--- a/src/Pure/thm.ML Thu May 19 16:20:52 1994 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/thm.ML Thu May 19 16:22:48 1994 +0200
@@ -12,15 +12,15 @@
structure Envir : ENVIR
structure Sequence : SEQUENCE
structure Sign : SIGN
+ type ctyp
type cterm
- type ctyp
+ type thm
+ type theory
type meta_simpset
- type theory
- type thm
exception THM of string * int * thm list
exception THEORY of string * theory list
exception SIMPLIFIER of string * thm
- (*Certified terms/types; previously in sign.ML*)
+ (*certified terms/types; previously in sign.ML*)
val cterm_of: Sign.sg -> term -> cterm
val ctyp_of: Sign.sg -> typ -> ctyp
val read_ctyp: Sign.sg -> string -> ctyp
@@ -30,14 +30,41 @@
val term_of: cterm -> term
val typ_of: ctyp -> typ
val cterm_fun: (term -> term) -> (cterm -> cterm)
- (*End of cterm/ctyp functions*)
+ (*end of cterm/ctyp functions*)
+ (* FIXME *)
+ local open Sign.Syntax Sign.Syntax.Mixfix in (* FIXME remove ...Mixfix *)
+ val add_classes: (class list * class * class list) list -> theory -> theory
+ val add_defsort: sort -> theory -> theory
+ val add_types: (string * int * mixfix) list -> theory -> theory
+ val add_tyabbrs: (string * string list * string * mixfix) list
+ -> theory -> theory
+ val add_tyabbrs_i: (string * string list * typ * mixfix) list
+ -> theory -> theory
+ val add_arities: (string * sort list * sort) list -> theory -> theory
+ val add_consts: (string * string * mixfix) list -> theory -> theory
+ val add_consts_i: (string * typ * mixfix) list -> theory -> theory
+ val add_syntax: (string * string * mixfix) list -> theory -> theory
+ val add_syntax_i: (string * typ * mixfix) list -> theory -> theory
+ val add_trfuns:
+ (string * (ast list -> ast)) list *
+ (string * (term list -> term)) list *
+ (string * (term list -> term)) list *
+ (string * (ast list -> ast)) list -> theory -> theory
+ val add_trrules: xrule list -> theory -> theory
+ val add_axioms: (string * string) list -> theory -> theory
+ val add_axioms_i: (string * term) list -> theory -> theory
+ val add_thyname: string -> theory -> theory
+ end
+ val cert_axm: Sign.sg -> string * term -> string * term
+ val read_axm: Sign.sg -> string * string -> string * term
val abstract_rule: string -> cterm -> thm -> thm
val add_congs: meta_simpset * thm list -> meta_simpset
val add_prems: meta_simpset * thm list -> meta_simpset
val add_simps: meta_simpset * thm list -> meta_simpset
val assume: cterm -> thm
val assumption: int -> thm -> thm Sequence.seq
- val axioms_of: theory -> (string * thm) list
+ val axioms_of: theory -> (string * term) list
val beta_conversion: cterm -> thm
val bicompose: bool -> bool * thm * int -> int -> thm -> thm Sequence.seq
val biresolution: bool -> (bool*thm)list -> int -> thm -> thm Sequence.seq
@@ -72,6 +99,7 @@
-> thm -> thm
val lift_rule: (thm * int) -> thm -> thm
val merge_theories: theory * theory -> theory
+ val merge_thy_list: bool -> theory list -> theory
val mk_rews_of_mss: meta_simpset -> thm -> thm list
val mss_of: thm list -> meta_simpset
