implemented general slicing for ATPs, especially E 1.2w and above
Thu, 21 Apr 2011 18:39:22 +0200
changeset 42443 724e612ba248
parent 42442 036142bd0302
child 42444 8e5438dc70bb
implemented general slicing for ATPs, especially E 1.2w and above
--- a/doc-src/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer.tex	Thu Apr 21 18:39:22 2011 +0200
+++ b/doc-src/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer.tex	Thu Apr 21 18:39:22 2011 +0200
@@ -356,7 +356,8 @@
 General. For automatic runs, only the first prover set using \textit{provers}
 (\S\ref{mode-of-operation}) is considered, \textit{verbose}
 (\S\ref{output-format}) and \textit{debug} (\S\ref{output-format}) are disabled,
-fewer facts are passed to the prover, and \textit{timeout}
+fewer facts are passed to the prover, \textit{slicing}
+(\S\ref{mode-of-operation}) is disabled, and \textit{timeout}
 (\S\ref{mode-of-operation}) is superseded by the ``Auto Tools Time Limit'' in
 Proof General's ``Isabelle'' menu. Sledgehammer's output is also more concise.
@@ -508,6 +509,21 @@
 the putative theorem manually while Sledgehammer looks for a proof, but it can
 also be more confusing.
+Specifies whether the time allocated to a prover should be sliced into several
+segments, each of which has its own set of possibly prover-dependent options.
+For SPASS and Vampire, the first slice tries the fast-but-incomplete
+set-of-support (SOS) strategy, whereas the second slice runs without it. For E,
+up to three slices are defined, with different weighted search strategies and
+number of facts. For SMT solvers, several slices are tried with the same options
+but fewer and fewer facts. According to benchmarks with a timeout of 30 seconds,
+slicing is a valuable optimization, and you should probably leave it enabled
+unless you are conducting experiments. However, this option is implicitly
+disabled for (short) automatic runs.
+{\small See also \textit{verbose} (\S\ref{output-format}).}
 Specifies whether Sledgehammer should put its temporary files in
 \texttt{\$ISA\-BELLE\_\allowbreak HOME\_\allowbreak USER}, which is useful for
--- a/src/HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_sledgehammer.ML	Thu Apr 21 18:39:22 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_sledgehammer.ML	Thu Apr 21 18:39:22 2011 +0200
@@ -317,13 +317,13 @@
 fun change_data id f = (Unsynchronized.change data (AList.map_entry (op =) id f); ())
-fun get_prover ctxt args =
+fun get_prover ctxt slicing args =
     fun default_prover_name () =
       hd (#provers (Sledgehammer_Isar.default_params ctxt []))
       handle Empty => error "No ATP available."
     fun get_prover name =
-      (name, Sledgehammer_Run.get_minimizing_prover ctxt false name)
+      (name, Sledgehammer_Run.get_minimizing_prover ctxt false slicing name)
     (case AList.lookup (op =) args proverK of
       SOME name => get_prover name
@@ -362,14 +362,15 @@
       st |> Proof.map_context
                 (change_dir dir
                  #> Config.put Sledgehammer_Provers.measure_run_time true)
-    val params as {type_sys, relevance_thresholds, max_relevant, ...} =
+    val params as {type_sys, relevance_thresholds, max_relevant, slicing, ...} =
       Sledgehammer_Isar.default_params ctxt
           [("verbose", "true"),
            ("type_sys", type_sys),
            ("max_relevant", max_relevant),
            ("timeout", string_of_int timeout)]
     val default_max_relevant =
-      Sledgehammer_Provers.default_max_relevant_for_prover ctxt prover_name
+      Sledgehammer_Provers.default_max_relevant_for_prover ctxt slicing
+        prover_name
     val is_built_in_const =
       Sledgehammer_Provers.is_built_in_const_for_prover ctxt prover_name
     val relevance_fudge =
@@ -428,7 +429,7 @@
     val triv_str = if trivial then "[T] " else ""
     val _ = change_data id inc_sh_calls
     val _ = if trivial then () else change_data id inc_sh_nontriv_calls
-    val (prover_name, prover) = get_prover (Proof.context_of st) args
+    val (prover_name, prover) = get_prover (Proof.context_of st) true args
     val type_sys = AList.lookup (op =) args type_sysK |> the_default "smart"
     val max_relevant = AList.lookup (op =) args max_relevantK |> the_default "smart"
     val dir = AList.lookup (op =) args keepK
@@ -472,7 +473,7 @@
     val ctxt = Proof.context_of st
     val n0 = length (these (!named_thms))
-    val (prover_name, _) = get_prover ctxt args
+    val (prover_name, _) = get_prover ctxt false args
     val type_sys = AList.lookup (op =) args type_sysK |> the_default "smart"
     val timeout =
       AList.lookup (op =) args minimize_timeoutK
--- a/src/HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_sledgehammer_filter.ML	Thu Apr 21 18:39:22 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_sledgehammer_filter.ML	Thu Apr 21 18:39:22 2011 +0200
@@ -112,16 +112,17 @@
          val {context = ctxt, facts, goal} = Proof.goal pre
          val prover = AList.lookup (op =) args "prover"
                       |> the_default default_prover
+         val {relevance_thresholds, type_sys, max_relevant, slicing, ...} =
+           Sledgehammer_Isar.default_params ctxt args
