--- a/etc/build.props Sat Jan 20 13:10:51 2024 +0100
+++ b/etc/build.props Sat Jan 20 13:24:26 2024 +0100
@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
src/Pure/General/graph.scala \
src/Pure/General/graph_display.scala \
src/Pure/General/graphics_file.scala \
+ src/Pure/General/html.scala \
src/Pure/General/http.scala \
src/Pure/General/js.scala \
src/Pure/General/json.scala \
@@ -185,7 +186,6 @@
src/Pure/Thy/export.scala \
src/Pure/Thy/export_theory.scala \
src/Pure/Thy/file_format.scala \
- src/Pure/Thy/html.scala \
src/Pure/Thy/latex.scala \
src/Pure/Thy/sessions.scala \
src/Pure/Thy/store.scala \
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/General/html.scala Sat Jan 20 13:24:26 2024 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+/* Title: Pure/General/html.scala
+ Author: Makarius
+HTML presentation elements.
+package isabelle
+import org.jsoup.nodes.{Entities => Jsoup_Entities, Document => Jsoup_Document}
+import org.jsoup.Jsoup
+object HTML {
+ /* attributes */
+ class Attribute(val name: String, value: String) {
+ def xml: XML.Attribute = name -> value
+ def apply(elem: XML.Elem): XML.Elem = elem + xml
+ }
+ def id(s: String): Attribute = new Attribute("id", s)
+ def class_(name: String): Attribute = new Attribute("class", name)
+ def width(w: Int): Attribute = new Attribute("width", w.toString)
+ def height(h: Int): Attribute = new Attribute("height", h.toString)
+ def size(w: Int, h: Int)(elem: XML.Elem): XML.Elem = width(w)(height(h)(elem))
+ val entity_def: Attribute = class_("entity_def")
+ val entity_ref: Attribute = class_("entity_ref")
+ /* structured markup operators */
+ def text(txt: String): XML.Body = if (txt.isEmpty) Nil else List(XML.Text(txt))
+ val break: XML.Body = List(XML.elem("br"))
+ val nl: XML.Body = List(XML.Text("\n"))
+ class Operator(val name: String) {
+ def apply(body: XML.Body): XML.Elem = XML.elem(name, body)
+ def apply(att: Attribute, body: XML.Body): XML.Elem = att(apply(body))
+ def apply(c: String, body: XML.Body): XML.Elem = apply(class_(c), body)
+ }
+ class Heading(name: String) extends Operator(name) {
+ def apply(txt: String): XML.Elem = super.apply(text(txt))
+ def apply(att: Attribute, txt: String): XML.Elem = super.apply(att, text(txt))
+ def apply(c: String, txt: String): XML.Elem = super.apply(c, text(txt))
+ }
+ val div = new Operator("div")
+ val span = new Operator("span")
+ val pre = new Operator("pre")
+ val par = new Operator("p")
+ val sub = new Operator("sub")
+ val sup = new Operator("sup")
+ val emph = new Operator("em")
+ val bold = new Operator("b")
+ val code = new Operator("code")
+ val item = new Operator("li")
+ val list = new Operator("ul")
+ val `enum` = new Operator("ol")
+ val descr = new Operator("dl")
+ val dt = new Operator("dt")
+ val dd = new Operator("dd")
+ val title = new Heading("title")
+ val chapter = new Heading("h1")
+ val section = new Heading("h2")
+ val subsection = new Heading("h3")
+ val subsubsection = new Heading("h4")
+ val paragraph = new Heading("h5")
+ val subparagraph = new Heading("h6")
+ def itemize(items: List[XML.Body]): XML.Elem = list(items.map(item(_)))
+ def enumerate(items: List[XML.Body]): XML.Elem = `enum`(items.map(item(_)))
+ def description(items: List[(XML.Body, XML.Body)]): XML.Elem =
+ descr(items.flatMap({ case (x, y) => List(dt(x), dd(y)) }))
+ def link(href: String, body: XML.Body): XML.Elem =
+ XML.Elem(Markup("a", List("href" -> href)), if (body.isEmpty) text(href) else body)
+ def link(path: Path, body: XML.Body): XML.Elem = link(path.implode, body)
+ def image(src: String, alt: String = ""): XML.Elem =
+ XML.Elem(Markup("img", List("src" -> src) ::: proper_string(alt).map("alt" -> _).toList), Nil)
+ def source(body: XML.Body): XML.Elem = pre("source", body)
+ def source(src: String): XML.Elem = source(text(src))
+ def style(s: String): XML.Elem = XML.elem("style", text(s))
+ def style_file(href: String): XML.Elem =
+ XML.Elem(Markup("link", List("rel" -> "stylesheet", "type" -> "text/css", "href" -> href)), Nil)
