--- a/src/HOL/Tools/inductive_codegen.ML Fri Jul 09 16:29:10 2004 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/inductive_codegen.ML Fri Jul 09 16:33:20 2004 +0200
@@ -21,13 +21,19 @@
structure CodegenArgs =
val name = "HOL/inductive_codegen";
- type T = thm list Symtab.table * unit Graph.T;
- val empty = (Symtab.empty, Graph.empty);
+ type T =
+ {intros : thm list Symtab.table,
+ graph : unit Graph.T,
+ eqns : thm list Symtab.table};
+ val empty =
+ {intros = Symtab.empty, graph = Graph.empty, eqns = Symtab.empty};
val copy = I;
val prep_ext = I;
- fun merge ((tab1, graph1), (tab2, graph2)) =
- (Symtab.merge_multi Drule.eq_thm_prop (tab1, tab2),
- Graph.merge (K true) (graph1, graph2));
+ fun merge ({intros=intros1, graph=graph1, eqns=eqns1},
+ {intros=intros2, graph=graph2, eqns=eqns2}) =
+ {intros = Symtab.merge_multi Drule.eq_thm_prop (intros1, intros2),
+ graph = Graph.merge (K true) (graph1, graph2),
+ eqns = Symtab.merge_multi Drule.eq_thm_prop (eqns1, eqns2)};
fun print _ _ = ();
@@ -39,24 +45,31 @@
fun add_node (g, x) = Graph.new_node (x, ()) g handle Graph.DUP _ => g;
fun add (p as (thy, thm)) =
- let val (tab, graph) = CodegenData.get thy;
+ let val {intros, graph, eqns} = CodegenData.get thy;
in (case concl_of thm of
_ $ (Const ("op :", _) $ _ $ t) => (case head_of t of
Const (s, _) =>
let val cs = foldr add_term_consts (prems_of thm, [])
in (CodegenData.put
- (Symtab.update ((s,
- if_none (Symtab.lookup (tab, s)) [] @ [thm]), tab),
- foldr (uncurry (Graph.add_edge o pair s))
- (cs, foldl add_node (graph, s :: cs))) thy, thm)
+ {intros = Symtab.update ((s,
+ if_none (Symtab.lookup (intros, s)) [] @ [thm]), intros),
+ graph = foldr (uncurry (Graph.add_edge o pair s))
+ (cs, foldl add_node (graph, s :: cs)),
+ eqns = eqns} thy, thm)
| _ => (warn thm; p))
+ | _ $ (Const ("op =", _) $ t $ _) => (case head_of t of
+ Const (s, _) =>
+ (CodegenData.put {intros = intros, graph = graph,
+ eqns = Symtab.update ((s,
+ if_none (Symtab.lookup (eqns, s)) [] @ [thm]), eqns)} thy, thm)
+ | _ => (warn thm; p))
| _ => (warn thm; p))
fun get_clauses thy s =
- let val (tab, graph) = CodegenData.get thy
- in case Symtab.lookup (tab, s) of
+ let val {intros, graph, ...} = CodegenData.get thy
+ in case Symtab.lookup (intros, s) of
None => (case InductivePackage.get_inductive thy s of
None => None
| Some ({names, ...}, {intrs, ...}) => Some (names, intrs))
@@ -64,7 +77,7 @@
let val Some names = find_first
(fn xs => s mem xs) (Graph.strong_conn graph)
in Some (names,
- flat (map (fn s => the (Symtab.lookup (tab, s))) names))
+ flat (map (fn s => the (Symtab.lookup (intros, s))) names))
@@ -80,6 +93,10 @@
split_prod (1::p) ps t @ split_prod (2::p) ps u
| _ => error "Inconsistent use of products") else [t];
+fun full_split_prod (Const ("Pair", _) $ t $ u) =
+ full_split_prod t @ full_split_prod u
+ | full_split_prod t = [t];
datatype factors = FVar of int list list | FFix of int list list;
exception Factors;
@@ -143,18 +160,10 @@
val term_vs = map (fst o fst o dest_Var) o term_vars;
