simplified/refined document model: collection of named nodes, without proper dependencies yet;
Thu, 05 Aug 2010 14:35:35 +0200
changeset 38150 67fc24df3721
parent 38149 3c380380beac
child 38151 2837c952ca31
simplified/refined document model: collection of named nodes, without proper dependencies yet; moved basic type definitions for ids and edits from Isar_Document to Document; removed begin_document/end_document for now -- nodes emerge via edits; edits refer to named nodes explicitly;
--- a/src/Pure/IsaMakefile	Thu Aug 05 13:41:00 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/IsaMakefile	Thu Aug 05 14:35:35 2010 +0200
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
   ML/ml_compiler_polyml-5.3.ML ML/ml_context.ML ML/ml_env.ML		\
   ML/ml_lex.ML ML/ml_parse.ML ML/ml_syntax.ML ML/ml_thms.ML		\
   ML-Systems/install_pp_polyml.ML ML-Systems/install_pp_polyml-5.3.ML	\
-  ML-Systems/use_context.ML Proof/extraction.ML				\
+  ML-Systems/use_context.ML Proof/extraction.ML PIDE/document.ML	\
   Proof/proof_rewrite_rules.ML Proof/proof_syntax.ML			\
   Proof/proofchecker.ML Proof/reconstruct.ML ProofGeneral/pgip.ML	\
   ProofGeneral/pgip_input.ML ProofGeneral/pgip_isabelle.ML		\
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/isar_document.ML	Thu Aug 05 13:41:00 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/isar_document.ML	Thu Aug 05 14:35:35 2010 +0200
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
 (*  Title:      Pure/Isar/isar_document.ML
     Author:     Makarius
-Interactive Isar documents.
+Interactive Isar documents, which are structured as follows:
+  - history: tree of documents (i.e. changes without merge)
+  - document: graph of nodes (cf. theory files)
+  - node: linear set of commands, potentially with proof structure
 structure Isar_Document: sig end =
@@ -9,12 +13,6 @@
 (* unique identifiers *)
-type state_id = string;
-type command_id = string;
-type document_id = string;
-val no_id = "";
   val id_count = Synchronized.var "id" 0;
@@ -32,78 +30,84 @@
 (** documents **)
+datatype entry = Entry of {next: Document.command_id option, state: Document.state_id option};
+type node = entry Symtab.table; (*unique command entries indexed by command_id, start with no_id*)
+type document = node Graph.T;   (*development graph via static imports*)
 (* command entries *)
-datatype entry = Entry of {next: command_id option, state: state_id option};
 fun make_entry next state = Entry {next = next, state = state};
-fun the_entry entries (id: command_id) =
-  (case Symtab.lookup entries id of
-    NONE => err_undef "document entry" id
+fun the_entry (node: node) (id: Document.command_id) =
+  (case Symtab.lookup node id of
+    NONE => err_undef "command entry" id
   | SOME (Entry entry) => entry);
-fun put_entry (id: command_id, entry: entry) = Symtab.update (id, entry);
+fun put_entry (id: Document.command_id, entry: entry) = Symtab.update (id, entry);
-fun put_entry_state (id: command_id) state entries =
-  let val {next, ...} = the_entry entries id
-  in put_entry (id, make_entry next state) entries end;
+fun put_entry_state (id: Document.command_id) state (node: node) =
+  let val {next, ...} = the_entry node id
+  in put_entry (id, make_entry next state) node end;
 fun reset_entry_state id = put_entry_state id NONE;
 fun set_entry_state (id, state_id) = put_entry_state id (SOME state_id);
-(* document *)
-datatype document = Document of
- {dir: Path.T,                   (*master directory*)
-  name: string,                  (*theory name*)
-  entries: entry Symtab.table};  (*unique command entries indexed by command_id, start with no_id*)
-fun make_document dir name entries =
-  Document {dir = dir, name = name, entries = entries};
-fun map_entries f (Document {dir, name, entries}) =
-  make_document dir name (f entries);
 (* iterate entries *)
-fun fold_entries id0 f (Document {entries, ...}) =
+fun fold_entries id0 f (node: node) =
     fun apply NONE x = x
       | apply (SOME id) x =
-          let val entry = the_entry entries id
+          let val entry = the_entry node id