+ def style_file(path: Path): XML.Elem = style_file(Url.print_file(path.file))
+ def script(s: String): XML.Elem = XML.elem("script", text(s))
+ def script_file(href: String): XML.Elem = XML.Elem(Markup("script", List("src" -> href)), Nil)
+ def script_file(path: Path): XML.Elem = script_file(Url.print_file(path.file))
+ /* href */
+ def relative_href(location: Path, base: Option[Path] = None): String = {
+ val path =
+ base match {
+ case None =>
+ val path = location.expand
+ if (path.is_absolute) Exn.error("Relative href location expected: " + path) else path
+ case Some(base_dir) =>
+ val path1 = base_dir.absolute_file.toPath
+ val path2 = location.absolute_file.toPath
+ try { File.path(path1.relativize(path2).toFile) }
+ catch {
+ case _: IllegalArgumentException =>
+ Exn.error("Failed to relativize href location " + path2 + " with wrt. base " + path1)
+ }
+ }
+ if (path.is_current) "" else path.implode
+ }
+ /* output text with control symbols */
+ private val control: Map[Symbol.Symbol, Operator] =
+ Map(
+ Symbol.sub -> sub, Symbol.sub_decoded -> sub,
+ Symbol.sup -> sup, Symbol.sup_decoded -> sup,
+ Symbol.bold -> bold, Symbol.bold_decoded -> bold)
+ private val control_block_begin: Map[Symbol.Symbol, Operator] =
+ Map(
+ Symbol.bsub -> sub, Symbol.bsub_decoded -> sub,
+ Symbol.bsup -> sup, Symbol.bsup_decoded -> sup)
+ private val control_block_end: Map[Symbol.Symbol, Operator] =
+ Map(
+ Symbol.esub -> sub, Symbol.esub_decoded -> sub,
+ Symbol.esup -> sup, Symbol.esup_decoded -> sup)
+ def is_control(sym: Symbol.Symbol): Boolean = control.isDefinedAt(sym)
+ def is_control_block_begin(sym: Symbol.Symbol): Boolean = control_block_begin.isDefinedAt(sym)
+ def is_control_block_end(sym: Symbol.Symbol): Boolean = control_block_end.isDefinedAt(sym)
+ def is_control_block_pair(bg: Symbol.Symbol, en: Symbol.Symbol): Boolean = {
+ val bg_decoded = Symbol.decode(bg)
+ val en_decoded = Symbol.decode(en)
+ bg_decoded == Symbol.bsub_decoded && en_decoded == Symbol.esub_decoded ||
+ bg_decoded == Symbol.bsup_decoded && en_decoded == Symbol.esup_decoded
+ }
+ def check_control_blocks(body: XML.Body): Boolean = {
+ var ok = true
+ var open = List.empty[Symbol.Symbol]
+ for { case XML.Text(text) <- body; sym <- Symbol.iterator(text) } {
+ if (is_control_block_begin(sym)) open ::= sym
+ else if (is_control_block_end(sym)) {
+ open match {
+ case bg :: rest if is_control_block_pair(bg, sym) => open = rest
+ case _ => ok = false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ok && open.isEmpty
+ }
+ def output(
+ s: StringBuilder,
+ text: String,
+ control_blocks: Boolean,
+ hidden: Boolean,
+ permissive: Boolean
+ ): Unit = {
+ def output_string(str: String): Unit =
+ XML.output_string(s, str, permissive = permissive)
+ def output_hidden(body: => Unit): Unit =
+ if (hidden) { s ++= "<span class=\"hidden\">"; body; s ++= "</span>" }
+ def output_symbol(sym: Symbol.Symbol): Unit =
+ if (sym != "") {
+ control_block_begin.get(sym) match {
+ case Some(op) if control_blocks =>
+ output_hidden(output_string(sym))
+ XML.output_elem(s, Markup(op.name, Nil))
+ case _ =>
+ control_block_end.get(sym) match {
+ case Some(op) if control_blocks =>
+ XML.output_elem_end(s, op.name)
+ output_hidden(output_string(sym))
+ case _ =>
+ if (hidden && Symbol.is_control_encoded(sym)) {
+ output_hidden(output_string(Symbol.control_prefix))
+ s ++= "<span class=\"control\">"
+ output_string(Symbol.control_name(sym).get)
+ s ++= "</span>"
+ output_hidden(output_string(Symbol.control_suffix))
+ }
+ else output_string(sym)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var ctrl = ""
+ for (sym <- Symbol.iterator(text)) {
+ if (is_control(sym)) { output_symbol(ctrl); ctrl = sym }
+ else {
+ control.get(ctrl) match {
+ case Some(op) if Symbol.is_controllable(sym) =>
+ output_hidden(output_symbol(ctrl))
+ XML.output_elem(s, Markup(op.name, Nil))
+ output_symbol(sym)
+ XML.output_elem_end(s, op.name)
+ case _ =>
+ output_symbol(ctrl)
+ output_symbol(sym)
+ }
+ ctrl = ""
+ }
+ }
