Tue, 22 Jun 2010 23:54:16 +0200
changeset 37510 6d9923e8d208
parent 37491 b5989aa32358 (current diff)
parent 37509 f39464d971c4 (diff)
child 37511 26afa11a1fb2
--- a/doc-src/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer.tex	Tue Jun 22 19:46:16 2010 +0200
+++ b/doc-src/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer.tex	Tue Jun 22 23:54:16 2010 +0200
@@ -341,11 +341,6 @@
 download page. Sledgehammer requires version 3.5 or above. See
 \S\ref{installation} for details.
-\item[$\bullet$] \textbf{\textit{spass\_dfg}:} Same as the above, except that
-Sledgehammer communicates with SPASS using the native DFG syntax rather than the
-TPTP syntax. Sledgehammer requires version 3.0 or above. This ATP is provided
-for compatibility reasons.
 \item[$\bullet$] \textbf{\textit{vampire}:} Vampire is an ATP developed by
 Andrei Voronkov and his colleagues \cite{riazanov-voronkov-2002}. To use
 Vampire, set the environment variable \texttt{VAMPIRE\_HOME} to the directory
--- a/src/HOL/IsaMakefile	Tue Jun 22 19:46:16 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/IsaMakefile	Tue Jun 22 23:54:16 2010 +0200
@@ -322,6 +322,7 @@
   Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_hol_clause.ML \
   Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_isar.ML \
   Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_proof_reconstruct.ML \
+  Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_tptp_format.ML \
   Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_util.ML \
   Tools/SMT/cvc3_solver.ML \
   Tools/SMT/smtlib_interface.ML \
--- a/src/HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_sledgehammer.ML	Tue Jun 22 19:46:16 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_sledgehammer.ML	Tue Jun 22 23:54:16 2010 +0200
@@ -299,6 +299,7 @@
 fun run_sh prover hard_timeout timeout dir st =
+    val _ = Sledgehammer_Fact_Filter.use_natural_form := true (* experimental *)
     val {context = ctxt, facts, goal} = Proof.goal st
     val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
     val change_dir = (fn SOME d => Config.put ATP_Systems.dest_dir d | _ => I)
@@ -324,7 +325,7 @@
       NONE => (message, SH_OK (time_isa, time_atp, relevant_thm_names))
     | SOME _ => (message, SH_FAIL (time_isa, time_atp))
-  handle Sledgehammer_HOL_Clause.TRIVIAL => ("trivial", SH_OK (0, 0, []))
+  handle Sledgehammer_HOL_Clause.TRIVIAL () => ("trivial", SH_OK (0, 0, []))
        | ERROR msg => ("error: " ^ msg, SH_ERROR)
        | TimeLimit.TimeOut => ("timeout", SH_ERROR)
--- a/src/HOL/Nitpick_Examples/Mini_Nits.thy	Tue Jun 22 19:46:16 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Nitpick_Examples/Mini_Nits.thy	Tue Jun 22 23:54:16 2010 +0200
@@ -14,14 +14,19 @@
 ML {*
 exception FAIL
-(* int -> term -> string *)
+val has_kodkodi = (getenv "KODKODI" <> "")
 fun minipick n t =
   map (fn k => Minipick.kodkod_problem_from_term @{context} (K k) t) (1 upto n)
   |> Minipick.solve_any_kodkod_problem @{theory}
-(* int -> term -> bool *)
-fun none n t = (minipick n t = "none" orelse raise FAIL)
-fun genuine n t = (minipick n t = "genuine" orelse raise FAIL)
-fun unknown n t = (minipick n t = "unknown" orelse raise FAIL)
+fun minipick_expect expect n t =
+  if has_kodkodi then
+    if minipick n t = expect then () else raise FAIL
+  else
+    ()
+val none = minipick_expect "none"
+val genuine = minipick_expect "genuine"
+val unknown = minipick_expect "unknown"
 ML {* genuine 1 @{prop "x = Not"} *}
--- a/src/HOL/Nitpick_Examples/ROOT.ML	Tue Jun 22 19:46:16 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Nitpick_Examples/ROOT.ML	Tue Jun 22 23:54:16 2010 +0200
@@ -5,8 +5,4 @@
 Nitpick examples.
-if getenv "KODKODI" = "" then
-  ()
-  setmp_noncritical quick_and_dirty true use_thys
-                    ["Nitpick_Examples"];
+setmp_noncritical quick_and_dirty true use_thys ["Nitpick_Examples"];
--- a/src/HOL/Nitpick_Examples/Tests_Nits.thy	Tue Jun 22 19:46:16 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Nitpick_Examples/Tests_Nits.thy	Tue Jun 22 23:54:16 2010 +0200
@@ -11,6 +11,6 @@
 imports Main
-ML {* Nitpick_Tests.run_all_tests () *}
+ML {* () |> getenv "KODKODI" <> "" ? Nitpick_Tests.run_all_tests *}
--- a/src/HOL/Sledgehammer.thy	Tue Jun 22 19:46:16 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Sledgehammer.thy	Tue Jun 22 23:54:16 2010 +0200
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
+  ("Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_tptp_format.ML")
@@ -103,6 +104,7 @@
 use "Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_hol_clause.ML"
 use "Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_proof_reconstruct.ML"
 use "Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_fact_filter.ML"
+use "Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_tptp_format.ML"
 use "Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_manager.ML"
 use "Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_systems.ML"
 setup ATP_Systems.setup
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_manager.ML	Tue Jun 22 19:46:16 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_manager.ML	Tue Jun 22 23:54:16 2010 +0200
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
 signature ATP_MANAGER =
-  type name_pool = Sledgehammer_HOL_Clause.name_pool
+  type name_pool = Sledgehammer_FOL_Clause.name_pool
+  type cnf_thm = Sledgehammer_Fact_Preprocessor.cnf_thm
   type relevance_override = Sledgehammer_Fact_Filter.relevance_override
   type minimize_command = Sledgehammer_Proof_Reconstruct.minimize_command
   type params =
@@ -31,8 +32,8 @@
     {subgoal: int,
      goal: Proof.context * (thm list * thm),
      relevance_override: relevance_override,
-     axiom_clauses: (thm * (string * int)) list option,
-     filtered_clauses: (thm * (string * int)) list option}
+     axiom_clauses: cnf_thm list option,
+     filtered_clauses: cnf_thm list option}
   datatype failure =
     Unprovable | IncompleteUnprovable | TimedOut | OutOfResources | OldSpass |
     MalformedInput | MalformedOutput | UnknownError
@@ -46,7 +47,7 @@
      proof: string,
      internal_thm_names: string Vector.vector,
      conjecture_shape: int list list,
-     filtered_clauses: (thm * (string * int)) list}
+     filtered_clauses: cnf_thm list}
   type prover =
     params -> minimize_command -> Time.time -> problem -> prover_result
@@ -66,6 +67,7 @@
 open Sledgehammer_Util
 open Sledgehammer_Fact_Filter
+open Sledgehammer_HOL_Clause
 open Sledgehammer_Proof_Reconstruct
 (** problems, results, provers, etc. **)
@@ -91,8 +93,8 @@
   {subgoal: int,
    goal: Proof.context * (thm list * thm),
    relevance_override: relevance_override,
-   axiom_clauses: (thm * (string * int)) list option,
-   filtered_clauses: (thm * (string * int)) list option};
+   axiom_clauses: cnf_thm list option,
+   filtered_clauses: cnf_thm list option}
 datatype failure =
   Unprovable | IncompleteUnprovable | TimedOut | OutOfResources | OldSpass |
@@ -108,7 +110,7 @@
    proof: string,
    internal_thm_names: string Vector.vector,
    conjecture_shape: int list list,
-   filtered_clauses: (thm * (string * int)) list};
+   filtered_clauses: cnf_thm list}
 type prover =
   params -> minimize_command -> Time.time -> problem -> prover_result
@@ -354,7 +356,7 @@
            filtered_clauses = NONE}
         val message =
           #message (prover params (minimize_command name) timeout problem)
-          handle Sledgehammer_HOL_Clause.TRIVIAL => metis_line full_types i n []
+          handle TRIVIAL () => metis_line full_types i n []
                | ERROR message => "Error: " ^ message ^ "\n"
         val _ = unregister params message (Thread.self ());
       in () end)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_systems.ML	Tue Jun 22 19:46:16 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_systems.ML	Tue Jun 22 23:54:16 2010 +0200
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 open Sledgehammer_HOL_Clause
 open Sledgehammer_Fact_Filter
 open Sledgehammer_Proof_Reconstruct
+open Sledgehammer_TPTP_Format
 open ATP_Manager
 (** generic ATP **)
@@ -110,33 +111,39 @@
 fun shape_of_clauses _ [] = []
   | shape_of_clauses j ([] :: clauses) = [] :: shape_of_clauses j clauses
-  | shape_of_clauses j ((lit :: lits) :: clauses) =
+  | shape_of_clauses j ((_ :: lits) :: clauses) =
     let val shape = shape_of_clauses (j + 1) (lits :: clauses) in
       (j :: hd shape) :: tl shape
-fun generic_prover overlord get_facts prepare write_file home_var executable
-        args proof_delims known_failures name
-        ({debug, full_types, explicit_apply, isar_proof, isar_shrink_factor,
-         ...} : params) minimize_command
+(* generic TPTP-based provers *)
+fun generic_tptp_prover
+        (name, {home_var, executable, arguments, proof_delims, known_failures,
+                max_axiom_clauses, prefers_theory_relevant})
+        ({debug, overlord, full_types, explicit_apply, respect_no_atp,
+          relevance_threshold, relevance_convergence, theory_relevant,
+          defs_relevant, isar_proof, isar_shrink_factor, ...} : params)
+        minimize_command timeout
         ({subgoal, goal, relevance_override, axiom_clauses, filtered_clauses}
          : problem) =
     (* get clauses and prepare them for writing *)
-    val (ctxt, (chained_ths, th)) = goal;
+    val (ctxt, (_, th)) = goal;
     val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
     val goal_clss = #1 (neg_conjecture_clauses ctxt th subgoal)
     val goal_cls = List.concat goal_clss
     val the_filtered_clauses =
       (case filtered_clauses of
-        NONE => get_facts relevance_override goal goal_cls
+        NONE => relevant_facts full_types respect_no_atp relevance_threshold
+                    relevance_convergence defs_relevant max_axiom_clauses
+                    (the_default prefers_theory_relevant theory_relevant)
+                    relevance_override goal goal_cls
       | SOME fcls => fcls);
-    val the_axiom_clauses =
-      (case axiom_clauses of
-        NONE => the_filtered_clauses
-      | SOME axcls => axcls);
+    val the_axiom_clauses = axiom_clauses |> the_default the_filtered_clauses
     val (internal_thm_names, clauses) =
-      prepare goal_cls chained_ths the_axiom_clauses the_filtered_clauses thy;
+      prepare_clauses full_types goal_cls the_axiom_clauses the_filtered_clauses
+                      thy
     (* path to unique problem file *)
     val the_dest_dir = if overlord then getenv "ISABELLE_HOME_USER"
@@ -161,10 +168,10 @@
     fun command_line probfile =
       (if Config.get ctxt measure_runtime then
          "TIMEFORMAT='%3U'; { time " ^
-         space_implode " " [File.shell_path command, args,
+         space_implode " " [File.shell_path command, arguments timeout,
                             File.shell_path probfile] ^ " ; } 2>&1"
-         space_implode " " ["exec", File.shell_path command, args,
+         space_implode " " ["exec", File.shell_path command, arguments timeout,
                             File.shell_path probfile, "2>&1"]) ^
       (if overlord then
          " | sed 's/,/, /g' \
@@ -185,11 +192,12 @@
         val time = num --| Scan.$$ "." -- num3 >> (fn (a, b) => a * 1000 + b);
         val as_time = the_default 0 o Symbol.stopper time o explode;
       in (output, as_time t) end;
-    fun split_time' s =
-      if Config.get ctxt measure_runtime then split_time s else (s, 0)
+    val split_time' =
+      if Config.get ctxt measure_runtime then split_time else rpair 0
     fun run_on probfile =
       if File.exists command then
-        write_file full_types explicit_apply probfile clauses
+        write_tptp_file (debug andalso overlord) full_types explicit_apply
+                        probfile clauses
         |> pair (apfst split_time' (bash_output (command_line probfile)))
       else if home = "" then
         error ("The environment variable " ^ quote home_var ^ " is not set.")
@@ -233,58 +241,12 @@
      proof = proof, internal_thm_names = internal_thm_names,
      conjecture_shape = conjecture_shape,
      filtered_clauses = the_filtered_clauses}
-  end;
-(* generic TPTP-based provers *)
-fun generic_tptp_prover
-        (name, {home_var, executable, arguments, proof_delims, known_failures,
-                max_axiom_clauses, prefers_theory_relevant})
-        (params as {debug, overlord, full_types, respect_no_atp,
-                    relevance_threshold, relevance_convergence, theory_relevant,
-                    defs_relevant, isar_proof, ...})
-        minimize_command timeout =
-  generic_prover overlord
-      (relevant_facts full_types respect_no_atp relevance_threshold
-                      relevance_convergence defs_relevant max_axiom_clauses
-                      (the_default prefers_theory_relevant theory_relevant))
-      (prepare_clauses false full_types)
-      (write_tptp_file (debug andalso overlord)) home_var
-      executable (arguments timeout) proof_delims known_failures name params
-      minimize_command
+  end
 fun tptp_prover name p = (name, generic_tptp_prover (name, p));
-(** common provers **)
 fun to_generous_secs time = (Time.toMilliseconds time + 999) div 1000
-(* Vampire *)
-(* Vampire requires an explicit time limit. *)
-val vampire_config : prover_config =
-  {home_var = "VAMPIRE_HOME",
-   executable = "vampire",
-   arguments = fn timeout =>
-     "--output_syntax tptp --mode casc -t " ^
-     string_of_int (to_generous_secs timeout),
-   proof_delims =
-     [("=========== Refutation ==========",
-       "======= End of refutation ======="),
-      ("% SZS output start Refutation", "% SZS output end Refutation")],
-   known_failures =
-     [(Unprovable, "UNPROVABLE"),
-      (IncompleteUnprovable, "CANNOT PROVE"),
-      (Unprovable, "Satisfiability detected"),
-      (OutOfResources, "Refutation not found")],
-   max_axiom_clauses = 60,
-   prefers_theory_relevant = false}
-val vampire = tptp_prover "vampire" vampire_config
 (* E prover *)
 val tstp_proof_delims =
@@ -311,33 +273,14 @@
 val e = tptp_prover "e" e_config
-(* SPASS *)
-fun generic_dfg_prover
-        (name, {home_var, executable, arguments, proof_delims, known_failures,
-                max_axiom_clauses, prefers_theory_relevant})
-        (params as {overlord, full_types, respect_no_atp, relevance_threshold,
-                    relevance_convergence, theory_relevant, defs_relevant, ...})
-        minimize_command timeout =
-  generic_prover overlord
-      (relevant_facts full_types respect_no_atp relevance_threshold
-                      relevance_convergence defs_relevant max_axiom_clauses
-                      (the_default prefers_theory_relevant theory_relevant))
-      (prepare_clauses true full_types) write_dfg_file home_var executable
-      (arguments timeout) proof_delims known_failures name params
-      minimize_command
-fun dfg_prover name p = (name, generic_dfg_prover (name, p))
 (* The "-VarWeight=3" option helps the higher-order problems, probably by
    counteracting the presence of "hAPP". *)
-fun generic_spass_config dfg : prover_config =
+val spass_config : prover_config =
   {home_var = "SPASS_HOME",
    executable = "SPASS",
    arguments = fn timeout =>
-     "-Auto -SOS=1 -PGiven=0 -PProblem=0 -Splits=0 -FullRed=0 -DocProof \
-     \-VarWeight=3 -TimeLimit=" ^ string_of_int (to_generous_secs timeout)
-     |> not dfg ? prefix "-TPTP ",
+     "-TPTP -Auto -SOS=1 -PGiven=0 -PProblem=0 -Splits=0 -FullRed=0 -DocProof \
+     \-VarWeight=3 -TimeLimit=" ^ string_of_int (to_generous_secs timeout),
    proof_delims = [("Here is a proof", "Formulae used in the proof")],
    known_failures =
      [(IncompleteUnprovable, "SPASS beiseite: Completion found"),
@@ -349,13 +292,30 @@
       (OldSpass, "Unrecognized option TPTP")],
    max_axiom_clauses = 40,
    prefers_theory_relevant = true}
-val spass_dfg_config = generic_spass_config true
-val spass_dfg = dfg_prover "spass_dfg" spass_dfg_config
-val spass_config = generic_spass_config false
 val spass = tptp_prover "spass" spass_config
-(* remote prover invocation via SystemOnTPTP *)
+(* Vampire *)
+val vampire_config : prover_config =
+  {home_var = "VAMPIRE_HOME",
+   executable = "vampire",
+   arguments = fn timeout =>
+     "--output_syntax tptp --mode casc -t " ^
+     string_of_int (to_generous_secs timeout),
+   proof_delims =
+     [("=========== Refutation ==========",
+       "======= End of refutation ======="),
+      ("% SZS output start Refutation", "% SZS output end Refutation")],
+   known_failures =
+     [(Unprovable, "UNPROVABLE"),
+      (IncompleteUnprovable, "CANNOT PROVE"),
+      (Unprovable, "Satisfiability detected"),
+      (OutOfResources, "Refutation not found")],
+   max_axiom_clauses = 60,
+   prefers_theory_relevant = false}
+val vampire = tptp_prover "vampire" vampire_config
+(* Remote prover invocation via SystemOnTPTP *)
 val systems = Synchronized.var "atp_systems" ([]: string list);
@@ -366,7 +326,7 @@
     error ("Failed to get available systems at SystemOnTPTP:\n" ^ answer)
 fun refresh_systems_on_tptp () =
-  Synchronized.change systems (fn _ => get_systems ());
+  Synchronized.change systems (fn _ => get_systems ())
 fun get_system prefix = Synchronized.change_result systems (fn systems =>
   (if null systems then get_systems () else systems)
@@ -374,15 +334,14 @@
 fun the_system prefix =
   (case get_system prefix of
-    NONE => error ("System " ^ quote prefix ^
-                   " not available at SystemOnTPTP.")
