--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_atp_translate.ML Sun May 01 18:37:25 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_atp_translate.ML Sun May 01 18:37:25 2011 +0200
@@ -77,6 +77,14 @@
(* Freshness almost guaranteed! *)
val sledgehammer_weak_prefix = "Sledgehammer:"
+fun formula_map f (AQuant (q, xs, phi)) = AQuant (q, xs, formula_map f phi)
+ | formula_map f (AConn (c, phis)) = AConn (c, map (formula_map f) phis)
+ | formula_map f (AAtom tm) = AAtom (f tm)
+fun formula_fold f (AQuant (_, _, phi)) = formula_fold f phi
+ | formula_fold f (AConn (_, phis)) = fold (formula_fold f) phis
+ | formula_fold f (AAtom tm) = f tm
type translated_formula =
{name: string,
kind: formula_kind,
@@ -106,6 +114,10 @@
fun type_system_types_dangerous_types (Tags _) = true
| type_system_types_dangerous_types type_sys = is_type_system_sound type_sys
+fun should_introduce_type_preds (Mangled true) = true
+ | should_introduce_type_preds (Args true) = true
+ | should_introduce_type_preds _ = false
val boring_consts = [explicit_app_base, @{const_name Metis.fequal}]
fun should_omit_type_args type_sys s =
@@ -385,260 +397,11 @@
(0 upto last) ts
-(** Helper facts **)
-fun formula_map f (AQuant (q, xs, phi)) = AQuant (q, xs, formula_map f phi)
- | formula_map f (AConn (c, phis)) = AConn (c, map (formula_map f) phis)
- | formula_map f (AAtom tm) = AAtom (f tm)
-fun formula_fold f (AQuant (_, _, phi)) = formula_fold f phi
- | formula_fold f (AConn (_, phis)) = fold (formula_fold f) phis
- | formula_fold f (AAtom tm) = f tm
+(** "hBOOL" and "hAPP" **)
type sym_table_info =
{pred_sym : bool, min_ary : int, max_ary : int, typ : typ option}
-fun ti_ti_helper_fact () =
- let
- fun var s = ATerm (`I s, [])
- fun tag tm = ATerm (`I type_tag_name, [var "X", tm])
- in
- Formula (Fof, helper_prefix ^ ascii_of "ti_ti", Axiom,
- AAtom (ATerm (`I "equal", [tag (tag (var "Y")), tag (var "Y")]))
- |> close_formula_universally, NONE, NONE)
- end
-fun helper_facts_for_sym ctxt type_sys (s, {typ, ...} : sym_table_info) =
- case strip_prefix_and_unascii const_prefix s of
- SOME mangled_s =>
- let
- val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
- val unmangled_s = mangled_s |> unmangled_const_name
- fun dub_and_inst c needs_full_types (th, j) =
- ((c ^ "_" ^ string_of_int j ^ (if needs_full_types then "ft" else ""),
- false),
- let val t = th |> prop_of in
- t |> (general_type_arg_policy type_sys = Mangled_Types andalso
- not (null (Term.hidden_polymorphism t)))
- ? (case typ of
- SOME T => specialize_type thy (invert_const unmangled_s, T)
- | NONE => I)
- end)
- fun make_facts eq_as_iff =
- map_filter (make_fact ctxt false eq_as_iff false)
- in
- metis_helpers
- |> maps (fn (metis_s, (needs_full_types, ths)) =>
- if metis_s <> unmangled_s orelse
- (needs_full_types andalso
- not (type_system_types_dangerous_types type_sys)) then
- []
- else
- ths ~~ (1 upto length ths)
- |> map (dub_and_inst mangled_s needs_full_types)
- |> make_facts (not needs_full_types))
- end
- | NONE => []
-fun helper_facts_for_sym_table ctxt type_sys sym_tab =
- Symtab.fold_rev (append o helper_facts_for_sym ctxt type_sys) sym_tab []
-fun translate_atp_fact ctxt keep_trivial =
- `(make_fact ctxt keep_trivial true true o apsnd prop_of)
-fun translate_formulas ctxt type_sys hyp_ts concl_t rich_facts =
- let
- val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
- val fact_ts = map (prop_of o snd o snd) rich_facts
- val (facts, fact_names) =
- rich_facts
- |> map_filter (fn (NONE, _) => NONE
- | (SOME fact, (name, _)) => SOME (fact, name))