           in apply (#next entry) (f (id, entry) x) end;
-  in if Symtab.defined entries id0 then apply (SOME id0) else I end;
+  in if Symtab.defined node id0 then apply (SOME id0) else I end;
-fun first_entry P (Document {entries, ...}) =
+fun first_entry P (node: node) =
     fun first _ NONE = NONE
       | first prev (SOME id) =
-          let val entry = the_entry entries id
+          let val entry = the_entry node id
           in if P (id, entry) then SOME (prev, id, entry) else first (SOME id) (#next entry) end;
-  in first NONE (SOME no_id) end;
+  in first NONE (SOME Document.no_id) end;
 (* modify entries *)
-fun insert_after (id: command_id) (id2: command_id) = map_entries (fn entries =>
-  let val {next, state} = the_entry entries id in
-    entries
+fun insert_after (id: Document.command_id) (id2: Document.command_id) (node: node) =
+  let val {next, state} = the_entry node id in
+    node
     |> put_entry (id, make_entry (SOME id2) state)
     |> put_entry (id2, make_entry next NONE)
-  end);
+  end;
-fun delete_after (id: command_id) = map_entries (fn entries =>
-  let val {next, state} = the_entry entries id in
+fun delete_after (id: Document.command_id) (node: node) =
+  let val {next, state} = the_entry node id in
     (case next of
       NONE => error ("No next entry to delete: " ^ quote id)
     | SOME id2 =>
-        entries |>
-          (case #next (the_entry entries id2) of
+        node |>
+          (case #next (the_entry node id2) of
             NONE => put_entry (id, make_entry NONE state)
           | SOME id3 => put_entry (id, make_entry (SOME id3) state) #> reset_entry_state id3))
-  end);
+  end;
+(* node operations *)
+val empty_node: node = Symtab.make [(Document.no_id, make_entry NONE (SOME Document.no_id))];
+fun the_node (document: document) name =
+  Graph.get_node document name handle Graph.UNDEF _ => empty_node;
+fun edit_node (id, SOME id2) = insert_after id id2
+  | edit_node (id, NONE) = delete_after id;
+fun edit_nodes (name, NONE) = Graph.del_node name
+  | edit_nodes (name, SOME edits) =
+      Graph.default_node (name, empty_node) #>
+      Graph.map_node name (fold edit_node edits);
@@ -113,16 +117,17 @@
-val global_states = Unsynchronized.ref (Symtab.make [(no_id, Lazy.value (SOME Toplevel.toplevel))]);
+val global_states =
+  Unsynchronized.ref (Symtab.make [(Document.no_id, Lazy.value (SOME Toplevel.toplevel))]);
-fun define_state (id: state_id) state =
+fun define_state (id: Document.state_id) state =
   NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () =>
     Unsynchronized.change global_states (Symtab.update_new (id, state))
       handle Symtab.DUP dup => err_dup "state" dup);
-fun the_state (id: state_id) =
+fun the_state (id: Document.state_id) =
   (case Symtab.lookup (! global_states) id of
     NONE => err_undef "state" id
   | SOME state => state);
@@ -134,16 +139,16 @@
-val global_commands = Unsynchronized.ref (Symtab.make [(no_id, Toplevel.empty)]);
+val global_commands = Unsynchronized.ref (Symtab.make [(Document.no_id, Toplevel.empty)]);
-fun define_command (id: command_id) tr =
+fun define_command (id: Document.command_id) tr =
   NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () =>
     Unsynchronized.change global_commands (Symtab.update_new (id, Toplevel.put_id id tr))
       handle Symtab.DUP dup => err_dup "command" dup);
-fun the_command (id: command_id) =
+fun the_command (id: Document.command_id) =
   (case Symtab.lookup (! global_commands) id of
     NONE => err_undef "command" id
   | SOME tr => tr);
@@ -151,20 +156,20 @@
-(* documents *)
+(* document versions *)
-val global_documents = Unsynchronized.ref (Symtab.empty: document Symtab.table);
+val global_documents = Unsynchronized.ref (Symtab.make [(Document.no_id, Graph.empty: document)]);
-fun define_document (id: document_id) document =
+fun define_document (id: Document.version_id) document =
   NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () =>
     Unsynchronized.change global_documents (Symtab.update_new (id, document))
       handle Symtab.DUP dup => err_dup "document" dup);
