more abstract treatment of interrupts in structure Exn -- hardly ever need to mention Interrupt literally;
Thu, 09 Sep 2010 17:20:27 +0200
changeset 39232 69c6d3e87660
parent 39231 25c345302a17
child 39233 9a0c67d4517a
more abstract treatment of interrupts in structure Exn -- hardly ever need to mention Interrupt literally;
--- a/src/HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle.ML	Thu Sep 09 11:05:52 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle.ML	Thu Sep 09 17:20:27 2010 +0200
@@ -73,12 +73,12 @@
 fun log_exn log tag id e = log (tag id ^ "exception:\n" ^ General.exnMessage e)
 fun catch tag f id (st as {log, ...}: run_args) = (f id st; ())
-  handle (exn as Exn.Interrupt) => reraise exn
-       | exn => (log_exn log tag id exn; ())
+  handle exn =>
+    if Exn.is_interrupt exn then reraise exn else (log_exn log tag id exn; ())
 fun catch_result tag d f id (st as {log, ...}: run_args) = f id st
-  handle (exn as Exn.Interrupt) => reraise exn
-       | exn => (log_exn log tag id exn; d)
+  handle exn =>
+    if Exn.is_interrupt exn then reraise exn else (log_exn log tag id exn; d)
 fun register (init, run, done) thy =
   let val id = length (Actions.get thy) + 1
--- a/src/Pure/Concurrent/future.ML	Thu Sep 09 11:05:52 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Concurrent/future.ML	Thu Sep 09 17:20:27 2010 +0200
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
     val _ = Single_Assignment.assign result res
       handle exn as Fail _ =>
         (case Single_Assignment.peek result of
-          SOME (Exn.Exn Exn.Interrupt) => raise Exn.Interrupt
+          SOME (Exn.Exn e) => reraise (if Exn.is_interrupt e then e else exn)
         | _ => reraise exn);
     val ok =
       (case the (Single_Assignment.peek result) of
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
             Exn.capture (fn () =>
               Multithreading.with_attributes Multithreading.private_interrupts
                 (fn _ => Position.setmp_thread_data pos e ())) ()
-          else Exn.Exn Exn.Interrupt;
+          else Exn.interrupt_exn;
       in assign_result group result res end;
   in (result, job) end;
@@ -359,10 +359,12 @@
     val _ = broadcast scheduler_event;
   in continue end
-  handle Exn.Interrupt =>
-   (Multithreading.tracing 1 (fn () => "Interrupt");
- cancel_later (Task_Queue.cancel_all (! queue));
-    broadcast_work (); true);
+  handle exn =>
+    if Exn.is_interrupt exn then
+     (Multithreading.tracing 1 (fn () => "Interrupt");
+ cancel_later (Task_Queue.cancel_all (! queue));
+      broadcast_work (); true)
+    else reraise exn;
 fun scheduler_loop () =
@@ -415,11 +417,12 @@
 fun get_result x =
   (case peek x of
     NONE => Exn.Exn (Fail "Unfinished future")
-  | SOME (exn as Exn.Exn Exn.Interrupt) =>
-      (case Exn.flatten_list (Task_Queue.group_status (group_of x)) of
-        [] => exn
-      | exns => Exn.Exn (Exn.EXCEPTIONS exns))
-  | SOME res => res);
+  | SOME res =>
+      if Exn.is_interrupt_exn res then
+        (case Exn.flatten_list (Task_Queue.group_status (group_of x)) of
+          [] => res
+        | exns => Exn.Exn (Exn.EXCEPTIONS exns))
+      else res);
 fun join_next deps = (*requires SYNCHRONIZED*)
   if null deps then NONE
@@ -486,7 +489,7 @@
 fun promise_group group : 'a future =
     val result = Single_Assignment.var "promise" : 'a result;
-    fun abort () = assign_result group result (Exn.Exn Exn.Interrupt) handle Fail _ => true;
+    fun abort () = assign_result group result Exn.interrupt_exn handle Fail _ => true;
     val task = SYNCHRONIZED "enqueue_passive" (fn () =>
       Unsynchronized.change_result queue (Task_Queue.enqueue_passive group abort));