+    NONE => error ("System " ^ quote prefix ^ " not available at SystemOnTPTP.")
   | SOME sys => sys);
 val remote_known_failures =
   [(TimedOut, "says Timeout"),
    (MalformedOutput, "Remote script could not extract proof")]
-fun remote_prover_config atp_prefix args
+fun remote_config atp_prefix args
         ({proof_delims, known_failures, max_axiom_clauses,
           prefers_theory_relevant, ...} : prover_config) : prover_config =
   {home_var = "ISABELLE_ATP_MANAGER",
@@ -395,17 +354,12 @@
    max_axiom_clauses = max_axiom_clauses,
    prefers_theory_relevant = prefers_theory_relevant}
-val remote_vampire =
-  tptp_prover (remotify (fst vampire))
-              (remote_prover_config "Vampire---9" "" vampire_config)
+fun remote_tptp_prover prover atp_prefix args config =
+  tptp_prover (remotify (fst prover)) (remote_config atp_prefix args config)
-val remote_e =
-  tptp_prover (remotify (fst e))
-              (remote_prover_config "EP---" "" e_config)
-val remote_spass =
-  tptp_prover (remotify (fst spass))
-              (remote_prover_config "SPASS---" "-x" spass_config)
+val remote_e = remote_tptp_prover e "EP---" "" e_config
+val remote_spass = remote_tptp_prover spass "SPASS---" "-x" spass_config
+val remote_vampire = remote_tptp_prover vampire "Vampire---9" "" vampire_config
 fun maybe_remote (name, _) ({home_var, ...} : prover_config) =
   name |> getenv home_var = "" ? remotify
@@ -414,8 +368,7 @@
   space_implode " " [maybe_remote e e_config, maybe_remote spass spass_config,
                      remotify (fst vampire)]
-val provers =
-  [spass, spass_dfg, vampire, e, remote_vampire, remote_spass, remote_e]
+val provers = [e, spass, vampire, remote_e, remote_spass, remote_vampire]
 val prover_setup = fold add_prover provers
 val setup =
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick.ML	Tue Jun 22 19:46:16 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick.ML	Tue Jun 22 23:54:16 2010 +0200
@@ -943,15 +943,15 @@
 fun pick_nits_in_term state (params as {debug, timeout, expect, ...}) auto i n
                       step subst orig_assm_ts orig_t =
-  let
-    val warning_m = if auto then K () else warning
-    val unknown_outcome = ("unknown", state)
-  in
+  let val warning_m = if auto then K () else warning in
     if getenv "KODKODI" = "" then
+      (* The "expect" argument is deliberately ignored if Kodkodi is missing so
+         that the "Nitpick_Examples" can be processed on any machine. *)
       (warning_m (Pretty.string_of (plazy install_kodkodi_message));
-       unknown_outcome)
+       ("no_kodkodi", state))
+        val unknown_outcome = ("unknown", state)
         val deadline = (curry Time.+ ( ())) timeout
         val outcome as (outcome_code, _) =
           time_limit (if debug then NONE else timeout)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/meson_tactic.ML	Tue Jun 22 19:46:16 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/meson_tactic.ML	Tue Jun 22 23:54:16 2010 +0200
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
 open Sledgehammer_Fact_Preprocessor
 (*Expand all new definitions of abstraction or Skolem functions in a proof state.*)
-fun is_absko (Const (@{const_name "=="}, _) $ Free (a, _) $ u) =
+fun is_absko (Const (@{const_name "=="}, _) $ Free (a, _) $ _) =
     String.isPrefix skolem_prefix a
   | is_absko _ = false;
-fun is_okdef xs (Const (@{const_name "=="}, _) $ t $ u) =   (*Definition of Free, not in certain terms*)
+fun is_okdef xs (Const (@{const_name "=="}, _) $ t $ _) =   (*Definition of Free, not in certain terms*)
       is_Free t andalso not (member (op aconv) xs t)
   | is_okdef _ _ = false
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/metis_tactics.ML	Tue Jun 22 19:46:16 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/metis_tactics.ML	Tue Jun 22 23:54:16 2010 +0200
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 open Sledgehammer_HOL_Clause
 open Sledgehammer_Proof_Reconstruct
 open Sledgehammer_Fact_Filter
+open Sledgehammer_TPTP_Format
 val trace = Unsynchronized.ref false;
 fun trace_msg msg = if !trace then tracing (msg ()) else ();
@@ -58,7 +59,7 @@
 (* Finding the relative location of an untyped term within a list of terms *)
 fun get_index lit =
   let val lit = Envir.eta_contract lit
-      fun get n [] = raise Empty
+      fun get _ [] = raise Empty
         | get n (x::xs) = if untyped_aconv lit (Envir.eta_contract (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop x))
                           then n  else get (n+1) xs
   in get 1 end;
@@ -238,7 +239,7 @@
         | NONE    => raise Fail ("fol_type_to_isa: " ^ x));
 fun reveal_skolem_somes skolem_somes =
-  map_aterms (fn t as Const (s, T) =>
+  map_aterms (fn t as Const (s, _) =>
                  if String.isPrefix skolem_theory_name s then
                    AList.lookup (op =) skolem_somes s
                    |> the |> map_types Type_Infer.paramify_vars
@@ -348,8 +349,7 @@
   | hol_term_from_fol _ = hol_term_from_fol_PT
 fun hol_terms_from_fol ctxt mode skolem_somes fol_tms =
-  let val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
-      val ts = map (hol_term_from_fol mode ctxt) fol_tms
+  let val ts = map (hol_term_from_fol mode ctxt) fol_tms
       val _ = trace_msg (fn () => "  calling type inference:")
       val _ = app (fn t => trace_msg (fn () => Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t)) ts
       val ts' = ts |> map (reveal_skolem_somes skolem_somes) |> infer_types ctxt
@@ -694,11 +694,10 @@
             tfrees = union (op =) tfree_lits tfrees,
             skolem_somes = skolem_somes}
-      val lmap as {skolem_somes, ...} =
-        {axioms = [], tfrees = init_tfrees ctxt, skolem_somes = []}
-        |> fold (add_thm true) cls
-        |> add_tfrees
-        |> fold (add_thm false) ths
+      val lmap = {axioms = [], tfrees = init_tfrees ctxt, skolem_somes = []}
+                 |> fold (add_thm true) cls
+                 |> add_tfrees
+                 |> fold (add_thm false) ths
       val clause_lists = map (Metis.Thm.clause o #1) (#axioms lmap)
       fun is_used c =
         exists (Metis.LiteralSet.exists (const_in_metis c o #2)) clause_lists
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_fact_filter.ML	Tue Jun 22 19:46:16 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_fact_filter.ML	Tue Jun 22 23:54:16 2010 +0200
@@ -5,17 +5,17 @@
+  type cnf_thm = Sledgehammer_Fact_Preprocessor.cnf_thm
   type classrel_clause = Sledgehammer_FOL_Clause.classrel_clause
   type arity_clause = Sledgehammer_FOL_Clause.arity_clause
-  type axiom_name = Sledgehammer_HOL_Clause.axiom_name
   type hol_clause = Sledgehammer_HOL_Clause.hol_clause
-  type hol_clause_id = Sledgehammer_HOL_Clause.hol_clause_id
   type relevance_override =
     {add: Facts.ref list,
      del: Facts.ref list,
      only: bool}
+  val use_natural_form : bool Unsynchronized.ref
   val name_thms_pair_from_ref :
     Proof.context -> thm list -> Facts.ref -> string * thm list
   val tvar_classes_of_terms : term list -> string list
@@ -24,15 +24,12 @@
   val is_quasi_fol_term : theory -> term -> bool
   val relevant_facts :
     bool -> bool -> real -> real -> bool -> int -> bool -> relevance_override
-    -> Proof.context * (thm list * 'a) -> thm list
-    -> (thm * (string * int)) list
+    -> Proof.context * (thm list * 'a) -> thm list -> cnf_thm list
   val prepare_clauses :
-    bool -> bool -> thm list -> thm list
-    -> (thm * (axiom_name * hol_clause_id)) list
-    -> (thm * (axiom_name * hol_clause_id)) list -> theory
-    -> axiom_name vector
-       * (hol_clause list * hol_clause list * hol_clause list *
-          hol_clause list * classrel_clause list * arity_clause list)
+    bool -> thm list -> cnf_thm list -> cnf_thm list -> theory
+    -> string vector
+       * (hol_clause list * hol_clause list * hol_clause list
+          * hol_clause list * classrel_clause list * arity_clause list)
 structure Sledgehammer_Fact_Filter : SLEDGEHAMMER_FACT_FILTER =
@@ -42,6 +39,9 @@
 open Sledgehammer_Fact_Preprocessor
 open Sledgehammer_HOL_Clause
+(* Experimental feature: Filter theorems in natural form or in CNF? *)
+val use_natural_form = Unsynchronized.ref false
 type relevance_override =
   {add: Facts.ref list,
    del: Facts.ref list,
@@ -54,36 +54,13 @@
 fun strip_Trueprop (@{const Trueprop} $ t) = t
   | strip_Trueprop t = t;
-(*A surprising number of theorems contain only a few significant constants.
-  These include all induction rules, and other general theorems. Filtering
-  theorems in clause form reveals these complexities in the form of Skolem 
-  functions. If we were instead to filter theorems in their natural form,
-  some other method of measuring theorem complexity would become necessary.*)
-fun log_weight2 (x:real) = 1.0 + 2.0/Math.ln (x+1.0);
-(*The default seems best in practice. A constant function of one ignores
-  the constant frequencies.*)
-val weight_fn = log_weight2;
-(*Including equality in this list might be expected to stop rules like subset_antisym from
-  being chosen, but for some reason filtering works better with them listed. The
-  logical signs All, Ex, &, and --> are omitted because any remaining occurrrences
-  must be within comprehensions.*)
-val standard_consts =
-  [@{const_name Trueprop}, @{const_name "==>"}, @{const_name all},
-   @{const_name "=="}, @{const_name "op |"}, @{const_name Not},
-   @{const_name "op ="}];
 (*** constants with types ***)
 (*An abstraction of Isabelle types*)
 datatype const_typ =  CTVar | CType of string * const_typ list
 (*Is the second type an instance of the first one?*)
-fun match_type (CType(con1,args1)) (CType(con2,args2)) = 
+fun match_type (CType(con1,args1)) (CType(con2,args2)) =
       con1=con2 andalso match_types args1 args2
   | match_type CTVar _ = true
   | match_type _ CTVar = false
@@ -91,63 +68,85 @@
   | match_types (a1::as1) (a2::as2) = match_type a1 a2 andalso match_types as1 as2;
 (*Is there a unifiable constant?*)
-fun uni_mem gctab (c,c_typ) =
-  case Symtab.lookup gctab c of
-      NONE => false
-    | SOME ctyps_list => exists (match_types c_typ) ctyps_list;
+fun uni_mem goal_const_tab (c, c_typ) =
+  exists (match_types c_typ) (these (Symtab.lookup goal_const_tab c))
 (*Maps a "real" type to a const_typ*)
-fun const_typ_of (Type (c,typs)) = CType (c, map const_typ_of typs) 
+fun const_typ_of (Type (c,typs)) = CType (c, map const_typ_of typs)
   | const_typ_of (TFree _) = CTVar
   | const_typ_of (TVar _) = CTVar
 (*Pairs a constant with the list of its type instantiations (using const_typ)*)
-fun const_with_typ thy (c,typ) = 
+fun const_with_typ thy (c,typ) =
     let val tvars = Sign.const_typargs thy (c,typ)
     in (c, map const_typ_of tvars) end
-    handle TYPE _ => (c,[]);   (*Variable (locale constant): monomorphic*)   
+    handle TYPE _ => (c,[]);   (*Variable (locale constant): monomorphic*)
 (*Add a const/type pair to the table, but a [] entry means a standard connective,
   which we ignore.*)
-fun add_const_typ_table ((c,ctyps), tab) =
-  Symtab.map_default (c, [ctyps]) (fn [] => [] | ctyps_list => insert (op =) ctyps ctyps_list) 
-    tab;
+fun add_const_type_to_table (c, ctyps) =
+  Symtab.map_default (c, [ctyps])
+                     (fn [] => [] | ctypss => insert (op =) ctyps ctypss)
+val fresh_Ex_prefix = "Sledgehammer.Ex."
-(*Free variables are included, as well as constants, to handle locales*)
-fun add_term_consts_typs_rm thy (Const(c, typ), tab) =
-      add_const_typ_table (const_with_typ thy (c,typ), tab) 
-  | add_term_consts_typs_rm thy (Free(c, typ), tab) =
-      add_const_typ_table (const_with_typ thy (c,typ), tab) 
-  | add_term_consts_typs_rm _ (Const (@{const_name skolem_id}, _) $ _, tab) =
-      tab
-  | add_term_consts_typs_rm thy (t $ u, tab) =
-      add_term_consts_typs_rm thy (t, add_term_consts_typs_rm thy (u, tab))
-  | add_term_consts_typs_rm thy (Abs(_,_,t), tab) = add_term_consts_typs_rm thy (t, tab)
-  | add_term_consts_typs_rm _ (_, tab) = tab;
-(*The empty list here indicates that the constant is being ignored*)
-fun add_standard_const (s,tab) = Symtab.update (s,[]) tab;
-val null_const_tab : const_typ list list Symtab.table = 
-    List.foldl add_standard_const Symtab.empty standard_consts;
-fun get_goal_consts_typs thy = List.foldl (add_term_consts_typs_rm thy) null_const_tab;
+fun get_goal_consts_typs thy goals =
+  let
+    val use_natural_form = !use_natural_form
+    (* Free variables are included, as well as constants, to handle locales.