- |> ListPair.unzip
- (* Remove existing facts from the conjecture, as this can dramatically
- boost an ATP's performance (for some reason). *)
- val hyp_ts = hyp_ts |> filter_out (member (op aconv) fact_ts)
- val goal_t = Logic.list_implies (hyp_ts, concl_t)
- val all_ts = goal_t :: fact_ts
- val subs = tfree_classes_of_terms all_ts
- val supers = tvar_classes_of_terms all_ts
- val tycons = type_consts_of_terms thy all_ts
- val conjs = make_conjecture ctxt (hyp_ts @ [concl_t])
- val (supers', arity_clauses) =
- if type_sys = No_Types then ([], [])
- else make_arity_clauses thy tycons supers
- val class_rel_clauses = make_class_rel_clauses thy subs supers'
- in
- (fact_names |> map single, (conjs, facts, class_rel_clauses, arity_clauses))
- end
-fun impose_type_arg_policy type_sys =
- let
- fun aux (CombApp tmp) = CombApp (pairself aux tmp)
- | aux (CombConst (name as (s, _), ty, ty_args)) =
- (case strip_prefix_and_unascii const_prefix s of
- NONE => (name, ty_args)
- | SOME s'' =>
- let val s'' = invert_const s'' in
- case type_arg_policy type_sys s'' of
- No_Type_Args => (name, [])
- | Mangled_Types => (mangled_const_name ty_args name, [])
- | Explicit_Type_Args => (name, ty_args)
- end)
- |> (fn (name, ty_args) => CombConst (name, ty, ty_args))
- | aux tm = tm
- in aux end
-val impose_type_arg_policy_on_fact =
- update_combformula o formula_map o impose_type_arg_policy
-fun tag_with_type ty t = ATerm (`I type_tag_name, [ty, t])
-fun fo_literal_from_type_literal (TyLitVar (class, name)) =
- (true, ATerm (class, [ATerm (name, [])]))
- | fo_literal_from_type_literal (TyLitFree (class, name)) =
- (true, ATerm (class, [ATerm (name, [])]))
-fun formula_from_fo_literal (pos, t) = AAtom t |> not pos ? mk_anot
-(* Finite types such as "unit", "bool", "bool * bool", and "bool => bool" are
- considered dangerous because their "exhaust" properties can easily lead to
- unsound ATP proofs. The checks below are an (unsound) approximation of
- finiteness. *)
-fun is_dtyp_dangerous _ (Datatype_Aux.DtTFree _) = true
- | is_dtyp_dangerous ctxt (Datatype_Aux.DtType (s, Us)) =
- is_type_constr_dangerous ctxt s andalso forall (is_dtyp_dangerous ctxt) Us
- | is_dtyp_dangerous _ (Datatype_Aux.DtRec _) = false
-and is_type_dangerous ctxt (Type (s, Ts)) =
- is_type_constr_dangerous ctxt s andalso forall (is_type_dangerous ctxt) Ts
- | is_type_dangerous _ _ = false
-and is_type_constr_dangerous ctxt s =
- let val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt in
- case Datatype_Data.get_info thy s of
- SOME {descr, ...} =>
- forall (fn (_, (_, _, constrs)) =>
- forall (forall (is_dtyp_dangerous ctxt) o snd) constrs) descr
- | NONE =>
- case Typedef.get_info ctxt s of
- ({rep_type, ...}, _) :: _ => is_type_dangerous ctxt rep_type
- | [] => true
- end
-fun should_tag_with_type ctxt (Tags full_types) T =
- full_types orelse is_type_dangerous ctxt T
- | should_tag_with_type _ _ _ = false
-fun type_pred_combatom type_sys T tm =
- CombApp (CombConst (`make_fixed_const type_pred_base, T --> @{typ bool}, [T]),
- tm)
- |> impose_type_arg_policy type_sys
- |> AAtom
-fun formula_from_combformula ctxt type_sys =
- let
- fun do_term top_level u =
- let
- val (head, args) = strip_combterm_comb u
- val (x, ty_args) =
- case head of
- CombConst (name, _, ty_args) => (name, ty_args)
- | CombVar (name, _) => (name, [])
- | CombApp _ => raise Fail "impossible \"CombApp\""
- val t = ATerm (x, map fo_term_from_typ ty_args @
- map (do_term false) args)
- val ty = combtyp_of u
- in
- t |> (if not top_level andalso
- should_tag_with_type ctxt type_sys ty then