val terms_vs = distinct o flat o (map term_vs);
-fun assoc' s tab key = (case assoc (tab, key) of
- None => error ("Unable to determine " ^ s ^ " of " ^ quote key)
- | Some x => x);
(** collect all Vars in a term (with duplicates!) **)
fun term_vTs t = map (apfst fst o dest_Var)
(filter is_Var (foldl_aterms (op :: o Library.swap) ([], t)));
-fun known_args _ _ [] = []
- | known_args vs i (t::ts) = if term_vs t subset vs then i::known_args vs (i+1) ts
- else known_args vs (i+1) ts;
fun get_args _ _ [] = ([], [])
| get_args is i (x::xs) = (if i mem is then apfst else apsnd) (cons x)
(get_args is (i+1) xs);
@@ -183,7 +192,7 @@
(fn (None, _) => [None]
| (Some js, arg) => map Some
(filter (fn Mode ((_, js'), _) => js=js') (modes_of modes arg)))
- (iss ~~ args)))) (assoc' "modes" modes name))
+ (iss ~~ args)))) (the (assoc (modes, name))))
in (case strip_comb t of
(Const ("op =", Type (_, [T, _])), _) =>
@@ -200,17 +209,18 @@
find_first (is_some o snd) (ps ~~ map
(fn Prem (us, t) => find_first (fn Mode ((_, is), _) =>
- val (_, out_ts) = get_args is 1 us;
- val vTs = flat (map term_vTs out_ts);
+ val (in_ts, out_ts) = get_args is 1 us;
+ val (out_ts', in_ts') = partition (is_constrt thy) out_ts;
+ val vTs = flat (map term_vTs out_ts');
val dupTs = map snd (duplicates vTs) @
mapfilter (curry assoc vTs) vs;
- is subset known_args vs 1 us andalso
- forall (is_constrt thy) (snd (get_args is 1 us)) andalso
+ terms_vs (in_ts @ in_ts') subset vs andalso
+ forall (is_eqT o fastype_of) in_ts' andalso
term_vs t subset vs andalso
forall is_eqT dupTs
- (modes_of modes t)
+ (modes_of modes t handle OPTION => [Mode (([], []), [])])
| Sidecond t => if term_vs t subset vs then Some (Mode (([], []), []))
else None) ps);
@@ -262,6 +272,51 @@
flat (separate [Pretty.str ",", Pretty.brk 1] (map single xs)) @
[Pretty.str ")"]);
+(* convert nested pairs to n-tuple *)
+fun conv_ntuple [_] t ps = ps
+ | conv_ntuple [_, _] t ps = ps
+ | conv_ntuple us t ps =
+ let
+ val xs = map (fn i => Pretty.str ("x" ^ string_of_int i))
+ (1 upto length us);
+ fun ntuple (ys as (x, T) :: xs) U =
+ if T = U then (x, xs)
+ else
+ let
+ val Type ("*", [U1, U2]) = U;
+ val (p1, ys1) = ntuple ys U1;
+ val (p2, ys2) = ntuple ys1 U2
+ in (mk_tuple [p1, p2], ys2) end
+ in
+ [Pretty.str "Seq.map (fn", Pretty.brk 1,
+ fst (ntuple (xs ~~ map fastype_of us) (HOLogic.dest_setT (fastype_of t))),
+ Pretty.str " =>", Pretty.brk 1, mk_tuple xs, Pretty.str ")",
+ Pretty.brk 1, parens (Pretty.block ps)]
+ end;
+(* convert n-tuple to nested pairs *)
+fun conv_ntuple' fs T ps =
+ let
+ fun mk_x i = Pretty.str ("x" ^ string_of_int i);
+ fun conv i js (Type ("*", [T, U])) =
+ if js mem fs then
+ let
+ val (p, i') = conv i (1::js) T;
+ val (q, i'') = conv i' (2::js) U
+ in (mk_tuple [p, q], i'') end
+ else (mk_x i, i+1)
+ | conv i js _ = (mk_x i, i+1)
+ val (p, i) = conv 1 [] T
+ in
+ if i > 3 then
+ [Pretty.str "Seq.map (fn", Pretty.brk 1,
+ mk_tuple (map mk_x (1 upto i-1)), Pretty.str " =>", Pretty.brk 1,
+ p, Pretty.str ")", Pretty.brk 1, parens (Pretty.block ps)]