          val default_max_relevant =
-           Sledgehammer_Provers.default_max_relevant_for_prover ctxt prover
+           Sledgehammer_Provers.default_max_relevant_for_prover ctxt slicing
+                                                                prover
         val is_built_in_const =
           Sledgehammer_Provers.is_built_in_const_for_prover ctxt default_prover
          val relevance_fudge =
            extract_relevance_fudge args
                (Sledgehammer_Provers.relevance_fudge_for_prover ctxt prover)
          val relevance_override = {add = [], del = [], only = false}
-         val {relevance_thresholds, type_sys, max_relevant, ...} =
-           Sledgehammer_Isar.default_params ctxt args
          val subgoal = 1
          val (_, hyp_ts, concl_t) = Sledgehammer_Util.strip_subgoal goal subgoal
          val no_dangerous_types =
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_systems.ML	Thu Apr 21 18:39:22 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_systems.ML	Thu Apr 21 18:39:22 2011 +0200
@@ -12,15 +12,15 @@
   type atp_config =
     {exec: string * string,
      required_execs: (string * string) list,
-     arguments: bool -> Time.time -> (unit -> (string * real) list) -> string,
-     has_incomplete_mode: bool,
+     arguments: int -> Time.time -> (unit -> (string * real) list) -> string,
+     slices: unit -> (real * (bool * int)) list,
      proof_delims: (string * string) list,
      known_failures: (failure * string) list,
-     default_max_relevant: int,
      explicit_forall: bool,
      use_conjecture_for_hypotheses: bool}
-  datatype e_weight_method = E_Auto | E_Fun_Weight | E_Sym_Offset_Weight
+  datatype e_weight_method =
+    E_Slices | E_Auto | E_Fun_Weight | E_Sym_Offset_Weight
   (* for experimentation purposes -- do not use in production code *)
   val e_weight_method : e_weight_method Unsynchronized.ref
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
   val remote_prefix : string
   val remote_atp :
     string -> string -> string list -> (string * string) list
-    -> (failure * string) list -> int -> bool -> string * atp_config
+    -> (failure * string) list -> (unit -> int) -> bool -> string * atp_config
   val add_atp : string * atp_config -> theory -> theory
   val get_atp : theory -> string -> atp_config
   val supported_atps : theory -> string list
@@ -59,11 +59,10 @@
 type atp_config =
   {exec: string * string,
    required_execs: (string * string) list,
-   arguments: bool -> Time.time -> (unit -> (string * real) list) -> string,
-   has_incomplete_mode: bool,
+   arguments: int -> Time.time -> (unit -> (string * real) list) -> string,
+   slices: unit -> (real * (bool * int)) list,
    proof_delims: (string * string) list,
    known_failures: (failure * string) list,
-   default_max_relevant: int,
    explicit_forall: bool,
    use_conjecture_for_hypotheses: bool}
@@ -106,9 +105,10 @@
 val tstp_proof_delims =
   ("# SZS output start CNFRefutation.", "# SZS output end CNFRefutation")
-datatype e_weight_method = E_Auto | E_Fun_Weight | E_Sym_Offset_Weight
+datatype e_weight_method =
+  E_Slices | E_Auto | E_Fun_Weight | E_Sym_Offset_Weight
-val e_weight_method = Unsynchronized.ref E_Fun_Weight
+val e_weight_method = Unsynchronized.ref E_Slices
 (* FUDGE *)
 val e_default_fun_weight = Unsynchronized.ref 20.0
 val e_fun_weight_base = Unsynchronized.ref 0.0
@@ -117,44 +117,67 @@
 val e_sym_offs_weight_base = Unsynchronized.ref ~20.0
 val e_sym_offs_weight_span = Unsynchronized.ref 60.0
-fun e_weight_method_case fw sow =
-  case !e_weight_method of
+fun e_weight_method_case method fw sow =
+  case method of
     E_Auto => raise Fail "Unexpected \"E_Auto\""
   | E_Fun_Weight => fw
   | E_Sym_Offset_Weight => sow
-fun scaled_e_weight w =
-  e_weight_method_case (!e_fun_weight_base) (!e_sym_offs_weight_base)
-  + w * e_weight_method_case (!e_fun_weight_span) (!e_sym_offs_weight_span)
+fun scaled_e_weight method w =
+  w * e_weight_method_case method (!e_fun_weight_span) (!e_sym_offs_weight_span)
+  + e_weight_method_case method (!e_fun_weight_base) (!e_sym_offs_weight_base)
   |> Real.ceil |> signed_string_of_int
-fun e_weight_arguments weights =
-  if !e_weight_method = E_Auto orelse
-     string_ord (getenv "E_VERSION", "1.2w") = LESS then
+fun e_weight_arguments method weights =
+  if method = E_Auto then
     "--split-clauses=4 --split-reuse-defs --simul-paramod --forward-context-sr \
     \--destructive-er-aggressive --destructive-er --presat-simplify \
     \--prefer-initial-clauses -tKBO6 -winvfreqrank -c1 -Ginvfreqconjmax -F1 \
     \--delete-bad-limit=150000000 -WSelectMaxLComplexAvoidPosPred \
-    \-H'(4*" ^ e_weight_method_case "FunWeight" "SymOffsetWeight" ^
+    \-H'(4*" ^ e_weight_method_case method "FunWeight" "SymOffsetWeight" ^
     "(SimulateSOS, " ^
-    (e_weight_method_case (!e_default_fun_weight) (!e_default_sym_offs_weight)
+    (e_weight_method_case method (!e_default_fun_weight)
+                                 (!e_default_sym_offs_weight)
      |> Real.ceil |> signed_string_of_int) ^
     ",20,1.5,1.5,1" ^
-    (weights () |> map (fn (s, w) => "," ^ s ^ ":" ^ scaled_e_weight w)