-fun the_document (id: document_id) =
+fun the_document (id: Document.version_id) =
   (case Symtab.lookup (! global_documents) id of
     NONE => err_undef "document" id
   | SOME document => document);
@@ -175,41 +180,47 @@
 (** main operations **)
-(* begin/end document *)
-val no_entries = Symtab.make [(no_id, make_entry NONE (SOME no_id))];
-fun begin_document (id: document_id) path =
-  let
-    val (dir, name) = Thy_Header.split_thy_path path;
-    val _ = define_document id (make_document dir name no_entries);
-  in () end;
-fun end_document (id: document_id) =
-  NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () =>
-    let
-      val document as Document {name, ...} = the_document id;
-      val end_state =
-        the_state (the (#state (#3 (the
-          (first_entry (fn (_, {next, ...}) => is_none next) document)))));
-      val _ =  (* FIXME regular execution (??), result (??) *)
-        Future.fork (fn () =>
-          (case Lazy.force end_state of
-            SOME st => Toplevel.end_theory (Position.id_only id) st
-          | NONE => error ("Failed to finish theory " ^ quote name)));
-    in () end);
-(* document editing *)
+(* execution *)
-fun is_changed entries' (id, {next = _, state}) =
-  (case try (the_entry entries') id of
+val execution: unit future list Unsynchronized.ref = Unsynchronized.ref [];
+fun force_state NONE = ()
+  | force_state (SOME state_id) = ignore (Lazy.force (the_state state_id));
+fun execute document =
+  NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () =>
+    let
+      val old_execution = ! execution;
+      val _ = Future.cancel old_execution;
+      fun await_cancellation () = uninterruptible (K Future.join_results) old_execution;
+      (* FIXME proper node deps *)
+      val new_execution = Graph.keys document |> map (fn name =>
+        Future.fork_pri 1 (fn () =>
+          let
+            val _ = await_cancellation ();
+            val exec =
+              fold_entries Document.no_id (fn (_, {state, ...}) => fn () => force_state state)
+                (the_node document name);
+          in exec () end));
+    in execution := new_execution end);
+(* editing *)
+fun is_changed node' (id, {next = _, state}) =
+  (case try (the_entry node') id of
     NONE => true
   | SOME {next = _, state = state'} => state' <> state);
-fun new_state name (id: command_id) (state_id, updates) =
+fun new_state name (id: Document.command_id) (state_id, updates) =
     val state = the_state state_id;
     val state_id' = create_id ();
@@ -227,46 +238,33 @@
   |> Markup.markup Markup.assign
   |> Output.status;
-fun force_state NONE = ()
-  | force_state (SOME state_id) = ignore (Lazy.force (the_state state_id));
-val execution = Unsynchronized.ref (Future.value ());
-fun execute document =
-  NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () =>
-    let
-      val old_execution = ! execution;
-      val _ = Future.cancel old_execution;
-      val new_execution = Future.fork_pri 1 (fn () =>
-       (uninterruptible (K Future.join_result) old_execution;
-        fold_entries no_id (fn (_, {state, ...}) => fn () => force_state state) document ()));
-    in execution := new_execution end);
-fun edit_document (old_id: document_id) (new_id: document_id) edits =
-  NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () =>
+fun edit_document (old_id: Document.version_id) (new_id: Document.version_id) edits =
+  NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () => exception_trace (fn () =>
-      val old_document as Document {name, entries = old_entries, ...} = the_document old_id;
-      val new_document as Document {entries = new_entries, ...} = old_document
-        |> fold (fn (id, SOME id2) => insert_after id id2 | (id, NONE) => delete_after id) edits;
+      val old_document = the_document old_id;
+      val new_document = fold edit_nodes edits old_document;
-      val (updates, new_document') =
-        (case first_entry (is_changed old_entries) new_document of
-          NONE => ([], new_document)
+      fun update_node name node =
+        (case first_entry (is_changed (the_node old_document name)) node of