+ else ps
+ end;
fun mk_v ((names, vs), s) = (case assoc (vs, s) of
None => ((names, (s, [s])::vs), s)
| Some xs => let val s' = variant names s in
@@ -319,23 +374,32 @@
let val s = variant names "x";
in ((s::names, (s, t)::eqs), Var ((s, 0), fastype_of t)) end;
+ fun compile_eq (gr, (s, t)) =
+ apsnd (Pretty.block o cons (Pretty.str (s ^ " = ")) o single)
+ (invoke_codegen thy dep false (gr, t));
val (in_ts, out_ts) = get_args is 1 ts;
val ((all_vs', eqs), in_ts') =
foldl_map check_constrt ((all_vs, []), in_ts);
+ fun is_ind t = (case head_of t of
+ Const (s, _) => s = "op =" orelse is_some (assoc (modes, s))
+ | Var ((s, _), _) => s mem arg_vs);
fun compile_prems out_ts' vs names gr [] =
val (gr2, out_ps) = foldl_map
(invoke_codegen thy dep false) (gr, out_ts);
- val (gr3, eq_ps) = foldl_map (fn (gr, (s, t)) =>
- apsnd (Pretty.block o cons (Pretty.str (s ^ " = ")) o single)
- (invoke_codegen thy dep false (gr, t))) (gr2, eqs);
- val (nvs, out_ts'') = foldl_map distinct_v
- ((names, map (fn x => (x, [x])) vs), out_ts');
+ val (gr3, eq_ps) = foldl_map compile_eq (gr2, eqs);
+ val ((names', eqs'), out_ts'') =
+ foldl_map check_constrt ((names, []), out_ts');
+ val (nvs, out_ts''') = foldl_map distinct_v
+ ((names', map (fn x => (x, [x])) vs), out_ts'');
val (gr4, out_ps') = foldl_map
- (invoke_codegen thy dep false) (gr3, out_ts'');
+ (invoke_codegen thy dep false) (gr3, out_ts''');
+ val (gr5, eq_ps') = foldl_map compile_eq (gr4, eqs')
- (gr4, compile_match (snd nvs) eq_ps out_ps'
+ (gr5, compile_match (snd nvs) (eq_ps @ eq_ps') out_ps'
(Pretty.block [Pretty.str "Seq.single", Pretty.brk 1, mk_tuple out_ps])
(Pretty.str "Seq.empty"))
@@ -345,36 +409,40 @@
val Some (p, mode as Some (Mode ((_, js), _))) =
select_mode_prem thy modes' (arg_vs union vs') ps;
val ps' = filter_out (equal p) ps;
+ val ((names', eqs), out_ts') =
+ foldl_map check_constrt ((names, []), out_ts);
+ val (nvs, out_ts'') = foldl_map distinct_v
+ ((names', map (fn x => (x, [x])) vs), out_ts');
+ val (gr0, out_ps) = foldl_map
+ (invoke_codegen thy dep false) (gr, out_ts'');
+ val (gr1, eq_ps) = foldl_map compile_eq (gr0, eqs)
(case p of
Prem (us, t) =>
- val (in_ts, out_ts') = get_args js 1 us;
- val (gr1, in_ps) = foldl_map
- (invoke_codegen thy dep false) (gr, in_ts);
- val (nvs, out_ts'') = foldl_map distinct_v
- ((names, map (fn x => (x, [x])) vs), out_ts);
- val (gr2, out_ps) = foldl_map
- (invoke_codegen thy dep false) (gr1, out_ts'');
- val (gr3, ps) = compile_expr thy dep false (gr2, (mode, t));
- val (gr4, rest) = compile_prems out_ts' vs' (fst nvs) gr3 ps';
+ val (in_ts, out_ts''') = get_args js 1 us;
+ val (gr2, in_ps) = foldl_map
+ (invoke_codegen thy dep false) (gr1, in_ts);
+ val (gr3, ps) = if is_ind t then
+ apsnd (fn ps => ps @ [Pretty.brk 1, mk_tuple in_ps])
+ (compile_expr thy dep false (gr2, (mode, t)))
+ else
+ apsnd (fn p => conv_ntuple us t
+ [Pretty.str "Seq.of_list", Pretty.brk 1, p])
+ (invoke_codegen thy dep true (gr2, t));
+ val (gr4, rest) = compile_prems out_ts''' vs' (fst nvs) gr3 ps';
