removed SMT weights -- their impact was very inconclusive anyway
Tue, 03 Jun 2014 11:43:07 +0200
changeset 57165 7b1bf424ec5f
parent 57164 eb5f27ec3987
child 57166 5cfcc616d485
child 57167 d42a5c885cd5
removed SMT weights -- their impact was very inconclusive anyway
--- a/src/HOL/SMT2.thy	Tue Jun 03 10:35:51 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/SMT2.thy	Tue Jun 03 11:43:07 2014 +0200
@@ -40,32 +40,6 @@
 definition trigger :: "pattern list list \<Rightarrow> bool \<Rightarrow> bool" where "trigger _ P = P"
-subsection {* Quantifier weights *}
-text {*
-Weight annotations to quantifiers influence the priority of quantifier
-instantiations.  They should be handled with care for solvers, which support
-them, because incorrect choices of weights might render a problem unsolvable.
-definition weight :: "int \<Rightarrow> bool \<Rightarrow> bool" where "weight _ P = P"
-text {*
-Weights must be nonnegative.  The value @{text 0} is equivalent to providing
-no weight at all.
-Weights should only be used at quantifiers and only inside triggers (if the
-quantifier has triggers).  Valid usages of weights are as follows:
-@{term "\<forall>x. trigger [[pat (P x)]] (weight 2 (P x))"}
-@{term "\<forall>x. weight 3 (P x)"}
 subsection {* Higher-order encoding *}
 text {*
@@ -430,6 +404,6 @@
 hide_type (open) pattern
 hide_const fun_app z3div z3mod
-hide_const (open) trigger pat nopat weight
+hide_const (open) trigger pat nopat
--- a/src/HOL/SMT_Examples/SMT_Tests.thy	Tue Jun 03 10:35:51 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/SMT_Examples/SMT_Tests.thy	Tue Jun 03 11:43:07 2014 +0200
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
   by smt2+
-section {* Guidance for quantifier heuristics: patterns and weights *}
+section {* Guidance for quantifier heuristics: patterns *}
   assumes "\<forall>x. SMT2.trigger [[SMT2.pat (f x)]] (f x = x)"
@@ -216,18 +216,6 @@
   shows "R t"
   using assms by smt2
-  assumes "ALL x. SMT2.trigger [[SMT2.pat (P x)]] (SMT2.weight 2 (P x --> Q x))"
-  and "P t"
-  shows "Q t"
-  using assms by smt2
-  assumes "ALL x. SMT2.weight 1 (P x --> Q x)"
-  and "P t"
-  shows "Q t"
-  using assms by smt2
 section {* Meta-logical connectives *}
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/SMT2/smt2_normalize.ML	Tue Jun 03 10:35:51 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/SMT2/smt2_normalize.ML	Tue Jun 03 11:43:07 2014 +0200
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
   type extra_norm = Proof.context -> thm list * thm list -> thm list * thm list
   val add_extra_norm: SMT2_Util.class * extra_norm -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
-  val normalize: Proof.context -> (int option * thm) list -> (int * thm) list
+  val normalize: Proof.context -> thm list -> (int * thm) list
 structure SMT2_Normalize: SMT2_NORMALIZE =
@@ -239,79 +239,25 @@
-(** adding quantifier weights **)
-  (*** check weight syntax ***)
-  val has_no_weight =
-    not o Term.exists_subterm (fn @{const SMT2.weight} => true | _ => false)
-  fun is_weight (@{const SMT2.weight} $ w $ t) =
-        (case try HOLogic.dest_number w of
-          SOME (_, i) => i >= 0 andalso has_no_weight t
-        | _ => false)
-    | is_weight t = has_no_weight t
-  fun proper_trigger (@{const SMT2.trigger} $ _ $ t) = is_weight t
-    | proper_trigger t = is_weight t 
-  fun check_weight_error ctxt t =
-    error ("SMT weight must be a non-negative number and must only occur " ^
-      "under the top-most quantifier and an optional trigger: " ^