+    (weights () |> map (fn (s, w) => "," ^ s ^ ":" ^ scaled_e_weight method w)
                 |> implode) ^
+fun is_old_e_version () = (string_ord (getenv "E_VERSION", "1.2w") = LESS)
+fun effective_e_weight_method () =
+  if is_old_e_version () then E_Auto else !e_weight_method
+(* The order here must correspond to the order in "e_config" below. *)
+fun method_for_slice slice =
+  case effective_e_weight_method () of
+    E_Slices => (case slice of
+                   0 => E_Sym_Offset_Weight
+                 | 1 => E_Auto
+                 | 2 => E_Fun_Weight
+                 | _ => raise Fail "no such slice")
+  | method => method
 val e_config : atp_config =
   {exec = ("E_HOME", "eproof"),
    required_execs = [],
-   arguments = fn _ => fn timeout => fn weights =>
-     "--tstp-in --tstp-out -l5 " ^ e_weight_arguments weights ^ " -tAutoDev \
-     \--silent --cpu-limit=" ^ string_of_int (to_secs (e_bonus ()) timeout),
-   has_incomplete_mode = false,
+   arguments = fn slice => fn timeout => fn weights =>
+     "--tstp-in --tstp-out -l5 " ^
+     e_weight_arguments (method_for_slice slice) weights ^
+     " -tAutoDev --silent --cpu-limit=" ^
+     string_of_int (to_secs (e_bonus ()) timeout),
+   slices = fn () =>
+     if effective_e_weight_method () = E_Slices then
+       [(0.33333, (true, 100 (* FUDGE *))) (* E_Sym_Offset_Weight *),
+        (0.33333, (true, 1000 (* FUDGE *))) (* E_Auto *),
+        (0.33334, (true, 200 (* FUDGE *))) (* E_Fun_Weight *)]
+     else
+       [(1.0, (true, 250 (* FUDGE *)))],
    proof_delims = [tstp_proof_delims],
    known_failures =
      [(Unprovable, "SZS status: CounterSatisfiable"),
@@ -165,7 +188,6 @@
        "# Cannot determine problem status within resource limit"),
       (OutOfResources, "SZS status: ResourceOut"),
       (OutOfResources, "SZS status ResourceOut")],
-   default_max_relevant = 250 (* FUDGE *),
    explicit_forall = false,
    use_conjecture_for_hypotheses = true}
@@ -179,11 +201,12 @@
 val spass_config : atp_config =
   {exec = ("ISABELLE_ATP", "scripts/spass"),
    required_execs = [("SPASS_HOME", "SPASS"), ("SPASS_HOME", "tptp2dfg")],
-   arguments = fn complete => fn timeout => fn _ =>
+   arguments = fn slice => fn timeout => fn _ =>
      ("-Auto -PGiven=0 -PProblem=0 -Splits=0 -FullRed=0 -DocProof \
       \-VarWeight=3 -TimeLimit=" ^ string_of_int (to_secs 0 timeout))
-     |> not complete ? prefix "-SOS=1 ",
-   has_incomplete_mode = true,
+     |> slice = 0 ? prefix "-SOS=1 ",
+   slices = K [(0.66667, (false, 150 (* FUDGE *))) (* with SOS *),
+               (0.33333, (true, 150 (* FUDGE *))) (* without SOS *)],
    proof_delims = [("Here is a proof", "Formulae used in the proof")],
    known_failures =
      known_perl_failures @
@@ -194,7 +217,6 @@
       (MalformedInput, "Free Variable"),
       (SpassTooOld, "tptp2dfg"),
       (InternalError, "Please report this error")],
-   default_max_relevant = 150 (* FUDGE *),
    explicit_forall = true,
    use_conjecture_for_hypotheses = true}
@@ -206,12 +228,13 @@
 val vampire_config : atp_config =
   {exec = ("VAMPIRE_HOME", "vampire"),
    required_execs = [],
-   arguments = fn complete => fn timeout => fn _ =>
+   arguments = fn slice => fn timeout => fn _ =>
      (* This would work too but it's less tested: "--proof tptp " ^ *)
      "--mode casc -t " ^ string_of_int (to_secs 0 timeout) ^
      " --thanks \"Andrei and Krystof\" --input_file"
-     |> not complete ? prefix "--sos on ",
-   has_incomplete_mode = true,
+     |> slice = 0 ? prefix "--sos on ",
+   slices = K [(0.66667, (false, 450 (* FUDGE *))) (* with SOS *),
+               (0.33333, (true, 450 (* FUDGE *))) (* without SOS *)],
    proof_delims =
      [("=========== Refutation ==========",
        "======= End of refutation ======="),
@@ -227,7 +250,6 @@
       (Unprovable, "Termination reason: Satisfiable"),
       (VampireTooOld, "not a valid option"),
       (Interrupted, "Aborted by signal SIGINT")],
-   default_max_relevant = 450 (* FUDGE *),
    explicit_forall = false,
    use_conjecture_for_hypotheses = true}
@@ -241,13 +263,14 @@
    required_execs = [],
    arguments = fn _ => fn timeout => fn _ =>
      "MBQI=true -p -t:" ^ string_of_int (to_secs 0 timeout),
-   has_incomplete_mode = false,
+   slices = K [(1.0, (false, 250 (* FUDGE *)))],
    proof_delims = [],
    known_failures =
      [(Unprovable, "\nsat"),
       (IncompleteUnprovable, "\nunknown"),
-      (ProofMissing, "\nunsat")],
-   default_max_relevant = 225 (* FUDGE *),
+      (IncompleteUnprovable, "SZS status Satisfiable"),
+      (ProofMissing, "\nunsat"),
+      (ProofMissing, "SZS status Unsatisfiable")],
    explicit_forall = true,
    use_conjecture_for_hypotheses = false}
@@ -293,20 +316,21 @@
    arguments = fn _ => fn timeout => fn _ =>
      " -t " ^ string_of_int (Int.min (max_remote_secs, (to_secs 0 timeout)))
      ^ " -s " ^ the_system system_name system_versions,
-   has_incomplete_mode = false,
+   slices = fn () => [(1.0, (false, default_max_relevant ()))],
    proof_delims = insert (op =) tstp_proof_delims proof_delims,
    known_failures =
      known_failures @ known_perl_failures @
