rename directory
Wed, 28 Jul 2010 19:01:34 +0200
changeset 38046 6659c15e7421
parent 38045 f367847f5068
child 38047 9033c03cc214
rename directory
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/async_manager.ML	Wed Jul 28 19:01:34 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/async_manager.ML
+    Author:     Fabian Immler, TU Muenchen
+    Author:     Makarius
+    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
+Central manager for asynchronous diagnosis tool threads.
+signature ASYNC_MANAGER =
+  val launch :
+    string -> bool -> Time.time -> Time.time -> string -> (unit -> string)
+    -> unit
+  val kill_threads : string -> string -> unit
+  val running_threads : string -> string -> unit
+  val thread_messages : string -> string -> int option -> unit
+structure Async_Manager : ASYNC_MANAGER =
+(** preferences **)
+val message_store_limit = 20;
+val message_display_limit = 5;
+(** thread management **)
+(* data structures over threads *)
+structure Thread_Heap = Heap
+  type elem = Time.time * Thread.thread;
+  fun ord ((a, _), (b, _)) = (a, b);
+fun lookup_thread xs = AList.lookup Thread.equal xs;
+fun delete_thread xs = AList.delete Thread.equal xs;
+fun update_thread xs = AList.update Thread.equal xs;
+(* state of thread manager *)
+type state =
+  {manager: Thread.thread option,
+   timeout_heap: Thread_Heap.T,
+   active: (Thread.thread * (string * Time.time * Time.time * string)) list,
+   canceling: (Thread.thread * (string * Time.time * string)) list,
+   messages: (string * string) list,
+   store: (string * string) list}
+fun make_state manager timeout_heap active canceling messages store : state =
+  {manager = manager, timeout_heap = timeout_heap, active = active,
+   canceling = canceling, messages = messages, store = store}
+val global_state = Synchronized.var "async_manager"
+  (make_state NONE Thread_Heap.empty [] [] [] []);
+(* unregister thread *)
+fun unregister verbose message thread =
+  Synchronized.change global_state
+  (fn state as {manager, timeout_heap, active, canceling, messages, store} =>
+    (case lookup_thread active thread of
+      SOME (tool, birth_time, _, desc) =>
+        let
+          val active' = delete_thread thread active;
+          val now = ()
+          val canceling' = (thread, (tool, now, desc)) :: canceling
+          val message' =
+            desc ^ "\n" ^ message ^
+            (if verbose then
+               "Total time: " ^ Int.toString (Time.toMilliseconds
+                                          (Time.- (now, birth_time))) ^ " ms.\n"
+             else
+               "")
+          val messages' = (tool, message') :: messages;
+          val store' = (tool, message') ::
+            (if length store <= message_store_limit then store
+             else #1 (chop message_store_limit store));
+        in make_state manager timeout_heap active' canceling' messages' store' end
+    | NONE => state));
+(* main manager thread -- only one may exist *)
+val min_wait_time = Time.fromMilliseconds 300;
+val max_wait_time = Time.fromSeconds 10;
+fun replace_all bef aft =
+  let
+    fun aux seen "" = String.implode (rev seen)
+      | aux seen s =
+        if String.isPrefix bef s then
+          aux seen "" ^ aft ^ aux [] (unprefix bef s)
+        else
+          aux (String.sub (s, 0) :: seen) (String.extract (s, 1, NONE))
+  in aux [] end
+(* This is a workaround for Proof General's off-by-a-few sendback display bug,
+   whereby "pr" in "proof" is not highlighted. *)
+fun break_into_chunks xs =
+  maps (space_explode "\000" o replace_all "\n\n" "\000" o snd) xs
+fun print_new_messages () =
+  case Synchronized.change_result global_state
+         (fn {manager, timeout_heap, active, canceling, messages, store} =>
+             (messages, make_state manager timeout_heap active canceling []
+                                   store)) of
+    [] => ()
+  | msgs as (tool, _) :: _ =>
+    let val ss = break_into_chunks msgs in
+ priority (tool ^ ": " ^ hd ss :: tl ss)
+    end
+fun check_thread_manager verbose = Synchronized.change global_state
+  (fn state as {manager, timeout_heap, active, canceling, messages, store} =>
+    if (case manager of SOME thread => Thread.isActive thread | NONE => false) then state
+    else let val manager = SOME (Toplevel.thread false (fn () =>
+      let
+        fun time_limit timeout_heap =
+          (case try Thread_Heap.min timeout_heap of
+            NONE => Time.+ ( (), max_wait_time)
+          | SOME (time, _) => time);
+        (*action: find threads whose timeout is reached, and interrupt canceling threads*)
+        fun action {manager, timeout_heap, active, canceling, messages, store} =
+          let val (timeout_threads, timeout_heap') =
+            Thread_Heap.upto ( (), Thread.self ()) timeout_heap;
+          in
+            if null timeout_threads andalso null canceling then
+              NONE
+            else
+              let
+                val _ = (Simple_Thread.interrupt o #1) canceling
+                val canceling' = filter (Thread.isActive o #1) canceling
+                val state' = make_state manager timeout_heap' active canceling' messages store;
+              in SOME (map #2 timeout_threads, state') end
+          end;
+      in
+        while Synchronized.change_result global_state
+          (fn state as {timeout_heap, active, canceling, messages, store, ...} =>
+            if null active andalso null canceling andalso null messages
+            then (false, make_state NONE timeout_heap active canceling messages store)
+            else (true, state))
+        do
+          (Synchronized.timed_access global_state (SOME o time_limit o #timeout_heap) action
+            |> these
+            |> (unregister verbose "Timed out.\n");
+            print_new_messages ();
+            (*give threads some time to respond to interrupt*)
+            OS.Process.sleep min_wait_time)
+      end))
+    in make_state manager timeout_heap active canceling messages store end)
+(* register thread *)
+fun register tool verbose birth_time death_time desc thread =
+ (Synchronized.change global_state
+    (fn {manager, timeout_heap, active, canceling, messages, store} =>
+      let
+        val timeout_heap' = Thread_Heap.insert (death_time, thread) timeout_heap;
+        val active' = update_thread (thread, (tool, birth_time, death_time, desc)) active;
+        val state' = make_state manager timeout_heap' active' canceling messages store;
+      in state' end);
+  check_thread_manager verbose);
+fun launch tool verbose birth_time death_time desc f =
+  (Toplevel.thread true
+       (fn () =>
+           let
+             val self = Thread.self ()
+             val _ = register tool verbose birth_time death_time desc self
+             val message = f ()
+           in unregister verbose message self end);
+   ())
+(** user commands **)
+(* kill threads *)
+fun kill_threads tool workers = Synchronized.change global_state
+  (fn {manager, timeout_heap, active, canceling, messages, store} =>
+    let
+      val killing =
+        map_filter (fn (th, (tool', _, _, desc)) =>
+                       if tool' = tool then SOME (th, (tool', (), desc))
+                       else NONE) active
+      val state' = make_state manager timeout_heap [] (killing @ canceling) messages store;
+      val _ = if null killing then () else priority ("Killed active " ^ workers ^ ".")
