cleaner fact freshening, which also works in corner cases, e.g. if two backquoted facts have the same name (but have different variable indices)
Thu, 09 Jun 2011 00:16:28 +0200
changeset 43304 6901ebafbb8d
parent 43303 c4ea897a5326
child 43305 8b59c1d87fd6
cleaner fact freshening, which also works in corner cases, e.g. if two backquoted facts have the same name (but have different variable indices)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_reconstruct.ML	Thu Jun 09 00:16:28 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_reconstruct.ML	Thu Jun 09 00:16:28 2011 +0200
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
   type ('a, 'b, 'c) formula = ('a, 'b, 'c) ATP_Problem.formula
   type 'a proof = 'a ATP_Proof.proof
   type locality = ATP_Translate.locality
-  type type_sys = ATP_Translate.type_sys
   datatype reconstructor =
     Metis |
@@ -29,18 +28,18 @@
   type one_line_params =
     play * string * (string * locality) list * minimize_command * int * int
   type isar_params =
-    bool * bool * int * type_sys * string Symtab.table * int list list * int
+    bool * bool * int * string Symtab.table * int list list * int
     * (string * locality) list vector * int Symtab.table * string proof * thm
   val repair_conjecture_shape_and_fact_names :
-    type_sys -> string -> int list list -> int
-    -> (string * locality) list vector -> int list
+    string -> int list list -> int -> (string * locality) list vector
+    -> int list
     -> int list list * int * (string * locality) list vector * int list
   val used_facts_in_atp_proof :
-    Proof.context -> type_sys -> int -> (string * locality) list vector
-    -> string proof -> (string * locality) list
+    Proof.context -> int -> (string * locality) list vector -> string proof
+    -> (string * locality) list
   val used_facts_in_unsound_atp_proof :
-    Proof.context -> type_sys -> int list list -> int
-    -> (string * locality) list vector -> 'a proof -> string list option
+    Proof.context -> int list list -> int -> (string * locality) list vector
+    -> 'a proof -> string list option
   val uses_typed_helpers : int list -> 'a proof -> bool
   val one_line_proof_text : one_line_params -> string
   val make_tvar : string -> typ
@@ -80,7 +79,7 @@
 type one_line_params =
   play * string * (string * locality) list * minimize_command * int * int
 type isar_params =
-  bool * bool * int * type_sys * string Symtab.table * int list list * int
+  bool * bool * int * string Symtab.table * int list list * int
   * (string * locality) list vector * int Symtab.table * string proof * thm
 fun is_head_digit s = Char.isDigit (String.sub (s, 0))
@@ -122,11 +121,9 @@
   #> raw_explode #> filter_out Symbol.is_blank #> parse_clause_formula_relation
   #> fst
-fun maybe_unprefix_fact_number type_sys =
-  polymorphism_of_type_sys type_sys <> Polymorphic
-  ? (space_implode "_" o tl o space_explode "_")
+val unprefix_fact_number = space_implode "_" o tl o space_explode "_"
-fun repair_conjecture_shape_and_fact_names type_sys output conjecture_shape
+fun repair_conjecture_shape_and_fact_names output conjecture_shape
         fact_offset fact_names typed_helpers =
   if String.isSubstring set_ClauseFormulaRelationN output then
@@ -139,7 +136,7 @@
         |> map (fn s => find_index (curry (op =) s) seq + 1)
       fun names_for_number j =
         j |> AList.lookup (op =) name_map |> these
-          |> map_filter (try (unascii_of o maybe_unprefix_fact_number type_sys
+          |> map_filter (try (unascii_of o unprefix_fact_number
                               o unprefix fact_prefix))
           |> map (fn name =>
                      (name, name |> find_first_in_list_vector fact_names |> the)
@@ -158,16 +155,16 @@
 val extract_step_number =
   Int.fromString o perhaps (try (unprefix vampire_step_prefix))
-fun resolve_fact type_sys _ fact_names (_, SOME s) =
+fun resolve_fact _ fact_names (_, SOME s) =
     (case try (unprefix fact_prefix) s of
        SOME s' =>
-       let val s' = s' |> maybe_unprefix_fact_number type_sys |> unascii_of in
+       let val s' = s' |> unprefix_fact_number |> unascii_of in
          case find_first_in_list_vector fact_names s' of
            SOME x => [(s', x)]
          | NONE => []
      | NONE => [])