   in Future {promised = true, task = task, group = group, result = result} end;
@@ -496,7 +499,7 @@
 fun fulfill_result (Future {promised, task, group, result}) res =
     val _ = promised orelse raise Fail "Not a promised future";
-    fun job ok = assign_result group result (if ok then res else Exn.Exn Exn.Interrupt);
+    fun job ok = assign_result group result (if ok then res else Exn.interrupt_exn);
     val _ = execute (task, group, [job]);
   in () end;
--- a/src/Pure/Concurrent/lazy.ML	Thu Sep 09 11:05:52 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Concurrent/lazy.ML	Thu Sep 09 17:20:27 2010 +0200
@@ -60,9 +60,9 @@
                 (*semantic race: some other threads might see the same
                   Interrupt, until there is a fresh start*)
                 val _ =
-                  (case res of
-                    Exn.Exn Exn.Interrupt => Synchronized.change var (fn _ => Expr e)
-                  | _ => ());
+                  if Exn.is_interrupt_exn res then
+                    Synchronized.change var (fn _ => Expr e)
+                  else ();
               in res end
           | NONE => restore_interrupts (fn () => Future.join_result x) ())
         end) ());
--- a/src/Pure/Concurrent/lazy_sequential.ML	Thu Sep 09 11:05:52 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Concurrent/lazy_sequential.ML	Thu Sep 09 17:20:27 2010 +0200
@@ -34,10 +34,7 @@
       (case ! r of
         Expr e => Exn.capture e ()
       | Result res => res);
-    val _ =
-      (case result of
-        Exn.Exn Exn.Interrupt => ()
-      | _ => r := Result result);
+    val _ = if Exn.is_interrupt_exn result then () else r := Result result;
   in result end;
 fun force r = Exn.release (force_result r);
--- a/src/Pure/Concurrent/simple_thread.ML	Thu Sep 09 11:05:52 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Concurrent/simple_thread.ML	Thu Sep 09 17:20:27 2010 +0200
@@ -19,7 +19,9 @@
   if interrupts then Multithreading.public_interrupts else Multithreading.no_interrupts;
 fun fork interrupts body =
-  Thread.fork (fn () => exception_trace (fn () => body () handle Exn.Interrupt => ()),
+  Thread.fork (fn () =>
+    exception_trace (fn () =>
+      body () handle exn => if Exn.is_interrupt exn then () else reraise exn),
     attributes interrupts);
 fun interrupt thread = Thread.interrupt thread handle Thread _ => ();
--- a/src/Pure/Concurrent/task_queue.ML	Thu Sep 09 11:05:52 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Concurrent/task_queue.ML	Thu Sep 09 17:20:27 2010 +0200
@@ -80,9 +80,8 @@
 fun cancel_group (Group {status, ...}) exn =
   Synchronized.change status
     (fn exns =>
-      (case exn of
-        Exn.Interrupt => if null exns then [exn] else exns
-      | _ => exn :: exns));
+      if not (Exn.is_interrupt exn) orelse null exns then exn :: exns
+      else exns);
 fun is_canceled (Group {parent, status, ...}) =
   not (null (Synchronized.value status)) orelse
--- a/src/Pure/General/basics.ML	Thu Sep 09 11:05:52 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/General/basics.ML	Thu Sep 09 17:20:27 2010 +0200
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
 (* partiality *)
 fun try f x = SOME (f x)
-  handle (exn as Exn.Interrupt) => reraise exn | _ => NONE;
+  handle exn => if Exn.is_interrupt exn then reraise exn else NONE;
 fun can f x = is_some (try f x);
--- a/src/Pure/General/exn.ML	Thu Sep 09 11:05:52 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/General/exn.ML	Thu Sep 09 17:20:27 2010 +0200
@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
   val capture: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b result
   val release: 'a result -> 'a
   exception Interrupt
+  val interrupt: unit -> 'a