      [(TimedOut, "says Timeout")],
-   default_max_relevant = default_max_relevant,
    explicit_forall = true,
    use_conjecture_for_hypotheses = use_conjecture_for_hypotheses}
+fun int_average f xs = fold (Integer.add o f) xs 0 div length xs
 fun remotify_config system_name system_versions
-        ({proof_delims, known_failures, default_max_relevant,
-          use_conjecture_for_hypotheses, ...} : atp_config) : atp_config =
+        ({proof_delims, slices, known_failures, use_conjecture_for_hypotheses,
+          ...} : atp_config) : atp_config =
   remote_config system_name system_versions proof_delims known_failures
-                default_max_relevant use_conjecture_for_hypotheses
+                (int_average (snd o snd) o slices) use_conjecture_for_hypotheses
 fun remote_atp name system_name system_versions proof_delims known_failures
                default_max_relevant use_conjecture_for_hypotheses =
@@ -318,17 +342,13 @@
 val remote_e = remotify_atp e "EP" ["1.0", "1.1", "1.2"]
 val remote_vampire = remotify_atp vampire "Vampire" ["0.6", "9.0", "1.0"]
-val remote_z3_atp =
-  remote_atp z3_atpN "Z3---" ["2.18"] []
-             [(IncompleteUnprovable, "SZS status Satisfiable"),
-              (ProofMissing, "SZS status Unsatisfiable")]
-             225 (* FUDGE *) false
+val remote_z3_atp = remotify_atp z3_atp "Z3---" ["2.18"]
 val remote_sine_e =
   remote_atp sine_eN "SInE" [] [] [(IncompleteUnprovable, "says Unknown")]
-             500 (* FUDGE *) true
+             (K 500 (* FUDGE *)) true
 val remote_snark =
   remote_atp snarkN "SNARK---" [] [("refutation.", "end_refutation.")] []
-             250 (* FUDGE *) true
+             (K 250 (* FUDGE *)) true
 (* Setup *)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_isar.ML	Thu Apr 21 18:39:22 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_isar.ML	Thu Apr 21 18:39:22 2011 +0200
@@ -86,7 +86,8 @@
    ("type_sys", "smart"),
    ("explicit_apply", "false"),
    ("isar_proof", "false"),
-   ("isar_shrink_factor", "1")]
+   ("isar_shrink_factor", "1"),
+   ("slicing", "true")]
 val alias_params =
   [("prover", "provers"),
@@ -100,7 +101,8 @@
    ("dont_monomorphize", "monomorphize"),
    ("partial_types", "full_types"),
    ("implicit_apply", "explicit_apply"),
-   ("no_isar_proof", "isar_proof")]
+   ("no_isar_proof", "isar_proof"),
+   ("no_slicing", "slicing")]
 val params_for_minimize =
   ["debug", "verbose", "overlord", "type_sys", "full_types", "isar_proof",
@@ -252,6 +254,7 @@
     val explicit_apply = lookup_bool "explicit_apply"
     val isar_proof = lookup_bool "isar_proof"
     val isar_shrink_factor = Int.max (1, lookup_int "isar_shrink_factor")
+    val slicing = lookup_bool "slicing"
     val timeout = (if auto then NONE else lookup_time "timeout") |> the_timeout
     val expect = lookup_string "expect"
@@ -260,8 +263,8 @@
      max_relevant = max_relevant, monomorphize = monomorphize,
      monomorphize_limit = monomorphize_limit, type_sys = type_sys,
      explicit_apply = explicit_apply, isar_proof = isar_proof,
-     isar_shrink_factor = isar_shrink_factor, timeout = timeout,
-     expect = expect}
+     isar_shrink_factor = isar_shrink_factor, slicing = slicing,
+     timeout = timeout, expect = expect}
 fun get_params auto ctxt = extract_params auto (default_raw_params ctxt)
@@ -300,7 +303,7 @@
     if subcommand = runN then
       let val i = the_default 1 opt_i in
-        run_sledgehammer (get_params false ctxt override_params) false i
+        run_sledgehammer (get_params false ctxt override_params) false true i
                          relevance_override (minimize_command override_params i)
         |> K ()
@@ -373,8 +376,8 @@
 fun auto_sledgehammer state =
   let val ctxt = Proof.context_of state in
-    run_sledgehammer (get_params true ctxt []) true 1 no_relevance_override
-                     (minimize_command [] 1) state
+    run_sledgehammer (get_params true ctxt []) true false 1
+                     no_relevance_override (minimize_command [] 1) state
 val setup = Auto_Tools.register_tool (auto, auto_sledgehammer)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_minimize.ML	Thu Apr 21 18:39:22 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_minimize.ML	Thu Apr 21 18:39:22 2011 +0200
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
        relevance_thresholds = (1.01, 1.01), max_relevant = NONE,
        monomorphize = false, monomorphize_limit = monomorphize_limit,
        isar_proof = isar_proof, isar_shrink_factor = isar_shrink_factor,
-       timeout = timeout, expect = ""}
+       slicing = false, timeout = timeout, expect = ""}
     val facts =
       facts |> maps (fn (n, ths) => ths |> map (Untranslated_Fact o pair n))
     val problem =
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
                    silent i n state facts =
     val ctxt = Proof.context_of state
-    val prover = get_prover ctxt false prover_name
+    val prover = get_prover ctxt false false prover_name
     val msecs = Time.toMilliseconds timeout
     val _ = print silent (fn () => "Sledgehammer minimize: " ^
                                    quote prover_name ^ ".")