+    in state' end);
+(* running threads *)
+fun seconds time = string_of_int (Time.toSeconds time) ^ " s"
+fun running_threads tool workers =
+  let
+    val {active, canceling, ...} = Synchronized.value global_state;
+    val now = ();
+    fun running_info (_, (tool', birth_time, death_time, desc)) =
+      if tool' = tool then
+        SOME ("Running: " ^ seconds (Time.- (now, birth_time)) ^ " -- " ^
+              seconds (Time.- (death_time, now)) ^ " to live:\n" ^ desc)
+      else
+        NONE
+    fun canceling_info (_, (tool', death_time, desc)) =
+      if tool' = tool then
+        SOME ("Trying to interrupt thread since " ^
+              seconds (Time.- (now, death_time)) ^ ":\n" ^ desc)
+      else
+        NONE
+    val running =
+      case map_filter running_info active of
+        [] => ["No " ^ workers ^ " running."]
+      | ss => "Running " ^ workers ^ ":" :: ss
+    val interrupting =
+      case map_filter canceling_info canceling of
+        [] => []
+      | ss => "Trying to interrupt the following " ^ workers ^ ":" :: ss
+  in priority (space_implode "\n\n" (running @ interrupting)) end
+fun thread_messages tool worker opt_limit =
+  let
+    val limit = the_default message_display_limit opt_limit;
+    val tool_store = Synchronized.value global_state
+                     |> #store |> filter (curry (op =) tool o fst)
+    val header =
+      "Recent " ^ worker ^ " messages" ^
+        (if length tool_store <= limit then ":"
+         else " (" ^ string_of_int limit ^ " displayed):");
+  in priority (header :: break_into_chunks (#1 (chop limit tool_store))) end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_problem.ML	Wed Jul 28 19:01:34 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_problem.ML
+    Author:     Jia Meng, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory and NICTA
+    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
+TPTP syntax.
+signature ATP_PROBLEM =
+  datatype 'a fo_term = ATerm of 'a * 'a fo_term list
+  datatype quantifier = AForall | AExists
+  datatype connective = ANot | AAnd | AOr | AImplies | AIf | AIff | ANotIff
+  datatype ('a, 'b) formula =
+    AQuant of quantifier * 'a list * ('a, 'b) formula |
+    AConn of connective * ('a, 'b) formula list |
+    AAtom of 'b
+  datatype kind = Axiom | Conjecture
+  datatype 'a problem_line = Fof of string * kind * ('a, 'a fo_term) formula
+  type 'a problem = (string * 'a problem_line list) list
+  val timestamp : unit -> string
+  val is_tptp_variable : string -> bool
+  val strings_for_tptp_problem :
+    (string * string problem_line list) list -> string list
+  val nice_tptp_problem :
+    bool -> ('a * (string * string) problem_line list) list
+    -> ('a * string problem_line list) list
+       * (string Symtab.table * string Symtab.table) option
+structure ATP_Problem : ATP_PROBLEM =
+(** ATP problem **)
+datatype 'a fo_term = ATerm of 'a * 'a fo_term list
+datatype quantifier = AForall | AExists
+datatype connective = ANot | AAnd | AOr | AImplies | AIf | AIff | ANotIff
+datatype ('a, 'b) formula =
+  AQuant of quantifier * 'a list * ('a, 'b) formula |
+  AConn of connective * ('a, 'b) formula list |
+  AAtom of 'b
+datatype kind = Axiom | Conjecture
+datatype 'a problem_line = Fof of string * kind * ('a, 'a fo_term) formula
+type 'a problem = (string * 'a problem_line list) list
+val timestamp = Date.fmt "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" o Date.fromTimeLocal o
+fun string_for_term (ATerm (s, [])) = s
+  | string_for_term (ATerm (s, ts)) =
+    if s = "equal" then space_implode " = " (map string_for_term ts)
+    else s ^ "(" ^ commas (map string_for_term ts) ^ ")"
+fun string_for_quantifier AForall = "!"
+  | string_for_quantifier AExists = "?"
+fun string_for_connective ANot = "~"
+  | string_for_connective AAnd = "&"
+  | string_for_connective AOr = "|"
+  | string_for_connective AImplies = "=>"
+  | string_for_connective AIf = "<="
+  | string_for_connective AIff = "<=>"
+  | string_for_connective ANotIff = "<~>"
+fun string_for_formula (AQuant (q, xs, phi)) =
+    string_for_quantifier q ^ "[" ^ commas xs ^ "] : " ^
+    string_for_formula phi
+  | string_for_formula (AConn (ANot, [AAtom (ATerm ("equal", ts))])) =
+    space_implode " != " (map string_for_term ts)
+  | string_for_formula (AConn (c, [phi])) =
+    string_for_connective c ^ " " ^ string_for_formula phi
+  | string_for_formula (AConn (c, phis)) =
+    "(" ^ space_implode (" " ^ string_for_connective c ^ " ")
+                        (map string_for_formula phis) ^ ")"
+  | string_for_formula (AAtom tm) = string_for_term tm
+fun string_for_problem_line (Fof (ident, kind, phi)) =
+  "fof(" ^ ident ^ ", " ^
+  (case kind of Axiom => "axiom" | Conjecture => "conjecture") ^ ",\n" ^
+  "    (" ^ string_for_formula phi ^ ")).\n"
+fun strings_for_tptp_problem problem =
+  "% This file was generated by Isabelle (most likely Sledgehammer)\n\
+  \% " ^ timestamp () ^ "\n" ::
+  maps (fn (_, []) => []
+         | (heading, lines) =>
+           "\n% " ^ heading ^ " (" ^ Int.toString (length lines) ^ ")\n" ::
+           map string_for_problem_line lines) problem
+fun is_tptp_variable s = Char.isUpper (String.sub (s, 0))
+(** Nice names **)
+fun empty_name_pool readable_names =
+  if readable_names then SOME (Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty) else NONE
+fun pool_fold f xs z = pair z #> fold_rev (fn x => uncurry (f x)) xs
+fun pool_map f xs =
+  pool_fold (fn x => fn ys => fn pool => f x pool |>> (fn y => y :: ys)) xs []
+(* "equal" is reserved by some ATPs. "op" is also reserved, to avoid the
+   unreadable "op_1", "op_2", etc., in the problem files. *)
+val reserved_nice_names = ["equal", "op"]
+fun readable_name full_name s =
+  if s = full_name then
+    s
+  else
+    let
+      val s = s |> Long_Name.base_name
+                |> Name.desymbolize (Char.isUpper (String.sub (full_name, 0)))
+    in if member (op =) reserved_nice_names s then full_name else s end
+fun nice_name (full_name, _) NONE = (full_name, NONE)
+  | nice_name (full_name, desired_name) (SOME the_pool) =
+    case Symtab.lookup (fst the_pool) full_name of
+      SOME nice_name => (nice_name, SOME the_pool)
+    | NONE =>
+      let
+        val nice_prefix = readable_name full_name desired_name
+        fun add j =
+          let
+            val nice_name = nice_prefix ^
+                            (if j = 0 then "" else "_" ^ Int.toString j)
+          in
+            case Symtab.lookup (snd the_pool) nice_name of
+              SOME full_name' =>
+              if full_name = full_name' then (nice_name, the_pool)
+              else add (j + 1)
+            | NONE =>
+              (nice_name,
+               (Symtab.update_new (full_name, nice_name) (fst the_pool),
+                Symtab.update_new (nice_name, full_name) (snd the_pool)))
+          end
+      in add 0 |> apsnd SOME end
+fun nice_term (ATerm (name, ts)) =
+  nice_name name ##>> pool_map nice_term ts #>> ATerm
+fun nice_formula (AQuant (q, xs, phi)) =
+    pool_map nice_name xs ##>> nice_formula phi
+    #>> (fn (xs, phi) => AQuant (q, xs, phi))
+  | nice_formula (AConn (c, phis)) =
+    pool_map nice_formula phis #>> curry AConn c
+  | nice_formula (AAtom tm) = nice_term tm #>> AAtom
+fun nice_problem_line (Fof (ident, kind, phi)) =
+  nice_formula phi #>> (fn phi => Fof (ident, kind, phi))
+fun nice_problem problem =
+  pool_map (fn (heading, lines) =>
+               pool_map nice_problem_line lines #>> pair heading) problem
+fun nice_tptp_problem readable_names problem =
+  nice_problem problem (empty_name_pool readable_names)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_systems.ML	Wed Jul 28 19:01:34 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_systems.ML
+    Author:     Fabian Immler, TU Muenchen
+    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
+Setup for supported ATPs.
