term -> term,
- transform_additional_arguments : indprem -> term list -> term list
-fun dest_comp_modifiers (Comp_Modifiers c) = c
-val compilation = #compilation o dest_comp_modifiers
-val function_name_prefix = #function_name_prefix o dest_comp_modifiers
-val compfuns = #compfuns o dest_comp_modifiers
-val mk_random = #mk_random o dest_comp_modifiers
-val funT_of' = funT_of o compfuns
-val modify_funT = #modify_funT o dest_comp_modifiers
-fun funT_of comp mode = modify_funT comp o funT_of' comp mode
-val additional_arguments = #additional_arguments o dest_comp_modifiers
-val wrap_compilation = #wrap_compilation o dest_comp_modifiers
-val transform_additional_arguments = #transform_additional_arguments o dest_comp_modifiers
(* TODO: uses param_vs -- change necessary for compilation with new modes *)
-fun compile_arg compilation_modifiers compfuns additional_arguments ctxt param_vs iss arg =
+fun compile_arg compilation_modifiers additional_arguments ctxt param_vs iss arg =
fun map_params (t as Free (f, T)) =
if member (op =) param_vs f then
@@ -1629,12 +1857,13 @@
| map_params t = t
in map_aterms map_params arg end
-fun compile_match compilation_modifiers compfuns additional_arguments
+fun compile_match compilation_modifiers additional_arguments
param_vs iss ctxt eqs eqs' out_ts success_t =
+ val compfuns = Comp_Mod.compfuns compilation_modifiers
val eqs'' = maps mk_eq eqs @ eqs'
val eqs'' =
- map (compile_arg compilation_modifiers compfuns additional_arguments ctxt param_vs iss) eqs''
+ map (compile_arg compilation_modifiers additional_arguments ctxt param_vs iss) eqs''
val names = fold Term.add_free_names (success_t :: eqs'' @ out_ts) [];
val name = Name.variant names "x";
val name' = Name.variant (name :: names) "y";
@@ -1663,15 +1892,16 @@
| (t, Term Output) => Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t ^ "[Output]"
| (t, Context m) => Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t ^ "[" ^ string_of_mode m ^ "]")
-fun compile_expr compilation_modifiers compfuns ctxt pol (t, deriv) additional_arguments =
+fun compile_expr compilation_modifiers ctxt pol (t, deriv) additional_arguments =
+ val compfuns = Comp_Mod.compfuns compilation_modifiers
fun expr_of (t, deriv) =
(case (t, deriv) of
(t, Term Input) => SOME t
| (t, Term Output) => NONE
| (Const (name, T), Context mode) =>
SOME (Const (function_name_of (Comp_Mod.compilation compilation_modifiers)
- (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt) name (pol, mode),
+ (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt) name mode,
Comp_Mod.funT_of compilation_modifiers mode T))
| (Free (s, T), Context m) =>
SOME (Free (s, Comp_Mod.funT_of compilation_modifiers m T))
@@ -1695,11 +1925,12 @@
list_comb (the (expr_of (t, deriv)), additional_arguments)
-fun compile_clause compilation_modifiers compfuns ctxt all_vs param_vs additional_arguments
+fun compile_clause compilation_modifiers ctxt all_vs param_vs additional_arguments
(pol, mode) inp (ts, moded_ps) =
+ val compfuns = Comp_Mod.compfuns compilation_modifiers
val iss = ho_arg_modes_of mode
- val compile_match = compile_match compilation_modifiers compfuns
+ val compile_match = compile_match compilation_modifiers
additional_arguments param_vs iss ctxt
val (in_ts, out_ts) = split_mode mode ts;
val (in_ts', (all_vs', eqs)) =
@@ -1728,7 +1959,7 @@
Prem t =>
val u =
- compile_expr compilation_modifiers compfuns ctxt
+ compile_expr compilation_modifiers ctxt
pol (t, deriv) additional_arguments'
val (_, out_ts''') = split_mode mode (snd (strip_comb t))
val rest = compile_prems out_ts''' vs' names'' ps
@@ -1737,9 +1968,10 @@
| Negprem t =>
+ val neg_compilation_modifiers =
+ negative_comp_modifiers_of compilation_modifiers
val u = mk_not compfuns