- (gr4, compile_match (snd nvs) [] out_ps
+ (gr4, compile_match (snd nvs) eq_ps out_ps
(Pretty.block (ps @
- [Pretty.brk 1, mk_tuple in_ps,
- Pretty.str " :->", Pretty.brk 1, rest]))
+ [Pretty.str " :->", Pretty.brk 1, rest]))
(Pretty.str "Seq.empty"))
| Sidecond t =>
- val (gr1, side_p) = invoke_codegen thy dep true (gr, t);
- val (nvs, out_ts') = foldl_map distinct_v
- ((names, map (fn x => (x, [x])) vs), out_ts);
- val (gr2, out_ps) = foldl_map
- (invoke_codegen thy dep false) (gr1, out_ts')
+ val (gr2, side_p) = invoke_codegen thy dep true (gr1, t);
val (gr3, rest) = compile_prems [] vs' (fst nvs) gr2 ps';
- (gr3, compile_match (snd nvs) [] out_ps
+ (gr3, compile_match (snd nvs) eq_ps out_ps
(Pretty.block [Pretty.str "?? ", side_p,
Pretty.str " :->", Pretty.brk 1, rest])
(Pretty.str "Seq.empty"))
@@ -432,26 +500,35 @@
(fn None => "X" | Some f' => string_of_factors [] f')
(fs @ [Some f]))) factors));
+fun prep_intrs intrs = map (rename_term o #prop o rep_thm o standard) intrs;
+fun constrain cs [] = []
+ | constrain cs ((s, xs) :: ys) = (s, case assoc (cs, s) of
+ None => xs
+ | Some xs' => xs inter xs') :: constrain cs ys;
fun mk_extra_defs thy gr dep names ts =
foldl (fn (gr, name) =>
if name mem names then gr
else (case get_clauses thy name of
None => gr
| Some (names, intrs) =>
- mk_ind_def thy gr dep names intrs))
+ mk_ind_def thy gr dep names [] [] (prep_intrs intrs)))
(gr, foldr add_term_consts (ts, []))
-and mk_ind_def thy gr dep names intrs =
+and mk_ind_def thy gr dep names modecs factorcs intrs =
let val ids = map (mk_const_id (sign_of thy)) names
in Graph.add_edge (hd ids, dep) gr handle Graph.UNDEF _ =>
+ val _ $ (_ $ _ $ u) = Logic.strip_imp_concl (hd intrs);
+ val (_, args) = strip_comb u;
+ val arg_vs = flat (map term_vs args);
fun dest_prem factors (_ $ (p as (Const ("op :", _) $ t $ u))) =
- (case head_of u of
- Const (name, _) => (case assoc (factors, name) of
- None => Sidecond p
- | Some f => Prem (split_prod [] f t, u))
- | Var ((name, _), _) => Prem (split_prod []
- (the (assoc (factors, name))) t, u))
+ (case assoc (factors, case head_of u of
+ Const (name, _) => name | Var ((name, _), _) => name) of
+ None => Prem (full_split_prod t, u)
+ | Some f => Prem (split_prod [] f t, u))
| dest_prem factors (_ $ ((eq as Const ("op =", _)) $ t $ u)) =
Prem ([t, u], eq)
| dest_prem factors (_ $ t) = Sidecond t;
@@ -466,42 +543,45 @@
[(split_prod [] (the (assoc (factors, name))) t, prems)])))
+ fun check_set (Const (s, _)) = s mem names orelse is_some (get_clauses thy s)
+ | check_set (Var ((s, _), _)) = s mem arg_vs
+ | check_set _ = false;
fun add_prod_factors extra_fs (fs, _ $ (Const ("op :", _) $ t $ u)) =
- (case apsome (get_clauses thy o fst) (try dest_Const (head_of u)) of
- Some None => fs
- | _ => infer_factors (sign_of thy) extra_fs
- (fs, (Some (FVar (prod_factors [] t)), u)))
+ if check_set (head_of u)
+ then infer_factors (sign_of thy) extra_fs
+ (fs, (Some (FVar (prod_factors [] t)), u))
+ else fs
| add_prod_factors _ (fs, _) = fs;
- val intrs' = map (rename_term o #prop o rep_thm o standard) intrs;