+       "skolem_id" is included to increase the complexity of theorems containing
+       Skolem functions. In non-CNF form, "Ex" is included but each occurrence
+       is considered fresh, to simulate the effect of Skolemization. *)
+    fun aux (Const (x as (s, _))) =
+        (if s = @{const_name Ex} andalso use_natural_form then
+           (gensym fresh_Ex_prefix, [])
+         else
+           (const_with_typ thy x))
+        |> add_const_type_to_table
+      | aux (Free x) = add_const_type_to_table (const_with_typ thy x)
+      | aux ((t as Const (@{const_name skolem_id}, _)) $ _) = aux t
+      | aux (t $ u) = aux t #> aux u
+      | aux (Abs (_, _, t)) = aux t
+      | aux _ = I
+    (* Including equality in this list might be expected to stop rules like
+       subset_antisym from being chosen, but for some reason filtering works better
+       with them listed. The logical signs All, Ex, &, and --> are omitted for CNF
+       because any remaining occurrences must be within comprehensions. *)
+    val standard_consts =
+      [@{const_name Trueprop}, @{const_name "==>"}, @{const_name all},
+       @{const_name "=="}, @{const_name "op |"}, @{const_name Not},
+       @{const_name "op ="}] @
+      (if use_natural_form then
+         [@{const_name All}, @{const_name Ex}, @{const_name "op &"},
+          @{const_name "op -->"}]
+       else
+         [])
+  in
+    Symtab.empty |> fold (Symtab.update o rpair []) standard_consts
+                 |> fold aux goals
+  end
 (*Inserts a dummy "constant" referring to the theory name, so that relevance
   takes the given theory into account.*)
 fun const_prop_of theory_relevant th =
- if theory_relevant then
-  let val name = Context.theory_name (theory_of_thm th)
-      val t = Const (name ^ ". 1", HOLogic.boolT)
-  in  t $ prop_of th  end
- else prop_of th;
+  if theory_relevant then
+    let
+      val name = Context.theory_name (theory_of_thm th)
+      val t = Const (name ^ ". 1", @{typ bool})
+    in t $ prop_of th end
+  else
+    prop_of th
+fun appropriate_prop_of theory_relevant (cnf_thm, (_, orig_thm)) =
+  (if !use_natural_form then orig_thm else cnf_thm)
+  |> const_prop_of theory_relevant
 (**** Constant / Type Frequencies ****)
 (*A two-dimensional symbol table counts frequencies of constants. It's keyed first by
   constant name and second by its list of type instantiations. For the latter, we need
   a linear ordering on type const_typ list.*)
 fun cons_nr CTVar = 0
@@ -165,137 +164,149 @@
 structure CTtab = Table(type key = const_typ list val ord = dict_ord const_typ_ord);
-fun count_axiom_consts theory_relevant thy ((thm,_), tab) = 
-  let fun count_const (a, T, tab) =
-        let val (c, cts) = const_with_typ thy (a,T)
-        in  (*Two-dimensional table update. Constant maps to types maps to count.*)
-            Symtab.map_default (c, CTtab.empty) 
-                               (CTtab.map_default (cts,0) (fn n => n+1)) tab
-        end
-      fun count_term_consts (Const(a,T), tab) = count_const(a,T,tab)
-        | count_term_consts (Free(a,T), tab) = count_const(a,T,tab)
-        | count_term_consts (t $ u, tab) =
-            count_term_consts (t, count_term_consts (u, tab))
-        | count_term_consts (Abs(_,_,t), tab) = count_term_consts (t, tab)
-        | count_term_consts (_, tab) = tab
-  in  count_term_consts (const_prop_of theory_relevant thm, tab)  end;
+fun count_axiom_consts theory_relevant thy axiom =
+  let
+    fun do_const (a, T) =
+      let val (c, cts) = const_with_typ thy (a,T) in
+        (* Two-dimensional table update. Constant maps to types maps to
+           count. *)
+        CTtab.map_default (cts, 0) (Integer.add 1)
+        |> Symtab.map_default (c, CTtab.empty)
+      end
+    fun do_term (Const x) = do_const x
+      | do_term (Free x) = do_const x
+      | do_term (Const (@{const_name skolem_id}, _) $ _) = I
+      | do_term (t $ u) = do_term t #> do_term u
+      | do_term (Abs (_, _, t)) = do_term t
+      | do_term _ = I
+  in axiom |> appropriate_prop_of theory_relevant |> do_term end
 (**** Actual Filtering Code ****)
 (*The frequency of a constant is the sum of those of all instances of its type.*)
-fun const_frequency ctab (c, cts) =
+fun const_frequency const_tab (c, cts) =
   CTtab.fold (fn (cts', m) => match_types cts cts' ? Integer.add m)
-             (the (Symtab.lookup ctab c)) 0
+             (the (Symtab.lookup const_tab c)
+              handle Option.Option => raise Fail ("Const: " ^ c)) 0
-(*Add in a constant's weight, as determined by its frequency.*)
-fun add_ct_weight ctab ((c,T), w) =
-  w + weight_fn (real (const_frequency ctab (c,T)));
+(*A surprising number of theorems contain only a few significant constants.
+  These include all induction rules, and other general theorems. Filtering
+  theorems in clause form reveals these complexities in the form of Skolem
+  functions. If we were instead to filter theorems in their natural form,
+  some other method of measuring theorem complexity would become necessary.*)
-(*Relevant constants are weighted according to frequency, 
+(* "log" seems best in practice. A constant function of one ignores the constant
+   frequencies. *)
+fun log_weight2 (x:real) = 1.0 + 2.0 / Math.ln (x + 1.0)
+(* Computes a constant's weight, as determined by its frequency. *)
+val ct_weight = log_weight2 o real oo const_frequency
+(*Relevant constants are weighted according to frequency,
   but irrelevant constants are simply counted. Otherwise, Skolem functions,
   which are rare, would harm a clause's chances of being picked.*)
-fun clause_weight ctab gctyps consts_typs =
+fun clause_weight const_tab gctyps consts_typs =
     let val rel = filter (uni_mem gctyps) consts_typs
-        val rel_weight = List.foldl (add_ct_weight ctab) 0.0 rel
+        val rel_weight = fold (curry Real.+ o ct_weight const_tab) rel 0.0
         rel_weight / (rel_weight + real (length consts_typs - length rel))
 (*Multiplies out to a list of pairs: 'a * 'b list -> ('a * 'b) list -> ('a * 'b) list*)
 fun add_expand_pairs (x,ys) xys = List.foldl (fn (y,acc) => (x,y)::acc) xys ys;
-fun consts_typs_of_term thy t = 
-  let val tab = add_term_consts_typs_rm thy (t, null_const_tab)
-  in  Symtab.fold add_expand_pairs tab []  end;
+fun consts_typs_of_term thy t =
+  Symtab.fold add_expand_pairs (get_goal_consts_typs thy [t]) []
-fun pair_consts_typs_axiom theory_relevant thy (p as (thm, _)) =
-  (p, (consts_typs_of_term thy (const_prop_of theory_relevant thm)));
+fun pair_consts_typs_axiom theory_relevant thy axiom =
+  (axiom, axiom |> appropriate_prop_of theory_relevant
+                |> consts_typs_of_term thy)
-exception ConstFree;
-fun dest_ConstFree (Const aT) = aT
-  | dest_ConstFree (Free aT) = aT
-  | dest_ConstFree _ = raise ConstFree;
+exception CONST_OR_FREE of unit
+fun dest_Const_or_Free (Const x) = x
+  | dest_Const_or_Free (Free x) = x
+  | dest_Const_or_Free _ = raise CONST_OR_FREE ()
 (*Look for definitions of the form f ?x1 ... ?xn = t, but not reversed.*)
 fun defines thy thm gctypes =
     let val tm = prop_of thm
         fun defs lhs rhs =
             let val (rator,args) = strip_comb lhs
-                val ct = const_with_typ thy (dest_ConstFree rator)
+                val ct = const_with_typ thy (dest_Const_or_Free rator)
               forall is_Var args andalso uni_mem gctypes ct andalso
                 subset (op =) (Term.add_vars rhs [], Term.add_vars lhs [])
-            handle ConstFree => false
-    in    
+            handle CONST_OR_FREE () => false
+    in
         case tm of
-          @{const Trueprop} $ (Const (@{const_name "op ="}, _) $ lhs $ rhs) => 
-            defs lhs rhs 
+          @{const Trueprop} $ (Const (@{const_name "op ="}, _) $ lhs $ rhs) =>
+            defs lhs rhs
         | _ => false
-type annotd_cls = (thm * (string * int)) * ((string * const_typ list) list);
+type annotated_clause = cnf_thm * ((string * const_typ list) list)
 (*For a reverse sort, putting the largest values first.*)
-fun compare_pairs ((_,w1),(_,w2)) = (w2,w1);
+fun compare_pairs ((_, w1), (_, w2)) = (w2, w1)
 (*Limit the number of new clauses, to prevent runaway acceptance.*)
-fun take_best max_new (newpairs : (annotd_cls*real) list) =
+fun take_best max_new (newpairs : (annotated_clause * real) list) =
   let val nnew = length newpairs
     if nnew <= max_new then (map #1 newpairs, [])
-    else 
+    else
       let val cls = sort compare_pairs newpairs
           val accepted = List.take (cls, max_new)
-        trace_msg (fn () => ("Number of candidates, " ^ Int.toString nnew ^ 
+        trace_msg (fn () => ("Number of candidates, " ^ Int.toString nnew ^
                        ", exceeds the limit of " ^ Int.toString (max_new)));
         trace_msg (fn () => ("Effective pass mark: " ^ Real.toString (#2 (List.last accepted))));
         trace_msg (fn () => "Actually passed: " ^
-          space_implode ", " (map (fn (((_,(name,_)),_),_) => name) accepted));
+          space_implode ", " (map (fn (((_,((name,_), _)),_),_) => name) accepted));
         (map #1 accepted, map #1 (List.drop (cls, max_new)))
-fun cnf_for_facts ctxt =
-  let val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt in
-    maps (maps (cnf_axiom thy) o ProofContext.get_fact ctxt)
-  end
 fun relevant_clauses ctxt relevance_convergence defs_relevant max_new
-                     (relevance_override as {add, del, only}) ctab =
+                     ({add, del, ...} : relevance_override) const_tab =
     val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
-    val add_thms = cnf_for_facts ctxt add
-    val del_thms = cnf_for_facts ctxt del
-    fun iter threshold rel_consts =
+    val add_thms = maps (ProofContext.get_fact ctxt) add
+    val del_thms = maps (ProofContext.get_fact ctxt) del
+    fun iter threshold rel_const_tab =
         fun relevant ([], _) [] = []  (* Nothing added this iteration *)
           | relevant (newpairs, rejects) [] =
               val (newrels, more_rejects) = take_best max_new newpairs
               val new_consts = maps #2 newrels
-              val rel_consts' = List.foldl add_const_typ_table rel_consts new_consts
+              val rel_const_tab =
+                rel_const_tab |> fold add_const_type_to_table new_consts
               val threshold =
                 threshold + (1.0 - threshold) / relevance_convergence
               trace_msg (fn () => "relevant this iteration: " ^
                                   Int.toString (length newrels));
-              map #1 newrels @ iter threshold rel_consts'
+              map #1 newrels @ iter threshold rel_const_tab
                   (more_rejects @ rejects)
           | relevant (newrels, rejects)
-                     ((ax as (clsthm as (thm, (name, n)), consts_typs)) :: axs) =
+                     ((ax as (clsthm as (_, ((name, n), orig_th)),
+                              consts_typs)) :: axs) =
-              val weight = if member Thm.eq_thm add_thms thm then 1.0
-                           else if member Thm.eq_thm del_thms thm then 0.0
-                           else clause_weight ctab rel_consts consts_typs
+              val weight =
+                if member Thm.eq_thm add_thms orig_th then 1.0
+                else if member Thm.eq_thm del_thms orig_th then 0.0
+                else clause_weight const_tab rel_const_tab consts_typs
               if weight >= threshold orelse
-                 (defs_relevant andalso defines thy (#1 clsthm) rel_consts) then
-                (trace_msg (fn () => name ^ " clause " ^ Int.toString n ^ 
+                 (defs_relevant andalso
+                  defines thy (#1 clsthm) rel_const_tab) then
+                (trace_msg (fn () => name ^ " clause " ^ Int.toString n ^
                                      " passes: " ^ Real.toString weight);
                 relevant ((ax, weight) :: newrels, rejects) axs)
@@ -307,14 +318,14 @@
           relevant ([], [])
   in iter end
 fun relevance_filter ctxt relevance_threshold relevance_convergence
                      defs_relevant max_new theory_relevant relevance_override
-                     thy axioms goals = 
+                     thy (axioms : cnf_thm list) goals =
   if relevance_threshold > 0.0 then
-      val const_tab = List.foldl (count_axiom_consts theory_relevant thy)
-                                 Symtab.empty axioms
+      val const_tab = fold (count_axiom_consts theory_relevant thy) axioms
+                           Symtab.empty
       val goal_const_tab = get_goal_consts_typs thy goals
       val _ =
         trace_msg (fn () => "Initial constants: " ^
@@ -398,7 +409,7 @@
 fun multi_name a th (n, pairs) =
   (n + 1, (a ^ "(" ^ Int.toString n ^ ")", th) :: pairs);
-fun add_names (a, []) pairs = pairs
+fun add_names (_, []) pairs = pairs
   | add_names (a, [th]) pairs = (a, th) :: pairs
   | add_names (a, ths) pairs = #2 (fold (multi_name a) ths (1, pairs))
@@ -453,16 +464,16 @@
 fun fold_type_consts f (Type (a, Ts)) x = fold (fold_type_consts f) Ts (f (a,x))
   | fold_type_consts _ _ x = x;
-val add_type_consts_in_type = fold_type_consts setinsert;
 (*Type constructors used to instantiate overloaded constants are the only ones needed.*)
 fun add_type_consts_in_term thy =
-  let val const_typargs = Sign.const_typargs thy
-      fun add_tcs (Const cT) x = fold add_type_consts_in_type (const_typargs cT) x
-        | add_tcs (Abs (_, _, u)) x = add_tcs u x
-        | add_tcs (t $ u) x = add_tcs t (add_tcs u x)
-        | add_tcs _ x = x
-  in  add_tcs  end
+  let
+    val const_typargs = Sign.const_typargs thy
+    fun aux (Const cT) = fold (fold_type_consts setinsert) (const_typargs cT)
+      | aux (Abs (_, _, u)) = aux u
+      | aux (Const (@{const_name skolem_id}, _) $ _) = I
+      | aux (t $ u) = aux t #> aux u
+      | aux _ = I
+  in aux end
 fun type_consts_of_terms thy ts =
   Symtab.keys (fold (add_type_consts_in_term thy) ts Symtab.empty);
@@ -478,7 +489,7 @@
 (*Ensures that no higher-order theorems "leak out"*)
 fun restrict_to_logic thy true cls =
     filter (is_quasi_fol_term thy o prop_of o fst) cls
-  | restrict_to_logic thy false cls = cls;
+  | restrict_to_logic _ false cls = cls
 (**** Predicates to detect unwanted clauses (prolific or likely to cause
       unsoundness) ****)
@@ -524,16 +535,14 @@
    omitted. *)
 fun is_dangerous_term _ @{prop True} = true
   | is_dangerous_term full_types t =
-    not full_types andalso 
+    not full_types andalso
     (has_typed_var dangerous_types t orelse
      forall too_general_equality (HOLogic.disjuncts (strip_Trueprop t)))
-fun is_dangerous_theorem full_types add_thms thm =
-  not (member Thm.eq_thm add_thms thm) andalso
-  is_dangerous_term full_types (prop_of thm)
 fun remove_dangerous_clauses full_types add_thms =
-  filter_out (is_dangerous_theorem full_types add_thms o fst)
+  filter_out (fn (cnf_th, (_, orig_th)) =>
+                 not (member Thm.eq_thm add_thms orig_th) andalso
+                 is_dangerous_term full_types (prop_of cnf_th))
 fun is_fol_goal thy = forall (Meson.is_fol_term thy) o map prop_of
@@ -555,8 +564,11 @@
         |> cnf_rules_pairs thy
         |> not has_override ? make_unique
         |> not only ? restrict_to_logic thy is_FO
-        |> (if only then I
-            else remove_dangerous_clauses full_types (cnf_for_facts ctxt add))
+        |> (if only then
+              I
+            else
+              remove_dangerous_clauses full_types
+                                       (maps (ProofContext.get_fact ctxt) add))
       relevance_filter ctxt relevance_threshold relevance_convergence
                        defs_relevant max_new theory_relevant relevance_override
@@ -564,9 +576,50 @@
       |> has_override ? make_unique
+(** Helper clauses **)
+fun count_combterm (CombConst ((c, _), _, _)) =
+    Symtab.map_entry c (Integer.add 1)
+  | count_combterm (CombVar _) = I
+  | count_combterm (CombApp (t1, t2)) = count_combterm t1 #> count_combterm t2
+fun count_literal (Literal (_, t)) = count_combterm t
+fun count_clause (HOLClause {literals, ...}) = fold count_literal literals
+val raw_cnf_rules_pairs = map (fn (name, thm) => (thm, ((name, 0), thm)))
+fun cnf_helper_thms thy raw =
+  map (`Thm.get_name_hint)
+  #> (if raw then raw_cnf_rules_pairs else cnf_rules_pairs thy)
+val optional_helpers =
+  [(["c_COMBI", "c_COMBK"], (false, @{thms COMBI_def COMBK_def})),
+   (["c_COMBB", "c_COMBC"], (false, @{thms COMBB_def COMBC_def})),
+   (["c_COMBS"], (false, @{thms COMBS_def}))]
+val optional_typed_helpers =
+  [(["c_True", "c_False"], (true, @{thms True_or_False})),
+   (["c_If"], (true, @{thms if_True if_False True_or_False}))]
+val mandatory_helpers = @{thms fequal_imp_equal equal_imp_fequal}
+val init_counters =
+  Symtab.make (maps (maps (map (rpair 0) o fst))
+                    [optional_helpers, optional_typed_helpers])
+fun get_helper_clauses thy is_FO full_types conjectures axcls =
+  let
+    val axclauses = map snd (make_axiom_clauses thy axcls)
+    val ct = fold (fold count_clause) [conjectures, axclauses] init_counters
+    fun is_needed c = the (Symtab.lookup ct c) > 0
+    val cnfs =
+      (optional_helpers
+       |> full_types ? append optional_typed_helpers
+       |> maps (fn (ss, (raw, ths)) =>
+                   if exists is_needed ss then cnf_helper_thms thy raw ths
+                   else []))
+      @ (if is_FO then [] else cnf_helper_thms thy false mandatory_helpers)
+  in map snd (make_axiom_clauses thy cnfs) end
 (* prepare for passing to writer,
    create additional clauses based on the information from extra_cls *)
-fun prepare_clauses dfg full_types goal_cls chained_ths axcls extra_cls thy =
+fun prepare_clauses full_types goal_cls axcls extra_cls thy =
     val is_FO = is_fol_goal thy goal_cls
     val ccls = subtract_cls extra_cls goal_cls
@@ -577,12 +630,12 @@
     and supers = tvar_classes_of_terms axtms
     and tycons = type_consts_of_terms thy (ccltms @ axtms)
     (*TFrees in conjecture clauses; TVars in axiom clauses*)
-    val conjectures = make_conjecture_clauses dfg thy ccls
-    val (_, extra_clauses) = ListPair.unzip (make_axiom_clauses dfg thy extra_cls)
-    val (clnames, axiom_clauses) = ListPair.unzip (make_axiom_clauses dfg thy axcls)
+    val conjectures = make_conjecture_clauses thy ccls
+    val (_, extra_clauses) = ListPair.unzip (make_axiom_clauses thy extra_cls)
+    val (clnames, axiom_clauses) = ListPair.unzip (make_axiom_clauses thy axcls)
     val helper_clauses =
-      get_helper_clauses dfg thy is_FO full_types conjectures extra_cls
-    val (supers', arity_clauses) = make_arity_clauses_dfg dfg thy tycons supers
+      get_helper_clauses thy is_FO full_types conjectures extra_cls
+    val (supers', arity_clauses) = make_arity_clauses thy tycons supers
     val classrel_clauses = make_classrel_clauses thy subs supers'
     (Vector.fromList clnames,
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_fact_minimizer.ML	Tue Jun 22 19:46:16 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_fact_minimizer.ML	Tue Jun 22 23:54:16 2010 +0200
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 open Sledgehammer_Util
 open Sledgehammer_Fact_Preprocessor
+open Sledgehammer_HOL_Clause
 open Sledgehammer_Proof_Reconstruct
 open ATP_Manager
@@ -47,8 +48,8 @@
 fun string_for_outcome NONE = "Success."
