--- a/src/Tools/Code/code_haskell.ML Mon Jul 23 09:26:55 2012 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/Code/code_haskell.ML Mon Jul 23 09:28:03 2012 +0200
@@ -303,6 +303,27 @@
modify_stmt = fn stmt => if select_stmt stmt then SOME stmt else NONE }
+val prelude_import_operators = [
+ "==", "/=", "<", "<=", ">=", ">", "+", "-", "*", "/", "**", ">>=", ">>", "=<<", "&&", "||", "^", "^^", ".", "$", "$!", "++", "!!"
+val prelude_import_unqualified = [
+ "Eq",
+ "error",
+ "id",
+ "return",
+ "not",
+ "fst", "snd",
+ "map", "filter", "concat", "concatMap", "reverse", "zip", "null", "takeWhile", "dropWhile", "all", "any",
+ "Integer", "negate", "abs", "divMod",
+ "String"
+val prelude_import_unqualified_constr = [
+ ("Bool", ["True", "False"]),
+ ("Maybe", ["Nothing", "Just"])
fun serialize_haskell module_prefix string_classes { labelled_name, reserved_syms,
includes, module_alias, class_syntax, tyco_syntax, const_syntax } program =
@@ -331,23 +352,28 @@
deresolve (if string_classes then deriving_show else K false);
(* print modules *)
- val import_includes_ps =
- map (fn (name, _) => str ("import qualified " ^ name ^ ";")) includes;
fun print_module_frame module_name ps =
(module_name, Pretty.chunks2 (
str ("module " ^ module_name ^ " where {")
:: ps
@| str "}"
+ fun print_qualified_import module_name = semicolon [str "import qualified", str module_name];
+ val import_common_ps =
+ enclose "import Prelude (" ");" (commas (map str
+ (map (Library.enclose "(" ")") prelude_import_operators @ prelude_import_unqualified)
+ @ map (fn (tyco, constrs) => (enclose (tyco ^ "(") ")" o commas o map str) constrs) prelude_import_unqualified_constr))
+ :: print_qualified_import "Prelude"
+ :: map (print_qualified_import o fst) includes;
fun print_module module_name (gr, imports) =
- val deresolve = deresolver module_name
+ val deresolve = deresolver module_name;
fun print_import module_name = (semicolon o map str) ["import qualified", module_name];
- val import_ps = import_includes_ps @ map (print_import o fst) imports;
- fun print_stmt' gr name = case Graph.get_node gr name
+ val import_ps = import_common_ps @ map (print_qualified_import o fst) imports;
+ fun print_stmt' name = case Graph.get_node gr name
of (_, NONE) => NONE
| (_, SOME stmt) => SOME (markup_stmt name (print_stmt deresolve (name, stmt)));
- val body_ps = map_filter (print_stmt' gr) ((flat o rev o Graph.strong_conn) gr);
+ val body_ps = map_filter print_stmt' ((flat o rev o Graph.strong_conn) gr);
print_module_frame module_name
((if null import_ps then [] else [Pretty.chunks import_ps]) @ body_ps)
@@ -472,55 +498,8 @@
"import", "default", "forall", "let", "in", "class", "qualified", "data",
"newtype", "instance", "if", "then", "else", "type", "as", "do", "module"
- #> fold (Code_Target.add_reserved target) [
- "Prelude", "Main", "Bool", "Maybe", "Either", "Ordering", "Char", "String", "Int",
- "Integer", "Float", "Double", "Rational", "IO", "Eq", "Ord", "Enum", "Bounded",
- "Num", "Real", "Integral", "Fractional", "Floating", "RealFloat", "Monad", "Functor",
- "AlreadyExists", "ArithException", "ArrayException", "AssertionFailed", "AsyncException",
- "BlockedOnDeadMVar", "Deadlock", "Denormal", "DivideByZero", "DotNetException", "DynException",
- "Dynamic", "EOF", "EQ", "EmptyRec", "ErrorCall", "ExitException", "ExitFailure",
- "ExitSuccess", "False", "GT", "HeapOverflow",
- "IOError", "IOException", "IllegalOperation",
- "IndexOutOfBounds", "Just", "Key", "LT", "Left", "LossOfPrecision", "NoMethodError",
- "NoSuchThing", "NonTermination", "Nothing", "Obj", "OtherError", "Overflow",
