removed obsolete ProofGeneral/parsing.ML;
Sun, 04 Nov 2007 17:12:14 +0100
changeset 25275 76d7f3fd4fb3
parent 25274 5c590f3f7a09
child 25276 f9237f6f3a8d
removed obsolete ProofGeneral/parsing.ML;
--- a/src/Pure/IsaMakefile	Sun Nov 04 16:43:31 2007 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/IsaMakefile	Sun Nov 04 17:12:14 2007 +0100
@@ -54,26 +54,26 @@
   ML/ml_context.ML ML/ml_lex.ML ML/ml_parse.ML ML/ml_syntax.ML			\
   Proof/extraction.ML Proof/proof_rewrite_rules.ML Proof/proof_syntax.ML	\
   Proof/proofchecker.ML Proof/reconstruct.ML ProofGeneral/ROOT.ML		\
-  ProofGeneral/parsing.ML ProofGeneral/pgip.ML ProofGeneral/pgip_input.ML	\
+  ProofGeneral/pgip.ML ProofGeneral/pgip_input.ML				\
   ProofGeneral/pgip_isabelle.ML ProofGeneral/pgip_markup.ML			\
   ProofGeneral/pgip_output.ML ProofGeneral/pgip_parser.ML			\
-  ProofGeneral/pgip_tests.ML ProofGeneral/pgip_types.ML ProofGeneral/pgml_isabelle.ML				\
-  ProofGeneral/preferences.ML ProofGeneral/proof_general_emacs.ML 		\
-  ProofGeneral/proof_general_pgip.ML Pure.thy ROOT.ML Syntax/ast.ML		\
-  Syntax/lexicon.ML Syntax/mixfix.ML Syntax/parser.ML Syntax/printer.ML		\
-  Syntax/simple_syntax.ML Syntax/syn_ext.ML Syntax/syn_trans.ML Syntax/syntax.ML\
-  Syntax/type_ext.ML Thy/html.ML Thy/latex.ML Thy/present.ML			\
-  Thy/term_style.ML Thy/thm_database.ML Thy/thm_deps.ML Thy/thy_edit.ML		\
-  Thy/thy_header.ML Thy/thy_info.ML Thy/thy_load.ML Thy/thy_output.ML		\
-  Tools/ROOT.ML Tools/invoke.ML Tools/named_thms.ML Tools/xml_syntax.ML		\
-  assumption.ML axclass.ML codegen.ML compress.ML config.ML			\
-  conjunction.ML consts.ML context.ML context_position.ML conv.ML		\
-  defs.ML display.ML drule.ML envir.ML fact_index.ML goal.ML interpretation.ML  \
-  library.ML logic.ML meta_simplifier.ML more_thm.ML morphism.ML name.ML net.ML	\
-  old_goals.ML pattern.ML primitive_defs.ML proofterm.ML pure_setup.ML		\
-  pure_thy.ML search.ML sign.ML simplifier.ML sorts.ML subgoal.ML		\
-  tactic.ML tctical.ML term.ML term_subst.ML theory.ML thm.ML type.ML		\
-  type_infer.ML unify.ML variable.ML
+  ProofGeneral/pgip_tests.ML ProofGeneral/pgip_types.ML				\
+  ProofGeneral/pgml_isabelle.ML ProofGeneral/preferences.ML			\
+  ProofGeneral/proof_general_emacs.ML ProofGeneral/proof_general_pgip.ML	\
+  Pure.thy ROOT.ML Syntax/ast.ML Syntax/lexicon.ML Syntax/mixfix.ML		\
+  Syntax/parser.ML Syntax/printer.ML Syntax/simple_syntax.ML Syntax/syn_ext.ML	\
+  Syntax/syn_trans.ML Syntax/syntax.ML Syntax/type_ext.ML Thy/html.ML		\
+  Thy/latex.ML Thy/present.ML Thy/term_style.ML Thy/thm_database.ML		\
+  Thy/thm_deps.ML Thy/thy_edit.ML Thy/thy_header.ML Thy/thy_info.ML		\
+  Thy/thy_load.ML Thy/thy_output.ML Tools/ROOT.ML Tools/invoke.ML		\
+  Tools/named_thms.ML Tools/xml_syntax.ML assumption.ML axclass.ML codegen.ML	\
+  compress.ML config.ML conjunction.ML consts.ML context.ML context_position.ML	\
+  conv.ML defs.ML display.ML drule.ML envir.ML fact_index.ML goal.ML		\
+  interpretation.ML library.ML logic.ML meta_simplifier.ML more_thm.ML 		\
+  morphism.ML name.ML net.ML old_goals.ML pattern.ML primitive_defs.ML		\
+  proofterm.ML pure_setup.ML pure_thy.ML search.ML sign.ML simplifier.ML	\
+  sorts.ML subgoal.ML tactic.ML tctical.ML term.ML term_subst.ML theory.ML	\
+  thm.ML type.ML type_infer.ML unify.ML variable.ML
--- a/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/ROOT.ML	Sun Nov 04 16:43:31 2007 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/ROOT.ML	Sun Nov 04 17:12:14 2007 +0100
@@ -18,8 +18,6 @@
 (use |> setmp Proofterm.proofs 1 |> setmp quick_and_dirty true) "preferences.ML";
 use "pgip_parser.ML";
-use "parsing.ML";   (* old version *)
 use "pgip_tests.ML";
 use "proof_general_pgip.ML";
--- a/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/parsing.ML	Sun Nov 04 16:43:31 2007 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Pure/ProofGeneral/parsing.ML
-    ID:         $Id$
-    Author:     David Aspinall
-Parsing Isabelle theory files to add PGIP markup -- OLD VERSION.
