Fri, 23 Apr 2010 11:34:49 +0200
changeset 36292 6767999e8f9a
parent 36280 c4f5823f282d (current diff)
parent 36291 b4c2043cc96c (diff)
child 36293 e6db3ba0b61d
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/SystemOnTPTP	Fri Apr 23 10:00:53 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/SystemOnTPTP	Fri Apr 23 11:34:49 2010 +0200
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
   $extract =~ s/\)\.cnf/\)\.\ncnf/g;
   print "========== ~~/lib/scripts/SystemOnTPTP extracted proof: ==========\n";
-  # orientation for res_reconstruct.ML
+  # orientation for "sledgehammer_proof_reconstruct.ML"
   print "# SZS output start CNFRefutation.\n";
   print "$extract\n";
   print "# SZS output end CNFRefutation.\n";
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_manager.ML	Fri Apr 23 10:00:53 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_manager.ML	Fri Apr 23 11:34:49 2010 +0200
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 signature ATP_MANAGER =
   type relevance_override = Sledgehammer_Fact_Filter.relevance_override
+  type minimize_command = Sledgehammer_Proof_Reconstruct.minimize_command
   type params =
     {debug: bool,
      verbose: bool,
@@ -41,7 +42,8 @@
      proof: string,
      internal_thm_names: string Vector.vector,
      filtered_clauses: (thm * (string * int)) list}
-  type prover = params -> Time.time -> problem -> prover_result
+  type prover =
+    params -> minimize_command -> Time.time -> problem -> prover_result
   val atps: string Unsynchronized.ref
   val timeout: int Unsynchronized.ref
@@ -52,7 +54,9 @@
   val add_prover: string * prover -> theory -> theory
   val get_prover: theory -> string -> prover option
   val available_atps: theory -> unit
-  val sledgehammer: params -> int -> relevance_override -> Proof.state -> unit
+  val sledgehammer:
+    params -> int -> relevance_override -> (string -> minimize_command)
+    -> Proof.state -> unit
 structure ATP_Manager : ATP_MANAGER =
@@ -62,7 +66,7 @@
 open Sledgehammer_Fact_Filter
 open Sledgehammer_Proof_Reconstruct
-(** parameters, problems, results, and provers **)
+(** problems, results, provers, etc. **)
 type params =
   {debug: bool,
@@ -99,7 +103,8 @@
    internal_thm_names: string Vector.vector,
    filtered_clauses: (thm * (string * int)) list};
-type prover = params -> Time.time -> problem -> prover_result;
+type prover =
+  params -> minimize_command -> Time.time -> problem -> prover_result
 (** preferences **)
@@ -107,7 +112,7 @@
 val message_store_limit = 20;
 val message_display_limit = 5;
-val atps = Unsynchronized.ref "e spass remote_vampire";
+val atps = Unsynchronized.ref ""; (* set in "ATP_Wrapper" *)
 val timeout = Unsynchronized.ref 60;
 val full_types = Unsynchronized.ref false;
@@ -323,12 +328,12 @@
   val empty = Symtab.empty;
   val extend = I;
   fun merge data : T = Symtab.merge (eq_snd op =) data
-    handle Symtab.DUP dup => err_dup_prover dup;
+    handle Symtab.DUP name => err_dup_prover name;
 fun add_prover (name, prover) thy = (Symtab.update_new (name, (prover, stamp ()))) thy
-    handle Symtab.DUP dup => err_dup_prover dup;
+    handle Symtab.DUP name => err_dup_prover name;
 fun get_prover thy name = #1 (Symtab.lookup (Provers.get thy) name);
@@ -341,7 +346,7 @@
 (* start prover thread *)
 fun start_prover (params as {timeout, ...}) birth_time death_time i
-                 relevance_override proof_state name =
+                 relevance_override minimize_command proof_state name =
   (case get_prover (Proof.theory_of proof_state) name of
     NONE => warning ("Unknown ATP: " ^ quote name ^ ".")
   | SOME prover =>
@@ -359,7 +364,8 @@
               {subgoal = i, goal = (ctxt, (facts, goal)),
                relevance_override = relevance_override, axiom_clauses = NONE,
                filtered_clauses = NONE}
-            val message = #message (prover params timeout problem)
+            val message =
+              #message (prover params (minimize_command name) timeout problem)
               handle Sledgehammer_HOL_Clause.TRIVIAL =>
                   metis_line i n []
                 | ERROR msg => "Error: " ^ msg ^ ".\n";
@@ -371,14 +377,15 @@
 (* Sledgehammer the given subgoal *)
 fun sledgehammer (params as {atps, timeout, ...}) i relevance_override
-                 proof_state =
+                 minimize_command proof_state =
     val birth_time = ()
     val death_time = Time.+ (birth_time, timeout)
     val _ = kill_atps () (* RACE w.r.t. other invocations of Sledgehammer *)
     val _ = priority "Sledgehammering..."
     val _ = (start_prover params birth_time death_time i
-                                   relevance_override proof_state) atps
+                                   relevance_override minimize_command
+                                   proof_state) atps
   in () end
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_minimal.ML	Fri Apr 23 10:00:53 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_minimal.ML	Fri Apr 23 11:34:49 2010 +0200
@@ -78,13 +78,13 @@
       axiom_clauses = SOME axclauses,
       filtered_clauses = SOME (the_default axclauses filtered_clauses)}
-    `outcome_of_result (prover params timeout problem)
+    `outcome_of_result (prover params (K "") timeout problem)
     |>> tap (priority o string_of_outcome)
 (* minimalization of thms *)
-fun minimize_theorems (params as {minimize_timeout, isar_proof, modulus,
+fun minimize_theorems (params as {debug, minimize_timeout, isar_proof, modulus,
                                   sorts, ...})
                       prover atp_name i state name_thms_pairs =
@@ -122,8 +122,8 @@
             ["Minimized: " ^ string_of_int n ^ " theorem" ^ plural_s n] ^ ".")
