--- a/src/HOL/Tools/atp_manager.ML Tue Oct 14 20:10:43 2008 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/atp_manager.ML Tue Oct 14 20:10:44 2008 +0200
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
val set_timeout: int -> unit
val kill: unit -> unit
val info: unit -> unit
- val atp_thread: (unit -> 'a option) -> ('a -> string) -> Thread.thread
- val add_prover: string -> (int -> Proof.state -> Thread.thread) -> theory -> theory
+ type prover = int -> Proof.state -> bool * string
+ val add_prover: string -> prover -> theory -> theory
val print_provers: theory -> unit
val sledgehammer: string list -> Proof.state -> unit
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
type elem = Time.time * Thread.thread;
fun ord ((a, _), (b, _)) = Time.compare (a, b);
val lookup_thread = AList.lookup Thread.equal;
val delete_thread = AList.delete Thread.equal;
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
(* unregister thread from thread manager -- move to cancelling *)
-fun unregister success message thread = Synchronized.change_result state
+fun unregister (success, message) thread = Synchronized.change_result state
(fn State {timeout_heap, oldest_heap, active, cancelling} =>
val info = lookup_thread active thread
@@ -130,6 +130,35 @@
in (message', make_state timeout_heap oldest_heap active'' cancelling'') end);
+(* kill excessive atp threads *)
+fun excessive_atps active =
+ let val max = get_max_atps ()
+ in length active > max andalso max > ~1 end;
+fun kill_oldest () =
+ let exception Unchanged in
+ Synchronized.change_result state (fn State {timeout_heap, oldest_heap, active, cancelling} =>
+ if ThreadHeap.is_empty oldest_heap orelse not (excessive_atps active)
+ then raise Unchanged
+ else
+ let val ((_, oldest_thread), oldest_heap') = ThreadHeap.min_elem oldest_heap
+ in (oldest_thread, make_state timeout_heap oldest_heap' active cancelling) end)
+ |> (priority o unregister (false, "Interrupted (maximum number of ATPs exceeded)"))
+ handle Unchanged => ()
+ end;
+fun kill_excessive () =
+ let val State {active, ...} = Synchronized.value state
+ in if excessive_atps active then (kill_oldest (); kill_excessive ()) else () end;
(* start a watching thread which runs forever -- only one may exist *)
fun check_thread_manager () = CRITICAL (fn () =>
@@ -150,7 +179,8 @@
let val (timeout_threads, timeout_heap') =
ThreadHeap.upto (Time.now (), Thread.self ()) timeout_heap
- if null timeout_threads andalso null cancelling then NONE
+ if null timeout_threads andalso null cancelling andalso not (excessive_atps active)
+ then NONE
val _ = List.app (SimpleThread.interrupt o #1) cancelling
@@ -160,11 +190,11 @@
while true do
- ((* cancel threads found by action *)
- Synchronized.timed_access state time_limit action
+ (Synchronized.timed_access state time_limit action
|> these
- |> List.app (priority o unregister false "Interrupted (reached timeout)");
- (* give threads time to respond to interrupt *)
+ |> List.app (priority o unregister (false, "Interrupted (reached timeout)"));
+ kill_excessive ();
+ (*give threads time to respond to interrupt*)
OS.Process.sleep min_wait_time)
@@ -220,11 +250,13 @@
(* named provers *)
+type prover = int -> Proof.state -> bool * string;
fun err_dup_prover name = error ("Duplicate prover: " ^ quote name);
structure Provers = TheoryDataFun
- type T = ((int -> Proof.state -> Thread.thread) * stamp) Symtab.table
+ type T = (prover * stamp) Symtab.table
val empty = Symtab.empty
val copy = I
val extend = I
@@ -232,79 +264,44 @@
handle Symtab.DUP dup => err_dup_prover dup
-fun add_prover name prover_fn thy =
- Provers.map (Symtab.update_new (name, (prover_fn, stamp ()))) thy
+fun add_prover name prover thy =
+ Provers.map (Symtab.update_new (name, (prover, stamp ()))) thy
handle Symtab.DUP dup => err_dup_prover dup;
fun print_provers thy = Pretty.writeln
(Pretty.strs ("external provers:" :: sort_strings (Symtab.keys (Provers.get thy))));
-fun prover_desc state subgoal name =
- let val (ctxt, (_, goal)) = Proof.get_goal state in
- "external prover " ^ quote name ^ " for subgoal " ^ string_of_int subgoal ^ ":\n" ^
- Syntax.string_of_term ctxt (Thm.term_of (Thm.cprem_of goal subgoal))
- end;
-(* thread wrapping an atp-call *)
-fun atp_thread call_prover produce_answer =
- SimpleThread.fork true (fn () =>
- let
- val result = call_prover ()
- val message = case result of NONE => "Failed."
- | SOME result => "Try this command: " ^ produce_answer result
- in priority (unregister (is_some result) message (Thread.self ()))
- end handle Interrupt => ());
-fun run_prover state subgoal name =
- (case Symtab.lookup (Provers.get (Proof.theory_of state)) name of
- NONE => (warning ("Unknown external prover: " ^ quote name); NONE)
- | SOME (prover_fn, _) => SOME (prover_fn subgoal state, prover_desc state subgoal name));
-(* kill excessive atp threads *)
+(* start prover thread *)
-fun excessive_atps active =
- let val max = get_max_atps ()
- in length active > max andalso max > ~1 end;
-fun kill_oldest () =
- let exception Unchanged in
- Synchronized.change_result state (fn State {timeout_heap, oldest_heap, active, cancelling} =>
- if ThreadHeap.is_empty oldest_heap orelse not (excessive_atps active)
- then raise Unchanged
- else
- let val ((_, oldest_thread), oldest_heap') = ThreadHeap.min_elem oldest_heap
- in (oldest_thread, make_state timeout_heap oldest_heap' active cancelling) end)
- |> (priority o unregister false "Interrupted (maximum number of ATPs exceeded)")
- handle Unchanged => ()
- end;
-fun kill_excessive () =
- let val State {active, ...} = Synchronized.value state
- in if excessive_atps active then (kill_oldest (); kill_excessive ()) else () end;
+fun start_prover name birthtime deadtime i proof_state =
+ (case Symtab.lookup (Provers.get (Proof.theory_of proof_state)) name of
+ NONE => warning ("Unknown external prover: " ^ quote name)
+ | SOME (prover, _) =>
+ let
+ val (ctxt, (_, goal)) = Proof.get_goal proof_state
+ val desc =
+ "external prover " ^ quote name ^ " for subgoal " ^ string_of_int i ^ ":\n" ^
+ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt (Thm.term_of (Thm.cprem_of goal i))
+ val _ = SimpleThread.fork true (fn () =>
+ let
+ val _ = register birthtime deadtime (Thread.self (), desc)
+ val result = prover i proof_state
+ val _ = priority (unregister result (Thread.self ()))
+ in () end handle Interrupt => ())
+ in () end);
(* sledghammer for first subgoal *)
fun sledgehammer names proof_state =
- val proverids =
+ val provers =
if null names then String.tokens (Symbol.is_ascii_blank o String.str) (get_atps ())
else names
- val threads_names = map_filter (run_prover proof_state 1) proverids
val birthtime = Time.now ()
- val deadtime = Time.+ (Time.now (), Time.fromSeconds (get_timeout ()))
- val _ = List.app (register birthtime deadtime) threads_names
- val _ = kill_excessive ()
- in () end;
+ val deadtime = Time.+ (birthtime, Time.fromSeconds (get_timeout ()))
+ in List.app (fn name => start_prover name birthtime deadtime 1 proof_state) provers end;