-      Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t)
-  fun check_weight_conv ctxt ct =
-    if SMT2_Util.under_quant proper_trigger (SMT2_Util.term_of ct) then Conv.all_conv ct
-    else check_weight_error ctxt (Thm.term_of ct)
-  (*** insertion of weights ***)
-  fun under_trigger_conv cv ct =
-    (case Thm.term_of ct of
-      @{const SMT2.trigger} $ _ $ _ => Conv.arg_conv cv
-    | _ => cv) ct
-  val weight_eq = mk_meta_eq @{lemma "p = SMT2.weight i p" by (simp add: weight_def)}
-  fun mk_weight_eq w =
-    let val cv = Thm.dest_arg1 (Thm.rhs_of weight_eq)
-    in Thm.instantiate ([], [(cv, Numeral.mk_cnumber @{ctyp int} w)]) weight_eq end
-  fun add_weight_conv NONE _ = Conv.all_conv
-    | add_weight_conv (SOME weight) ctxt =
-        let val cv = Conv.rewr_conv (mk_weight_eq weight)
-        in SMT2_Util.under_quant_conv (K (under_trigger_conv cv)) ctxt end
-fun weight_conv weight ctxt = 
-  SMT2_Util.prop_conv (check_weight_conv ctxt then_conv add_weight_conv weight ctxt)
-val setup_weight = SMT2_Builtin.add_builtin_fun_ext'' @{const_name SMT2.weight}
 (** combined general normalizations **)
-fun gen_normalize1_conv ctxt weight =
+fun gen_normalize1_conv ctxt =
   atomize_conv ctxt then_conv
   unfold_special_quants_conv ctxt then_conv
   Thm.beta_conversion true then_conv
-  trigger_conv ctxt then_conv
-  weight_conv weight ctxt
+  trigger_conv ctxt
-fun gen_normalize1 ctxt weight =
+fun gen_normalize1 ctxt =
   instantiate_elim #>
   norm_def #>
   Conv.fconv_rule (Thm.beta_conversion true then_conv Thm.eta_conversion) #>
   Drule.forall_intr_vars #>
-  Conv.fconv_rule (gen_normalize1_conv ctxt weight) #>
+  Conv.fconv_rule (gen_normalize1_conv ctxt) #>
   (* Z3 4.3.1 silently normalizes "P --> Q --> R" to "P & Q --> R" *)
   Raw_Simplifier.rewrite_rule ctxt @{thms HOL.imp_conjL[symmetric, THEN eq_reflection]}
-fun gen_norm1_safe ctxt (i, (weight, thm)) =
-  (case try (gen_normalize1 ctxt weight) thm of
+fun gen_norm1_safe ctxt (i, thm) =
+  (case try (gen_normalize1 ctxt) thm of
     SOME thm' => SOME (i, thm')
   | NONE => (drop_fact_warning ctxt thm; NONE))
@@ -576,7 +522,6 @@
   setup_atomize #>
   setup_unfolded_quants #>
   setup_trigger #>
-  setup_weight #>
   setup_case_bool #>
   setup_abs_min_max #>
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/SMT2/smt2_solver.ML	Tue Jun 03 10:35:51 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/SMT2/smt2_solver.ML	Tue Jun 03 11:43:07 2014 +0200
@@ -32,9 +32,8 @@
   val default_max_relevant: Proof.context -> string -> int
-  val smt2_filter: Proof.context -> thm ->
-    ((string * ATP_Problem_Generate.stature) * (int option * thm)) list -> int -> Time.time ->
-    parsed_proof
+  val smt2_filter: Proof.context -> thm -> ((string * ATP_Problem_Generate.stature) * thm) list ->
+    int -> Time.time -> parsed_proof
   val smt2_tac: Proof.context -> thm list -> int -> tactic
@@ -235,17 +234,17 @@
 val default_max_relevant = #default_max_relevant oo get_info
-fun apply_solver_and_replay ctxt wthms0 =
+fun apply_solver_and_replay ctxt thms0 =
-    val wthms = map (apsnd (check_topsort ctxt)) wthms0
+    val thms = map (check_topsort ctxt) thms0
     val (name, {command, replay, ...}) = name_and_info_of ctxt
-    val (output, replay_data) = invoke name command (SMT2_Normalize.normalize ctxt wthms) ctxt
+    val (output, replay_data) = invoke name command (SMT2_Normalize.normalize ctxt thms) ctxt
   in replay ctxt replay_data output end
 (* filter *)
-fun smt2_filter ctxt0 goal xwfacts i time_limit =