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_provers.ML	Thu Apr 21 18:39:22 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_provers.ML	Thu Apr 21 18:39:22 2011 +0200
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
      explicit_apply: bool,
      isar_proof: bool,
      isar_shrink_factor: int,
+     slicing: bool,
      timeout: Time.time,
      expect: string}
@@ -55,8 +56,6 @@
   type prover = params -> minimize_command -> prover_problem -> prover_result
   (* for experimentation purposes -- do not use in production code *)
-  val atp_run_twice_threshold : int Unsynchronized.ref
-  val atp_first_iter_time_frac : real Unsynchronized.ref
   val smt_triggers : bool Unsynchronized.ref
   val smt_weights : bool Unsynchronized.ref
   val smt_weight_min_facts : int Unsynchronized.ref
@@ -64,17 +63,17 @@
   val smt_max_weight : int Unsynchronized.ref
   val smt_max_weight_index : int Unsynchronized.ref
   val smt_weight_curve : (int -> int) Unsynchronized.ref
-  val smt_max_iters : int Unsynchronized.ref
-  val smt_iter_fact_frac : real Unsynchronized.ref
-  val smt_iter_time_frac : real Unsynchronized.ref
-  val smt_iter_min_msecs : int Unsynchronized.ref
+  val smt_max_slices : int Unsynchronized.ref
+  val smt_slice_fact_frac : real Unsynchronized.ref
+  val smt_slice_time_frac : real Unsynchronized.ref
+  val smt_slice_min_secs : int Unsynchronized.ref
   val das_Tool : string
   val select_smt_solver : string -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
   val is_smt_prover : Proof.context -> string -> bool
   val is_prover_supported : Proof.context -> string -> bool
   val is_prover_installed : Proof.context -> string -> bool
-  val default_max_relevant_for_prover : Proof.context -> string -> int
+  val default_max_relevant_for_prover : Proof.context -> bool -> string -> int
   val is_built_in_const_for_prover :
     Proof.context -> string -> string * typ -> term list -> bool * term list
   val atp_relevance_fudge : relevance_fudge
@@ -94,7 +93,7 @@
   val kill_provers : unit -> unit
   val running_provers : unit -> unit
   val messages : int option -> unit
-  val get_prover : Proof.context -> bool -> string -> prover
+  val get_prover : Proof.context -> bool -> bool -> string -> prover
   val setup : theory -> theory
@@ -130,12 +129,17 @@
 fun is_prover_installed ctxt =
   is_smt_prover ctxt orf is_atp_installed (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt)
-fun default_max_relevant_for_prover ctxt name =
+fun get_slices slicing slices =
+  (0 upto length slices - 1) ~~ slices
+  |> not slicing ? (List.last #> single)
+fun default_max_relevant_for_prover ctxt slicing name =
   let val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt in
     if is_smt_prover ctxt name then
       SMT_Solver.default_max_relevant ctxt name
-      #default_max_relevant (get_atp thy name)
+      fold (Integer.max o snd o snd o snd)
+           (get_slices slicing (#slices (get_atp thy name) ())) 0
 (* These are either simplified away by "Meson.presimplify" (most of the time) or
@@ -238,6 +242,7 @@
    explicit_apply: bool,
    isar_proof: bool,
    isar_shrink_factor: int,
+   slicing: bool,
    timeout: Time.time,
    expect: string}
@@ -325,25 +330,22 @@
 fun int_opt_add (SOME m) (SOME n) = SOME (m + n)
   | int_opt_add _ _ = NONE
-val atp_run_twice_threshold = Unsynchronized.ref 50
-val atp_first_iter_time_frac = Unsynchronized.ref 0.67
 (* Important messages are important but not so important that users want to see
    them each time. *)
-val important_message_keep_factor = 0.1
+val atp_important_message_keep_factor = 0.1
-fun run_atp auto name
-        ({exec, required_execs, arguments, has_incomplete_mode, proof_delims,
-          known_failures, explicit_forall, use_conjecture_for_hypotheses, ...}
-          : atp_config)
-        ({debug, verbose, overlord, monomorphize, monomorphize_limit, type_sys,
-          explicit_apply, isar_proof, isar_shrink_factor, timeout, ...}
-         : params)
+fun run_atp auto may_slice name
+        ({exec, required_execs, arguments, slices, proof_delims, known_failures,
+          explicit_forall, use_conjecture_for_hypotheses, ...} : atp_config)
+        ({debug, verbose, overlord, max_relevant, monomorphize,
+          monomorphize_limit, type_sys, explicit_apply, isar_proof,
+          isar_shrink_factor, slicing, timeout, ...} : params)
         minimize_command ({state, goal, subgoal, facts, ...} : prover_problem) =
     val thy = Proof.theory_of state
     val ctxt = Proof.context_of state
     val (_, hyp_ts, concl_t) = strip_subgoal goal subgoal
+    val slicing = may_slice andalso slicing
     fun monomorphize_facts facts =
         val repair_context =
@@ -400,27 +402,55 @@
         if File.exists command then
             val readable_names = debug andalso overlord
-            val (atp_problem, pool, conjecture_offset, fact_names) =
-              prepare_atp_problem ctxt readable_names explicit_forall type_sys
-                                  explicit_apply hyp_ts concl_t facts
-            val ss = tptp_strings_for_atp_problem use_conjecture_for_hypotheses
-                                                  atp_problem
-            val _ = File.write_list prob_file ss
-            val conjecture_shape =
-              conjecture_offset + 1 upto conjecture_offset + length hyp_ts + 1
-              |> map single
-            fun run complete timeout =
+            (* If slicing is disabled, we expand the last slice to fill the
+               entire time available. *)
+            val actual_slices = get_slices slicing (slices ())
+            val num_actual_slices = length actual_slices
+            fun run_slice (slice, (time_frac, (complete, default_max_relevant)))
+                          time_left =
+                val num_facts =
+                  length facts |> is_none max_relevant
+                                  ? Integer.min default_max_relevant
+                val real_ms = Real.fromInt o Time.toMilliseconds
+                val slice_timeout =
+                  ((real_ms time_left
+                    |> (if slice < num_actual_slices - 1 then
+                          curry Real.min (time_frac * real_ms timeout)
+                        else
+                          I))
+                   * 0.001) |> seconds
+                val _ =
+                  if verbose then
+                    "ATP slice " ^ string_of_int (slice + 1) ^ " with " ^
+                    string_of_int num_facts ^ " fact" ^ plural_s num_facts ^
+                    " for " ^ string_from_time slice_timeout ^ "..."
