--- a/src/HOL/Tools/prop_logic.ML Tue Mar 13 08:49:58 2007 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/prop_logic.ML Wed Mar 14 01:35:02 2007 +0100
@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@
val all : prop_formula list -> prop_formula (* finite conjunction *)
val dot_product : prop_formula list * prop_formula list -> prop_formula
+ val is_nnf : prop_formula -> bool (* returns true iff the formula is in negation normal form *)
+ val is_cnf : prop_formula -> bool (* returns true iff the formula is in conjunctive normal form *)
val nnf : prop_formula -> prop_formula (* negation normal form *)
val cnf : prop_formula -> prop_formula (* conjunctive normal form *)
val auxcnf : prop_formula -> prop_formula (* cnf with auxiliary variables *)
@@ -153,6 +156,46 @@
fun dot_product (xs,ys) = exists (map SAnd (xs~~ys));
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* is_nnf: returns 'true' iff the formula is in negation normal form (i.e. *)
+(* only variables may be negated, but not subformulas). *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+ local
+ fun is_literal (BoolVar _) = true
+ | is_literal (Not (BoolVar _)) = true
+ | is_literal _ = false
+ fun is_conj_disj (Or (fm1, fm2)) =
+ is_conj_disj fm1 andalso is_conj_disj fm2
+ | is_conj_disj (And (fm1, fm2)) =
+ is_conj_disj fm1 andalso is_conj_disj fm2
+ | is_conj_disj fm =
+ is_literal fm
+ in
+ fun is_nnf True = true
+ | is_nnf False = true
+ | is_nnf fm = is_conj_disj fm
+ end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* is_cnf: returns 'true' iff the formula is in conjunctive normal form *)
+(* (i.e. a conjunction of disjunctions). *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+ local
+ fun is_literal (BoolVar _) = true
+ | is_literal (Not (BoolVar _)) = true
+ | is_literal _ = false
+ fun is_disj (Or (fm1, fm2)) = is_disj fm1 andalso is_disj fm2
+ | is_disj fm = is_literal fm
+ fun is_conj (And (fm1, fm2)) = is_conj fm1 andalso is_conj fm2
+ | is_conj fm = is_disj fm
+ in
+ fun is_cnf True = true
+ | is_cnf False = true
+ | is_cnf fm = is_conj fm
+ end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* nnf: computes the negation normal form of a formula 'fm' of propositional *)
(* logic (i.e. only variables may be negated, but not subformulas). *)
(* Simplification (c.f. 'simplify') is performed as well. *)
@@ -323,94 +366,96 @@
(* prop_formula -> prop_formula *)
fun defcnf fm =
- let
- (* simplify formula first *)
- val fm' = simplify fm
- (* 'new' specifies the next index that is available to introduce an auxiliary variable *)
- (* int ref *)
- val new = ref (maxidx fm' + 1)
- (* unit -> int *)
- fun new_idx () = let val idx = !new in new := idx+1; idx end
- (* optimization for n-ary disjunction/conjunction *)
- (* prop_formula -> prop_formula list *)
- fun disjuncts (Or (fm1, fm2)) = (disjuncts fm1) @ (disjuncts fm2)
- | disjuncts fm1 = [fm1]
- (* prop_formula -> prop_formula list *)
- fun conjuncts (And (fm1, fm2)) = (conjuncts fm1) @ (conjuncts fm2)
- | conjuncts fm1 = [fm1]
- (* polarity -> formula -> (defining clauses, literal) *)
- (* bool -> prop_formula -> prop_formula * prop_formula *)
- fun
- (* constants *)
- defcnf' true True = (True, True)
- | defcnf' false True = (*(True, False)*) error "formula is not simplified, True occurs with negative polarity"
- | defcnf' true False = (True, False)
- | defcnf' false False = (*(True, True)*) error "formula is not simplified, False occurs with negative polarity"
- (* literals *)
- | defcnf' true (BoolVar i) = (True, BoolVar i)
- | defcnf' false (BoolVar i) = (True, Not (BoolVar i))
- | defcnf' true (Not (BoolVar i)) = (True, Not (BoolVar i))
- | defcnf' false (Not (BoolVar i)) = (True, BoolVar i)
- (* 'not' *)
- | defcnf' polarity (Not fm1) =
- let
- val (def1, aux1) = defcnf' (not polarity) fm1
- val aux = BoolVar (new_idx ())
- val def = Or (Not aux, aux1)
- in
- (SAnd (def1, def), aux)
- end
- (* 'or' *)
- | defcnf' polarity (Or (fm1, fm2)) =
- let
- val fms = disjuncts (Or (fm1, fm2))
- val (defs, auxs) = split_list (map (defcnf' polarity) fms)
- val aux = BoolVar (new_idx ())
- val def = if polarity then Or (Not aux, exists auxs) else all (map (fn a => Or (Not aux, a)) auxs)
- in
- (SAnd (all defs, def), aux)
- end
- (* 'and' *)