+  val is_interrupt: exn -> bool
+  val interrupt_exn: 'a result
+  val is_interrupt_exn: 'a result -> bool
   exception EXCEPTIONS of exn list
   val flatten: exn -> exn list
   val flatten_list: exn list -> exn list
@@ -40,14 +44,27 @@
   | release (Exn e) = reraise e;
-(* interrupt and nested exceptions *)
+(* interrupts *)
 exception Interrupt = Interrupt;
+fun interrupt () = raise Interrupt;
+fun is_interrupt Interrupt = true
+  | is_interrupt _ = false;
+val interrupt_exn = Exn Interrupt;
+fun is_interrupt_exn (Exn exn) = is_interrupt exn
+  | is_interrupt_exn _ = false;
+(* nested exceptions *)
 exception EXCEPTIONS of exn list;
-fun flatten Interrupt = []
-  | flatten (EXCEPTIONS exns) = flatten_list exns
-  | flatten exn = [exn]
+fun flatten (EXCEPTIONS exns) = flatten_list exns
+  | flatten exn = if is_interrupt exn then [] else [exn]
 and flatten_list exns = List.concat (map flatten exns);
 fun release_all results =
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/proof.ML	Thu Sep 09 11:05:52 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/proof.ML	Thu Sep 09 17:20:27 2010 +0200
@@ -990,8 +990,9 @@
       (case test_proof goal_state of
         Exn.Result (SOME _) => goal_state
       | Exn.Result NONE => error (fail_msg (context_of goal_state))
-      | Exn.Exn Exn.Interrupt => raise Exn.Interrupt
-      | Exn.Exn exn => raise Exn.EXCEPTIONS ([exn, ERROR (fail_msg (context_of goal_state))])))
+      | Exn.Exn exn =>
+          if Exn.is_interrupt exn then reraise exn
+          else raise Exn.EXCEPTIONS ([exn, ERROR (fail_msg (context_of goal_state))])))
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/runtime.ML	Thu Sep 09 11:05:52 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/runtime.ML	Thu Sep 09 17:20:27 2010 +0200
@@ -54,30 +54,38 @@
     val detailed = ! Output.debugging;
-    fun exn_msgs _ (CONTEXT (ctxt, exn)) = exn_msgs (SOME ctxt) exn
-      | exn_msgs ctxt (Exn.EXCEPTIONS exns) = maps (exn_msgs ctxt) exns
-      | exn_msgs ctxt (EXCURSION_FAIL (exn, loc)) =
-          map (fn msg => msg ^ Markup.markup Markup.location ("\n" ^ loc)) (exn_msgs ctxt exn)
-      | exn_msgs _ TERMINATE = ["Exit"]
-      | exn_msgs _ Exn.Interrupt = []
-      | exn_msgs _ TimeLimit.TimeOut = ["Timeout"]
-      | exn_msgs _ TOPLEVEL_ERROR = ["Error"]
-      | exn_msgs _ (SYS_ERROR msg) = ["## SYSTEM ERROR ##\n" ^ msg]
-      | exn_msgs _ (ERROR msg) = [msg]
-      | exn_msgs _ (exn as Fail msg) = [raised exn "Fail" [msg]]
-      | exn_msgs _ (exn as THEORY (msg, thys)) =
-          [raised exn "THEORY" (msg :: (if detailed then map Context.str_of_thy thys else []))]
-      | exn_msgs _ (exn as Syntax.AST (msg, asts)) = [raised exn "AST" (msg ::
-            (if detailed then map (Pretty.string_of o Syntax.pretty_ast) asts else []))]
-      | exn_msgs ctxt (exn as TYPE (msg, Ts, ts)) = [raised exn "TYPE" (msg ::
-            (if detailed then
-              if_context ctxt Syntax.string_of_typ Ts @ if_context ctxt Syntax.string_of_term ts
-             else []))]
-      | exn_msgs ctxt (exn as TERM (msg, ts)) = [raised exn "TERM" (msg ::
-            (if detailed then if_context ctxt Syntax.string_of_term ts else []))]
-      | exn_msgs ctxt (exn as THM (msg, i, thms)) = [raised exn ("THM " ^ string_of_int i) (msg ::
-            (if detailed then if_context ctxt Display.string_of_thm thms else []))]
-      | exn_msgs _ exn = [raised exn (General.exnMessage exn) []];
+    fun exn_msgs context exn =
+      if Exn.is_interrupt exn then []
+      else
+        (case exn of
+          Exn.EXCEPTIONS exns => maps (exn_msgs context) exns
+        | CONTEXT (ctxt, exn) => exn_msgs (SOME ctxt) exn
+        | EXCURSION_FAIL (exn, loc) =>