+                    |> Output.urgent_message
+                  else
+                    ()
+                val (atp_problem, pool, conjecture_offset, fact_names) =
+                  prepare_atp_problem ctxt readable_names explicit_forall
+                                      type_sys explicit_apply hyp_ts concl_t
+                                      (facts |> take num_facts)
                 fun weights () = atp_problem_weights atp_problem
                 val core =
                   File.shell_path command ^ " " ^
-                  arguments complete timeout weights ^ " " ^
+                  arguments slice slice_timeout weights ^ " " ^
                   File.shell_path prob_file
                 val command =
                   (if measure_run_time then
                      "TIMEFORMAT='%3R'; { time " ^ core ^ " ; }"
                      "exec " ^ core) ^ " 2>&1"
+                val _ =
+                  atp_problem
+                  |> tptp_strings_for_atp_problem use_conjecture_for_hypotheses
+                  |> cons ("% " ^ command ^ "\n")
+                  |> File.write_list prob_file
+                val conjecture_shape =
+                  conjecture_offset + 1
+                    upto conjecture_offset + length hyp_ts + 1
+                  |> map single
                 val ((output, msecs), res_code) =
                   bash_output command
                   |>> (if overlord then
@@ -431,26 +461,22 @@
                 val (tstplike_proof, outcome) =
                   extract_tstplike_proof_and_outcome debug verbose complete
                       res_code proof_delims known_failures output
-              in (output, msecs, tstplike_proof, outcome) end
-            val run_twice =
-              has_incomplete_mode andalso not auto andalso
-              length facts >= !atp_run_twice_threshold
+              in
+                ((pool, conjecture_shape, fact_names),
+                 (output, msecs, tstplike_proof, outcome))
+              end
             val timer = Timer.startRealTimer ()
-            val result =
-              run (not run_twice)
-                 (if run_twice then
-                    seconds (0.001 * !atp_first_iter_time_frac
-                             * Real.fromInt (Time.toMilliseconds timeout))
-                  else
-                    timeout)
-              |> run_twice
-                 ? (fn (_, msecs0, _, SOME _) =>
-                       run true (Time.- (timeout, Timer.checkRealTimer timer))
-                       |> (fn (output, msecs, tstplike_proof, outcome) =>
-                              (output, int_opt_add msecs0 msecs, tstplike_proof,
-                               outcome))
-                     | result => result)
-          in ((pool, conjecture_shape, fact_names), result) end
+            fun maybe_run_slice slice (_, (_, msecs0, _, SOME _)) =
+                run_slice slice (Time.- (timeout, Timer.checkRealTimer timer))
+                |> (fn (stuff, (output, msecs, tstplike_proof, outcome)) =>
+                       (stuff, (output, int_opt_add msecs0 msecs,
+                                tstplike_proof, outcome)))
+              | maybe_run_slice _ result = result
+          in
+            ((Symtab.empty, [], Vector.fromList []),
+             ("", SOME 0, "", SOME InternalError))
+            |> fold maybe_run_slice actual_slices
+          end
           error ("Bad executable: " ^ Path.print command ^ ".")