+signature ATP_SYSTEMS =
+  datatype failure =
+    Unprovable | IncompleteUnprovable | CantConnect | TimedOut |
+    OutOfResources | OldSpass | MalformedInput | MalformedOutput | UnknownError
+  type prover_config =
+    {executable: string * string,
+     required_executables: (string * string) list,
+     arguments: bool -> Time.time -> string,
+     proof_delims: (string * string) list,
+     known_failures: (failure * string) list,
+     max_new_relevant_facts_per_iter: int,
+     prefers_theory_relevant: bool,
+     explicit_forall: bool}
+  val add_prover: string * prover_config -> theory -> theory
+  val get_prover: theory -> string -> prover_config
+  val available_atps: theory -> unit
+  val refresh_systems_on_tptp : unit -> unit
+  val default_atps_param_value : unit -> string
+  val setup : theory -> theory
+structure ATP_Systems : ATP_SYSTEMS =
+(* prover configuration *)
+datatype failure =
+  Unprovable | IncompleteUnprovable | CantConnect | TimedOut | OutOfResources |
+  OldSpass | MalformedInput | MalformedOutput | UnknownError
+type prover_config =
+  {executable: string * string,
+   required_executables: (string * string) list,
+   arguments: bool -> Time.time -> string,
+   proof_delims: (string * string) list,
+   known_failures: (failure * string) list,
+   max_new_relevant_facts_per_iter: int,
+   prefers_theory_relevant: bool,
+   explicit_forall: bool}
+(* named provers *)
+structure Data = Theory_Data
+  type T = (prover_config * stamp) Symtab.table
+  val empty = Symtab.empty
+  val extend = I
+  fun merge data : T = Symtab.merge (eq_snd op =) data
+    handle Symtab.DUP name => error ("Duplicate ATP: " ^ quote name ^ ".")
+fun add_prover (name, config) thy =
+ (Symtab.update_new (name, (config, stamp ()))) thy
+  handle Symtab.DUP name => error ("Duplicate ATP: " ^ quote name ^ ".")
+fun get_prover thy name =
+  the (Symtab.lookup (Data.get thy) name) |> fst
+  handle Option.Option => error ("Unknown ATP: " ^ name ^ ".")
+fun available_atps thy =
+  priority ("Available ATPs: " ^
+            commas (sort_strings (Symtab.keys (Data.get thy))) ^ ".")
+fun available_atps thy =
+  priority ("Available ATPs: " ^
+            commas (sort_strings (Symtab.keys (Data.get thy))) ^ ".")
+fun to_generous_secs time = (Time.toMilliseconds time + 999) div 1000
+(* E prover *)
+val tstp_proof_delims =
+  ("# SZS output start CNFRefutation.", "# SZS output end CNFRefutation")
+val e_config : prover_config =
+  {executable = ("E_HOME", "eproof"),
+   required_executables = [],
+   arguments = fn _ => fn timeout =>
+     "--tstp-in --tstp-out -l5 -xAutoDev -tAutoDev --silent --cpu-limit=" ^
+     string_of_int (to_generous_secs timeout),
+   proof_delims = [tstp_proof_delims],
+   known_failures =
+     [(Unprovable, "SZS status: CounterSatisfiable"),
+      (Unprovable, "SZS status CounterSatisfiable"),
+      (TimedOut, "Failure: Resource limit exceeded (time)"),
+      (TimedOut, "time limit exceeded"),
+      (OutOfResources,
+       "# Cannot determine problem status within resource limit"),
+      (OutOfResources, "SZS status: ResourceOut"),
+      (OutOfResources, "SZS status ResourceOut")],
+   max_new_relevant_facts_per_iter = 80 (* FIXME *),
+   prefers_theory_relevant = false,
+   explicit_forall = false}
+val e = ("e", e_config)
+(* The "-VarWeight=3" option helps the higher-order problems, probably by
+   counteracting the presence of "hAPP". *)
+val spass_config : prover_config =
+  {executable = ("ISABELLE_ATP_MANAGER", "scripts/spass"),
+   required_executables = [("SPASS_HOME", "SPASS")],
+   (* "div 2" accounts for the fact that SPASS is often run twice. *)
+   arguments = fn complete => fn timeout =>
+     ("-Auto -PGiven=0 -PProblem=0 -Splits=0 -FullRed=0 -DocProof \
+      \-VarWeight=3 -TimeLimit=" ^
+      string_of_int (to_generous_secs timeout div 2))
+     |> not complete ? prefix "-SOS=1 ",
+   proof_delims = [("Here is a proof", "Formulae used in the proof")],
+   known_failures =
+     [(IncompleteUnprovable, "SPASS beiseite: Completion found"),
+      (TimedOut, "SPASS beiseite: Ran out of time"),
+      (OutOfResources, "SPASS beiseite: Maximal number of loops exceeded"),
+      (MalformedInput, "Undefined symbol"),
+      (MalformedInput, "Free Variable"),
+      (OldSpass, "tptp2dfg")],
+   max_new_relevant_facts_per_iter = 26 (* FIXME *),
+   prefers_theory_relevant = true,
+   explicit_forall = true}
+val spass = ("spass", spass_config)
+(* Vampire *)
+val vampire_config : prover_config =
+  {executable = ("VAMPIRE_HOME", "vampire"),
+   required_executables = [],
+   arguments = fn _ => fn timeout =>
+     "--mode casc -t " ^ string_of_int (to_generous_secs timeout) ^
+     " --input_file ",
+   proof_delims =
+     [("=========== Refutation ==========",
+       "======= End of refutation ======="),
+      ("% SZS output start Refutation", "% SZS output end Refutation"),
+      ("% SZS output start Proof", "% SZS output end Proof")],
+   known_failures =
+     [(Unprovable, "UNPROVABLE"),
+      (IncompleteUnprovable, "CANNOT PROVE"),
+      (Unprovable, "Satisfiability detected"),
+      (OutOfResources, "Refutation not found")],
+   max_new_relevant_facts_per_iter = 40 (* FIXME *),
+   prefers_theory_relevant = false,
+   explicit_forall = false}
+val vampire = ("vampire", vampire_config)
+(* Remote prover invocation via SystemOnTPTP *)
+val systems = Synchronized.var "atp_systems" ([]: string list)
+fun get_systems () =
+  case bash_output "\"$ISABELLE_ATP_MANAGER/scripts/remote_atp\" -w" of
+    (answer, 0) => split_lines answer
+  | (answer, _) =>
+    error ("Failed to get available systems at SystemOnTPTP:\n" ^
+           perhaps (try (unsuffix "\n")) answer)
+fun refresh_systems_on_tptp () =
+  Synchronized.change systems (fn _ => get_systems ())
+fun get_system prefix = Synchronized.change_result systems (fn systems =>
+  (if null systems then get_systems () else systems)
+  |> `(find_first (String.isPrefix prefix)));
+fun the_system prefix =
+  (case get_system prefix of
+    NONE => error ("System " ^ quote prefix ^ " not available at SystemOnTPTP.")