+ output_symbol(ctrl)
+ }
+ def output(text: String): String = {
+ val control_blocks = check_control_blocks(List(XML.Text(text)))
+ Library.make_string(output(_, text,
+ control_blocks = control_blocks, hidden = false, permissive = true))
+ }
+ /* output XML as HTML */
+ private val structural_elements =
+ Set("head", "body", "meta", "div", "pre", "p", "title", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6",
+ "ul", "ol", "dl", "li", "dt", "dd")
+ def output(s: StringBuilder, xml: XML.Body, hidden: Boolean, structural: Boolean): Unit = {
+ def output_body(body: XML.Body): Unit = {
+ val control_blocks = check_control_blocks(body)
+ body foreach {
+ case XML.Elem(markup, Nil) =>
+ XML.output_elem(s, markup, end = true)
+ case XML.Elem(markup, ts) =>
+ if (structural && structural_elements(markup.name)) s += '\n'
+ XML.output_elem(s, markup)
+ output_body(ts)
+ XML.output_elem_end(s, markup.name)
+ if (structural && structural_elements(markup.name)) s += '\n'
+ case XML.Text(txt) =>
+ output(s, txt, control_blocks = control_blocks, hidden = hidden, permissive = true)
+ }
+ }
+ output_body(xml)
+ }
+ def output(body: XML.Body, hidden: Boolean, structural: Boolean): String =
+ Library.make_string(output(_, body, hidden, structural), capacity = XML.text_length(body) * 2)
+ def output(tree: XML.Tree, hidden: Boolean, structural: Boolean): String =
+ output(List(tree), hidden, structural)
+ /* input */
+ def input(text: String): String = Jsoup_Entities.unescape(text)
+ def parse_document(html: String): Jsoup_Document = Jsoup.parse(html)
+ def get_document(url: String): Jsoup_Document = Jsoup.connect(url).get()
+ /* messages */
+ // background
+ val writeln_message: Attribute = class_("writeln_message")
+ val warning_message: Attribute = class_("warning_message")
+ val error_message: Attribute = class_("error_message")
+ // underline
+ val writeln: Attribute = class_("writeln")
+ val warning: Attribute = class_("warning")
+ val error: Attribute = class_("error")
+ /* tooltips */
+ def tooltip(item: XML.Body, tip: XML.Body): XML.Elem =
+ span(item ::: List(div("tooltip", tip)))
+ def tooltip_errors(item: XML.Body, msgs: List[XML.Body]): XML.Elem =
+ HTML.error(tooltip(item, msgs.map(msg => error_message(pre(msg)))))
+ /* GUI elements */
+ object GUI {
+ private def optional_value(text: String): XML.Attributes =
+ proper_string(text).map(a => "value" -> a).toList
+ private def optional_name(name: String): XML.Attributes =
+ proper_string(name).map(a => "name" -> a).toList
+ private def optional_title(tooltip: String): XML.Attributes =
+ proper_string(tooltip).map(a => "title" -> a).toList
+ private def optional_submit(submit: Boolean): XML.Attributes =
+ if (submit) List("onChange" -> "this.form.submit()") else Nil
+ private def optional_checked(selected: Boolean): XML.Attributes =
+ if (selected) List("checked" -> "") else Nil
+ private def optional_action(action: String): XML.Attributes =
+ proper_string(action).map(a => "action" -> a).toList
+ private def optional_onclick(script: String): XML.Attributes =
+ proper_string(script).map(a => "onclick" -> a).toList
+ private def optional_onchange(script: String): XML.Attributes =
+ proper_string(script).map(a => "onchange" -> a).toList
+ def button(body: XML.Body, name: String = "", tooltip: String = "", submit: Boolean = false,
+ script: String = ""): XML.Elem =
+ XML.Elem(
+ Markup("button",
+ List("type" -> (if (submit) "submit" else "button"), "value" -> "true") :::
+ optional_name(name) ::: optional_title(tooltip) ::: optional_onclick(script)), body)
+ def checkbox(body: XML.Body, name: String = "", tooltip: String = "", submit: Boolean = false,
+ selected: Boolean = false, script: String = ""): XML.Elem =
+ XML.elem("label",
+ XML.elem(
+ Markup("input",
+ List("type" -> "checkbox", "value" -> "true") ::: optional_name(name) :::
+ optional_title(tooltip) ::: optional_submit(submit) :::
+ optional_checked(selected) ::: optional_onchange(script))) :: body)
+ def text_field(columns: Int = 0, text: String = "", name: String = "", tooltip: String = "",
