--- a/src/HOL/Import/proof_kernel.ML Mon Sep 12 12:11:17 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/proof_kernel.ML Mon Sep 12 15:52:00 2005 +0200
@@ -109,6 +109,8 @@
val new_type_definition : string -> string -> string -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
val new_axiom : string -> term -> theory -> theory * thm
+ val prin : term -> unit
structure ProofKernel :> ProofKernel =
@@ -217,8 +219,8 @@
val prin = Library.setmp print_mode [] prin
fun pth (HOLThm(ren,thm)) =
- val _ = writeln "Renaming:"
- val _ = app (fn(v,w) => (prin v; writeln " -->"; prin w)) ren
+ (*val _ = writeln "Renaming:"
+ val _ = app (fn(v,w) => (prin v; writeln " -->"; prin w)) ren*)
val _ = prth thm
@@ -403,11 +405,15 @@
fun mk_thy_const thy Thy Nam Ty = Const(intern_const_name Thy Nam thy,Ty)
- fun get_type sg thyname name =
- case Sign.const_type sg name of
- SOME ty => ty
- | NONE => raise ERR "get_type" (name ^ ": No such constant")
+ (* fun get_const sg thyname name =
+ (case term_of (read_cterm sg (name, TypeInfer.logicT)) of
+ c as Const _ => c)
+ handle _ => raise ERR "get_type" (name ^ ": No such constant")*)
+ fun get_const sg thyname name =
+ (case Sign.const_type sg name of
+ SOME ty => Const (name, ty)
+ | NONE => raise ERR "get_type" (name ^ ": No such constant"))
fun prim_mk_const thy Thy Nam =
@@ -416,7 +422,7 @@
case StringPair.lookup(cmaps,(Thy,Nam)) of
SOME(_,_,SOME ty) => Const(name,ty)
- | _ => Const(name,get_type (sign_of thy) Thy name)
+ | _ => get_const (sign_of thy) Thy name
@@ -447,8 +453,24 @@
s |> no_beg_underscore
+val ty_num_prefix = "N_"
+fun startsWithDigit s = Char.isDigit (hd (String.explode s))
+fun protect_tyname tyn =
+ let
+ val tyn' =
+ if String.isPrefix ty_num_prefix tyn then raise (ERR "conv_ty_name" ("type name '"^tyn^"' is reserved")) else
+ (if startsWithDigit tyn then ty_num_prefix^tyn else tyn)
+ in
+ tyn'
+ end
structure TypeNet =
fun get_type_from_index thy thyname types is =
case Int.fromString is of
SOME i => (case Array.sub(types,i) of
@@ -468,13 +490,13 @@
| gtfx (Elem("tyc",atts,[])) =
mk_thy_type thy
(get_segment thyname atts)
- (get_name atts)
+ (protect_tyname (get_name atts))
| gtfx (Elem("tyv",[("n",s)],[])) = mk_vartype (protect_tyvarname s)
| gtfx (Elem("tya",[],(Elem("tyc",atts,[]))::tys)) =
mk_thy_type thy
(get_segment thyname atts)
- (get_name atts)
+ (protect_tyname (get_name atts))
(map gtfx tys)
| gtfx _ = raise ERR "get_type" "Bad type"
@@ -497,6 +519,7 @@
structure TermNet =
fun get_term_from_index thy thyname types terms is =
case Int.fromString is of
SOME i => (case Array.sub(terms,i) of
@@ -663,10 +686,10 @@
val P = xml_to_term xP
val t = xml_to_term xt
- mk_proof (PTyIntro(seg,name,abs_name,rep_name,P,t,x2p p))
+ mk_proof (PTyIntro(seg,protect_tyname name,abs_name,rep_name,P,t,x2p p))
| x2p (Elem("ptydef",[("s",seg),("n",name)],[p])) =
- mk_proof (PTyDef(seg,name,x2p p))
+ mk_proof (PTyDef(seg,protect_tyname name,x2p p))
| x2p (xml as Elem("poracle",[],chldr)) =
val (oracles,terms) = Library.partition (fn (Elem("oracle",_,_)) => true | _ => false) chldr
@@ -834,12 +857,33 @@
x2p prf
+fun import_proof_concl thyname thmname thy =
+ let
+ val is = TextIO.openIn(proof_file_name thyname thmname thy)
+ val (proof_xml,_) = scan_tag (LazySeq.of_instream is)
+ val _ = TextIO.closeIn is
+ in
+ case proof_xml of
+ Elem("proof",[],xtypes::xterms::prf::rest) =>
+ let
+ val types = TypeNet.input_types thyname xtypes
+ val terms = TermNet.input_terms thyname types xterms
+ fun f xtm thy = TermNet.get_term_from_xml thy thyname types terms xtm
+ in
+ case rest of
+ [] => NONE
+ | [xtm] => SOME (f xtm)
+ | _ => raise ERR "import_proof" "Bad argument list"
+ end
+ | _ => raise ERR "import_proof" "Bad proof"
+ end