           (SOME min_thms,
-           proof_text isar_proof true modulus sorts atp_name proof
-                      internal_thm_names ctxt goal i |> fst)
+           proof_text isar_proof debug modulus sorts ctxt
+                      (K "", proof, internal_thm_names, goal, i) |> fst)
     | (Timeout, _) =>
         (NONE, "Timeout: You can increase the time limit using the \"timeout\" \
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_wrapper.ML	Fri Apr 23 10:00:53 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_wrapper.ML	Fri Apr 23 11:34:49 2010 +0200
@@ -43,13 +43,15 @@
 (* prover configuration *)
+val remotify = prefix "remote_"
 type prover_config =
- {command: Path.T,
+ {home: string,
+  executable: string,
   arguments: Time.time -> string,
   known_failures: (string list * string) list,
   max_new_clauses: int,
-  prefers_theory_relevant: bool,
-  supports_isar_proofs: bool};
+  prefers_theory_relevant: bool};
 (* basic template *)
@@ -71,8 +73,10 @@
           else "Error: The ATP output is ill-formed."
   | (message :: _) => message
-fun generic_prover overlord get_facts prepare write_file cmd args known_failures
-        proof_text name ({debug, full_types, explicit_apply, ...} : params)
+fun generic_prover overlord get_facts prepare write_file home executable args
+        known_failures name
+        ({debug, full_types, explicit_apply, isar_proof, modulus, sorts, ...}
+         : params) minimize_command
         ({subgoal, goal, relevance_override, axiom_clauses, filtered_clauses}
          : problem) =
@@ -105,18 +109,29 @@
         if destdir' = "" then File.tmp_path probfile
         else if File.exists (Path.explode destdir')
-        then Path.append  (Path.explode destdir') probfile
+        then Path.append (Path.explode destdir') probfile
         else error ("No such directory: " ^ destdir' ^ ".")
+    val command = Path.explode (home ^ "/" ^ executable)
     (* write out problem file and call prover *)
-    fun cmd_line probfile =
-      if Config.get ctxt measure_runtime then
-        "TIMEFORMAT='%3U'; { time " ^ space_implode " " [File.shell_path cmd,
-        args, File.shell_path probfile] ^ " ; } 2>&1"
-      else
-        space_implode " " ["exec", File.shell_path cmd, args,
-        File.shell_path probfile, "2>&1"];
+    fun command_line probfile =
+      (if Config.get ctxt measure_runtime then
+         "TIMEFORMAT='%3U'; { time " ^
+         space_implode " " [File.shell_path command, args,
+                            File.shell_path probfile] ^ " ; } 2>&1"
+       else
+         space_implode " " ["exec", File.shell_path command, args,
+                            File.shell_path probfile, "2>&1"]) ^
+      (if overlord then
+         " | sed 's/,/, /g' \
+         \| sed 's/\\([^!=]\\)\\([=|]\\)\\([^=]\\)/\\1 \\2 \\3/g' \
+         \| sed 's/! =/ !=/g' \
+         \| sed 's/  / /g' | sed 's/| |/||/g' \
+         \| sed 's/ = = =/===/g' \
+         \| sed 's/= = /== /g'"
+       else
+         "")
     fun split_time s =
         val split = String.tokens (fn c => str c = "\n");
@@ -131,10 +146,10 @@
     fun split_time' s =
       if Config.get ctxt measure_runtime then split_time s else (s, 0)
     fun run_on probfile =
-      if File.exists cmd then
+      if File.exists command then
         write_file full_types explicit_apply probfile clauses
-        |> pair (apfst split_time' (bash_output (cmd_line probfile)))
-      else error ("Bad executable: " ^ Path.implode cmd ^ ".");
+        |> pair (apfst split_time' (bash_output (command_line probfile)))
+      else error ("Bad executable: " ^ Path.implode command ^ ".");
     (* If the problem file has not been exported, remove it; otherwise, export
        the proof file too. *)
@@ -144,7 +159,11 @@
         File.write (Path.explode (Path.implode probfile ^ "_proof"))
-                   ("% " ^ timestamp () ^ "\n" ^ proof)
+                   ((if overlord then
+                       "% " ^ command_line probfile ^ "\n% " ^ timestamp () ^
+                       "\n"
+                     else
+                        "") ^ proof)
     val (((proof, atp_run_time_in_msecs), rc), _) =
       with_path cleanup export run_on (prob_pathname subgoal);
@@ -154,9 +173,10 @@
     val success = rc = 0 andalso failure = "";
     val (message, relevant_thm_names) =
       if success then
-        proof_text name proof internal_thm_names ctxt th subgoal
+        proof_text isar_proof debug modulus sorts ctxt
+                   (minimize_command, proof, internal_thm_names, th, subgoal)
       else if failure <> "" then
-        (failure, [])
+        (failure ^ "\n", [])
         ("Unknown ATP error: " ^ proof ^ ".\n", [])
@@ -171,21 +191,19 @@
 (* generic TPTP-based provers *)
 fun generic_tptp_prover
-        (name, {command, arguments, known_failures, max_new_clauses,
-                prefers_theory_relevant, supports_isar_proofs})
+        (name, {home, executable, arguments, known_failures, max_new_clauses,
+                prefers_theory_relevant})
         (params as {debug, overlord, respect_no_atp, relevance_threshold,
                     convergence, theory_relevant, higher_order, follow_defs,
-                    isar_proof, modulus, sorts, ...})