+ submit: Boolean = false, script: String = ""): XML.Elem =
+ XML.elem(Markup("input",
+ List("type" -> "text") :::
+ (if (columns > 0) List("size" -> columns.toString) else Nil) :::
+ optional_value(text) ::: optional_name(name) ::: optional_title(tooltip) :::
+ optional_submit(submit) ::: optional_onchange(script)))
+ def parameter(text: String = "", name: String = ""): XML.Elem =
+ XML.elem(
+ Markup("input", List("type" -> "hidden") ::: optional_value(text) ::: optional_name(name)))
+ def form(body: XML.Body, name: String = "", action: String = "", http_post: Boolean = false)
+ : XML.Elem =
+ XML.Elem(
+ Markup("form", optional_name(name) ::: optional_action(action) :::
+ (if (http_post) List("method" -> "post") else Nil)), body)
+ }
+ /* GUI layout */
+ object Wrap_Panel {
+ enum Alignment { case left, right, center }
+ def apply(
+ contents: List[XML.Elem],
+ name: String = "",
+ action: String = "",
+ alignment: Alignment = Alignment.right
+ ): XML.Elem = {
+ val body = Library.separate(XML.Text(" "), contents)
+ GUI.form(List(div(body) + ("style" -> ("text-align: " + alignment))),
+ name = name, action = action)
+ }
+ }
+ /* document */
+ val header: String =
+ XML.header +
+ """<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">"""
+ val footer: String = """</html>"""
+ val head_meta: XML.Elem =
+ XML.Elem(Markup("meta",
+ List("http-equiv" -> "Content-Type", "content" -> "text/html; charset=utf-8")), Nil)
+ def output_document(
+ head: XML.Body,
+ body: XML.Body,
+ css: String = "isabelle.css",
+ hidden: Boolean = true,
+ structural: Boolean = true
+ ): String = {
+ cat_lines(
+ List(
+ header,
+ output(
+ XML.elem("head", head_meta :: (if (css == "") Nil else List(style_file(css))) ::: head),
+ hidden = hidden, structural = structural),
+ output(XML.elem("body", body),
+ hidden = hidden, structural = structural),
+ footer))
+ }
+ /* fonts */
+ val fonts_path: Path = Path.explode("fonts")
+ def init_fonts(dir: Path): Unit = {
+ val fonts_dir = Isabelle_System.make_directory(dir + HTML.fonts_path)
+ for (entry <- Isabelle_Fonts.fonts(hidden = true))
+ Isabelle_System.copy_file(entry.path, fonts_dir)
+ }
+ def fonts_dir(prefix: String)(ttf_name: String): String = prefix + "/" + ttf_name
+ def fonts_url(): String => String =
+ (for (entry <- Isabelle_Fonts.fonts(hidden = true))
+ yield (entry.path.file_name -> Url.print_file(entry.path.file))).toMap
+ def fonts_css(make_url: String => String = fonts_url()): String = {
+ def font_face(entry: Isabelle_Fonts.Entry): String =
+ cat_lines(
+ List(
+ "@font-face {",
+ " font-family: '" + entry.family + "';",
+ " src: url('" + make_url(entry.path.file_name) + "') format('truetype');") :::
+ (if (entry.is_bold) List(" font-weight: bold;") else Nil) :::
+ (if (entry.is_italic) List(" font-style: italic;") else Nil) :::
+ List("}"))
+ ("/* Isabelle fonts */" :: Isabelle_Fonts.fonts(hidden = true).map(font_face))
+ .mkString("", "\n\n", "\n")
+ }
+ def fonts_css_dir(prefix: String = ""): String =
+ fonts_css(fonts_dir(Url.append_path(prefix, fonts_path.implode)))
+ /* document directory context (fonts + css) */
+ def isabelle_css: Path = Path.explode("~~/etc/isabelle.css")
+ def write_document(base_dir: Path, name: String, head: XML.Body, body: XML.Body,
+ root: Option[Path] = None,
+ css: String = isabelle_css.file_name,
+ hidden: Boolean = true,
+ structural: Boolean = true
+ ): Unit = {
+ Isabelle_System.make_directory(base_dir)
+ val fonts_prefix = relative_href(root getOrElse base_dir, base = Some(base_dir))
+ val fonts = fonts_css_dir(fonts_prefix)
+ File.write(base_dir + isabelle_css.base, fonts + "\n\n" + File.read(isabelle_css))
+ File.write(base_dir + Path.basic(name),
+ output_document(head, body, css = css, hidden = hidden, structural = structural))
+ }
--- a/src/Pure/Thy/html.scala Sat Jan 20 13:10:51 2024 +0100
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,457 +0,0 @@
-/* Title: Pure/Thy/html.scala
- Author: Makarius
-HTML presentation elements.