-  | resolve_fact _ facts_offset fact_names (num, NONE) =
+  | resolve_fact facts_offset fact_names (num, NONE) =
     (case extract_step_number num of
        SOME j =>
        let val j = j - facts_offset in
@@ -178,8 +175,7 @@
      | NONE => [])
-fun is_fact type_sys conjecture_shape =
-  not o null o resolve_fact type_sys 0 conjecture_shape
+fun is_fact conjecture_shape = not o null o resolve_fact 0 conjecture_shape
 fun resolve_conjecture _ (_, SOME s) =
     (case try (unprefix conjecture_prefix) s of
@@ -215,29 +211,29 @@
-fun add_fact _ type_sys facts_offset fact_names (Inference (name, _, [])) =
-    union (op =) (resolve_fact type_sys facts_offset fact_names name)
-  | add_fact ctxt _ _ _ (Inference (_, _, deps)) =
+fun add_fact _ facts_offset fact_names (Inference (name, _, [])) =
+    union (op =) (resolve_fact facts_offset fact_names name)
+  | add_fact ctxt _ _ (Inference (_, _, deps)) =
     if AList.defined (op =) deps leo2_ext then
       insert (op =) (ext_name ctxt, General (* or Chained... *))
-  | add_fact _ _ _ _ _ = I
+  | add_fact _ _ _ _ = I
-fun used_facts_in_atp_proof ctxt type_sys facts_offset fact_names atp_proof =
+fun used_facts_in_atp_proof ctxt facts_offset fact_names atp_proof =
   if null atp_proof then Vector.foldl (uncurry (union (op =))) [] fact_names
-  else fold (add_fact ctxt type_sys facts_offset fact_names) atp_proof []
+  else fold (add_fact ctxt facts_offset fact_names) atp_proof []
 fun is_conjecture_used_in_proof conjecture_shape =
   exists (fn Inference (name, _, []) => is_conjecture conjecture_shape name
            | _ => false)
-fun used_facts_in_unsound_atp_proof _ _ _ _ _ [] = NONE
-  | used_facts_in_unsound_atp_proof ctxt type_sys conjecture_shape facts_offset
+fun used_facts_in_unsound_atp_proof _ _ _ _ [] = NONE
+  | used_facts_in_unsound_atp_proof ctxt conjecture_shape facts_offset
                                     fact_names atp_proof =
       val used_facts =
-        used_facts_in_atp_proof ctxt type_sys facts_offset fact_names atp_proof
+        used_facts_in_atp_proof ctxt facts_offset fact_names atp_proof
       if forall (is_locality_global o snd) used_facts andalso
          not (is_conjecture_used_in_proof conjecture_shape atp_proof) then
@@ -653,12 +649,11 @@
 (* Discard facts; consolidate adjacent lines that prove the same formula, since
    they differ only in type information.*)
-fun add_line _ _ _ (line as Definition _) lines = line :: lines
-  | add_line type_sys conjecture_shape fact_names (Inference (name, t, []))
-             lines =
+fun add_line _ _ (line as Definition _) lines = line :: lines
+  | add_line conjecture_shape fact_names (Inference (name, t, [])) lines =
     (* No dependencies: fact, conjecture, or (for Vampire) internal facts or
        definitions. *)
-    if is_fact type_sys fact_names name then
+    if is_fact fact_names name then
       (* Facts are not proof lines. *)
       if is_only_type_information t then
         map (replace_dependencies_in_line (name, [])) lines
@@ -672,7 +667,7 @@
       Inference (name, s_not t, []) :: lines
       map (replace_dependencies_in_line (name, [])) lines
-  | add_line _ _ _ (Inference (name, t, deps)) lines =
+  | add_line _ _ (Inference (name, t, deps)) lines =
     (* Type information will be deleted later; skip repetition test. *)
     if is_only_type_information t then
       Inference (name, t, deps) :: lines
@@ -700,13 +695,12 @@
 fun is_bad_free frees (Free x) = not (member (op =) frees x)
   | is_bad_free _ _ = false
-fun add_desired_line _ _ _ _ _ (line as Definition (name, _, _)) (j, lines) =
+fun add_desired_line _ _ _ _ (line as Definition (name, _, _)) (j, lines) =
     (j, line :: map (replace_dependencies_in_line (name, [])) lines)
-  | add_desired_line type_sys isar_shrink_factor conjecture_shape fact_names
-                     frees (Inference (name, t, deps)) (j, lines) =
+  | add_desired_line isar_shrink_factor conjecture_shape fact_names frees
+                     (Inference (name, t, deps)) (j, lines) =
     (j + 1,
-     if is_fact type_sys fact_names name orelse
-        is_conjecture conjecture_shape name orelse
+     if is_fact fact_names name orelse is_conjecture conjecture_shape name orelse
         (* the last line must be kept *)
