Tue, 29 Aug 2006 14:31:15 +0200
changeset 20428 67fa1c6ba89e
parent 20427 0b102b4182de
child 20429 116255c9209b
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/typedef_codegen.ML	Tue Aug 29 14:31:14 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/typedef_codegen.ML	Tue Aug 29 14:31:15 2006 +0200
@@ -7,10 +7,13 @@
 signature TYPEDEF_CODEGEN =
+  val get_triv_typedef: theory -> string
+    -> ((((string * sort) list * (string * typ list) list) * thm) *
+          ((string * typ) * thm)) option
   val typedef_fun_extr: theory -> string * typ -> thm list option
   val typedef_type_extr: theory -> string
-      -> (((string * sort) list * (string * typ list) list) * tactic) option
-  val setup: theory -> theory;
+    -> (((string * sort) list * (string * typ list) list) * tactic) option
+  val setup: theory -> theory
 structure TypedefCodegen: TYPEDEF_CODEGEN =
@@ -103,41 +106,36 @@
   | typedef_tycodegen thy defs gr dep module brack _ = NONE;
-fun typedef_type_extr thy tyco =
+fun get_triv_typedef thy tyco =
   case TypedefPackage.get_info thy tyco
    of SOME {abs_type = ty_abs, rep_type = ty_rep, Abs_name = c_abs, Rep_name = c_rep,
-     set_def = SOME def, Abs_inject = inject, ...} =>
+     set_def = SOME def, Abs_inject = inject, Abs_inverse = inverse, ... } =>
           val exists_thm =
-            |> Drule.instantiate' [SOME (ctyp_of thy ty_rep)] []
+            |> Drule.instantiate' [SOME (ctyp_of thy (Logic.varifyT ty_rep))] []
             |> rewrite_rule [symmetric def];
         in case try (op OF) (inject, [exists_thm, exists_thm])
-         of SOME eq_thm => SOME (((Term.typ_tfrees o Type.no_tvars) ty_abs, [(c_abs, [ty_rep])]),
-             (ALLGOALS o match_tac) [eq_reflection]
-            THEN (ALLGOALS o match_tac) [eq_thm])
+         of SOME eq_thm =>
+              SOME (((Term.add_tfreesT (Type.no_tvars ty_abs) [], [(c_abs, [ty_rep])]), eq_thm),
+                ((c_rep, ty_abs --> ty_rep), inverse OF [exists_thm]))
           | NONE => NONE
     | _ => NONE;
+fun typedef_type_extr thy tyco =
+  case get_triv_typedef thy tyco
+   of SOME ((vs_cs, thm), _) => SOME (vs_cs,
+       (ALLGOALS o match_tac) [eq_reflection]
+            THEN (ALLGOALS o match_tac) [thm])
+    | NONE => NONE;
 fun typedef_fun_extr thy (c, ty) =
   case (fst o strip_type) ty
    of Type (tyco, _) :: _ =>
-    (case TypedefPackage.get_info thy tyco
-     of SOME {abs_type = ty_abs, rep_type = ty_rep, Abs_name = c_abs, Rep_name = c_rep,
-       set_def = SOME def, Abs_inverse = inverse, ...} =>
-          if c = c_rep then
-            let
-              val exists_thm =
-                UNIV_I
-                |> Drule.instantiate' [SOME (ctyp_of thy ty_rep)] []
-                |> rewrite_rule [symmetric def]
-            in case try (op OF) (inverse, [exists_thm, exists_thm])
-             of SOME eq_thm => SOME [eq_thm]
-              | NONE => NONE
-            end
-          else NONE
-      | _ => NONE)
+        (case get_triv_typedef thy tyco
+         of SOME (_, ((c', _), thm)) => if c = c' then SOME [thm] else NONE
+          | NONE => NONE)
     | _ => NONE;
 val setup =
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/class_package.ML	Tue Aug 29 14:31:14 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/class_package.ML	Tue Aug 29 14:31:15 2006 +0200
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
 signature CLASS_PACKAGE =
-  val class: bstring -> class list -> Element.context list -> theory
