the "all_theorems" option and some fixes
Thu, 15 Jun 2006 17:50:47 +0200
changeset 19894 7c7e15b27145
parent 19893 7546dafb3fc6
child 19895 cab56c949350
the "all_theorems" option and some fixes
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/meson.ML	Thu Jun 15 17:50:30 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/meson.ML	Thu Jun 15 17:50:47 2006 +0200
@@ -123,7 +123,8 @@
   in  exists taut_poslit poslits
       exists (fn t => mem_term (t, neglits)) (HOLogic.false_const :: poslits)
-  end;
+  end
+  handle TERM _ => false;	(*probably dest_Trueprop on a weird theorem*)		      
 (*** To remove trivial negated equality literals from clauses ***)
@@ -154,11 +155,20 @@
 (*Simplify a clause by applying reflexivity to its negated equality literals*)
 fun refl_clause th = 
   let val neqs = notequal_lits_count (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (concl_of th))
-  in  zero_var_indexes (refl_clause_aux neqs th)  end;
+  in  zero_var_indexes (refl_clause_aux neqs th)  end
+  handle TERM _ => th;	(*probably dest_Trueprop on a weird theorem*)		      
 (*** The basic CNF transformation ***)
+(*Estimate the number of clauses in order to detect infeasible theorems*)
+fun nclauses (Const("Trueprop",_) $ t) = nclauses t
+  | nclauses (Const("op &",_) $ t $ u) = nclauses t + nclauses u
+  | nclauses (Const("Ex", _) $ Abs (_,_,t)) = nclauses t
+  | nclauses (Const("All",_) $ Abs (_,_,t)) = nclauses t
+  | nclauses (Const("op |",_) $ t $ u) = nclauses t * nclauses u
+  | nclauses _ = 1; (* literal *)
 (*Replaces universally quantified variables by FREE variables -- because
   assumptions may not contain scheme variables.  Later, call "generalize". *)
 fun freeze_spec th =
@@ -179,7 +189,7 @@
   Eliminates existential quantifiers using skoths: Skolemization theorems.*)
 fun cnf skoths (th,ths) =
   let fun cnf_aux (th,ths) =
-        if has_meta_conn (prop_of th) then ths (*meta-level: ignore*)
+  	if has_meta_conn (prop_of th) then ths (*meta-level: ignore*)
         else if not (has_consts ["All","Ex","op &"] (prop_of th))  
 	then th::ths (*no work to do, terminate*)
 	else case head_of (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (concl_of th)) of
@@ -199,7 +209,9 @@
 	  | _ => (*no work to do*) th::ths 
       and cnf_nil th = cnf_aux (th,[])
-    cnf_aux (th,ths)
+    if nclauses (concl_of th) > 20 
+    then (Output.debug ("cnf is ignoring: " ^ string_of_thm th); ths)
+    else cnf_aux (th,ths)
 (*Convert all suitable free variables to schematic variables, 
@@ -379,15 +391,18 @@
   which are needed to avoid the various one-point theorems from generating junk clauses.*)
 val tag_True = thm "tag_True";
 val tag_False = thm "tag_False";
-val nnf_simps = [Ex1_def,Ball_def,Bex_def,tag_True,tag_False]
+val nnf_simps =
+     [simp_implies_def, Ex1_def, Ball_def, Bex_def, tag_True, tag_False, if_True, 
+      if_False, if_cancel, if_eq_cancel, cases_simp];
+val nnf_extra_simps =
+      thms"split_ifs" @ ex_simps @ all_simps @ simp_thms;
 val nnf_ss =
-    HOL_basic_ss addsimps
-     (nnf_simps @ [if_True, if_False, if_cancel, if_eq_cancel, cases_simp] @
-      thms"split_ifs" @ ex_simps @ all_simps @ simp_thms)
-     addsimprocs [defALL_regroup,defEX_regroup,neq_simproc,let_simproc];
+    HOL_basic_ss addsimps nnf_extra_simps 
+                 addsimprocs [defALL_regroup,defEX_regroup,neq_simproc,let_simproc];