val nprems_of: thm -> int
@@ -89,6 +117,10 @@
bool*bool -> meta_simpset -> (meta_simpset -> thm -> thm option)
-> cterm -> thm
val set_mk_rews: meta_simpset * (thm -> thm list) -> meta_simpset
+ val rep_theory: theory ->
+ {sign: Sign.sg, ext_axtab: term Symtab.table, parents: theory list}
+ val subthy: theory * theory -> bool
+ val eq_thy: theory * theory -> bool
val sign_of: theory -> Sign.sg
val syn_of: theory -> Sign.Syntax.syntax
val stamps_of_thm: thm -> string ref list
@@ -102,7 +134,7 @@
functor ThmFun (structure Logic: LOGIC and Unify: UNIFY and Pattern: PATTERN
- and Net:NET sharing type Pattern.type_sig = Unify.Sign.Type.type_sig) : THM =
+ and Net:NET sharing type Pattern.type_sig = Unify.Sign.Type.type_sig)(*: THM *) (* FIXME debug *) =
structure Sequence = Unify.Sequence;
@@ -113,6 +145,8 @@
structure Symtab = Sign.Symtab;
+(*** Certified terms and types ***)
(** certified types **)
(*certified typs under a signature*)
@@ -180,78 +214,224 @@
val ct = cterm_of sign t' handle TERM (msg, _) => error msg;
in (ct, tye) end;
-fun read_cterm sign = #1 o (read_def_cterm (sign, K None, K None));
+fun read_cterm sign = #1 o read_def_cterm (sign, K None, K None);
-(**** META-THEOREMS ****)
+(*** Meta theorems ***)
datatype thm = Thm of
{sign: Sign.sg, maxidx: int, hyps: term list, prop: term};
fun rep_thm (Thm args) = args;
-(*Errors involving theorems*)
+(*errors involving theorems*)
exception THM of string * int * thm list;
-(*maps object-rule to tpairs *)
-fun tpairs_of (Thm{prop,...}) = #1 (Logic.strip_flexpairs prop);
+val sign_of_thm = #sign o rep_thm;
+val stamps_of_thm = #stamps o Sign.rep_sg o sign_of_thm;
-(*maps object-rule to premises *)
-fun prems_of (Thm{prop,...}) =
- Logic.strip_imp_prems (Logic.skip_flexpairs prop);
+(*merge signatures of two theorems; raise exception if incompatible*)
+fun merge_thm_sgs (th1, th2) =
+ Sign.merge (pairself sign_of_thm (th1, th2))
+ handle TERM _ => raise THM ("incompatible signatures", 0, [th1, th2]);
+(*maps object-rule to tpairs*)
+fun tpairs_of (Thm {prop, ...}) = #1 (Logic.strip_flexpairs prop);
+(*maps object-rule to premises*)
+fun prems_of (Thm {prop, ...}) =
+ Logic.strip_imp_prems (Logic.skip_flexpairs prop);
(*counts premises in a rule*)
-fun nprems_of (Thm{prop,...}) =
- Logic.count_prems (Logic.skip_flexpairs prop, 0);
+fun nprems_of (Thm {prop, ...}) =
+ Logic.count_prems (Logic.skip_flexpairs prop, 0);
-(*maps object-rule to conclusion *)
-fun concl_of (Thm{prop,...}) = Logic.strip_imp_concl prop;
+(*maps object-rule to conclusion*)
+fun concl_of (Thm {prop, ...}) = Logic.strip_imp_concl prop;
-(*The statement of any Thm is a Cterm*)
-fun cprop_of (Thm{sign,maxidx,hyps,prop}) =
- Cterm{sign=sign, maxidx=maxidx, T=propT, t=prop};
+(*the statement of any thm is a cterm*)
+fun cprop_of (Thm {sign, maxidx, hyps, prop}) =
+ Cterm {sign = sign, maxidx = maxidx, T = propT, t = prop};
-(*Stamps associated with a signature*)
-val stamps_of_thm = #stamps o Sign.rep_sg o #sign o rep_thm;
-(*Theories. There is one pure theory.