+  val class: bstring -> class list -> Element.context Locale.element list -> theory
     -> Proof.context * theory
-  val class_i: bstring -> class list -> Element.context_i list -> theory
+  val class_i: bstring -> class list -> Element.context_i Locale.element list -> theory
     -> Proof.context * theory
   (*FIXME: in _i variants, bstring should be bstring option*)
   val instance_arity: ((xstring * string list) * string) list
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
       |> Name.declare clsvar
       |> fold (fn (_, ty) => fold Name.declare
-           ((map (fst o fst) o typ_tvars) ty @ (map fst o typ_tfrees) ty)) const_sign
+           ((map (fst o fst) o typ_tvars) ty @ map fst (Term.add_tfreesT  ty []))) const_sign
       |> fold_map add_var asorts;
     val ty_inst = Type (tyco, map TFree vsorts);
     val inst_signs = map (apsnd (subst_clsvar clsvar ty_inst)) const_sign;
@@ -305,20 +305,26 @@
 fun gen_class add_locale prep_class bname raw_supclasses raw_elems thy =
+    val (elems, exprs) = fold_rev (fn Locale.Elem e => apfst (cons e)
+                                   | Locale.Expr e => apsnd (cons e))
+      raw_elems ([], []);
     val supclasses = map (prep_class thy) raw_supclasses;
     val supsort =
       |> map (#name_axclass o fst o the_class_data thy)
       |> Sign.certify_sort thy
       |> null ? K (Sign.defaultS thy);
-    val expr = (Locale.Merge o map (Locale.Locale o #name_locale o fst o the_class_data thy)) supclasses;
+    val expr_supclasses = Locale.Merge
+      (map (Locale.Locale o #name_locale o fst o the_class_data thy) supclasses);
+    val expr = Locale.Merge (map (Locale.Locale o #name_locale o fst o the_class_data thy) supclasses
+      @ exprs);
     val mapp_sup = AList.make
       (the o AList.lookup (op =) ((flat o map (the_parm_map thy) o the_ancestry thy) supclasses))
-      ((map (fst o fst) o Locale.parameters_of_expr thy) expr);
+      ((map (fst o fst) o Locale.parameters_of_expr thy) expr_supclasses);
     fun extract_tyvar_consts thy name_locale =
         fun extract_classvar ((c, ty), _) w =
-          (case add_typ_tfrees (ty, [])
+          (case Term.add_tfreesT ty []
            of [(v, _)] => (case w
                of SOME u => if u = v then w else error ("Additonal type variable in type signature of constant " ^ quote c)
                 | NONE => SOME v)
@@ -357,7 +363,7 @@
       Const (c, subst_clsvar v (TFree (v, [class])) ty);
-    |> add_locale bname expr raw_elems
+    |> add_locale bname expr elems
     |-> (fn (name_locale, ctxt) =>
           `(fn thy => extract_tyvar_consts thy name_locale)
     #-> (fn (v, (raw_cs_sup, raw_cs_this)) =>
@@ -626,7 +632,7 @@
   then instance_sort else axclass_instance_sort) (class, sort) thy;
 val class_subP = -- Scan.repeat (P.$$$ "+" |-- >> (op ::);
-val class_bodyP = P.!!! (Scan.repeat1 P.context_element);
+val class_bodyP = P.!!! (Scan.repeat1 P.locale_element);
 val inst =
   (Scan.optional (P.$$$ "(" |-- P.!!! (P.list1 P.sort --| P.$$$ ")")) [] -- P.xname --| P.$$$ "::" -- P.sort)
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/codegen_consts.ML	Tue Aug 29 14:31:14 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/codegen_consts.ML	Tue Aug 29 14:31:15 2006 +0200
@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@
   | class_of_classop thy (c, _) = NONE;
 fun insts_of_classop thy (c_tys as (c, tys)) =
+  (*get rid of this finally*)
   case AxClass.class_of_param thy c
    of NONE => [c_tys]