+fun smt2_filter ctxt0 goal xfacts i time_limit =
     val ctxt = ctxt0 |> Config.put SMT2_Config.timeout (Time.toReal time_limit)
@@ -256,15 +255,13 @@
         SOME ct => ct
       | NONE => raise SMT2_Failure.SMT (SMT2_Failure.Other_Failure "goal is not a HOL term"))
-    val wconjecture = (NONE, Thm.assume cprop)
-    val wprems = map (pair NONE) prems
-    val wfacts = map snd xwfacts
-    val xfacts = map (apsnd snd) xwfacts
-    val wthms = wconjecture :: wprems @ wfacts
-    val wthms' = map (apsnd (check_topsort ctxt)) wthms
+    val conjecture = Thm.assume cprop
+    val facts = map snd xfacts
+    val thms = conjecture :: prems @ facts
+    val thms' = map (check_topsort ctxt) thms
     val (name, {command, parse_proof, ...}) = name_and_info_of ctxt
-    val (output, replay_data) = invoke name command (SMT2_Normalize.normalize ctxt wthms') ctxt
+    val (output, replay_data) = invoke name command (SMT2_Normalize.normalize ctxt thms') ctxt
     parse_proof ctxt replay_data xfacts (map Thm.prop_of prems) (Thm.term_of concl) output
@@ -277,7 +274,7 @@
   fun str_of ctxt fail =
     "Solver " ^ SMT2_Config.solver_of ctxt ^ ": " ^ SMT2_Failure.string_of_failure fail
-  fun safe_solve ctxt wfacts = SOME (apply_solver_and_replay ctxt wfacts)
+  fun safe_solve ctxt facts = SOME (apply_solver_and_replay ctxt facts)
       SMT2_Failure.SMT (fail as SMT2_Failure.Counterexample _) =>
         (SMT2_Config.verbose_msg ctxt (str_of ctxt) fail; NONE)
@@ -293,8 +290,7 @@
   fun tac prove ctxt rules =
     CONVERSION (SMT2_Normalize.atomize_conv ctxt)
     THEN' rtac @{thm ccontr}
-    THEN' SUBPROOF (fn {context = ctxt, prems, ...} =>
-      resolve (prove ctxt (map (pair NONE) (rules @ prems)))) ctxt
+    THEN' SUBPROOF (fn {context = ctxt, prems, ...} => resolve (prove ctxt (rules @ prems))) ctxt
 val smt2_tac = tac safe_solve
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/SMT2/smt2_translate.ML	Tue Jun 03 10:35:51 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/SMT2/smt2_translate.ML	Tue Jun 03 11:43:07 2014 +0200
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
     SVar of int |
     SApp of string * sterm list |
     SLet of string * sterm * sterm |
-    SQua of squant * string list * sterm spattern list * int option * sterm
+    SQua of squant * string list * sterm spattern list * sterm
   (*translation configuration*)
   type sign = {
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
   SVar of int |
   SApp of string * sterm list |
   SLet of string * sterm * sterm |
-  SQua of squant * string list * sterm spattern list * int option * sterm
+  SQua of squant * string list * sterm spattern list * sterm
@@ -196,9 +196,8 @@
       | expand ((q as Const (@{const_name Ex}, _)) $ Abs a) = q $ abs_expand a
       | expand ((q as Const (@{const_name Ex}, T)) $ t) = q $ exp expand T t
       | expand (q as Const (@{const_name Ex}, T)) = exp2 T q
-      | expand ((l as Const (@{const_name Let}, _)) $ t $ Abs a) = expand (Term.betapply (Abs a, t))
-      | expand ((l as Const (@{const_name Let}, T)) $ t $ u) = expand (u $ t)
-      | expand ((l as Const (@{const_name Let}, T)) $ t) =
+      | expand (Const (@{const_name Let}, _) $ t $ u) = expand (Term.betapply (u, t))
+      | expand (Const (@{const_name Let}, T) $ t) =
           let val U = Term.domain_type (Term.range_type T)
           in Abs (Name.uu, U, Bound 0 $ Term.incr_boundvars 1 t) end
       | expand (Const (@{const_name Let}, T)) =
@@ -290,15 +289,13 @@
       | (u as Bound i, ts) => apply 0 u (nth Ts i) (map (traverse Ts) ts)