- tag_with_type (fo_term_from_typ ty)
- else
- I)
- end
- val do_bound_type =
- if type_sys = Many_Typed then SOME o mangled_type_name else K NONE
- val do_out_of_bound_type =
- if member (op =) [Mangled true, Args true] type_sys then
- (fn (s, ty) =>
- type_pred_combatom type_sys ty (CombVar (s, ty))
- |> formula_from_combformula ctxt type_sys |> SOME)
- else
- fun do_formula (AQuant (q, xs, phi)) =
- AQuant (q, xs |> map (apsnd (fn NONE => NONE
- | SOME ty => do_bound_type ty)),
- (if q = AForall then mk_ahorn else fold_rev (mk_aconn AAnd))
- (map_filter
- (fn (_, NONE) => NONE
- | (s, SOME ty) => do_out_of_bound_type (s, ty)) xs)
- (do_formula phi))
- | do_formula (AConn (c, phis)) = AConn (c, map do_formula phis)
- | do_formula (AAtom tm) = AAtom (do_term true tm)
- in do_formula end
-fun formula_for_fact ctxt type_sys
- ({combformula, atomic_types, ...} : translated_formula) =
- mk_ahorn (map (formula_from_fo_literal o fo_literal_from_type_literal)
- (atp_type_literals_for_types type_sys Axiom atomic_types))
- (formula_from_combformula ctxt type_sys
- (close_combformula_universally combformula))
- |> close_formula_universally
-fun logic_for_type_sys Many_Typed = Tff
- | logic_for_type_sys _ = Fof
-(* Each fact is given a unique fact number to avoid name clashes (e.g., because
- of monomorphization). The TPTP explicitly forbids name clashes, and some of
- the remote provers might care. *)
-fun formula_line_for_fact ctxt prefix type_sys
- (j, formula as {name, kind, ...}) =
- Formula (logic_for_type_sys type_sys,
- prefix ^ string_of_int j ^ "_" ^ ascii_of name, kind,
- formula_for_fact ctxt type_sys formula, NONE, NONE)
-fun formula_line_for_class_rel_clause (ClassRelClause {name, subclass,
- superclass, ...}) =
- let val ty_arg = ATerm (`I "T", []) in
- Formula (Fof, class_rel_clause_prefix ^ ascii_of name, Axiom,
- AConn (AImplies, [AAtom (ATerm (subclass, [ty_arg])),
- AAtom (ATerm (superclass, [ty_arg]))])
- |> close_formula_universally, NONE, NONE)
- end
-fun fo_literal_from_arity_literal (TConsLit (c, t, args)) =
- (true, ATerm (c, [ATerm (t, map (fn arg => ATerm (arg, [])) args)]))
- | fo_literal_from_arity_literal (TVarLit (c, sort)) =
- (false, ATerm (c, [ATerm (sort, [])]))
-fun formula_line_for_arity_clause (ArityClause {name, conclLit, premLits,
- ...}) =
- Formula (Fof, arity_clause_prefix ^ ascii_of name, Axiom,
- mk_ahorn (map (formula_from_fo_literal o apfst not
- o fo_literal_from_arity_literal) premLits)
- (formula_from_fo_literal
- (fo_literal_from_arity_literal conclLit))
- |> close_formula_universally, NONE, NONE)
-fun formula_line_for_conjecture ctxt type_sys
- ({name, kind, combformula, ...} : translated_formula) =
- Formula (logic_for_type_sys type_sys, conjecture_prefix ^ name, kind,
- formula_from_combformula ctxt type_sys
- (close_combformula_universally combformula)
- |> close_formula_universally, NONE, NONE)
-fun free_type_literals type_sys ({atomic_types, ...} : translated_formula) =
- atomic_types |> atp_type_literals_for_types type_sys Conjecture
- |> map fo_literal_from_type_literal
-fun formula_line_for_free_type j lit =
- Formula (Fof, tfree_prefix ^ string_of_int j, Hypothesis,
- formula_from_fo_literal lit, NONE, NONE)
-fun formula_lines_for_free_types type_sys facts =
- let
- val litss = map (free_type_literals type_sys) facts
- val lits = fold (union (op =)) litss []
- in map2 formula_line_for_free_type (0 upto length lits - 1) lits end
-(** "hBOOL" and "hAPP" **)
fun add_combterm_to_sym_table explicit_apply =
fun aux top_level tm =
@@ -734,11 +497,251 @@
