--- a/src/Pure/sorts.ML Tue May 02 00:20:37 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/sorts.ML Tue May 02 00:20:38 2006 +0200
@@ -3,6 +3,14 @@
Author: Markus Wenzel and Stefan Berghofer, TU Muenchen
The order-sorted algebra of type classes.
+Classes denote (possibly empty) collections of types that are
+partially ordered by class inclusion. They are represented
+symbolically by strings.
+Sorts are intersections of finitely many classes. They are represented
+by lists of classes. Normal forms of sorts are sorted lists of
+minimal classes (wrt. current class inclusion).
signature SORTS =
@@ -26,37 +34,29 @@
val sorts_le: classes -> sort list * sort list -> bool
val inter_sort: classes -> sort * sort -> sort
val norm_sort: classes -> sort -> sort
- val of_sort: classes * arities -> typ * sort -> bool
- exception DOMAIN of string * class
- val mg_domain: classes * arities -> string -> sort -> sort list (*exception DOMAIN*)
- val witness_sorts: classes * arities -> string list ->
- sort list -> sort list -> (typ * sort) list
val add_arities: Pretty.pp -> classes -> string * (class * sort list) list -> arities -> arities
val rebuild_arities: Pretty.pp -> classes -> arities -> arities
val merge_arities: Pretty.pp -> classes -> arities * arities -> arities
val add_class: Pretty.pp -> class * class list -> classes -> classes
val add_classrel: Pretty.pp -> class * class -> classes -> classes
val merge_classes: Pretty.pp -> classes * classes -> classes
+ exception DOMAIN of string * class
+ val domain_error: Pretty.pp -> string * class -> 'a
+ val mg_domain: classes * arities -> string -> sort -> sort list (*exception DOMAIN*)
+ val of_sort: classes * arities -> typ * sort -> bool
+ val of_sort_derivation: Pretty.pp -> classes * arities ->
+ {classrel: 'a * class -> class -> 'a,
+ constructor: string -> ('a * class) list list -> class -> 'a,
+ variable: typ -> ('a * class) list} -> typ * sort -> 'a list
+ val witness_sorts: classes * arities -> string list ->
+ sort list -> sort list -> (typ * sort) list
structure Sorts: SORTS =
-(** type classes and sorts **)
- Classes denote (possibly empty) collections of types that are
- partially ordered by class inclusion. They are represented
- symbolically by strings.
- Sorts are intersections of finitely many classes. They are
- represented by lists of classes. Normal forms of sorts are sorted
- lists of minimal classes (wrt. current class inclusion).
-(* ordered lists of sorts *)
+(** ordered lists of sorts **)
val eq_set = OrdList.eq_set Term.sort_ord;
val op union = OrdList.union Term.sort_ord;
@@ -82,7 +82,8 @@
| insert_terms (t :: ts) Ss = insert_terms ts (insert_term t Ss);
-(* order-sorted algebra *)
+(** order-sorted algebra **)
classes: graph representing class declarations together with proper
@@ -100,17 +101,14 @@
type arities = (class * (class * sort list)) list Symtab.table;
-(** equality and inclusion **)
-(* classes *)
+(* class relations *)
fun class_eq (_: classes) (c1, c2:class) = c1 = c2;
val class_less: classes -> class * class -> bool = Graph.is_edge;
fun class_le classes (c1, c2) = c1 = c2 orelse class_less classes (c1, c2);
-(* sorts *)
+(* sort relations *)
fun sort_le classes (S1, S2) =
forall (fn c2 => exists (fn c1 => class_le classes (c1, c2)) S1) S2;
@@ -122,18 +120,7 @@
sort_le classes (S1, S2) andalso sort_le classes (S2, S1);
-(* normal forms of sorts *)
-fun minimal_class classes S c =
- not (exists (fn c' => class_less classes (c', c)) S);
-fun norm_sort _ [] = []
- | norm_sort _ (S as [_]) = S
- | norm_sort classes S = sort_distinct string_ord (filter (minimal_class classes S) S);
-(** intersection -- preserving minimality **)
+(* intersection *)
fun inter_class classes c S =