+  | SOME sys => sys);
+val remote_known_failures =
+  [(CantConnect, "HTTP-Error"),
+   (TimedOut, "says Timeout"),
+   (MalformedOutput, "Remote script could not extract proof")]
+fun remote_config atp_prefix
+        ({proof_delims, known_failures, max_new_relevant_facts_per_iter,
+          prefers_theory_relevant, explicit_forall, ...} : prover_config)
+        : prover_config =
+  {executable = ("ISABELLE_ATP_MANAGER", "scripts/remote_atp"),
+   required_executables = [],
+   arguments = fn _ => fn timeout =>
+     " -t " ^ string_of_int (to_generous_secs timeout) ^ " -s " ^
+     the_system atp_prefix,
+   proof_delims = insert (op =) tstp_proof_delims proof_delims,
+   known_failures = remote_known_failures @ known_failures,
+   max_new_relevant_facts_per_iter = max_new_relevant_facts_per_iter,
+   prefers_theory_relevant = prefers_theory_relevant,
+   explicit_forall = explicit_forall}
+val remote_name = prefix "remote_"
+fun remote_prover (name, config) atp_prefix =
+  (remote_name name, remote_config atp_prefix config)
+val remote_e = remote_prover e "EP---"
+val remote_vampire = remote_prover vampire "Vampire---9"
+fun is_installed ({executable, required_executables, ...} : prover_config) =
+  forall (curry (op <>) "" o getenv o fst) (executable :: required_executables)
+fun maybe_remote (name, config) =
+  name |> not (is_installed config) ? remote_name
+fun default_atps_param_value () =
+  space_implode " " ([maybe_remote e] @
+                     (if is_installed (snd spass) then [fst spass] else []) @
+                     [remote_name (fst vampire)])
+val provers = [e, spass, vampire, remote_e, remote_vampire]
+val setup = fold add_prover provers
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/etc/settings	Wed Jul 28 19:01:34 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/scripts/remote_atp	Wed Jul 28 19:01:34 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# Wrapper for custom remote provers on SystemOnTPTP
+# Author: Fabian Immler, TU Muenchen
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use HTTP::Request::Common;
+use LWP;
+my $SystemOnTPTPFormReplyURL =
+  "";
+# default parameters
+my %URLParameters = (
+    "NoHTML" => 1,
+    "QuietFlag" => "-q01",
+    "SubmitButton" => "RunSelectedSystems",
+    "ProblemSource" => "UPLOAD",
+    "ForceSystem" => "-force",
+    );
+#----Get format and transform options if specified
+my %Options;
+sub usage() {
+  print("Usage: remote_atp [<options>] <File name>\n");
+  print("    <options> are ...\n");
+  print("    -h            - print this help\n");
+  print("    -w            - list available ATP systems\n");
+  print("    -s<system>    - specified system to use\n");
+  print("    -t<timelimit> - CPU time limit for system\n");
+  print("    -c<command>   - custom command for system\n");
+  print("    <File name>   - TPTP problem file\n");
+  exit(0);
+if (exists($Options{'h'})) {
+  usage();
+#----What systems flag
+if (exists($Options{'w'})) {
+    $URLParameters{"SubmitButton"} = "ListSystems";
+    delete($URLParameters{"ProblemSource"});
+if (exists($Options{'x'})) {
+    $URLParameters{"X2TPTP"} = "-S";
+#----Selected system
+my $System;
+if (exists($Options{'s'})) {
+    $System = $Options{'s'};
+} else {
+    # use Vampire as default
+    $System = "Vampire---9.0";
+$URLParameters{"System___$System"} = $System;
+#----Time limit
+if (exists($Options{'t'})) {
+    $URLParameters{"TimeLimit___$System"} = $Options{'t'};
+#----Custom command
+if (exists($Options{'c'})) {
+    $URLParameters{"Command___$System"} = $Options{'c'};
+#----Get single file name
+if (exists($URLParameters{"ProblemSource"})) {
+    if (scalar(@ARGV) >= 1) {
+        $URLParameters{"UPLOADProblem"} = [shift(@ARGV)];
+    } else {
+      print("Missing problem file\n");
+      usage();
+      die;
+    }
+# Query Server
+my $Agent = LWP::UserAgent->new;
+if (exists($Options{'t'})) {
+  # give server more time to respond
+  $Agent->timeout($Options{'t'} + 10);
+my $Request = POST($SystemOnTPTPFormReplyURL,
+	Content_Type => 'form-data',Content => \%URLParameters);
+my $Response = $Agent->request($Request);
+#catch errors / failure
+if(!$Response->is_success) {
+  print "HTTP-Error: " . $Response->message . "\n";
+  exit(-1);
+} elsif (exists($Options{'w'})) {
+  print $Response->content;
+  exit (0);
+} elsif ($Response->content =~ /WARNING: (\S*) does not exist/) {
+  print "Specified System $1 does not exist\n";
+  exit(-1);
+} else {
+  print $Response->content;
+  exit(0);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/scripts/spass	Wed Jul 28 19:01:34 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Wrapper for SPASS that also outputs the Flotter-generated CNF (needed for
+# Isar proof reconstruction)
+# Author: Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
+$SPASS_HOME/tptp2dfg $name $name.fof.dfg
+$SPASS_HOME/SPASS -Flotter $name.fof.dfg \
+    | sed 's/description({$/description({*/' \
+    > $name.cnf.dfg
+rm -f $name.fof.dfg
+cat $name.cnf.dfg
+$SPASS_HOME/SPASS $options $name.cnf.dfg \
+    | sed 's/\(Formulae used in the proof :\).*/\1 N\/A/'
+rm -f $name.cnf.dfg
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/async_manager.ML	Wed Jul 28 19:01:07 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/async_manager.ML
-    Author:     Fabian Immler, TU Muenchen
-    Author:     Makarius
-    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
-Central manager for asynchronous diagnosis tool threads.