- A theory can be extended. Two theories can be merged.*)
+(*** Theories ***)
datatype theory =
- Pure of {sign: Sign.sg}
- | Extend of {sign: Sign.sg, axioms: thm Symtab.table, thy: theory}
- | Merge of {sign: Sign.sg, thy1: theory, thy2: theory};
+ Theory of {sign: Sign.sg, ext_axtab: term Symtab.table, parents: theory list};
-(*Errors involving theories*)
+fun rep_theory (Theory args) = args;
+(*errors involving theories*)
exception THEORY of string * theory list;
-fun sign_of (Pure {sign}) = sign
- | sign_of (Extend {sign,...}) = sign
- | sign_of (Merge {sign,...}) = sign;
+val sign_of = #sign o rep_theory;
val syn_of = #syn o Sign.rep_sg o sign_of;
-(*return the axioms of a theory and its ancestors*)
-fun axioms_of (Pure _) = []
- | axioms_of (Extend {axioms, thy, ...}) =
- axioms_of thy @ Symtab.alist_of axioms
- | axioms_of (Merge {thy1, thy2, ...}) = axioms_of thy1 @ axioms_of thy2;
+(*stamps associated with a theory*)
+val stamps_of_thy = #stamps o Sign.rep_sg o sign_of;
+(*return additional axioms of this theory node*)
+val axioms_of = Symtab.dest o #ext_axtab o rep_theory;
+(*return the immediate ancestors*)
+val parents_of = #parents o rep_theory;
+(*compare theories*)
+val subthy = Sign.subsig o pairself sign_of;
+val eq_thy = Sign.eq_sg o pairself sign_of;
+(*look up the named axiom in the theory*)
+fun get_axiom theory name =
+ let
+ fun get_ax [] = raise Match
+ | get_ax (Theory {sign, ext_axtab, parents} :: thys) =
+ (case Symtab.lookup (ext_axtab, name) of
+ Some t =>
+ Thm {sign = sign, maxidx = maxidx_of_term t, hyps = [], prop = t}
+ | None => get_ax parents handle Match => get_ax thys);
+ in
+ get_ax [theory] handle Match
+ => raise THEORY ("get_axiom: no axiom " ^ quote name, [theory])
+ end;
+(* the Pure theory *)
+val pure_thy =
+ Theory {sign = Sign.pure, ext_axtab = Symtab.null, parents = []};
-(*return the immediate ancestors -- also distinguishes the kinds of theories*)
-fun parents_of (Pure _) = []
- | parents_of (Extend{thy,...}) = [thy]
- | parents_of (Merge{thy1,thy2,...}) = [thy1,thy2];
+(** extend theory **)
+fun err_dup_axms names =
+ error ("Duplicate axiom name(s) " ^ commas_quote names);
+fun ext_thy (thy as Theory {sign, ext_axtab, parents}) sign1 new_axms =
+ let
+ val draft = Sign.is_draft sign;
+ val ext_axtab1 =
+ Symtab.extend_new (if draft then ext_axtab else Symtab.null, new_axms)
+ handle Symtab.DUPS names => err_dup_axms names;
+ val parents1 = if draft then parents else [thy];
+ in
+ Theory {sign = sign1, ext_axtab = ext_axtab1, parents = parents1}
+ end;
+(* extend signature of a theory *)
+fun ext_sg extfun decls (thy as Theory {sign, ...}) =
+ ext_thy thy (extfun decls sign) [];
+val add_classes = ext_sg Sign.add_classes;
+val add_defsort = ext_sg Sign.add_defsort;
+val add_types = ext_sg Sign.add_types;
+val add_tyabbrs = ext_sg Sign.add_tyabbrs;
+val add_tyabbrs_i = ext_sg Sign.add_tyabbrs_i;
+val add_arities = ext_sg Sign.add_arities;
+val add_consts = ext_sg Sign.add_consts;
+val add_consts_i = ext_sg Sign.add_consts_i;
+val add_syntax = ext_sg Sign.add_syntax;
+val add_syntax_i = ext_sg Sign.add_syntax_i;
+val add_trfuns = ext_sg Sign.add_trfuns;
+val add_trrules = ext_sg Sign.add_trrules;
+val add_thyname = ext_sg Sign.add_name;
-(*Merge theories of two theorems. Raise exception if incompatible.