+            map (fn msg => msg ^ Markup.markup Markup.location ("\n" ^ loc)) (exn_msgs context exn)
+        | TERMINATE => ["Exit"]
+        | TimeLimit.TimeOut => ["Timeout"]
+        | TOPLEVEL_ERROR => ["Error"]
+        | SYS_ERROR msg => ["## SYSTEM ERROR ##\n" ^ msg]
+        | ERROR msg => [msg]
+        | Fail msg => [raised exn "Fail" [msg]]
+        | THEORY (msg, thys) =>
+            [raised exn "THEORY" (msg :: (if detailed then map Context.str_of_thy thys else []))]
+        | Syntax.AST (msg, asts) =>
+            [raised exn "AST" (msg ::
+              (if detailed then map (Pretty.string_of o Syntax.pretty_ast) asts else []))]
+        | TYPE (msg, Ts, ts) =>
+            [raised exn "TYPE" (msg ::
+              (if detailed then
+                if_context context Syntax.string_of_typ Ts @
+                if_context context Syntax.string_of_term ts
+               else []))]
+        | TERM (msg, ts) =>
+            [raised exn "TERM" (msg ::
+              (if detailed then if_context context Syntax.string_of_term ts else []))]
+        | THM (msg, i, thms) =>
+            [raised exn ("THM " ^ string_of_int i) (msg ::
+              (if detailed then if_context context Display.string_of_thm thms else []))]
+        | _ => [raised exn (General.exnMessage exn) []]);
   in exn_msgs NONE e end;
 fun exn_message exn_position exn =
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/toplevel.ML	Thu Sep 09 11:05:52 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/toplevel.ML	Thu Sep 09 17:20:27 2010 +0200
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@
 fun thread interrupts body =
-    (((fn () => body () handle Exn.Interrupt => ())
+    (((fn () => body () handle exn => if Exn.is_interrupt exn then () else reraise exn)
         |> Runtime.debugging
         |> Runtime.toplevel_error
           (fn exn => priority ("## INTERNAL ERROR ##\n" ^ ML_Compiler.exn_message exn))),
--- a/src/Pure/ML-Systems/multithreading_polyml.ML	Thu Sep 09 11:05:52 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ML-Systems/multithreading_polyml.ML	Thu Sep 09 17:20:27 2010 +0200
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
       (OS.Process.sleep time; timeout := true; Thread.interrupt worker), []);
     val result = Exn.capture (restore_attributes f) x;
-    val was_timeout = (case result of Exn.Exn Exn.Interrupt => ! timeout | _ => false);
+    val was_timeout = Exn.is_interrupt_exn result andalso ! timeout;
     val _ = Thread.interrupt watchdog handle Thread _ => ();
   in if was_timeout then raise TimeOut else Exn.release result end) ();
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@
         let val res =
           sync_wait (SOME orig_atts)
             (SOME (Time.+ ( (), Time.fromMilliseconds 100))) cond lock
-        in case res of Exn.Exn Exn.Interrupt => kill 10 | _ => () end;
+        in if Exn.is_interrupt_exn res then kill 10 else () end;
     val output = read_file output_name handle IO.Io _ => "";
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@
     val _ = OS.FileSys.remove pid_name handle OS.SysErr _ => ();
     val _ = OS.FileSys.remove output_name handle OS.SysErr _ => ();
     val _ = Thread.interrupt system_thread handle Thread _ => ();
-    val rc = (case ! result of Signal => raise Exn.Interrupt | Result rc => rc);
+    val rc = (case ! result of Signal => Exn.interrupt () | Result rc => rc);
   in (output, rc) end);
--- a/src/Pure/ML-Systems/smlnj.ML	Thu Sep 09 11:05:52 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ML-Systems/smlnj.ML	Thu Sep 09 17:20:27 2010 +0200
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
 fun interruptible (f: 'a -> 'b) x =
