--- a/src/Pure/drule.ML Wed Aug 02 22:26:51 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/drule.ML Wed Aug 02 22:26:52 2006 +0200
@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@
val strip_type: ctyp -> ctyp list * ctyp
val beta_conv: cterm -> cterm -> cterm
val plain_prop_of: thm -> term
+ val fold_terms: (term -> 'a -> 'a) -> thm -> 'a -> 'a
val add_used: thm -> string list -> string list
val flexflex_unique: thm -> thm
val close_derivation: thm -> thm
@@ -114,6 +115,7 @@
val norm_hhf_eq: thm
val is_norm_hhf: term -> bool
val norm_hhf: theory -> term -> term
+ val norm_hhf_cterm: cterm -> cterm
val unvarify: thm -> thm
val protect: cterm -> cterm
val protectI: thm
@@ -123,16 +125,8 @@
val termI: thm
val mk_term: cterm -> thm
val dest_term: thm -> cterm
- val freeze_all: thm -> thm
- val tvars_of_terms: term list -> (indexname * sort) list
- val vars_of_terms: term list -> (indexname * typ) list
- val tvars_of: thm -> (indexname * sort) list
- val vars_of: thm -> (indexname * typ) list
- val tfrees_of: thm -> (string * sort) list
- val frees_of: thm -> (string * typ) list
val sort_triv: theory -> typ * sort -> thm list
val unconstrainTs: thm -> thm
- val fold_terms: (term -> 'a -> 'a) -> thm -> 'a -> 'a
val rename_bvars: (string * string) list -> thm -> thm
val rename_bvars': string option list -> thm -> thm
val incr_indexes: thm -> thm -> thm
@@ -238,6 +232,10 @@
else prop
+fun fold_terms f th =
+ let val {tpairs, prop, hyps, ...} = Thm.rep_thm th
+ in fold (fn (t, u) => f t #> f u) tpairs #> f prop #> fold f hyps end;
(** reading of instantiations **)
@@ -308,20 +306,6 @@
(** Standardization of rules **)
-(*vars in left-to-right order*)
-fun tvars_of_terms ts = rev (fold Term.add_tvars ts []);
-fun vars_of_terms ts = rev (fold Term.add_vars ts []);
-fun tvars_of thm = tvars_of_terms [Thm.full_prop_of thm];
-fun vars_of thm = vars_of_terms [Thm.full_prop_of thm];
-fun fold_terms f th =
- let val {hyps, tpairs, prop, ...} = Thm.rep_thm th
- in f prop #> fold (fn (t, u) => f t #> f u) tpairs #> fold f hyps end;
-fun tfrees_of th = rev (fold_terms Term.add_tfrees th []);
-fun frees_of th = rev (fold_terms Term.add_frees th []);
(* type classes and sorts *)
fun sort_triv thy (T, S) =
@@ -334,7 +318,8 @@
in map class_triv S end;
fun unconstrainTs th =
- fold_rev (Thm.unconstrainT o Thm.ctyp_of (Thm.theory_of_thm th) o TVar) (tvars_of th) th;
+ fold (Thm.unconstrainT o Thm.ctyp_of (Thm.theory_of_thm th) o TVar)
+ (fold_terms Term.add_tvars th []) th;
fun strip_shyps_warning thm =
@@ -361,8 +346,8 @@
(*Generalization over Vars -- canonical order*)
fun forall_intr_vars th =
- let val cert = Thm.cterm_of (Thm.theory_of_thm th)
- in forall_intr_list (map (cert o Var) (vars_of th)) th end;
+ fold forall_intr
+ (map (Thm.cterm_of (Thm.theory_of_thm th) o Var) (fold_terms Term.add_vars th [])) th;
val forall_elim_var = PureThy.forall_elim_var;
val forall_elim_vars = PureThy.forall_elim_vars;
@@ -389,7 +374,7 @@
val ps = outer_params (Thm.term_of goal)
|> map (fn (x, T) => Var ((x, maxidx + 1), Logic.incr_tvar (maxidx + 1) T));
val Ts = map Term.fastype_of ps;
- val inst = vars_of th |> map (fn (xi, T) =>
+ val inst = fold_terms Term.add_vars th [] |> map (fn (xi, T) =>
(cert (Var (xi, T)), cert (Term.list_comb (Var (xi, Ts ---> T), ps))));
th |> Thm.instantiate ([], inst)
@@ -864,6 +849,10 @@
if is_norm_hhf t then t
else Pattern.rewrite_term thy [norm_hhf_prop] [] t;
+fun norm_hhf_cterm ct =
+ if is_norm_hhf (Thm.term_of ct) then ct
+ else cterm_fun (Pattern.rewrite_term (Thm.theory_of_cterm ct) [norm_hhf_prop] []) ct;
(*** Instantiate theorem th, reading instantiations in theory thy ****)
@@ -877,7 +866,7 @@
in instantiate (read_insts thy ts ts used sinsts) th end;
fun read_instantiate_sg thy sinsts th =
- read_instantiate_sg' thy (map (apfst Syntax.indexname) sinsts) th;
+ read_instantiate_sg' thy (map (apfst Syntax.read_indexname) sinsts) th;
(*Instantiate theorem th, reading instantiations under theory of th*)
fun read_instantiate sinsts th =
@@ -999,19 +988,20 @@
(Thm.ctyp_of (Thm.theory_of_ctyp cT) (TVar v), cT)
handle TYPE (msg, _, _) => err msg;
- fun zip_vars _ [] = []
- | zip_vars (_ :: vs) (NONE :: opt_ts) = zip_vars vs opt_ts
- | zip_vars (v :: vs) (SOME t :: opt_ts) = (v, t) :: zip_vars vs opt_ts
- | zip_vars [] _ = err "more instantiations than variables in thm";
+ fun zip_vars xs ys =
+ zip_options xs ys handle Library.UnequalLengths =>
+ err "more instantiations than variables in thm";
(*instantiate types first!*)
val thm' =
if forall is_none cTs then thm
- else Thm.instantiate (map tyinst_of (zip_vars (tvars_of thm) cTs), []) thm;
- in
+ else Thm.instantiate
+ (map tyinst_of (zip_vars (rev (fold_terms Term.add_tvars thm [])) cTs), []) thm;
+ val thm'' =
if forall is_none cts then thm'
- else Thm.instantiate ([], map inst_of (zip_vars (vars_of thm') cts)) thm'
- end;
+ else Thm.instantiate
+ ([], map inst_of (zip_vars (rev (fold_terms Term.add_vars thm' [])) cts)) thm';
+ in thm'' end;
@@ -1059,27 +1049,6 @@
Thm.incr_indexes (Int.max (Thm.maxidx_of th1, Thm.maxidx_of th2) + 1);
-(* freeze_all *)
-(*freeze all (T)Vars; assumes thm in standard form*)
-fun freeze_all_TVars thm =
- (case tvars_of thm of
- [] => thm
- | tvars =>
- let val cert = Thm.ctyp_of (Thm.theory_of_thm thm)
- in instantiate' (map (fn ((x, _), S) => SOME (cert (TFree (x, S)))) tvars) [] thm end);
-fun freeze_all_Vars thm =
- (case vars_of thm of
- [] => thm
- | vars =>
- let val cert = Thm.cterm_of (Thm.theory_of_thm thm)
- in instantiate' [] (map (fn ((x, _), T) => SOME (cert (Free (x, T)))) vars) thm end);
-val freeze_all = freeze_all_Vars o freeze_all_TVars;
(** multi_resolve **)