@@ -469,7 +495,7 @@
     val (conjecture_shape, fact_names) =
       repair_conjecture_shape_and_fact_names output conjecture_shape fact_names
     val important_message =
-      if not auto andalso random () <= important_message_keep_factor then
+      if not auto andalso random () <= atp_important_message_keep_factor then
         extract_important_message output
@@ -535,16 +561,19 @@
     UnknownError msg
 (* FUDGE *)
-val smt_max_iters = Unsynchronized.ref 8
-val smt_iter_fact_frac = Unsynchronized.ref 0.5
-val smt_iter_time_frac = Unsynchronized.ref 0.5
-val smt_iter_min_msecs = Unsynchronized.ref 5000
+val smt_max_slices = Unsynchronized.ref 8
+val smt_slice_fact_frac = Unsynchronized.ref 0.5
+val smt_slice_time_frac = Unsynchronized.ref 0.5
+val smt_slice_min_secs = Unsynchronized.ref 5
-fun smt_filter_loop name ({debug, verbose, overlord, monomorphize_limit,
-                           timeout, ...} : params)
+fun smt_filter_loop may_slice name
+                    ({debug, verbose, overlord, monomorphize_limit, timeout,
+                      slicing, ...} : params)
                     state i smt_filter =
     val ctxt = Proof.context_of state
+    val slicing = may_slice andalso slicing
+    val max_slices = if slicing then !smt_max_slices else 1
     val repair_context =
       select_smt_solver name
       #> Config.put SMT_Config.verbose debug
@@ -559,23 +588,24 @@
       #> Config.put SMT_Config.monomorph_limit monomorphize_limit
     val state = state |> Proof.map_context repair_context
-    fun iter timeout iter_num outcome0 time_so_far facts =
+    fun do_slice timeout slice outcome0 time_so_far facts =
         val timer = Timer.startRealTimer ()
         val ms = timeout |> Time.toMilliseconds
-        val iter_timeout =
-          if iter_num < !smt_max_iters then
+        val slice_timeout =
+          if slice < max_slices then
             Int.min (ms,
-                Int.max (!smt_iter_min_msecs,
-                    Real.ceil (!smt_iter_time_frac * Real.fromInt ms)))
+                Int.max (1000 * !smt_slice_min_secs,
+                    Real.ceil (!smt_slice_time_frac * Real.fromInt ms)))
             |> Time.fromMilliseconds
         val num_facts = length facts
         val _ =
           if verbose then
-            "SMT iteration with " ^ string_of_int num_facts ^ " fact" ^
-            plural_s num_facts ^ " for " ^ string_from_time iter_timeout ^ "..."
+            "SMT slice with " ^ string_of_int num_facts ^ " fact" ^
+            plural_s num_facts ^ " for " ^ string_from_time slice_timeout ^
+            "..."
             |> Output.urgent_message
@@ -583,10 +613,10 @@
         val _ =
           if debug then Output.urgent_message "Invoking SMT solver..." else ()
         val (outcome, used_facts) =
-          (case (iter_num, smt_filter) of
+          (case (slice, smt_filter) of
              (1, SOME head) => head |> apsnd (apsnd repair_context)
            | _ => SMT_Solver.smt_filter_preprocess state facts i)
-          |> SMT_Solver.smt_filter_apply iter_timeout
+          |> SMT_Solver.smt_filter_apply slice_timeout
           |> (fn {outcome, used_facts} => (outcome, used_facts))
           handle exn => if Exn.is_interrupt exn then
                           reraise exn
@@ -608,7 +638,7 @@
           case outcome of
             NONE => false
           | SOME (SMT_Failure.Counterexample _) => false
-          | SOME SMT_Failure.Time_Out => iter_timeout <> timeout
+          | SOME SMT_Failure.Time_Out => slice_timeout <> timeout
           | SOME (SMT_Failure.Abnormal_Termination code) =>
             (if verbose then
                "The SMT solver invoked with " ^ string_of_int num_facts ^
@@ -622,17 +652,19 @@
           | SOME (SMT_Failure.Other_Failure _) => true
         val timeout = Time.- (timeout, Timer.checkRealTimer timer)
-        if too_many_facts_perhaps andalso iter_num < !smt_max_iters andalso
+        if too_many_facts_perhaps andalso slice < max_slices andalso
            num_facts > 0 andalso Time.> (timeout, Time.zeroTime) then
-            val n = Real.ceil (!smt_iter_fact_frac * Real.fromInt num_facts)
-          in iter timeout (iter_num + 1) outcome0 time_so_far (take n facts) end
+            val n = Real.ceil (!smt_slice_fact_frac * Real.fromInt num_facts)
+          in
+            do_slice timeout (slice + 1) outcome0 time_so_far (take n facts)
+          end
           {outcome = if is_none outcome then NONE else the outcome0,
            used_facts = used_facts,
            run_time_in_msecs = SOME (Time.toMilliseconds time_so_far)}
-  in iter timeout 1 NONE Time.zeroTime end
+  in do_slice timeout 1 NONE Time.zeroTime end
 (* taken from "Mirabelle" and generalized *)
 fun can_apply timeout tac state i =
@@ -652,9 +684,10 @@
             (Config.put Metis_Tactics.verbose debug
              #> (fn ctxt => Metis_Tactics.metis_tac ctxt ths)) state i
-fun run_smt_solver auto name (params as {debug, verbose, ...}) minimize_command
-        ({state, subgoal, subgoal_count, facts, smt_filter, ...}
-         : prover_problem) =
+fun run_smt_solver auto may_slice name (params as {debug, verbose, ...})
+                   minimize_command
+                   ({state, subgoal, subgoal_count, facts, smt_filter, ...}
+                    : prover_problem) =
     val ctxt = Proof.context_of state
     val thy = Proof.theory_of state
@@ -662,7 +695,7 @@
     val facts = facts ~~ (0 upto num_facts - 1)
                 |> map (smt_weighted_fact thy num_facts)
     val {outcome, used_facts, run_time_in_msecs} =
-      smt_filter_loop name params state subgoal smt_filter facts
+      smt_filter_loop may_slice name params state subgoal smt_filter facts
     val (chained_lemmas, other_lemmas) = split_used_facts (map fst used_facts)
     val outcome = outcome |> failure_from_smt_failure
     val message =
@@ -694,12 +727,12 @@
      run_time_in_msecs = run_time_in_msecs, message = message}
-fun get_prover ctxt auto name =
+fun get_prover ctxt auto may_slice name =
   let val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt in
     if is_smt_prover ctxt name then
-      run_smt_solver auto name
+      run_smt_solver auto may_slice name
     else if member (op =) (supported_atps thy) name then
-      run_atp auto name (get_atp thy name)
+      run_atp auto may_slice name (get_atp thy name)
       error ("No such prover: " ^ name ^ ".")