   | string_for_outcome (SOME failure) = string_for_failure failure
-fun sledgehammer_test_theorems (params as {full_types, ...} : params) prover
-        timeout subgoal state filtered_clauses name_thms_pairs =
+fun sledgehammer_test_theorems (params : params) prover timeout subgoal state
+                               filtered_clauses name_thms_pairs =
     val num_theorems = length name_thms_pairs
     val _ = priority ("Testing " ^ string_of_int num_theorems ^
@@ -88,7 +89,7 @@
         (result as {outcome = NONE, ...}) => SOME result
       | _ => NONE
-    val {context = ctxt, facts, goal} = Proof.goal state;
+    val {context = ctxt, goal, ...} = Proof.goal state;
     (* try prove first to check result and get used theorems *)
     (case test_thms_fun NONE name_thms_pairs of
@@ -125,8 +126,7 @@
                \option (e.g., \"timeout = " ^
                string_of_int (10 + msecs div 1000) ^ " s\").")
     | {message, ...} => (NONE, "ATP error: " ^ message))
-    handle Sledgehammer_HOL_Clause.TRIVIAL =>
-           (SOME [], metis_line full_types i n [])
+    handle TRIVIAL () => (SOME [], metis_line full_types i n [])
          | ERROR msg => (NONE, "Error: " ^ msg)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_fact_preprocessor.ML	Tue Jun 22 19:46:16 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_fact_preprocessor.ML	Tue Jun 22 23:54:16 2010 +0200
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
+  type cnf_thm = thm * ((string * int) * thm)
   val chained_prefix: string
   val trace: bool Unsynchronized.ref
   val trace_msg: (unit -> string) -> unit
@@ -18,11 +19,10 @@
   val multi_base_blacklist: string list
   val is_theorem_bad_for_atps: thm -> bool
   val type_has_topsort: typ -> bool
-  val cnf_rules_pairs:
-    theory -> (string * thm) list -> (thm * (string * int)) list
-  val use_skolem_cache: bool Unsynchronized.ref
+  val cnf_rules_pairs : theory -> (string * thm) list -> cnf_thm list
+  val saturate_skolem_cache: theory -> theory option
+  val auto_saturate_skolem_cache: bool Unsynchronized.ref
     (* for emergency use where the Skolem cache causes problems *)
-  val strip_subgoal : thm -> int -> (string * typ) list * term list * term
   val neg_clausify: thm -> thm list
   val neg_conjecture_clauses:
     Proof.context -> thm -> int -> thm list list * (string * typ) list
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@
 open Sledgehammer_FOL_Clause
+type cnf_thm = thm * ((string * int) * thm)
 (* Used to label theorems chained into the goal. *)
 val chained_prefix = "Sledgehammer.chained_"
@@ -132,12 +134,12 @@
       | dec_sko (@{const "op &"} $ p $ q) thx = dec_sko q (dec_sko p thx)
       | dec_sko (@{const "op |"} $ p $ q) thx = dec_sko q (dec_sko p thx)
       | dec_sko (@{const Trueprop} $ p) thx = dec_sko p thx
-      | dec_sko t thx = thx
+      | dec_sko _ thx = thx
   in dec_sko (prop_of th) ([], thy) end
 fun mk_skolem_id t =
   let val T = fastype_of t in
-    Const (@{const_name skolem_id}, T --> T) $ Envir.beta_norm t
+    Const (@{const_name skolem_id}, T --> T) $ t
 (*Traverse a theorem, accumulating Skolem function definitions.*)
@@ -153,10 +155,11 @@
           val cT = Ts ---> T (* FIXME: use "skolem_type_and_args" *)
           val id = skolem_name s ( skolem_count) s'
           val c = Free (id, cT)
-          val rhs = list_abs_free (map dest_Free args,
-                                   HOLogic.choice_const T $ body)
-                    |> inline ? mk_skolem_id
-                (*Forms a lambda-abstraction over the formal parameters*)
+          (* Forms a lambda-abstraction over the formal parameters *)
+          val rhs =
+            list_abs_free (map dest_Free args,
+                           HOLogic.choice_const T $ body)
+            |> inline ? mk_skolem_id
           val def = Logic.mk_equals (c, rhs)
           val comb = list_comb (if inline then rhs else c, args)
         in dec_sko (subst_bound (comb, p)) (def :: defs) end
@@ -167,7 +170,7 @@
       | dec_sko (@{const "op &"} $ p $ q) defs = dec_sko q (dec_sko p defs)
       | dec_sko (@{const "op |"} $ p $ q) defs = dec_sko q (dec_sko p defs)
       | dec_sko (@{const Trueprop} $ p) defs = dec_sko p defs
-      | dec_sko t defs = defs (*Do nothing otherwise*)
+      | dec_sko _ defs = defs
   in  dec_sko (prop_of th) []  end;
@@ -409,7 +412,6 @@
       val ctxt0 = Variable.global_thm_context th
       val (nnfth, ctxt) = to_nnf th ctxt0
       val inline = exists_type (exists_subtype (can dest_TFree)) (prop_of nnfth)
-      val inline = false (* FIXME: temporary *)
       val defs = skolem_theorems_of_assume inline s nnfth
       val (cnfs, ctxt) = Meson.make_cnf defs nnfth ctxt
@@ -447,20 +449,20 @@
 (**** Translate a set of theorems into CNF ****)
-fun pair_name_cls _ (_, []) = []
-  | pair_name_cls k (n, cls::clss) = (cls, (n,k)) :: pair_name_cls (k+1) (n, clss)
 (*The combination of rev and tail recursion preserves the original order*)
 fun cnf_rules_pairs thy =
-    fun aux pairs [] = pairs
-      | aux pairs ((name, th) :: ths) =
+    fun do_one _ [] = []
+      | do_one ((name, k), th) (cls :: clss) =
+        (cls, ((name, k), th)) :: do_one ((name, k + 1), th) clss
+    fun do_all pairs [] = pairs
+      | do_all pairs ((name, th) :: ths) =
-          val new_pairs = pair_name_cls 0 (name, cnf_axiom thy th)
+          val new_pairs = do_one ((name, 0), th) (cnf_axiom thy th)
                           handle THM _ => [] |
                                  CLAUSE _ => []
-        in aux (new_pairs @ pairs) ths end
-  in aux [] o rev end
+        in do_all (new_pairs @ pairs) ths end
+  in do_all [] o rev end
 (**** Convert all facts of the theory into FOL or HOL clauses ****)
@@ -520,22 +522,11 @@
-val use_skolem_cache = Unsynchronized.ref true
-fun clause_cache_endtheory thy =
-  if !use_skolem_cache then saturate_skolem_cache thy else NONE
+val auto_saturate_skolem_cache = Unsynchronized.ref true
-(* The cache can be kept smaller by inspecting the prop of each thm. Can ignore
-   all that are quasi-lambda-free, but then the individual theory caches become
-   much bigger. *)
+fun conditionally_saturate_skolem_cache thy =
+  if !auto_saturate_skolem_cache then saturate_skolem_cache thy else NONE
-fun strip_subgoal goal i =
-  let
-    val (t, frees) = Logic.goal_params (prop_of goal) i
-    val hyp_ts = t |> Logic.strip_assums_hyp |> map (curry subst_bounds frees)
-    val concl_t = t |> Logic.strip_assums_concl |> curry subst_bounds frees
-  in (rev (map dest_Free frees), hyp_ts, concl_t) end
 (*** Converting a subgoal into negated conjecture clauses. ***)
@@ -574,7 +565,7 @@
 (** setup **)
 val setup =
-  perhaps saturate_skolem_cache
-  #> Theory.at_end clause_cache_endtheory
+  perhaps conditionally_saturate_skolem_cache
+  #> Theory.at_end conditionally_saturate_skolem_cache
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_fol_clause.ML	Tue Jun 22 19:46:16 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_fol_clause.ML	Tue Jun 22 23:54:16 2010 +0200
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
+  val type_wrapper_name : string
   val schematic_var_prefix: string
   val fixed_var_prefix: string
   val tvar_prefix: string
   val tfree_prefix: string
-  val clause_prefix: string
   val const_prefix: string
   val tconst_prefix: string
   val class_prefix: string
@@ -23,13 +23,12 @@
   val type_const_trans_table: string Symtab.table
   val ascii_of: string -> string
   val undo_ascii_of: string -> string
-  val paren_pack : string list -> string
   val make_schematic_var : string * int -> string
   val make_fixed_var : string -> string
   val make_schematic_type_var : string * int -> string
   val make_fixed_type_var : string -> string
-  val make_fixed_const : bool -> string -> string
-  val make_fixed_type_const : bool -> string -> string
+  val make_fixed_const : string -> string
+  val make_fixed_type_const : string -> string
   val make_type_class : string -> string
   type name = string * string
   type name_pool = string Symtab.table * string Symtab.table
@@ -37,56 +36,20 @@
   val pool_map : ('a -> 'b -> 'c * 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b -> 'c list * 'b
   val nice_name : name -> name_pool option -> string * name_pool option
   datatype kind = Axiom | Conjecture
-  type axiom_name = string
-  datatype fol_type =
-    TyVar of name |
-    TyFree of name |
-    TyConstr of name * fol_type list
-  val string_of_fol_type :
-    fol_type -> name_pool option -> string * name_pool option
   datatype type_literal =
     TyLitVar of string * name |
     TyLitFree of string * name
   exception CLAUSE of string * term
   val type_literals_for_types : typ list -> type_literal list
-  val get_tvar_strs: typ list -> string list
   datatype arLit =
       TConsLit of class * string * string list
     | TVarLit of class * string
   datatype arity_clause = ArityClause of
-   {axiom_name: axiom_name, conclLit: arLit, premLits: arLit list}
+   {axiom_name: string, conclLit: arLit, premLits: arLit list}
   datatype classrel_clause = ClassrelClause of
-   {axiom_name: axiom_name, subclass: class, superclass: class}
+   {axiom_name: string, subclass: class, superclass: class}
   val make_classrel_clauses: theory -> class list -> class list -> classrel_clause list
-  val make_arity_clauses_dfg: bool -> theory -> string list -> class list -> class list * arity_clause list
   val make_arity_clauses: theory -> string list -> class list -> class list * arity_clause list
-  val add_type_sort_preds: typ -> int Symtab.table -> int Symtab.table
-  val add_classrel_clause_preds :
-    classrel_clause -> int Symtab.table -> int Symtab.table
-  val class_of_arityLit: arLit -> class
-  val add_arity_clause_preds: arity_clause -> int Symtab.table -> int Symtab.table
-  val add_fol_type_funcs: fol_type -> int Symtab.table -> int Symtab.table
-  val add_arity_clause_funcs:
-    arity_clause -> int Symtab.table -> int Symtab.table
-  val init_functab: int Symtab.table
-  val dfg_sign: bool -> string -> string
-  val dfg_of_type_literal: bool -> type_literal -> string
-  val gen_dfg_cls: int * string * kind * string list * string list * string list -> string
-  val string_of_preds: (string * list -> string
-  val string_of_funcs: (string * int) list -> string
-  val string_of_symbols: string -> string -> string
-  val string_of_start: string -> string
-  val string_of_descrip : string -> string
-  val dfg_tfree_clause : string -> string
-  val dfg_classrel_clause: classrel_clause -> string
-  val dfg_arity_clause: arity_clause -> string
-  val tptp_sign: bool -> string -> string
-  val tptp_of_type_literal :
-    bool -> type_literal -> name_pool option -> string * name_pool option
-  val gen_tptp_cls : int * string * kind * string list * string list -> string
-  val tptp_tfree_clause : string -> string
-  val tptp_arity_clause : arity_clause -> string
-  val tptp_classrel_clause : classrel_clause -> string
 structure Sledgehammer_FOL_Clause : SLEDGEHAMMER_FOL_CLAUSE =
@@ -94,15 +57,15 @@
 open Sledgehammer_Util
+val type_wrapper_name = "ti"
 val schematic_var_prefix = "V_";
 val fixed_var_prefix = "v_";
 val tvar_prefix = "T_";
 val tfree_prefix = "t_";
-val clause_prefix = "cls_";
-val arclause_prefix = "clsarity_"
-val clrelclause_prefix = "clsrel_";
+val classrel_clause_prefix = "clsrel_";
 val const_prefix = "c_";
 val tconst_prefix = "tc_";
@@ -175,12 +138,6 @@
 val undo_ascii_of = undo_ascii_aux [] o String.explode;
-(* convert a list of strings into one single string; surrounded by brackets *)
-fun paren_pack [] = ""   (*empty argument list*)
-  | paren_pack strings = "(" ^ commas strings ^ ")";
-fun tptp_clause strings = "(" ^ space_implode " | " strings ^ ")"
 (*Remove the initial ' character from a type variable, if it is present*)
 fun trim_type_var s =
   if s <> "" andalso String.sub(s,0) = #"'" then String.extract(s,1,NONE)
@@ -196,31 +153,21 @@
       tvar_prefix ^ (ascii_of_indexname (trim_type_var x,i));
 fun make_fixed_type_var x = tfree_prefix ^ (ascii_of (trim_type_var x));
-val max_dfg_symbol_length = 63
-(* HACK because SPASS 3.0 truncates identifiers to 63 characters. *)
-fun controlled_length dfg s =
-  if dfg andalso size s > max_dfg_symbol_length then
-    String.extract (s, 0, SOME (max_dfg_symbol_length div 2 - 1)) ^ "__" ^
-    String.extract (s, size s - max_dfg_symbol_length div 2 + 1, NONE)
-  else
-    s
+fun lookup_const c =
+  case Symtab.lookup const_trans_table c of
+    SOME c' => c'
+  | NONE => ascii_of c
-fun lookup_const dfg c =
-    case Symtab.lookup const_trans_table c of
-        SOME c' => c'
-      | NONE => controlled_length dfg (ascii_of c);
-fun lookup_type_const dfg c =
-    case Symtab.lookup type_const_trans_table c of
-        SOME c' => c'
-      | NONE => controlled_length dfg (ascii_of c);
+fun lookup_type_const c =
+  case Symtab.lookup type_const_trans_table c of
+    SOME c' => c'
+  | NONE => ascii_of c
 (* "op =" MUST BE "equal" because it's built into ATPs. *)
-fun make_fixed_const _ (@{const_name "op ="}) = "equal"
-  | make_fixed_const dfg c = const_prefix ^ lookup_const dfg c;
+fun make_fixed_const @{const_name "op ="} = "equal"
+  | make_fixed_const c = const_prefix ^ lookup_const c
-fun make_fixed_type_const dfg c = tconst_prefix ^ lookup_type_const dfg c;
+fun make_fixed_type_const c = tconst_prefix ^ lookup_type_const c
 fun make_type_class clas = class_prefix ^ ascii_of clas;
@@ -287,28 +234,12 @@
               |> apsnd SOME
-(**** Definitions and functions for FOL clauses, for conversion to TPTP or DFG
-      format ****)
+(**** Definitions and functions for FOL clauses for TPTP format output ****)
 datatype kind = Axiom | Conjecture;
-type axiom_name = string;
 (**** Isabelle FOL clauses ****)
-datatype fol_type =
-  TyVar of name |
-  TyFree of name |
-  TyConstr of name * fol_type list
-fun string_of_fol_type (TyVar sp) pool = nice_name sp pool
-  | string_of_fol_type (TyFree sp) pool = nice_name sp pool
-  | string_of_fol_type (TyConstr (sp, tys)) pool =
-    let
-      val (s, pool) = nice_name sp pool
-      val (ss, pool) = pool_map string_of_fol_type tys pool
-    in (s ^ paren_pack ss, pool) end
 (* The first component is the type class; the second is a TVar or TFree. *)
 datatype type_literal =
   TyLitVar of string * name |
@@ -329,39 +260,19 @@
 fun sorts_on_typs (TFree (a,s)) = sorts_on_typs_aux ((a,~1),s)
   | sorts_on_typs (TVar (v,s))  = sorts_on_typs_aux (v,s);
-fun pred_of_sort (TyLitVar (s, _)) = (s, 1)
-  | pred_of_sort (TyLitFree (s, _)) = (s, 1)
 (*Given a list of sorted type variables, return a list of type literals.*)
 fun type_literals_for_types Ts =
   fold (union (op =)) (map sorts_on_typs Ts) []
-(*The correct treatment of TFrees like 'a in lemmas (axiom clauses) is not clear.