- (compile_expr compilation_modifiers compfuns ctxt
+ (compile_expr neg_compilation_modifiers ctxt
(not pol) (t, deriv) additional_arguments')
val (_, out_ts''') = split_mode mode (snd (strip_comb t))
val rest = compile_prems out_ts''' vs' names'' ps
@@ -1748,7 +1980,7 @@
| Sidecond t =>
- val t = compile_arg compilation_modifiers compfuns additional_arguments
+ val t = compile_arg compilation_modifiers additional_arguments
ctxt param_vs iss t
val rest = compile_prems [] vs' names'' ps;
@@ -1796,7 +2028,7 @@
val in_ts' = map_filter (map_filter_prod
(fn t as Free (x, _) => if member (op =) param_vs x then NONE else SOME t | t => SOME t)) in_ts
val cl_ts =
- map (compile_clause compilation_modifiers compfuns
+ map (compile_clause compilation_modifiers
ctxt all_vs param_vs additional_arguments (pol, mode) (HOLogic.mk_tuple in_ts')) moded_cls;
val compilation = Comp_Mod.wrap_compilation compilation_modifiers compfuns
s T mode additional_arguments
@@ -1805,7 +2037,7 @@
else foldr1 (mk_sup compfuns) cl_ts)
val fun_const =
Const (function_name_of (Comp_Mod.compilation compilation_modifiers)
- (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt) s (pol, mode), funT)
+ (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt) s mode, funT)
(HOLogic.mk_eq (list_comb (fun_const, in_ts @ additional_arguments), compilation))
@@ -2591,7 +2823,7 @@
val arg_names = Name.variant_list []
(map (fn i => "x" ^ string_of_int i) (1 upto length Ts))
val args = map2 (curry Free) arg_names Ts
- val predfun = Const (function_name_of Pred thy predname (true, full_mode),
+ val predfun = Const (function_name_of Pred thy predname full_mode,
Ts ---> PredicateCompFuns.mk_predT @{typ unit})
val rhs = @{term Predicate.holds} $ (list_comb (predfun, args))
val eq_term = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
@@ -2714,125 +2946,6 @@
scc thy' |> Theory.checkpoint
in thy'' end
-val depth_limited_comp_modifiers = Comp_Mod.Comp_Modifiers
- {
- compilation = Depth_Limited,
- function_name_prefix = "depth_limited_",
- compfuns = PredicateCompFuns.compfuns,
- mk_random = (fn _ => error "no random generation"),
- additional_arguments = fn names =>
- let
- val depth_name = Name.variant names "depth"
- in [Free (depth_name, @{typ code_numeral})] end,
- modify_funT = (fn T => let val (Ts, U) = strip_type T
- val Ts' = [@{typ code_numeral}] in (Ts @ Ts') ---> U end),
- wrap_compilation =
- fn compfuns => fn s => fn T => fn mode => fn additional_arguments => fn compilation =>
- let
- val [depth] = additional_arguments
- val (_, Ts) = split_modeT' mode (binder_types T)
- val T' = mk_predT compfuns (HOLogic.mk_tupleT Ts)
- val if_const = Const (@{const_name "If"}, @{typ bool} --> T' --> T' --> T')
- in
- if_const $ HOLogic.mk_eq (depth, @{term "0 :: code_numeral"})
- $ mk_bot compfuns (dest_predT compfuns T')
- $ compilation
- end,
- transform_additional_arguments =
- fn prem => fn additional_arguments =>
- let
- val [depth] = additional_arguments
- val depth' =
- Const (@{const_name Groups.minus}, @{typ "code_numeral => code_numeral => code_numeral"})
- $ depth $ Const (@{const_name Groups.one}, @{typ "Code_Numeral.code_numeral"})
- in [depth'] end
- }
-val random_comp_modifiers = Comp_Mod.Comp_Modifiers
- {
- compilation = Random,
- function_name_prefix = "random_",
- compfuns = PredicateCompFuns.compfuns,
- mk_random = (fn T => fn additional_arguments =>
- list_comb (Const(@{const_name Quickcheck.iter},
- [@{typ code_numeral}, @{typ code_numeral}, @{typ Random.seed}] --->
- PredicateCompFuns.mk_predT T), additional_arguments)),
- modify_funT = (fn T =>
- let
- val (Ts, U) = strip_type T
- val Ts' = [@{typ code_numeral}, @{typ code_numeral}, @{typ "code_numeral * code_numeral"}]
- in (Ts @ Ts') ---> U end),