     | SOME class => let
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/codegen_package.ML	Tue Aug 29 14:31:14 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/codegen_package.ML	Tue Aug 29 14:31:15 2006 +0200
@@ -59,7 +59,6 @@
 val nsp_dtcon = "dtcon";
 val nsp_mem = "mem";
 val nsp_inst = "inst";
-val nsp_instmem = "instmem";
 val nsp_eval = "EVAL"; (*only for evaluation*)
 fun add_nsp shallow name =
@@ -98,7 +97,7 @@
        |> apsnd (fn seri => seri
             [[nsp_module], [nsp_class, nsp_tyco],
-              [nsp_const, nsp_dtcon, nsp_class, nsp_mem, nsp_inst, nsp_instmem]]
+              [nsp_const, nsp_dtcon, nsp_class, nsp_mem, nsp_inst]]
   |> Symtab.update (
@@ -106,7 +105,7 @@
        |> apsnd (fn seri => seri
             (nsp_dtcon, [nsp_module, nsp_class, nsp_tyco, nsp_dtcon])
             [[nsp_module], [nsp_class], [nsp_tyco], [nsp_const,  nsp_mem],
-              [nsp_dtcon], [nsp_inst], [nsp_instmem]]
+              [nsp_dtcon], [nsp_inst]]
@@ -121,25 +120,30 @@
     bounds1 = bounds2 andalso stamp1 = stamp2) x
 type target_data = {
-  syntax_class: string Symtab.table,
+  syntax_class: ((string * (string -> string option)) * stamp) Symtab.table,
+  syntax_inst: unit Symtab.table,
   syntax_tyco: (itype CodegenSerializer.pretty_syntax * stamp) Symtab.table,
   syntax_const: (iterm CodegenSerializer.pretty_syntax * stamp) Symtab.table
-fun map_target_data f { syntax_class, syntax_tyco, syntax_const } =
+fun map_target_data f { syntax_class, syntax_inst, syntax_tyco, syntax_const } =
-    val (syntax_class, syntax_tyco, syntax_const) =
-      f (syntax_class, syntax_tyco, syntax_const)
+    val (syntax_class, syntax_inst, syntax_tyco, syntax_const) =
+      f (syntax_class, syntax_inst, syntax_tyco, syntax_const)
   in {
     syntax_class = syntax_class,
+    syntax_inst = syntax_inst,
     syntax_tyco = syntax_tyco,
     syntax_const = syntax_const } : target_data
 fun merge_target_data
-  ({ syntax_class = syntax_class1, syntax_tyco = syntax_tyco1, syntax_const = syntax_const1 },
-   { syntax_class = syntax_class2, syntax_tyco = syntax_tyco2, syntax_const = syntax_const2 }) =
-  { syntax_class = Symtab.merge (op =) (syntax_class1, syntax_class2),
+  ({ syntax_class = syntax_class1, syntax_inst = syntax_inst1,
+       syntax_tyco = syntax_tyco1, syntax_const = syntax_const1 },
+   { syntax_class = syntax_class2, syntax_inst = syntax_inst2,
+       syntax_tyco = syntax_tyco2, syntax_const = syntax_const2 }) =
+  { syntax_class = Symtab.merge (eq_snd (op =)) (syntax_class1, syntax_class2),
+    syntax_inst = Symtab.merge (op =) (syntax_inst1, syntax_inst2),
     syntax_tyco = Symtab.merge (eq_snd (op =)) (syntax_tyco1, syntax_tyco2),
     syntax_const = Symtab.merge (eq_snd (op =)) (syntax_const1, syntax_const2) } : target_data;
@@ -158,7 +162,8 @@
       |> Symtab.fold (fn (target, _) =>
            Symtab.update (target,
-             { syntax_class = Symtab.empty, syntax_tyco = Symtab.empty, syntax_const = Symtab.empty })
+             { syntax_class = Symtab.empty, syntax_inst = Symtab.empty,
+               syntax_tyco = Symtab.empty, syntax_const = Symtab.empty })
          ) (! serializers)
   } : T;
   val copy = I;
@@ -228,6 +233,10 @@
     CodegenNames.const thy c_ty
     |> add_nsp nsp_const;
+fun idf_of_classop thy c_ty =
+  CodegenNames.const thy c_ty
+  |> add_nsp nsp_mem;
 fun const_of_idf thy idf =
   case dest_nsp nsp_const idf
    of SOME c => CodegenNames.const_rev thy c |> SOME