- | defcnf' polarity (And (fm1, fm2)) =
- let
- val fms = conjuncts (And (fm1, fm2))
- val (defs, auxs) = split_list (map (defcnf' polarity) fms)
- val aux = BoolVar (new_idx ())
- val def = if not polarity then Or (Not aux, exists auxs) else all (map (fn a => Or (Not aux, a)) auxs)
- in
- (SAnd (all defs, def), aux)
- end
- (* optimization: do not introduce auxiliary variables for parts of the formula that are in CNF already *)
- (* prop_formula -> prop_formula * prop_formula *)
- fun defcnf_or (Or (fm1, fm2)) =
- let
- val (def1, aux1) = defcnf_or fm1
- val (def2, aux2) = defcnf_or fm2
- in
- (SAnd (def1, def2), Or (aux1, aux2))
- end
- | defcnf_or fm =
- defcnf' true fm
- (* prop_formula -> prop_formula * prop_formula *)
- fun defcnf_and (And (fm1, fm2)) =
- let
- val (def1, aux1) = defcnf_and fm1
- val (def2, aux2) = defcnf_and fm2
- in
- (SAnd (def1, def2), And (aux1, aux2))
- end
- | defcnf_and (Or (fm1, fm2)) =
- let
- val (def1, aux1) = defcnf_or fm1
- val (def2, aux2) = defcnf_or fm2
- in
- (SAnd (def1, def2), Or (aux1, aux2))
- end
- | defcnf_and fm =
- defcnf' true fm
- in
- SAnd (defcnf_and fm')
- end;
+ if is_cnf fm then
+ fm
+ else let
+ (* simplify formula first *)
+ val fm' = simplify fm
+ (* 'new' specifies the next index that is available to introduce an auxiliary variable *)
+ (* int ref *)
+ val new = ref (maxidx fm' + 1)
+ (* unit -> int *)
+ fun new_idx () = let val idx = !new in new := idx+1; idx end
+ (* optimization for n-ary disjunction/conjunction *)
+ (* prop_formula -> prop_formula list *)
+ fun disjuncts (Or (fm1, fm2)) = (disjuncts fm1) @ (disjuncts fm2)
+ | disjuncts fm1 = [fm1]
+ (* prop_formula -> prop_formula list *)
+ fun conjuncts (And (fm1, fm2)) = (conjuncts fm1) @ (conjuncts fm2)
+ | conjuncts fm1 = [fm1]
+ (* polarity -> formula -> (defining clauses, literal) *)
+ (* bool -> prop_formula -> prop_formula * prop_formula *)
+ fun
+ (* constants *)
+ defcnf' true True = (True, True)
+ | defcnf' false True = (*(True, False)*) error "formula is not simplified, True occurs with negative polarity"
+ | defcnf' true False = (True, False)
+ | defcnf' false False = (*(True, True)*) error "formula is not simplified, False occurs with negative polarity"
+ (* literals *)
+ | defcnf' true (BoolVar i) = (True, BoolVar i)
+ | defcnf' false (BoolVar i) = (True, Not (BoolVar i))
+ | defcnf' true (Not (BoolVar i)) = (True, Not (BoolVar i))
+ | defcnf' false (Not (BoolVar i)) = (True, BoolVar i)
+ (* 'not' *)
+ | defcnf' polarity (Not fm1) =
+ let
+ val (def1, aux1) = defcnf' (not polarity) fm1
+ val aux = BoolVar (new_idx ())
+ val def = Or (Not aux, aux1)
+ in
+ (SAnd (def1, def), aux)
+ end
+ (* 'or' *)
+ | defcnf' polarity (Or (fm1, fm2)) =
+ let
+ val fms = disjuncts (Or (fm1, fm2))
+ val (defs, auxs) = split_list (map (defcnf' polarity) fms)
+ val aux = BoolVar (new_idx ())
+ val def = if polarity then Or (Not aux, exists auxs) else all (map (fn a => Or (Not aux, a)) auxs)
+ in
+ (SAnd (all defs, def), aux)
+ end
+ (* 'and' *)
+ | defcnf' polarity (And (fm1, fm2)) =
+ let
+ val fms = conjuncts (And (fm1, fm2))
+ val (defs, auxs) = split_list (map (defcnf' polarity) fms)
+ val aux = BoolVar (new_idx ())
+ val def = if not polarity then Or (Not aux, exists auxs) else all (map (fn a => Or (Not aux, a)) auxs)
+ in
+ (SAnd (all defs, def), aux)
+ end
+ (* optimization: do not introduce auxiliary variables for parts of the formula that are in CNF already *)
+ (* prop_formula -> prop_formula * prop_formula *)
+ fun defcnf_or (Or (fm1, fm2)) =
+ let
+ val (def1, aux1) = defcnf_or fm1
+ val (def2, aux2) = defcnf_or fm2
+ in
+ (SAnd (def1, def2), Or (aux1, aux2))
+ end
+ | defcnf_or fm =
+ defcnf' true fm
+ (* prop_formula -> prop_formula * prop_formula *)
+ fun defcnf_and (And (fm1, fm2)) =
+ let
+ val (def1, aux1) = defcnf_and fm1
+ val (def2, aux2) = defcnf_and fm2
+ in
+ (SAnd (def1, def2), And (aux1, aux2))
+ end
+ | defcnf_and (Or (fm1, fm2)) =
+ let
+ val (def1, aux1) = defcnf_or fm1
+ val (def2, aux2) = defcnf_or fm2
+ in
+ (SAnd (def1, def2), Or (aux1, aux2))
+ end
+ | defcnf_and fm =
+ defcnf' true fm
+ in
+ SAnd (defcnf_and fm')
+ end;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* eval: given an assignment 'a' of Boolean values to variable indices, the *)