--- a/src/Pure/raw_simplifier.ML Wed Jun 06 18:20:03 2018 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/raw_simplifier.ML Thu Jun 07 15:08:18 2018 +0200
@@ -591,6 +591,27 @@
let val rews = extract_rews ctxt sym (map (Thm.transfer' ctxt) thms);
in fold (fold comb o mk_rrule) rews ctxt end;
+This code checks if the symetric version of a rule is already in the simpset.
+However, the variable names in the two versions of the rule may differ.
+Thus the current test modulo eq_rrule is too weak to be useful
+and needs to be refined.
+fun present ctxt rules (rrule as {thm, elhs, ...}) =
+ (Net.insert_term eq_rrule (Thm.term_of elhs, trim_context_rrule rrule) rules;
+ false)
+ handle Net.INSERT =>
+ (cond_warning ctxt
+ (fn () => print_thm ctxt "Symmetric rewrite rule already in simpset:" ("", thm));
+ true);
+fun sym_present ctxt thms =
+ let
+ val rews = extract_rews ctxt true (map (Thm.transfer' ctxt) thms);
+ val rrules = map mk_rrule2 (flat(map (mk_rrule ctxt) rews))
+ val Simpset({rules, ...},_) = simpset_of ctxt
+ in exists (present ctxt rules) rrules end
fun ctxt addsimps thms =
@@ -606,6 +627,12 @@
comb_simps ctxt (del_rrule false) (map mk_rrule2 o mk_rrule ctxt) false thms;
fun add_simp thm ctxt = ctxt addsimps [thm];
+with check for presence of symmetric version:
+ if sym_present ctxt [thm]
+ then (cond_warning ctxt (fn () => print_thm ctxt "Ignoring rewrite rule:" ("", thm)); ctxt)
+ else ctxt addsimps [thm];
fun del_simp thm ctxt = ctxt delsimps [thm];
fun flip_simp thm ctxt = addsymsimps (delsimps_quiet ctxt [thm]) [thm];