-fun make_nnf th = th |> simplify nnf_ss
+fun make_nnf th = th |> rewrite_rule (map safe_mk_meta_eq nnf_simps)
+                     |> simplify nnf_ss  (*But this doesn't simplify premises...*)
                      |> make_nnf1
 (*Pull existential quantifiers to front. This accomplishes Skolemization for
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/res_atp.ML	Thu Jun 15 17:50:30 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/res_atp.ML	Thu Jun 15 17:50:47 2006 +0200
@@ -39,10 +39,12 @@
   val run_relevance_filter: bool ref
   val run_blacklist_filter: bool ref
   val invoke_atp_ml : ProofContext.context * thm -> unit
+  val add_all : unit -> unit
   val add_claset : unit -> unit
   val add_simpset : unit -> unit
   val add_clasimp : unit -> unit
   val add_atpset : unit -> unit
+  val rm_all : unit -> unit
   val rm_claset : unit -> unit
   val rm_simpset : unit -> unit
   val rm_atpset : unit -> unit
@@ -133,13 +135,16 @@
 	else error ("No such directory: " ^ !destdir)
+val include_all = ref false;
 val include_simpset = ref false;
 val include_claset = ref false; 
 val include_atpset = ref true;
+val add_all = (fn () => include_all:=true);
 val add_simpset = (fn () => include_simpset:=true);
 val add_claset = (fn () => include_claset:=true);
 val add_clasimp = (fn () => (include_simpset:=true;include_claset:=true));
 val add_atpset = (fn () => include_atpset:=true);
+val rm_all = (fn () => include_all:=false);
 val rm_simpset = (fn () => include_simpset:=false);
 val rm_claset = (fn () => include_claset:=false);
 val rm_clasimp = (fn () => (include_simpset:=false;include_claset:=false));
@@ -512,47 +517,55 @@
       in Output.debug nthm; display_thms nthms  end;
+fun all_facts_of ctxt =
+  FactIndex.find (ProofContext.fact_index_of ctxt) ([], [])
+  |> maps #2 |> map (`Thm.name_of_thm);
 (* get lemmas from claset, simpset, atpset and extra supplied rules *)
 fun get_clasimp_atp_lemmas ctxt user_thms = 
-    let val claset_thms =
-	    if !include_claset then
-		map put_name_pair (ResAxioms.claset_rules_of_ctxt ctxt)
-	    else []
-	val simpset_thms = 
-	    if !include_simpset then 
-		map put_name_pair (ResAxioms.simpset_rules_of_ctxt ctxt)
-	    else []
-	val atpset_thms =
-	    if !include_atpset then
-		map put_name_pair (ResAxioms.atpset_rules_of_ctxt ctxt)
-	    else []
-	val _ = if !Output.show_debug_msgs then (Output.debug "ATP theorems: "; display_thms atpset_thms) else ()		 
-	val user_rules = 
-	    case user_thms of  (*use whitelist if there are no user-supplied rules*)
-		[] => map (put_name_pair o ResAxioms.pairname) (!whitelist)
-	      | _  => map put_name_pair user_thms
-    in
-	(claset_thms, simpset_thms, atpset_thms, user_rules)
-    end;
+  let val included_thms =
+	if !include_all 
+	then (tap (fn ths => Output.debug ("Including all " ^ Int.toString (length ths) ^
+	                                   " theorems")) 
+	          (all_facts_of ctxt @ PureThy.all_thms_of (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt)))
+	else 
+	let val claset_thms =
+		if !include_claset then ResAxioms.claset_rules_of_ctxt ctxt
+		else []
+	    val simpset_thms = 
+		if !include_simpset then ResAxioms.simpset_rules_of_ctxt ctxt
+		else []
+	    val atpset_thms =
+		if !include_atpset then ResAxioms.atpset_rules_of_ctxt ctxt
+		else []
+	    val _ = if !Output.show_debug_msgs 
