Added package for definition by specification.
--- a/etc/isar-keywords.el Wed Jul 16 12:09:41 2003 +0200
+++ b/etc/isar-keywords.el Thu Jul 17 15:23:20 2003 +0200
@@ -136,6 +136,7 @@
+ "specification"
@@ -373,6 +374,7 @@
+ "specification"
--- a/src/HOL/Hilbert_Choice.thy Wed Jul 16 12:09:41 2003 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Hilbert_Choice.thy Thu Jul 17 15:23:20 2003 +0200
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
header {* Hilbert's epsilon-operator and everything to do with the Axiom of Choice *}
theory Hilbert_Choice = NatArith
-files ("Hilbert_Choice_lemmas.ML") ("meson_lemmas.ML") ("Tools/meson.ML"):
+files ("Hilbert_Choice_lemmas.ML") ("meson_lemmas.ML") ("Tools/meson.ML") ("Tools/specification_package.ML"):
subsection {* Hilbert's epsilon *}
@@ -268,4 +268,6 @@
use "Tools/meson.ML"
setup meson_setup
+use "Tools/specification_package.ML"
--- a/src/HOL/IsaMakefile Wed Jul 16 12:09:41 2003 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/IsaMakefile Thu Jul 17 15:23:20 2003 +0200
@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@
Tools/meson.ML Tools/numeral_syntax.ML \
Tools/primrec_package.ML Tools/recdef_package.ML Tools/recfun_codegen.ML \
Tools/record_package.ML Tools/rewrite_hol_proof.ML \
+ Tools/specification_package.ML \
Tools/split_rule.ML Tools/typedef_package.ML \
Transitive_Closure.thy Transitive_Closure.ML Typedef.thy \
Wellfounded_Recursion.ML Wellfounded_Recursion.thy Wellfounded_Relations.ML \
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/specification_package.ML Thu Jul 17 15:23:20 2003 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+(* Title: HOL/Tools/specification_package.ML
+ ID: $Id$
+ Author: Sebastian Skalberg, TU Muenchen
+Package for defining constants by specification.
+ val quiet_mode: bool ref
+ val add_specification: (bstring * bool) list -> bstring * Args.src list
+ -> theory * thm -> theory * thm
+ val add_specification_i: (bstring * bool) list -> bstring * theory attribute list
+ -> theory * thm -> theory * thm
+structure SpecificationPackage : SPECIFICATION_PACKAGE =
+(* messages *)
+val quiet_mode = ref false
+fun message s = if ! quiet_mode then () else writeln s
+ val _ = Goal "[| Ex P ; c == Eps P |] ==> P c"
+ val _ = by (Asm_simp_tac 1)
+ val _ = by (rtac (thm "someI_ex") 1)
+ val _ = ba 1
+val helper = Goals.result()
+(* Akin to HOLogic.exists_const *)
+fun choice_const T = Const("Hilbert_Choice.Eps",(T-->HOLogic.boolT)-->T)
+(* Actual code *)
+fun proc_exprop [] arg = arg
+ | proc_exprop ((cname,covld)::cos) (thy,thm) =
+ case concl_of thm of
+ Const("Trueprop",_) $ (Const("Ex",_) $ P) =>
+ let
+ val ctype = domain_type (type_of P)
+ val cdefname = Thm.def_name (Sign.base_name cname)
+ val def_eq = Logic.mk_equals (Const(cname,ctype),choice_const ctype $ P)
+ val (thy',thms) = PureThy.add_defs_i covld [((cdefname,def_eq),[])] thy
+ val thm' = [thm,hd thms] MRS helper
+ in
+ proc_exprop cos (thy',thm')
+ end
+ | _ => raise THM ("Internal error: Bad specification theorem",0,[thm])
+fun add_specification_i cos (name,atts) arg =
+ let
+ fun apply_attributes arg = Thm.apply_attributes(arg,atts)
+ fun add_final (arg as (thy,thm)) =
