refined task timing: joining vs. waiting;
--- a/src/Pure/Concurrent/future.ML Tue Feb 01 19:39:26 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Concurrent/future.ML Tue Feb 01 21:05:22 2011 +0100
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
val worker_task: unit -> Task_Queue.task option
val worker_group: unit -> option
val worker_subgroup: unit ->
- val worker_waiting: (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
type 'a future
val task_of: 'a future -> task
val group_of: 'a future -> group
@@ -87,6 +86,11 @@
val worker_group = #2 o thread_data;
fun worker_subgroup () = Task_Queue.new_group (worker_group ());
+fun worker_joining e =
+ (case worker_task () of
+ NONE => e ()
+ | SOME task => Task_Queue.joining task e);
fun worker_waiting e =
(case worker_task () of
NONE => e ()
@@ -449,11 +453,11 @@
(case Unsynchronized.change_result queue (Task_Queue.dequeue_towards (Thread.self ()) deps) of
(NONE, []) => NONE
- | (NONE, deps') => (worker_wait true work_finished; join_next deps')
+ | (NONE, deps') => (worker_waiting (fn () => worker_wait true work_finished); join_next deps')
| (SOME work, deps') => SOME (work, deps'));
fun execute_work NONE = ()
- | execute_work (SOME (work, deps')) = (execute work; join_work deps')
+ | execute_work (SOME (work, deps')) = (worker_joining (fn () => execute work); join_work deps')
and join_work deps =
execute_work (SYNCHRONIZED "join" (fn () => join_next deps));
@@ -464,15 +468,16 @@
fun join_results xs =
- if forall is_finished xs then map get_result xs
- else if Multithreading.self_critical () then
- error "Cannot join future values within critical section"
- else
- worker_waiting (fn () =>
- (case worker_task () of
- SOME task => join_depend task (map task_of xs)
- | NONE => (ignore o Single_Assignment.await o result_of) xs;
- map get_result xs));
+ let
+ val _ =
+ if forall is_finished xs then ()
+ else if Multithreading.self_critical () then
+ error "Cannot join future values within critical section"
+ else
+ (case worker_task () of
+ SOME task => join_depend task (map task_of xs)
+ | NONE => (ignore o Single_Assignment.await o result_of) xs);
+ in map get_result xs end;
--- a/src/Pure/Concurrent/task_queue.ML Tue Feb 01 19:39:26 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Concurrent/task_queue.ML Tue Feb 01 21:05:22 2011 +0100
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
val str_of_task: task -> string
val timing_of_task: task -> Time.time * Time.time
val running: task -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+ val joining: task -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
val waiting: task -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
type group
val new_group: group option -> group
@@ -50,14 +51,14 @@
type timing = Time.time * Time.time;
fun new_timing () =
- Synchronized.var "Task_Queue.timing" (Time.zeroTime, Time.zeroTime);
+ Synchronized.var "timing" (Time.zeroTime, Time.zeroTime);
-fun gen_timing which timing e =
+fun gen_timing account timing e =
val start = ();
val result = Exn.capture e ();
val t = Time.- ( (), start);
- val _ = Synchronized.change timing (which (fn t' => Time.+ (t, t')));
+ val _ = Synchronized.change timing (account t);
in Exn.release result end;
@@ -78,8 +79,11 @@
if name = "" then string_of_int id else string_of_int id ^ " (" ^ name ^ ")";
fun timing_of_task (Task {timing, ...}) = Synchronized.value timing;
-fun running (Task {timing, ...}) = gen_timing apfst timing;
-fun waiting (Task {timing, ...}) = gen_timing apsnd timing;
+fun running (Task {timing, ...}) = gen_timing (fn t => fn (a, b) => (Time.+ (a, t), b)) timing;
+fun joining (Task {timing, ...}) = gen_timing (fn t => fn (a, b) => (Time.- (a, t), b)) timing;
+fun waiting (Task {timing, ...}) =
+ gen_timing (fn t => fn (a, b) => (Time.- (a, t), Time.+ (b, t))) timing;
fun task_ord (Task {id = id1, pri = pri1, ...}, Task {id = id2, pri = pri2, ...}) =
prod_ord (rev_order o option_ord int_ord) int_ord ((pri1, id1), (pri2, id2));