-signature ASYNC_MANAGER =
-  val launch :
-    string -> bool -> Time.time -> Time.time -> string -> (unit -> string)
-    -> unit
-  val kill_threads : string -> string -> unit
-  val running_threads : string -> string -> unit
-  val thread_messages : string -> string -> int option -> unit
-structure Async_Manager : ASYNC_MANAGER =
-(** preferences **)
-val message_store_limit = 20;
-val message_display_limit = 5;
-(** thread management **)
-(* data structures over threads *)
-structure Thread_Heap = Heap
-  type elem = Time.time * Thread.thread;
-  fun ord ((a, _), (b, _)) = (a, b);
-fun lookup_thread xs = AList.lookup Thread.equal xs;
-fun delete_thread xs = AList.delete Thread.equal xs;
-fun update_thread xs = AList.update Thread.equal xs;
-(* state of thread manager *)
-type state =
-  {manager: Thread.thread option,
-   timeout_heap: Thread_Heap.T,
-   active: (Thread.thread * (string * Time.time * Time.time * string)) list,
-   canceling: (Thread.thread * (string * Time.time * string)) list,
-   messages: (string * string) list,
-   store: (string * string) list}
-fun make_state manager timeout_heap active canceling messages store : state =
-  {manager = manager, timeout_heap = timeout_heap, active = active,
-   canceling = canceling, messages = messages, store = store}
-val global_state = Synchronized.var "async_manager"
-  (make_state NONE Thread_Heap.empty [] [] [] []);
-(* unregister thread *)
-fun unregister verbose message thread =
-  Synchronized.change global_state
-  (fn state as {manager, timeout_heap, active, canceling, messages, store} =>
-    (case lookup_thread active thread of
-      SOME (tool, birth_time, _, desc) =>
-        let
-          val active' = delete_thread thread active;
-          val now = ()
-          val canceling' = (thread, (tool, now, desc)) :: canceling
-          val message' =
-            desc ^ "\n" ^ message ^
-            (if verbose then
-               "Total time: " ^ Int.toString (Time.toMilliseconds
-                                          (Time.- (now, birth_time))) ^ " ms.\n"
-             else
-               "")
-          val messages' = (tool, message') :: messages;
-          val store' = (tool, message') ::
-            (if length store <= message_store_limit then store
-             else #1 (chop message_store_limit store));
-        in make_state manager timeout_heap active' canceling' messages' store' end
-    | NONE => state));
-(* main manager thread -- only one may exist *)
-val min_wait_time = Time.fromMilliseconds 300;
-val max_wait_time = Time.fromSeconds 10;
-fun replace_all bef aft =
-  let
-    fun aux seen "" = String.implode (rev seen)
-      | aux seen s =
-        if String.isPrefix bef s then
-          aux seen "" ^ aft ^ aux [] (unprefix bef s)
-        else
-          aux (String.sub (s, 0) :: seen) (String.extract (s, 1, NONE))
-  in aux [] end
-(* This is a workaround for Proof General's off-by-a-few sendback display bug,
-   whereby "pr" in "proof" is not highlighted. *)
-fun break_into_chunks xs =
-  maps (space_explode "\000" o replace_all "\n\n" "\000" o snd) xs
-fun print_new_messages () =
-  case Synchronized.change_result global_state
-         (fn {manager, timeout_heap, active, canceling, messages, store} =>
-             (messages, make_state manager timeout_heap active canceling []
-                                   store)) of
-    [] => ()
-  | msgs as (tool, _) :: _ =>
-    let val ss = break_into_chunks msgs in
- priority (tool ^ ": " ^ hd ss :: tl ss)
-    end
-fun check_thread_manager verbose = Synchronized.change global_state
-  (fn state as {manager, timeout_heap, active, canceling, messages, store} =>
-    if (case manager of SOME thread => Thread.isActive thread | NONE => false) then state
-    else let val manager = SOME (Toplevel.thread false (fn () =>
-      let
-        fun time_limit timeout_heap =
-          (case try Thread_Heap.min timeout_heap of
-            NONE => Time.+ ( (), max_wait_time)
-          | SOME (time, _) => time);
-        (*action: find threads whose timeout is reached, and interrupt canceling threads*)
-        fun action {manager, timeout_heap, active, canceling, messages, store} =
-          let val (timeout_threads, timeout_heap') =
-            Thread_Heap.upto ( (), Thread.self ()) timeout_heap;
-          in
-            if null timeout_threads andalso null canceling then
-              NONE
-            else
-              let
-                val _ = (Simple_Thread.interrupt o #1) canceling
-                val canceling' = filter (Thread.isActive o #1) canceling
-                val state' = make_state manager timeout_heap' active canceling' messages store;
-              in SOME (map #2 timeout_threads, state') end
-          end;
-      in
-        while Synchronized.change_result global_state
-          (fn state as {timeout_heap, active, canceling, messages, store, ...} =>
-            if null active andalso null canceling andalso null messages
-            then (false, make_state NONE timeout_heap active canceling messages store)
-            else (true, state))
-        do
-          (Synchronized.timed_access global_state (SOME o time_limit o #timeout_heap) action
-            |> these
-            |> (unregister verbose "Timed out.\n");
-            print_new_messages ();
-            (*give threads some time to respond to interrupt*)
-            OS.Process.sleep min_wait_time)
-      end))
-    in make_state manager timeout_heap active canceling messages store end)
-(* register thread *)
-fun register tool verbose birth_time death_time desc thread =
- (Synchronized.change global_state
-    (fn {manager, timeout_heap, active, canceling, messages, store} =>
-      let
-        val timeout_heap' = Thread_Heap.insert (death_time, thread) timeout_heap;
-        val active' = update_thread (thread, (tool, birth_time, death_time, desc)) active;
-        val state' = make_state manager timeout_heap' active' canceling messages store;
-      in state' end);
-  check_thread_manager verbose);
-fun launch tool verbose birth_time death_time desc f =
-  (Toplevel.thread true
-       (fn () =>
-           let
-             val self = Thread.self ()
-             val _ = register tool verbose birth_time death_time desc self
-             val message = f ()
-           in unregister verbose message self end);
-   ())
-(** user commands **)
-(* kill threads *)
-fun kill_threads tool workers = Synchronized.change global_state
-  (fn {manager, timeout_heap, active, canceling, messages, store} =>
-    let
-      val killing =
-        map_filter (fn (th, (tool', _, _, desc)) =>
-                       if tool' = tool then SOME (th, (tool', (), desc))
-                       else NONE) active
-      val state' = make_state manager timeout_heap [] (killing @ canceling) messages store;
-      val _ = if null killing then () else priority ("Killed active " ^ workers ^ ".")