- val _ $ (_ $ _ $ u) = Logic.strip_imp_concl (hd intrs');
- val (_, args) = strip_comb u;
- val arg_vs = flat (map term_vs args);
val gr' = mk_extra_defs thy
(Graph.add_edge (hd ids, dep)
- (Graph.new_node (hd ids, (None, "")) gr)) (hd ids) names intrs';
+ (Graph.new_node (hd ids, (None, "")) gr)) (hd ids) names intrs;
val (extra_modes, extra_factors) = lookup_modes gr' (hd ids);
- val fs = map (apsnd dest_factors)
+ val fs = constrain factorcs (map (apsnd dest_factors)
(foldl (add_prod_factors extra_factors) ([], flat (map (fn t =>
- Logic.strip_imp_concl t :: Logic.strip_imp_prems t) intrs')));
- val _ = (case map fst fs \\ names \\ arg_vs of
- [] => ()
- | xs => error ("Non-inductive sets: " ^ commas_quote xs));
+ Logic.strip_imp_concl t :: Logic.strip_imp_prems t) intrs))));
val factors = mapfilter (fn (name, f) =>
if name mem arg_vs then None
else Some (name, (map (curry assoc fs) arg_vs, f))) fs;
val clauses =
- foldl (add_clause (fs @ map (apsnd snd) extra_factors)) ([], intrs');
- val modes = infer_modes thy extra_modes factors arg_vs clauses;
+ foldl (add_clause (fs @ map (apsnd snd) extra_factors)) ([], intrs);
+ val modes = constrain modecs
+ (infer_modes thy extra_modes factors arg_vs clauses);
val _ = print_factors factors;
val _ = print_modes modes;
- val (gr'', s) = compile_preds thy gr' (hd ids) (terms_vs intrs') arg_vs
+ val (gr'', s) = compile_preds thy gr' (hd ids) (terms_vs intrs) arg_vs
(modes @ extra_modes) clauses;
(Graph.map_node (hd ids) (K (Some (Modes (modes, factors)), s)) gr'')
+fun find_mode s u modes is = (case find_first (fn Mode ((_, js), _) => is=js)
+ (modes_of modes u handle OPTION => []) of
+ None => error ("No such mode for " ^ s ^ ": " ^ string_of_mode ([], is))
+ | mode => mode);
fun mk_ind_call thy gr dep t u is_query = (case head_of u of
Const (s, T) => (case (get_clauses thy s, get_assoc_code thy s T) of
(None, _) => None
@@ -512,17 +592,13 @@
| mk_mode (((ts, mode), i), t) = ((ts @ [t], mode @ [i]), i+1);
val gr1 = mk_extra_defs thy
- (mk_ind_def thy gr dep names intrs) dep names [u];
+ (mk_ind_def thy gr dep names [] [] (prep_intrs intrs)) dep names [u];
val (modes, factors) = lookup_modes gr1 dep;
val ts = split_prod [] (snd (the (assoc (factors, s)))) t;
val (ts', is) = if is_query then
fst (foldl mk_mode ((([], []), 1), ts))
else (ts, 1 upto length ts);
- val mode = (case find_first (fn Mode ((_, js), _) => is=js)
- (modes_of modes u) of
- None => error ("No such mode for " ^ s ^ ": " ^
- string_of_mode ([], is))
- | mode => mode);
+ val mode = find_mode s u modes is;
val (gr2, in_ps) = foldl_map
(invoke_codegen thy dep false) (gr1, ts');
val (gr3, ps) = compile_expr thy dep false (gr2, (mode, u))
@@ -533,13 +609,83 @@
| _ => None)
| _ => None);
+fun list_of_indset thy gr dep brack u = (case head_of u of
+ Const (s, T) => (case (get_clauses thy s, get_assoc_code thy s T) of
+ (None, _) => None
+ | (Some (names, intrs), None) =>
+ let
+ val gr1 = mk_extra_defs thy
+ (mk_ind_def thy gr dep names [] [] (prep_intrs intrs)) dep names [u];