-        timeout =
+                    isar_proof, ...})
+        minimize_command timeout =
   generic_prover overlord
       (get_relevant_facts respect_no_atp relevance_threshold convergence
                           higher_order follow_defs max_new_clauses
                           (the_default prefers_theory_relevant theory_relevant))
       (prepare_clauses higher_order false)
-      (write_tptp_file (debug andalso overlord andalso not isar_proof)) command
-      (arguments timeout) known_failures
-      (proof_text (supports_isar_proofs andalso isar_proof) false modulus sorts)
-      name params
+      (write_tptp_file (debug andalso overlord andalso not isar_proof)) home
+      executable (arguments timeout) known_failures name params minimize_command
 fun tptp_prover name p = (name, generic_tptp_prover (name, p));
@@ -196,10 +214,11 @@
 (* Vampire *)
-(* NB: Vampire does not work without explicit time limit. *)
+(* Vampire requires an explicit time limit. *)
 val vampire_config : prover_config =
-  {command = Path.explode "$VAMPIRE_HOME/vampire",
+  {home = getenv "VAMPIRE_HOME",
+   executable = "vampire",
    arguments = (fn timeout => "--output_syntax tptp --mode casc -t " ^
                               string_of_int (generous_to_secs timeout)),
    known_failures =
@@ -208,15 +227,15 @@
       (["Refutation not found"],
        "The ATP failed to determine the problem's status.")],
    max_new_clauses = 60,
-   prefers_theory_relevant = false,
-   supports_isar_proofs = true}
+   prefers_theory_relevant = false}
 val vampire = tptp_prover "vampire" vampire_config
 (* E prover *)
 val e_config : prover_config =
-  {command = Path.explode "$E_HOME/eproof",
+  {home = getenv "E_HOME",
+   executable = "eproof",
    arguments = (fn timeout => "--tstp-in --tstp-out -l5 -xAutoDev \
                               \-tAutoDev --silent --cpu-limit=" ^
                               string_of_int (generous_to_secs timeout)),
@@ -228,44 +247,42 @@
         (["# Cannot determine problem status"],
          "The ATP failed to determine the problem's status.")],
    max_new_clauses = 100,
-   prefers_theory_relevant = false,
-   supports_isar_proofs = true}
+   prefers_theory_relevant = false}
 val e = tptp_prover "e" e_config
 (* SPASS *)
 fun generic_dfg_prover
-        (name, ({command, arguments, known_failures, max_new_clauses,
-                 prefers_theory_relevant, ...} : prover_config))
+        (name, {home, executable, arguments, known_failures, max_new_clauses,
+                prefers_theory_relevant})
         (params as {overlord, respect_no_atp, relevance_threshold, convergence,
                     theory_relevant, higher_order, follow_defs, ...})
-        timeout =
+        minimize_command timeout =
   generic_prover overlord
       (get_relevant_facts respect_no_atp relevance_threshold convergence
                           higher_order follow_defs max_new_clauses
                           (the_default prefers_theory_relevant theory_relevant))
-      (prepare_clauses higher_order true) write_dfg_file command
-      (arguments timeout) known_failures (metis_proof_text false false)
-      name params
+      (prepare_clauses higher_order true) write_dfg_file home executable
+      (arguments timeout) known_failures name params minimize_command
 fun dfg_prover name p = (name, generic_dfg_prover (name, p))
 (* The "-VarWeight=3" option helps the higher-order problems, probably by
    counteracting the presence of "hAPP". *)
 val spass_config : prover_config =
- {command = Path.explode "$SPASS_HOME/SPASS",
-  arguments = (fn timeout => "-Auto -SOS=1 -PGiven=0 -PProblem=0 -Splits=0" ^
-    " -FullRed=0 -DocProof -VarWeight=3 -TimeLimit=" ^
-    string_of_int (generous_to_secs timeout)),
-  known_failures =
-    [(["SPASS beiseite: Completion found."], "The ATP problem is unprovable."),
-     (["SPASS beiseite: Ran out of time."], "The ATP timed out."),
-     (["SPASS beiseite: Maximal number of loops exceeded."],
-      "The ATP hit its loop limit.")],
-  max_new_clauses = 40,
-  prefers_theory_relevant = true,
-  supports_isar_proofs = false}
+  {home = getenv "SPASS_HOME",
+   executable = "SPASS",
+   arguments = (fn timeout => "-Auto -SOS=1 -PGiven=0 -PProblem=0 -Splits=0" ^
+     " -FullRed=0 -DocProof -VarWeight=3 -TimeLimit=" ^
+     string_of_int (generous_to_secs timeout)),
+   known_failures =
+     [(["SPASS beiseite: Completion found."], "The ATP problem is unprovable."),
+      (["SPASS beiseite: Ran out of time."], "The ATP timed out."),
+      (["SPASS beiseite: Maximal number of loops exceeded."],
+       "The ATP hit its loop limit.")],
+   max_new_clauses = 40,
+   prefers_theory_relevant = true}
 val spass = dfg_prover "spass" spass_config
 (* SPASS 3.7 supports both the DFG and the TPTP syntax, whereas SPASS 3.0
@@ -277,7 +294,8 @@
    page once the package is there (around the Isabelle2010 release). *)
 val spass_tptp_config =
-  {command = #command spass_config,
+  {home = #home spass_config,
+   executable = #executable spass_config,
    arguments = prefix "-TPTP " o #arguments spass_config,
    known_failures =
      #known_failures spass_config @
@@ -291,8 +309,7 @@
             map Path.basic ["etc", "components"]))) ^