-package isabelle
-import org.jsoup.nodes.{Entities => Jsoup_Entities, Document => Jsoup_Document}
-import org.jsoup.Jsoup
-object HTML {
- /* attributes */
- class Attribute(val name: String, value: String) {
- def xml: XML.Attribute = name -> value
- def apply(elem: XML.Elem): XML.Elem = elem + xml
- }
- def id(s: String): Attribute = new Attribute("id", s)
- def class_(name: String): Attribute = new Attribute("class", name)
- def width(w: Int): Attribute = new Attribute("width", w.toString)
- def height(h: Int): Attribute = new Attribute("height", h.toString)
- def size(w: Int, h: Int)(elem: XML.Elem): XML.Elem = width(w)(height(h)(elem))
- val entity_def: Attribute = class_("entity_def")
- val entity_ref: Attribute = class_("entity_ref")
- /* structured markup operators */
- def text(txt: String): XML.Body = if (txt.isEmpty) Nil else List(XML.Text(txt))
- val break: XML.Body = List(XML.elem("br"))
- val nl: XML.Body = List(XML.Text("\n"))
- class Operator(val name: String) {
- def apply(body: XML.Body): XML.Elem = XML.elem(name, body)
- def apply(att: Attribute, body: XML.Body): XML.Elem = att(apply(body))
- def apply(c: String, body: XML.Body): XML.Elem = apply(class_(c), body)
- }
- class Heading(name: String) extends Operator(name) {
- def apply(txt: String): XML.Elem = super.apply(text(txt))
- def apply(att: Attribute, txt: String): XML.Elem = super.apply(att, text(txt))
- def apply(c: String, txt: String): XML.Elem = super.apply(c, text(txt))
- }
- val div = new Operator("div")
- val span = new Operator("span")
- val pre = new Operator("pre")
- val par = new Operator("p")
- val sub = new Operator("sub")
- val sup = new Operator("sup")
- val emph = new Operator("em")
- val bold = new Operator("b")
- val code = new Operator("code")
- val item = new Operator("li")
- val list = new Operator("ul")
- val `enum` = new Operator("ol")
- val descr = new Operator("dl")
- val dt = new Operator("dt")
- val dd = new Operator("dd")
- val title = new Heading("title")
- val chapter = new Heading("h1")
- val section = new Heading("h2")
- val subsection = new Heading("h3")
- val subsubsection = new Heading("h4")
- val paragraph = new Heading("h5")
- val subparagraph = new Heading("h6")
- def itemize(items: List[XML.Body]): XML.Elem = list(items.map(item(_)))
- def enumerate(items: List[XML.Body]): XML.Elem = `enum`(items.map(item(_)))
- def description(items: List[(XML.Body, XML.Body)]): XML.Elem =
- descr(items.flatMap({ case (x, y) => List(dt(x), dd(y)) }))
- def link(href: String, body: XML.Body): XML.Elem =
- XML.Elem(Markup("a", List("href" -> href)), if (body.isEmpty) text(href) else body)
- def link(path: Path, body: XML.Body): XML.Elem = link(path.implode, body)
- def image(src: String, alt: String = ""): XML.Elem =
- XML.Elem(Markup("img", List("src" -> src) ::: proper_string(alt).map("alt" -> _).toList), Nil)
- def source(body: XML.Body): XML.Elem = pre("source", body)
- def source(src: String): XML.Elem = source(text(src))
- def style(s: String): XML.Elem = XML.elem("style", text(s))
- def style_file(href: String): XML.Elem =
- XML.Elem(Markup("link", List("rel" -> "stylesheet", "type" -> "text/css", "href" -> href)), Nil)
- def style_file(path: Path): XML.Elem = style_file(Url.print_file(path.file))
- def script(s: String): XML.Elem = XML.elem("script", text(s))
- def script_file(href: String): XML.Elem = XML.Elem(Markup("script", List("src" -> href)), Nil)
- def script_file(path: Path): XML.Elem = script_file(Url.print_file(path.file))
- /* href */
- def relative_href(location: Path, base: Option[Path] = None): String = {
- val path =
- base match {
- case None =>
- val path = location.expand
- if (path.is_absolute) Exn.error("Relative href location expected: " + path) else path