- "PatternMatchFail", "PermissionDenied", "ProtocolError", "RecConError", "RecSelError",
- "RecUpdError", "ResourceBusy", "ResourceExhausted", "Right", "StackOverflow",
- "ThreadKilled", "True", "TyCon", "TypeRep", "UndefinedElement", "Underflow",
- "UnsupportedOperation", "UserError", "abs", "absReal", "acos", "acosh", "all",
- "and", "any", "appendFile", "asTypeOf", "asciiTab", "asin", "asinh", "atan",
- "atan2", "atanh", "basicIORun", "blockIO", "boundedEnumFrom", "boundedEnumFromThen",
- "boundedEnumFromThenTo", "boundedEnumFromTo", "boundedPred", "boundedSucc", "break",
- "catch", "catchException", "ceiling", "compare", "concat", "concatMap", "const",
- "cos", "cosh", "curry", "cycle", "decodeFloat", "denominator", "div", "divMod",
- "doubleToRatio", "doubleToRational", "drop", "dropWhile", "either", "elem",
- "emptyRec", "encodeFloat", "enumFrom", "enumFromThen", "enumFromThenTo",
- "enumFromTo", "error", "even", "exp", "exponent", "fail", "filter", "flip",
- "floatDigits", "floatProperFraction", "floatRadix", "floatRange", "floatToRational",
- "floor", "fmap", "foldl", "foldl'", "foldl1", "foldr", "foldr1", "fromDouble",
- "fromEnum", "fromEnum_0", "fromInt", "fromInteger", "fromIntegral", "fromObj",
- "fromRational", "fst", "gcd", "getChar", "getContents", "getLine", "head",
- "id", "inRange", "index", "init", "intToRatio", "interact", "ioError", "isAlpha",
- "isAlphaNum", "isDenormalized", "isDigit", "isHexDigit", "isIEEE", "isInfinite",
- "isLower", "isNaN", "isNegativeZero", "isOctDigit", "isSpace", "isUpper", "iterate", "iterate'",
- "last", "lcm", "length", "lex", "lexDigits", "lexLitChar", "lexmatch", "lines", "log",
- "logBase", "lookup", "loop", "map", "mapM", "mapM_", "max", "maxBound", "maximum",
- "maybe", "min", "minBound", "minimum", "mod", "negate", "nonnull", "not", "notElem",
- "null", "numerator", "numericEnumFrom", "numericEnumFromThen", "numericEnumFromThenTo",
- "numericEnumFromTo", "odd", "or", "otherwise", "pi", "pred",
- "print", "product", "properFraction", "protectEsc", "putChar", "putStr", "putStrLn",
- "quot", "quotRem", "range", "rangeSize", "rationalToDouble", "rationalToFloat",
- "rationalToRealFloat", "read", "readDec", "readField", "readFieldName", "readFile",
- "readFloat", "readHex", "readIO", "readInt", "readList", "readLitChar", "readLn",
- "readOct", "readParen", "readSigned", "reads", "readsPrec", "realFloatToRational",
- "realToFrac", "recip", "reduce", "rem", "repeat", "replicate", "return", "reverse",
- "round", "scaleFloat", "scanl", "scanl1", "scanr", "scanr1", "seq", "sequence",
- "sequence_", "show", "showChar", "showException", "showField", "showList",
- "showLitChar", "showParen", "showString", "shows", "showsPrec", "significand",
- "signum", "signumReal", "sin", "sinh", "snd", "span", "splitAt", "sqrt", "subtract",
- "succ", "sum", "tail", "take", "takeWhile", "takeWhile1", "tan", "tanh", "threadToIOResult",
- "throw", "toEnum", "toInt", "toInteger", "toObj", "toRational", "truncate", "uncurry",
- "undefined", "unlines", "unsafeCoerce", "unsafeIndex", "unsafeRangeSize", "until", "unwords",
- "unzip", "unzip3", "userError", "words", "writeFile", "zip", "zip3", "zipWith", "zipWith3"
- ] (*due to weird handling of ':', we can't do anything else than to import *all* prelude symbols*);
+ #> fold (Code_Target.add_reserved target) prelude_import_unqualified
+ #> fold (Code_Target.add_reserved target o fst) prelude_import_unqualified_constr
+ #> fold (fold (Code_Target.add_reserved target) o snd) prelude_import_unqualified_constr;
end; (*struct*)