@@ -423,9 +432,6 @@
                 case ClassPackage.operational_sort_of thy sort
                  of [] => NONE
                   | sort => SOME (v, sort)) arity;
-              fun mk_instmemname (m, ty) =
-                NameSpace.append (NameSpace.append ((NameSpace.drop_base o NameSpace.drop_base)
-                  inst) nsp_instmem) (NameSpace.base (idf_of_const thy thmtab (m, ty)));
               fun gen_suparity supclass trns =
                 |> ensure_def_class thy tabs supclass
@@ -689,11 +695,9 @@
 fun codegen_term t thy =
     val _ = Thm.cterm_of thy t;
-(*     val _ = writeln "STARTING GENERATION";  *)
-(*     val _ = (writeln o Sign.string_of_term thy) t;  *)
-    |> expand_module (SOME [] (*(Symtab.keys (#target_data (CodegenData.get thy)))*)) (consts_of t) NONE exprgen_term t
+    |> expand_module (SOME []) (consts_of t) NONE exprgen_term t
 val is_dtcon = has_nsp nsp_dtcon;
@@ -727,7 +731,7 @@
     val target_data =
       ((fn data => (the o Symtab.lookup data) "ml") o #target_data o CodegenData.get) thy;
-    val eval = CodegenSerializer.eval_term nsp_eval nsp_dtcon [[nsp_module], [nsp_class, nsp_tyco], [nsp_const, nsp_dtcon, nsp_class, nsp_mem, nsp_inst, nsp_instmem], [nsp_eval]]
+    val eval = CodegenSerializer.eval_term nsp_eval nsp_dtcon [[nsp_module], [nsp_class, nsp_tyco], [nsp_const, nsp_dtcon, nsp_class, nsp_mem, nsp_inst], [nsp_eval]]
       (( fst oo Symtab.lookup) (#syntax_tyco target_data),
        ( fst oo Symtab.lookup) (#syntax_const target_data))
       (Symtab.keys (#syntax_tyco target_data) @ Symtab.keys (#syntax_const target_data))
@@ -768,18 +772,42 @@
     |-> (fn [x] => pair x)
-fun gen_add_syntax_class prep_class class target pretty thy =
-  thy
-  |> map_codegen_data
-    (fn (modl, gens, target_data) =>
-       (modl, gens,
-        target_data |> Symtab.map_entry target
-          (map_target_data
-            (fn (syntax_class, syntax_tyco, syntax_const) =>
-             (syntax_class
-              |> Symtab.update (prep_class thy class, pretty), syntax_tyco, syntax_const)))));
+fun gen_add_syntax_class prep_class prep_const raw_class target (pretty, raw_ops) thy =
+  let
+    val class = (idf_of_class thy o prep_class thy) raw_class;
+    val ops = (map o apfst) (idf_of_classop thy o prep_const thy) raw_ops;
+    val syntax_ops = AList.lookup (op =) ops;
+  in
+    thy
+    |> map_codegen_data
+      (fn (modl, gens, target_data) =>
+         (modl, gens,
+          target_data |> Symtab.map_entry target
+            (map_target_data
+              (fn (syntax_class, syntax_inst, syntax_tyco, syntax_const) =>
+               (syntax_class
+                |> Symtab.update (class, ((pretty, syntax_ops), stamp ())), syntax_inst,
+                     syntax_tyco, syntax_const)))))
+  end;
-val add_syntax_class = gen_add_syntax_class Sign.intern_class;
+val add_syntax_class = gen_add_syntax_class Sign.intern_class CodegenConsts.read_const_typ;
+fun gen_add_syntax_inst prep_class prep_tyco (raw_class, raw_tyco) target thy =
+  let
+    val inst = idf_of_inst thy (prep_class thy raw_class, prep_tyco thy raw_tyco);
+  in
+    thy
+    |> map_codegen_data
+      (fn (modl, gens, target_data) =>
+         (modl, gens,
+          target_data |> Symtab.map_entry target
+            (map_target_data
+              (fn (syntax_class, syntax_inst, syntax_tyco, syntax_const) =>
+               (syntax_class, syntax_inst |> Symtab.update (inst, ()),