+          NONE => ([], node)
         | SOME (prev, id, _) =>
-              val prev_state_id = the (#state (the_entry new_entries (the prev)));
-              val (_, updates) =
-                fold_entries id (new_state name o #1) new_document (prev_state_id, []);
-              val new_document' = new_document |> map_entries (fold set_entry_state updates);
-            in (rev updates, new_document') end);
+              val prev_state_id = the (#state (the_entry node (the prev)));
+              val (_, updates) = fold_entries id (new_state name o #1) node (prev_state_id, []);
+              val node' = fold set_entry_state updates node;
+            in (rev updates, node') end);
+      (* FIXME proper node deps *)
+      val (updatess, new_document') =
+        (Graph.keys new_document, new_document)
+          |-> fold_map (fn name => Graph.map_node_yield name (update_node name));
       val _ = define_document new_id new_document';
-      val _ = report_updates updates;
+      val _ = report_updates (flat updatess);
       val _ = execute new_document';
-    in () end);
+    in () end));
@@ -282,21 +280,13 @@
         define_command id (Outer_Syntax.prepare_command ( id) text))));
 val _ =
-  Outer_Syntax.internal_command "Isar.begin_document"
-    (Parse.string -- Parse.string >> (fn (id, path) =>
-      Toplevel.imperative (fn () => begin_document id (Path.explode path))));
-val _ =
-  Outer_Syntax.internal_command "Isar.end_document"
-    (Parse.string >> (fn id => Toplevel.imperative (fn () => end_document id)));
-val _ =
   Outer_Syntax.internal_command "Isar.edit_document"
     (Parse.string -- Parse.string --
-        Parse_Value.list (Parse.string -- (Parse.string >> SOME) || Parse.string >> rpair NONE)
-      >> (fn ((id, new_id), edits) =>
-        Toplevel.position (Position.id_only new_id) o
-        Toplevel.imperative (fn () => edit_document id new_id edits)));
+      Parse_Value.list
+        (Parse.string -- Scan.option (Parse_Value.list (Parse.string -- Scan.option Parse.string)))
+      >> (fn ((old_id, new_id), edits) =>
+          Toplevel.position (Position.id_only new_id) o
+          Toplevel.imperative (fn () => edit_document old_id new_id edits)));
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/isar_document.scala	Thu Aug 05 13:41:00 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/isar_document.scala	Thu Aug 05 14:35:35 2010 +0200
@@ -9,13 +9,6 @@
 object Isar_Document
-  /* unique identifiers */
-  type State_ID = String
-  type Command_ID = String
-  type Document_ID = String
   /* reports */
   object Assign {
@@ -27,7 +20,7 @@
   object Edit {
-    def unapply(msg: XML.Tree): Option[(Command_ID, State_ID)] =
+    def unapply(msg: XML.Tree): Option[(Document.Command_ID, Document.State_ID)] =
       msg match {
         case XML.Elem(Markup.EDIT, List((Markup.ID, cmd_id), (Markup.STATE, state_id)), Nil) =>
           Some(cmd_id, state_id)
@@ -44,7 +37,7 @@
   /* commands */
-  def define_command(id: Command_ID, text: String) {
+  def define_command(id: Document.Command_ID, text: String) {
     output_sync("Isar.define_command " + Isabelle_Syntax.encode_string(id) + " " +
@@ -52,36 +45,41 @@
   /* documents */
-  def begin_document(id: Document_ID, path: String) {
-    output_sync("Isar.begin_document " + Isabelle_Syntax.encode_string(id) + " " +
-      Isabelle_Syntax.encode_string(path))
-  }
-  def end_document(id: Document_ID) {
-    output_sync("Isar.end_document " + Isabelle_Syntax.encode_string(id))
-  }
-  def edit_document(old_id: Document_ID, new_id: Document_ID,
-      edits: List[(Command_ID, Option[Command_ID])])
+  def edit_document(old_id: Document.Version_ID, new_id: Document.Version_ID,
+      edits: List[Document.Edit[Document.Command_ID]])
-    def append_edit(edit: (Command_ID, Option[Command_ID]), result: StringBuilder)
+    def append_edit(
+        edit: (Option[Document.Command_ID], Option[Document.Command_ID]), result: StringBuilder)
-      edit match {
-        case (id, None) => Isabelle_Syntax.append_string(id, result)