+		    then (Output.debug "ATP theorems: "; display_thms atpset_thms) 
+		    else ()		 
+	in  claset_thms @ simpset_thms @ atpset_thms  end
+      val user_rules = map (put_name_pair o ResAxioms.pairname)
+			   (if null user_thms then !whitelist else user_thms)
+  in
+      (map put_name_pair included_thms, user_rules)
+  end;
 (* remove lemmas that are banned from the backlist *)
 fun blacklist_filter thms = 
-    if !run_blacklist_filter then 
-	let val banned = make_banned_test (map #1 thms)
-	    fun ok (a,_) = not (banned a)
-	in
-	    filter ok thms
-	end
-    else
-	thms;
+  if !run_blacklist_filter then 
+      let val banned = make_banned_test (map #1 thms)
+	  fun ok (a,_) = not (banned a)
+      in  filter ok thms  end
+  else thms;
 (* filter axiom clauses, but keep supplied clauses and clauses in whitelist *)
 fun get_relevant_clauses ctxt cls_thms white_cls goals =
-    let val cls_thms_list = make_unique (mk_clause_table 2200) (List.concat (white_cls@cls_thms))
-	val relevant_cls_thms_list = if !run_relevance_filter then ReduceAxiomsN.relevance_filter (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt) cls_thms_list goals else cls_thms_list
-    in
-        insert_thms (List.concat white_cls) relevant_cls_thms_list 
-    end;
+ let val cls_thms_list = make_unique (mk_clause_table 2200) (List.concat (white_cls@cls_thms))
+     val relevant_cls_thms_list = 
+	 if !run_relevance_filter 
+	 then ReduceAxiomsN.relevance_filter (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt) cls_thms_list goals 
+	 else cls_thms_list
+ in
+     insert_thms (List.concat white_cls) relevant_cls_thms_list 
+ end;
 (* ATP invocation methods setup                                *)
@@ -587,8 +600,8 @@
     let val conj_cls = make_clauses conjectures 
 	val hyp_cls = cnf_hyps_thms ctxt
 	val goal_cls = conj_cls@hyp_cls
-	val (cla_thms,simp_thms,atp_thms,user_rules) = get_clasimp_atp_lemmas ctxt (map ResAxioms.pairname user_thms)
-	val rm_black_cls = blacklist_filter (cla_thms@simp_thms@atp_thms) 
+	val (included_thms,user_rules) = get_clasimp_atp_lemmas ctxt user_thms
+	val rm_black_cls = blacklist_filter included_thms 
 	val cla_simp_atp_clauses = ResAxioms.cnf_rules_pairs rm_black_cls
 	val user_cls = ResAxioms.cnf_rules_pairs user_rules
 	val axclauses_as_thms = get_relevant_clauses ctxt cla_simp_atp_clauses user_cls (map prop_of goal_cls)
@@ -685,8 +698,8 @@
 fun write_problem_files pf (ctxt,th)  =
   let val goals = Thm.prems_of th
       val _ = Output.debug ("number of subgoals = " ^ Int.toString (length goals))
-      val (cla_thms,simp_thms,atp_thms,white_thms) = get_clasimp_atp_lemmas ctxt []
-      val rm_blacklist_cls = blacklist_filter (cla_thms@simp_thms@atp_thms)
+      val (included_thms,white_thms) = get_clasimp_atp_lemmas ctxt []
+      val rm_blacklist_cls = blacklist_filter included_thms
       val cla_simp_atp_clauses = ResAxioms.cnf_rules_pairs rm_blacklist_cls
       val axclauses = get_relevant_clauses ctxt cla_simp_atp_clauses (ResAxioms.cnf_rules_pairs white_thms) goals 
       val _ = Output.debug ("claset, simprules and atprules total clauses = " ^ 
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/res_axioms.ML	Thu Jun 15 17:50:30 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/res_axioms.ML	Thu Jun 15 17:50:47 2006 +0200
@@ -44,88 +44,65 @@
 exception ELIMR2FOL of string;
-(* functions used to construct a formula *)