- additional_arguments = (fn names =>
- let
- val [nrandom, size, seed] = Name.variant_list names ["nrandom", "size", "seed"]
- in
- [Free (nrandom, @{typ code_numeral}), Free (size, @{typ code_numeral}),
- Free (seed, @{typ "code_numeral * code_numeral"})]
- end),
- wrap_compilation = K (K (K (K (K I))))
- : (compilation_funs -> string -> typ -> mode -> term list -> term -> term),
- transform_additional_arguments = K I : (indprem -> term list -> term list)
- }
-val depth_limited_random_comp_modifiers = Comp_Mod.Comp_Modifiers
- {
- compilation = Depth_Limited_Random,
- function_name_prefix = "depth_limited_random_",
- compfuns = PredicateCompFuns.compfuns,
- mk_random = (fn T => fn additional_arguments =>
- list_comb (Const(@{const_name Quickcheck.iter},
- [@{typ code_numeral}, @{typ code_numeral}, @{typ Random.seed}] --->
- PredicateCompFuns.mk_predT T), tl additional_arguments)),
- modify_funT = (fn T =>
- let
- val (Ts, U) = strip_type T
- val Ts' = [@{typ code_numeral}, @{typ code_numeral}, @{typ code_numeral},
- @{typ "code_numeral * code_numeral"}]
- in (Ts @ Ts') ---> U end),
- additional_arguments = (fn names =>
- let
- val [depth, nrandom, size, seed] = Name.variant_list names ["depth", "nrandom", "size", "seed"]
- in
- [Free (depth, @{typ code_numeral}), Free (nrandom, @{typ code_numeral}),
- Free (size, @{typ code_numeral}), Free (seed, @{typ "code_numeral * code_numeral"})]
- end),
- wrap_compilation =
- fn compfuns => fn s => fn T => fn mode => fn additional_arguments => fn compilation =>
- let
- val depth = hd (additional_arguments)
- val (_, Ts) = split_modeT' mode (binder_types T)
- val T' = mk_predT compfuns (HOLogic.mk_tupleT Ts)
- val if_const = Const (@{const_name "If"}, @{typ bool} --> T' --> T' --> T')
- in
- if_const $ HOLogic.mk_eq (depth, @{term "0 :: code_numeral"})
- $ mk_bot compfuns (dest_predT compfuns T')
- $ compilation
- end,
- transform_additional_arguments =
- fn prem => fn additional_arguments =>
- let
- val [depth, nrandom, size, seed] = additional_arguments
- val depth' =
- Const (@{const_name Groups.minus}, @{typ "code_numeral => code_numeral => code_numeral"})
- $ depth $ Const (@{const_name Groups.one}, @{typ "Code_Numeral.code_numeral"})
- in [depth', nrandom, size, seed] end
-(* different instantiantions of the predicate compiler *)
-val predicate_comp_modifiers = Comp_Mod.Comp_Modifiers
- {
- compilation = Pred,
- function_name_prefix = "",
- compfuns = PredicateCompFuns.compfuns,
- mk_random = (fn _ => error "no random generation"),
- modify_funT = I,
- additional_arguments = K [],
- wrap_compilation = K (K (K (K (K I))))
- : (compilation_funs -> string -> typ -> mode -> term list -> term -> term),
- transform_additional_arguments = K I : (indprem -> term list -> term list)
- }
val add_equations = gen_add_equations
(Steps {
define_functions =
@@ -2845,106 +2958,6 @@
use_random = false,
qname = "equation"})
-val annotated_comp_modifiers = Comp_Mod.Comp_Modifiers
- {
- compilation = Annotated,
- function_name_prefix = "annotated_",
- compfuns = PredicateCompFuns.compfuns,
- mk_random = (fn _ => error "no random generation"),
- modify_funT = I,
- additional_arguments = K [],
- wrap_compilation =
- fn compfuns => fn s => fn T => fn mode => fn additional_arguments => fn compilation =>
- mk_tracing ("calling predicate " ^ s ^
- " with mode " ^ string_of_mode mode) compilation,
- transform_additional_arguments = K I : (indprem -> term list -> term list)
- }
-val dseq_comp_modifiers = Comp_Mod.Comp_Modifiers
- {
- compilation = DSeq,
- function_name_prefix = "dseq_",
- compfuns = DSequence_CompFuns.compfuns,
- mk_random = (fn _ => error "no random generation"),
- modify_funT = I,
- additional_arguments = K [],
- wrap_compilation = K (K (K (K (K I))))