+ if name = ""
+ then arg
+ else (writeln ("specification " ^ name ^ ": " ^ (string_of_thm thm));
+ PureThy.store_thm((name,thm),[]) thy)
+ in
+ arg |> apsnd freezeT
+ |> proc_exprop cos
+ |> apsnd standard
+ |> apply_attributes
+ |> add_final
+ end
+fun add_specification cos (name,atts) arg =
+ add_specification_i cos (name,map (Attrib.global_attribute thy) atts) arg
+(* Collect all intances of constants in term *)
+fun collect_consts ( t $ u,tms) = collect_consts (u,collect_consts (t,tms))
+ | collect_consts ( Abs(_,_,t),tms) = collect_consts (t,tms)
+ | collect_consts (tm as Const _,tms) = gen_ins (op aconv) (tm,tms)
+ | collect_consts ( _,tms) = tms
+(* Complementing Type.varify... *)
+fun unvarify t fmap =
+ let
+ val fmap' = map Library.swap fmap
+ fun unthaw (f as (a,S)) =
+ (case assoc (fmap',a) of
+ None => TVar f
+ | Some b => TFree (b,S))
+ in
+ map_term_types (map_type_tvar unthaw) t
+ end
+(* The syntactic meddling needed to setup add_specification for work *)
+fun process_spec cos alt_name sprop int thy =
+ let
+ val sg = sign_of thy
+ fun typ_equiv t u =
+ let
+ val tsig = Sign.tsig_of sg
+ in
+ Type.typ_instance(tsig,t,u) andalso
+ Type.typ_instance(tsig,u,t)
+ end
+ val prop = term_of (Thm.read_cterm sg (sprop,HOLogic.boolT))
+ val (prop_thawed,vmap) = Type.varify (prop,[])
+ val thawed_prop_consts = collect_consts (prop_thawed,[])
+ val (sconsts,overloaded) = Library.split_list cos
+ val consts = map (term_of o Thm.read_cterm sg o rpair TypeInfer.logicT) sconsts
+ val _ = assert (not (Library.exists (not o Term.is_Const) consts))
+ "Non-constant found as parameter"
+ fun proc_const c =
+ let
+ val c' = fst (Type.varify (c,[]))
+ val (cname,ctyp) = dest_Const c'
+ in
+ case filter (fn t => let val (name,typ) = dest_Const t
+ in name = cname andalso typ_equiv typ ctyp
+ end) thawed_prop_consts of
+ [] => error ("Constant \"" ^ (Sign.string_of_term sg c) ^ "\" not found in specification")
+ | [cf] => unvarify cf vmap
+ | _ => error ("Several variations of \"" ^ (Sign.string_of_term sg c) ^ "\" found in specification")
+ end
+ val proc_consts = map proc_const consts
+ fun mk_exist (c,prop) =
+ let
+ val T = type_of c
+ in
+ HOLogic.exists_const T $ Abs("x",T,Term.abstract_over (c,prop))
+ end
+ val ex_prop = foldr mk_exist (proc_consts,prop)
+ val cnames = map (fst o dest_Const) proc_consts
+ in
+ IsarThy.theorem_i Drule.internalK
+ (("",[add_specification (cnames ~~ overloaded) alt_name]),
+ (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop ex_prop,([],[]))) int thy
+ end
+(* outer syntax *)
+local structure P = OuterParse and K = OuterSyntax.Keyword in
+(* taken from ~~/Pure/Isar/isar_syn.ML *)
+val opt_overloaded =
+ Scan.optional (P.$$$ "(" |-- P.!!! ((P.$$$ "overloaded" >> K true) --| P.$$$ ")")) false
+val specification_decl =
+ P.$$$ "(" |-- Scan.repeat1 (P.term -- opt_overloaded) --| P.$$$ ")" --
+ P.opt_thm_name ":" -- P.prop
+val specificationP =
+ OuterSyntax.command "specification" "define constants by specification" K.thy_goal
+ (specification_decl >> (fn ((cos,alt_name), prop) =>
+ Toplevel.print o (Toplevel.theory_to_proof (process_spec cos alt_name prop))))
+val _ = OuterSyntax.add_parsers [specificationP]