-        case (id, Some(id2)) =>
-          Isabelle_Syntax.append_string(id, result)
+      Isabelle_Syntax.append_string(edit._1 getOrElse Document.NO_ID, result)
+      edit._2 match {
+        case None =>
+        case Some(id2) =>
           result.append(" ")
           Isabelle_Syntax.append_string(id2, result)
+    def append_node_edit(
+        edit: (String, Option[List[(Option[Document.Command_ID], Option[Document.Command_ID])]]),
+        result: StringBuilder)
+    {
+      Isabelle_Syntax.append_string(edit._1, result)
+      edit._2 match {
+        case None =>
+        case Some(eds) =>
+          result.append(" ")
+          Isabelle_Syntax.append_list(append_edit, eds, result)
+      }
+    }
     val buf = new StringBuilder(40)
     buf.append("Isar.edit_document ")
     Isabelle_Syntax.append_string(old_id, buf)
     buf.append(" ")
     Isabelle_Syntax.append_string(new_id, buf)
     buf.append(" ")
-    Isabelle_Syntax.append_list(append_edit, edits, buf)
+    Isabelle_Syntax.append_list(append_node_edit, edits, buf)
--- a/src/Pure/PIDE/change.scala	Thu Aug 05 13:41:00 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/change.scala	Thu Aug 05 14:35:35 2010 +0200
@@ -8,11 +8,16 @@
 package isabelle
+object Change
+  val init = new Change(Document.NO_ID, None, Nil, Future.value(Nil, Document.init))
 class Change(
-  val id: Isar_Document.Document_ID,
+  val id: Document.Version_ID,
   val parent: Option[Change],
-  val edits: List[Text_Edit],
-  val result: Future[(List[Document.Edit], Document)])
+  val edits: List[Document.Node.Text_Edit],
+  val result: Future[(List[Document.Edit[Command]], Document)])
   def ancestors: Iterator[Change] = new Iterator[Change]
@@ -28,10 +33,10 @@
   def join_document: Document = result.join._2
   def is_assigned: Boolean = result.is_finished && join_document.assignment.is_finished
-  def edit(session: Session, edits: List[Text_Edit]): Change =
+  def edit(session: Session, edits: List[Document.Node.Text_Edit]): Change =
     val new_id = session.create_id()
-    val result: Future[(List[Document.Edit], Document)] =
+    val result: Future[(List[Document.Edit[Command]], Document)] =
       Future.fork {
         val old_doc = join_document
--- a/src/Pure/PIDE/command.scala	Thu Aug 05 13:41:00 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/command.scala	Thu Aug 05 14:35:35 2010 +0200
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 class Command(
-    val id: Isar_Document.Command_ID,
+    val id: Document.Command_ID,
     val span: Thy_Syntax.Span,
     val static_parent: Option[Command] = None)
   extends Session.Entity
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
     accumulator ! Consume(message, forward)
-  def assign_state(state_id: Isar_Document.State_ID): Command =
+  def assign_state(state_id: Document.State_ID): Command =
     val cmd = new Command(state_id, span, Some(this))
     accumulator !? Assign
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/document.ML	Thu Aug 05 14:35:35 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+(*  Title:      Pure/PIDE/document.ML
+    Author:     Makarius
+Document as collection of named nodes, each consisting of an editable
+list of commands.
+signature DOCUMENT =
+  type state_id = string
+  type command_id = string
+  type version_id = string
+  val no_id: string
+  type edit = string * ((command_id * command_id option) list) option
+structure Document: DOCUMENT =
+(* unique identifiers *)
+type state_id = string;
+type command_id = string;
+type version_id = string;
+val no_id = "";
+(* edits *)
+type edit =
+  string *  (*node name*)
+  ((command_id * command_id option) list) option;  (*NONE: remove, SOME: insert/remove commands*)
--- a/src/Pure/PIDE/document.scala	Thu Aug 05 13:41:00 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/document.scala	Thu Aug 05 14:35:35 2010 +0200
@@ -1,17 +1,37 @@
 /*  Title:      Pure/PIDE/document.scala
     Author:     Makarius
-Document as editable list of commands.
+Document as collection of named nodes, each consisting of an editable
+list of commands.