         j = 0 orelse
         (not (is_only_type_information t) andalso
@@ -741,24 +735,22 @@
 fun smart_case_split [] facts = ByMetis facts
   | smart_case_split proofs facts = CaseSplit (proofs, facts)
-fun add_fact_from_dependency type_sys conjecture_shape facts_offset fact_names
-                             name =
-  if is_fact type_sys fact_names name then
-    apsnd (union (op =)
-          (map fst (resolve_fact type_sys facts_offset fact_names name)))
+fun add_fact_from_dependency conjecture_shape facts_offset fact_names name =
+  if is_fact fact_names name then
+    apsnd (union (op =) (map fst (resolve_fact facts_offset fact_names name)))
     apfst (insert (op =) (raw_label_for_name conjecture_shape name))
-fun step_for_line _ _ _ _ _ (Definition (_, t1, t2)) = Let (t1, t2)
-  | step_for_line _ conjecture_shape _ _ _ (Inference (name, t, [])) =
+fun step_for_line _ _ _ _ (Definition (_, t1, t2)) = Let (t1, t2)
+  | step_for_line conjecture_shape _ _ _ (Inference (name, t, [])) =
     Assume (raw_label_for_name conjecture_shape name, t)
-  | step_for_line type_sys conjecture_shape facts_offset
-                  fact_names j (Inference (name, t, deps)) =
+  | step_for_line conjecture_shape facts_offset fact_names j
+                  (Inference (name, t, deps)) =
     Have (if j = 1 then [Show] else [],
           raw_label_for_name conjecture_shape name,
           fold_rev forall_of (map Var (Term.add_vars t [])) t,
-          ByMetis (fold (add_fact_from_dependency type_sys conjecture_shape
-                                                  facts_offset fact_names)
+          ByMetis (fold (add_fact_from_dependency conjecture_shape facts_offset
+                                                  fact_names)
                         deps ([], [])))
 fun repair_name "$true" = "c_True"
@@ -772,9 +764,8 @@
-fun isar_proof_from_atp_proof pool ctxt type_sys isar_shrink_factor
-        conjecture_shape facts_offset fact_names sym_tab params frees
-        atp_proof =
+fun isar_proof_from_atp_proof pool ctxt isar_shrink_factor conjecture_shape
+        facts_offset fact_names sym_tab params frees atp_proof =
     val lines =
@@ -782,15 +773,15 @@
       |> nasty_atp_proof pool
       |> map_term_names_in_atp_proof repair_name
       |> decode_lines ctxt sym_tab
-      |> rpair [] |-> fold_rev (add_line type_sys conjecture_shape fact_names)
+      |> rpair [] |-> fold_rev (add_line conjecture_shape fact_names)
       |> rpair [] |-> fold_rev add_nontrivial_line
       |> rpair (0, [])
-      |-> fold_rev (add_desired_line type_sys isar_shrink_factor
-                                     conjecture_shape fact_names frees)
+      |-> fold_rev (add_desired_line isar_shrink_factor conjecture_shape
+                                     fact_names frees)
       |> snd
     (if null params then [] else [Fix params]) @
-    map2 (step_for_line type_sys conjecture_shape facts_offset fact_names)
+    map2 (step_for_line conjecture_shape facts_offset fact_names)
          (length lines downto 1) lines
@@ -1084,8 +1075,8 @@
   in do_proof end
 fun isar_proof_text ctxt isar_proof_requested
-        (debug, full_types, isar_shrink_factor, type_sys, pool,
-         conjecture_shape, facts_offset, fact_names, sym_tab, atp_proof, goal)
+        (debug, full_types, isar_shrink_factor, pool, conjecture_shape,
+         facts_offset, fact_names, sym_tab, atp_proof, goal)
         (one_line_params as (_, _, _, _, subgoal, subgoal_count)) =
     val isar_shrink_factor =
@@ -1095,7 +1086,7 @@
     val one_line_proof = one_line_proof_text one_line_params
     fun isar_proof_for () =
       case atp_proof
-           |> isar_proof_from_atp_proof pool ctxt type_sys isar_shrink_factor
+           |> isar_proof_from_atp_proof pool ctxt isar_shrink_factor
                   conjecture_shape facts_offset fact_names sym_tab params frees
            |> redirect_proof hyp_ts concl_t
            |> kill_duplicate_assumptions_in_proof
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_translate.ML	Thu Jun 09 00:16:28 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_translate.ML	Thu Jun 09 00:16:28 2011 +0200
@@ -130,7 +130,8 @@
   val type_constrs_of_terms : theory -> term list -> string list