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_run.ML	Thu Apr 21 18:39:22 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_run.ML	Thu Apr 21 18:39:22 2011 +0200
@@ -14,10 +14,10 @@
   type prover = Sledgehammer_Provers.prover
   val auto_minimize_min_facts : int Unsynchronized.ref
-  val get_minimizing_prover : Proof.context -> bool -> string -> prover
+  val get_minimizing_prover : Proof.context -> bool -> bool -> string -> prover
   val run_sledgehammer :
-    params -> bool -> int -> relevance_override -> (string -> minimize_command)
-    -> Proof.state -> bool * Proof.state
+    params -> bool -> bool -> int -> relevance_override
+    -> (string -> minimize_command) -> Proof.state -> bool * Proof.state
 structure Sledgehammer_Run : SLEDGEHAMMER_RUN =
@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@
 val auto_minimize_min_facts = Unsynchronized.ref (!binary_min_facts)
-fun get_minimizing_prover ctxt auto name
+fun get_minimizing_prover ctxt auto may_slice name
         (params as {debug, verbose, explicit_apply, ...}) minimize_command
         (problem as {state, subgoal, subgoal_count, facts, ...}) =
-  get_prover ctxt auto name params minimize_command problem
+  get_prover ctxt auto may_slice name params minimize_command problem
   |> (fn result as {outcome, used_facts, run_time_in_msecs, message} =>
          if is_some outcome then
@@ -83,16 +83,18 @@
              | NONE => result
-fun launch_prover
-        (params as {debug, blocking, max_relevant, timeout, expect, ...})
-        auto minimize_command only
+fun launch_prover (params as {debug, blocking, max_relevant, slicing, timeout,
+                              expect, ...})
+        auto may_slice minimize_command only
         {state, goal, subgoal, subgoal_count, facts, smt_filter} name =
     val ctxt = Proof.context_of state
+    val slicing = may_slice andalso slicing
     val birth_time = ()
     val death_time = Time.+ (birth_time, timeout)
     val max_relevant =
-      the_default (default_max_relevant_for_prover ctxt name) max_relevant
+      max_relevant
+      |> the_default (default_max_relevant_for_prover ctxt slicing name)
     val num_facts = length facts |> not only ? Integer.min max_relevant
     val desc =
       prover_description ctxt params name num_facts subgoal subgoal_count goal
@@ -102,7 +104,8 @@
        smt_filter = smt_filter}
     fun really_go () =
-      |> get_minimizing_prover ctxt auto name params (minimize_command name)
+      |> get_minimizing_prover ctxt auto may_slice name params
+                               (minimize_command name)
       |> (fn {outcome, message, ...} =>
              (if is_some outcome then "none" else "some" (* sic *), message))
     fun go () =
@@ -166,9 +169,9 @@
 fun run_sledgehammer (params as {debug, blocking, provers, monomorphize,
                                  type_sys, relevance_thresholds, max_relevant,
-                                 timeout, ...})
-                     auto i (relevance_override as {only, ...}) minimize_command
-                     state =
+                                 slicing, timeout, ...})
+                     auto may_slice i (relevance_override as {only, ...})
+                     minimize_command state =
   if null provers then
     error "No prover is set."
   else case subgoal_count state of
@@ -181,6 +184,7 @@
         state |> Proof.map_context (Config.put SMT_Config.verbose debug)
       val ctxt = Proof.context_of state
       val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
+      val slicing = may_slice andalso slicing
       val {facts = chained_ths, goal, ...} = Proof.goal state
       val (_, hyp_ts, concl_t) = strip_subgoal goal i
       val no_dangerous_types = types_dangerous_types type_sys
@@ -201,7 +205,7 @@
              facts = facts,
              smt_filter = maybe_smt_filter
                   (fn () => map_filter (try dest_SMT_Weighted_Fact) facts) i}
-          val launch = launch_prover params auto minimize_command only
+          val launch = launch_prover params auto may_slice minimize_command only
           if auto then
             fold (fn prover => fn (true, state) => (true, state)
@@ -218,7 +222,8 @@
             case max_relevant of
               SOME n => n
             | NONE =>
-              0 |> fold (Integer.max o default_max_relevant_for_prover ctxt)
+              0 |> fold (Integer.max
+                         o default_max_relevant_for_prover ctxt slicing)
                 |> auto ? (fn n => n div auto_max_relevant_divisor)
           val is_built_in_const =
--- a/src/HOL/ex/sledgehammer_tactics.ML	Thu Apr 21 18:39:22 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/ex/sledgehammer_tactics.ML	Thu Apr 21 18:39:22 2011 +0200
@@ -18,14 +18,14 @@
 fun run_atp force_full_types timeout i n ctxt goal name =
     val chained_ths = [] (* a tactic has no chained ths *)
-    val params as {type_sys, relevance_thresholds, max_relevant, ...} =
+    val params as {type_sys, relevance_thresholds, max_relevant, slicing, ...} =
       ((if force_full_types then [("full_types", "true")] else [])
        @ [("timeout", string_of_int (Time.toSeconds timeout))])
        (* @ [("overlord", "true")] *)
       |> Sledgehammer_Isar.default_params ctxt
-    val prover = Sledgehammer_Provers.get_prover ctxt false name
+    val prover = Sledgehammer_Provers.get_prover ctxt false true name
     val default_max_relevant =
-      Sledgehammer_Provers.default_max_relevant_for_prover ctxt name
+      Sledgehammer_Provers.default_max_relevant_for_prover ctxt slicing name
     val is_built_in_const =
       Sledgehammer_Provers.is_built_in_const_for_prover ctxt name
     val relevance_fudge =