        "\" on a line of its own.")],
    max_new_clauses = #max_new_clauses spass_config,
-   prefers_theory_relevant = #prefers_theory_relevant spass_config,
-   supports_isar_proofs = #supports_isar_proofs spass_config}
+   prefers_theory_relevant = #prefers_theory_relevant spass_config}
 val spass_tptp = tptp_prover "spass_tptp" spass_tptp_config
 (* remote prover invocation via SystemOnTPTP *)
@@ -328,27 +345,29 @@
 fun remote_prover_config prover_prefix args
         ({known_failures, max_new_clauses, prefers_theory_relevant, ...}
          : prover_config) : prover_config =
-  {command = Path.explode "$ISABELLE_ATP_MANAGER/SystemOnTPTP",
+  {home = getenv "ISABELLE_ATP_MANAGER",
+   executable = "SystemOnTPTP",
    arguments = (fn timeout =>
      args ^ " -t " ^ string_of_int (generous_to_secs timeout) ^ " -s " ^
      the_system prover_prefix),
    known_failures = remote_known_failures @ known_failures,
    max_new_clauses = max_new_clauses,
-   prefers_theory_relevant = prefers_theory_relevant,
-   supports_isar_proofs = false}
+   prefers_theory_relevant = prefers_theory_relevant}
 val remote_vampire =
-  tptp_prover "remote_vampire"
+  tptp_prover (remotify (fst vampire))
               (remote_prover_config "Vampire---9" "" vampire_config)
 val remote_e =
-  tptp_prover "remote_e" (remote_prover_config "EP---" "" e_config)
+  tptp_prover (remotify (fst e))
+              (remote_prover_config "EP---" "" e_config)
 val remote_spass =
-  tptp_prover "remote_spass" (remote_prover_config "SPASS---" "-x" spass_config)
+  tptp_prover (remotify (fst spass))
+              (remote_prover_config "SPASS---" "-x" spass_config)
-val provers = [spass, spass_tptp, vampire, e, remote_vampire, remote_spass,
-               remote_e]
+val provers =
+  [spass, spass_tptp, vampire, e, remote_vampire, remote_spass, remote_e]
 val prover_setup = fold add_prover provers
 val setup =
@@ -357,4 +376,9 @@
   #> measure_runtime_setup
   #> prover_setup;
+fun maybe_remote (name, _) ({home, ...} : prover_config) =
+  name |> home = "" ? remotify
+val _ = atps := ([maybe_remote e e_config, maybe_remote spass spass_config,
+                  remotify (fst vampire)] |> space_implode " ")
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_isar.ML	Fri Apr 23 10:00:53 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_isar.ML	Fri Apr 23 11:34:49 2010 +0200
@@ -68,6 +68,10 @@
    ("metis_proof", "isar_proof"),
    ("no_sorts", "sorts")]
+val params_for_minimize =
+  ["full_types", "explicit_apply", "higher_order", "isar_proof", "modulus",
+   "sorts", "minimize_timeout"]
 val property_dependent_params = ["atps", "full_types", "timeout"]
 fun is_known_raw_param s =
@@ -98,19 +102,11 @@
   val extend = I
   fun merge p : T = AList.merge (op =) (K true) p)
-(* Don't even try to start ATPs that are not installed.
-   Hack: Should not rely on naming convention. *)
-val filter_atps =
-  space_explode " "
-  #> filter (fn s => String.isPrefix "remote_" s orelse
-                     getenv ( Char.toUpper s ^ "_HOME") <> "")
-  #> space_implode " "
 val set_default_raw_param = o AList.update (op =) o unalias_raw_param
 fun default_raw_params thy =
   Data.get thy
   |> fold (AList.default (op =))
-          [("atps", [filter_atps (!atps)]),
+          [("atps", [!atps]),
            ("full_types", [if !full_types then "true" else "false"]),
            ("timeout", let val timeout = !timeout in
                          [if timeout <= 0 then "none"
@@ -219,18 +215,33 @@
 val refresh_tptpN = "refresh_tptp"
 val helpN = "help"
 fun minimizize_raw_param_name "timeout" = "minimize_timeout"
   | minimizize_raw_param_name name = name
+val is_raw_param_relevant_for_minimize =
+  member (op =) params_for_minimize o fst o unalias_raw_param
+fun string_for_raw_param (key, values) =
+  key ^ (case space_implode " " values of
+           "" => ""
+         | value => " = " ^ value)
+fun minimize_command override_params i atp_name facts =
+  "sledgehammer minimize [atp = " ^ atp_name ^
+  (override_params |> filter is_raw_param_relevant_for_minimize
+                   |> implode o map (prefix ", " o string_for_raw_param)) ^
+  "] (" ^ space_implode " " facts ^ ")" ^
+  (if i = 1 then "" else " " ^ string_of_int i)
 fun hammer_away override_params subcommand opt_i relevance_override state =
     val thy = Proof.theory_of state
     val _ = check_raw_param override_params
     if subcommand = runN then
-      sledgehammer (get_params thy override_params) (the_default 1 opt_i)
-                   relevance_override state
+      let val i = the_default 1 opt_i in
+        sledgehammer (get_params thy override_params) i relevance_override
+                     (minimize_command override_params i) state
+      end
     else if subcommand = minimizeN then
       minimize (map (apfst minimizize_raw_param_name) override_params) []
                (the_default 1 opt_i) (#add relevance_override) state
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_proof_reconstruct.ML	Fri Apr 23 10:00:53 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_proof_reconstruct.ML	Fri Apr 23 11:34:49 2010 +0200
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
+  type minimize_command = string list -> string