-  *  Ignoring them leads to unsound proofs, since we do nothing to ensure that 'a
-    in a lemma has the same sort as 'a in the conjecture.
-  * Deleting such clauses will lead to problems with locales in other use of local results
-    where 'a is fixed. Probably we should delete clauses unless the sorts agree.
-  * Currently we include a class constraint in the clause, exactly as with TVars.
 (** make axiom and conjecture clauses. **)
-fun get_tvar_strs [] = []
-  | get_tvar_strs ((TVar (indx,s))::Ts) =
-      insert (op =) (make_schematic_type_var indx) (get_tvar_strs Ts)
-  | get_tvar_strs((TFree _)::Ts) = get_tvar_strs Ts
 (**** Isabelle arities ****)
 datatype arLit = TConsLit of class * string * string list
                | TVarLit of class * string;
 datatype arity_clause =
-         ArityClause of {axiom_name: axiom_name,
-                         conclLit: arLit,
-                         premLits: arLit list};
+  ArityClause of {axiom_name: string, conclLit: arLit, premLits: arLit list}
 fun gen_TVars 0 = []
@@ -372,25 +283,23 @@
   | pack_sort(tvar, cls::srt) =  (cls, tvar) :: pack_sort(tvar, srt);
 (*Arity of type constructor tcon :: (arg1,...,argN)res*)
-fun make_axiom_arity_clause dfg (tcons, axiom_name, (cls,args)) =
+fun make_axiom_arity_clause (tcons, axiom_name, (cls,args)) =
    let val tvars = gen_TVars (length args)
        val tvars_srts = (tvars,args)
-      ArityClause {axiom_name = axiom_name, 
-                   conclLit = TConsLit (cls, make_fixed_type_const dfg tcons, tvars),
-                   premLits = map TVarLit (union_all(map pack_sort tvars_srts))}
+     ArityClause {axiom_name = axiom_name, 
+                  conclLit = TConsLit (cls, make_fixed_type_const tcons, tvars),
+                  premLits = map TVarLit (union_all(map pack_sort tvars_srts))}
 (**** Isabelle class relations ****)
 datatype classrel_clause =
-         ClassrelClause of {axiom_name: axiom_name,
-                            subclass: class,
-                            superclass: class};
+  ClassrelClause of {axiom_name: string, subclass: class, superclass: class}
 (*Generate all pairs (sub,super) such that sub is a proper subclass of super in theory thy.*)
-fun class_pairs thy [] supers = []
+fun class_pairs _ [] _ = []
   | class_pairs thy subs supers =
         val class_less = Sorts.class_less (Sign.classes_of thy)
@@ -399,7 +308,8 @@
       in fold add_supers subs [] end
 fun make_classrel_clause (sub,super) =
-  ClassrelClause {axiom_name = clrelclause_prefix ^ ascii_of sub ^ "_" ^ ascii_of super,
+  ClassrelClause {axiom_name = classrel_clause_prefix ^ ascii_of sub ^ "_" ^
+                               ascii_of super,
                   subclass = make_type_class sub,
                   superclass = make_type_class super};
@@ -409,20 +319,20 @@
 (** Isabelle arities **)
-fun arity_clause dfg _ _ (tcons, []) = []
-  | arity_clause dfg seen n (tcons, ("HOL.type",_)::ars) =  (*ignore*)
-      arity_clause dfg seen n (tcons,ars)
-  | arity_clause dfg seen n (tcons, (ar as (class,_)) :: ars) =
+fun arity_clause _ _ (_, []) = []
+  | arity_clause seen n (tcons, ("HOL.type",_)::ars) =  (*ignore*)
+      arity_clause seen n (tcons,ars)
+  | arity_clause seen n (tcons, (ar as (class,_)) :: ars) =
       if member (op =) seen class then (*multiple arities for the same tycon, class pair*)
-          make_axiom_arity_clause dfg (tcons, lookup_type_const dfg tcons ^ "_" ^ class ^ "_" ^ Int.toString n, ar) ::
-          arity_clause dfg seen (n+1) (tcons,ars)
+          make_axiom_arity_clause (tcons, lookup_type_const tcons ^ "_" ^ class ^ "_" ^ Int.toString n, ar) ::
+          arity_clause seen (n+1) (tcons,ars)
-          make_axiom_arity_clause dfg (tcons, lookup_type_const dfg tcons ^ "_" ^ class, ar) ::
-          arity_clause dfg (class::seen) n (tcons,ars)
+          make_axiom_arity_clause (tcons, lookup_type_const tcons ^ "_" ^ class, ar) ::
+          arity_clause (class::seen) n (tcons,ars)
-fun multi_arity_clause dfg [] = []
-  | multi_arity_clause dfg ((tcons, ars) :: tc_arlists) =
-      arity_clause dfg [] 1 (tcons, ars) @ multi_arity_clause dfg tc_arlists
+fun multi_arity_clause [] = []
+  | multi_arity_clause ((tcons, ars) :: tc_arlists) =
+      arity_clause [] 1 (tcons, ars) @ multi_arity_clause tc_arlists
 (*Generate all pairs (tycon,class,sorts) such that tycon belongs to class in theory thy
   provided its arguments have the corresponding sorts.*)
@@ -436,7 +346,7 @@
   in  map try_classes tycons  end;
 (*Proving one (tycon, class) membership may require proving others, so iterate.*)
-fun iter_type_class_pairs thy tycons [] = ([], [])
+fun iter_type_class_pairs _ _ [] = ([], [])
   | iter_type_class_pairs thy tycons classes =
       let val cpairs = type_class_pairs thy tycons classes
           val newclasses = union_all (union_all (union_all (map (map #2 o #2) cpairs)))
@@ -444,165 +354,8 @@
           val (classes', cpairs') = iter_type_class_pairs thy tycons newclasses
       in (union (op =) classes' classes, union (op =) cpairs' cpairs) end;
-fun make_arity_clauses_dfg dfg thy tycons classes =
+fun make_arity_clauses thy tycons classes =
   let val (classes', cpairs) = iter_type_class_pairs thy tycons classes
-  in  (classes', multi_arity_clause dfg cpairs)  end;
-val make_arity_clauses = make_arity_clauses_dfg false;
-(**** Find occurrences of predicates in clauses ****)
-(*FIXME: multiple-arity checking doesn't work, as update_new is the wrong
-  function (it flags repeated declarations of a function, even with the same arity)*)
-fun update_many keypairs = fold Symtab.update keypairs
-val add_type_sort_preds = update_many o map pred_of_sort o sorts_on_typs
-fun add_classrel_clause_preds (ClassrelClause {subclass, superclass, ...}) =
-  Symtab.update (subclass, 1) #> Symtab.update (superclass, 1)
-fun class_of_arityLit (TConsLit (tclass, _, _)) = tclass
-  | class_of_arityLit (TVarLit (tclass, _)) = tclass;
-fun add_arity_clause_preds (ArityClause {conclLit, premLits, ...}) =
-  let
-    val classes = map (make_type_class o class_of_arityLit)
-                      (conclLit :: premLits)
-  in fold (Symtab.update o rpair 1) classes end;
-(*** Find occurrences of functions in clauses ***)
-fun add_fol_type_funcs (TyVar _) = I
-  | add_fol_type_funcs (TyFree (s, _)) = Symtab.update (s, 0)
-  | add_fol_type_funcs (TyConstr ((s, _), tys)) =
-    Symtab.update (s, length tys) #> fold add_fol_type_funcs tys
-(*TFrees are recorded as constants*)
-fun add_type_sort_funcs (TVar _, funcs) = funcs
-  | add_type_sort_funcs (TFree (a, _), funcs) =
-      Symtab.update (make_fixed_type_var a, 0) funcs
-fun add_arity_clause_funcs (ArityClause {conclLit,...}) funcs =
-  let val TConsLit (_, tcons, tvars) = conclLit
-  in  Symtab.update (tcons, length tvars) funcs  end;
-(*This type can be overlooked because it is built-in...*)
-val init_functab = Symtab.update ("tc_itself", 1) Symtab.empty;
-(**** String-oriented operations ****)
-fun string_of_clausename (cls_id,ax_name) =
-    clause_prefix ^ ascii_of ax_name ^ "_" ^ Int.toString cls_id;
-fun string_of_type_clsname (cls_id,ax_name,idx) =
-    string_of_clausename (cls_id,ax_name) ^ "_tcs" ^ (Int.toString idx);
-(**** Producing DFG files ****)
-(*Attach sign in DFG syntax: false means negate.*)
-fun dfg_sign true s = s
-  | dfg_sign false s = "not(" ^ s ^ ")"
-fun dfg_of_type_literal pos (TyLitVar (s, (s', _))) =
-    dfg_sign pos (s ^ "(" ^ s' ^ ")")
-  | dfg_of_type_literal pos (TyLitFree (s, (s', _))) =
-    dfg_sign pos (s ^ "(" ^ s' ^ ")");
-(*Enclose the clause body by quantifiers, if necessary*)
-fun dfg_forall [] body = body
-  | dfg_forall vars body = "forall([" ^ commas vars ^ "],\n" ^ body ^ ")"
-fun gen_dfg_cls (cls_id, ax_name, Axiom, lits, tylits, vars) =
-      "clause( %(axiom)\n" ^
-      dfg_forall vars ("or(" ^ commas (tylits@lits) ^ ")") ^ ",\n" ^
-      string_of_clausename (cls_id,ax_name) ^  ").\n\n"
-  | gen_dfg_cls (cls_id, ax_name, Conjecture, lits, _, vars) =
-      "clause( %(negated_conjecture)\n" ^
-      dfg_forall vars ("or(" ^ commas lits ^ ")") ^ ",\n" ^
-      string_of_clausename (cls_id,ax_name) ^  ").\n\n";
-fun string_of_arity (name, arity) =  "(" ^ name ^ ", " ^ Int.toString arity ^ ")"
-fun string_of_preds [] = ""
-  | string_of_preds preds = "predicates[" ^ commas(map string_of_arity preds) ^ "].\n";
-fun string_of_funcs [] = ""
-  | string_of_funcs funcs = "functions[" ^ commas(map string_of_arity funcs) ^ "].\n" ;
-fun string_of_symbols predstr funcstr =
-  "list_of_symbols.\n" ^ predstr  ^ funcstr  ^ "end_of_list.\n\n";
-fun string_of_start name = "begin_problem(" ^ name ^ ").\n\n";
-fun string_of_descrip name =
-  "list_of_descriptions.\nname({*" ^ name ^
-  "*}).\nauthor({*Isabelle*}).\nstatus(unknown).\ndescription({*auto-generated*}).\nend_of_list.\n\n"
-fun dfg_tfree_clause tfree_lit =
-  "clause( %(negated_conjecture)\n" ^ "or( " ^ tfree_lit ^ "),\n" ^ "tfree_tcs" ^ ").\n\n"
-fun dfg_of_arLit (TConsLit (c,t,args)) =
-      dfg_sign true (make_type_class c ^ "(" ^ t ^ paren_pack args ^ ")")
-  | dfg_of_arLit (TVarLit (c,str)) =
-      dfg_sign false (make_type_class c ^ "(" ^ str ^ ")")
-fun dfg_classrelLits sub sup =  "not(" ^ sub ^ "(T)), " ^ sup ^ "(T)";
-fun dfg_classrel_clause (ClassrelClause {axiom_name,subclass,superclass,...}) =
-  "clause(forall([T],\nor( " ^ dfg_classrelLits subclass superclass ^ ")),\n" ^
-  axiom_name ^ ").\n\n";
-fun string_of_ar axiom_name = arclause_prefix ^ ascii_of axiom_name;
-fun dfg_arity_clause (ArityClause{axiom_name,conclLit,premLits,...}) =
-  let val TConsLit (_,_,tvars) = conclLit
-      val lits = map dfg_of_arLit (conclLit :: premLits)
-  in
-      "clause( %(axiom)\n" ^
-      dfg_forall tvars ("or( " ^ commas lits ^ ")") ^ ",\n" ^
-      string_of_ar axiom_name ^ ").\n\n"
-  end;
-(**** Produce TPTP files ****)
-fun tptp_sign true s = s
-  | tptp_sign false s = "~ " ^ s
-fun tptp_of_type_literal pos (TyLitVar (s, name)) =
-    nice_name name #>> (fn s' => tptp_sign pos (s ^ "(" ^ s' ^ ")"))
-  | tptp_of_type_literal pos (TyLitFree (s, name)) =
-    nice_name name #>> (fn s' => tptp_sign pos (s ^ "(" ^ s' ^ ")"))
-fun tptp_cnf name kind formula =
-  "cnf(" ^ name ^ ", " ^ kind ^ ",\n    " ^ formula ^ ").\n"
-fun gen_tptp_cls (cls_id, ax_name, Axiom, lits, tylits) =
-      tptp_cnf (string_of_clausename (cls_id, ax_name)) "axiom"
-               (tptp_clause (tylits @ lits))
-  | gen_tptp_cls (cls_id, ax_name, Conjecture, lits, _) =
-      tptp_cnf (string_of_clausename (cls_id, ax_name)) "negated_conjecture"
-               (tptp_clause lits)
-fun tptp_tfree_clause tfree_lit =
-    tptp_cnf "tfree_tcs" "negated_conjecture" (tptp_clause [tfree_lit])
-fun tptp_of_arLit (TConsLit (c,t,args)) =
-      tptp_sign true (make_type_class c ^ "(" ^ t ^ paren_pack args ^ ")")
-  | tptp_of_arLit (TVarLit (c,str)) =
-      tptp_sign false (make_type_class c ^ "(" ^ str ^ ")")
-fun tptp_arity_clause (ArityClause{axiom_name,conclLit,premLits,...}) =
-  tptp_cnf (string_of_ar axiom_name) "axiom"
-           (tptp_clause (map tptp_of_arLit (conclLit :: premLits)))
-fun tptp_classrelLits sub sup =
-  let val tvar = "(T)"
-  in  tptp_clause [tptp_sign false (sub^tvar), tptp_sign true (sup^tvar)]  end;
-fun tptp_classrel_clause (ClassrelClause {axiom_name,subclass,superclass,...}) =
-  tptp_cnf axiom_name "axiom" (tptp_classrelLits subclass superclass)
+  in  (classes', multi_arity_clause cpairs)  end;
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_hol_clause.ML	Tue Jun 22 19:46:16 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_hol_clause.ML	Tue Jun 22 23:54:16 2010 +0200
@@ -2,49 +2,40 @@
     Author:     Jia Meng, NICTA
     Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
-FOL clauses translated from HOL formulae.