   val prepare_atp_problem :
     Proof.context -> format -> formula_kind -> formula_kind -> type_sys
-    -> bool -> bool -> term list -> term -> ((string * locality) * term) list
+    -> bool -> bool -> bool -> term list -> term
+    -> ((string * locality) * term) list
     -> string problem * string Symtab.table * int * int
        * (string * locality) list vector * int list * int Symtab.table
   val atp_problem_weights : string problem -> (string * real) list
@@ -1547,12 +1548,8 @@
    the remote provers might care. *)
 fun formula_line_for_fact ctxt format prefix encode freshen nonmono_Ts type_sys
                           (j, formula as {name, locality, kind, ...}) =
-  Formula (prefix ^
-           (if freshen andalso
-               polymorphism_of_type_sys type_sys <> Polymorphic then
-              string_of_int j ^ "_"
-            else
-              "") ^ encode name,
+  Formula (prefix ^ (if freshen then string_of_int j ^ "_" else "") ^
+           encode name,
            kind, formula_for_fact ctxt format nonmono_Ts type_sys formula, NONE,
            case locality of
              Intro => intro_info
@@ -1838,7 +1835,7 @@
 val explicit_apply = NONE (* for experimental purposes *)
 fun prepare_atp_problem ctxt format conj_sym_kind prem_kind type_sys
-                        readable_names preproc hyp_ts concl_t facts =
+        freshen_facts readable_names preproc hyp_ts concl_t facts =
     val (format, type_sys) = choose_format [format] type_sys
     val (fact_names, (conjs, facts, class_rel_clauses, arity_clauses)) =
@@ -1877,8 +1874,8 @@
     val problem =
       [(explicit_declsN, sym_decl_lines),
-        map (formula_line_for_fact ctxt format fact_prefix ascii_of true
-                                   nonmono_Ts type_sys)
+        map (formula_line_for_fact ctxt format fact_prefix ascii_of
+                                   freshen_facts nonmono_Ts type_sys)
             (0 upto length facts - 1 ~~ facts)),
        (class_relsN, map formula_line_for_class_rel_clause class_rel_clauses),
        (aritiesN, map formula_line_for_arity_clause arity_clauses),
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Metis/metis_translate.ML	Thu Jun 09 00:16:28 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Metis/metis_translate.ML	Thu Jun 09 00:16:28 2011 +0200
@@ -198,8 +198,8 @@
       tracing ("PROPS:\n" ^ cat_lines (map (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt) props))
     val (atp_problem, _, _, _, _, _, sym_tab) =
-      prepare_atp_problem ctxt CNF Hypothesis Axiom type_sys false false []
-                          @{prop False} props
+      prepare_atp_problem ctxt CNF Hypothesis Axiom type_sys false false false
+                          [] @{prop False} props
     val _ = tracing ("ATP PROBLEM: " ^
                      cat_lines (tptp_lines_for_atp_problem CNF atp_problem))
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_provers.ML	Thu Jun 09 00:16:28 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_provers.ML	Thu Jun 09 00:16:28 2011 +0200
@@ -649,8 +649,8 @@
                 val (atp_problem, pool, conjecture_offset, facts_offset,
                      fact_names, typed_helpers, sym_tab) =
                   prepare_atp_problem ctxt format conj_sym_kind prem_kind
-                      type_sys (Config.get ctxt atp_readable_names) true hyp_ts
-                      concl_t facts
+                      type_sys true (Config.get ctxt atp_readable_names) true
+                      hyp_ts concl_t facts
                 fun weights () = atp_problem_weights atp_problem
                 val core =
                   File.shell_path command ^ " " ^
@@ -685,7 +685,7 @@
                 val (conjecture_shape, facts_offset, fact_names,
                      typed_helpers) =
                   if is_none outcome then
-                    repair_conjecture_shape_and_fact_names type_sys output
+                    repair_conjecture_shape_and_fact_names output
                         conjecture_shape facts_offset fact_names typed_helpers
                     (* don't bother repairing *)
@@ -693,7 +693,7 @@
                 val outcome =
                   case outcome of
                     NONE =>
-                    used_facts_in_unsound_atp_proof ctxt type_sys
