--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/find_consts.ML Fri Feb 13 08:00:46 2009 +1100
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+(* Title: find_consts.ML
+ Author: Timothy Bourke and Gerwin Klein, NICTA
+ Hoogle-like (http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/~ndm/hoogle) searching by type
+ over constants, but matching is not fuzzy
+signature FIND_CONSTS =
+ datatype criterion = Strict of string
+ | Loose of string
+ | Name of string
+ val default_criteria : (bool * criterion) list ref
+ val find_consts : Proof.context -> (bool * criterion) list -> unit
+structure FindConsts : FIND_CONSTS =
+datatype criterion = Strict of string
+ | Loose of string
+ | Name of string;
+val default_criteria = ref [(false, Name ".sko_")];
+fun add_tye (_, (_, t)) n = size_of_typ t + n;
+fun matches_subtype thy typat = let
+ val p = can (fn ty => Sign.typ_match thy (typat, ty) Vartab.empty);
+ fun fs [] = false
+ | fs (t::ts) = f t orelse fs ts
+ and f (t as Type (_, ars)) = p t orelse fs ars
+ | f t = p t;
+ in f end;
+fun check_const p (nm, (ty, _)) = if p (nm, ty)
+ then SOME (size_of_typ ty)
+ else NONE;
+fun opt_not f (c as (_, (ty, _))) = if is_some (f c)
+ then NONE else SOME (size_of_typ ty);
+fun find_consts ctxt raw_criteria = let
+ val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
+ val low_ranking = 10000;
+ fun make_pattern crit = ProofContext.read_term_pattern ctxt ("_::" ^ crit)
+ |> type_of;
+ fun make_match (Strict arg) =
+ let val qty = make_pattern arg; in
+ fn (_, (ty, _)) => let
+ val tye = Sign.typ_match thy (qty, ty) Vartab.empty;
+ val sub_size = Vartab.fold add_tye tye 0;
+ in SOME sub_size end handle MATCH => NONE
+ end
+ | make_match (Loose arg) =
+ check_const (matches_subtype thy (make_pattern arg) o snd)
+ | make_match (Name arg) = check_const (match_string arg o fst);
+ fun make_criterion (b, crit) = (if b then I else opt_not) (make_match crit);
+ val criteria = map make_criterion ((!default_criteria) @ raw_criteria);
+ val (_, consts) = (#constants o Consts.dest o Sign.consts_of) thy;
+ fun filter_const (_, NONE) = NONE
+ | filter_const (f, (SOME (c, r))) = Option.map
+ (pair c o ((curry Int.min) r))
+ (f c);
+ fun eval_entry c = foldl filter_const (SOME (c, low_ranking)) criteria;
+ fun show (nm, ty) = let
+ val ty' = Logic.unvarifyT ty;
+ in
+ (Pretty.block [Pretty.quote (Pretty.str nm), Pretty.fbrk,
+ Pretty.str "::", Pretty.brk 1,
+ Pretty.quote (Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt ty')])
+ end;
+ in
+ Symtab.fold (cons o eval_entry) consts []
+ |> map_filter I
+ |> sort (rev_order o int_ord o pairself snd)
+ |> map ((apsnd fst) o fst)
+ |> map show
+ |> Pretty.big_list "results:"
+ |> Pretty.writeln
+ end handle ERROR s => Output.error_msg s