+FOL clauses translated from HOL formulas.
+  type cnf_thm = Sledgehammer_Fact_Preprocessor.cnf_thm
   type name =
   type name_pool = Sledgehammer_FOL_Clause.name_pool
   type kind = Sledgehammer_FOL_Clause.kind
-  type fol_type = Sledgehammer_FOL_Clause.fol_type
   type classrel_clause = Sledgehammer_FOL_Clause.classrel_clause
   type arity_clause = Sledgehammer_FOL_Clause.arity_clause
-  type axiom_name = string
   type polarity = bool
-  type hol_clause_id = int
+  datatype combtyp =
+    TyVar of name |
+    TyFree of name |
+    TyConstr of name * combtyp list
   datatype combterm =
-    CombConst of name * fol_type * fol_type list (* Const and Free *) |
-    CombVar of name * fol_type |
+    CombConst of name * combtyp * combtyp list (* Const and Free *) |
+    CombVar of name * combtyp |
     CombApp of combterm * combterm
   datatype literal = Literal of polarity * combterm
   datatype hol_clause =
-    HOLClause of {clause_id: hol_clause_id, axiom_name: axiom_name, th: thm,
-                  kind: kind, literals: literal list, ctypes_sorts: typ list}
+    HOLClause of {clause_id: int, axiom_name: string, th: thm, kind: kind,
+                  literals: literal list, ctypes_sorts: typ list}
-  val type_of_combterm : combterm -> fol_type
+  val type_of_combterm : combterm -> combtyp
   val strip_combterm_comb : combterm -> combterm * combterm list
   val literals_of_term : theory -> term -> literal list * typ list
   val conceal_skolem_somes :
     int -> (string * term) list -> term -> (string * term) list * term
-  exception TRIVIAL
-  val make_conjecture_clauses : bool -> theory -> thm list -> hol_clause list
-  val make_axiom_clauses : bool -> theory ->
-       (thm * (axiom_name * hol_clause_id)) list -> (axiom_name * hol_clause) list
-  val type_wrapper_name : string
-  val get_helper_clauses :
-    bool -> theory -> bool -> bool -> hol_clause list
-      -> (thm * (axiom_name * hol_clause_id)) list -> hol_clause list
-  val write_tptp_file : bool -> bool -> bool -> Path.T ->
-    hol_clause list * hol_clause list * hol_clause list * hol_clause list *
-    classrel_clause list * arity_clause list -> name_pool option * int
-  val write_dfg_file : bool -> bool -> Path.T ->
-    hol_clause list * hol_clause list * hol_clause list * hol_clause list *
-    classrel_clause list * arity_clause list -> name_pool option * int
+  exception TRIVIAL of unit
+  val make_conjecture_clauses : theory -> thm list -> hol_clause list
+  val make_axiom_clauses : theory -> cnf_thm list -> (string * hol_clause) list
 structure Sledgehammer_HOL_Clause : SLEDGEHAMMER_HOL_CLAUSE =
@@ -54,39 +45,46 @@
 open Sledgehammer_FOL_Clause
 open Sledgehammer_Fact_Preprocessor
-fun min_arity_of const_min_arity c =
-  the_default 0 (Symtab.lookup const_min_arity c)
-(*True if the constant ever appears outside of the top-level position in literals.
-  If false, the constant always receives all of its arguments and is used as a predicate.*)
-fun needs_hBOOL explicit_apply const_needs_hBOOL c =
-  explicit_apply orelse the_default false (Symtab.lookup const_needs_hBOOL c)
 (* data types for typed combinator expressions        *)
-type axiom_name = string;
-type polarity = bool;
-type hol_clause_id = int;
+type polarity = bool
+datatype combtyp =
+  TyVar of name |
+  TyFree of name |
+  TyConstr of name * combtyp list
 datatype combterm =
-  CombConst of name * fol_type * fol_type list (* Const and Free *) |
-  CombVar of name * fol_type |
+  CombConst of name * combtyp * combtyp list (* Const and Free *) |
+  CombVar of name * combtyp |
   CombApp of combterm * combterm
 datatype literal = Literal of polarity * combterm;
 datatype hol_clause =
-  HOLClause of {clause_id: hol_clause_id, axiom_name: axiom_name, th: thm,
-                kind: kind, literals: literal list, ctypes_sorts: typ list};
+  HOLClause of {clause_id: int, axiom_name: string, th: thm, kind: kind,
+                literals: literal list, ctypes_sorts: typ list}
 (* convert a clause with type Term.term to a clause with type clause *)
+(*Result of a function type; no need to check that the argument type matches.*)
+fun result_type (TyConstr (_, [_, tp2])) = tp2
+  | result_type _ = raise Fail "non-function type"
+fun type_of_combterm (CombConst (_, tp, _)) = tp
+  | type_of_combterm (CombVar (_, tp)) = tp
+  | type_of_combterm (CombApp (t1, _)) = result_type (type_of_combterm t1)
+(*gets the head of a combinator application, along with the list of arguments*)
+fun strip_combterm_comb u =
+    let fun stripc (CombApp(t,u), ts) = stripc (t, u::ts)
+        |   stripc  x =  x
+    in stripc(u,[]) end
 fun isFalse (Literal (pol, CombConst ((c, _), _, _))) =
       (pol andalso c = "c_False") orelse (not pol andalso c = "c_True")
   | isFalse _ = false;
@@ -98,65 +96,65 @@
 fun isTaut (HOLClause {literals,...}) = exists isTrue literals;
-fun type_of dfg (Type (a, Ts)) =
-    let val (folTypes,ts) = types_of dfg Ts in
-      (TyConstr (`(make_fixed_type_const dfg) a, folTypes), ts)
+fun type_of (Type (a, Ts)) =
+    let val (folTypes,ts) = types_of Ts in
+      (TyConstr (`make_fixed_type_const a, folTypes), ts)
-  | type_of _ (tp as TFree (a, _)) = (TyFree (`make_fixed_type_var a), [tp])
-  | type_of _ (tp as TVar (x, _)) =
+  | type_of (tp as TFree (a, _)) = (TyFree (`make_fixed_type_var a), [tp])
+  | type_of (tp as TVar (x, _)) =
     (TyVar (make_schematic_type_var x, string_of_indexname x), [tp])
-and types_of dfg Ts =
-      let val (folTyps,ts) = ListPair.unzip (map (type_of dfg) Ts)
-      in  (folTyps, union_all ts)  end;
+and types_of Ts =
+    let val (folTyps, ts) = ListPair.unzip (map type_of Ts) in
+      (folTyps, union_all ts)
+    end
 (* same as above, but no gathering of sort information *)
-fun simp_type_of dfg (Type (a, Ts)) =
-      TyConstr (`(make_fixed_type_const dfg) a, map (simp_type_of dfg) Ts)
-  | simp_type_of _ (TFree (a, _)) = TyFree (`make_fixed_type_var a)
-  | simp_type_of _ (TVar (x, _)) =
-    TyVar (make_schematic_type_var x, string_of_indexname x);
+fun simp_type_of (Type (a, Ts)) =
+      TyConstr (`make_fixed_type_const a, map simp_type_of Ts)
+  | simp_type_of (TFree (a, _)) = TyFree (`make_fixed_type_var a)
+  | simp_type_of (TVar (x, _)) =
+    TyVar (make_schematic_type_var x, string_of_indexname x)
 (* convert a Term.term (with combinators) into a combterm, also accummulate sort info *)
-fun combterm_of dfg thy (Const (c, T)) =
+fun combterm_of thy (Const (c, T)) =
-        val (tp, ts) = type_of dfg T
+        val (tp, ts) = type_of T
         val tvar_list =
           (if String.isPrefix skolem_theory_name c then
              [] |> Term.add_tvarsT T |> map TVar
              (c, T) |> Sign.const_typargs thy)
-          |> map (simp_type_of dfg)
-        val c' = CombConst (`(make_fixed_const dfg) c, tp, tvar_list)
+          |> map simp_type_of
+        val c' = CombConst (`make_fixed_const c, tp, tvar_list)
       in  (c',ts)  end
-  | combterm_of dfg _ (Free(v, T)) =
-      let val (tp,ts) = type_of dfg T
+  | combterm_of _ (Free(v, T)) =
+      let val (tp,ts) = type_of T
           val v' = CombConst (`make_fixed_var v, tp, [])
       in  (v',ts)  end
-  | combterm_of dfg _ (Var(v, T)) =
-      let val (tp,ts) = type_of dfg T
+  | combterm_of _ (Var(v, T)) =
+      let val (tp,ts) = type_of T
           val v' = CombVar ((make_schematic_var v, string_of_indexname v), tp)
       in  (v',ts)  end
-  | combterm_of dfg thy (P $ Q) =
-      let val (P',tsP) = combterm_of dfg thy P
-          val (Q',tsQ) = combterm_of dfg thy Q
-      in  (CombApp(P',Q'), union (op =) tsP tsQ)  end
-  | combterm_of _ _ (t as Abs _) = raise CLAUSE ("HOL clause", t);
-fun predicate_of dfg thy ((@{const Not} $ P), polarity) = predicate_of dfg thy (P, not polarity)
-  | predicate_of dfg thy (t,polarity) = (combterm_of dfg thy (Envir.eta_contract t), polarity);
+  | combterm_of thy (P $ Q) =
+      let val (P', tsP) = combterm_of thy P
+          val (Q', tsQ) = combterm_of thy Q
+      in  (CombApp (P', Q'), union (op =) tsP tsQ)  end
+  | combterm_of _ (t as Abs _) = raise CLAUSE ("HOL clause", t)
-fun literals_of_term1 dfg thy args (@{const Trueprop} $ P) = literals_of_term1 dfg thy args P
-  | literals_of_term1 dfg thy args (@{const "op |"} $ P $ Q) =
-      literals_of_term1 dfg thy (literals_of_term1 dfg thy args P) Q
-  | literals_of_term1 dfg thy (lits,ts) P =
-      let val ((pred,ts'),pol) = predicate_of dfg thy (P,true)
-      in
-          (Literal(pol,pred)::lits, union (op =) ts ts')
-      end;
+fun predicate_of thy ((@{const Not} $ P), polarity) =
+    predicate_of thy (P, not polarity)
+  | predicate_of thy (t, polarity) =
+    (combterm_of thy (Envir.eta_contract t), polarity)
-fun literals_of_term_dfg dfg thy P = literals_of_term1 dfg thy ([],[]) P;
-val literals_of_term = literals_of_term_dfg false;
+fun literals_of_term1 args thy (@{const Trueprop} $ P) =
+    literals_of_term1 args thy P
+  | literals_of_term1 args thy (@{const "op |"} $ P $ Q) =
+    literals_of_term1 (literals_of_term1 args thy P) thy Q
+  | literals_of_term1 (lits, ts) thy P =
+    let val ((pred, ts'), pol) = predicate_of thy (P, true) in
+      (Literal (pol, pred) :: lits, union (op =) ts ts')
+    end
+val literals_of_term = literals_of_term1 ([], [])
 fun skolem_name i j num_T_args =
   skolem_prefix ^ (space_implode "_" (map Int.toString [i, j, num_T_args])) ^
@@ -168,6 +166,7 @@
       fun aux skolem_somes
               (t as (Const (@{const_name skolem_id}, Type (_, [_, T])) $ _)) =
+            val t = Envir.beta_eta_contract t
             val (skolem_somes, s) =
               if i = ~1 then
                 (skolem_somes, @{const_name undefined})
@@ -195,438 +194,39 @@
     (skolem_somes, t)
 (* Trivial problem, which resolution cannot handle (empty clause) *)
-exception TRIVIAL;
+exception TRIVIAL of unit
 (* making axiom and conjecture clauses *)
-fun make_clause dfg thy (clause_id, axiom_name, kind, th) skolem_somes =
+fun make_clause thy (clause_id, axiom_name, kind, th) skolem_somes =
     val (skolem_somes, t) =
       th |> prop_of |> conceal_skolem_somes clause_id skolem_somes
-    val (lits, ctypes_sorts) = literals_of_term_dfg dfg thy t
+    val (lits, ctypes_sorts) = literals_of_term thy t
     if forall isFalse lits then
-      raise TRIVIAL
+      raise TRIVIAL ()
        HOLClause {clause_id = clause_id, axiom_name = axiom_name, th = th,
                   kind = kind, literals = lits, ctypes_sorts = ctypes_sorts})
-fun add_axiom_clause dfg thy (th, (name, id)) (skolem_somes, clss) =
+fun add_axiom_clause thy (th, ((name, id), _ : thm)) (skolem_somes, clss) =
-    val (skolem_somes, cls) =
-      make_clause dfg thy (id, name, Axiom, th) skolem_somes
+    val (skolem_somes, cls) = make_clause thy (id, name, Axiom, th) skolem_somes
   in (skolem_somes, clss |> not (isTaut cls) ? cons (name, cls)) end
-fun make_axiom_clauses dfg thy clauses =
-  ([], []) |> fold (add_axiom_clause dfg thy) clauses |> snd
+fun make_axiom_clauses thy clauses =
+  ([], []) |> fold (add_axiom_clause thy) clauses |> snd
-fun make_conjecture_clauses dfg thy =
+fun make_conjecture_clauses thy =
     fun aux _ _ [] = []
       | aux n skolem_somes (th :: ths) =
           val (skolem_somes, cls) =
-            make_clause dfg thy (n, "conjecture", Conjecture, th) skolem_somes
+            make_clause thy (n, "conjecture", Conjecture, th) skolem_somes
         in cls :: aux (n + 1) skolem_somes ths end
   in aux 0 [] end
-(* convert clause into ATP specific formats:                          *)
-(* TPTP used by Vampire and E                                         *)
-(* DFG used by SPASS                                                  *)
-(*Result of a function type; no need to check that the argument type matches.*)
-fun result_type (TyConstr (_, [_, tp2])) = tp2
-  | result_type _ = raise Fail "non-function type"
-fun type_of_combterm (CombConst (_, tp, _)) = tp
-  | type_of_combterm (CombVar (_, tp)) = tp
-  | type_of_combterm (CombApp (t1, _)) = result_type (type_of_combterm t1);
-(*gets the head of a combinator application, along with the list of arguments*)
-fun strip_combterm_comb u =
-    let fun stripc (CombApp(t,u), ts) = stripc (t, u::ts)
-        |   stripc  x =  x
-    in  stripc(u,[])  end;
-val type_wrapper_name = "ti"
-fun head_needs_hBOOL explicit_apply const_needs_hBOOL
-                     (CombConst ((c, _), _, _)) =
-    needs_hBOOL explicit_apply const_needs_hBOOL c
-  | head_needs_hBOOL _ _ _ = true
-fun wrap_type full_types (s, ty) pool =
-  if full_types then
-    let val (s', pool) = string_of_fol_type ty pool in
-      (type_wrapper_name ^ paren_pack [s, s'], pool)
-    end
-  else
-    (s, pool)
-fun wrap_type_if full_types explicit_apply cnh (head, s, tp) =
-  if head_needs_hBOOL explicit_apply cnh head then
-    wrap_type full_types (s, tp)
-  else
-    pair s
-fun apply ss = "hAPP" ^ paren_pack ss;
-fun rev_apply (v, []) = v
-  | rev_apply (v, arg::args) = apply [rev_apply (v, args), arg];
-fun string_apply (v, args) = rev_apply (v, rev args);
-(* Apply an operator to the argument strings, using either the "apply" operator
-   or direct function application. *)
-fun string_of_application full_types cma (CombConst ((s, s'), _, tvars), args)
-                          pool =
-    let
-      val s = if s = "equal" then "c_fequal" else s
-      val nargs = min_arity_of cma s
-      val args1 = List.take (args, nargs)
-        handle Subscript =>
-               raise Fail (quote s ^ " has arity " ^ Int.toString nargs ^
-                           " but is applied to " ^ commas (map quote args))
-      val args2 = List.drop (args, nargs)
-      val (targs, pool) = if full_types then ([], pool)
-                          else pool_map string_of_fol_type tvars pool
-      val (s, pool) = nice_name (s, s') pool
-    in (string_apply (s ^ paren_pack (args1 @ targs), args2), pool) end
-  | string_of_application _ _ (CombVar (name, _), args) pool =
-    nice_name name pool |>> (fn s => string_apply (s, args))
-fun string_of_combterm (params as (full_types, explicit_apply, cma, cnh)) t
-                       pool =
-  let
-    val (head, args) = strip_combterm_comb t
-    val (ss, pool) = pool_map (string_of_combterm params) args pool
-    val (s, pool) = string_of_application full_types cma (head, ss) pool
-  in
-    wrap_type_if full_types explicit_apply cnh (head, s, type_of_combterm t)
-                 pool
-  end
-(*Boolean-valued terms are here converted to literals.*)
-fun boolify params c =
-  string_of_combterm params c #>> prefix "hBOOL" o paren_pack o single
-fun string_of_predicate (params as (_, explicit_apply, _, cnh)) t =
-  case t of
-    (CombApp (CombApp (CombConst (("equal", _), _, _), t1), t2)) =>
-    (* DFG only: new TPTP prefers infix equality *)
-    pool_map (string_of_combterm params) [t1, t2]
-    #>> prefix "equal" o paren_pack
-  | _ =>
-    case #1 (strip_combterm_comb t) of
-      CombConst ((s, _), _, _) =>
-      (if needs_hBOOL explicit_apply cnh s then boolify else string_of_combterm)
-          params t
-    | _ => boolify params t
-(*** TPTP format ***)
-fun tptp_of_equality params pos (t1, t2) =
-  pool_map (string_of_combterm params) [t1, t2]
-  #>> space_implode (if pos then " = " else " != ")
-fun tptp_literal params
-        (Literal (pos, CombApp (CombApp (CombConst (("equal", _), _, _), t1),
-                                         t2))) =
-    tptp_of_equality params pos (t1, t2)
-  | tptp_literal params (Literal (pos, pred)) =
-    string_of_predicate params pred #>> tptp_sign pos
-(* Given a clause, returns its literals paired with a list of literals
-   concerning TFrees; the latter should only occur in conjecture clauses. *)
-fun tptp_type_literals params pos (HOLClause {literals, ctypes_sorts, ...})
-                       pool =
-  let
-    val (lits, pool) = pool_map (tptp_literal params) literals pool
-    val (tylits, pool) = pool_map (tptp_of_type_literal pos)
-                                  (type_literals_for_types ctypes_sorts) pool
-  in ((lits, tylits), pool) end
-fun tptp_clause params (cls as HOLClause {axiom_name, clause_id, kind, ...})
-                pool =
-    val ((lits, tylits), pool) =
-      tptp_type_literals params (kind = Conjecture) cls pool
-  in
-    ((gen_tptp_cls (clause_id, axiom_name, kind, lits, tylits), tylits), pool)
-  end
-(*** DFG format ***)
-fun dfg_literal params (Literal (pos, pred)) =
-  string_of_predicate params pred #>> dfg_sign pos
-fun dfg_type_literals params pos (HOLClause {literals, ctypes_sorts, ...}) =
-  pool_map (dfg_literal params) literals
-  #>> rpair (map (dfg_of_type_literal pos)
