Tightened up check of types in constant defs.
--- a/src/Pure/theory.ML Fri Jul 07 18:27:47 2000 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/theory.ML Fri Jul 07 18:29:34 2000 +0200
@@ -328,6 +328,19 @@
distinct (mapfilter (clash_defn c_ty) axms);
+(* overloading checks for warnings *)
+fun overloaded_def(tsig,cT,T) =
+ let
+ val T = incr_tvar (maxidx_of_typ cT + 1) (Type.varifyT T);
+ in
+ if Type.typ_instance(tsig,cT,T) then None else (* overloading *)
+ if Type.typ_instance(tsig,Type.rem_sorts cT,Type.rem_sorts T)
+ then Some false (* useless additional sort constraints in def *)
+ else Some true (* useful kind of overloading *)
+ end;
(* dest_defn *)
fun dest_defn tm =
@@ -374,24 +387,36 @@
fun err_in_defn sg name msg =
(error_msg msg; error ("The error(s) above occurred in definition " ^
- quote (Sign.full_name sg name)));
+ quote (Sign.full_name sg name)));
-fun check_defn sign (axms, (name, tm)) =
+fun check_defn sg (axms, (name, tm)) =
fun show_const (c, ty) = quote (Pretty.string_of (Pretty.block
- [Pretty.str (c ^ " ::"), Pretty.brk 1, Sign.pretty_typ sign ty]));
+ [Pretty.str (c ^ " ::"), Pretty.brk 1, Sign.pretty_typ sg ty]));
+ fun def_txt c_ty = "Definition of " ^ show_const c_ty;
fun show_defn c (dfn, ty') = show_const (c, ty') ^ " in " ^ dfn;
fun show_defns c = cat_lines o map (show_defn c);
- val (c, ty) = dest_defn tm
- handle TERM (msg, _) => err_in_defn sign name msg;
- val defns = clash_defns (c, ty) axms;
+ val c_ty as (c,ty) = dest_defn tm
+ handle TERM (msg, _) => err_in_defn sg name msg;
+ val defns = clash_defns c_ty axms;
+ val cT = case Sign.const_type sg c of Some T => T | None =>
+ err_in_defn sg name ("Undeclared constant "^quote c);
if not (null defns) then
- err_in_defn sign name ("Definition of " ^ show_const (c, ty) ^
- "\nclashes with " ^ show_defns c defns)
- else (name, tm) :: axms
+ err_in_defn sg name (def_txt c_ty ^"\nclashes with "^ show_defns c defns)
+ else case overloaded_def(Sign.tsig_of sg,cT,ty) of
+ None => (name, tm) :: axms
+ | Some true => (warning(def_txt c_ty
+ ^ "\nin definition " ^ quote(Sign.full_name sg name)
+ ^ "\nis strictly less general than the declared type of the constant.");
+ (name, tm) :: axms)
+ | Some false =>
+ let val txt = Library.setmp show_sorts true def_txt c_ty
+ in err_in_defn sg name (txt ^
+"\nimposes additional class constraints on the declared type of the constant.")
+ end
@@ -399,10 +424,11 @@
fun ext_defns prep_axm raw_axms thy =
- val axms = map (prep_axm (sign_of thy)) raw_axms;
+ val sg = sign_of thy
+ val axms = map (prep_axm sg) raw_axms;
val all_axms = all_axioms_of thy;
- foldl (check_defn (sign_of thy)) (all_axms, axms);
+ foldl (check_defn sg) (all_axms, axms);
add_axioms_i axms thy