       | (Abs (n, T, u), ts) => traverses Ts (Abs (n, T, traverse (T::Ts) u)) ts
       | (u, ts) => traverses Ts u ts)
-    and in_trigger Ts ((c as @{const SMT2.trigger}) $ p $ t) = c $ in_pats Ts p $ in_weight Ts t
-      | in_trigger Ts t = in_weight Ts t
+    and in_trigger Ts ((c as @{const SMT2.trigger}) $ p $ t) = c $ in_pats Ts p $ traverse Ts t
+      | in_trigger Ts t = traverse Ts t
     and in_pats Ts ps =
       in_list @{typ "SMT2.pattern list"} (in_list @{typ SMT2.pattern} (in_pat Ts)) ps
     and in_pat Ts ((p as Const (@{const_name SMT2.pat}, _)) $ t) = p $ traverse Ts t
       | in_pat Ts ((p as Const (@{const_name SMT2.nopat}, _)) $ t) = p $ traverse Ts t
       | in_pat _ t = raise TERM ("bad pattern", [t])
-    and in_weight Ts ((c as @{const SMT2.weight}) $ w $ t) = c $ w $ traverse Ts t
-      | in_weight Ts t = traverse Ts t 
     and traverses Ts t ts = Term.list_comb (t, map (traverse Ts) ts)
   in map (traverse []) ts end
@@ -344,9 +341,6 @@
       | (Free c, ts) => Term.list_comb (Free c, map (in_term pat) ts)
       | _ => t)
-    and in_weight ((c as @{const SMT2.weight}) $ w $ t) = c $ w $ in_form t
-      | in_weight t = in_form t 
     and in_pat ((p as Const (@{const_name SMT2.pat}, _)) $ t) =
           p $ in_term true t
       | in_pat ((p as Const (@{const_name SMT2.nopat}, _)) $ t) =
@@ -356,8 +350,8 @@
     and in_pats ps =
       in_list @{typ "SMT2.pattern list"} (SOME o in_list @{typ SMT2.pattern} (try in_pat)) ps
-    and in_trigger ((c as @{const SMT2.trigger}) $ p $ t) = c $ in_pats p $ in_weight t
-      | in_trigger t = in_weight t
+    and in_trigger ((c as @{const SMT2.trigger}) $ p $ t) = c $ in_pats p $ in_form t
+      | in_trigger t = in_form t
     and in_form t =
       (case Term.strip_comb t of
@@ -393,9 +387,6 @@
       if q = qname then group_quant qname (T :: Ts) u else (Ts, t)
   | group_quant _ Ts t = (Ts, t)
-fun dest_weight (@{const SMT2.weight} $ w $ t) = (SOME (snd (HOLogic.dest_number w)), t)
-  | dest_weight t = (NONE, t)
 fun dest_pat (Const (@{const_name SMT2.pat}, _) $ t) = (t, true)
   | dest_pat (Const (@{const_name SMT2.nopat}, _) $ t) = (t, false)
   | dest_pat t = raise TERM ("bad pattern", [t])
@@ -415,8 +406,7 @@
     val (Ts, u) = group_quant qn [T] t
     val (ps, p) = dest_trigger u
-    val (w, b) = dest_weight p
-  in (q, rev Ts, ps, w, b) end)
+  in (q, rev Ts, ps, p) end)
 fun fold_map_pat f (SPat ts) = fold_map f ts #>> SPat
   | fold_map_pat f (SNoPat ts) = fold_map f ts #>> SNoPat
@@ -439,9 +429,9 @@
       (case Term.strip_comb t of
         (Const (qn, _), [Abs (_, T, t1)]) =>
           (case dest_quant qn T t1 of
-            SOME (q, Ts, ps, w, b) =>
+            SOME (q, Ts, ps, b) =>
               fold_map transT Ts ##>> fold_map (fold_map_pat trans) ps ##>>
-              trans b #>> (fn ((Ts', ps'), b') => SQua (q, Ts', ps', w, b'))
+              trans b #>> (fn ((Ts', ps'), b') => SQua (q, Ts', ps', b'))
           | NONE => raise TERM ("unsupported quantifier", [t]))
       | (Const (@{const_name Let}, _), [t1, Abs (_, T, t2)]) =>
           transT T ##>> trans t1 ##>> trans t2 #>> (fn ((U, u1), u2) => SLet (U, u1, u2))
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/SMT2/smtlib2_interface.ML	Tue Jun 03 10:35:51 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/SMT2/smtlib2_interface.ML	Tue Jun 03 11:43:07 2014 +0200
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
       SMTLIB2.S (SMTLIB2.Sym n :: map (tree_of_sterm l) ts)
   | tree_of_sterm _ (SMT2_Translate.SLet _) =