   val chained_hint: string
   val invert_const: string -> string
   val invert_type_const: string -> string
@@ -15,14 +17,16 @@
   val is_proof_well_formed: string -> bool
   val metis_line: int -> int -> string list -> string
   val metis_proof_text:
-    bool -> bool -> string -> string -> string vector -> Proof.context -> thm
-    -> int -> string * string list
+    minimize_command * string * string vector * thm * int
+    -> string * string list
   val isar_proof_text:
-    bool -> int -> bool -> string -> string -> string vector -> Proof.context
-    -> thm -> int -> string * string list
+    bool -> int -> bool -> Proof.context
+    -> minimize_command * string * string vector * thm * int
+    -> string * string list
   val proof_text:
-    bool -> bool -> int -> bool -> string -> string -> string vector
-    -> Proof.context -> thm -> int -> string * string list
+    bool -> bool -> int -> bool -> Proof.context
+    -> minimize_command * string * string vector * thm * int
+    -> string * string list
 structure Sledgehammer_Proof_Reconstruct : SLEDGEHAMMER_PROOF_RECONSTRUCT =
@@ -31,6 +35,8 @@
 open Sledgehammer_FOL_Clause
 open Sledgehammer_Fact_Preprocessor
+type minimize_command = string list -> string
 val trace_proof_path = Path.basic "atp_trace";
 fun trace_proof_msg f =
@@ -38,9 +44,13 @@
 fun string_of_thm ctxt = PrintMode.setmp [] (Display.string_of_thm ctxt);
+fun is_ident_char c = Char.isAlphaNum c orelse c = #"_"
+fun is_axiom thm_names line_no = line_no <= Vector.length thm_names
-(*Syntax trees, either termlist or formulae*)
+(* Syntax trees, either term list or formulae *)
 datatype stree = Int of int | Br of string * stree list;
 fun atom x = Br(x,[]);
@@ -49,48 +59,88 @@
 val listof = List.foldl scons (atom "nil");
 (*Strings enclosed in single quotes, e.g. filenames*)
-val quoted = $$"'" |-- Scan.repeat (~$$"'") --| $$"'" >> implode;
+val quoted = $$ "'" |-- Scan.repeat (~$$ "'") --| $$ "'" >> implode;
 (*Intended for $true and $false*)
 fun tf s = "c_" ^ str (Char.toUpper (String.sub(s,0))) ^ String.extract(s,1,NONE);
-val truefalse = $$"$" |-- Symbol.scan_id >> (atom o tf);
+val truefalse = $$ "$" |-- Symbol.scan_id >> (atom o tf);
 (*Integer constants, typically proof line numbers*)
 fun is_digit s = Char.isDigit (String.sub(s,0));
 val integer = Scan.many1 is_digit >> (the o Int.fromString o implode);
+(* needed for SPASS's nonstandard output format *)
+fun smart_Br ("equal", ts) = Br ("c_equal", rev ts)
+  | smart_Br p = Br p
 (*Generalized FO terms, which include filenames, numbers, etc.*)
-fun termlist x = (term ::: Scan.repeat ($$"," |-- term)) x
-and term x = (quoted >> atom || integer>>Int || truefalse ||
-              Symbol.scan_id -- Scan.optional ($$"(" |-- termlist --| $$")") [] >> Br ||
-              $$"(" |-- term --| $$")" ||
-              $$"[" |-- Scan.optional termlist [] --| $$"]" >> listof) x;
+fun term x = (quoted >> atom || integer >> Int || truefalse
+              || Symbol.scan_id
+                 -- Scan.optional ($$ "(" |-- terms --| $$ ")") [] >> smart_Br
+              || $$ "(" |-- term --| $$ ")"
+              || $$ "[" |-- Scan.optional terms [] --| $$ "]" >> listof) x
+and terms x = (term ::: Scan.repeat ($$ "," |-- term)) x
-fun negate t = Br("c_Not", [t]);
-fun equate (t1,t2) = Br("c_equal", [t1,t2]);
+fun negate t = Br ("c_Not", [t])
+fun equate t1 t2 = Br ("c_equal", [t1, t2]);
 (*Apply equal or not-equal to a term*)
 fun syn_equal (t, NONE) = t
-  | syn_equal (t1, SOME (NONE, t2)) = equate (t1,t2)
-  | syn_equal (t1, SOME (SOME _, t2)) = negate (equate (t1,t2));
+  | syn_equal (t1, SOME (NONE, t2)) = equate t1 t2
+  | syn_equal (t1, SOME (SOME _, t2)) = negate (equate t1 t2)
 (*Literals can involve negation, = and !=.*)
-fun literal x = ($$"~" |-- literal >> negate ||
-                 (term -- Scan.option (Scan.option ($$"!") --| $$"=" -- term) >> syn_equal)) x;
+fun literal x =
+  ($$ "~" |-- literal >> negate
+   || (term -- Scan.option (Scan.option ($$ "!") --| $$ "=" -- term)
+       >> syn_equal)) x
-val literals = literal ::: Scan.repeat ($$"|" |-- literal);
+val literals = literal ::: Scan.repeat ($$ "|" |-- literal);
 (*Clause: a list of literals separated by the disjunction sign*)
-val clause = $$"(" |-- literals --| $$")" || Scan.single literal;
+val clause = $$ "(" |-- literals --| $$ ")" || Scan.single literal;
+fun ints_of_stree (Int n) = cons n
+  | ints_of_stree (Br (_, ts)) = fold ints_of_stree ts
+val tstp_annotations =
+  Scan.optional ($$ "," |-- term --| Scan.option ($$ "," |-- terms)
+                 >> (fn source => ints_of_stree source [])) []
+fun retuple_tstp_line ((name, ts), deps) = (name, ts, deps)
-val annotations = $$"," |-- term -- Scan.option ($$"," |-- termlist);
+(* <cnf_annotated> ::= cnf(<name>, <formula_role>, <cnf_formula> <annotations>).
+   The <name> could be an identifier, but we assume integers. *)
+val parse_tstp_line =
+  (Scan.this_string "cnf" -- $$ "(") |-- integer --| $$ "," --| Symbol.scan_id
+   --| $$ "," -- clause -- tstp_annotations --| $$ ")" --| $$ "."
+  >> retuple_tstp_line
+val dot_name = integer --| $$ "." --| integer
-(*<cnf_annotated> ::= cnf(<name>,<formula_role>,<cnf_formula><annotations>).