-                 (type_literals_for_types ctypes_sorts))
-fun get_uvars (CombConst _) vars pool = (vars, pool)
-  | get_uvars (CombVar (name, _)) vars pool =
-    nice_name name pool |>> (fn var => var :: vars)
-  | get_uvars (CombApp (P, Q)) vars pool =
-    let val (vars, pool) = get_uvars P vars pool in get_uvars Q vars pool end
-fun get_uvars_l (Literal (_, c)) = get_uvars c [];
-fun dfg_vars (HOLClause {literals, ...}) =
-  pool_map get_uvars_l literals #>> union_all
-fun dfg_clause params (cls as HOLClause {axiom_name, clause_id, kind,
-                                         ctypes_sorts, ...}) pool =
-  let
-    val ((lits, tylits), pool) =
-      dfg_type_literals params (kind = Conjecture) cls pool
-    val (vars, pool) = dfg_vars cls pool
-    val tvars = get_tvar_strs ctypes_sorts
-  in
-    ((gen_dfg_cls (clause_id, axiom_name, kind, lits, tylits, tvars @ vars),
-      tylits), pool)
-  end
-(** For DFG format: accumulate function and predicate declarations **)
-fun add_types tvars = fold add_fol_type_funcs tvars
-fun add_decls (full_types, explicit_apply, cma, cnh)
-              (CombConst ((c, _), ctp, tvars)) (funcs, preds) =
-      (if c = "equal" then
-         (add_types tvars funcs, preds)
-       else
-         let val arity = min_arity_of cma c
-             val ntys = if not full_types then length tvars else 0
-             val addit = Symtab.update(c, arity + ntys)
-         in
-             if needs_hBOOL explicit_apply cnh c then
-               (add_types tvars (addit funcs), preds)
-             else
-               (add_types tvars funcs, addit preds)
-         end) |>> full_types ? add_fol_type_funcs ctp
-  | add_decls _ (CombVar (_, ctp)) (funcs, preds) =
-      (add_fol_type_funcs ctp funcs, preds)
-  | add_decls params (CombApp (P, Q)) decls =
-      decls |> add_decls params P |> add_decls params Q
-fun add_literal_decls params (Literal (_, c)) = add_decls params c
-fun add_clause_decls params (HOLClause {literals, ...}) decls =
-    fold (add_literal_decls params) literals decls
-    handle Symtab.DUP a => error ("function " ^ a ^ " has multiple arities")
-fun decls_of_clauses (params as (full_types, explicit_apply, _, _)) clauses
-                     arity_clauses =
-  let
-    val functab =
-      init_functab
-      |> fold Symtab.update [(type_wrapper_name, 2), ("hAPP", 2),
-                             ("tc_bool", 0)]
-      val predtab = Symtab.empty |> Symtab.update ("hBOOL", 1)
-      val (functab, predtab) =
-        (functab, predtab) |> fold (add_clause_decls params) clauses
-                           |>> fold add_arity_clause_funcs arity_clauses
-  in (Symtab.dest functab, Symtab.dest predtab) end
-fun add_clause_preds (HOLClause {ctypes_sorts, ...}) preds =
-  fold add_type_sort_preds ctypes_sorts preds
-  handle Symtab.DUP a => error ("predicate " ^ a ^ " has multiple arities")
-(*Higher-order clauses have only the predicates hBOOL and type classes.*)
-fun preds_of_clauses clauses clsrel_clauses arity_clauses =
-  Symtab.empty
-  |> fold add_clause_preds clauses
-  |> fold add_arity_clause_preds arity_clauses
-  |> fold add_classrel_clause_preds clsrel_clauses
-  |> Symtab.dest
-(* write clauses to files                                             *)
-fun count_combterm (CombConst ((c, _), _, _)) =
-    Symtab.map_entry c (Integer.add 1)
-  | count_combterm (CombVar _) = I
-  | count_combterm (CombApp (t1, t2)) = count_combterm t1 #> count_combterm t2
-fun count_literal (Literal (_, t)) = count_combterm t
-fun count_clause (HOLClause {literals, ...}) = fold count_literal literals
-val raw_cnf_rules_pairs = map (fn (name, thm) => (thm, (name, 0)))
-fun cnf_helper_thms thy raw =
-  map (`Thm.get_name_hint)
-  #> (if raw then raw_cnf_rules_pairs else cnf_rules_pairs thy)
-val optional_helpers =
-  [(["c_COMBI", "c_COMBK"], (false, @{thms COMBI_def COMBK_def})),
-   (["c_COMBB", "c_COMBC"], (false, @{thms COMBB_def COMBC_def})),
-   (["c_COMBS"], (false, @{thms COMBS_def}))]
-val optional_typed_helpers =
-  [(["c_True", "c_False"], (true, @{thms True_or_False})),
-   (["c_If"], (true, @{thms if_True if_False True_or_False}))]
-val mandatory_helpers = @{thms fequal_imp_equal equal_imp_fequal}
-val init_counters =
-  Symtab.make (maps (maps (map (rpair 0) o fst))
-                    [optional_helpers, optional_typed_helpers])
-fun get_helper_clauses dfg thy is_FO full_types conjectures axcls =
-  let
-    val axclauses = map snd (make_axiom_clauses dfg thy axcls)
-    val ct = fold (fold count_clause) [conjectures, axclauses] init_counters
-    fun is_needed c = the (Symtab.lookup ct c) > 0
-    val cnfs =
-      (optional_helpers
-       |> full_types ? append optional_typed_helpers
-       |> maps (fn (ss, (raw, ths)) =>
-                   if exists is_needed ss then cnf_helper_thms thy raw ths
-                   else []))
-      @ (if is_FO then [] else cnf_helper_thms thy false mandatory_helpers)
-  in map snd (make_axiom_clauses dfg thy cnfs) end
-(*Find the minimal arity of each function mentioned in the term. Also, note which uses
-  are not at top level, to see if hBOOL is needed.*)
-fun count_constants_term toplev t (const_min_arity, const_needs_hBOOL) =
-  let val (head, args) = strip_combterm_comb t
-      val n = length args
-      val (const_min_arity, const_needs_hBOOL) =
-        (const_min_arity, const_needs_hBOOL)
-        |> fold (count_constants_term false) args
-  in
-      case head of
-          CombConst ((a, _),_,_) => (*predicate or function version of "equal"?*)
-            let val a = if a="equal" andalso not toplev then "c_fequal" else a
-            in
-              (const_min_arity |> Symtab.map_default (a, n) (Integer.min n),
-               const_needs_hBOOL |> not toplev ? Symtab.update (a, true))
-            end
-        | _ => (const_min_arity, const_needs_hBOOL)
-  end;
-(*A literal is a top-level term*)
-fun count_constants_lit (Literal (_,t)) (const_min_arity, const_needs_hBOOL) =
-  count_constants_term true t (const_min_arity, const_needs_hBOOL);
-fun count_constants_clause (HOLClause {literals, ...})
-                           (const_min_arity, const_needs_hBOOL) =
-  fold count_constants_lit literals (const_min_arity, const_needs_hBOOL);
-fun display_arity explicit_apply const_needs_hBOOL (c,n) =
-  trace_msg (fn () => "Constant: " ^ c ^
-                " arity:\t" ^ Int.toString n ^
-                (if needs_hBOOL explicit_apply const_needs_hBOOL c then
-                   " needs hBOOL"
-                 else
-                   ""))
-fun count_constants explicit_apply
-                    (conjectures, _, extra_clauses, helper_clauses, _, _) =
-  if not explicit_apply then
-     let val (const_min_arity, const_needs_hBOOL) =
-          fold count_constants_clause conjectures (Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty)
-       |> fold count_constants_clause extra_clauses
-       |> fold count_constants_clause helper_clauses
-     val _ = app (display_arity explicit_apply const_needs_hBOOL)
-                 (Symtab.dest (const_min_arity))
-     in (const_min_arity, const_needs_hBOOL) end
-  else (Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty);
-fun header () =
-  "% This file was generated by Isabelle (most likely Sledgehammer)\n" ^
-  "% " ^ timestamp () ^ "\n"
-(* TPTP format *)
-fun write_tptp_file readable_names full_types explicit_apply file clauses =
-  let
-    fun section _ [] = []
-      | section name ss =
-        "\n% " ^ name ^ plural_s (length ss) ^ " (" ^ Int.toString (length ss) ^
-        ")\n" :: ss
-    val pool = empty_name_pool readable_names
-    val (conjectures, axclauses, _, helper_clauses,
-      classrel_clauses, arity_clauses) = clauses
-    val (cma, cnh) = count_constants explicit_apply clauses
-    val params = (full_types, explicit_apply, cma, cnh)
-    val ((conjecture_clss, tfree_litss), pool) =
-      pool_map (tptp_clause params) conjectures pool |>> ListPair.unzip
-    val tfree_clss = map tptp_tfree_clause (fold (union (op =)) tfree_litss [])
-    val (ax_clss, pool) = pool_map (apfst fst oo tptp_clause params) axclauses
-                                   pool
-    val classrel_clss = map tptp_classrel_clause classrel_clauses
-    val arity_clss = map tptp_arity_clause arity_clauses
-    val (helper_clss, pool) = pool_map (apfst fst oo tptp_clause params)
-                                       helper_clauses pool
-    val conjecture_offset =
-      length ax_clss + length classrel_clss + length arity_clss
-      + length helper_clss
-    val _ =
-      File.write_list file
-          (header () ::
-           section "Relevant fact" ax_clss @
-           section "Class relationship" classrel_clss @
-           section "Arity declaration" arity_clss @
-           section "Helper fact" helper_clss @
-           section "Conjecture" conjecture_clss @
-           section "Type variable" tfree_clss)
-  in (pool, conjecture_offset) end
-(* DFG format *)
-fun dfg_tfree_predicate s = (first_field "(" s |> the |> fst, 1)
-fun write_dfg_file full_types explicit_apply file clauses =
-  let
-    (* Some of the helper functions below are not name-pool-aware. However,
-       there's no point in adding name pool support if the DFG format is on its
-       way out anyway. *)
-    val pool = NONE
-    val (conjectures, axclauses, _, helper_clauses,
-      classrel_clauses, arity_clauses) = clauses
-    val (cma, cnh) = count_constants explicit_apply clauses
-    val params = (full_types, explicit_apply, cma, cnh)
-    val ((conjecture_clss, tfree_litss), pool) =
-      pool_map (dfg_clause params) conjectures pool |>> ListPair.unzip
-    val tfree_lits = union_all tfree_litss
-    val problem_name = Path.implode (Path.base file)
-    val (axstrs, pool) = pool_map (apfst fst oo dfg_clause params) axclauses pool
-    val tfree_clss = map dfg_tfree_clause tfree_lits
-    val tfree_preds = map dfg_tfree_predicate tfree_lits
-    val (helper_clauses_strs, pool) =
-      pool_map (apfst fst oo dfg_clause params) helper_clauses pool
-    val (funcs, cl_preds) =
-      decls_of_clauses params (helper_clauses @ conjectures @ axclauses) arity_clauses
-    val ty_preds = preds_of_clauses axclauses classrel_clauses arity_clauses
-    val preds = tfree_preds @ cl_preds @ ty_preds
-    val conjecture_offset =
-      length axclauses + length classrel_clauses + length arity_clauses
-      + length helper_clauses
-    val _ =
-      File.write_list file
-          (header () ::
-           string_of_start problem_name ::
-           string_of_descrip problem_name ::
-           string_of_symbols (string_of_funcs funcs)
-                             (string_of_preds preds) ::
-           "list_of_clauses(axioms, cnf).\n" ::
-           axstrs @
-           map dfg_classrel_clause classrel_clauses @
-           map dfg_arity_clause arity_clauses @
-           helper_clauses_strs @
-           ["end_of_list.\n\nlist_of_clauses(conjectures, cnf).\n"] @
-           conjecture_clss @
-           tfree_clss @
-           ["end_of_list.\n\n",
-            "end_problem.\n"])
-  in (pool, conjecture_offset) end
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_isar.ML	Tue Jun 22 19:46:16 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_isar.ML	Tue Jun 22 23:54:16 2010 +0200
@@ -58,7 +58,6 @@
   {add = [], del = ns, only = false}
 fun only_relevance_override ns : relevance_override =
   {add = ns, del = [], only = true}
-val no_relevance_override = add_to_relevance_override []
 fun merge_relevance_override_pairwise (r1 : relevance_override)
                                       (r2 : relevance_override) =
   {add = #add r1 @ #add r2, del = #del r1 @ #del r2,
@@ -166,7 +165,7 @@
 val infinity_time_in_secs = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365
 val the_timeout = the_default (Time.fromSeconds infinity_time_in_secs)
-fun extract_params thy default_params override_params =
+fun extract_params default_params override_params =
     val override_params = map unalias_raw_param override_params
     val raw_params = rev override_params @ rev default_params
@@ -216,7 +215,7 @@
      timeout = timeout, minimize_timeout = minimize_timeout}
-fun get_params thy = extract_params thy (default_raw_params thy)
+fun get_params thy = extract_params (default_raw_params thy)
 fun default_params thy = get_params thy o map (apsnd single)
 val subgoal_count = Logic.count_prems o prop_of o #goal o Proof.goal
@@ -264,7 +263,6 @@
 val running_atpsN = "running_atps"
 val kill_atpsN = "kill_atps"
 val refresh_tptpN = "refresh_tptp"
-val helpN = "help"
 fun minimizize_raw_param_name "timeout" = "minimize_timeout"
   | minimizize_raw_param_name name = name
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_proof_reconstruct.ML	Tue Jun 22 19:46:16 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_proof_reconstruct.ML	Tue Jun 22 23:54:16 2010 +0200
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@
   | add_type_constraint _ = I
 fun is_positive_literal (@{const Not} $ _) = false
-  | is_positive_literal t = true
+  | is_positive_literal _ = true
 fun negate_term thy (Const (@{const_name All}, T) $ Abs (s, T', t')) =
     Const (@{const_name Ex}, T) $ Abs (s, T', negate_term thy t')
@@ -551,11 +551,11 @@
 (* Vampire is keen on producing these. *)
 fun is_trivial_formula (@{const Not} $ (Const (@{const_name "op ="}, _)
                                         $ t1 $ t2)) = (t1 aconv t2)
-  | is_trivial_formula t = false
+  | is_trivial_formula _ = false
-fun add_desired_line _ _ _ _ _ (line as Definition (num, _, _)) (j, lines) =
+fun add_desired_line _ _ _ _ (line as Definition (num, _, _)) (j, lines) =
     (j, line :: map (replace_deps_in_line (num, [])) lines)
-  | add_desired_line ctxt isar_shrink_factor conjecture_shape thm_names frees
+  | add_desired_line isar_shrink_factor conjecture_shape thm_names frees
                      (Inference (num, t, deps)) (j, lines) =
     (j + 1,
      if is_axiom_clause_number thm_names num orelse
@@ -667,7 +667,7 @@
 fun forall_vars t = fold_rev forall_of (map Var (Term.add_vars t [])) t
-fun step_for_line _ _ (Definition (num, t1, t2)) = Let (t1, t2)
+fun step_for_line _ _ (Definition (_, t1, t2)) = Let (t1, t2)
   | step_for_line _ _ (Inference (num, t, [])) = Assume ((raw_prefix, num), t)
   | step_for_line thm_names j (Inference (num, t, deps)) =
     Have (if j = 1 then [Show] else [], (raw_prefix, num),
@@ -683,7 +683,7 @@
       |> decode_lines ctxt full_types tfrees
       |> rpair [] |-> fold_rev (add_line conjecture_shape thm_names)
       |> rpair [] |-> fold_rev add_nontrivial_line
-      |> rpair (0, []) |-> fold_rev (add_desired_line ctxt isar_shrink_factor
+      |> rpair (0, []) |-> fold_rev (add_desired_line isar_shrink_factor
                                                conjecture_shape thm_names frees)
       |> snd
@@ -722,7 +722,7 @@
         else if forall (curry (op =) (hd proof1) o hd) (tl proofs) then
           aux (hd proof1 :: proof_tail) (map tl proofs)
         else case hd proof1 of
-          Have ([], l, t, by) =>
+          Have ([], l, t, _) => (* FIXME: should we really ignore the "by"? *)
           if forall (fn Have ([], l', t', _) :: _ => (l, t) = (l', t')
                       | _ => false) (tl proofs) andalso
              not (exists (member (op =) (maps new_labels_of proofs))
@@ -755,7 +755,7 @@
         first_pass (proof, contra) |>> cons step
       | first_pass ((step as Let _) :: proof, contra) =
         first_pass (proof, contra) |>> cons step
-      | first_pass ((step as Assume (l as (_, num), t)) :: proof, contra) =
+      | first_pass ((step as Assume (l as (_, num), _)) :: proof, contra) =
         if member (op =) concl_ls l then
           first_pass (proof, contra ||> l = hd concl_ls ? cons step)
@@ -992,6 +992,13 @@
         do_indent 0 ^ (if n <> 1 then "next" else "qed") ^ "\n"
   in do_proof end
+fun strip_subgoal goal i =
+  let
+    val (t, frees) = Logic.goal_params (prop_of goal) i
+    val hyp_ts = t |> Logic.strip_assums_hyp |> map (curry subst_bounds frees)
+    val concl_t = t |> Logic.strip_assums_concl |> curry subst_bounds frees
+  in (rev (map dest_Free frees), hyp_ts, concl_t) end
 fun isar_proof_text (pool, debug, isar_shrink_factor, ctxt, conjecture_shape)
                     (other_params as (full_types, _, atp_proof, thm_names, goal,
                                       i)) =
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_tptp_format.ML	Tue Jun 22 23:54:16 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_tptp_format.ML
+    Author:     Jia Meng, NICTA
+    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
+TPTP syntax.