-fun make_disjs [x] = x
-  | make_disjs (x :: xs) = HOLogic.mk_disj(x, make_disjs xs)
-fun make_conjs [x] = x
-  | make_conjs (x :: xs) =  HOLogic.mk_conj(x, make_conjs xs)
 fun add_EX tm [] = tm
   | add_EX tm ((x,xtp)::xs) = add_EX (HOLogic.exists_const xtp $ Abs(x,xtp,tm)) xs;
-fun is_neg (Const("Trueprop",_) $ (Const("Not",_) $ Free(p,_))) (Const("Trueprop",_) $ Free(q,_)) = (p = q)
+(*Checks for the premise ~P when the conclusion is P.*)
+fun is_neg (Const("Trueprop",_) $ (Const("Not",_) $ Free(p,_))) 
+           (Const("Trueprop",_) $ Free(q,_)) = (p = q)
   | is_neg _ _ = false;
-exception STRIP_CONCL;
+(*FIXME: What if dest_Trueprop fails?*)
 fun strip_concl' prems bvs (Const ("==>",_) $ P $ Q) =
-      let val P' = HOLogic.dest_Trueprop P
-  	  val prems' = P'::prems
-      in
-	strip_concl' prems' bvs  Q
-      end
+      strip_concl' (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop P :: prems) bvs  Q
   | strip_concl' prems bvs P = 
       let val P' = HOLogic.Not $ (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop P)
-      in
-	add_EX (make_conjs (P'::prems)) bvs
-      end;
+      in add_EX (foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj (P'::prems)) bvs end;
 fun strip_concl prems bvs concl (Const ("all", _) $ Abs (x,xtp,body)) = 
       strip_concl prems ((x,xtp)::bvs) concl body
   | strip_concl prems bvs concl (Const ("==>",_) $ P $ Q) =
       if (is_neg P concl) then (strip_concl' prems bvs Q)
       else strip_concl (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop P::prems) bvs  concl Q
-  | strip_concl prems bvs concl _ = add_EX (make_conjs prems) bvs;
+  | strip_concl prems bvs concl _ = add_EX (foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj prems) bvs;
-fun trans_elim (main,others,concl) =
-    let val others' = map (strip_concl [] [] concl) others
-	val disjs = make_disjs others'
+fun trans_elim (major,minors,concl) =
+    let val disjs = foldr1 HOLogic.mk_disj (map (strip_concl [] [] concl) minors)
-	HOLogic.mk_imp (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop main, disjs)
+	HOLogic.mk_imp (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop major, disjs)
-(* aux function of elim2Fol, take away predicate variable. *)
-fun elimR2Fol_aux prems concl = 
-    let val nprems = length prems
-	val main = hd prems
-    in
-	if (nprems = 1) then HOLogic.Not $ (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop main)
-        else trans_elim (main, tl prems, concl)
-    end;
 (* convert an elim rule into an equivalent formula, of type term. *)
 fun elimR2Fol elimR = 
-    let val elimR' = Drule.freeze_all elimR
-	val (prems,concl) = (prems_of elimR', concl_of elimR')
-    in
-	case concl of Const("Trueprop",_) $ Free(_,Type("bool",[])) 
-		      => HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (elimR2Fol_aux prems concl)
-                    | Free(x,Type("prop",[])) => HOLogic.mk_Trueprop(elimR2Fol_aux prems concl) 
-		    | _ => raise ELIMR2FOL("Not an elimination rule!")
-    end;
+  let val elimR' = Drule.freeze_all elimR
+      val (prems,concl) = (prems_of elimR', concl_of elimR')
+      val _ = case concl of 
+		  Const("Trueprop",_) $ Free(_,Type("bool",[])) => ()
+		| Free(_, Type("prop",[])) => ()
+		| _ => raise ELIMR2FOL "elimR2Fol: Not an elimination rule!"
+      val th = case prems of
+      		  [] => raise ELIMR2FOL "elimR2Fol: No premises!"