-  The <name> could be an identifier, but we assume integers.*)
-val tstp_line = (Scan.this_string "cnf" -- $$"(") |--
-                integer --| $$"," -- Symbol.scan_id --| $$"," --
-                clause -- Scan.option annotations --| $$ ")";
+val spass_annotations =
+  Scan.optional ($$ ":" |-- Scan.repeat (dot_name --| Scan.option ($$ ","))) []
+val starred_literal = literal --| Scan.repeat ($$ "*" || $$ " ")
+val horn_clause =
+  Scan.repeat starred_literal --| $$ "-" --| $$ ">"
+  -- Scan.repeat starred_literal
+  >> (fn ([], []) => [atom (tf "false")]
+       | (clauses1, clauses2) => map negate clauses1 @ clauses2)
+fun retuple_spass_proof_line ((name, deps), ts) = (name, ts, deps)
+(* Syntax: <name>[0:<inference><annotations>] || -> <cnf_formula> **. *)
+val parse_spass_proof_line =
+  integer --| $$ "[" --| $$ "0" --| $$ ":" --| Symbol.scan_id
+  -- spass_annotations --| $$ "]" --| $$ "|" --| $$ "|" -- horn_clause
+  --| $$ "."
+  >> retuple_spass_proof_line
+val parse_proof_line = fst o (parse_tstp_line || parse_spass_proof_line)
@@ -111,7 +161,8 @@
         SOME c' => c'
       | NONE => c;
-fun make_tvar b = TVar(("'" ^ b, 0), HOLogic.typeS);
+fun make_tvar s = TVar (("'" ^ s, 0), HOLogic.typeS);
+fun make_tparam s = TypeInfer.param 0 (s, HOLogic.typeS)
 fun make_var (b,T) = Var((b,0),T);
 (*Type variables are given the basic sort, HOL.type. Some will later be constrained
@@ -132,7 +183,7 @@
                   | NONE =>
                 case strip_prefix tvar_prefix a of
                     SOME b => make_tvar b
-                  | NONE => make_tvar a   (*Variable from the ATP, say X1*)
+                  | NONE => make_tparam a  (* Variable from the ATP, say "X1" *)
 (*Invert the table of translations between Isabelle and ATPs*)
@@ -178,7 +229,7 @@
                       | NONE =>
                     case strip_prefix schematic_var_prefix a of
                         SOME b => make_var (b,T)
-                      | NONE => make_var (a,T)    (*Variable from the ATP, say X1*)
+                      | NONE => make_var (a,T)  (* Variable from the ATP, say "X1" *)
               in  list_comb (opr, (term_of_stree [] thy) (ts@args))  end;
 (*Type class literal applied to a type. Returns triple of polarity, class, type.*)
@@ -226,32 +277,21 @@
         | tmsubst (t as Bound _) = t
         | tmsubst (Abs (a, T, t)) = Abs (a, tysubst T, tmsubst t)
         | tmsubst (t $ u) = tmsubst t $ tmsubst u;
-  in fn t => if Vartab.is_empty vt then t else tmsubst t end;
+  in not (Vartab.is_empty vt) ? tmsubst end;
 (*Interpret a list of syntax trees as a clause, given by "real" literals and sort constraints.
   vt0 holds the initial sort constraints, from the conjecture clauses.*)
 fun clause_of_strees ctxt vt0 ts =
   let val (vt, dt) = lits_of_strees ctxt (vt0,[]) ts in
     singleton (Syntax.check_terms ctxt) (TypeInfer.constrain HOLogic.boolT (fix_sorts vt dt))
-  end;
+  end
 fun gen_all_vars t = fold_rev Logic.all (OldTerm.term_vars t) t;
-fun ints_of_stree_aux (Int n, ns) = n::ns
-  | ints_of_stree_aux (Br(_,ts), ns) = List.foldl ints_of_stree_aux ns ts;
-fun ints_of_stree t = ints_of_stree_aux (t, []);
-fun decode_tstp vt0 (name, role, ts, annots) ctxt =
-  let val deps = case annots of NONE => [] | SOME (source,_) => ints_of_stree source
-      val cl = clause_of_strees ctxt vt0 ts
-  in  ((name, role, cl, deps), fold Variable.declare_term (OldTerm.term_frees cl) ctxt)  end;
-fun dest_tstp ((((name, role), ts), annots), chs) =
-  case chs of
-          "."::_ => (name, role, ts, annots)
-        | _ => error ("TSTP line not terminated by \".\": " ^ implode chs);
+fun decode_proof_step vt0 (name, ts, deps) ctxt =
+  let val cl = clause_of_strees ctxt vt0 ts in
+    ((name, cl, deps), fold Variable.declare_term (OldTerm.term_frees cl) ctxt)
+  end
 (** Global sort constraints on TFrees (from tfree_tcs) are positive unit clauses. **)
@@ -268,9 +308,10 @@
 (**** Translation of TSTP files to Isar Proofs ****)
-fun decode_tstp_list ctxt tuples =
-  let val vt0 = tfree_constraints_of_clauses Vartab.empty (map #3 tuples)
-  in  #1 (fold_map (decode_tstp vt0) tuples ctxt) end;
+fun decode_proof_steps ctxt tuples =
+  let val vt0 = tfree_constraints_of_clauses Vartab.empty (map #2 tuples) in
+    #1 (fold_map (decode_proof_step vt0) tuples ctxt)
+  end
 (** Finding a matching assumption. The literals may be permuted, and variable names
     may disagree. We have to try all combinations of literals (quadratic!) and
@@ -342,9 +383,10 @@
     fun have_or_show "show" _ = "  show \""
       | have_or_show have lname = "  " ^ have ^ " " ^ lname ^ ": \""
     fun do_line _ (lname, t, []) =
-       (* No deps: it's a conjecture clause, with no proof. *)
+       (* No depedencies: it's a conjecture clause, with no proof. *)
        (case permuted_clause t ctms of
           SOME u => "  assume " ^ lname ^ ": \"" ^ string_of_term u ^ "\"\n"
+        | NONE => "  assume? " ^ lname ^ ": \"" ^ string_of_term t ^ "\"\n"
         | NONE => raise TERM ("Sledgehammer_Proof_Reconstruct.isar_proof_body",
       | do_line have (lname, t, deps) =
@@ -368,17 +410,21 @@
 (*Discard axioms; consolidate adjacent lines that prove the same clause, since they differ
   only in type information.*)
-fun add_prfline ((lno, "axiom", t, []), lines) =  (*axioms are not proof lines*)
-      if eq_types t (*must be clsrel/clsarity: type information, so delete refs to it*)