 package isabelle
+import scala.collection.mutable
 import scala.annotation.tailrec
 object Document
+  /* unique identifiers */
+  type State_ID = String
+  type Command_ID = String
+  type Version_ID = String
+  val NO_ID = ""
+  /* nodes */
+  object Node { type Text_Edit = (String, List[isabelle.Text_Edit]) }  // FIXME None: remove
+  type Edit[C] =
+   (String,  // node name
+    Option[List[(Option[C], Option[C])]])  // None: remove, Some: insert/remove commands
   /* command start positions */
   def command_starts(commands: Iterator[Command], offset: Int = 0): Iterator[(Command, Int)] =
@@ -25,11 +45,11 @@
-  /* empty document */
+  /* initial document */
-  def empty(id: Isar_Document.Document_ID): Document =
+  val init: Document =
-    val doc = new Document(id, Linear_Set(), Map())
+    val doc = new Document(NO_ID, Map().withDefaultValue(Linear_Set()), Map())
@@ -38,10 +58,8 @@
   /** document edits **/
-  type Edit = (Option[Command], Option[Command])
-  def text_edits(session: Session, old_doc: Document, new_id: Isar_Document.Document_ID,
-    edits: List[Text_Edit]): (List[Edit], Document) =
+  def text_edits(session: Session, old_doc: Document, new_id: Version_ID,
+      edits: List[Node.Text_Edit]): (List[Edit[Command]], Document) =
@@ -56,7 +74,8 @@
     /* phase 1: edit individual command source */
-    def edit_text(eds: List[Text_Edit], commands: Linear_Set[Command]): Linear_Set[Command] =
+    @tailrec def edit_text(eds: List[Text_Edit],
+        commands: Linear_Set[Command]): Linear_Set[Command] =
       eds match {
         case e :: es =>
@@ -120,51 +139,64 @@
     /* phase 3: resulting document edits */
-    val commands0 = old_doc.commands
-    val commands1 = edit_text(edits, commands0)
-    val commands2 = parse_spans(commands1)
+    {
+      val doc_edits = new mutable.ListBuffer[Edit[Command]]
+      var nodes = old_doc.nodes
+      var former_states = old_doc.assignment.join
-    val removed_commands = commands0.iterator.filter(!commands2.contains(_)).toList
-    val inserted_commands = commands2.iterator.filter(!commands0.contains(_)).toList
+      for ((name, text_edits) <- edits) {
+        val commands0 = nodes(name)
+        val commands1 = edit_text(text_edits, commands0)
+        val commands2 = parse_spans(commands1)
-    val doc_edits =
- => (commands0.prev(cmd), None)) :::
- => (commands2.prev(cmd), Some(cmd)))
+        val removed_commands = commands0.iterator.filter(!commands2.contains(_)).toList
+        val inserted_commands = commands2.iterator.filter(!commands0.contains(_)).toList
+        val cmd_edits =
+ => (commands0.prev(cmd), None)) :::
+ => (commands2.prev(cmd), Some(cmd)))
-    val former_states = old_doc.assignment.join -- removed_commands
-    (doc_edits, new Document(new_id, commands2, former_states))
+        doc_edits += (name -> Some(cmd_edits))
+        nodes += (name -> commands2)
+        former_states --= removed_commands
+      }
+      (doc_edits.toList, new Document(new_id, nodes, former_states))
+    }
 class Document(
-    val id: Isar_Document.Document_ID,
-    val commands: Linear_Set[Command],
-    former_states: Map[Command, Command])
+    val id: Document.Version_ID,
+    val nodes: Map[String, Linear_Set[Command]],
+    former_states: Map[Command, Command])  // FIXME !?
   /* command ranges */
-  def command_starts: Iterator[(Command, Int)] = Document.command_starts(commands.iterator)
+  def commands(name: String): Linear_Set[Command] = nodes.get(name) getOrElse Linear_Set()
-  def command_start(cmd: Command): Option[Int] =
-    command_starts.find(_._1 == cmd).map(_._2)
+  def command_starts(name: String): Iterator[(Command, Int)] =
+    Document.command_starts(commands(name).iterator)
+  def command_start(name: String, cmd: Command): Option[Int] =
+    command_starts(name).find(_._1 == cmd).map(_._2)
-  def command_range(i: Int): Iterator[(Command, Int)] =
-    command_starts dropWhile { case (cmd, start) => start + cmd.length <= i }
+  def command_range(name: String, i: Int): Iterator[(Command, Int)] =
+    command_starts(name) dropWhile { case (cmd, start) => start + cmd.length <= i }
-  def command_range(i: Int, j: Int): Iterator[(Command, Int)] =
-    command_range(i) takeWhile { case (_, start) => start < j }
+  def command_range(name: String, i: Int, j: Int): Iterator[(Command, Int)] =
+    command_range(name, i) takeWhile { case (_, start) => start < j }
-  def command_at(i: Int): Option[(Command, Int)] =
+  def command_at(name: String, i: Int): Option[(Command, Int)] =
-    val range = command_range(i)
+    val range = command_range(name, i)
     if (range.hasNext) Some( else None
-  def proper_command_at(i: Int): Option[Command] =
-    command_at(i) match {
-      case Some((command, _)) => commands.reverse_iterator(command).find(cmd => !cmd.is_ignored)
+  def proper_command_at(name: String, i: Int): Option[Command] =
+    command_at(name, i) match {