+      		| [major] => HOLogic.Not $ (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop major)
+      		| major::minors => trans_elim (major, minors, concl)
+  in HOLogic.mk_Trueprop th end
+  handle exn => 
+    (warning ("elimR2Fol raised exception " ^ Toplevel.exn_message exn);
+     concl_of elimR);
 (* check if a rule is an elim rule *)
 fun is_elimR th = 
-    case (concl_of th) of (Const ("Trueprop", _) $ Var (idx,_)) => true
-			 | Var(indx,Type("prop",[])) => true
-			 | _ => false;
+    case concl_of th of Const ("Trueprop", _) $ Var _ => true
+		      | Var(_,Type("prop",[])) => true
+		      | _ => false;
 (* convert an elim-rule into an equivalent theorem that does not have the 
    predicate variable.  Leave other theorems unchanged.*) 
 fun transform_elim th =
   if is_elimR th then
-    let val tm = elimR2Fol th
-	val ctm = cterm_of (sign_of_thm th) tm	
+    let val ctm = cterm_of (sign_of_thm th) (elimR2Fol th)
     in Goal.prove_raw [] ctm (fn _ => elimRule_tac th) end
+    handle exn => (warning ("transform_elim failed: " ^ Toplevel.exn_message exn ^ 
+                            " for theorem " ^ string_of_thm th); th)
  else th;
@@ -303,12 +280,12 @@
 (*Exported function to convert Isabelle theorems into axiom clauses*) 
-fun cnf_axiom_g cnf (name,th) =
+fun cnf_axiom (name,th) =
   case name of
-	"" => cnf th (*no name, so can't cache*)
+	"" => skolem_thm th (*no name, so can't cache*)
       | s  => case Symtab.lookup (!clause_cache) s of
 		NONE => 
-		  let val cls = cnf th
+		  let val cls = skolem_thm th
 		  in change clause_cache (Symtab.update (s, (th, cls))); cls end
 	      | SOME(th',cls) =>
 		  if eq_thm(th,th') then cls
@@ -319,15 +296,10 @@
 fun pairname th = (Thm.name_of_thm th, th);
-val cnf_axiom = cnf_axiom_g skolem_thm;
 fun meta_cnf_axiom th = 
     map Meson.make_meta_clause (cnf_axiom (pairname th));
 (**** Extract and Clausify theorems from a theory's claset and simpset ****)
 (*Preserve the name of "th" after the transformation "f"*)
@@ -374,34 +346,27 @@
 (**** Translate a set of classical/simplifier rules into CNF (still as type "thm")  ****)
-(* classical rules *)
-fun cnf_rules_g cnf_axiom [] err_list = ([],err_list)
-  | cnf_rules_g cnf_axiom ((name,th) :: ths) err_list = 
-      let val (ts,es) = cnf_rules_g cnf_axiom ths err_list
+(* classical rules: works for both FOL and HOL *)
+fun cnf_rules [] err_list = ([],err_list)
+  | cnf_rules ((name,th) :: ths) err_list = 
+      let val (ts,es) = cnf_rules ths err_list
       in  (cnf_axiom (name,th) :: ts,es) handle  _ => (ts, (th::es))  end;  
-(*works for both FOL and HOL*)
-val cnf_rules = cnf_rules_g cnf_axiom;
-fun cnf_rules_pairs_aux [] = []
-  | cnf_rules_pairs_aux ((name,th)::ths) =
-    let val ts = cnf_rules_pairs_aux ths
-	fun pair_name_cls k (n, []) = []
-	  | pair_name_cls k (n, cls::clss) =
-	    (cls, (n,k))::(pair_name_cls (k+1) (n, clss))
-    in
-	(pair_name_cls 0 (name, cnf_axiom(name,th)))::ts
-	handle THM _ => ts | ResClause.CLAUSE _ => ts | ResHolClause.LAM2COMB _ => ts
-    end;
+fun pair_name_cls k (n, []) = []
+  | pair_name_cls k (n, cls::clss) = (cls, (n,k)) :: pair_name_cls (k+1) (n, clss)
+fun cnf_rules_pairs_aux pairs [] = pairs
+  | cnf_rules_pairs_aux pairs ((name,th)::ths) =
+      let val pairs' = (pair_name_cls 0 (name, cnf_axiom(name,th))) :: pairs
+		       handle THM _ => pairs | ResClause.CLAUSE _ => pairs
+			    | ResHolClause.LAM2COMB _ => pairs
+      in  cnf_rules_pairs_aux pairs' ths  end;
-fun cnf_rules_pairs thms = rev (cnf_rules_pairs_aux thms);
+val cnf_rules_pairs = cnf_rules_pairs_aux [];
 (**** Convert all theorems of a claset/simpset into clauses (ResClause.clause, or ResHolClause.clause) ****)
 (*These should include any plausibly-useful theorems, especially if they need
   Skolem functions. FIXME: this list is VERY INCOMPLETE*)
 val default_initial_thms = map pairname