--- a/src/Doc/JEdit/JEdit.thy Wed Oct 30 18:47:09 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/Doc/JEdit/JEdit.thy Wed Oct 30 21:23:47 2013 +0100
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@
chapter {* Prover IDE functionality *}
-section {* Text buffers and theories *}
+section {* Text buffers and theories \label{sec:buffers-theories} *}
text {* As regular text editor, jEdit maintains a collection of open
\emph{text buffers} to store source files; each buffer may be
@@ -356,6 +356,68 @@
+section {* Prover output *}
+text {* Prover output consists of \emph{markup} and \emph{messages}.
+ Both are directly attached to the corresponding positions in the
+ original source text, and visualized in the text area, e.g.\ as text
+ colours for free and bound variables, or as squiggly underline for
+ warnings, errors etc. In the latter case, the corresponding
+ messages are shown by hovering with the mouse over the highlighted
+ text --- although in many situations the user should already get
+ some clue by looking at the text highlighting alone.
+ The ``gutter area'' on the left-hand-side of the text area uses
+ icons to provide a summary of the messages within the corresponding
+ line of text. Message priorities are used to prefer errors over
+ warnings, warnings over information messages etc. Plain output is
+ ignored here.
+ The ``overview area'' on the right-hand-side of the text area uses
+ similar information to paint small rectangles for the overall status
+ of the whole text buffer. The graphics is scaled to fit the logical
+ buffer length into the given window height. Mouse clicks on the
+ overview area position the cursor approximately to the corresponding
+ line of text in the buffer.
+ Another course-grained overview is provided by the \emph{Theories}
+ panel (\secref{sec:buffers-theories}), but without direct
+ correspondence to text positions. A double-click on one of the
+ theory entries with their status overview opens the corresponding
+ text buffer, without changing the cursor position.
+ \medskip In addition, the \emph{Output} panel displays prover
+ messages that correspond to a given command, within a separate
+ window.
+ The cursor position in the presently active text area determines the
+ prover commands whose cumulative message output is appended an shown
+ in that window (in canonical order according to the processing of
+ the command). There are also control elements to modify the update
+ policy of the output wrt.\ continued editor movements. This is
+ particularly useful with several independent instances of the
+ \emph{Output} panel, which the Dockable Window Manager of jEdit can
+ handle conveniently.
+ Former users of the old TTY interaction model (e.g.\ Proof~General)
+ might find a separate window for prover messages familiar, but it is
+ important to understand that the main Prover IDE feedback happens
+ elsewhere. It is possible to do meaningful proof editing
+ efficiently while using the secondary window only rarely.
+ The main purpose of the output window is to ``debug'' unclear
+ situations by inspecting internal state of the prover.\footnote{In
+ that sense, unstructured tactic scripts depend on continous
+ debugging with internal state inspection.} Consequently, some
+ special messages for \emph{tracing} or \emph{proof state} only
+ appear here, and are not attached to the original source.
+ \medskip In any case, prover messages also contain markup that may
+ be explored recursively via tooltips or hyperlinks (see
+ \secref{sec:tooltips-hyperlinks}), or clicked directly to initiate
+ certain actions (e.g.\ see \secref{sec:sledgehammer}). *}
section {* Tooltips and hyperlinks \label{sec:tooltips-hyperlinks} *}
text {* Formally processed text (prover input or output) contains rich
@@ -601,6 +663,27 @@
+section {* Automatically tried tools *}
+text {*
+section {* Sledgehammer \label{sec:sledgehammer} *}
+text {*
+section {* Find theorems *}
+text {*
chapter {* Known problems and workarounds \label{sec:problems} *}
text {*