+  type name_pool = Sledgehammer_FOL_Clause.name_pool
+  type type_literal = Sledgehammer_FOL_Clause.type_literal
+  type classrel_clause = Sledgehammer_FOL_Clause.classrel_clause
+  type arity_clause = Sledgehammer_FOL_Clause.arity_clause
+  type hol_clause = Sledgehammer_HOL_Clause.hol_clause
+  val tptp_of_type_literal :
+    bool -> type_literal -> name_pool option -> string * name_pool option
+  val write_tptp_file :
+    bool -> bool -> bool -> Path.T
+    -> hol_clause list * hol_clause list * hol_clause list * hol_clause list
+       * classrel_clause list * arity_clause list
+    -> name_pool option * int
+structure Sledgehammer_TPTP_Format : SLEDGEHAMMER_TPTP_FORMAT =
+open Sledgehammer_Util
+open Sledgehammer_FOL_Clause
+open Sledgehammer_HOL_Clause
+val clause_prefix = "cls_"
+val arity_clause_prefix = "clsarity_"
+fun paren_pack [] = ""
+  | paren_pack strings = "(" ^ commas strings ^ ")"
+fun string_of_fol_type (TyVar sp) pool = nice_name sp pool
+  | string_of_fol_type (TyFree sp) pool = nice_name sp pool
+  | string_of_fol_type (TyConstr (sp, tys)) pool =
+    let
+      val (s, pool) = nice_name sp pool
+      val (ss, pool) = pool_map string_of_fol_type tys pool
+    in (s ^ paren_pack ss, pool) end
+(* True if the constant ever appears outside of the top-level position in
+   literals. If false, the constant always receives all of its arguments and is
+   used as a predicate. *)
+fun needs_hBOOL explicit_apply const_needs_hBOOL c =
+  explicit_apply orelse the_default false (Symtab.lookup const_needs_hBOOL c)
+fun head_needs_hBOOL explicit_apply const_needs_hBOOL
+                     (CombConst ((c, _), _, _)) =
+    needs_hBOOL explicit_apply const_needs_hBOOL c
+  | head_needs_hBOOL _ _ _ = true
+fun wrap_type full_types (s, ty) pool =
+  if full_types then
+    let val (s', pool) = string_of_fol_type ty pool in
+      (type_wrapper_name ^ paren_pack [s, s'], pool)
+    end
+  else
+    (s, pool)
+fun wrap_type_if full_types explicit_apply cnh (head, s, tp) =
+  if head_needs_hBOOL explicit_apply cnh head then
+    wrap_type full_types (s, tp)
+  else
+    pair s
+fun apply ss = "hAPP" ^ paren_pack ss;
+fun rev_apply (v, []) = v
+  | rev_apply (v, arg::args) = apply [rev_apply (v, args), arg];
+fun string_apply (v, args) = rev_apply (v, rev args)
+fun min_arity_of const_min_arity = the_default 0 o Symtab.lookup const_min_arity
+(* Apply an operator to the argument strings, using either the "apply" operator
+   or direct function application. *)
+fun string_of_application full_types cma (CombConst ((s, s'), _, tvars), args)
+                          pool =
+    let
+      val s = if s = "equal" then "c_fequal" else s
+      val nargs = min_arity_of cma s
+      val args1 = List.take (args, nargs)
+        handle Subscript =>
+               raise Fail (quote s ^ " has arity " ^ Int.toString nargs ^
+                           " but is applied to " ^ commas (map quote args))
+      val args2 = List.drop (args, nargs)
+      val (targs, pool) = if full_types then ([], pool)
+                          else pool_map string_of_fol_type tvars pool
+      val (s, pool) = nice_name (s, s') pool
+    in (string_apply (s ^ paren_pack (args1 @ targs), args2), pool) end
+  | string_of_application _ _ (CombVar (name, _), args) pool =
+    nice_name name pool |>> (fn s => string_apply (s, args))
+fun string_of_combterm (params as (full_types, explicit_apply, cma, cnh)) t
+                       pool =
+  let
+    val (head, args) = strip_combterm_comb t
+    val (ss, pool) = pool_map (string_of_combterm params) args pool
+    val (s, pool) = string_of_application full_types cma (head, ss) pool
+  in
+    wrap_type_if full_types explicit_apply cnh (head, s, type_of_combterm t)
+                 pool
+  end
+(*Boolean-valued terms are here converted to literals.*)
+fun boolify params c =
+  string_of_combterm params c #>> prefix "hBOOL" o paren_pack o single
+fun string_of_predicate (params as (_, explicit_apply, _, cnh)) t =
+  case #1 (strip_combterm_comb t) of
+    CombConst ((s, _), _, _) =>
+    (if needs_hBOOL explicit_apply cnh s then boolify else string_of_combterm)
+        params t
+  | _ => boolify params t
+fun tptp_of_equality params pos (t1, t2) =
+  pool_map (string_of_combterm params) [t1, t2]
+  #>> space_implode (if pos then " = " else " != ")
+fun tptp_sign true s = s
+  | tptp_sign false s = "~ " ^ s
+fun tptp_literal params
+        (Literal (pos, CombApp (CombApp (CombConst (("equal", _), _, _), t1),
+                                         t2))) =
+    tptp_of_equality params pos (t1, t2)
+  | tptp_literal params (Literal (pos, pred)) =
+    string_of_predicate params pred #>> tptp_sign pos
+fun tptp_of_type_literal pos (TyLitVar (s, name)) =
+    nice_name name #>> (fn s' => tptp_sign pos (s ^ "(" ^ s' ^ ")"))
+  | tptp_of_type_literal pos (TyLitFree (s, name)) =
+    nice_name name #>> (fn s' => tptp_sign pos (s ^ "(" ^ s' ^ ")"))
+(* Given a clause, returns its literals paired with a list of literals
+   concerning TFrees; the latter should only occur in conjecture clauses. *)
+fun tptp_type_literals params pos (HOLClause {literals, ctypes_sorts, ...})
+                       pool =
+  let
+    val (lits, pool) = pool_map (tptp_literal params) literals pool
+    val (tylits, pool) = pool_map (tptp_of_type_literal pos)
+                                  (type_literals_for_types ctypes_sorts) pool
+  in ((lits, tylits), pool) end
+fun tptp_cnf name kind formula =
+  "cnf(" ^ name ^ ", " ^ kind ^ ",\n    " ^ formula ^ ").\n"
+fun tptp_raw_clause strings = "(" ^ space_implode " | " strings ^ ")"
+val tptp_tfree_clause =
+  tptp_cnf "tfree_tcs" "negated_conjecture" o tptp_raw_clause o single
+fun tptp_classrel_literals sub sup =
+  let val tvar = "(T)" in
+    tptp_raw_clause [tptp_sign false (sub ^ tvar), tptp_sign true (sup ^ tvar)]
+  end
+fun tptp_clause params (cls as HOLClause {axiom_name, clause_id, kind, ...})
+                pool =
+  let
+    val ((lits, tylits), pool) =
+      tptp_type_literals params (kind = Conjecture) cls pool
+    val name = clause_prefix ^ ascii_of axiom_name ^ "_" ^
+               Int.toString clause_id
+    val cnf =
+      case kind of
+        Axiom => tptp_cnf name "axiom" (tptp_raw_clause (tylits @ lits))
+      | Conjecture => tptp_cnf name "negated_conjecture" (tptp_raw_clause lits)
+  in ((cnf, tylits), pool) end
+fun tptp_classrel_clause (ClassrelClause {axiom_name, subclass, superclass,
+                                          ...}) =
+  tptp_cnf axiom_name "axiom" (tptp_classrel_literals subclass superclass)
+fun tptp_of_arity_literal (TConsLit (c, t, args)) =
+    tptp_sign true (make_type_class c ^ "(" ^ t ^ paren_pack args ^ ")")
+  | tptp_of_arity_literal (TVarLit (c, str)) =
+    tptp_sign false (make_type_class c ^ "(" ^ str ^ ")")
+fun tptp_arity_clause (ArityClause {axiom_name, conclLit, premLits, ...}) =
+  tptp_cnf (arity_clause_prefix ^ ascii_of axiom_name) "axiom"
+           (tptp_raw_clause (map tptp_of_arity_literal (conclLit :: premLits)))
+(*Find the minimal arity of each function mentioned in the term. Also, note which uses
+  are not at top level, to see if hBOOL is needed.*)
+fun count_constants_term toplev t (const_min_arity, const_needs_hBOOL) =
+  let
+    val (head, args) = strip_combterm_comb t
+    val n = length args
+    val (const_min_arity, const_needs_hBOOL) =
+      (const_min_arity, const_needs_hBOOL)
+      |> fold (count_constants_term false) args
+  in
+    case head of
+      CombConst ((a, _), _, _) => (*predicate or function version of "equal"?*)
+        let val a = if a="equal" andalso not toplev then "c_fequal" else a
+        in
+          (const_min_arity |> Symtab.map_default (a, n) (Integer.min n),
+           const_needs_hBOOL |> not toplev ? Symtab.update (a, true))
+        end
+      | _ => (const_min_arity, const_needs_hBOOL)
+  end
+fun count_constants_lit (Literal (_, t)) = count_constants_term true t
+fun count_constants_clause (HOLClause {literals, ...}) =
+  fold count_constants_lit literals
+fun count_constants explicit_apply
+                    (conjectures, _, extra_clauses, helper_clauses, _, _) =
+  (Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty)
+  |> (if explicit_apply then
+        I
+      else
+        fold (fold count_constants_clause)
+             [conjectures, extra_clauses, helper_clauses])
+fun write_tptp_file readable_names full_types explicit_apply file clauses =
+  let
+    fun section _ [] = []
+      | section name ss =
+        "\n% " ^ name ^ plural_s (length ss) ^ " (" ^ Int.toString (length ss) ^
+        ")\n" :: ss
+    val pool = empty_name_pool readable_names
+    val (conjectures, axclauses, _, helper_clauses,
+      classrel_clauses, arity_clauses) = clauses
+    val (cma, cnh) = count_constants explicit_apply clauses
+    val params = (full_types, explicit_apply, cma, cnh)
+    val ((conjecture_clss, tfree_litss), pool) =
+      pool_map (tptp_clause params) conjectures pool |>> ListPair.unzip
+    val tfree_clss = map tptp_tfree_clause (fold (union (op =)) tfree_litss [])
+    val (ax_clss, pool) =
+      pool_map (apfst fst oo tptp_clause params) axclauses pool
+    val classrel_clss = map tptp_classrel_clause classrel_clauses
+    val arity_clss = map tptp_arity_clause arity_clauses
+    val (helper_clss, pool) = pool_map (apfst fst oo tptp_clause params)
+                                       helper_clauses pool
+    val conjecture_offset =
+      length ax_clss + length classrel_clss + length arity_clss
+      + length helper_clss
+    val _ =
+      File.write_list file
+          ("% This file was generated by Isabelle (most likely Sledgehammer)\n\
+           \% " ^ timestamp () ^ "\n" ::
+           section "Relevant fact" ax_clss @
+           section "Class relationship" classrel_clss @
+           section "Arity declaration" arity_clss @
+           section "Helper fact" helper_clss @
+           section "Conjecture" conjecture_clss @
+           section "Type variable" tfree_clss)
+  in (pool, conjecture_offset) end
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_util.ML	Tue Jun 22 19:46:16 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_util.ML	Tue Jun 22 23:54:16 2010 +0200
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
-  val pairf : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a -> 'c) -> 'a -> 'b * 'c
   val plural_s : int -> string
   val serial_commas : string -> string list -> string list
   val replace_all : string -> string -> string -> string
@@ -24,8 +23,6 @@
 structure Sledgehammer_Util : SLEDGEHAMMER_UTIL =
-fun pairf f g x = (f x, g x)
 fun plural_s n = if n = 1 then "" else "s"
 fun serial_commas _ [] = ["??"]