-    in state' end);
-(* running threads *)
-fun seconds time = string_of_int (Time.toSeconds time) ^ " s"
-fun running_threads tool workers =
-  let
-    val {active, canceling, ...} = Synchronized.value global_state;
-    val now = ();
-    fun running_info (_, (tool', birth_time, death_time, desc)) =
-      if tool' = tool then
-        SOME ("Running: " ^ seconds (Time.- (now, birth_time)) ^ " -- " ^
-              seconds (Time.- (death_time, now)) ^ " to live:\n" ^ desc)
-      else
-        NONE
-    fun canceling_info (_, (tool', death_time, desc)) =
-      if tool' = tool then
-        SOME ("Trying to interrupt thread since " ^
-              seconds (Time.- (now, death_time)) ^ ":\n" ^ desc)
-      else
-        NONE
-    val running =
-      case map_filter running_info active of
-        [] => ["No " ^ workers ^ " running."]
-      | ss => "Running " ^ workers ^ ":" :: ss
-    val interrupting =
-      case map_filter canceling_info canceling of
-        [] => []
-      | ss => "Trying to interrupt the following " ^ workers ^ ":" :: ss
-  in priority (space_implode "\n\n" (running @ interrupting)) end
-fun thread_messages tool worker opt_limit =
-  let
-    val limit = the_default message_display_limit opt_limit;
-    val tool_store = Synchronized.value global_state
-                     |> #store |> filter (curry (op =) tool o fst)
-    val header =
-      "Recent " ^ worker ^ " messages" ^
-        (if length tool_store <= limit then ":"
-         else " (" ^ string_of_int limit ^ " displayed):");
-  in priority (header :: break_into_chunks (#1 (chop limit tool_store))) end
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_problem.ML	Wed Jul 28 19:01:07 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_problem.ML
-    Author:     Jia Meng, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory and NICTA
-    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
-TPTP syntax.
-signature ATP_PROBLEM =
-  datatype 'a fo_term = ATerm of 'a * 'a fo_term list
-  datatype quantifier = AForall | AExists
-  datatype connective = ANot | AAnd | AOr | AImplies | AIf | AIff | ANotIff
-  datatype ('a, 'b) formula =
-    AQuant of quantifier * 'a list * ('a, 'b) formula |
-    AConn of connective * ('a, 'b) formula list |
-    AAtom of 'b
-  datatype kind = Axiom | Conjecture
-  datatype 'a problem_line = Fof of string * kind * ('a, 'a fo_term) formula
-  type 'a problem = (string * 'a problem_line list) list
-  val timestamp : unit -> string
-  val is_tptp_variable : string -> bool
-  val strings_for_tptp_problem :
-    (string * string problem_line list) list -> string list
-  val nice_tptp_problem :
-    bool -> ('a * (string * string) problem_line list) list
-    -> ('a * string problem_line list) list
-       * (string Symtab.table * string Symtab.table) option
-structure ATP_Problem : ATP_PROBLEM =
-(** ATP problem **)
-datatype 'a fo_term = ATerm of 'a * 'a fo_term list
-datatype quantifier = AForall | AExists
-datatype connective = ANot | AAnd | AOr | AImplies | AIf | AIff | ANotIff
-datatype ('a, 'b) formula =
-  AQuant of quantifier * 'a list * ('a, 'b) formula |
-  AConn of connective * ('a, 'b) formula list |
-  AAtom of 'b
-datatype kind = Axiom | Conjecture
-datatype 'a problem_line = Fof of string * kind * ('a, 'a fo_term) formula
-type 'a problem = (string * 'a problem_line list) list
-val timestamp = Date.fmt "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" o Date.fromTimeLocal o
-fun string_for_term (ATerm (s, [])) = s
-  | string_for_term (ATerm (s, ts)) =
-    if s = "equal" then space_implode " = " (map string_for_term ts)
-    else s ^ "(" ^ commas (map string_for_term ts) ^ ")"
-fun string_for_quantifier AForall = "!"
-  | string_for_quantifier AExists = "?"
-fun string_for_connective ANot = "~"
-  | string_for_connective AAnd = "&"
-  | string_for_connective AOr = "|"
-  | string_for_connective AImplies = "=>"
-  | string_for_connective AIf = "<="
-  | string_for_connective AIff = "<=>"
-  | string_for_connective ANotIff = "<~>"
-fun string_for_formula (AQuant (q, xs, phi)) =
-    string_for_quantifier q ^ "[" ^ commas xs ^ "] : " ^
-    string_for_formula phi
-  | string_for_formula (AConn (ANot, [AAtom (ATerm ("equal", ts))])) =
-    space_implode " != " (map string_for_term ts)
-  | string_for_formula (AConn (c, [phi])) =
-    string_for_connective c ^ " " ^ string_for_formula phi
-  | string_for_formula (AConn (c, phis)) =
-    "(" ^ space_implode (" " ^ string_for_connective c ^ " ")
-                        (map string_for_formula phis) ^ ")"
-  | string_for_formula (AAtom tm) = string_for_term tm
-fun string_for_problem_line (Fof (ident, kind, phi)) =
-  "fof(" ^ ident ^ ", " ^
-  (case kind of Axiom => "axiom" | Conjecture => "conjecture") ^ ",\n" ^
-  "    (" ^ string_for_formula phi ^ ")).\n"
-fun strings_for_tptp_problem problem =
-  "% This file was generated by Isabelle (most likely Sledgehammer)\n\
-  \% " ^ timestamp () ^ "\n" ::
-  maps (fn (_, []) => []
-         | (heading, lines) =>
-           "\n% " ^ heading ^ " (" ^ Int.toString (length lines) ^ ")\n" ::
-           map string_for_problem_line lines) problem
-fun is_tptp_variable s = Char.isUpper (String.sub (s, 0))
-(** Nice names **)
-fun empty_name_pool readable_names =
-  if readable_names then SOME (Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty) else NONE
-fun pool_fold f xs z = pair z #> fold_rev (fn x => uncurry (f x)) xs
-fun pool_map f xs =
-  pool_fold (fn x => fn ys => fn pool => f x pool |>> (fn y => y :: ys)) xs []
-(* "equal" is reserved by some ATPs. "op" is also reserved, to avoid the
-   unreadable "op_1", "op_2", etc., in the problem files. *)
-val reserved_nice_names = ["equal", "op"]
-fun readable_name full_name s =
-  if s = full_name then
-    s
-  else
-    let
-      val s = s |> Long_Name.base_name
-                |> Name.desymbolize (Char.isUpper (String.sub (full_name, 0)))
-    in if member (op =) reserved_nice_names s then full_name else s end
-fun nice_name (full_name, _) NONE = (full_name, NONE)
-  | nice_name (full_name, desired_name) (SOME the_pool) =
-    case Symtab.lookup (fst the_pool) full_name of
-      SOME nice_name => (nice_name, SOME the_pool)
-    | NONE =>
-      let
-        val nice_prefix = readable_name full_name desired_name
-        fun add j =
-          let
-            val nice_name = nice_prefix ^
-                            (if j = 0 then "" else "_" ^ Int.toString j)
-          in
-            case Symtab.lookup (snd the_pool) nice_name of
-              SOME full_name' =>
-              if full_name = full_name' then (nice_name, the_pool)
-              else add (j + 1)
-            | NONE =>
-              (nice_name,
-               (Symtab.update_new (full_name, nice_name) (fst the_pool),
-                Symtab.update_new (nice_name, full_name) (snd the_pool)))
-          end
-      in add 0 |> apsnd SOME end
-fun nice_term (ATerm (name, ts)) =
-  nice_name name ##>> pool_map nice_term ts #>> ATerm
-fun nice_formula (AQuant (q, xs, phi)) =
-    pool_map nice_name xs ##>> nice_formula phi
-    #>> (fn (xs, phi) => AQuant (q, xs, phi))
-  | nice_formula (AConn (c, phis)) =
-    pool_map nice_formula phis #>> curry AConn c
-  | nice_formula (AAtom tm) = nice_term tm #>> AAtom
-fun nice_problem_line (Fof (ident, kind, phi)) =
-  nice_formula phi #>> (fn phi => Fof (ident, kind, phi))
-fun nice_problem problem =
-  pool_map (fn (heading, lines) =>
-               pool_map nice_problem_line lines #>> pair heading) problem
-fun nice_tptp_problem readable_names problem =
-  nice_problem problem (empty_name_pool readable_names)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_systems.ML	Wed Jul 28 19:01:07 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_systems.ML
-    Author:     Fabian Immler, TU Muenchen
-    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
-Setup for supported ATPs.