       raise Fail "SMT-LIB: unsupported let expression"
-  | tree_of_sterm l (SMT2_Translate.SQua (q, ss, pats, w, t)) =
+  | tree_of_sterm l (SMT2_Translate.SQua (q, ss, pats, t)) =
         val l' = l + length ss
@@ -100,18 +100,15 @@
           [SMTLIB2.Key keyword, (case map (tree_of_sterm l') ps of [t] => t | ts => SMTLIB2.S ts)]
         fun trees_of_pat (SMT2_Translate.SPat ps) = gen_trees_of_pat "pattern" ps
           | trees_of_pat (SMT2_Translate.SNoPat ps) = gen_trees_of_pat "no-pattern" ps
-        fun trees_of_weight NONE = []
-          | trees_of_weight (SOME i) = [SMTLIB2.Key "weight", SMTLIB2.Num i]
-        fun tree_of_pats_weight [] NONE t = t
-          | tree_of_pats_weight pats w t =
-            SMTLIB2.S (SMTLIB2.Sym "!" :: t :: maps trees_of_pat pats @ trees_of_weight w)
+        fun tree_of_pats [] t = t
+          | tree_of_pats pats t = SMTLIB2.S (SMTLIB2.Sym "!" :: t :: maps trees_of_pat pats)
         val vs = map_index (fn (i, ty) =>
           SMTLIB2.S [SMTLIB2.Sym (var (l + i)), SMTLIB2.Sym ty]) ss
         val body = t
           |> tree_of_sterm l'
-          |> tree_of_pats_weight pats w
+          |> tree_of_pats pats
         SMTLIB2.S [SMTLIB2.Sym (quant_name q), SMTLIB2.S vs, body]
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/SMT2/z3_new_replay.ML	Tue Jun 03 10:35:51 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/SMT2/z3_new_replay.ML	Tue Jun 03 11:43:07 2014 +0200
@@ -72,14 +72,13 @@
   val remove_trigger = mk_meta_eq @{thm SMT2.trigger_def}
-  val remove_weight = mk_meta_eq @{thm SMT2.weight_def}
   val remove_fun_app = mk_meta_eq @{thm SMT2.fun_app_def}
   fun rewrite_conv _ [] = Conv.all_conv
     | rewrite_conv ctxt eqs = Simplifier.full_rewrite (empty_simpset ctxt addsimps eqs)
-  val prep_rules = [@{thm Let_def}, remove_trigger, remove_weight,
-    remove_fun_app, Z3_New_Replay_Literals.rewrite_true]
+  val prep_rules = [@{thm Let_def}, remove_trigger, remove_fun_app,
+    Z3_New_Replay_Literals.rewrite_true]
   fun rewrite _ [] = I
     | rewrite ctxt eqs = Conv.fconv_rule (rewrite_conv ctxt eqs)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_prover_smt2.ML	Tue Jun 03 10:35:51 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_prover_smt2.ML	Tue Jun 03 11:43:07 2014 +0200
@@ -14,12 +14,6 @@
   val smt2_builtins : bool Config.T
   val smt2_triggers : bool Config.T
-  val smt2_weights : bool Config.T
-  val smt2_weight_min_facts : int Config.T
-  val smt2_min_weight : int Config.T
-  val smt2_max_weight : int Config.T
-  val smt2_max_weight_index : int Config.T
-  val smt2_weight_curve : (int -> int) Unsynchronized.ref
   val smt2_max_slices : int Config.T
   val smt2_slice_fact_frac : real Config.T
   val smt2_slice_time_frac : real Config.T
@@ -44,35 +38,9 @@
 val smt2_builtins = Attrib.setup_config_bool @{binding sledgehammer_smt2_builtins} (K true)
 val smt2_triggers = Attrib.setup_config_bool @{binding sledgehammer_smt2_triggers} (K true)
-val smt2_weights = Attrib.setup_config_bool @{binding sledgehammer_smt2_weights} (K true)
-val smt2_weight_min_facts =
-  Attrib.setup_config_int @{binding sledgehammer_smt2_weight_min_facts} (K 20)
 val is_smt2_prover = member (op =) o SMT2_Config.available_solvers_of
-(* FUDGE *)
-val smt2_min_weight = Attrib.setup_config_int @{binding sledgehammer_smt2_min_weight} (K 0)
-val smt2_max_weight = Attrib.setup_config_int @{binding sledgehammer_smt2_max_weight} (K 10)
-val smt2_max_weight_index =
-  Attrib.setup_config_int @{binding sledgehammer_smt2_max_weight_index} (K 200)