-signature OLD_PGIP_PARSER =
-    val pgip_parser: PgipMarkup.pgip_parser
-    val init : unit -> unit		     (* clear state *)
-structure OldPgipParser : OLD_PGIP_PARSER =
-(** Parsing proof scripts without execution **)
-structure P = OuterParse;
-structure D = PgipMarkup;
-structure I = PgipIsabelle;
-structure T = PgipTypes;
-(* Notes.
-   This is quite tricky, because 1) we need to put back whitespace which
-   was removed during parsing so we can provide markup around commands;
-   2) parsing is intertwined with execution in Isar so we have to repeat
-   the parsing to extract interesting parts of commands.  The trace of
-   tokens parsed which is now recorded in each transition (added by
-   Markus June '04) helps do this, but the mechanism is still a bad mess.
-   If we had proper parse trees it would be easy, although having a
-   fixed type of trees might be hard with Isar's extensible parser.
-   Probably the best solution is to produce the meta-information at
-   the same time as the parse, for each command, e.g. by recording a
-   list of (name,objtype) pairs which record the bindings created by
-   a command.  This would require changing the interfaces in
-   outer_syntax.ML (or providing new ones),
-    datatype metainfo = Binding of string * string  (* name, objtype *)
-    val command_withmetainfo: string -> string -> string ->
-      (token list ->
-       ((Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition) * metainfo list) *
-       token list) -> parser
-   We'd also like to render terms as they appear in output, but this
-   will be difficult because inner syntax is extensible and we don't
-   have the correct syntax to hand when just doing outer parsing
-   without execution.  A reasonable approximation could
-   perhaps be obtained by using the syntax of the current context.
-   However, this would mean more mess trying to pick out terms,
-   so at this stage a more serious change to the Isar functions
-   seems necessary.
-    val keywords_classification_table = ref (NONE: string Symtab.table option)
-    fun get_keywords_classification_table () =
-        case (!keywords_classification_table) of
-          SOME t => t
-        | NONE => (let
-                     val tab = fold (fn (c, _, k, _) => Symtab.update (c, k))
-                                    (OuterSyntax.dest_parsers ()) Symtab.empty;
-                   in (keywords_classification_table := SOME tab; tab) end)
-    (* To allow dynamic extensions to language during interactive use
-       we need a hook in outer_syntax.ML to reset our table.  But this is
-       pretty obscure; initialisation at startup should suffice. *)
-    fun init () = (keywords_classification_table := NONE)
-    fun whitespace str = D.Whitespace { text=str }
-    (* an extra token is needed to terminate the command *)
-    val sync = OuterSyntax.scan "\\<^sync>";
-    fun nameparse elt objtyp nameP toks = 
-        (fst (nameP (toks@sync)))
-        handle _ => (error ("Error occurred in name parser for " ^ elt ^
-                            "(objtype: " ^ (T.name_of_objtype objtyp) ^ ")");
-                     "")
-    fun parse_warning msg = warning ("script->PGIP markup parser: " ^ msg)
-    fun xmls_of_thy_begin (name,toks,str) = (* see isar_syn.ML/theoryP *)
-        let
-            val ((thyname,imports,files),_) = ThyHeader.args (toks@sync)
-        in
-            [D.Opentheory { thyname=SOME thyname, 
-			    parentnames = imports,
-			    text = str },
-	     D.Openblock { metavarid=NONE,name=NONE,objtype=SOME I.ObjTheoryBody }]
-        end
-    fun xmls_of_thy_decl (name,toks,str) = (* see isar_syn.ML/thy_decl cases  *)
-        let
-            (* NB: PGIP only deals with single name bindings at the moment;
-               potentially we could markup grouped definitions several times but
-               that might suggest the wrong structure to the editor?