-signature ATP_SYSTEMS =
-  datatype failure =
-    Unprovable | IncompleteUnprovable | CantConnect | TimedOut |
-    OutOfResources | OldSpass | MalformedInput | MalformedOutput | UnknownError
-  type prover_config =
-    {executable: string * string,
-     required_executables: (string * string) list,
-     arguments: bool -> Time.time -> string,
-     proof_delims: (string * string) list,
-     known_failures: (failure * string) list,
-     max_new_relevant_facts_per_iter: int,
-     prefers_theory_relevant: bool,
-     explicit_forall: bool}
-  val add_prover: string * prover_config -> theory -> theory
-  val get_prover: theory -> string -> prover_config
-  val available_atps: theory -> unit
-  val refresh_systems_on_tptp : unit -> unit
-  val default_atps_param_value : unit -> string
-  val setup : theory -> theory
-structure ATP_Systems : ATP_SYSTEMS =
-(* prover configuration *)
-datatype failure =
-  Unprovable | IncompleteUnprovable | CantConnect | TimedOut | OutOfResources |
-  OldSpass | MalformedInput | MalformedOutput | UnknownError
-type prover_config =
-  {executable: string * string,
-   required_executables: (string * string) list,
-   arguments: bool -> Time.time -> string,
-   proof_delims: (string * string) list,
-   known_failures: (failure * string) list,
-   max_new_relevant_facts_per_iter: int,
-   prefers_theory_relevant: bool,
-   explicit_forall: bool}
-(* named provers *)
-structure Data = Theory_Data
-  type T = (prover_config * stamp) Symtab.table
-  val empty = Symtab.empty
-  val extend = I
-  fun merge data : T = Symtab.merge (eq_snd op =) data
-    handle Symtab.DUP name => error ("Duplicate ATP: " ^ quote name ^ ".")
-fun add_prover (name, config) thy =
- (Symtab.update_new (name, (config, stamp ()))) thy
-  handle Symtab.DUP name => error ("Duplicate ATP: " ^ quote name ^ ".")
-fun get_prover thy name =
-  the (Symtab.lookup (Data.get thy) name) |> fst
-  handle Option.Option => error ("Unknown ATP: " ^ name ^ ".")
-fun available_atps thy =
-  priority ("Available ATPs: " ^
-            commas (sort_strings (Symtab.keys (Data.get thy))) ^ ".")
-fun available_atps thy =
-  priority ("Available ATPs: " ^
-            commas (sort_strings (Symtab.keys (Data.get thy))) ^ ".")
-fun to_generous_secs time = (Time.toMilliseconds time + 999) div 1000
-(* E prover *)
-val tstp_proof_delims =
-  ("# SZS output start CNFRefutation.", "# SZS output end CNFRefutation")
-val e_config : prover_config =
-  {executable = ("E_HOME", "eproof"),
-   required_executables = [],
-   arguments = fn _ => fn timeout =>
-     "--tstp-in --tstp-out -l5 -xAutoDev -tAutoDev --silent --cpu-limit=" ^
-     string_of_int (to_generous_secs timeout),
-   proof_delims = [tstp_proof_delims],
-   known_failures =
-     [(Unprovable, "SZS status: CounterSatisfiable"),
-      (Unprovable, "SZS status CounterSatisfiable"),
-      (TimedOut, "Failure: Resource limit exceeded (time)"),
-      (TimedOut, "time limit exceeded"),
-      (OutOfResources,
-       "# Cannot determine problem status within resource limit"),
-      (OutOfResources, "SZS status: ResourceOut"),
-      (OutOfResources, "SZS status ResourceOut")],
-   max_new_relevant_facts_per_iter = 80 (* FIXME *),
-   prefers_theory_relevant = false,
-   explicit_forall = false}
-val e = ("e", e_config)
-(* The "-VarWeight=3" option helps the higher-order problems, probably by
-   counteracting the presence of "hAPP". *)
-val spass_config : prover_config =
-  {executable = ("ISABELLE_ATP_MANAGER", "scripts/spass"),
-   required_executables = [("SPASS_HOME", "SPASS")],
-   (* "div 2" accounts for the fact that SPASS is often run twice. *)
-   arguments = fn complete => fn timeout =>
-     ("-Auto -PGiven=0 -PProblem=0 -Splits=0 -FullRed=0 -DocProof \
-      \-VarWeight=3 -TimeLimit=" ^
-      string_of_int (to_generous_secs timeout div 2))
-     |> not complete ? prefix "-SOS=1 ",
-   proof_delims = [("Here is a proof", "Formulae used in the proof")],
-   known_failures =
-     [(IncompleteUnprovable, "SPASS beiseite: Completion found"),
-      (TimedOut, "SPASS beiseite: Ran out of time"),
-      (OutOfResources, "SPASS beiseite: Maximal number of loops exceeded"),
-      (MalformedInput, "Undefined symbol"),
-      (MalformedInput, "Free Variable"),
-      (OldSpass, "tptp2dfg")],
-   max_new_relevant_facts_per_iter = 26 (* FIXME *),
-   prefers_theory_relevant = true,
-   explicit_forall = true}
-val spass = ("spass", spass_config)
-(* Vampire *)
-val vampire_config : prover_config =
-  {executable = ("VAMPIRE_HOME", "vampire"),
-   required_executables = [],
-   arguments = fn _ => fn timeout =>
-     "--mode casc -t " ^ string_of_int (to_generous_secs timeout) ^
-     " --input_file ",
-   proof_delims =
-     [("=========== Refutation ==========",
-       "======= End of refutation ======="),
-      ("% SZS output start Refutation", "% SZS output end Refutation"),
-      ("% SZS output start Proof", "% SZS output end Proof")],
-   known_failures =
-     [(Unprovable, "UNPROVABLE"),
-      (IncompleteUnprovable, "CANNOT PROVE"),
-      (Unprovable, "Satisfiability detected"),
-      (OutOfResources, "Refutation not found")],
-   max_new_relevant_facts_per_iter = 40 (* FIXME *),
-   prefers_theory_relevant = false,
-   explicit_forall = false}
-val vampire = ("vampire", vampire_config)
-(* Remote prover invocation via SystemOnTPTP *)
-val systems = Synchronized.var "atp_systems" ([]: string list)
-fun get_systems () =
-  case bash_output "\"$ISABELLE_ATP_MANAGER/scripts/remote_atp\" -w" of
-    (answer, 0) => split_lines answer
-  | (answer, _) =>
-    error ("Failed to get available systems at SystemOnTPTP:\n" ^
-           perhaps (try (unsuffix "\n")) answer)
-fun refresh_systems_on_tptp () =
-  Synchronized.change systems (fn _ => get_systems ())
-fun get_system prefix = Synchronized.change_result systems (fn systems =>
-  (if null systems then get_systems () else systems)
-  |> `(find_first (String.isPrefix prefix)));
-fun the_system prefix =
-  (case get_system prefix of
-    NONE => error ("System " ^ quote prefix ^ " not available at SystemOnTPTP.")