+                  syntax_tyco, syntax_const)))))
+  end;
+val add_syntax_inst = gen_add_syntax_inst Sign.intern_class Sign.intern_type;
 fun parse_syntax_tyco raw_tyco =
@@ -803,8 +831,8 @@
              (modl, gens,
               target_data |> Symtab.map_entry target
-                  (fn (syntax_class, syntax_tyco, syntax_const) =>
-                   (syntax_class, syntax_tyco |> Symtab.update
+                  (fn (syntax_class, syntax_inst, syntax_tyco, syntax_const) =>
+                   (syntax_class, syntax_inst, syntax_tyco |> Symtab.update
                       (tyco, (pretty, stamp ())),
@@ -821,8 +849,8 @@
        (modl, gens,
         target_data |> Symtab.map_entry target
-            (fn (syntax_class, syntax_tyco, syntax_const) =>
-             (syntax_class, syntax_tyco,
+            (fn (syntax_class, syntax_inst, syntax_tyco, syntax_const) =>
+             (syntax_class, syntax_inst, syntax_tyco,
               |> Symtab.update
                  (c, (pretty, stamp ())))))));
@@ -924,14 +952,16 @@
           |> #target_data
           |> (fn data => (the oo Symtab.lookup) data target);
         val s_class = #syntax_class target_data
+        val s_inst = #syntax_inst target_data
         val s_tyco = #syntax_tyco target_data
         val s_const = #syntax_const target_data
         (seri (
-          Symtab.lookup s_class,
+          ( fst oo Symtab.lookup) s_class,
           ( fst oo Symtab.lookup) s_tyco,
           ( fst oo Symtab.lookup) s_const
-        ) (Symtab.keys s_class @ Symtab.keys s_tyco @ Symtab.keys s_const, cs) module : unit; thy)
+        ) (Symtab.keys s_class @ Symtab.keys s_inst
+             @ Symtab.keys s_tyco @ Symtab.keys s_const, cs) module : unit; thy)
@@ -950,10 +980,10 @@
 val (generateK, serializeK,
-     syntax_classK, syntax_tycoK, syntax_constK,
+     syntax_classK, syntax_instK, syntax_tycoK, syntax_constK,
      purgeK) =
   ("code_generate", "code_serialize",
-   "code_classapp", "code_typapp", "code_constapp",
+   "code_class", "code_instance", "code_typapp", "code_constapp",
 val generateP =
@@ -983,13 +1013,24 @@
     Scan.repeat1 (
       -- Scan.repeat1 (
-  -- P.string
+  -- (P.string -- Scan.optional
+             (P.$$$ "(" |-- Scan.repeat1 (P.term -- P.string) --| P.$$$ ")") [])
     >> (Toplevel.theory oo fold) (fn (raw_class, syns) =>
           fold (fn (target, p) => add_syntax_class raw_class target p) syns)
+val syntax_instP =
+  OuterSyntax.command syntax_instK "define code syntax for instance" K.thy_decl (
+    Scan.repeat1 (
+      P.$$$ "(" |-- P.xname --| P.$$$ "::" -- P.xname --| P.$$$ ")"
+      -- Scan.repeat1
+    )
+    >> (Toplevel.theory oo fold) (fn (raw_inst, targets) =>
+          fold (fn target => add_syntax_inst raw_inst target) targets)
+  );
 val syntax_tycoP =
   OuterSyntax.command syntax_tycoK "define code syntax for type constructor" K.thy_decl (
     Scan.repeat1 (
@@ -1019,7 +1060,7 @@
     (Scan.succeed (Toplevel.theory purge_code));
 val _ = OuterSyntax.add_parsers [generateP, serializeP,
-  syntax_classP, syntax_tycoP, syntax_constP,
+  syntax_classP, syntax_instP, syntax_tycoP, syntax_constP,
 end; (* local *)
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/codegen_serializer.ML	Tue Aug 29 14:31:14 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/codegen_serializer.ML	Tue Aug 29 14:31:15 2006 +0200
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
   type serializer =
       string list list
       -> OuterParse.token list ->