- case Some(base_dir) =>
- val path1 = base_dir.absolute_file.toPath
- val path2 = location.absolute_file.toPath
- try { File.path(path1.relativize(path2).toFile) }
- catch {
- case _: IllegalArgumentException =>
- Exn.error("Failed to relativize href location " + path2 + " with wrt. base " + path1)
- }
- }
- if (path.is_current) "" else path.implode
- }
- /* output text with control symbols */
- private val control: Map[Symbol.Symbol, Operator] =
- Map(
- Symbol.sub -> sub, Symbol.sub_decoded -> sub,
- Symbol.sup -> sup, Symbol.sup_decoded -> sup,
- Symbol.bold -> bold, Symbol.bold_decoded -> bold)
- private val control_block_begin: Map[Symbol.Symbol, Operator] =
- Map(
- Symbol.bsub -> sub, Symbol.bsub_decoded -> sub,
- Symbol.bsup -> sup, Symbol.bsup_decoded -> sup)
- private val control_block_end: Map[Symbol.Symbol, Operator] =
- Map(
- Symbol.esub -> sub, Symbol.esub_decoded -> sub,
- Symbol.esup -> sup, Symbol.esup_decoded -> sup)
- def is_control(sym: Symbol.Symbol): Boolean = control.isDefinedAt(sym)
- def is_control_block_begin(sym: Symbol.Symbol): Boolean = control_block_begin.isDefinedAt(sym)
- def is_control_block_end(sym: Symbol.Symbol): Boolean = control_block_end.isDefinedAt(sym)
- def is_control_block_pair(bg: Symbol.Symbol, en: Symbol.Symbol): Boolean = {
- val bg_decoded = Symbol.decode(bg)
- val en_decoded = Symbol.decode(en)
- bg_decoded == Symbol.bsub_decoded && en_decoded == Symbol.esub_decoded ||
- bg_decoded == Symbol.bsup_decoded && en_decoded == Symbol.esup_decoded
- }
- def check_control_blocks(body: XML.Body): Boolean = {
- var ok = true
- var open = List.empty[Symbol.Symbol]
- for { case XML.Text(text) <- body; sym <- Symbol.iterator(text) } {
- if (is_control_block_begin(sym)) open ::= sym
- else if (is_control_block_end(sym)) {
- open match {
- case bg :: rest if is_control_block_pair(bg, sym) => open = rest
- case _ => ok = false
- }
- }
- }
- ok && open.isEmpty
- }
- def output(
- s: StringBuilder,
- text: String,
- control_blocks: Boolean,
- hidden: Boolean,
- permissive: Boolean
- ): Unit = {
- def output_string(str: String): Unit =
- XML.output_string(s, str, permissive = permissive)
- def output_hidden(body: => Unit): Unit =
- if (hidden) { s ++= "<span class=\"hidden\">"; body; s ++= "</span>" }
- def output_symbol(sym: Symbol.Symbol): Unit =
- if (sym != "") {
- control_block_begin.get(sym) match {
- case Some(op) if control_blocks =>
- output_hidden(output_string(sym))
- XML.output_elem(s, Markup(op.name, Nil))
- case _ =>
- control_block_end.get(sym) match {
- case Some(op) if control_blocks =>
- XML.output_elem_end(s, op.name)
- output_hidden(output_string(sym))
- case _ =>
- if (hidden && Symbol.is_control_encoded(sym)) {
- output_hidden(output_string(Symbol.control_prefix))
- s ++= "<span class=\"control\">"
- output_string(Symbol.control_name(sym).get)
- s ++= "</span>"
- output_hidden(output_string(Symbol.control_suffix))
- }
- else output_string(sym)
- }
- }
- }
- var ctrl = ""
- for (sym <- Symbol.iterator(text)) {
- if (is_control(sym)) { output_symbol(ctrl); ctrl = sym }
- else {
- control.get(ctrl) match {
- case Some(op) if Symbol.is_controllable(sym) =>
- output_hidden(output_symbol(ctrl))
- XML.output_elem(s, Markup(op.name, Nil))
- output_symbol(sym)
- XML.output_elem_end(s, op.name)
- case _ =>
- output_symbol(ctrl)
- output_symbol(sym)
- }
- ctrl = ""
- }
- }
- output_symbol(ctrl)
- }
- def output(text: String): String = {
- val control_blocks = check_control_blocks(List(XML.Text(text)))
- Library.make_string(output(_, text,
- control_blocks = control_blocks, hidden = false, permissive = true))
- }
- /* output XML as HTML */
- private val structural_elements =
- Set("head", "body", "meta", "div", "pre", "p", "title", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6",