-  | SOME sys => sys);
-val remote_known_failures =
-  [(CantConnect, "HTTP-Error"),
-   (TimedOut, "says Timeout"),
-   (MalformedOutput, "Remote script could not extract proof")]
-fun remote_config atp_prefix
-        ({proof_delims, known_failures, max_new_relevant_facts_per_iter,
-          prefers_theory_relevant, explicit_forall, ...} : prover_config)
-        : prover_config =
-  {executable = ("ISABELLE_ATP_MANAGER", "scripts/remote_atp"),
-   required_executables = [],
-   arguments = fn _ => fn timeout =>
-     " -t " ^ string_of_int (to_generous_secs timeout) ^ " -s " ^
-     the_system atp_prefix,
-   proof_delims = insert (op =) tstp_proof_delims proof_delims,
-   known_failures = remote_known_failures @ known_failures,
-   max_new_relevant_facts_per_iter = max_new_relevant_facts_per_iter,
-   prefers_theory_relevant = prefers_theory_relevant,
-   explicit_forall = explicit_forall}
-val remote_name = prefix "remote_"
-fun remote_prover (name, config) atp_prefix =
-  (remote_name name, remote_config atp_prefix config)
-val remote_e = remote_prover e "EP---"
-val remote_vampire = remote_prover vampire "Vampire---9"
-fun is_installed ({executable, required_executables, ...} : prover_config) =
-  forall (curry (op <>) "" o getenv o fst) (executable :: required_executables)
-fun maybe_remote (name, config) =
-  name |> not (is_installed config) ? remote_name
-fun default_atps_param_value () =
-  space_implode " " ([maybe_remote e] @
-                     (if is_installed (snd spass) then [fst spass] else []) @
-                     [remote_name (fst vampire)])
-val provers = [e, spass, vampire, remote_e, remote_vampire]
-val setup = fold add_prover provers
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/etc/settings	Wed Jul 28 19:01:07 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/scripts/remote_atp	Wed Jul 28 19:01:07 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-# Wrapper for custom remote provers on SystemOnTPTP
-# Author: Fabian Immler, TU Muenchen
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Getopt::Std;
-use HTTP::Request::Common;
-use LWP;
-my $SystemOnTPTPFormReplyURL =
-  "";
-# default parameters
-my %URLParameters = (
-    "NoHTML" => 1,
-    "QuietFlag" => "-q01",
-    "SubmitButton" => "RunSelectedSystems",
-    "ProblemSource" => "UPLOAD",
-    "ForceSystem" => "-force",
-    );
-#----Get format and transform options if specified
-my %Options;
-sub usage() {
-  print("Usage: remote_atp [<options>] <File name>\n");
-  print("    <options> are ...\n");
-  print("    -h            - print this help\n");
-  print("    -w            - list available ATP systems\n");
-  print("    -s<system>    - specified system to use\n");
-  print("    -t<timelimit> - CPU time limit for system\n");
-  print("    -c<command>   - custom command for system\n");
-  print("    <File name>   - TPTP problem file\n");
-  exit(0);
-if (exists($Options{'h'})) {
-  usage();
-#----What systems flag
-if (exists($Options{'w'})) {
-    $URLParameters{"SubmitButton"} = "ListSystems";
-    delete($URLParameters{"ProblemSource"});
-if (exists($Options{'x'})) {
-    $URLParameters{"X2TPTP"} = "-S";
-#----Selected system
-my $System;
-if (exists($Options{'s'})) {
-    $System = $Options{'s'};
-} else {
-    # use Vampire as default
-    $System = "Vampire---9.0";
-$URLParameters{"System___$System"} = $System;
-#----Time limit
-if (exists($Options{'t'})) {
-    $URLParameters{"TimeLimit___$System"} = $Options{'t'};
-#----Custom command
-if (exists($Options{'c'})) {
-    $URLParameters{"Command___$System"} = $Options{'c'};
-#----Get single file name
-if (exists($URLParameters{"ProblemSource"})) {
-    if (scalar(@ARGV) >= 1) {
-        $URLParameters{"UPLOADProblem"} = [shift(@ARGV)];
-    } else {
-      print("Missing problem file\n");
-      usage();
-      die;
-    }
-# Query Server
-my $Agent = LWP::UserAgent->new;
-if (exists($Options{'t'})) {
-  # give server more time to respond
-  $Agent->timeout($Options{'t'} + 10);
-my $Request = POST($SystemOnTPTPFormReplyURL,
-	Content_Type => 'form-data',Content => \%URLParameters);
-my $Response = $Agent->request($Request);
-#catch errors / failure
-if(!$Response->is_success) {
-  print "HTTP-Error: " . $Response->message . "\n";
-  exit(-1);
-} elsif (exists($Options{'w'})) {
-  print $Response->content;
-  exit (0);
-} elsif ($Response->content =~ /WARNING: (\S*) does not exist/) {
-  print "Specified System $1 does not exist\n";
-  exit(-1);
-} else {
-  print $Response->content;
-  exit(0);
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/scripts/spass	Wed Jul 28 19:01:07 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Wrapper for SPASS that also outputs the Flotter-generated CNF (needed for
-# Isar proof reconstruction)
-# Author: Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
-$SPASS_HOME/tptp2dfg $name $name.fof.dfg
-$SPASS_HOME/SPASS -Flotter $name.fof.dfg \
-    | sed 's/description({$/description({*/' \
-    > $name.cnf.dfg
-rm -f $name.fof.dfg
-cat $name.cnf.dfg
-$SPASS_HOME/SPASS $options $name.cnf.dfg \
-    | sed 's/\(Formulae used in the proof :\).*/\1 N\/A/'
-rm -f $name.cnf.dfg