@@ -148,103 +135,17 @@
sort_strings (fold (inter_class classes) S1 S2);
-(** sorts of types **)
-(* mg_domain *)
-exception DOMAIN of string * class;
+(* normal forms *)
-fun mg_domain (classes, arities) a S =
- let
- fun dom c =
- (case AList.lookup (op =) (Symtab.lookup_list arities a) c of
- NONE => raise DOMAIN (a, c)
- | SOME (_, Ss) => Ss);
- fun dom_inter c Ss = ListPair.map (inter_sort classes) (dom c, Ss);
- in
- (case S of
- [] => sys_error "mg_domain" (*don't know number of args!*)
- | c :: cs => fold dom_inter cs (dom c))
- end;
-(* of_sort *)
-fun of_sort (classes, arities) =
- let
- fun ofS (_, []) = true
- | ofS (TFree (_, S), S') = sort_le classes (S, S')
- | ofS (TVar (_, S), S') = sort_le classes (S, S')
- | ofS (Type (a, Ts), S) =
- let val Ss = mg_domain (classes, arities) a S in
- ListPair.all ofS (Ts, Ss)
- end handle DOMAIN _ => false;
- in ofS end;
+fun norm_sort _ [] = []
+ | norm_sort _ (S as [_]) = S
+ | norm_sort classes S =
+ filter (fn c => not (exists (fn c' => class_less classes (c', c)) S)) S
+ |> sort_distinct string_ord;
-(** witness_sorts **)
-fun witness_aux (classes, arities) log_types hyps sorts =
- let
- val top_witn = (propT, []);
- fun le S1 S2 = sort_le classes (S1, S2);
- fun get_solved S2 (T, S1) = if le S1 S2 then SOME (T, S2) else NONE;
- fun get_hyp S2 S1 = if le S1 S2 then SOME (TFree ("'hyp", S1), S2) else NONE;
- fun mg_dom t S = SOME (mg_domain (classes, arities) t S) handle DOMAIN _ => NONE;
- fun witn_sort _ (solved_failed, []) = (solved_failed, SOME top_witn)
- | witn_sort path ((solved, failed), S) =
- if exists (le S) failed then ((solved, failed), NONE)
- else
- (case get_first (get_solved S) solved of
- SOME w => ((solved, failed), SOME w)
- | NONE =>
- (case get_first (get_hyp S) hyps of
- SOME w => ((w :: solved, failed), SOME w)
- | NONE => witn_types path log_types ((solved, failed), S)))
- and witn_sorts path x = foldl_map (witn_sort path) x
- and witn_types _ [] ((solved, failed), S) = ((solved, S :: failed), NONE)
- | witn_types path (t :: ts) (solved_failed, S) =
- (case mg_dom t S of
- SOME SS =>
- (*do not descend into stronger args (achieving termination)*)
- if exists (fn D => le D S orelse exists (le D) path) SS then
- witn_types path ts (solved_failed, S)
- else
- let val ((solved', failed'), ws) = witn_sorts (S :: path) (solved_failed, SS) in
- if forall is_some ws then
- let val w = (Type (t, map (#1 o the) ws), S)
- in ((w :: solved', failed'), SOME w) end
- else witn_types path ts ((solved', failed'), S)
- end
- | NONE => witn_types path ts (solved_failed, S));
- in witn_sorts [] (([], []), sorts) end;
-fun str_of_sort [c] = c
- | str_of_sort cs = enclose "{" "}" (commas cs);
-fun witness_sorts (classes, arities) log_types hyps sorts =
- let
- fun double_check_result NONE = NONE
- | double_check_result (SOME (T, S)) =
- if of_sort (classes, arities) (T, S) then SOME (T, S)
- else sys_error ("Sorts.witness_sorts: bad witness for sort " ^ str_of_sort S);
- in map_filter double_check_result (#2 (witness_aux (classes, arities) log_types hyps sorts)) end;
-(** build sort algebras **)
+(** build algebras **)
(* classes *)
@@ -326,8 +227,8 @@
|> fold_rev (fold_rev (insert pp classes t)) (map (complete classes) ars)
in Symtab.update (t, ars') arities end;
-fun add_arities_table pp classes = Symtab.fold (fn (t, ars) =>
- add_arities pp classes (t, map (apsnd (map (norm_sort classes)) o snd) ars));
+fun add_arities_table pp classes =
+ Symtab.fold (fn (t, ars) => add_arities pp classes (t, map snd ars));
fun rebuild_arities pp classes arities =
@@ -340,4 +241,129 @@
+(** sorts of types **)
+(* mg_domain *)
+exception DOMAIN of string * class;
+fun domain_error pp (a, c) =