+      case Some((command, _)) =>
+        commands(name).reverse_iterator(command).find(cmd => !cmd.is_ignored)
       case None => None
--- a/src/Pure/ROOT.ML	Thu Aug 05 13:41:00 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ROOT.ML	Thu Aug 05 14:35:35 2010 +0200
@@ -234,6 +234,7 @@
 use "Thy/term_style.ML";
 use "Thy/thy_output.ML";
 use "Thy/thy_syntax.ML";
+use "PIDE/document.ML";
 use "old_goals.ML";
 use "Isar/outer_syntax.ML";
 use "Thy/thy_info.ML";
--- a/src/Pure/System/session.scala	Thu Aug 05 13:41:00 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/System/session.scala	Thu Aug 05 14:35:35 2010 +0200
@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@
   private case class Start(timeout: Int, args: List[String])
   private case object Stop
-  private case class Begin_Document(path: String)
   private lazy val session_actor = actor {
@@ -84,8 +83,9 @@
     def register(entity: Session.Entity) { entities += ( -> entity) }
-    var documents = Map[Isar_Document.Document_ID, Document]()
+    var documents = Map[Document.Version_ID, Document]()
     def register_document(doc: Document) { documents += ( -> doc) }
+    register_document(Document.init)
     /* document changes */
@@ -94,22 +94,31 @@
-      val (changes, doc) = change.result.join
-      val id_changes = changes map {
-        case (c1, c2) =>
-          (""),
-           c2 match {
-              case None => None
-              case Some(command) =>
-                if (!lookup_command( {
-                  register(command)
-                  prover.define_command(, system.symbols.encode(command.source))
-                }
-                Some(
-            })
-      }
+      val (node_edits, doc) = change.result.join
+      val id_edits =
+        node_edits map {
+          case (name, None) => (name, None)
+          case (name, Some(cmd_edits)) =>
+            val chs =
+              cmd_edits map {
+                case (c1, c2) =>
+                  val id1 =
+                  val id2 =
+                    c2 match {
+                      case None => None
+                      case Some(command) =>
+                        if (!lookup_command( {
+                          register(command)
+                          prover.define_command(, system.symbols.encode(command.source))
+                        }
+                        Some(
+                    }
+                  (id1, id2)
+              }
+            (name -> Some(chs))
+        }
-      prover.edit_document(,, id_changes)
+      prover.edit_document(,, id_edits)
@@ -229,13 +238,6 @@
             prover = null
-        case Begin_Document(path: String) if prover != null =>
-          val id = create_id()
-          val doc = Document.empty(id)
-          register_document(doc)
-          prover.begin_document(id, path)
-          reply(doc)
         case change: Change if prover != null =>
@@ -304,7 +306,4 @@
   def stop() { session_actor ! Stop }
   def input(change: Change) { session_actor ! change }
-  def begin_document(path: String): Document =
-    (session_actor !? Begin_Document(path)).asInstanceOf[Document]
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit/document_model.scala	Thu Aug 05 13:41:00 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit/document_model.scala	Thu Aug 05 14:35:35 2010 +0200
@@ -71,10 +71,10 @@
   /* history */
-  private val document_0 = session.begin_document(buffer.getName)
+  // FIXME proper error handling
+  val thy_name = Thy_Header.split_thy_path(Isabelle.system.posix_path(buffer.getPath))._2
-  @volatile private var history =  // owned by Swing thread
-    new Change(, None, Nil, Future.value(Nil, document_0))
+  @volatile private var history = Change.init // owned by Swing thread
   def current_change(): Change = history
   def recent_document(): Document = current_change().ancestors.find(_.is_assigned).get.join_document
@@ -86,7 +86,8 @@
     (edits_buffer.toList /:
-      current_change.ancestors.takeWhile( !=, change) => change.edits ::: edits)
+      current_change.ancestors.takeWhile( !=, change) =>
+        (for ((name, eds) <- change.edits if name == thy_name) yield eds).flatten ::: edits)
   def from_current(doc: Document, offset: Int): Int =
@@ -102,7 +103,7 @@
   private val edits_delay = Swing_Thread.delay_last(session.input_delay) {
     if (!edits_buffer.isEmpty) {
-      val new_change = current_change().edit(session, edits_buffer.toList)
+      val new_change = current_change().edit(session, List((thy_name, edits_buffer.toList)))
       history = new_change => session.input(new_change))
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit/document_view.scala	Thu Aug 05 13:41:00 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit/document_view.scala	Thu Aug 05 14:35:35 2010 +0200
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
             // FIXME cover doc states as well!!?
