--- a/src/Pure/zterm.ML Mon Jan 01 14:36:08 2024 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/zterm.ML Tue Jan 02 20:09:42 2024 +0100
@@ -250,6 +250,7 @@
exception BAD_INST of ((indexname * ztyp) * zterm) list
val map_proof: ztyp Same.operation -> zterm Same.operation -> zproof -> zproof
val map_proof_types: ztyp Same.operation -> zproof -> zproof
+ val map_class_proof: (ztyp * class, zproof) Same.function -> zproof -> zproof
val ztyp_of: typ -> ztyp
val zterm_cache: theory -> {zterm: term -> zterm, ztyp: typ -> ztyp}
val zterm_of: theory -> term -> zterm
@@ -275,6 +276,7 @@
val oracle_proof: theory -> string -> term -> zproof
val assume_proof: theory -> term -> zproof
val trivial_proof: theory -> term -> zproof
+ val implies_intr_proof': zterm -> zproof -> zproof
val implies_intr_proof: theory -> term -> zproof -> zproof
val forall_intr_proof: theory -> typ -> string * term -> zproof -> zproof
val forall_elim_proof: theory -> term -> zproof -> zproof
@@ -304,6 +306,7 @@
type sorts_zproof = (class * class -> zproof) * (string * class list list * class -> zproof)
val of_sort_proof: Sorts.algebra -> sorts_zproof -> (typ * class -> zproof) ->
typ * sort -> zproof list
+ val unconstrainT_proof: theory -> sorts_zproof -> Logic.unconstrain_context -> zproof -> zproof
structure ZTerm: ZTERM =
@@ -538,6 +541,21 @@
fun map_proof_types typ = map_proof typ (subst_term_same typ Same.same);
+(* map class proofs *)
+fun map_class_proof class =
+ let
+ fun proof (ZClassp T_c) = class T_c
+ | proof (ZAbst (a, T, p)) = ZAbst (a, T, proof p)
+ | proof (ZAbsp (a, t, p)) = ZAbsp (a, t, proof p)
+ | proof (ZAppt (p, t)) = ZAppt (proof p, t)
+ | proof (ZAppp (p, q)) =
+ (ZAppp (proof p, Same.commit proof q)
+ handle Same.SAME => ZAppp (p, proof q))
+ | proof _ = raise Same.SAME;
+ in Same.commit proof end;
(* convert ztyp / zterm vs. regular typ / term *)
fun ztyp_of (TFree (a, S)) = ZTVar ((a, ~1), S)
@@ -850,9 +868,8 @@
fun trivial_proof thy A =
ZAbsp ("H", zterm_of thy A, ZBoundp 0);
-fun implies_intr_proof thy A prf =
+fun implies_intr_proof' h prf =
- val h = zterm_of thy A;
fun proof lev (ZHyp t) = if aconv_zterm (h, t) then ZBoundp lev else raise Same.SAME
| proof lev (ZAbst (x, T, p)) = ZAbst (x, T, proof lev p)
| proof lev (ZAbsp (x, t, p)) = ZAbsp (x, t, proof (lev + 1) p)
@@ -863,6 +880,8 @@
| proof _ _ = raise Same.SAME;
in ZAbsp ("H", h, Same.commit (proof 0) prf) end;
+fun implies_intr_proof thy = implies_intr_proof' o zterm_of thy;
fun forall_intr_proof thy T (a, x) prf =
val {ztyp, zterm} = zterm_cache thy;
@@ -1208,4 +1227,28 @@
in ZAppps (arity_proof (a, Ss, c), prfs) end,
type_variable = fn typ => map (fn c => (hyps (typ, c), c)) (Type.sort_of_atyp typ)};
+fun unconstrainT_proof thy sorts_proof (ucontext: Logic.unconstrain_context) =
+ let
+ val cache = norm_cache thy;
+ val algebra = Sign.classes_of thy;
+ val typ =
+ ZTypes.unsynchronized_cache
+ (typ_of #> #typ_operation ucontext {strip_sorts = true} #> ztyp_of);
+ val typ_sort = #typ_operation ucontext {strip_sorts = false};
+ fun hyps T =
+ (case AList.lookup (op =) (#constraints ucontext) T of
+ SOME t => ZHyp (#zterm cache t)
+ | NONE => raise Fail "unconstrainT_proof: missing constraint");
+ fun class (T, c) =
+ let val T' = Same.commit typ_sort (#typ cache T)
+ in the_single (of_sort_proof algebra sorts_proof hyps (T', [c])) end;
+ in
+ map_proof_types typ #> map_class_proof class #> beta_norm_prooft
+ #> fold_rev (implies_intr_proof' o #zterm cache o #2) (#constraints ucontext)
+ end;