+ error ("No way to get " ^ Pretty.string_of_arity pp (a, [], [c]));
+fun mg_domain (classes, arities) a S =
+ let
+ fun dom c =
+ (case AList.lookup (op =) (Symtab.lookup_list arities a) c of
+ NONE => raise DOMAIN (a, c)
+ | SOME (_, Ss) => Ss);
+ fun dom_inter c Ss = ListPair.map (inter_sort classes) (dom c, Ss);
+ in
+ (case S of
+ [] => raise Fail "Unknown domain of empty intersection"
+ | c :: cs => fold dom_inter cs (dom c))
+ end;
+(* of_sort *)
+fun of_sort (classes, arities) =
+ let
+ fun ofS (_, []) = true
+ | ofS (TFree (_, S), S') = sort_le classes (S, S')
+ | ofS (TVar (_, S), S') = sort_le classes (S, S')
+ | ofS (Type (a, Ts), S) =
+ let val Ss = mg_domain (classes, arities) a S in
+ ListPair.all ofS (Ts, Ss)
+ end handle DOMAIN _ => false;
+ in ofS end;
+(* of_sort_derivation *)
+fun of_sort_derivation pp (classes, arities) {classrel, constructor, variable} =
+ let
+ fun weaken (x, c1) c2 = if c1 = c2 then x else classrel (x, c1) c2;
+ fun weakens S1 S2 = S2 |> map (fn c2 =>
+ (case S1 |> find_first (fn (_, c1) => class_le classes (c1, c2)) of
+ SOME d1 => weaken d1 c2
+ | NONE => error ("Cannot derive subsort relation " ^
+ Pretty.string_of_sort pp (map #2 S1) ^ " < " ^ Pretty.string_of_sort pp S2)));
+ fun derive _ [] = []
+ | derive (Type (a, Ts)) S =
+ let
+ val Ss = mg_domain (classes, arities) a S
+ handle DOMAIN d => domain_error pp d;
+ val dom = map2 (fn T => fn S => derive T S ~~ S) Ts Ss;
+ in
+ S |> map (fn c =>
+ let
+ val (c0, Ss') = the (AList.lookup (op =) (Symtab.lookup_list arities a) c);
+ val dom' = map2 (fn d => fn S' => weakens d S' ~~ S') dom Ss';
+ in weaken (constructor a dom' c0, c0) c end)
+ end
+ | derive T S = weakens (variable T) S;
+ in uncurry derive end;
+(* witness_sorts *)
+fun witness_aux (classes, arities) log_types hyps sorts =
+ let
+ val top_witn = (propT, []);
+ fun le S1 S2 = sort_le classes (S1, S2);
+ fun get_solved S2 (T, S1) = if le S1 S2 then SOME (T, S2) else NONE;
+ fun get_hyp S2 S1 = if le S1 S2 then SOME (TFree ("'hyp", S1), S2) else NONE;
+ fun mg_dom t S = SOME (mg_domain (classes, arities) t S) handle DOMAIN _ => NONE;
+ fun witn_sort _ (solved_failed, []) = (solved_failed, SOME top_witn)
+ | witn_sort path ((solved, failed), S) =
+ if exists (le S) failed then ((solved, failed), NONE)
+ else
+ (case get_first (get_solved S) solved of
+ SOME w => ((solved, failed), SOME w)
+ | NONE =>
+ (case get_first (get_hyp S) hyps of
+ SOME w => ((w :: solved, failed), SOME w)
+ | NONE => witn_types path log_types ((solved, failed), S)))
+ and witn_sorts path x = foldl_map (witn_sort path) x
+ and witn_types _ [] ((solved, failed), S) = ((solved, S :: failed), NONE)
+ | witn_types path (t :: ts) (solved_failed, S) =
+ (case mg_dom t S of
+ SOME SS =>
+ (*do not descend into stronger args (achieving termination)*)
+ if exists (fn D => le D S orelse exists (le D) path) SS then
+ witn_types path ts (solved_failed, S)
+ else
+ let val ((solved', failed'), ws) = witn_sorts (S :: path) (solved_failed, SS) in
+ if forall is_some ws then
+ let val w = (Type (t, map (#1 o the) ws), S)
+ in ((w :: solved', failed'), SOME w) end
+ else witn_types path ts ((solved', failed'), S)
+ end
+ | NONE => witn_types path ts (solved_failed, S));
+ in witn_sorts [] (([], []), sorts) end;
+fun str_of_sort [c] = c
+ | str_of_sort cs = enclose "{" "}" (commas cs);
+fun witness_sorts (classes, arities) log_types hyps sorts =
+ let
+ fun double_check_result NONE = NONE
+ | double_check_result (SOME (T, S)) =
+ if of_sort (classes, arities) (T, S) then SOME (T, S)
+ else sys_error ("Sorts.witness_sorts: bad witness for sort " ^ str_of_sort S);
+ in map_filter double_check_result (#2 (witness_aux (classes, arities) log_types hyps sorts)) end;