| (head, args) => list_explicit_app head (map aux args)
in aux end
-fun firstorderize_combterm sym_tab =
+fun impose_type_arg_policy_in_combterm type_sys =
+ let
+ fun aux (CombApp tmp) = CombApp (pairself aux tmp)
+ | aux (CombConst (name as (s, _), ty, ty_args)) =
+ (case strip_prefix_and_unascii const_prefix s of
+ NONE => (name, ty_args)
+ | SOME s'' =>
+ let val s'' = invert_const s'' in
+ case type_arg_policy type_sys s'' of
+ No_Type_Args => (name, [])
+ | Mangled_Types => (mangled_const_name ty_args name, [])
+ | Explicit_Type_Args => (name, ty_args)
+ end)
+ |> (fn (name, ty_args) => CombConst (name, ty, ty_args))
+ | aux tm = tm
+ in aux end
+fun repair_combterm type_sys sym_tab =
introduce_explicit_apps_in_combterm sym_tab
#> introduce_predicators_in_combterm sym_tab
-val firstorderize_fact =
- update_combformula o formula_map o firstorderize_combterm
+ #> impose_type_arg_policy_in_combterm type_sys
+val repair_fact = update_combformula o formula_map oo repair_combterm
+(** Helper facts **)
+fun ti_ti_helper_fact () =
+ let
+ fun var s = ATerm (`I s, [])
+ fun tag tm = ATerm (`I type_tag_name, [var "X", tm])
+ in
+ Formula (Fof, helper_prefix ^ ascii_of "ti_ti", Axiom,
+ AAtom (ATerm (`I "equal", [tag (tag (var "Y")), tag (var "Y")]))
+ |> close_formula_universally, NONE, NONE)
+ end
+fun helper_facts_for_sym ctxt type_sys (s, {typ, ...} : sym_table_info) =
+ case strip_prefix_and_unascii const_prefix s of
+ SOME mangled_s =>
+ let
+ val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
+ val unmangled_s = mangled_s |> unmangled_const_name
+ fun dub_and_inst c needs_full_types (th, j) =
+ ((c ^ "_" ^ string_of_int j ^ (if needs_full_types then "ft" else ""),
+ false),
+ let val t = th |> prop_of in
+ t |> (general_type_arg_policy type_sys = Mangled_Types andalso
+ not (null (Term.hidden_polymorphism t)))
+ ? (case typ of
+ SOME T => specialize_type thy (invert_const unmangled_s, T)
+ | NONE => I)
+ end)
+ fun make_facts eq_as_iff =
+ map_filter (make_fact ctxt false eq_as_iff false)
+ in
+ metis_helpers
+ |> maps (fn (metis_s, (needs_full_types, ths)) =>
+ if metis_s <> unmangled_s orelse
+ (needs_full_types andalso
+ not (type_system_types_dangerous_types type_sys)) then
+ []
+ else
+ ths ~~ (1 upto length ths)
+ |> map (dub_and_inst mangled_s needs_full_types)
+ |> make_facts (not needs_full_types))
+ end
+ | NONE => []
+fun helper_facts_for_sym_table ctxt type_sys sym_tab =
+ Symtab.fold_rev (append o helper_facts_for_sym ctxt type_sys) sym_tab []
+fun translate_atp_fact ctxt keep_trivial =
+ `(make_fact ctxt keep_trivial true true o apsnd prop_of)
+fun translate_formulas ctxt type_sys hyp_ts concl_t rich_facts =
+ let
+ val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
+ val fact_ts = map (prop_of o snd o snd) rich_facts
+ val (facts, fact_names) =
+ rich_facts
+ |> map_filter (fn (NONE, _) => NONE
+ | (SOME fact, (name, _)) => SOME (fact, name))
+ |> ListPair.unzip
+ (* Remove existing facts from the conjecture, as this can dramatically
+ boost an ATP's performance (for some reason). *)
+ val hyp_ts = hyp_ts |> filter_out (member (op aconv) fact_ts)
+ val goal_t = Logic.list_implies (hyp_ts, concl_t)
+ val all_ts = goal_t :: fact_ts
+ val subs = tfree_classes_of_terms all_ts
+ val supers = tvar_classes_of_terms all_ts
+ val tycons = type_consts_of_terms thy all_ts
+ val conjs = make_conjecture ctxt (hyp_ts @ [concl_t])
+ val (supers', arity_clauses) =
+ if type_sys = No_Types then ([], [])
+ else make_arity_clauses thy tycons supers
+ val class_rel_clauses = make_class_rel_clauses thy subs supers'