-      then map (replace_deps (lno, [])) lines
+fun add_proof_line thm_names (lno, t, []) lines =
+      (* No dependencies: axiom or conjecture clause *)
+      if is_axiom thm_names lno then
+        (* Axioms are not proof lines *)
+        if eq_types t then
+          (* Must be clsrel/clsarity: type information, so delete refs to it *)
+          map (replace_deps (lno, [])) lines
+        else
+          (case take_prefix (unequal t) lines of
+             (_,[]) => lines                  (*no repetition of proof line*)
+           | (pre, (lno', _, _) :: post) =>   (*repetition: replace later line by earlier one*)
+               pre @ map (replace_deps (lno', [lno])) post)
-       (case take_prefix (unequal t) lines of
-           (_,[]) => lines                  (*no repetition of proof line*)
-         | (pre, (lno', _, _) :: post) =>   (*repetition: replace later line by earlier one*)
-             pre @ map (replace_deps (lno', [lno])) post)
-  | add_prfline ((lno, _, t, []), lines) =  (*no deps: conjecture clause*)
-      (lno, t, []) :: lines
-  | add_prfline ((lno, _, t, deps), lines) =
+        (lno, t, []) :: lines
+  | add_proof_line _ (lno, t, deps) lines =
       if eq_types t then (lno, t, deps) :: lines
       (*Type information will be deleted later; skip repetition test.*)
       else (*FIXME: Doesn't this code risk conflating proofs involving different types??*)
@@ -417,12 +463,12 @@
 (*Replace numeric proof lines by strings, either from thm_names or sequential line numbers*)
 fun stringify_deps thm_names deps_map [] = []
   | stringify_deps thm_names deps_map ((lno, t, deps) :: lines) =
-      if lno <= Vector.length thm_names  (*axiom*)
-      then (Vector.sub(thm_names,lno-1), t, []) :: stringify_deps thm_names deps_map lines
+      if is_axiom thm_names lno then
+        (Vector.sub(thm_names,lno-1), t, []) :: stringify_deps thm_names deps_map lines
       else let val lname = Int.toString (length deps_map)
-               fun fix lno = if lno <= Vector.length thm_names
+               fun fix lno = if is_axiom thm_names lno
                              then SOME(Vector.sub(thm_names,lno-1))
-                             else AList.lookup op= deps_map lno;
+                             else AList.lookup (op =) deps_map lno;
            in  (lname, t, map_filter fix (distinct (op=) deps)) ::
                stringify_deps thm_names ((lno,lname)::deps_map) lines
@@ -435,14 +481,15 @@
 fun isar_proof_end 1 = "qed"
   | isar_proof_end _ = "next"
-fun isar_proof_from_tstp_file cnfs modulus sorts ctxt goal i thm_names =
+fun isar_proof_from_atp_proof cnfs modulus sorts ctxt goal i thm_names =
-    val _ = trace_proof_msg (K "\nisar_proof_from_tstp_file: start\n")
-    val tuples = map (dest_tstp o tstp_line o explode) cnfs
+    val _ = trace_proof_msg (K "\nisar_proof_from_atp_proof: start\n")
+    val tuples = map (parse_proof_line o explode) cnfs
     val _ = trace_proof_msg (fn () =>
       Int.toString (length tuples) ^ " tuples extracted\n")
     val ctxt = ProofContext.set_mode ProofContext.mode_schematic ctxt
-    val raw_lines = List.foldr add_prfline [] (decode_tstp_list ctxt tuples)
+    val raw_lines =
+      fold_rev (add_proof_line thm_names) (decode_proof_steps ctxt tuples) []
     val _ = trace_proof_msg (fn () =>
       Int.toString (length raw_lines) ^ " raw_lines extracted\n")
     val nonnull_lines = List.foldr add_nonnull_prfline [] raw_lines
@@ -460,12 +507,12 @@
     val body = isar_proof_body ctxt sorts (map prop_of ccls)
                                (stringify_deps thm_names [] lines)
     val n = Logic.count_prems (prop_of goal)
-    val _ = trace_proof_msg (K "\nisar_proof_from_tstp_file: finishing\n")
+    val _ = trace_proof_msg (K "\nisar_proof_from_atp_proof: finishing\n")
     isar_proof_start i ^ isar_fixes (map #1 fixes) ^ implode body ^
     isar_proof_end n ^ "\n"
-  handle STREE _ => error "Could not extract proof (ATP output malformed?)";
+  handle STREE _ => raise Fail "Cannot parse ATP output";
@@ -479,23 +526,19 @@
   "Formulae used in the proof"];
 fun get_proof_extract proof =
-  let
-    (*splits to_split by the first possible of a list of splitters*)
-    val (begin_string, end_string) =
-      (find_first (fn s => String.isSubstring s proof) begin_proof_strs,
-      find_first (fn s => String.isSubstring s proof) end_proof_strs)
-  in
-    if is_none begin_string orelse is_none end_string
-    then error "Could not extract proof (no substring indicating a proof)"
-    else proof |> first_field (the begin_string) |> the |> snd
-               |> first_field (the end_string) |> the |> fst
-  end;
+  (* Splits by the first possible of a list of splitters. *)
+  case pairself (find_first (fn s => String.isSubstring s proof))
+                (begin_proof_strs, end_proof_strs) of
+    (SOME begin_string, SOME end_string) =>
+    proof |> first_field begin_string |> the |> snd
+          |> first_field end_string |> the |> fst
+  | _ => raise Fail "Cannot extract proof"
 fun is_proof_well_formed proof =
-  exists (fn s => String.isSubstring s proof) begin_proof_strs andalso
-  exists (fn s => String.isSubstring s proof) end_proof_strs
+  forall (exists (fn s => String.isSubstring s proof))
+         [begin_proof_strs, end_proof_strs]
 (* === EXTRACTING LEMMAS === *)
 (* A list consisting of the first number in each line is returned.