-    val result = ref (Exn.Exn Interrupt: 'b Exn.result);
+    val result = ref (Exn.interrupt_exn: 'b Exn.result);
     val old_handler = Signals.inqHandler Signals.sigINT;
     SMLofNJ.Cont.callcc (fn cont =>
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
   open TextIO;
   fun inputLine is = TextIO.inputLine is
-    handle IO.Io _ => raise Interrupt;
+    handle IO.Io _ => Exn.interrupt ();
--- a/src/Pure/ML/ml_compiler_polyml-5.3.ML	Thu Sep 09 11:05:52 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ML/ml_compiler_polyml-5.3.ML	Thu Sep 09 17:20:27 2010 +0200
@@ -186,17 +186,18 @@
     val _ =
       (while not (List.null (! input_buffer)) do
         PolyML.compiler (get, parameters) ())
-      handle exn as Exn.Interrupt => reraise exn
-        | exn =>
-            let
-              val exn_msg =
-                (case exn of
-                  STATIC_ERRORS () => ""
-                | Runtime.TOPLEVEL_ERROR => ""
-                | _ => "Exception- " ^ General.exnMessage exn ^ " raised");
-              val _ = output_warnings ();
-              val _ = output_writeln ();
-            in raise_error exn_msg end;
+      handle exn =>
+        if Exn.is_interrupt exn then reraise exn
+        else
+          let
+            val exn_msg =
+              (case exn of
+                STATIC_ERRORS () => ""
+              | Runtime.TOPLEVEL_ERROR => ""
+              | _ => "Exception- " ^ General.exnMessage exn ^ " raised");
+            val _ = output_warnings ();
+            val _ = output_writeln ();
+          in raise_error exn_msg end;
     if verbose then (output_warnings (); flush_error (); output_writeln ())
     else ()
--- a/src/Pure/PIDE/document.ML	Thu Sep 09 11:05:52 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/document.ML	Thu Sep 09 17:20:27 2010 +0200
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
             SOME (st', NONE) => ([], SOME st')
           | SOME (_, SOME exn_info) =>
               (case ML_Compiler.exn_messages (Runtime.EXCURSION_FAIL exn_info) of
-                [] => raise Exn.Interrupt
+                [] => Exn.interrupt ()
               | errs => (errs, NONE))
           | NONE => ([ML_Compiler.exn_message Runtime.TERMINATE], NONE));
         val _ = (Toplevel.error_msg tr) errs;
--- a/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/proof_general_pgip.ML	Thu Sep 09 11:05:52 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/proof_general_pgip.ML	Thu Sep 09 17:20:27 2010 +0200
@@ -983,17 +983,18 @@
     end handle e => handler (e,SOME src)  (* error in XML parse or Ready issue *)
 and handler (e,srco) =
-    case (e,srco) of
-        (XML_PARSE,SOME src) =>
-        panic "Invalid XML input, aborting" (* TODO: attempt recovery  *)
-      | (Exn.Interrupt,SOME src) =>
-        (Output.error_msg "Interrupt during PGIP processing"; loop true src)
-      | (Toplevel.UNDEF,SOME src) =>
-        (Output.error_msg "No working context defined"; loop true src)
-      | (e,SOME src) =>
-        (Output.error_msg (ML_Compiler.exn_message e); loop true src)
-      | (PGIP_QUIT,_) => ()
-      | (_,NONE) => ()
+    if Exn.is_interrupt e andalso is_some srco then
+        (Output.error_msg "Interrupt during PGIP processing"; loop true (the srco))
+    else
+        case (e,srco) of
+            (XML_PARSE,SOME src) =>
+            panic "Invalid XML input, aborting" (* TODO: attempt recovery  *)
+          | (Toplevel.UNDEF,SOME src) =>
+            (Output.error_msg "No working context defined"; loop true src)
+          | (e,SOME src) =>
+            (Output.error_msg (ML_Compiler.exn_message e); loop true src)
+          | (PGIP_QUIT,_) => ()
+          | (_,NONE) => ()
   (* TODO: add socket interface *)