+ val (modes, factors) = lookup_modes gr1 dep;
+ val mode = find_mode s u modes [];
+ val (gr2, ps) = compile_expr thy dep false (gr1, (mode, u))
+ in
+ Some (gr2, (if brack then parens else I)
+ (Pretty.block ([Pretty.str "Seq.list_of", Pretty.brk 1,
+ Pretty.str "("] @
+ conv_ntuple' (snd (the (assoc (factors, s))))
+ (HOLogic.dest_setT (fastype_of u))
+ (ps @ [Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.str "()"]) @
+ [Pretty.str ")"])))
+ end
+ | _ => None)
+ | _ => None);
+fun clause_of_eqn eqn =
+ let
+ val (t, u) = HOLogic.dest_eq (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (concl_of eqn));
+ val (Const (s, T), ts) = strip_comb t;
+ val (Ts, U) = strip_type T
+ in
+ rename_term
+ (Logic.list_implies (prems_of eqn, HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_mem
+ (foldr1 HOLogic.mk_prod (ts @ [u]), Const (Sign.base_name s ^ "_aux",
+ HOLogic.mk_setT (foldr1 HOLogic.mk_prodT (Ts @ [U])))))))
+ end;
+fun mk_fun thy name eqns dep gr =
+ let val id = mk_const_id (sign_of thy) name
+ in Graph.add_edge (id, dep) gr handle Graph.UNDEF _ =>
+ let
+ val clauses = map clause_of_eqn eqns;
+ val pname = mk_const_id (sign_of thy) (Sign.base_name name ^ "_aux");
+ val arity = length (snd (strip_comb (fst (HOLogic.dest_eq
+ (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (concl_of (hd eqns)))))));
+ val mode = 1 upto arity;
+ val vars = map (fn i => Pretty.str ("x" ^ string_of_int i)) mode;
+ val s = Pretty.string_of (Pretty.block
+ [mk_app false (Pretty.str ("fun " ^ id)) vars, Pretty.str " =",
+ Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.str "Seq.hd", Pretty.brk 1,
+ parens (Pretty.block [Pretty.str (modename thy pname ([], mode)),
+ Pretty.brk 1, mk_tuple vars])]) ^ ";\n\n";
+ val gr' = mk_ind_def thy (Graph.add_edge (id, dep)
+ (Graph.new_node (id, (None, s)) gr)) id [pname]
+ [(pname, [([], mode)])]
+ [(pname, map (fn i => replicate i 2) (0 upto arity-1))]
+ clauses;
+ val (modes, _) = lookup_modes gr' dep;
+ val _ = find_mode pname (snd (HOLogic.dest_mem (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop
+ (Logic.strip_imp_concl (hd clauses))))) modes mode
+ in gr' end
+ end;
fun inductive_codegen thy gr dep brack (Const ("op :", _) $ t $ u) =
((case mk_ind_call thy gr dep (Term.no_dummy_patterns t) u false of
None => None
| Some (gr', call_p) => Some (gr', (if brack then parens else I)
(Pretty.block [Pretty.str "?! (", call_p, Pretty.str ")"])))
handle TERM _ => mk_ind_call thy gr dep t u true)
- | inductive_codegen thy gr dep brack _ = None;
+ | inductive_codegen thy gr dep brack t = (case strip_comb t of
+ (Const (s, _), ts) => (case Symtab.lookup (#eqns (CodegenData.get thy), s) of
+ None => list_of_indset thy gr dep brack t
+ | Some eqns =>
+ let
+ val gr' = mk_fun thy s eqns dep gr
+ val (gr'', ps) = foldl_map (invoke_codegen thy dep true) (gr', ts);
+ in Some (gr'', mk_app brack (Pretty.str (mk_const_id
+ (sign_of thy) s)) ps)
+ end)
+ | _ => None);
val setup =
[add_codegen "inductive" inductive_codegen,