-               Better alternative would be to put naming closer around text,
-               but to do that we'd be much better off modifying the real parser
-               instead of reconstructing it here. *)
-            val plain_items = (* no names, unimportant names, or too difficult *)
-                ["defaultsort","arities","judgement","finalconsts",
-                 "syntax", "nonterminals", "translations",
-                 "global", "local", "hide",
-                 "ML_setup", "setup", "method_setup",
-                 "parse_ast_translation", "parse_translation", "print_translation",
-                 "typed_print_translation", "print_ast_translation", "token_translation",
-                 "oracle",
-                 "declare"]
-            fun named_item nameP ty = 
-		[D.Theoryitem {text=str,
-			       name=SOME (nameparse "theoryitem" ty nameP toks),
-			       objtype=SOME ty}]
-            val opt_overloaded = P.opt_keyword "overloaded";
-            val thmnameP = (* see isar_syn.ML/theoremsP *)
-                let
-                    val name_facts = P.and_list1 ((SpecParse.opt_thm_name "=" --| SpecParse.xthms1) >> #1)
-                    val theoremsP = P.opt_target |-- name_facts >> (fn [] => "" | x::_ => x)
-                in
-                    theoremsP
-                end
-        in
-            (* TODO: ideally we would like to render terms properly, just as they are
-               in output. This implies using PGML for symbols and variables/atoms.
-               BUT it's rather tricky without having the correct concrete syntax to hand,
-               and even if we did, we'd have to mess around here a whole lot more first
-               to pick out the terms from the syntax. *)
-            if member (op =) plain_items name then 
-		[D.Theoryitem {text=str,name=NONE,objtype=NONE}]
-            else case name of
-                     "text"      => [D.Doccomment {text=str}]
-                   | "text_raw"  => [D.Doccomment {text=str}]
-                   | "typedecl"  => named_item (P.type_args |-- T.ObjType
-                   | "types"     => named_item (P.type_args |-- T.ObjType
-                   | "classes"   => named_item I.ObjClass
-                   | "classrel"  => named_item I.ObjClass
-                   | "consts"    => named_item (P.const >> #1) T.ObjTerm
-                   | "axioms"    => named_item (SpecParse.spec_name >> (#1 o #1)) T.ObjTheorem
-                   | "defs"      => named_item (opt_overloaded |-- SpecParse.spec_name >> (#1 o #1)) T.ObjTheorem
-                   | "constdefs" => named_item (* FIXME: heavily simplified/wrong *) T.ObjTerm
-                   | "theorems"  => named_item thmnameP I.ObjTheoremSet
-                   | "lemmas"    => named_item thmnameP I.ObjTheoremSet
-                   | "oracle"    => named_item I.ObjOracle
-		   (* FIXME: locale needs to introduce a block *)
-                   | "locale"    => named_item ((P.opt_keyword "open" >> not) |-- I.ObjLocale
-                   | _ => (parse_warning ("Unrecognized thy-decl command: " ^ name); 
-			   [D.Theoryitem {text=str,name=NONE,objtype=NONE}])
-        end
-    fun xmls_of_thy_goal (name,toks,str) =
-        let
-            (* see isar_syn.ML/gen_theorem *)
-         val statement = P.and_list1 (SpecParse.opt_thm_name ":" -- Scan.repeat1 P.propp);
-         val general_statement =
-            statement >> pair [] || Scan.repeat SpecParse.locale_element -- (P.$$$ "shows" |-- statement);
-            val gen_theoremP =
-                P.opt_target -- Scan.optional (SpecParse.opt_thm_name ":" --|
-                 Scan.ahead (SpecParse.locale_keyword || P.$$$ "shows")) ("", []) --
-                                 general_statement >> (fn ((locale, a), (elems, concl)) =>
-                                                         fst a) (* a : (bstring * Args.src list) *)
-            val nameP = P.opt_target |-- (Scan.optional ((SpecParse.opt_thm_name ":") >> #1) "")
-	    val thmname = nameparse "opengoal" T.ObjTheorem nameP toks
-        in
-            [D.Opengoal {thmname=SOME thmname, text=str},