- Prefers (via Sign.merge) the signature of th1. *)
-fun merge_theories(th1,th2) =
- let val Thm{sign=sign1,...} = th1 and Thm{sign=sign2,...} = th2
- in Sign.merge (sign1,sign2) end
- handle TERM _ => raise THM("incompatible signatures", 0, [th1,th2]);
+(* prepare axioms *)
+fun err_in_axm name =
+ error ("The error(s) above occurred in axiom " ^ quote name);
+fun no_vars tm =
+ if null (term_vars tm) andalso null (term_tvars tm) then tm
+ else error "Illegal schematic variable(s) in term";
+fun cert_axm sg (name, raw_tm) =
+ let
+ val Cterm {t, T, ...} = cterm_of sg raw_tm
+ handle TERM (msg, _) => error msg;
+ in
+ assert (T = propT) "Term not of type prop";
+ (name, no_vars t)
+ end
+ handle ERROR => err_in_axm name;
+fun read_axm sg (name, str) =
+ (name, no_vars (term_of (read_cterm sg (str, propT))))
+ handle ERROR => err_in_axm name;
+(* extend axioms of a theory *)
+fun ext_axms prep_axm axms (thy as Theory {sign, ...}) =
+ let
+ val sign1 = Sign.make_draft sign;
+ val new_axioms = map (apsnd Logic.varify o prep_axm sign) axms;
+ in
+ ext_thy thy sign1 new_axioms
+ end;
+val add_axioms = ext_axms read_axm;
+val add_axioms_i = ext_axms cert_axm;
+(* extend theory (old) *) (* FIXME remove *)
-(*Stamps associated with a theory*)
-val stamps_of_thy = #stamps o Sign.rep_sg o sign_of;
+(*converts Frees to Vars: axioms can be written without question marks*)
+fun prepare_axiom sign sP =
+ Logic.varify (term_of (read_cterm sign (sP, propT)));
+(*read an axiom for a new theory*)
+fun read_ax sign (a, sP) =
+ (a, prepare_axiom sign sP) handle ERROR => err_in_axm a;
+(*extension of a theory with given classes, types, constants and syntax;
+ reads the axioms from strings: axpairs have the form (axname, axiom)*)
+fun extend_theory thy thyname ext axpairs =
+ let
+ val Theory {sign, ...} = thy;
+ val sign1 = Sign.extend sign thyname ext;
+ val new_axioms = map (read_ax sign1) axpairs;
+ in
+ writeln "WARNING: called obsolete function \"extend_theory\"";
+ ext_thy thy sign1 new_axioms
+ end;
+(** merge theories **)
+fun merge_thy_list mk_draft thys =
+ let
+ fun is_union thy = forall (fn t => subthy (t, thy)) thys;
+ val is_draft = Sign.is_draft o sign_of;
+ fun add_sign (sg, Theory {sign, ...}) =
+ Sign.merge (sg, sign) handle TERM (msg, _) => error msg;
+ in
+ (case (find_first is_union thys, exists is_draft thys) of
+ (Some thy, _) => thy
+ | (None, true) => raise THEORY ("Illegal merge of draft theories", thys)
+ | (None, false) => Theory {
+ sign =
+ (if mk_draft then Sign.make_draft else I)
+ (foldl add_sign (Sign.pure, thys)),
+ ext_axtab = Symtab.null,
+ parents = thys})
+ end;
+fun merge_theories (thy1, thy2) = merge_thy_list false [thy1, thy2];
(**** Primitive rules ****)
@@ -295,7 +475,7 @@
in case prop of
imp$A$B =>
if imp=implies andalso A aconv propA
- then Thm{sign= merge_theories(thAB,thA),
+ then Thm{sign= merge_thm_sgs(thAB,thA),
maxidx= max[maxA,maxidx],
hyps= hypsA union hyps, (*dups suppressed*)
prop= B}
@@ -375,7 +555,7 @@
in case (prop1,prop2) of
((eq as Const("==",_)) $ t1 $ u, Const("==",_) $ u' $ t2) =>
if not (u aconv u') then err"middle term" else
- Thm{sign= merge_theories(th1,th2), hyps= hyps1 union hyps2,
+ Thm{sign= merge_thm_sgs(th1,th2), hyps= hyps1 union hyps2,
maxidx= max[max1,max2], prop= eq$t1$t2}
| _ => err"premises"
@@ -445,7 +625,7 @@
and Thm{maxidx=max2, hyps=hyps2, prop=prop2,...} = th2