- "ul", "ol", "dl", "li", "dt", "dd")
- def output(s: StringBuilder, xml: XML.Body, hidden: Boolean, structural: Boolean): Unit = {
- def output_body(body: XML.Body): Unit = {
- val control_blocks = check_control_blocks(body)
- body foreach {
- case XML.Elem(markup, Nil) =>
- XML.output_elem(s, markup, end = true)
- case XML.Elem(markup, ts) =>
- if (structural && structural_elements(markup.name)) s += '\n'
- XML.output_elem(s, markup)
- output_body(ts)
- XML.output_elem_end(s, markup.name)
- if (structural && structural_elements(markup.name)) s += '\n'
- case XML.Text(txt) =>
- output(s, txt, control_blocks = control_blocks, hidden = hidden, permissive = true)
- }
- }
- output_body(xml)
- }
- def output(body: XML.Body, hidden: Boolean, structural: Boolean): String =
- Library.make_string(output(_, body, hidden, structural), capacity = XML.text_length(body) * 2)
- def output(tree: XML.Tree, hidden: Boolean, structural: Boolean): String =
- output(List(tree), hidden, structural)
- /* input */
- def input(text: String): String = Jsoup_Entities.unescape(text)
- def parse_document(html: String): Jsoup_Document = Jsoup.parse(html)
- def get_document(url: String): Jsoup_Document = Jsoup.connect(url).get()
- /* messages */
- // background
- val writeln_message: Attribute = class_("writeln_message")
- val warning_message: Attribute = class_("warning_message")
- val error_message: Attribute = class_("error_message")
- // underline
- val writeln: Attribute = class_("writeln")
- val warning: Attribute = class_("warning")
- val error: Attribute = class_("error")
- /* tooltips */
- def tooltip(item: XML.Body, tip: XML.Body): XML.Elem =
- span(item ::: List(div("tooltip", tip)))
- def tooltip_errors(item: XML.Body, msgs: List[XML.Body]): XML.Elem =
- HTML.error(tooltip(item, msgs.map(msg => error_message(pre(msg)))))
- /* GUI elements */
- object GUI {
- private def optional_value(text: String): XML.Attributes =
- proper_string(text).map(a => "value" -> a).toList
- private def optional_name(name: String): XML.Attributes =
- proper_string(name).map(a => "name" -> a).toList
- private def optional_title(tooltip: String): XML.Attributes =
- proper_string(tooltip).map(a => "title" -> a).toList
- private def optional_submit(submit: Boolean): XML.Attributes =
- if (submit) List("onChange" -> "this.form.submit()") else Nil
- private def optional_checked(selected: Boolean): XML.Attributes =
- if (selected) List("checked" -> "") else Nil
- private def optional_action(action: String): XML.Attributes =
- proper_string(action).map(a => "action" -> a).toList
- private def optional_onclick(script: String): XML.Attributes =
- proper_string(script).map(a => "onclick" -> a).toList
- private def optional_onchange(script: String): XML.Attributes =
- proper_string(script).map(a => "onchange" -> a).toList
- def button(body: XML.Body, name: String = "", tooltip: String = "", submit: Boolean = false,
- script: String = ""): XML.Elem =
- XML.Elem(
- Markup("button",
- List("type" -> (if (submit) "submit" else "button"), "value" -> "true") :::
- optional_name(name) ::: optional_title(tooltip) ::: optional_onclick(script)), body)
- def checkbox(body: XML.Body, name: String = "", tooltip: String = "", submit: Boolean = false,
- selected: Boolean = false, script: String = ""): XML.Elem =
- XML.elem("label",
- XML.elem(
- Markup("input",
- List("type" -> "checkbox", "value" -> "true") ::: optional_name(name) :::
- optional_title(tooltip) ::: optional_submit(submit) :::
- optional_checked(selected) ::: optional_onchange(script))) :: body)
- def text_field(columns: Int = 0, text: String = "", name: String = "", tooltip: String = "",
- submit: Boolean = false, script: String = ""): XML.Elem =