-      ((string -> string option)
+      ((string -> (string * (string -> string option)) option)
         * (string -> CodegenThingol.itype pretty_syntax option)
         * (string -> CodegenThingol.iterm pretty_syntax option)
       -> string list * string list option
@@ -31,11 +31,11 @@
   val mk_flat_ml_resolver: string list -> string -> string;
   val eval_term: string -> string -> string list list
-      -> (string -> CodegenThingol.itype pretty_syntax option)
-            * (string -> CodegenThingol.iterm pretty_syntax option)
-      -> string list
-      -> (string * 'a ref) * CodegenThingol.iterm -> CodegenThingol.module
-      -> 'a;
+    -> (string -> CodegenThingol.itype pretty_syntax option)
+          * (string -> CodegenThingol.iterm pretty_syntax option)
+    -> string list
+    -> (string * 'a ref) * CodegenThingol.iterm -> CodegenThingol.module
+    -> 'a;
   val eval_verbose: bool ref;
   val ml_fun_datatype: string
     -> ((string -> CodegenThingol.itype pretty_syntax option)
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
 type serializer =
     string list list
     -> OuterParse.token list ->
-    ((string -> string option)
+    ((string -> (string * (string -> string option)) option)
       * (string -> itype pretty_syntax option)
       * (string -> iterm pretty_syntax option)
     -> string list * string list option
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
     * OuterParse.token list;
 fun abstract_serializer (target, nspgrp) name_root (from_defs, from_module, validator, postproc)
-    postprocess (class_syntax, tyco_syntax, const_syntax)
+    postprocess (class_syntax : string -> (string * (string -> string option)) option, tyco_syntax, const_syntax)
     (drop: string list, select) module =
     fun from_module' resolv imps ((name_qual, name), defs) =
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
     |> debug_msg (fn _ => "selecting submodule...")
     |> (if is_some select then (CodegenThingol.project_module o the) select else I)
     |> debug_msg (fn _ => "serializing...")
-    |> CodegenThingol.serialize (from_defs (class_syntax : string -> string option, tyco_syntax, const_syntax))
+    |> CodegenThingol.serialize (from_defs (class_syntax, tyco_syntax, const_syntax))
          from_module' validator postproc nspgrp name_root
     |> K ()
@@ -382,13 +382,17 @@
   fun re_mangle _ dst = error ("No such definition name: " ^ quote dst);
+fun first_upper s =
+  implode (nth_map 0 (Symbol.to_ascii_upper) (explode s));
+fun ml_from_dictvar v = 
+  first_upper v ^ "_";
 fun ml_expr_seri is_cons (tyco_syntax, const_syntax) resolv =
     val ml_from_label =
       str o translate_string (fn "_" => "__" | "." => "_" | c => c)
         o NameSpace.base o resolv;
-    fun ml_from_dictvar v = 
-      str (Symbol.to_ascii_upper v ^ "_");
     fun ml_from_tyvar (v, []) =
           str "()"
       | ml_from_tyvar (v, sort) =
@@ -398,7 +402,7 @@
             Pretty.block [
               str "(",
-              ml_from_dictvar v,
+              (str o ml_from_dictvar) v,
               str ":",
               case sort
                of [class] => mk_class class
@@ -432,10 +436,10 @@
           | from_classlookup fxy (Lookup (classes, (v, ~1))) =
               from_lookup BR classes
-                (ml_from_dictvar v)
+                ((str o ml_from_dictvar) v)
           | from_classlookup fxy (Lookup (classes, (v, i))) =
               from_lookup BR (string_of_int (i+1) :: classes)