- : (compilation_funs -> string -> typ -> mode -> term list -> term -> term),
- transform_additional_arguments = K I : (indprem -> term list -> term list)
- }
-val pos_random_dseq_comp_modifiers = Comp_Mod.Comp_Modifiers
- {
- compilation = Pos_Random_DSeq,
- function_name_prefix = "random_dseq_",
- compfuns = Random_Sequence_CompFuns.compfuns,
- mk_random = (fn T => fn additional_arguments =>
- let
- val random = Const ("Quickcheck.random_class.random",
- @{typ code_numeral} --> @{typ Random.seed} -->
- HOLogic.mk_prodT (HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, @{typ "unit => term"}), @{typ Random.seed}))
- in
- Const ("Random_Sequence.Random", (@{typ code_numeral} --> @{typ Random.seed} -->
- HOLogic.mk_prodT (HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, @{typ "unit => term"}), @{typ Random.seed})) -->
- Random_Sequence_CompFuns.mk_random_dseqT T) $ random
- end),
- modify_funT = I,
- additional_arguments = K [],
- wrap_compilation = K (K (K (K (K I))))
- : (compilation_funs -> string -> typ -> mode -> term list -> term -> term),
- transform_additional_arguments = K I : (indprem -> term list -> term list)
- }
-val neg_random_dseq_comp_modifiers = Comp_Mod.Comp_Modifiers
- {
- compilation = Neg_Random_DSeq,
- function_name_prefix = "random_dseq_neg_",
- compfuns = Random_Sequence_CompFuns.compfuns,
- mk_random = (fn _ => error "no random generation"),
- modify_funT = I,
- additional_arguments = K [],
- wrap_compilation = K (K (K (K (K I))))
- : (compilation_funs -> string -> typ -> mode -> term list -> term -> term),
- transform_additional_arguments = K I : (indprem -> term list -> term list)
- }
-val new_pos_random_dseq_comp_modifiers = Comp_Mod.Comp_Modifiers
- {
- compilation = New_Pos_Random_DSeq,
- function_name_prefix = "new_random_dseq_",
- compfuns = New_Pos_Random_Sequence_CompFuns.compfuns,
- mk_random = (fn T => fn additional_arguments =>
- let
- val random = Const ("Quickcheck.random_class.random",
- @{typ code_numeral} --> @{typ Random.seed} -->
- HOLogic.mk_prodT (HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, @{typ "unit => term"}), @{typ Random.seed}))
- in
- Const ("New_Random_Sequence.Random", (@{typ code_numeral} --> @{typ Random.seed} -->
- HOLogic.mk_prodT (HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, @{typ "unit => term"}), @{typ Random.seed})) -->
- New_Pos_Random_Sequence_CompFuns.mk_pos_random_dseqT T) $ random
- end),
- modify_funT = I,
- additional_arguments = K [],
- wrap_compilation = K (K (K (K (K I))))
- : (compilation_funs -> string -> typ -> mode -> term list -> term -> term),
- transform_additional_arguments = K I : (indprem -> term list -> term list)
- }
-val new_neg_random_dseq_comp_modifiers = Comp_Mod.Comp_Modifiers
- {
- compilation = New_Neg_Random_DSeq,
- function_name_prefix = "new_random_dseq_neg_",
- compfuns = New_Neg_Random_Sequence_CompFuns.compfuns,
- mk_random = (fn _ => error "no random generation"),
- modify_funT = I,
- additional_arguments = K [],
- wrap_compilation = K (K (K (K (K I))))
- : (compilation_funs -> string -> typ -> mode -> term list -> term -> term),
- transform_additional_arguments = K I : (indprem -> term list -> term list)
- }
val add_depth_limited_equations = gen_add_equations
(Steps {
define_functions =
@@ -3192,7 +3205,7 @@
(*| Annotated => annotated_comp_modifiers*)
| DSeq => dseq_comp_modifiers
| Pos_Random_DSeq => pos_random_dseq_comp_modifiers
- val t_pred = compile_expr comp_modifiers compfuns (ProofContext.init thy)
+ val t_pred = compile_expr comp_modifiers (ProofContext.init thy)
true (body, deriv) additional_arguments;
val T_pred = dest_predT compfuns (fastype_of t_pred)
val arrange = split_lambda (HOLogic.mk_tuple outargs) output_tuple