-val smt2_weight_curve = Unsynchronized.ref (fn x : int => x * x)
-fun smt2_fact_weight ctxt j num_facts =
-  if Config.get ctxt smt2_weights andalso num_facts >= Config.get ctxt smt2_weight_min_facts then
-    let
-      val min = Config.get ctxt smt2_min_weight
-      val max = Config.get ctxt smt2_max_weight
-      val max_index = Config.get ctxt smt2_max_weight_index
-      val curve = !smt2_weight_curve
-    in
-      SOME (max - (max - min + 1) * curve (Int.max (0, max_index - j - 1)) div curve max_index)
-    end
-  else
-    NONE
-fun weight_smt2_fact ctxt num_facts ((info, th), j) =
-  (info, (smt2_fact_weight ctxt j num_facts, th))
 (* "SMT2_Failure.Abnormal_Termination" carries the solver's return code. Until these are sorted out
    properly in the SMT module, we must interpret these here. *)
 val z3_failures =
@@ -128,8 +96,7 @@
     val ctxt = Proof.context_of state
     val max_slices = if slice then Config.get ctxt smt2_max_slices else 1
-    fun do_slice timeout slice outcome0 time_so_far
-        (weighted_factss as (fact_filter, weighted_facts) :: _) =
+    fun do_slice timeout slice outcome0 time_so_far (factss as (fact_filter, facts) :: _) =
         val timer = Timer.startRealTimer ()
         val slice_timeout =
@@ -141,7 +108,7 @@
-        val num_facts = length weighted_facts
+        val num_facts = length facts
         val _ =
           if debug then
             quote name ^ " slice " ^ string_of_int slice ^ " with " ^ string_of_int num_facts ^
@@ -152,7 +119,7 @@
         val birth = Timer.checkRealTimer timer
         val filter_result as {outcome, ...} =
-          SMT2_Solver.smt2_filter ctxt goal weighted_facts i slice_timeout
+          SMT2_Solver.smt2_filter ctxt goal facts i slice_timeout
           handle exn =>
             if Exn.is_interrupt exn orelse debug then
               reraise exn
@@ -179,8 +146,8 @@
             val new_num_facts =
               Real.ceil (Config.get ctxt smt2_slice_fact_frac * Real.fromInt num_facts)
-            val weighted_factss as (new_fact_filter, _) :: _ =
-              weighted_factss
+            val factss as (new_fact_filter, _) :: _ =
+              factss
               |> (fn (x :: xs) => xs @ [x])
               |> app_hd (apsnd (take new_num_facts))
             val show_filter = fact_filter <> new_fact_filter
@@ -200,11 +167,11 @@
-            do_slice timeout (slice + 1) outcome0 time_so_far weighted_factss
+            do_slice timeout (slice + 1) outcome0 time_so_far factss
           {outcome = if is_none outcome then NONE else the outcome0, filter_result = filter_result,
-           used_from = map (apsnd snd) weighted_facts, run_time = time_so_far}
+           used_from = facts, run_time = time_so_far}
     do_slice timeout 1 NONE Time.zeroTime
@@ -217,16 +184,8 @@
     val thy = Proof.theory_of state
     val ctxt = Proof.context_of state
-    val (_, hyp_ts, concl_t) = strip_subgoal goal subgoal ctxt
-    fun weight_facts facts =
-      let val num_facts = length facts in
-        map (weight_smt2_fact ctxt num_facts) (facts ~~ (0 upto num_facts - 1))
-      end
-    val weighted_factss = map (apsnd weight_facts) factss
     val {outcome, filter_result = {fact_ids, atp_proof, ...}, used_from, run_time} =
-      smt2_filter_loop name params state goal subgoal weighted_factss
+      smt2_filter_loop name params state goal subgoal factss
     val used_named_facts = map snd fact_ids
     val used_facts = map fst used_named_facts
     val outcome = failure_of_smt2_failure outcome