+                    used_facts_in_unsound_atp_proof ctxt
                         conjecture_shape facts_offset fact_names atp_proof
                     |> (fn facts =>
                            UnsoundProof (is_type_sys_virtually_sound type_sys,
@@ -704,11 +704,11 @@
                 ((pool, conjecture_shape, facts_offset, fact_names,
                   typed_helpers, sym_tab),
-                 (output, msecs, type_sys, atp_proof, outcome))
+                 (output, msecs, atp_proof, outcome))
             val timer = Timer.startRealTimer ()
             fun maybe_run_slice blacklist slice
-                                (result as (_, (_, msecs0, _, _, SOME _))) =
+                                (result as (_, (_, msecs0, _, SOME _))) =
                   val time_left = Time.- (timeout, Timer.checkRealTimer timer)
@@ -716,18 +716,17 @@
                     (run_slice blacklist slice time_left
-                     |> (fn (stuff, (output, msecs, type_sys, atp_proof,
-                                     outcome)) =>
-                            (stuff, (output, int_opt_add msecs0 msecs, type_sys,
+                     |> (fn (stuff, (output, msecs, atp_proof, outcome)) =>
+                            (stuff, (output, int_opt_add msecs0 msecs,
                                      atp_proof, outcome))))
               | maybe_run_slice _ _ result = result
             fun maybe_blacklist_facts_and_retry iter blacklist
                     (result as ((_, _, facts_offset, fact_names, _, _),
-                                (_, _, type_sys, atp_proof,
+                                (_, _, atp_proof,
                                  SOME (UnsoundProof (false, _))))) =
-                (case used_facts_in_atp_proof ctxt type_sys facts_offset
-                                              fact_names atp_proof of
+                (case used_facts_in_atp_proof ctxt facts_offset fact_names
+                                              atp_proof of
                    [] => result
                  | new_baddies =>
                    if slicing andalso iter < atp_blacklist_max_iters - 1 then
@@ -741,8 +740,7 @@
               | maybe_blacklist_facts_and_retry _ _ result = result
             ((Symtab.empty, [], 0, Vector.fromList [], [], Symtab.empty),
-             ("", SOME 0, hd fallback_best_type_systems, [],
-              SOME InternalError))
+             ("", SOME 0, [], SOME InternalError))
             |> fold (maybe_run_slice []) actual_slices
                (* The ATP found an unsound proof? Automatically try again
                   without the offending facts! *)
@@ -755,14 +753,14 @@
        the proof file too. *)
     fun cleanup prob_file =
       if dest_dir = "" then try File.rm prob_file else NONE
-    fun export prob_file (_, (output, _, _, _, _)) =
+    fun export prob_file (_, (output, _, _, _)) =
       if dest_dir = "" then
         File.write (Path.explode (Path.implode prob_file ^ "_proof")) output
     val ((pool, conjecture_shape, facts_offset, fact_names, typed_helpers,
-         (output, msecs, type_sys, atp_proof, outcome)) =
+         (output, msecs, atp_proof, outcome)) =
       with_path cleanup export run_on problem_path_name
     val important_message =
       if mode = Normal andalso
@@ -775,8 +773,7 @@
         NONE =>
           val used_facts =
-            used_facts_in_atp_proof ctxt type_sys facts_offset fact_names
-                                    atp_proof
+            used_facts_in_atp_proof ctxt facts_offset fact_names atp_proof
            fn () =>
@@ -792,9 +789,9 @@
                 val full_types = uses_typed_helpers typed_helpers atp_proof
                 val isar_params =
-                  (debug, full_types, isar_shrink_factor, type_sys, pool,
-                   conjecture_shape, facts_offset, fact_names, sym_tab, atp_proof,
-                   goal)
+                  (debug, full_types, isar_shrink_factor, pool,
+                   conjecture_shape, facts_offset, fact_names, sym_tab,
+                   atp_proof, goal)
                 val one_line_params =
                   (preplay, proof_banner mode name, used_facts,
                    choose_minimize_command minimize_command name preplay,