             val document = model.recent_document()
-            if (changed.exists(document.commands.contains))
+            if (changed.exists(document.commands(model.thy_name).contains))
               full_repaint(document, changed)
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
     val buffer = model.buffer
     var visible_change = false
-    for ((command, start) <- document.command_starts) {
+    for ((command, start) <- document.command_starts(model.thy_name)) {
       if (changed(command)) {
         val stop = start + command.length
         val line1 = buffer.getLineOfOffset(model.to_current(document, start))
@@ -154,11 +154,12 @@
         val command_range: Iterable[(Command, Int)] =
-          val range = document.command_range(from_current(start(0)))
+          val range = document.command_range(model.thy_name, from_current(start(0)))
           if (range.hasNext) {
             val (cmd0, start0) =
             new Iterable[(Command, Int)] {
-              def iterator = Document.command_starts(document.commands.iterator(cmd0), start0)
+              def iterator =
+                Document.command_starts(document.commands(model.thy_name).iterator(cmd0), start0)
           else Iterable.empty
@@ -197,7 +198,7 @@
       val document = model.recent_document()
       val offset = model.from_current(document, text_area.xyToOffset(x, y))
-      document.command_at(offset) match {
+      document.command_at(model.thy_name, offset) match {
         case Some((command, command_start)) =>
           document.current_state(command).type_at(offset - command_start) match {
             case Some(text) => Isabelle.tooltip(text)
@@ -212,7 +213,7 @@
   /* caret handling */
   def selected_command(): Option[Command] =
-    model.recent_document().proper_command_at(text_area.getCaretPosition)
+    model.recent_document().proper_command_at(model.thy_name, text_area.getCaretPosition)
   private val caret_listener = new CaretListener {
     private val delay = Swing_Thread.delay_last(session.input_delay) {
@@ -266,7 +267,7 @@
       def to_current(pos: Int) = model.to_current(document, pos)
       val saved_color = gfx.getColor  // FIXME needed!?
       try {
-        for ((command, start) <- document.command_starts if !command.is_ignored) {
+        for ((command, start) <- document.command_starts(model.thy_name) if !command.is_ignored) {
           val line1 = buffer.getLineOfOffset(to_current(start))
           val line2 = buffer.getLineOfOffset(to_current(start + command.length)) + 1
           val y = line_to_y(line1)
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit/isabelle_hyperlinks.scala	Thu Aug 05 13:41:00 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit/isabelle_hyperlinks.scala	Thu Aug 05 14:35:35 2010 +0200
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
       case Some(model) =>
         val document = model.recent_document()
         val offset = model.from_current(document, original_offset)
-        document.command_at(offset) match {
+        document.command_at(model.thy_name, offset) match {
           case Some((command, command_start)) =>
             document.current_state(command).ref_at(offset - command_start) match {
               case Some(ref) =>
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
                   case Command.RefInfo(_, _, Some(id), Some(offset)) =>
                     Isabelle.session.lookup_entity(id) match {
                       case Some(ref_cmd: Command) =>
-                        document.command_start(ref_cmd) match {
+                        document.command_start(model.thy_name, ref_cmd) match {
                           case Some(ref_cmd_start) =>
                             new Internal_Hyperlink(begin, end, line,
                               model.to_current(document, ref_cmd_start + offset - 1))
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit/isabelle_sidekick.scala	Thu Aug 05 13:41:00 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit/isabelle_sidekick.scala	Thu Aug 05 14:35:35 2010 +0200
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
     val root = data.root
     val document = model.recent_document()
     for {
-      (command, command_start) <- document.command_range(0)
+      (command, command_start) <- document.command_range(model.thy_name, 0)
       if command.is_command && !stopped
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
     val root = data.root
     val document = model.recent_document()
-    for ((command, command_start) <- document.command_range(0) if !stopped) {
+    for ((command, command_start) <- document.command_range(model.thy_name, 0) if !stopped) {
       root.add(document.current_state(command).markup_root.swing_tree((node: Markup_Node) =>
             val content = command.source(node.start, node.stop).replace('\n', ' ')
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit/isabelle_token_marker.scala	Thu Aug 05 13:41:00 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit/isabelle_token_marker.scala	Thu Aug 05 14:35:35 2010 +0200
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
     var next_x = start
     for {
-      (command, command_start) <- document.command_range(from(start), from(stop))
+      (command, command_start) <- document.command_range(model.thy_name, from(start), from(stop))
       markup <- document.current_state(command).highlight.flatten
       val abs_start = to(command_start + markup.start)
       val abs_stop = to(command_start + markup.stop)