+ in
+ (fact_names |> map single, (conjs, facts, class_rel_clauses, arity_clauses))
+ end
+fun tag_with_type ty t = ATerm (`I type_tag_name, [ty, t])
+fun fo_literal_from_type_literal (TyLitVar (class, name)) =
+ (true, ATerm (class, [ATerm (name, [])]))
+ | fo_literal_from_type_literal (TyLitFree (class, name)) =
+ (true, ATerm (class, [ATerm (name, [])]))
+fun formula_from_fo_literal (pos, t) = AAtom t |> not pos ? mk_anot
+(* Finite types such as "unit", "bool", "bool * bool", and "bool => bool" are
+ considered dangerous because their "exhaust" properties can easily lead to
+ unsound ATP proofs. The checks below are an (unsound) approximation of
+ finiteness. *)
+fun is_dtyp_dangerous _ (Datatype_Aux.DtTFree _) = true
+ | is_dtyp_dangerous ctxt (Datatype_Aux.DtType (s, Us)) =
+ is_type_constr_dangerous ctxt s andalso forall (is_dtyp_dangerous ctxt) Us
+ | is_dtyp_dangerous _ (Datatype_Aux.DtRec _) = false
+and is_type_dangerous ctxt (Type (s, Ts)) =
+ is_type_constr_dangerous ctxt s andalso forall (is_type_dangerous ctxt) Ts
+ | is_type_dangerous _ _ = false
+and is_type_constr_dangerous ctxt s =
+ let val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt in
+ case Datatype_Data.get_info thy s of
+ SOME {descr, ...} =>
+ forall (fn (_, (_, _, constrs)) =>
+ forall (forall (is_dtyp_dangerous ctxt) o snd) constrs) descr
+ | NONE =>
+ case Typedef.get_info ctxt s of
+ ({rep_type, ...}, _) :: _ => is_type_dangerous ctxt rep_type
+ | [] => true
+ end
+fun should_tag_with_type ctxt (Tags full_types) T =
+ full_types orelse is_type_dangerous ctxt T
+ | should_tag_with_type _ _ _ = false
+fun type_pred_combatom type_sys T tm =
+ CombApp (CombConst (`make_fixed_const type_pred_base, T --> @{typ bool}, [T]),
+ tm)
+ |> impose_type_arg_policy_in_combterm type_sys
+ |> AAtom
+fun formula_from_combformula ctxt type_sys =
+ let
+ fun do_term top_level u =
+ let
+ val (head, args) = strip_combterm_comb u
+ val (x, ty_args) =
+ case head of
+ CombConst (name, _, ty_args) => (name, ty_args)
+ | CombVar (name, _) => (name, [])
+ | CombApp _ => raise Fail "impossible \"CombApp\""
+ val t = ATerm (x, map fo_term_from_typ ty_args @
+ map (do_term false) args)
+ val ty = combtyp_of u
+ in
+ t |> (if not top_level andalso
+ should_tag_with_type ctxt type_sys ty then
+ tag_with_type (fo_term_from_typ ty)
+ else
+ I)
+ end
+ val do_bound_type =
+ if type_sys = Many_Typed then SOME o mangled_type_name else K NONE
+ fun do_out_of_bound_type (s, T) =
+ if should_introduce_type_preds type_sys then
+ type_pred_combatom type_sys T (CombVar (s, T))
+ |> do_formula |> SOME
+ else
+ and do_formula (AQuant (q, xs, phi)) =
+ AQuant (q, xs |> map (apsnd (fn NONE => NONE
+ | SOME ty => do_bound_type ty)),
+ (if q = AForall then mk_ahorn else fold_rev (mk_aconn AAnd))
+ (map_filter
+ (fn (_, NONE) => NONE
+ | (s, SOME ty) => do_out_of_bound_type (s, ty)) xs)
+ (do_formula phi))
+ | do_formula (AConn (c, phis)) = AConn (c, map do_formula phis)
+ | do_formula (AAtom tm) = AAtom (do_term true tm)
+ in do_formula end
+fun formula_for_fact ctxt type_sys
+ ({combformula, atomic_types, ...} : translated_formula) =
+ mk_ahorn (map (formula_from_fo_literal o fo_literal_from_type_literal)
+ (atp_type_literals_for_types type_sys Axiom atomic_types))
+ (formula_from_combformula ctxt type_sys
+ (close_combformula_universally combformula))
+ |> close_formula_universally
+fun logic_for_type_sys Many_Typed = Tff
+ | logic_for_type_sys _ = Fof
+(* Each fact is given a unique fact number to avoid name clashes (e.g., because