-             D.Openblock {metavarid=NONE,name=NONE,objtype=SOME I.ObjProofBody}]
-        end
-    fun xmls_of_qed (name,str) =
-        let val qedmarkup  =
-                (case name of
-                     "sorry" => D.Postponegoal {text=str}
-                   | "oops"  => D.Giveupgoal {text=str}
-                   | "done"  => D.Closegoal {text=str}
-                   | "by"    => D.Closegoal {text=str}  (* nested or toplevel *)
-                   | "qed"   => D.Closegoal {text=str}  (* nested or toplevel *)
-                   | "."     => D.Closegoal {text=str}  (* nested or toplevel *)
-                   | ".."    => D.Closegoal {text=str}  (* nested or toplevel *)
-                   | other => (* default to closegoal: may be wrong for extns *)
-                                  (parse_warning
-                                       ("Unrecognized qed command: " ^ quote other);
-                                       D.Closegoal {text=str}))
-        in qedmarkup :: [D.Closeblock {}] end
-    fun xmls_of_kind kind (name,toks,str) =
-    case kind of
-      "control"        => [D.Badcmd {text=str}]
-    | "diag"           => [D.Spuriouscmd {text=str}]
-    (* theory/files *)
-    | "theory-begin"   => xmls_of_thy_begin (name,toks,str)
-    | "theory-decl"    => xmls_of_thy_decl (name,toks,str)
-    | "theory-heading" => [D.Closeblock {},
-			   D.Doccomment {text=str},
-			   D.Openblock {metavarid=NONE,name=NONE,objtype=SOME I.ObjTheoryBody}]
-    | "theory-script"  => [D.Theoryitem {name=NONE,objtype=SOME I.ObjTheoryDecl,text=str}]
-    | "theory-end"     => [D.Closeblock {}, D.Closetheory {text=str}]
-    (* proof control *)
-    | "theory-goal"    => xmls_of_thy_goal (name,toks,str)
-    | "proof-heading"  => [D.Doccomment {text=str}]
-    | "proof-goal"     => [D.Opengoal {text=str,thmname=NONE}, 
-			   D.Openblock {metavarid=NONE,name=NONE,objtype=SOME I.ObjProofBody}]
-    | "proof-block"    => [D.Closeblock {}, 
-			   D.Proofstep {text=str},
-			   D.Openblock {metavarid=NONE,name=NONE,objtype=SOME I.ObjProofBody}]
-    | "proof-open"     => [D.Openblock {metavarid=NONE,name=NONE,objtype=SOME I.ObjProofBody}, 
-			   D.Proofstep {text=str} ]
-    | "proof-close"    => [D.Proofstep {text=str}, D.Closeblock {}]
-    | "proof-script"   => [D.Proofstep {text=str}]
-    | "proof-chain"    => [D.Proofstep {text=str}]
-    | "proof-decl"     => [D.Proofstep {text=str}]
-    | "proof-asm"      => [D.Proofstep {text=str}]
-    | "proof-asm-goal" => [D.Opengoal {text=str,thmname=NONE}, 
-			   D.Openblock {metavarid=NONE,name=NONE,objtype=NONE}]
-    | "qed"            => xmls_of_qed (name,str)
-    | "qed-block"      => xmls_of_qed (name,str)
-    | "qed-global"     => xmls_of_qed (name,str)
-    | other => (* default for anything else is "spuriouscmd", ***ignored for undo*** *)
-      (parse_warning ("Internal inconsistency, unrecognized keyword kind: " ^ quote other ^
-		      "(treated as spuriouscmd)");
-       [D.Spuriouscmd {text=str}])
-fun xmls_of_transition (name,str,toks) =
-   let
-     val classification = Symtab.lookup (get_keywords_classification_table ()) name
-   in case classification of
-          SOME k => (xmls_of_kind k (name,toks,str))
-        | NONE => (* an uncategorized keyword is treated as a theory item (maybe wrong) *)
-          (parse_warning ("Uncategorized command found: " ^ name ^ " -- using theoryitem");
-           [D.Theoryitem {name=NONE,objtype=NONE,text=str}])
-   end
-(* this would be a lot neater if we could match on toks! *)
-fun markup_comment_whs [] = []
-  | markup_comment_whs (toks as t::ts) = 
-    let
-        val (prewhs,rest) = take_prefix (OuterLex.is_kind OuterLex.Space) toks
-    in
-        if not (null prewhs) then
-            D.Whitespace {text=implode (map OuterLex.unparse prewhs)}
-            :: (markup_comment_whs rest)
-        else
-            D.Comment {text=OuterLex.unparse t} ::
-            (markup_comment_whs ts)
-    end
-fun xmls_pre_cmd [] = ([],[])
-  | xmls_pre_cmd toks =
-    let
-        (* an extra token is needed to terminate the command *)
-        val sync = OuterSyntax.scan "\\<^sync>";
