--- a/src/HOL/Tools/inductive_package.ML Sun Feb 27 15:31:40 2000 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/inductive_package.ML Sun Feb 27 15:32:10 2000 +0100
@@ -36,9 +36,6 @@
{names: string list, coind: bool} * {defs: thm list, elims: thm list, raw_induct: thm,
induct: thm, intrs: thm list, mk_cases: string -> thm, mono: thm, unfold: thm}
val print_inductives: theory -> unit
- val cases_of: Sign.sg -> string -> thm
- val all_cases: Sign.sg -> thm list
- val all_inducts: Sign.sg -> thm list
val mono_add_global: theory attribute
val mono_del_global: theory attribute
val get_monos: theory -> thm list
@@ -106,24 +103,6 @@
in InductiveData.put tab_monos thy end;
-(* cases and induct rules *)
-fun cases_of sg name =
- let
- fun find (None, (_, ({names, ...}, {elims, ...}): inductive_info)) =
- assoc (names ~~ elims, name)
- | find (some, _) = some;
- val (tab, _) = InductiveData.get_sg sg;
- in
- (case Symtab.foldl find (None, tab) of
- None => error ("Unknown (co)inductive set " ^ quote name)
- | Some thm => thm)
- end;
-fun all_cases sg = flat (map (#elims o #2 o #2) (Symtab.dest (#1 (InductiveData.get_sg sg))));
-fun all_inducts sg = map (#induct o #2 o #2) (Symtab.dest (#1 (InductiveData.get_sg sg)));
(** monotonicity rules **)
@@ -765,6 +744,12 @@
(** introduction of (co)inductive sets **)
+fun add_cases_induct names elims induct =
+ PureThy.add_thms
+ (map (fn name => (("", induct), [InductMethod.induct_set_global name])) names @
+ map2 (fn (name, elim) => (("", elim), [InductMethod.cases_set_global name])) (names, elims));
fun add_inductive_i verbose declare_consts alt_name coind no_elim no_ind cs
atts intros monos con_defs thy =
@@ -789,7 +774,9 @@
(if ! quick_and_dirty then add_ind_axm else add_ind_def)
verbose declare_consts alt_name coind no_elim no_ind cs atts intros monos
con_defs thy params paramTs cTs cnames;
- val thy2 = thy1 |> put_inductives full_cnames ({names = full_cnames, coind = coind}, result);
+ val thy2 = thy1
+ |> put_inductives full_cnames ({names = full_cnames, coind = coind}, result)
+ |> add_cases_induct full_cnames (#elims result) (#induct result);
in (thy2, result) end;