- XML.elem(Markup("input",
- List("type" -> "text") :::
- (if (columns > 0) List("size" -> columns.toString) else Nil) :::
- optional_value(text) ::: optional_name(name) ::: optional_title(tooltip) :::
- optional_submit(submit) ::: optional_onchange(script)))
- def parameter(text: String = "", name: String = ""): XML.Elem =
- XML.elem(
- Markup("input", List("type" -> "hidden") ::: optional_value(text) ::: optional_name(name)))
- def form(body: XML.Body, name: String = "", action: String = "", http_post: Boolean = false)
- : XML.Elem =
- XML.Elem(
- Markup("form", optional_name(name) ::: optional_action(action) :::
- (if (http_post) List("method" -> "post") else Nil)), body)
- }
- /* GUI layout */
- object Wrap_Panel {
- enum Alignment { case left, right, center }
- def apply(
- contents: List[XML.Elem],
- name: String = "",
- action: String = "",
- alignment: Alignment = Alignment.right
- ): XML.Elem = {
- val body = Library.separate(XML.Text(" "), contents)
- GUI.form(List(div(body) + ("style" -> ("text-align: " + alignment))),
- name = name, action = action)
- }
- }
- /* document */
- val header: String =
- XML.header +
- """<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">"""
- val footer: String = """</html>"""
- val head_meta: XML.Elem =
- XML.Elem(Markup("meta",
- List("http-equiv" -> "Content-Type", "content" -> "text/html; charset=utf-8")), Nil)
- def output_document(
- head: XML.Body,
- body: XML.Body,
- css: String = "isabelle.css",
- hidden: Boolean = true,
- structural: Boolean = true
- ): String = {
- cat_lines(
- List(
- header,
- output(
- XML.elem("head", head_meta :: (if (css == "") Nil else List(style_file(css))) ::: head),
- hidden = hidden, structural = structural),
- output(XML.elem("body", body),
- hidden = hidden, structural = structural),
- footer))
- }
- /* fonts */
- val fonts_path: Path = Path.explode("fonts")
- def init_fonts(dir: Path): Unit = {
- val fonts_dir = Isabelle_System.make_directory(dir + HTML.fonts_path)
- for (entry <- Isabelle_Fonts.fonts(hidden = true))
- Isabelle_System.copy_file(entry.path, fonts_dir)
- }
- def fonts_dir(prefix: String)(ttf_name: String): String = prefix + "/" + ttf_name
- def fonts_url(): String => String =
- (for (entry <- Isabelle_Fonts.fonts(hidden = true))
- yield (entry.path.file_name -> Url.print_file(entry.path.file))).toMap
- def fonts_css(make_url: String => String = fonts_url()): String = {
- def font_face(entry: Isabelle_Fonts.Entry): String =
- cat_lines(
- List(
- "@font-face {",
- " font-family: '" + entry.family + "';",
- " src: url('" + make_url(entry.path.file_name) + "') format('truetype');") :::
- (if (entry.is_bold) List(" font-weight: bold;") else Nil) :::
- (if (entry.is_italic) List(" font-style: italic;") else Nil) :::
- List("}"))
- ("/* Isabelle fonts */" :: Isabelle_Fonts.fonts(hidden = true).map(font_face))
- .mkString("", "\n\n", "\n")
- }
- def fonts_css_dir(prefix: String = ""): String =
- fonts_css(fonts_dir(Url.append_path(prefix, fonts_path.implode)))
- /* document directory context (fonts + css) */
- def isabelle_css: Path = Path.explode("~~/etc/isabelle.css")
- def write_document(base_dir: Path, name: String, head: XML.Body, body: XML.Body,
- root: Option[Path] = None,
- css: String = isabelle_css.file_name,
- hidden: Boolean = true,
- structural: Boolean = true
- ): Unit = {
- Isabelle_System.make_directory(base_dir)
- val fonts_prefix = relative_href(root getOrElse base_dir, base = Some(base_dir))
- val fonts = fonts_css_dir(fonts_prefix)
- File.write(base_dir + isabelle_css.base, fonts + "\n\n" + File.read(isabelle_css))
- File.write(base_dir + Path.basic(name),
- output_document(head, body, css = css, hidden = hidden, structural = structural))
- }