fun import_proof thyname thmname thy =
val is = TextIO.openIn(proof_file_name thyname thmname thy)
val (proof_xml,_) = scan_tag (LazySeq.of_instream is)
val _ = TextIO.closeIn is
- in
+ in
case proof_xml of
Elem("proof",[],xtypes::xterms::prf::rest) =>
@@ -1037,75 +1081,20 @@
fun name_of_var (Free(vname,_)) = vname
| name_of_var _ = raise ERR "name_of_var" "Not a variable"
-fun disamb_helper {vars,rens} tm =
- let
- val varstm = collect_vars tm
- fun process (v as Free(vname,ty),(vars,rens,inst)) =
- if v mem vars
- then (vars,rens,inst)
- else (case try (Lib.assoc v) rens of
- SOME vnew => (vars,rens,(v,vnew)::inst)
- | NONE => if exists (fn Free(vname',_) => vname = vname' | _ => raise ERR "disamb_helper" "Bad varlist") vars
- then
- let
- val tmnames = map name_of_var varstm
- val varnames = map name_of_var vars
- val (dom,rng) = ListPair.unzip rens
- val rensnames = (map name_of_var dom) @ (map name_of_var rng)
- val instnames = map name_of_var (snd (ListPair.unzip inst))
- val allnames = tmnames @ varnames @ rensnames @ instnames
- val vnewname = Term.variant allnames vname
- val vnew = Free(vnewname,ty)
- in
- (vars,(v,vnew)::rens,(v,vnew)::inst)
- end
- else (v::vars,rens,inst))
- | process _ = raise ERR "disamb_helper" "Internal error"
- val (vars',rens',inst) =
- foldr process (vars,rens,[]) varstm
- in
- ({vars=vars',rens=rens'},inst)
- end
-fun disamb_term_from info tm =
- let
- val (info',inst) = disamb_helper info tm
- in
- (info',apply_inst_term inst tm)
- end
+fun disamb_term_from info tm = (info, tm)
fun swap (x,y) = (y,x)
-fun has_ren (HOLThm([],_)) = false
- | has_ren _ = true
+fun has_ren (HOLThm _) = false
fun prinfo {vars,rens} = (writeln "Vars:";
app prin vars;
writeln "Renaming:";
app (fn(x,y)=>(prin x; writeln " -->"; prin y)) rens)
-fun disamb_thm_from info (hth as HOLThm(rens,thm)) =
- let
- val inv_rens = map swap rens
- val orig_thm = apply_inst_term inv_rens (prop_of thm)
- val (info',inst) = disamb_helper info orig_thm
- val rens' = map (apsnd (apply_inst_term inst)) inv_rens
- val (dom,rng) = ListPair.unzip (rens' @ inst)
- val sg = sign_of_thm thm
- val thm' = mk_INST (map (cterm_of sg) dom) (map (cterm_of sg) rng) thm
- in
- (info',thm')
- end
+fun disamb_thm_from info (HOLThm (_,thm)) = (info, thm)
-fun disamb_terms_from info tms =
- foldr (fn (tm,(info,tms)) =>
- let
- val (info',tm') = disamb_term_from info tm
- in
- (info',tm'::tms)
- end)
- (info,[]) tms
+fun disamb_terms_from info tms = (info, tms)
fun disamb_thms_from info hthms =
foldr (fn (hthm,(info,thms)) =>
@@ -1121,28 +1110,7 @@
fun disamb_thm thm = disamb_thm_from disamb_info_empty thm
fun disamb_thms thms = disamb_thms_from disamb_info_empty thms
-fun norm_hthm sg (hth as HOLThm([],_)) = hth
- | norm_hthm sg (hth as HOLThm(rens,th)) =
- let
- val vars = collect_vars (prop_of th)
- val (rens',inst,_) =
- foldr (fn((ren as (vold as Free(vname,_),vnew)),
- (rens,inst,vars)) =>
- (case Library.find_first (fn Free(v,_) => v = vname | _ => false) vars of
- SOME v' => if v' = vold
- then (rens,(vnew,vold)::inst,vold::vars)
- else (ren::rens,(vold,vnew)::inst,vnew::vars)
- | NONE => (rens,(vnew,vold)::inst,vold::vars))
- | _ => raise ERR "norm_hthm" "Internal error")
- ([],[],vars) rens
- val (dom,rng) = ListPair.unzip inst
- val th' = mk_INST (map (cterm_of sg) dom) (map (cterm_of sg) rng) th
- val nvars = collect_vars (prop_of th')
- val rens' = List.filter (fn(_,v) => v mem nvars) rens
- val res = HOLThm(rens',th')
- in
- res
- end
+fun norm_hthm sg (hth as HOLThm _) = hth
(* End of disambiguating code *)
@@ -1213,7 +1181,6 @@
Thm.transfer sg (Simplifier.full_rewrite hol4ss (cterm_of sg t))
fun get_isabelle_thm thyname thmname hol4conc thy =
val _ = message "get_isabelle_thm called..."