+ of monomorphization). The TPTP explicitly forbids name clashes, and some of
+ the remote provers might care. *)
+fun formula_line_for_fact ctxt prefix type_sys
+ (j, formula as {name, kind, ...}) =
+ Formula (logic_for_type_sys type_sys,
+ prefix ^ string_of_int j ^ "_" ^ ascii_of name, kind,
+ formula_for_fact ctxt type_sys formula, NONE, NONE)
+fun formula_line_for_class_rel_clause (ClassRelClause {name, subclass,
+ superclass, ...}) =
+ let val ty_arg = ATerm (`I "T", []) in
+ Formula (Fof, class_rel_clause_prefix ^ ascii_of name, Axiom,
+ AConn (AImplies, [AAtom (ATerm (subclass, [ty_arg])),
+ AAtom (ATerm (superclass, [ty_arg]))])
+ |> close_formula_universally, NONE, NONE)
+ end
+fun fo_literal_from_arity_literal (TConsLit (c, t, args)) =
+ (true, ATerm (c, [ATerm (t, map (fn arg => ATerm (arg, [])) args)]))
+ | fo_literal_from_arity_literal (TVarLit (c, sort)) =
+ (false, ATerm (c, [ATerm (sort, [])]))
+fun formula_line_for_arity_clause (ArityClause {name, conclLit, premLits,
+ ...}) =
+ Formula (Fof, arity_clause_prefix ^ ascii_of name, Axiom,
+ mk_ahorn (map (formula_from_fo_literal o apfst not
+ o fo_literal_from_arity_literal) premLits)
+ (formula_from_fo_literal
+ (fo_literal_from_arity_literal conclLit))
+ |> close_formula_universally, NONE, NONE)
+fun formula_line_for_conjecture ctxt type_sys
+ ({name, kind, combformula, ...} : translated_formula) =
+ Formula (logic_for_type_sys type_sys, conjecture_prefix ^ name, kind,
+ formula_from_combformula ctxt type_sys
+ (close_combformula_universally combformula)
+ |> close_formula_universally, NONE, NONE)
+fun free_type_literals type_sys ({atomic_types, ...} : translated_formula) =
+ atomic_types |> atp_type_literals_for_types type_sys Conjecture
+ |> map fo_literal_from_type_literal
+fun formula_line_for_free_type j lit =
+ Formula (Fof, tfree_prefix ^ string_of_int j, Hypothesis,
+ formula_from_fo_literal lit, NONE, NONE)
+fun formula_lines_for_free_types type_sys facts =
+ let
+ val litss = map (free_type_literals type_sys) facts
+ val lits = fold (union (op =)) litss []
+ in map2 formula_line_for_free_type (0 upto length lits - 1) lits end
+(** Symbol declarations **)
fun is_const_relevant type_sys sym_tab s =
not (String.isPrefix bound_var_prefix s) andalso s <> "equal" andalso
@@ -842,18 +845,16 @@
translate_formulas ctxt type_sys hyp_ts concl_t facts
val sym_tab = conjs @ facts |> sym_table_for_facts explicit_apply
val (conjs, facts) =
- (conjs, facts) |> pairself (map (firstorderize_fact sym_tab))
- val sym_tab = conjs @ facts |> sym_table_for_facts explicit_apply
- val (conjs, facts) =
- (conjs, facts) |> pairself (map (impose_type_arg_policy_on_fact type_sys))
- val sym_tab' = conjs @ facts |> sym_table_for_facts false
+ (conjs, facts) |> pairself (map (repair_fact type_sys sym_tab))
+ val repaired_sym_tab = conjs @ facts |> sym_table_for_facts false
val typed_const_tab =
- conjs @ facts |> typed_const_table_for_facts type_sys sym_tab'
+ conjs @ facts |> typed_const_table_for_facts type_sys repaired_sym_tab
val sym_decl_lines =
- typed_const_tab |> problem_lines_for_sym_decls ctxt type_sys sym_tab'
- val helpers = helper_facts_for_sym_table ctxt type_sys sym_tab'
- |> map (firstorderize_fact sym_tab
- #> impose_type_arg_policy_on_fact type_sys)
+ typed_const_tab
+ |> problem_lines_for_sym_decls ctxt type_sys repaired_sym_tab
+ val helpers =
+ helper_facts_for_sym_table ctxt type_sys repaired_sym_tab
+ |> map (repair_fact type_sys sym_tab)
(* Reordering these might confuse the proof reconstruction code or the SPASS
Flotter hack. *)
val problem =