-                (ml_from_dictvar v)
+                ((str o ml_from_dictvar) v)
       in case lss
        of [] => str "()"
         | [ls] => from_classlookup fxy ls
@@ -679,7 +683,7 @@
         | _ => error ("Class block without class: " ^ (commas o map (quote o fst)) defs)
     fun ml_from_class (name, (supclasses, (v, membrs))) =
-        val w = (Char.toString o Char.toUpper o the o Char.fromString) v;
+        val w = ml_from_dictvar v;
         fun from_supclass class =
           Pretty.block [
             ml_from_label class,
@@ -860,15 +864,20 @@
     val resolv = resolver "";
     val resolv_here = resolver prefix;
+    fun hs_from_class cls = case class_syntax cls
+     of NONE => resolv cls
+      | SOME (cls, _) => cls;
+    fun hs_from_classop_name cls clsop = case class_syntax cls
+     of NONE => NameSpace.base clsop
+      | SOME (_, classop_syntax) => case classop_syntax clsop
+         of NONE => NameSpace.base clsop
+          | SOME clsop => clsop;
     fun hs_from_sctxt vs =
-        fun from_class cls =
-          class_syntax cls
-          |> the_default (resolv cls)
         fun from_sctxt [] = str ""
           | from_sctxt vs =
-              |> map (fn (v, cls) => str (from_class cls ^ " " ^ v))
+              |> map (fn (v, cls) => str (hs_from_class cls ^ " " ^ v))
               |> Pretty.enum "," "(" ")"
               |> (fn p => Pretty.block [p, str " => "])
@@ -1048,13 +1057,13 @@
           Pretty.block [
             str "instance ",
             hs_from_sctxt arity,
-            str (resolv clsname ^ " "),
+            str (hs_from_class clsname ^ " "),
             hs_from_type BR (tyco `%% map (ITyVar o fst) arity),
             str " where",
             Pretty.chunks (map (fn (m, e) =>
               (Pretty.block o Pretty.breaks) [
-                (str o NameSpace.base o resolv) m,
+                (str o hs_from_classop_name clsname) m,
                 str "=",
                 hs_from_expr NOBR e
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/codegen_thingol.ML	Tue Aug 29 14:31:14 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/codegen_thingol.ML	Tue Aug 29 14:31:15 2006 +0200
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@
   val diff_module: module * module -> (string * def) list;
   val project_module: string list -> module -> module;
   val purge_module: string list -> module -> module;
+(*   val flat_funs_datatypes: module -> (string * def) list;  *)
   val add_eval_def: string (*shallow name space*) * iterm -> module -> string * module;
   val delete_garbage: string list (*hidden definitions*) -> module -> module;
   val has_nsp: string -> string -> bool;
@@ -323,8 +324,8 @@
       add_constnames e1 #> add_constnames e2
   | add_constnames (_ `|-> e) =
       add_constnames e
-  | add_constnames (INum _) =
-      I
+  | add_constnames (INum (_, e)) =
+      add_constnames e
   | add_constnames (IChar (_, e)) =
       add_constnames e
   | add_constnames (ICase (_, e)) =
@@ -338,10 +339,10 @@
       add_varnames e1 #> add_varnames e2
   | add_varnames ((v, _) `|-> e) =
       insert (op =) v #> add_varnames e
-  | add_varnames (INum _) =
-      I
-  | add_varnames (IChar _) =
-      I
+  | add_varnames (INum (_, e)) =
+      add_varnames e
+  | add_varnames (IChar (_, e)) =
+      add_varnames e
   | add_varnames (ICase (((de, _), bses), _)) =
       add_varnames de #> fold (fn (be, se) => add_varnames be #> add_varnames se) bses;