@@ -1275,11 +1242,35 @@
handle e => (message "Exception in get_isabelle_thm"; if_debug print_exn e handle _ => (); (thy,NONE))
+fun get_isabelle_thm_and_warn thyname thmname hol4conc thy =
+ let
+ val (a, b) = get_isabelle_thm thyname thmname hol4conc thy
+ fun warn () =
+ let
+ val sg = sign_of thy
+ val (info,hol4conc') = disamb_term hol4conc
+ val i2h_conc = symmetric (rewrite_hol4_term (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop hol4conc') thy)
+ in
+ case concl_of i2h_conc of
+ Const("==",_) $ lhs $ _ =>
+ (warning ("Failed lookup of theorem '"^thmname^"':");
+ writeln "Original conclusion:";
+ prin hol4conc';
+ writeln "Modified conclusion:";
+ prin lhs)
+ | _ => ()
+ end
+ in
+ case b of
+ NONE => (warn () handle _ => (); (a,b))
+ | _ => (a, b)
+ end
fun get_thm thyname thmname thy =
case get_hol4_thm thyname thmname thy of
SOME hth => (thy,SOME hth)
- | NONE => ((case fst (import_proof thyname thmname thy) of
- SOME f => get_isabelle_thm thyname thmname (f thy) thy
+ | NONE => ((case import_proof_concl thyname thmname thy of
+ SOME f => get_isabelle_thm_and_warn thyname thmname (f thy) thy
| NONE => (message "No conclusion"; (thy,NONE)))
handle e as IO.Io _ => (message "IO exception"; (thy,NONE))
| e as PK _ => (message "PK exception"; (thy,NONE)))
@@ -1295,7 +1286,7 @@
val (thmname,thy') = get_defname thyname constname thy
val _ = message ("Looking for definition " ^ thyname ^ "." ^ thmname)
- get_isabelle_thm thyname thmname (mk_teq (thyname ^ "." ^ constname) rhs thy') thy'
+ get_isabelle_thm_and_warn thyname thmname (mk_teq (thyname ^ "." ^ constname) rhs thy') thy'
fun get_axiom thyname axname thy =
@@ -1407,7 +1398,7 @@
-fun mk_EQ_MP th1 th2 = [beta_eta_thm th1,beta_eta_thm th2] MRS eqmp_thm
+fun mk_EQ_MP th1 th2 = [beta_eta_thm th1, beta_eta_thm th2] MRS eqmp_thm
fun EQ_MP hth1 hth2 thy =
@@ -2086,7 +2077,7 @@
Replaying _ => (thy,hth)
| _ =>
- val _ = message "TYPE_INTRO:"
+ val _ = message "TYPE_INTRO:"
val _ = if_debug pth hth
val _ = warning ("Introducing type " ^ tycname ^ " (with morphisms " ^ abs_name ^ " and " ^ rep_name ^ ")")
val (HOLThm(rens,td_th)) = norm_hthm (sign_of thy) hth
@@ -2105,13 +2096,14 @@
val tsyn = mk_syn thy tycname
val typ = (tycname,tnames,tsyn)
val (thy',typedef_info) = TypedefPackage.add_typedef_i false (SOME thmname) typ c (SOME(rep_name,abs_name)) (rtac th2 1) thy
val th3 = (#type_definition typedef_info) RS typedef_hol2hollight
+ val _ = message "step 1"
val th4 = Drule.freeze_all th3
+ val _ = message "step 2"
val fulltyname = Sign.intern_type (sign_of thy') tycname
- val thy'' = add_hol4_type_mapping thyname tycname true fulltyname thy'
+ val _ = message ("step 3: thyname="^thyname^", tycname="^tycname^", fulltyname="^fulltyname)
+ val thy'' = add_hol4_type_mapping thyname tycname true fulltyname thy'
+ val _ = message "step 4"
val sg = sign_of thy''
val (hth' as HOLThm args) = norm_hthm sg (HOLThm(rens,th4))
val _ = if #maxidx (rep_thm th4) <> ~1
@@ -2120,7 +2112,7 @@
val _ = if has_ren hth' then warning ("Theorem " ^ thmname ^ " needs variable-disambiguating")
else ()
val thy4 = add_hol4_pending thyname thmname args thy''
val sg = sign_of thy4
val P' = #2 (Logic.dest_equals (concl_of (rewrite_hol4_term P thy4)))
val c =
@@ -2129,7 +2121,7 @@
Const("Collect",PT-->HOLogic.mk_setT (domain_type PT)) $ P'
val tnames_string = if null tnames
then ""
else "(" ^ (commafy tnames) ^ ") "
@@ -2147,4 +2139,6 @@
handle e => (message "exception in type_introduction"; print_exn e)
+val prin = prin