in case (prop1,prop2) of
(Const("==",_) $ f $ g, Const("==",_) $ t $ u) =>
- Thm{sign= merge_theories(th1,th2), hyps= hyps1 union hyps2,
+ Thm{sign= merge_thm_sgs(th1,th2), hyps= hyps1 union hyps2,
maxidx= max[max1,max2], prop= Logic.mk_equals(f$t, g$u)}
| _ => raise THM("combination: premises", 0, [th1,th2])
@@ -462,7 +642,7 @@
in case prop1 of
Const("==",_) $ A $ B =>
if not (prop2 aconv A) then err"not equal" else
- Thm{sign= merge_theories(th1,th2), hyps= hyps1 union hyps2,
+ Thm{sign= merge_thm_sgs(th1,th2), hyps= hyps1 union hyps2,
maxidx= max[max1,max2], prop= B}
| _ => err"major premise"
@@ -479,7 +659,7 @@
in case (prop1,prop2) of
(Const("==>",_) $ A $ B, Const("==>",_) $ B' $ A') =>
if A aconv A' andalso B aconv B'
- then Thm{sign= merge_theories(th1,th2), hyps= hyps1 union hyps2,
+ then Thm{sign= merge_thm_sgs(th1,th2), hyps= hyps1 union hyps2,
maxidx= max[max1,max2], prop= Logic.mk_equals(A,B)}
else err"not equal"
| _ => err"premises"
@@ -607,7 +787,7 @@
val (lift_abs,lift_all) = Logic.lift_fns(Bi,smax+1);
val (Thm{sign,maxidx,hyps,prop}) = orule
val (tpairs,As,B) = Logic.strip_horn prop
- in Thm{hyps=hyps, sign= merge_theories(state,orule),
+ in Thm{hyps=hyps, sign= merge_thm_sgs(state,orule),
maxidx= maxidx+smax+1,
prop= Logic.rule_of(map (pairself lift_abs) tpairs,
map lift_all As, lift_all B)}
@@ -743,7 +923,7 @@
(eres_flg, orule, nsubgoal) =
let val Thm{maxidx=smax, hyps=shyps, ...} = state
and Thm{maxidx=rmax, hyps=rhyps, prop=rprop,...} = orule;
- val sign = merge_theories(state,orule);
+ val sign = merge_thm_sgs(state,orule);
(** Add new theorem with prop = '[| Bs; As |] ==> C' to thq **)
fun addth As ((env as Envir.Envir {maxidx, ...}, tpairs), thq) =
let val normt = Envir.norm_term env;
@@ -827,51 +1007,6 @@
in Sequence.flats (res brules) end;
-(**** THEORIES ****)
-val pure_thy = Pure{sign = Sign.pure};
-(*Look up the named axiom in the theory*)
-fun get_axiom thy axname =
- let fun get (Pure _) = raise Match
- | get (Extend{axioms,thy,...}) =
- (case Symtab.lookup(axioms,axname) of
- Some th => th
- | None => get thy)
- | get (Merge{thy1,thy2,...}) =
- get thy1 handle Match => get thy2
- in get thy
- handle Match => raise THEORY("get_axiom: No axiom "^axname, [thy])
- end;
-(*Converts Frees to Vars: axioms can be written without question marks*)
-fun prepare_axiom sign sP =
- Logic.varify (term_of (read_cterm sign (sP,propT)));
-(*Read an axiom for a new theory*)
-fun read_ax sign (a, sP) : string*thm =
- let val prop = prepare_axiom sign sP
- in (a, Thm{sign=sign, hyps=[], maxidx= maxidx_of_term prop, prop= prop})
- end
- handle ERROR =>
- error("extend_theory: The error above occurred in axiom " ^ a);
-fun mk_axioms sign axpairs =
- Symtab.st_of_alist(map (read_ax sign) axpairs, Symtab.null)
- handle Symtab.DUPLICATE(a) => error("Two axioms named " ^ a);
-(*Extension of a theory with given classes, types, constants and syntax.
- Reads the axioms from strings: axpairs have the form (axname, axiom). *)
-fun extend_theory thy thyname ext axpairs =
- let val sign = Sign.extend (sign_of thy) thyname ext;
- val axioms= mk_axioms sign axpairs
- in Extend{sign=sign, axioms= axioms, thy = thy} end;
-(*The union of two theories*)
-fun merge_theories (thy1, thy2) =
- Merge {sign = Sign.merge (sign_of thy1, sign_of thy2),
- thy1 = thy1, thy2 = thy2} handle TERM (msg, _) => error msg;
(*** Meta simp sets ***)