@@ -505,11 +548,11 @@
    extracted. *)
 fun get_step_nums proof_extract =
-    val toks = String.tokens (not o Char.isAlphaNum)
+    val toks = String.tokens (not o is_ident_char)
     fun inputno ("cnf" :: ntok :: "axiom" :: _) = Int.fromString ntok
-      | inputno ("cnf" :: ntok :: "negated" :: "conjecture" :: _) =
+      | inputno ("cnf" :: ntok :: "negated_conjecture" :: _) =
         Int.fromString ntok
-      | inputno (ntok::"0"::"Inp"::_) = Int.fromString ntok (* DFG *)
+      | inputno (ntok::"0"::"Inp"::_) = Int.fromString ntok  (* DFG format *)
       | inputno _ = NONE
     val lines = split_lines proof_extract
   in map_filter (inputno o toks) lines end
@@ -528,55 +571,76 @@
 fun metis_line i n xs =
   "Try this command: " ^
   Markup.markup Markup.sendback (metis_command i n xs) ^ ".\n" 
-fun minimize_line _ _ [] = ""
-  | minimize_line isar_proof atp_name xs =
+fun minimize_line _ [] = ""
+  | minimize_line minimize_command facts =
+    case minimize_command facts of
+      "" => ""
+    | command =>
       "To minimize the number of lemmas, try this command: " ^
-      Markup.markup Markup.sendback
-                    ("sledgehammer minimize [atp = " ^ atp_name ^
-                     (if isar_proof then ", isar_proof" else "") ^ "] (" ^
-                     space_implode " " xs ^ ")") ^ ".\n"
+      Markup.markup Markup.sendback command ^ ".\n"
-fun metis_proof_text isar_proof minimal atp_name proof thm_names
-                     (_ : Proof.context) goal i =
+fun metis_proof_text (minimize_command, proof, thm_names, goal, i) =
     val lemmas =
       proof |> get_proof_extract
             |> get_step_nums
-            |> filter (fn i => i <= Vector.length thm_names)
+            |> filter (is_axiom thm_names)
             |> map (fn i => Vector.sub (thm_names, i - 1))
             |> filter (fn x => x <> "??.unknown")
             |> sort_distinct string_ord
     val n = Logic.count_prems (prop_of goal)
     val xs = kill_chained lemmas
-    (metis_line i n xs ^
-     (if minimal then "" else minimize_line isar_proof atp_name xs),
-     kill_chained lemmas)
+    (metis_line i n xs ^ minimize_line minimize_command xs, kill_chained lemmas)
-fun isar_proof_text minimal modulus sorts atp_name proof thm_names ctxt goal i =
+val is_proof_line = String.isPrefix "cnf(" orf String.isSubstring "||"
+fun do_space c = if Char.isSpace c then "" else str c
+fun strip_spaces_in_list [] = ""
+  | strip_spaces_in_list [c1] = do_space c1
+  | strip_spaces_in_list [c1, c2] = do_space c1 ^ do_space c2
+  | strip_spaces_in_list (c1 :: c2 :: c3 :: cs) =
+    if Char.isSpace c1 then
+      strip_spaces_in_list (c2 :: c3 :: cs)
+    else if Char.isSpace c2 then
+      if Char.isSpace c3 then
+        strip_spaces_in_list (c1 :: c3 :: cs)
+      else
+        str c1 ^
+        (if is_ident_char c1 andalso is_ident_char c3 then " " else "") ^
+        strip_spaces_in_list (c3 :: cs)
+    else
+      str c1 ^ strip_spaces_in_list (c2 :: c3 :: cs)
+val strip_spaces = strip_spaces_in_list o String.explode
+fun isar_proof_text debug modulus sorts ctxt
+                    (minimize_command, proof, thm_names, goal, i) =
-    (* We could use "split_lines", but it can return blank lines. *)
-    val lines = String.tokens (equal #"\n");
-    val kill_spaces =
-      String.translate (fn c => if Char.isSpace c then "" else str c)
-    val extract = get_proof_extract proof
-    val cnfs = filter (String.isPrefix "cnf(") (map kill_spaces (lines extract))
+    val cnfs = proof |> get_proof_extract |> split_lines |> map strip_spaces
+                     |> filter is_proof_line
     val (one_line_proof, lemma_names) =
-      metis_proof_text true minimal atp_name proof thm_names ctxt goal i
+      metis_proof_text (minimize_command, proof, thm_names, goal, i)
     val tokens = String.tokens (fn c => c = #" ") one_line_proof
+    fun isar_proof_for () =
+      case isar_proof_from_atp_proof cnfs modulus sorts ctxt goal i thm_names of
+        "" => ""
+      | isar_proof =>
+        "\nStructured proof:\n" ^ Markup.markup Markup.sendback isar_proof
     val isar_proof =
-      if member (op =) tokens chained_hint then ""
-      else isar_proof_from_tstp_file cnfs modulus sorts ctxt goal i thm_names
-  in
-    (one_line_proof ^
-     (if isar_proof = "" then ""
-      else "\nStructured proof:\n" ^ Markup.markup Markup.sendback isar_proof),
-     lemma_names)
-  end
+      if member (op =) tokens chained_hint then
+        ""
+      else if debug then
+        isar_proof_for ()
+      else
+        try isar_proof_for ()
+        |> the_default "Warning: The Isar proof construction failed.\n"
+  in (one_line_proof ^ isar_proof, lemma_names) end
-fun proof_text isar_proof minimal modulus sorts =
-  if isar_proof then isar_proof_text minimal modulus sorts
-  else metis_proof_text isar_proof minimal
+fun proof_text isar_proof debug modulus sorts ctxt =
+  if isar_proof then isar_proof_text debug modulus sorts ctxt
+  else metis_proof_text