--- a/src/Pure/defs.ML Mon Apr 18 11:13:29 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/defs.ML Mon Apr 18 11:44:39 2011 +0200
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
signature DEFS =
- val pretty_const: Context.pretty -> string * typ list -> Pretty.T
+ val pretty_const: Proof.context -> string * typ list -> Pretty.T
val plain_args: typ list -> bool
type T
type spec =
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
reducts: ((string * typ list) * (string * typ list) list) list}
val empty: T
val merge: Context.pretty -> T * T -> T
- val define: Context.pretty -> bool -> string option -> string ->
+ val define: Proof.context -> bool -> string option -> string ->
string * typ list -> (string * typ list) list -> T -> T
@@ -30,13 +30,11 @@
type args = typ list;
-fun pretty_const pp (c, args) =
+fun pretty_const ctxt (c, args) =
val prt_args =
if null args then []
- else
- [Pretty.list "(" ")"
- (map (Syntax.pretty_typ (Syntax.init_pretty pp) o Logic.unvarifyT_global) args)];
+ else [Pretty.list "(" ")" (map (Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt o Logic.unvarifyT_global) args)];
in Pretty.block (Pretty.str c :: prt_args) end;
fun plain_args args =
@@ -120,27 +118,27 @@
val prt = Pretty.string_of oo pretty_const;
-fun err pp (c, args) (d, Us) s1 s2 =
- error (s1 ^ " dependency of constant " ^ prt pp (c, args) ^ " -> " ^ prt pp (d, Us) ^ s2);
+fun err ctxt (c, args) (d, Us) s1 s2 =
+ error (s1 ^ " dependency of constant " ^ prt ctxt (c, args) ^ " -> " ^ prt ctxt (d, Us) ^ s2);
fun contained (U as TVar _) (Type (_, Ts)) = exists (fn T => T = U orelse contained U T) Ts
| contained _ _ = false;
-fun acyclic pp (c, args) (d, Us) =
+fun acyclic ctxt (c, args) (d, Us) =
c <> d orelse
exists (fn U => exists (contained U) args) Us orelse
is_none (match_args (args, Us)) orelse
- err pp (c, args) (d, Us) "Circular" "";
+ err ctxt (c, args) (d, Us) "Circular" "";
-fun wellformed pp defs (c, args) (d, Us) =
+fun wellformed ctxt defs (c, args) (d, Us) =
forall is_TVar Us orelse
(case find_first (fn (Ts, _) => not (disjoint_args (Ts, Us))) (restricts_of defs d) of
SOME (Ts, description) =>
- err pp (c, args) (d, Us) "Malformed"
- ("\n(restriction " ^ prt pp (d, Ts) ^ " from " ^ quote description ^ ")")
+ err ctxt (c, args) (d, Us) "Malformed"
+ ("\n(restriction " ^ prt ctxt (d, Ts) ^ " from " ^ quote description ^ ")")
| NONE => true);
-fun reduction pp defs const deps =
+fun reduction ctxt defs const deps =
fun reduct Us (Ts, rhs) =
(case match_args (Ts, Us) of
@@ -153,17 +151,17 @@
if forall (is_none o #1) reds then NONE
else SOME (fold_rev
(fn (NONE, dp) => insert (op =) dp | (SOME dps, _) => fold (insert (op =)) dps) reds []);
- val _ = forall (acyclic pp const) (the_default deps deps');
+ val _ = forall (acyclic ctxt const) (the_default deps deps');
in deps' end;
-fun normalize pp =
+fun normalize ctxt =
fun norm_update (c, {reducts, ...}: def) (changed, defs) =
val reducts' = reducts |> map (fn (args, deps) =>
- (args, perhaps (reduction pp defs (c, args)) deps));
+ (args, perhaps (reduction ctxt defs (c, args)) deps));
if reducts = reducts' then (changed, defs)
else (true, defs |> map_def c (fn (specs, restricts, _) => (specs, restricts, reducts')))
@@ -173,16 +171,16 @@
(true, defs') => norm_all defs'
| (false, _) => defs);
fun check defs (c, {reducts, ...}: def) =
- reducts |> forall (fn (args, deps) => forall (wellformed pp defs (c, args)) deps);
+ reducts |> forall (fn (args, deps) => forall (wellformed ctxt defs (c, args)) deps);
in norm_all #> (fn defs => tap (Symtab.forall (check defs)) defs) end;
-fun dependencies pp (c, args) restr deps =
+fun dependencies ctxt (c, args) restr deps =
map_def c (fn (specs, restricts, reducts) =>
val restricts' = Library.merge (op =) (restricts, restr);
val reducts' = insert (op =) (args, deps) reducts;
in (specs, restricts', reducts') end)
- #> normalize pp;
+ #> normalize ctxt;
@@ -191,20 +189,21 @@
fun merge pp (Defs defs1, Defs defs2) =
+ val ctxt = Syntax.init_pretty pp;
fun add_deps (c, args) restr deps defs =
if AList.defined (op =) (reducts_of defs c) args then defs
- else dependencies pp (c, args) restr deps defs;
+ else dependencies ctxt (c, args) restr deps defs;
fun add_def (c, {restricts, reducts, ...}: def) =
fold (fn (args, deps) => add_deps (c, args) restricts deps) reducts;
Defs (Symtab.join join_specs (defs1, defs2)
- |> normalize pp |> Symtab.fold add_def defs2)
+ |> normalize ctxt |> Symtab.fold add_def defs2)
(* define *)
-fun define pp unchecked def description (c, args) deps (Defs defs) =
+fun define ctxt unchecked def description (c, args) deps (Defs defs) =
val restr =
if plain_args args orelse
@@ -213,6 +212,6 @@
val spec =
(serial (), {def = def, description = description, lhs = args, rhs = deps});
val defs' = defs |> update_specs c spec;
- in Defs (defs' |> (if unchecked then I else dependencies pp (c, args) restr deps)) end;
+ in Defs (defs' |> (if unchecked then I else dependencies ctxt (c, args) restr deps)) end;