-        val spaceP = Scan.bulk ( (fn t =>not (OuterLex.is_proper t)) >> OuterLex.val_of) >> implode
-        val text_with_whs =
-            ((spaceP || Scan.succeed "") --
-             (P.short_ident || P.long_ident || P.sym_ident || P.string || P.number || P.verbatim) >> op^)
-             -- (spaceP || Scan.succeed "") >> op^
-        val (prewhs,rest1) = take_prefix (not o OuterLex.is_proper) (toks@sync)
-        (* NB: this collapses  doclitcomment,(doclitcomment|whitespace)* to a single doclitcomment *)
-        val (_,rest2) = (Scan.bulk (P.$$$ "--" |-- text_with_whs) >> implode || Scan.succeed "") rest1
-        val (postwhs,rest3) = take_prefix (not o OuterLex.is_proper) rest2
-    in
-        ((markup_comment_whs prewhs) @
-         (if (length rest2 = length rest1)  then []
-          else 
-	      (* These comments are "literate", but *not* counted for undo. So classify as ordinary comment. *)
-	      [D.Comment 
-		   {text= implode
-                          (map OuterLex.unparse (Library.take (length rest1 - length rest2, rest1)))}]
-              @
-              (markup_comment_whs postwhs)),
-              Library.take (length rest3 - 1,rest3))
-    end
-fun xmls_of_impropers toks =
-    let
-        val (xmls,rest) = xmls_pre_cmd toks
-	val unparsed =  
-	    case rest of [] => []
-		       | _ => [D.Unparseable 
-			      {text= implode (map OuterLex.unparse rest)}]
-    in
-        xmls @ unparsed
-    end
-    (* we have to weave together the whitespace/comments with proper tokens
-       to reconstruct the input. *)
-    (* TODO: see if duplicating isar_output/parse_thy can help here *)
-    fun match_tokens ([],us,vs) = (rev vs,us)  (* used, unused *)
-      | match_tokens (t::ts, w::ws, vs) =
-        if (t: OuterLex.token) = w  (* FIXME !? *)
-          then match_tokens (ts, ws, w::vs)
-          else match_tokens (t::ts, ws, w::vs)
-      | match_tokens _ = error ("match_tokens: mismatched input parse")
-    fun pgip_parser str =
-    let
-       (* parsing:   See outer_syntax.ML/toplevel_source *)
-       fun parse_loop ([],[],xmls) = xmls
-         | parse_loop ([],itoks,xmls) = xmls @ (xmls_of_impropers itoks)
-         | parse_loop ((nm,toks,_)::trs,itoks,xmls) =
-           let
-               (* first proper token after whitespace/litcomment/whitespace is command *)
-               val (xmls_pre_cmd,cmditoks') = xmls_pre_cmd itoks
-               val (cmdtok,itoks') = 
-		   case cmditoks' of x::xs => (x,xs)
-                                   | _ => error("proof_general/parse_loop impossible")
-               val (utoks,itoks'') = match_tokens (toks,itoks',[])
-               (* FIXME: should take trailing [w/s+] semicolon too in utoks *)
-               val str = implode (map OuterLex.unparse (cmdtok::utoks))
-               val xmls_tr  = xmls_of_transition (nm,str,toks)
-           in
-               parse_loop(trs,itoks'',xmls @ xmls_pre_cmd @ xmls_tr)
-           end
-    in
-        (let val toks = OuterSyntax.scan str
-         in
-             parse_loop ( toks, toks, [])
-         end)
-           handle _ => [D.Unparseable {text=str}]
-    end
--- a/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/pgip_tests.ML	Sun Nov 04 16:43:31 2007 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/pgip_tests.ML	Sun Nov 04 17:12:14 2007 +0100
@@ -108,14 +108,14 @@
-(** parsing.ML **)
+(** pgip_parser.ML **)
 open PgipMarkup
-open OldPgipParser
+open PgipParser
 open PgipIsabelle
 fun asseqp a b =
-    if pgip_parser a = b then ()
+    if pgip_parser Position.none a = b then ()
     else error("PGIP test: expected two parses to be equal, for input:\n" ^ a)
--- a/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/proof_general_pgip.ML	Sun Nov 04 16:43:31 2007 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/proof_general_pgip.ML	Sun Nov 04 17:12:14 2007 +0100
@@ -1140,7 +1140,6 @@
   | init_pgip true =
       (! initialized orelse
         (Output.no_warnings init_outer_syntax ();
-          OldPgipParser.init ();
           setup_preferences_tweak ();
           setup_proofgeneral_output ();
           setup_messages ();