@@ -694,6 +695,65 @@
     |> dest_modl
+fun flat_module modl =
+  maps (
+   fn (name, Module modl) => map (apfst (NameSpace.append name)) (flat_module modl)
+    | (name, Def def) => [(name, def)]
+  ) ((AList.make (Graph.get_node modl) o flat o Graph.strong_conn) modl)
+fun flat_funs_datatypes modl =
+  map (
+   fn def as (_, Datatype _) => def
+    | (name, Fun (eqs, (sctxt, ty))) => let
+          val vs = fold (fn (rhs, lhs) => fold add_varnames rhs #> add_varnames lhs) eqs [];
+          fun fold_map_snd f (x, ys) = fold_map f ys #-> (fn zs => pair (x, zs));
+          fun all_ops_of class = [] : (class * (string * itype) list) list
+            (*FIXME; itype within current context*);
+          fun name_ops class = 
+            (fold_map o fold_map_snd)
+              (fn (c, ty) => Name.variants [c] #-> (fn [v] => pair (c, (ty, v)))) (all_ops_of class);
+          (*FIXME: should contain superclasses only once*)
+          val (octxt, _) = (fold_map o fold_map_snd) name_ops sctxt
+            (Name.make_context vs);
+          (* --> (iterm * itype) list *)
+          fun flat_classlookup (Instance (inst, lss)) =
+                (case get_def modl inst
+                 of (Classinst (_, (suparities, ops)))
+                      => maps (maps flat_classlookup o snd) suparities @ map (apsnd flat_iterm) ops
+                  | _ => error ("Bad instance: " ^ quote inst))
+            | flat_classlookup (Lookup (classes, (v, k))) =
+                let
+                  val parm_map = nth ((the o AList.lookup (op =) octxt) v)
+                    (if k = ~1 then 0 else k);
+                in map (apfst IVar o swap o snd) (case classes
+                 of class::_ => (the o AList.lookup (op =) parm_map) class
+                  | _ => (snd o hd) parm_map)
+                end
+          and flat_iterm (e as IConst (c, (lss, ty))) =
+                let
+                  val (es, tys) = split_list ((maps o maps) flat_classlookup lss)
+                in IConst (c, ([], tys `--> ty)) `$$ es end
+                (*FIXME Eliminierung von Projektionen*)
+            | flat_iterm (e as IVar _) =
+                e
+            | flat_iterm (e1 `$ e2) =
+                flat_iterm e1 `$ flat_iterm e2
+            | flat_iterm (v_ty `|-> e) =
+                v_ty `|-> flat_iterm e
+            | flat_iterm (INum (k, e)) =
+                INum (k, flat_iterm e)
+            | flat_iterm (IChar (s, e)) =
+                IChar (s, flat_iterm e)
+            | flat_iterm (ICase (((de, dty), es), e)) =
+                ICase (((flat_iterm de, dty), map (pairself flat_iterm) es), flat_iterm e);
+        in
+          (name, Fun (map (fn (lhs, rhs) => (map flat_iterm lhs, flat_iterm rhs)) eqs,
+            ([], maps ((maps o maps) (map (fst o snd) o snd) o snd) octxt `--> ty)))
+        end
+  ) (flat_module modl);
 val add_deps_of_sortctxt =
   fold (fn (v : vname, sort : sort) => fold (insert (op =)) sort);
@@ -1099,7 +1159,7 @@
         val (common, (_, rem)) = chop_prefix (op =) (prefix, NameSpace.unpack name);
         val (_, SOME tab') = get_path_name common tab;
         val (name', _) = get_path_name rem tab';
-      in NameSpace.pack name' end handle BIND => (error "Missing name: " ^ quote name);
+      in NameSpace.pack name' end handle BIND => (error ("Missing name: " ^ quote name ^ ", in " ^ quote (NameSpace.pack prefix)));
   in deresolv (mk module (AList.make (K NameMangler.empty) nsp_conn) Symtab.empty) end;